DateTimeAxis and binding to an XML attribute

Hi all,
I'm trying to find a way to bind DateTimeAxis to a different
(other than date). but to no avail.
this is a piece of the XML I'm getting from the server:
<cht f1="2007-11-11" r1="677.000000000"
c2="447.790000000" i1="2850345.000000000" ></cht>
I would like to bind DateTimeAxis to the f1 attribute.

1) Change mx:XMLList to mx:XML
2) Change dataProvider="{gridData.rssFeeds}" to
gridData already hold the root node, and 'feed' is the name
of the nodes you care about.

Similar Messages

  • Flex binding to an xml attribute

    Does flex binding allow using an xml attribute?
    I can't seem to get it to wkr. the code i am using is below:
    <mx:XMLList id="gridData">
    <feed label="label1" urlText=""
    <feed label="label2" urlText=""
    <mx:DataGrid id="dgFeeds" width="95%" height="95%"
    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Feed Name"
    dataField="@label" />
    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Link" dataField="@urlText"
    Can anyone help?

    1) Change mx:XMLList to mx:XML
    2) Change dataProvider="{gridData.rssFeeds}" to
    gridData already hold the root node, and 'feed' is the name
    of the nodes you care about.

  • Dynamic creation of ItemListBox and binding a child node

    Hello @all,
    I have the following context structure
    -- --report
    -- -- --id
    -- -- --name
    -- --id
    -- --name
    the parent node is "category" with attributes "id" and "name" and the child node is "report" with "id" and "name".
    Now I want on an onAction-Event of a Button, that for every category an itemListBox will be created with the according report names. the creation of the itemList is not the problem, but the binding of the datasource and/or the descriptivetext.
    my code:
    public void initItemListBox( )
        //@@begin initItemListBox()
        IWDView view = wdContext.currentContextElement().getSelectView();
        IWDGroup group = (IWDGroup) view.getElement("ItemListGroup");
        if (group.hasChildren())
        for (int i = 0; i < wdContext.nodeCategory().size(); i++)
          ICategoryElement catEl = wdContext.nodeCategory().getCategoryElementAt(i);
          generateItemLists(wdContext.currentContextElement().getSelectView(), wdContext, catEl);
    public void generateItemLists( view, de.mgi.portaldev.bc.mdw.msi.wdp.IPrivateCRSReportView.IContextNode wdContext, de.mgi.portaldev.bc.mdw.msi.wdp.IPrivateCRSReportView.ICategoryElement category )
        //@@begin generateItemLists()
        //    ItemListBox
        IWDGroup group;
        IWDGroup catGroup;
        IWDLabel label;
        String groupId = "group_" + category.getName();
        catGroup = (IWDGroup) view.createElement(IWDGroup.class, groupId);
        IWDMatrixLayout matrLayout = (IWDMatrixLayout) catGroup.createLayout(IWDMatrixLayout.class);
        String labelId = "label_" + category.getName();
        label = (IWDLabel) view.createElement(IWDLabel.class, labelId);
        IWDMatrixData layout = (IWDMatrixData) label.createLayoutData(IWDMatrixData.class);
        String itemListId = "itemList_" + category.getName();
        IWDItemListBox itemListBox = (IWDItemListBox) view.createElement(IWDItemListBox.class, itemListId);
        IWDMatrixData itemlayout = (IWDMatrixData) itemListBox.createLayoutData(IWDMatrixData.class);
        IWDNodeInfo reportNodeInfo = category.nodeReport().getNodeInfo();
    //    itemListBox.bindText(reportNodeInfo.getAttribute("name"));
        IWDMatrixHeadData matrixHead = (IWDMatrixHeadData) itemListBox.createLayoutData(IWDMatrixHeadData.class);
        IWDAction itemListAct = (IWDAction) wdThis.wdGetItemSelectAction();
    //    itemListBox.bindDataSource(reportNodeInfo);
        group = (IWDGroup) view.getElement("ItemListGroup");
        //    END ITEMLIST
    What am I doing wrong? in every ItemListbox there are only the report names of the last category.

