Datetime Items - Comparing only the Time portion

Hi. I have two Datetime items on my form and I need to only compare just the time portion (hh:miPM) of each against each other. None of the other date information is important to me in the comparison. Is there a way to compare just the time portion of each in an IF condition similar to what I have below? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
For example:
IF :induction_info.mf_time <> :induction_info.cbms_mf_time THEN

You could covert the date-portion to a number like
IF TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(:induction_info.mf_time, 'HH24MISS'))!=TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(:induction_info.cbms_mf_time, 'HH24MISS')) THEN
..If you just want to check for "unequal", you could even leave the TO_NUMBER-part

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    You have to eleminate the date-part for both items, maybe something like this:
    -- check if first time is smaller second time

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    What version of Premiere Elements are you working with and on what computer operating system is it running?
    Can we assume by your selected ID, that the program is Premiere Elements 11?
    Pending further details, I will assume that you are working with Premiere Elements 11 on Windows 7, 8, or 8.1 64 bit.
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    If so, Add Media/DVD Camera or Computer Drive/Video Importer and from there automatically into the project in Project Assets as well as on the Timeline.
    If your "My Videos" Folder is a folder on the computer hard drive, then Add Media/Files and Folders to get the video into Project Assets from where you drag the video to the Timeline.
    Now for the video that you are trying to import...what are its properties
    Video Compression
    Audio Compression
    Frame Size
    Frame Rate
    Interlaced or Progressive
    File Extension
    Pixel Aspect Ratio
    Probably answered the easiest by knowing the brand/model/settings of the camera that recorded the video.
    Prime interest, that video compression. It could be MotionJPEG which can be problematic for Premiere Elements. It could be AVCHD.avi which cannot be imported.
    We can go into greater detail on your project details once we rule in or out any of the factors mentioned above.
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    Hi m
    You can't: As standard. iMovie is a "*non destructive editor*" - means it stores
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    You can: Send movie back to Camera and a new miniDV tape. Then start a new
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    This will free up space - but You lose the ability to adjust the prior editings,
    texts and so on.
    Alt is to save as full quality and start a new project from this. Still
    what's done is done - but You jump the Camera step. (I have the feeling of that
    I get a quality loss this way - but several in this forum disagrees)
    1. Try to Capture/Import about what You need and not just dump in several hours of
    material for a few minutes movie.
    2. I use a hugh external FireWire hard disk (Mac OS Extended formatted) to store
    my movie projects and a minimum of 25Gb free space on my internal (start-up) one.
    Yours Bengt W

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    Thanks Test Screen Name,
    Yes, "zoning".  I can stop trying now.
    Thank you

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    Go to Settings>iCloud>Storage & Backup.  It will be shown just below the Back Up Now button at the bottom.

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    Hi Gurus,
    Client require to implement individual PO scenario.
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    Thanks & Regards,

    1. Use TCode 0VVW for creating a Z Item Usage, say, ZPO1
    2. Do an item Cat determination in VOV4, as
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    Item Cat Group
    Item Category
    OR -
    NORM -
    ZPO1 -
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    Sorry, your VI makes absolutely no sense. First you slowly generate chart data, then you write it to a file, read it back from a file, do some exceedingly elaborate while loop that could be done with almost no code at all, then chart all data at once again. The stop button in the while loop makes no sense, because the while loop executes so fast that it is not possible to actually stop it while it is running, only if the button has already been pressed during the first FOR loop.
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    The sequence structure is only needed because you write, and then immediately read from the file. All you probably need is to write to the file and wire the 2D array to the seconds structure. Now we have a data dependency and the sequence structure is no longer needed.
    Can you tell us a little more how you are zooming. Do you want to zoom any of the two graphs and automatically zoom the other accordingly?
    As it currently stands, only the first chart gets data, so zooming the other one seems useless. Once the second chart has data, the VI stops and you can't do much either programmatically. Please explain how you are zooming.
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

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    Alternative item has to be maintained in respective BOMs.
    Give the same item no in the BOM for the alternates.
    Double click on one of the alternate item, the header data for the item will appear.
    In the basic data Tab, enter the ALTITEM GRP value it can be any number or character.
    CLick on the arrow button that will appear after entering the alternate item.
    Give the Priority, Strategy & usage probability. BAsed on these values the alternate item is selected during BOM explosion.
    The alternate item group value should be same for both the alternate items.
    For further details refer
    [Alternate Item|]

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    Can anyone provide me with any links that I can read up on for this?

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    > Workspaces contain more than just the menus to display. If you just want to control just the menu items, go to Window> Workspace> Keyboard Shortcuts and Menus... Here you can choose 'Photoshop Defaults' from the Set: pull down on the Menus tab.
    > 'Essentials' is used Suite wide and may make more sense in some of the other products. Unfortunately, Ps was burdened with 'Essentials' and 'Basic' (effectively antonyms) in the process.
    Thank you Steve.

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    Is the hold switch in the on position?  Try resetting the iPod. To do this, press and hold both the Select/Center and menu buttons together long enough for the Apple logo to appear.  The iPod may have simply locked up.

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    how can i do this. any ideas please.

    So essentially you want a "featured" blog post to always be displayed first, followed by recent blog posts underneath?  
    Yeah you would need to add a new column to your blog, perhaps the easiest way to do this is add the Status column "Add from existing site columns" to your Posts list.  Then you can follow the instructions on this blog post:
    To add the Status field as a crawled property (step 13 from article above).  Then you can sort by Status (I would change the status options to "Featured Post" and "Non-Featured Post") Descending, and then Sort by LastModifiedTime Descending.  That
    will first display all Featured Posts, then display the blog posts by last modified time underneath.  
    Nick Hurst

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