Dataguard GUI setup

I'm trying to get my OEM webpage to look similar to the ones in the dataguard examples. What steps do I need to do to get the dataguard GUI? I cant seem to find any documentation on this.

You must install OEM grid control. If you carefully compare the document's pictures with yours you will see in upper left corner of the console you have "OEM manager", NOT "grid control".

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    Is there a licensing consideration to this? Can someone refer some relevant documentation please? Thanks in advance.
    Standby is an copy of the primary database is maintained on a separate server at all times. the standby database is activated to act as the new primary database.
    "In this environment, both the primary and the standby databases must be fully licensed."
    Oracle standby servers need to be fully licensed if they are “hot standby” servers that can be used for production SQL queries. Some sources say that cold standby servers used less than 10 days per year do not need to be licensed, but you should verify this with your Oracle representative or the Oracle Store. In sum, current 2006 Oracle Data Guard licensing policies suggest that if Data Guard is installed for "standby" purposes, it requires full licensing.
    Check this discussion, it may help you.
    license required for Data GUARD ??

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    I think it is rather worth to look around on the [Oracle Maximum Availability Architecture site|] for whitepapers than checking the Metalink (Well, at least I like MAA much better the Metalink)
    Hope this helps.

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    Hello again;
    I thinking no for the same reason.
    When my shop moved from AIX to Linux we just install Oracle on Linux and patched it to the same level as the AIX. We created users, tablespaces, job etc in advance and then just used import/export to move the needed schema's. Data Pump make this much easier.
    Do a schema(s) compare and switch when ready. But in any event I don't believe Data Guard can help you. You mostly have a migrate issue.
    Please consider closing your question when complete.
    h3. Oracle Database 10g & Multi-Terabyte Database Migration
    h3. Incrementally Updating Transportable Tablespaces using RMAN
    h3. Platform Migration Using Transportable Database Oracle Database 11g and 10g Release 2
    Best Regards
    Edited by: mseberg on Nov 13, 2012 6:31 PM

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    Dinesh -
    Procurement Catalog Management based on SAP NetWeaver Master Data Management allows you to create, cleanse and manage your centralized supplier catalog facilitating a smooth flow in the procurement process. 
    SAP NetWeaver Master Data Management technology ensures data integrity and enables the content management processes in SRM-MDM Catalog. It lets you manage data and communication in an integrated environment for streamlined catalog content management.
    first of all you can get all relevant materials for SAP MDM latest in below link
    for console, IM, DM and syndicator as well.
    for SRM MDM perspective follow
    SAP MDM Procurement Catalog Management
    in this you can also get wiki for SRM MDM solution.

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    When you select the "install or upgrade existing system" option, there will be a sub-screen where you can select software and enable additional repositories. There will be options like "basic server" (default), Desktop, Software Development Workstation, etc. Leave the default, but select the "Customize now" button to add the Desktop packages including Gnome and X-windows.

  • Best way to change GUI on the fly

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    when you update layouts in any way, you need to call the container of the GUI's validate() method. this will ensure everything is where it needs to be. to change your gui over to your graph, it's a good idea to remove eevrything from the current GUI, add the graph, and then call the validate method. I'm really bored so I wrote you a simple example:
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    class Graph extends JPanel {
         int y[]; // y-axis (inputted)
         int x[]; // x-axis (computed)
         public Graph(int y[]) {
              this.y = y;
              x = new int[y.length];
         public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
              int n = 0;
              for (int j = 0;j < x.length;j++) {
                   x[j] = n;
    public class Example extends JFrame implements ActionListener {
         JTextField text[]; // input fields
         JButton button;
         JLabel label[];
         public Example() {
              Container c = getContentPane();
              c.setLayout(new GridLayout(0,2));
              text = new JTextField[10];
              label = new JLabel[text.length];
              // below is default GUI setup
              for (int j = 0;j < text.length;j++) {
                   label[j] = new JLabel("Y value #"+(j+1)+": ");
                   text[j] = new JTextField();
              button = new JButton("Graph!");
              setSize(new Dimension(400,getHeight()));
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
              if (e.getSource() == button) {
                   int j;
                   int y[] = new int[text.length];
                   for (j = 0;j < y.length;j++) {
                        try {
                             y[j] = Integer.parseInt(text[j].getText());
                        catch (NumberFormatException ne) {
                             // one of the fields isnt an
                             // acceptable number, so forget about it
                   // here the GUI needs to be rebuilt
                   Container c = getContentPane();
                   for (j = 0;j < text.length;j++) {
                   c.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
                   c.add(new Graph(y),BorderLayout.CENTER);
                   c.validate(); // <-- that is the key method to update the GUI
         public static void main(String args[]) {
              new Example();