    RowRepeater is available in WD Java since NW CE (7.1). With RowRepeater, the solution is trivial and can be done completely by declaration in view designer.
    In earlier releases, you can solve it as follows (non-trivial)
    - For each category, create a separate context node "Category_i" with an attribute "name"
    - Inside each category node, create a non-singleton node "Reports" with an attribute "name"
    - Foreach report, add a node element to the reports subnode of its category node <b>element</b>
    All this has to be done using the generic context API.
    On each change of the data, reset the context and re-create these nodes.
    In wdDoModifyView(), check if data have changes and create UI elements programmatically.
    - For each category, create a group, bind header text to category name.
    - Inside each group, create a ItemListBox, bind "dataSource" to reports sub-node of category (non-singleton!) and bind "text" to text attribute of report node.
    Sample code:
    To build context structure:
    private void createCategories()
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
          IWDNodeInfo categoryNodeInfo = wdContext.getNodeInfo().addChild("Category" + i, null, true, CMICardinality.ONE, CMICardinality.ONE, true, null);
          IWDAttributeInfo att = categoryNodeInfo.addAttribute("name", "");
          IWDNode categoryNode = wdContext.getChildNode(categoryNodeInfo.getName(), 0);
          categoryNode.getElementAt(0).setAttributeValue(att.getName(), "Category #" + i);
          IWDNodeInfo reportNodeInfo = categoryNodeInfo.addChild("Reports", null, false, CMICardinality.MANY, CMICardinality.ZERO_TO_ONE, true, null);
          IWDAttributeInfo attReportName = reportNodeInfo.addAttribute("name", "");
          IWDNode reportNode = categoryNode.getChildNode("Reports", 0);
          for (int j = 0; j < 5; ++j)
            IWDNodeElement report = reportNode.createAndAddElement();
            report.setAttributeValue("name", "Report #" + j);
    To recreate UI:
    if (<data_have_changed>)
          IWDTransparentContainer root = (IWDTransparentContainer) view.getRootElement();
          for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
            IWDNode categoryNode = wdContext.getChildNode("Category" + i, 0);
            IWDAttributeInfo attName = categoryNode.getNodeInfo().getAttribute("name");
            IWDGroup group = view.createElement(IWDGroup.class);
            IWDCaption header = view.createElement(IWDCaption.class);
            IWDNode reportsNode = categoryNode.getChildNode("Reports", 0);
            IWDAttributeInfo attReportName = reportsNode.getNodeInfo().getAttribute("name");
            IWDItemListBox list = view.createElement(IWDItemListBox.class);
    Fixed code tags

  • & and &amp; parser in XML attributes

    Let's say we have :
    cartoon="Tom & Jerry"
    has an attribute in our XML.
    Well Spry explodes and doesn't load the XML.
    The Spry parser doesn't seam to work. Any solution?

    & characters in XML attributes need to be entity encoded.
    Adding your attribute as is to an existing XML file and loading it
    in FireFox causes it to throw a "not well-formed" error. IE just
    silently fails.
    Try changing it to cartoon="Tom &amp; Jerry", that should
    On the Spry end of things, we could do a better Job about
    reporting XML format errors, but in IE it silently fails.
    --== Kin ==--

  • Getting at a top-level XML attribute

    It's Friday afternoon... I'm fried and can't seem to figure
    out how to get at a top-level XML attribute.
    Some specifics...
    My XML doc has a single attribute in the top node followed by
    several "version" nodes
    <projData projectName="Spry Project">
    I successfully load and create an xml data set from said XML
    file. Later on, I use the getDocument() method to refer to the XML
    DOM doc used by the original xml data set. I need to extract the
    value of the attribute "projectName" into a javascript variable.
    The xpath query should be "projData/@projectName" but all I
    get returned is an undefined value.
    Any ideas? I'm sure it's something simple that I'm

    > can you please helo.
    This is impossible.
    Obviously your ABAP mapping is wrong. Fix it.

  • WCF returning "The content type text/html of the response message does not match the content type of the binding (application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8)"

    I have a WCF service I am trying to run on a new installation of 64-bit Windows Server 2008 IIS. Although it runs fine on Windows 2003 IIS, it is throwing the error in the thread title, which appears to be a server config issue, but I am not sure. Googling and searching the MSDN forums did not turn up a solution. I tried running WCF Logging, but that didn't help either.
    Does anyone have any suggestions on how to solve this probelm?
    Here is the error:
    The content type text/html of the response message does not match the content type of the binding (application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8). If using a custom encoder, be sure that the IsContentTypeSupported method is implemented properly. The first 1024 bytes of the response were: '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"/>
    <title>500 - Internal server error.</title>
    <style type="text/css">

