Date formatting in Rowset and netui-data:basiccolumn

I am using the netui-data:basiccolumn to display columns in a row of data. One
of the fields is a Timestamp from the DB. It is printed out in a less than ideal
format. I'd normally just use a SimpleDateFormat object to correct this, but
I don't seem to have that control with the basicColumn. Is there a better way
to format date objects once at the presentation layer? Or am I stuck either formatting
them via SQL or in place in the RowSet?

Have you tried using the <netui:formatDate> Tag ?
More information is available at
Raj Alagumalai
Backline Workshop Support
"Morgan Hall" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]..
I am using the netui-data:basiccolumn to display columns in a row of data.One
of the fields is a Timestamp from the DB. It is printed out in a lessthan ideal
format. I'd normally just use a SimpleDateFormat object to correct this,but
I don't seem to have that control with the basicColumn. Is there a betterway
to format date objects once at the presentation layer? Or am I stuckeither formatting
them via SQL or in place in the RowSet?

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    Hi Peter,
    As far as i remember, I had the same issue.
    Once I matched the date format in reporting client using SU01 on default tab with CRM date format, I did't see the error again.
    Did you try restarting the Browser & also relogin GUI.
    Else lets see what else can be done.
    Best Regards

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    public List getSearchResult() {
       return searchResult;
    public void setSearchResult(List searchResult) {
       this.searchResult = searchResult;
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    Hi Daniel
    There are 2 ways you can acheive this.
    1) Using something called Pageflowscoped form for this. This will let you use arrays for checkbox group.
    The main part will be that you need to define a member varaible of the form at the pageflow level there by the data will not be lost
    2) Using Request scoped form like you have now but need to modify the getter method to populate the "searchResult" object.
    public List getSearchResult() {
    if( null == searchResult){
    System.out.println(" Pouplate the searchResult here. ");
    searchResult= new ArrayList();
    //populate the default values.
    return this.searchResult;
    More info at:
    I have a sample with pageflowscoped bean and requestscoped bean that I can send you if you provide your email address.
    Unfortunately we cannot attach files in the newsgroup.

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    Yes, you can use an external drive. To upgrade, however, means:
    Purchase Snow Leopard DVD then update Snow Leopard to 10.6.8.
    Access the App Store with your Apple ID and purchase and download Lion.
    Your computer must meet system requirements:
    Snow Leopard General requirements
    Mac computer with an Intel processor
    1GB of memory
    5GB of available disk space
    DVD drive for installation
    Some features require a compatible Internet service provider; fees may apply.
    Some features require Apple’s MobileMe service; fees and terms apply.
    Lion System Requirements
    Mac computer with an Intel Core 2 Duo, Core i3, Core i5, Core i7, or Xeon processor
    2GB of memory
    OS X v10.6.6 or later (v10.6.8 recommended)
    7GB of available space
    Some features require an Apple ID; terms apply.
    Obviously, you do not have to upgrade to Lion but can stop at Snow Leopard 10.6.8 which is sufficient for the current versions of iLife apps. Note that iDVD is no longer part of the newest version of iLife. Lion 10.7.2 or later is needed should you wish to use iCloud.

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    My answers:
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    If you have more questions you are welcome.

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    Hi Kappy,
    Just wondering if you had any advice for my situation . . .
    My time machine backup was backing up to a drive that was "Mac OS X Enteded Journaled, Case Sensitive."  I had no idea what this meant, or that it would even cause issues.
    I took my computer to the Apple store yesterday, and they wiped it clean.  When they tried to restore it from the Time Machine backup drive, it would not work.  Their guess is that Time Machine cannot restore from a drive that is "case sensitive."
    Any thoughts on how I can convert my time machine backup data from a "case sensitive" state, to a "non-case sensitive" state?  I've tried to just drag and drop the files from the case sensitive formatted drive to a new drive that I have that is formatted non case sensitive, but I get the following error message:
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    I just really want my data back - I thought TimeMachine was the way to go (and was supposed to work) but unfortunately it is not.
    Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

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    Did you reset the password of the Firefox account or did you still remember the password?
    The new Sync version used in Firefox 29 and later still uses a Sync key to encrypt data locally before uploading, but this Sync key is generated internally from the password of your Firefox account, so you no longer need to worry about it.
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    Pls help me, m just learning ABCD in VB.

    The code in the file at the link below might give you a starting point. Firstly it gives you the opportunity to list all of the properties of a file type and then you can select the properties that you want and the second utility gives you the
    opportunity to list the selected properties for all files in a selected folder.
    Download and extract the file and open the file in Excel.
    Click the first button List Meta Data for One File (Run first)
    Navigate to and Select any ONE individual photo file. (Photo files because that is what you indicated you are working with.)
    You will be presented with a list of the available properties for the file. Where the Item value is blank, that property is not recorded for the particular file. Different file types have different properties and it is also dependent on how the file
    was created but generally if all of the files come from the same source then the same properties are recorded for all files from that source.
    Now insert a Y in column D for all of the required properties. (Don't select any with the Item value blank)
    Click the second button List Selected Meta Data for all Files in a Folder (Run after selecting the required properties).
    Next select a folder where the files reside. (You might need to back up to the folder if dialog is blank because it will not show individual files because the code only allows Folders.)
    You will be presented with a report listing all of the selected properties for all of the files in the selected folder.
    The user interface is not that great but you can improve on that if you want to with a Userform as you get to know VBA a little better.
    Download the file from here.!273&authkey=!ANf8R0Xf0-h3wJ8&ithint=file%2czip
    Regards, OssieMac