  • Added actionListener, then GUI broke

    1. first i ran my menu GUI, it worked fine
    2. then i added the actionListener code... now she no workie...
    what did i do wrong???
    C:\jLotto\ cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : class ActionListener
    location: class LottoFrame
              new ActionListener(){
    1 error
    Tool completed with exit code 1
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JMenuBar;
    import javax.swing.JMenu;
    import javax.swing.JMenuItem;
    import javax.swing.KeyStroke;
    import java.awt.Event;
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane; //print menu trial run
    public class LotFrame extends JFrame
      // Constructor
      public LotFrame(String title)
        setTitle(title);                             // Set the window title
        setDefaultCloseOperation(EXIT_ON_CLOSE);     // handle exit operation
        setJMenuBar(menuBar);                        // Add the menu bar to the window
        //MAIN MENU
        JMenu fileMenu    = new JMenu("File");          // Create File menu
        JMenu findMenu    = new JMenu("Find");
        // Construct the file pull down menu
        newItem   = fileMenu.add("New");             // Add New item
        openItem  = fileMenu.add("Open");            // Add Open item
        closeItem = fileMenu.add("Close");           // Add Close item
        fileMenu.addSeparator();                      // Add separator
        saveItem  = fileMenu.add("Save");            // Add Save item
        saveAsItem= fileMenu.add("Save As...");      // Add Save As item
        fileMenu.addSeparator();                      // Add separator
               new ActionListener(){
                    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
                         JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( LotFrame.this,
                         "adding actionListener at end of GUI setup",
                         "action at end", JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE);
                    }//end of actionPerformed
              }//end of actionLinstener
         );//endof .addActionListener
       printItem = fileMenu.add("Print");           // Add Print item
        menuBar.add(fileMenu);                       // Add the file menu
      }//end of constructor
      private JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar();     // Window menu bar
      // File menu items
      private JMenuItem newItem, openItem, closeItem, saveItem, saveAsItem, printItem;
    }//end of class LotFrame

    import java.awt.Event;

  • Can we change from ARCH to LGWR after Dataguard is life ?

    Hi all,
    After the dataguard is setup and running, can we change the log transmission method from ARCH to LGWR, without reinstalling the whole thing ?
    Thank you,

    Ya it can be done. But in which mode are u running.
    For max protection it should be LGWR SYNC AFFRIM should be there.
    If you're going to be in Max Availability or Max Perfromance you can change it at any time. Just change in parameter file and restart the database or just execute "ALTER SYSTEM" command to change it.
    Vijayaraghavan K

  • HP service guard and RAC or dataguard

    HP service guard must use with RAC on HP unix server?
    In dataguard how can we use the hp service guard?
    will you pls. clarify.

    HP Service guard is a clustering or High availability solution that protects you against hardware failure. Oracle Parallel server, the precursor to RAC, when implemented on HPUX platform required HP Service guard. With RAC, oracle bundles in its own clusterware and service guard is no longer a mandatory prerequisite. If Service Guard is installed oracle clusterware will delegate some of the cluster responsibilities to service guard.
    Dataguard on the other hand is a Disaster recovery solution that protects you against site disaster or whole data center outage. With that said it is not uncommon to see dataguard being setup between two servers within same datacenter to protect against hardware failure or for reporting purposes.
    How would you use dataguard with service guard? On the production site, you can use service guard for fail over the database between two nodes in case there is a hard ware failure. You can do the same for the DR site also.

  • AppleScript: how to reinstall "Folder Actions Setup"

    MacBook Air with Yosemite 10.10.3
    Although I can successfully use Script Editor and get AppleScripts to run, the /Applications/AppleScript folder is missing:
    Erins-MacBook-Air:~ Peter$ ls -l /Applications/App*
    total 0
    drwxr-xr-x  9 root  wheel  306 Apr 11 14:53 Contents
    total 0
    drwxrwxr-x  11 root  admin  374 Sep 16  2014 Contents
    Erins-MacBook-Air:~ Peter$
    I need to run the "Folder Actions Setup" app which is normally in the AppleScript folder.  I have reason to believe it was deleted in an attempt to recover disk space.
    In the app store, I tried to "upgrade" to Yosemite, and I got a message that since I already have Yosemite, I could simply use the "update" feature, but the entire upgrade installer is available if I really wanted to download it. I did that, and I ran through the entire process, which did some things, including changing my desktop image back to the default.  However, I still aint got no AppleScript folder.
    What next?