    I have the same issue on Windows 7 machine. The service works fine using a SoapUI client but a .Net client faisl to get a response.
    I have a WCF service which works perfectly when using SoapUI but throws error in my .Net client.
    {"The content type text/html; charset=UTF-8 of the response message does not match the content type of the binding (text/xml; charset=utf-8). If using a custom encoder, be sure that the IsContentTypeSupported method is implemented properly. The first
    1024 bytes of the response were: '<HTML><HEAD><link rel=\"alternate\" type=\"text/xml\" href=\"\"/><STYLE type=\"text/css\">#content{ FONT-SIZE: 0.7em;
    5px; BORDER-TOP: #f0f0e0 1px solid; MARGIN-TOP: -5px; PADDING-LEFT: 5px; FONT-SIZE: 1.2em; PADDING-BOTTOM: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #f0f0e0 1px solid; PADDING-TOP: 5px; BORDER-BOTTOM: #f0f0e0 1px solid; FONT-FAMILY: Courier New; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #e5e5cc}.heading1{MARGIN-TOP:
    0px; PADDING-LEFT: 15px; FONT-WEIGHT: normal; FONT-SIZE: 26px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 3px; MARGIN-LEFT: -30px; WIDTH: 100%; COLOR: #ffffff; PADDING-TOP: 10px; FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #003366}.intro{MARGIN-LEFT: -15px}</STYLE><TITLE>Broker
    Service</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><DIV id=\"content\"><P class=\"head'."}
    I have the same service hosted on my local machine and when I point to the local service I can execute the operation with no issues. The message encoding is Soap11. I tried changing to Soap12 but I get exact same error. Any ideas greatly appreciated.
    I do have windows Activation Features installed and I am using .Net Framework 4.
    Sofia Khatoon

  • File-Adapter: Variable substitution form payload XML-attribute

    Hi experts,
    is possible to use XML-attribute-content for variable substitution in file-Adapter?
    extract from XML:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    - <all>
    - <transaction <b>file="filename"</b>>
    - <table name="BPAADDRESS" options="insertIfUpdateFails">
    - <record id="1">
      <hkeycol name="BPAMAINHKEY">0010500345</hkeycol>
      <hkeycol name="USAGE">Invoice</hkeycol>
    I want to get the value "filename" = attribute file of transaction.
    Is this possible?
    Thanks a lot,

    I have done this taking a field from the XML.
    You have to map the location of the field within the XML...
    Taken from:
    Variable Substitution (Target Directory/File Name Scheme)
    If you set the Enable indicator, you can enter variables for the Target Directory and File Name Scheme. Enter the names of the variables and references in the table.
    &#9679;      Enter each variable that you reference in the Target Directory and File Name Scheme fields without the surrounding percentage sign under Name of Variables in the table.
    The variables can refer to attributes of the message header or elements of the message payload.
    &#9675;       If the variables are to refer to an attribute of the message header, add the prefix message: to the name of the variable under Reference. You can specify the following attributes of the message header:
    sender_party, sender_service, receiver_party, receiver_service, interface_name, interface_namespace,
    message_id (message ID with hyphens, for example 9fbe1ff1-9a0d-11d9-8665-cbf10a126331)
    message_id_hex (message ID in hexadecimal format, for example 9fbe1ff19a0d11d98665cbf10a126331)
    For example, if you want to specify the interface name from the message header in the target directory or in the file name scheme, enter message:interface_name as the reference.
    If one of the message attributes contains characters that are not permitted in a file name, for example \, /, :, *, ?, ", <, >, |, then these characters are replaced by an underscore ("_").
    &#9675;       If the variable refers to an element in XML schema, add the prefix payload: to the information under Reference. The reference then comprises a pseudo path description in the form of a comma-separated list with the schema namea,na,nameb,nb,....
    namea,nameb,... corresponds to the element name and na,nb,... corresponds to the occurrence of the element name at the respective level in the document.
    The description begins at the root of the document and ends at the respective element.
    To reference the element that is in bold in the example, the following expression is used: payload:root,1,e1,1,e2,2
    The parser searches for the first occurrence of the root element at the first level. It then searches for the first occurrence of e1 at the second level and for the second occurrence of e2 at the third level. The content of the last element (“Example Value”) is set as the value for a specified variable.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
            <g attr="abc">text</g>
         <g attr="abc">text</g>
         <e2 attr="fghij">Example Value</e2>
    &#9679;      To disable the check the adapter performs for the element data, set the Disable Security Checks indicator.
    Otherwise, the adapter checks whether the element data contains characters that could lead to security risks in the file system environment. The check includes the characters “/“, “\“, and “..“.