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    Please try again after taking each of the following steps that you haven't already taken.
    Step 1
    Reset your computer’s PRAM.
    Step 2
    If your model has user-replaceable memory, and you've upgraded the memory modules, reinstall the original memory and see whether there's any improvement. Be careful not to touch the gold contacts. Clean them with a mild solvent such as rubbing alcohol. Aftermarket memory must exactly match the technical specifications of the machine.
    Step 3
    Back up all data to at least two different storage devices, if you haven't already done so. One backup is not enough to be safe. The backups can be made with Time Machine or with Disk Utility. Preferably both.
    Erase and install OS X. This operation will destroy all data on the startup volume, so you had be better be sure of the backups.
    Step 4
    Make a "Genius" appointment at an Apple Store, or go to another authorized service provider to have the machine tested.

  • Form bean with int property and netui:select tag

    I've recently started using WebLogic 8.1 for a client project. There's
    been a bit of a learning curve, but I've been able to find most of my
    answers in the docs or on the dev2dev site. This one, though, I've been
    unable to manage.
    I have a database table, call it foo. In it I have columns for id
    (numeric) and name (string). I created a database control to read that
    select id, name
    from foo
    I then want to use this data to populate a select list in a form, which
    is going to be used to submit new records for another table. For the data:
    id     name
    1     Foo
    2     Bar
    3     Bletch
    I want to generate a select list (this is the output HTML, not the netui
    <select name="foo">
    <option value="1">Foo</option>
    <option value="2">Bar</option>
    <option value="3">Bletch</option>
    My first question is what the best way to do this is. I was able to get
    this working by creating a database control, which returns an array of a
    custom Foo class. I then pass that array into a utility method which
    converts it into a Map, and pass that map to the netui:select tag in the
    optionDataSource attribute. This works, but it seems rather roundabout,
    so I'm wondering if there's a better way to do it, without needing the
    conversion utility method in the middle. I tried playing around with
    the control, I tried using different netui tags (I thought I could do it
    with a repeater and netui:selectOption tags, but that didn't work), and
    nothing else worked.
    The second problem arose when I was tying the result to a Form Bean. I
    created a bean with all the data that I was reading from the form, and
    at first, I just made everything in the form bean be a String. For this
    select, though, the values are ids, so I thought I'd just make them be
    ints in the form bean instead. However, when I did that, WL decided
    that it wanted to add in a default option with a value of 0:
    <select name="foo">
    <option value="1">Foo</option>
    <option value="2">Bar</option>
    <option value="3">Bletch</option>
    <option value="0" selected>0</option>
    I've tried to find a way to get rid of that 0, and I can't. Is there a
    way to prevent it from sticking in a default value like that? Or do I
    have to just leave it as a String in the form bean to get it to work the
    way I want?
    Thanks in advance for your help.
    Joe Robins                    Tel: 212-918-5057
    Thaumaturgix, Inc.               Fax: 212-918-5001
    19 W. 44th St., Suite 810          Email: [email protected]
    New York, NY 10036     
    thau'ma-tur-gy, n. the working of miracles.

    wrt your 2nd problem, in the jpf, for the form bean, are you declaring your id
    like this:
    private int id;
    if so, try declaring it w/ a valid value, like:
    private int id = 1;
    Joe Robins <[email protected]> wrote:
    I've recently started using WebLogic 8.1 for a client project. There's
    been a bit of a learning curve, but I've been able to find most of my
    answers in the docs or on the dev2dev site. This one, though, I've been
    unable to manage.
    I have a database table, call it foo. In it I have columns for id
    (numeric) and name (string). I created a database control to read that
    select id, name
    from foo
    I then want to use this data to populate a select list in a form, which
    is going to be used to submit new records for another table. For the
    id     name
    1     Foo
    2     Bar
    3     Bletch
    I want to generate a select list (this is the output HTML, not the netui
    <select name="foo">
    <option value="1">Foo</option>
    <option value="2">Bar</option>
    <option value="3">Bletch</option>
    My first question is what the best way to do this is. I was able to
    this working by creating a database control, which returns an array of
    custom Foo class. I then pass that array into a utility method which
    converts it into a Map, and pass that map to the netui:select tag in
    optionDataSource attribute. This works, but it seems rather roundabout,
    so I'm wondering if there's a better way to do it, without needing the
    conversion utility method in the middle. I tried playing around with
    the control, I tried using different netui tags (I thought I could do
    with a repeater and netui:selectOption tags, but that didn't work), and
    nothing else worked.
    The second problem arose when I was tying the result to a Form Bean.
    created a bean with all the data that I was reading from the form, and
    at first, I just made everything in the form bean be a String. For this
    select, though, the values are ids, so I thought I'd just make them be
    ints in the form bean instead. However, when I did that, WL decided
    that it wanted to add in a default option with a value of 0:
    <select name="foo">
    <option value="1">Foo</option>
    <option value="2">Bar</option>
    <option value="3">Bletch</option>
    <option value="0" selected>0</option>
    I've tried to find a way to get rid of that 0, and I can't. Is there
    way to prevent it from sticking in a default value like that? Or do
    have to just leave it as a String in the form bean to get it to work
    way I want?
    Thanks in advance for your help.
    Joe Robins                    Tel: 212-918-5057
    Thaumaturgix, Inc.               Fax: 212-918-5001
    19 W. 44th St., Suite 810          Email: [email protected]
    New York, NY 10036     
    thau'ma-tur-gy, n. the working of miracles.

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