    It would be nice if this weren't obsolete: leScriptLangGuide/reference/ASLR_folder_…
    I'm still learning my way around Folder Actions, but it seems that the GUI "setup" item is pretty minimal.
    If I successfully write a handler script for "on adding items to a folder...", and put it in the right place, apparently I can get everything working by ctrl-clicking the target folder in the Finder, and using the Services context menu to associate the target folder with the script I'm writing.
    This will be a bit obtuse for some people.  Perhaps Hazel fills this need better. 
    But thanks for the info!

  • How to completely remove SAP GUI 6.2

    Hello all,
    I have installed ( successfully ) BW 3.1 IDES on a Win 2003 server. Now the problem is that when I try to create a new logon, the message I get is "SAP Logon can not write to SAPlogon.ini, pls check permission on C:\windows".
    I have decided to remove the GUI completely and reinstall it. But when I uninstall using the GUI setup.exe, the saplogon.ini file remains in the c:\windows directory. Please help me in manually removing the old SAP GUI 6.2 in entirety from my machine. Thanks.
    PS I do not have sapsweep utility

    Check this thread Might be useful

  • Removing Dataguard

    A while back we looked into some Dataguard usage on 9i. We'd like to get rid of it, but I can't find anything on removing Dataguard from my instance and removing the standby. (I assume after Dataguard is off/gone I can just shutdown the instance and remove it's files to get rid of it.)
    I looked through the online docs, but nothing has been helpful.

    There are severall options if you configure Dataguard Broker you can delete it using Dataguard GUI (started from Enterprise Manager Console), you can of course also do it by hand.
    alter system set dg_broker_start=false scope=spfile;
    delete files to which this parameter are pointing:
    dg_broker_config_file1 string %ORACLE_HOME%\DATABASE\DR1%ORA
    dg_broker_config_file2 string %ORACLE_HOME%\DATABASE\DR2%ORA
    disable log_archive_dest_x whih was pointing to dataguard database.
    restart primary database
    shutdown standby database
    remove datafiles (standby redo logs if in plae and standby ontrolfile) from standby database.
    reconfigure listeners
    drop spfile for standby database
    Best Regards
    Krystian Zieja / mob

  • Server postfix/cyrus - mail setup bug

    Found a bug in GUI setup for mail service.
    Then changing Database in Server Admin - Mail - Advanced to different from /var/imap. There is no changes apply to /etc/postfix/ in
    virtual_transport = lmtp:unix:/var/imap/socket/lmtp
    So if Database changes to /var/imap2
    value of virtual_transport in must look like
    virtual_transport = lmtp:unix:/var/imap2/socket/lmtp
    Maybe someone found this helpful =)

    Mr. Davis,
    I looked at my DNS settings, I have and I'm not very familiar with DNS and I'm assuming giving it as a DNS is only for HTTP and not MX. Any suggestions would be greatly apreciated.
    Thank you for your response.

  • Organization not detected when running E2010 SP3 setup

    I am working on an Exchange 2010 organization with two multi-role servers in it. They are running SP2 with no rollups. I attempted to install an additional server using SP3 media, but during the setup, it does not detect the existing Exchange organization,
    but instead asks me if i want to create the First Organization object.
    Initially I thought that perhaps this might be because some schema needed updating, so I ran setup /PrepareDomain using the SP3 media, but when I reran GUI setup, I got the same thing: it doesn't see an existing Exchange org and wants to create one called
    First Organization.
    I used ADSIEdit to confirm that the Exchange org objects were there, but I'm not sure what to look at next.
    Any ideas?
    Dave Shackelford

    Hi Shackelford,
    Please make sure we are operating as Administrator.
    Please make sure the DC/GC server running well during the setup.
    Please verify whether the services are running well.
    Feel free to contact me if there is any update.
    Mavis Huang
    TechNet Community Support

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