  • Process XML attributes of all tables in a structured document

    Hi all,
    I try to process the XML attributes of all tables in a structured document.
    When I use SelectedTbl everything works fine for the selected table and the attributes of the tabelle Element are written correctly to the Console.
    doc = app.ActiveDoc;
    table = doc.SelectedTbl;
    if (table.TblElement)
        Console('Elementname: ' + table.TblElement.ElementDef.Name);
        tblEle = table.Element;
        attrs = tblEle.GetAttributes();
        for (i = 0; i < attrs.len; i++) {
            aName = attrs[i].name;
            aWert = attrs[i].values;
            Console( "     " + aName + "    " + aWert);     
    However when I use GetText(Constants.FTI_TblAnchor) to walk through all tables of the documens neither ElementDef.Name nor Attributes are processed.
    var flow = doc.FirstFlowInDoc;
    var textItems = flow.GetText(Constants.FTI_TblAnchor);
    while(iTab<textItems.length) {
    table = textItems[iTab].obj;
    if (table.TblElement)
        Console('Elementname: ' + table.TblElement.ElementDef.Name);
        tblEle = table.Element;
        attrs = tblEle.GetAttributes();
        for (i = 0; i < attrs.len; i++) {
            aName = attrs[i].name;
            aWert = attrs[i].values;
            Console( "     " + aName + "    " + aWert);     
    Any Suggestions?

    You'll probably want all the tables from the main flow. Try
    var flow = doc.MainFlowInDoc;
    Kind regards

  • Regarding Value and Binding properties of af:inputTextBox

    Hi All,
    I am using JDeveloper I want to set the value for af:inputTextBox from the backing bean.
    I observed there are two properties for this component, 'Value' and 'binding'.
    So, I thought of using 'Value' property. For this I created a property in my backing bean.
    Number textBoxValue; //Setter and getter methods for this ( I want to display numbers ans persist the same thats whay i have given as Number)
    and in one of my methods I had given,
    textBoxValue = new Number(12);
    I am able to display the value in the UI
    Here goes my queries, please clarify these.
    1) What is the need of these two properties?
    2) How can set value using the 'Binding' Property.
    3) Can I set value to the input using both properties?
    4) If 2nd point is correct then what will happen, if I set two different values to the textbox using these two components.
    Thanks & Regards,

    1) Binding is uses as an EL reference that will store the component instance on a bean. This can be used to give programmatic access to a component from a backing bean, or to move creation of the component to a backing bean.
    Value represents the value of the component. If the EL binding for the "value" points to a bean property with a getter but no setter, and this is an editable component, the component will be rendered in read-only mode.
    So they are different.
    2) You don't
    3) You don't
    4) as 2) in not correct this is not relevant
    If you want to set the value of a ui component from inside a bean you have different possible solutions. Lets assume you have a binding for The component to bean. In case of a input text the bean property would be of type RichInputText. Lets the property name be myIPT. Then you set the value as myIPT.setValue("YOUR VALUE"); (if the component shows text).
    If you have bound the value property of the component to a bean attribute (using EL) you only need the change the bean attribute.
    If the value is bound to a value binding (e.g. one that was generated by dragging a VO onto the page and dropping it as form), you get the the value binding by
    // get the binding container
    BindingContainer bindings = BindingContext.getCurrent().getCurrentBindingsEntry();
    // get an ADF attributevalue from the ADF page definitions
    AttributeBinding attr = (AttributeBinding)bindings.getControlBinding("NAME_OF_THE_ATTRIBUT");

  • Retrieve data from xml attributes

    I used oracle xml function to query the database and return the following xml data.
    <Item    item1="1000"  item2="A"  item3="B"  />Now i would like to extract the value of item1 attribute from the above xml data. I am not sure how to retrieve the attribute data directly from this root element "Item". Any suggestion is highly appreciated.

    I resolved it myself .

  • SOAP in XI: message use="encoded" and binding/@style="rpc"

    Hope somebody who is familiar with XIs SOAP implementation could give the answer for my questions. Problem is that the SOAP server is not working but I am afraid that the reasons are not really simple.
    In our company we have to provide some SOAP services. I have entered as much as I could in IR ... including a simple scenario. Then imported the scenario to ID and the wizard created a number of agreements and determinations...
    As I need to describe the service to external parties, then I used IDs Web Service definition tool to generate the WSDL.
    But as the external messaging framework (for us a preprogrammed SOAP client) is fixed, I noticed that there are some differences that might matter.
    XI generated WSDL where SOAP binding has
    wsdl:binding/soap:binding/@style="document" but I would need it to be "rpc"
    And the second thing is that in binding message bodies have attribute @use="literal" but as the messages should have several parts then it should be "encoded" (and encodingStyle=""
    also is needed then).
    Could somebody explain if these may be the reasons why the soap server does not work. And if there is a way to define soap interface so that it would have above mentioned properties as needed.
    A easy question also... I would need for a method to have an empty message... inside soap body there should be just a tag with the message name and no content. But I can not figure out how to create a message type with no datatype.
    Thanks for any input!

    Hi, Stefan
    Thanks for the answer. To clear my questions: we want to deploy XI as the SOAP server (sry I have not figured out if it is a sender or receiver channel by name - all this inbound-outbound naming in XI is quite complex). Our SOAP server/XI is actually  just one part of a big SOAP network and MAFIA it uses rpc styled SOAP messages.
    The note is really useful, but still it does not give any hint how to make a RPC styled SOAP interface. So the problem is still up for me. As I am not very familiar with WSDL bindings and SOAP... for the message it self, is there any difference as for the RPC vs DOCUMENT style is discussed? Is it possible that the physical structure of a SOAP envelope could be the same?
    And the second question: is there a way in IR to define several parts for a message. Something like:
    <message name="isiku_andmed">
      <part name="paring" type="tns:isiku_andmed_paring" />
      <part name="keha" type="tns:isiku_andmed_keha" />

  • XML attributes as a response

    My skills are rudimentary, I'm a new flex developer. I have
    done all of the tutorials and examples and I'm just struggling with
    using an XML attribute checking a response.
    I've written a simple flex 3 app to talk to Asterisk AJAM.
    I'm writing the login piece-- and i'm having trouble parsing this
    response from an http service (successful login) my problem comes
    in with the value not being as such
    <item>valuehere</item> it's part of the tag, an
    attribute i would suppose.:
    <response type="object" id="unknown">
    <generic response="Success" message="Authentication
    What I have is a simple app with a http service and a login
    form. I have an event handler for the HTTP service, but I don't
    know how to parse for that generic response tag. Anyone know how to
    format an XML object for that type of response and throw a simple
    if statement looking for that attribute?
    Failure looks like this BTW:

    <response type="object" id="unknown">
    <generic response="Error" message="Authentication
    Thank you,

    I've came up with the following code trying to use XML
    attributes from the response above--- it doesn't work but here is
    what I have (right now the if statement is commented out.... i'm
    trying to have it do an alert which doesn't work either):
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx=""
    <mx:State name="Logged In">
    <mx:SetProperty target="{panel1}" name="width"
    <mx:SetProperty target="{panel1}" name="height"
    <mx:RemoveChild target="{password}"/>
    <mx:RemoveChild target="{username}"/>
    <mx:RemoveChild target="{label1}"/>
    <mx:RemoveChild target="{Submit}"/>
    <mx:RemoveChild target="{label2}"/>
    <mx:SetProperty target="{panel1}" name="title"
    value="Once Logged In"/>
    <mx:AddChild relativeTo="{panel1}"
    <mx:Label x="10" y="10" text="You properly
    <mx:AddChild relativeTo="{panel1}"
    <mx:Label x="10" y="62" text="Label"/>
    var MyXML:XML;
    private function checkLogin(evt:ResultEvent):void
    MyXML =;*);
    /* if (MyXML.attribute(ajax-response.response.@generic) ==
    "Success") {
    if (MyXML.ajax-response.response.(@generic == "Success"))
    currentState = "Logged In";
    if (MyXML.ajax-response.response.(@generic == "Error"))'Invalid username/password');
    <mx:HTTPService id="login_user"
    result="checkLogin(event)" showBusyCursor="true" method="GET" url=""
    <mx:request xmlns="">
    <mx:Panel resizeEffect="Resize" width="250" height="200"
    layout="absolute" title="Login System" horizontalCenter="0"
    verticalCenter="-2" id="panel1">
    <mx:Label x="10" y="10" text="Username:" id="label1"/>
    <mx:TextInput x="10" y="36" id="username"/>
    <mx:Label x="10" y="66" text="Password:" id="label2"/>
    <mx:TextInput x="10" y="92" id="password"
    <mx:Button x="10" y="122" label="Submit" id="Submit"

  • XML attributes instead of elements in data contract serialisation in Rest WCF implementation

    I want to uses XML attributes instead of elements, I implemented IXmlSerializable and
    public partial class Id : IXmlSerializable {
    /// <remarks/>
    public string lmsId;
    /// <remarks/>
    public string unitId;
    /// <remarks/>
    public string lmsPresId;
    /// <remarks/>
    public string callId;
    public System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema GetSchema()
    return null;
    public void ReadXml(System.Xml.XmlReader reader)
    //implement if remote callers are going to pass your object in
    public void WriteXml(System.Xml.XmlWriter writer)
    writer.WriteAttributeString("lmsId", lmsId.ToString());
    writer.WriteAttributeString("unitId", unitId.ToString());
    writer.WriteAttributeString("lmsPresId", lmsPresId.ToString());
    writer.WriteAttributeString("callId", callId.ToString());
    But my service help is showing request and response as unknown
    I tried even XmlSerializerFormat public partial class Id : IXmlSerializable {
    /// <remarks/>
    public string lmsId;
    /// <remarks/>
    public string unitId;
    /// <remarks/>
    public string lmsPresId;
    /// <remarks/>
    public string callId;
    public System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema GetSchema()
    return null;
    public void ReadXml(System.Xml.XmlReader reader)
    //implement if remote callers are going to pass your object in
    public void WriteXml(System.Xml.XmlWriter writer)
    writer.WriteAttributeString("lmsId", lmsId.ToString());
    writer.WriteAttributeString("unitId", unitId.ToString());
    writer.WriteAttributeString("lmsPresId", lmsPresId.ToString());
    writer.WriteAttributeString("callId", callId.ToString());
    then I am getting everything in the xml as xmlElements instead of XmlAttributes But I am getting all the data as elements instead of Xmlattributes

    I will test it.
    I sale myself ONLY half CNY!

  • Using BPEL console testing with XML attributes

    I'm having trouble with using an XML attribute in my BPEL process. When I put an attribute on my input element, the BPEL Console test page no longer works. Here's what I'm doing:
    I create a synchronous new BPEL project in JDeveloper using the default input and output XSDs, and add a simple assign to assign the input to the output. When I deploy this and look at it in BPEL console, I can see the input field and enter my value to test.
    Now I go back into JDeveloper and add an attribute to the input element, and then redeploy my process. Now when I go into BPEL console, the Initiate tab no longer has any field for me to enter my value. Clicking the XML Source radio button doesn't help either. (I also tried invoking the BPEL process web service through the app server control - same issue.)
    I'm using JDeveloper with App Server Does anyone know how to make the BPEL Console testing work with XSDs that contain attributes?

    A bit more info on this. It doesn't appear that the problem is limited to the console tester. I created another BPEL process which calls my original process, and attempted to set the attribute on the input using the Assign activity. JDeveloper generated this:
    <assign name="Assign_1">
    <from variable="inputVariable" part="payload"
    <to variable="Invoke_1_process_InputVariable" part="payload"
    <from expression="'bob'"/>
    <to variable="Invoke_1_process_InputVariable" part="payload"
    As you can see this is mapping a variable into the /TestAttributesProcessRequest/input element and then attempting to set the attribute of that element to the value 'bob'. This compiles just fine but when this code is executed, this error occurs:
    Error in <assign> expression: <to> value is empty at line "87". The XPath expression : "" returns zero node, when applied to document shown below:
    (Line 87 is query="/ns1:TestAttributesProcessRequest/ns1:input/@attribute1"/>)
    Is there something wrong with this generated code? Do I need to do some kind of custom code to set attributes, instead of using the graphical tools in JDeveloper?

  • Indesign library drag drop looses xml attributes of Table tag

    Hi all,
         I have created a Table with 1 row and 3 coloumns, I have text in all 3 cells. I have attaced xml tags to cell text and after that I have added attibutes to Story tag, Table tag and Text tag.  I have drag this table frame to Indesign library to save it for further use.
         When I tried to drag it back to document the Table tag attributes are missing. This is happening on Indesign CS4 Win and Mac.
    I have saved required information in the xml attributes of table tag and since its attributes are missing after drag from library I am not able to use library of Indesign.
    Is this an issue with Indesign CS4?
    -Rahul Dalvi.

    Hi All,
         I am still waitng for the reply. I have attached 2 files here, first one is the Indesign document 'TableXMLTags.indd' having a tagged table. second one is the Library file 'TableXMLtagLibrary.indl' in which I have draged table from 'TableXMLTags.indd'. When I tried to drag that table from library to any document it just loses attributes of Table tag. Here each tag has 3 attributes attached to it.
    I am using Indesign CS4 on Windows and Macintosh.
    Please let me know if there is any way to avoid tag attribute loss.
    Rahul Dalvi.

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