DB backup not started

Hi all,
The DB backup scheduled through DB13 is not runnning .There is no log available for this.when you click the  date on which it is scheduled the status is showing as unknown.
Kindly Provide your suggestions

Hi Murali,
One of the possibility might be, though the job is scheduled to run from DB13 but at the same time corresponding job is not present in SM37 or the user used for job scheduling is not valid of locked etc.
So for the safer side as suggested by other users above, delete the same from DB13 and schedule fresh jobs.
Make sure that the user, being used for DB13 scheduling is having enough authorization to run the job.
It should work.
Cheers !!!

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  • Backup Not Starting for 'Whole database offline + redo log backup' @ DB13

    Hi Experts,
    I am not able to perform 'Whole database offline + redo log backup' by DB13.
    I have recently configured my 'init<SID>.sap'  to take 'Whole database online + redo log backup' and its working perfectly fine.
    I tried taking test backup for  'Whole database offline + redo log backup'  but it didn't even  started.
    Thus I created another profile with name init<SID>back.sap  and changed the Parameter
    from 'backup_type = online'  to 'backup_type = offline' and also tried by 'backup_type = offline_force'
    rest all parameters being same as the profile  init<SID>.sap
    Kindly Suggest as I need to take set the backup Strategy as  Mon-Fri  -> 'Whole database offline + redo log backup'  and Sat ->  'Whole database offline + redo log backup'
    One more Query : While taking the redo log backup by DB13 why is it that some times it only saves the Files and some time it
    saves and delete the files from the '/oracle/<SID>/oraarch'  location. Please throw some light over this matter also.

    Hi Mr Bhavik,
    Thanks for your reply..  Here are the details you have asked for.
    1.My SAP BASIS Patch Level  is :  10. ( We shall be updating it by the end of this Year)
    2. Br*tools version is :
    BRTOOLS   7.00 (11)
    kernel release    700
    patch level   11
    3. I don't have any file with name alert<dbsid>.log file (located at /oracle/<SID>/saptrace/background/) but i do have alert_<SID>.log
    I execute the command more -p G alert_JMD.log
    after my  'Whole database offline + redo log backup' again failed at DB13 but I was not able to see any specific complains while executing the above action.
    I got the Error Detailed Log in DB13 as :
    Detail log:                    beeneedv.aft
    BR0051I BRBACKUP 7.00 (20)
    BR0055I Start of database backup: beeneedv.aft 2010-11-08 13.16.43
    BR0484I BRBACKUP log file: /oracle/JMD/sapbackup/beeneedv.aft
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2010-11-08 13.16.43
    BR0261E BRBACKUP cancelled by signal 13
    BR0056I End of database backup: beeneedv.aft 2010-11-08 13.16.44
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2010-11-08 13.16.45
    BR0054I BRBACKUP terminated with errors
    4. No I have not yet Tried 'execute such Offline+REdo log backups using brback command', will Try and post it Definately
    5. Query : select grantee, granted_role from dba_role_privs;
    result :
    SQL> select grantee, granted_role from dba_role_privs;
    GRANTEE                        GRANTED_ROLE
    SYS                            SAPDBA
    SYS                            EXP_FULL_DATABASE
    SYS                            CONNECT
    DBSNMP                         OEM_MONITOR
    SAPSR3                         CONNECT
    SYS                            SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE
    DBA                            DELETE_CATALOG_ROLE
    DBA                            EXECUTE_CATALOG_ROLE
    SYSTEM                         DBA
    GRANTEE                        GRANTED_ROLE
    OPS$ORAJMD                     SAPDBA
    SAPDBA                         GATHER_SYSTEM_STATISTICS
    SYS                            SCHEDULER_ADMIN
    SYS                            AQ_USER_ROLE
    SYS                            GATHER_SYSTEM_STATISTICS
    SYS                            DELETE_CATALOG_ROLE
    DBA                            GATHER_SYSTEM_STATISTICS
    DBA                            IMP_FULL_DATABASE
    OPS$JMDADM                     CONNECT
    GRANTEE                        GRANTED_ROLE
    SYS                            LOGSTDBY_ADMINISTRATOR
    SYS                            EXECUTE_CATALOG_ROLE
    SYS                            RESOURCE
    DBA                            SCHEDULER_ADMIN
    DBA                            SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE
    SAPDBA                         SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE
    SYS                            SAPCONN
    SYS                            OEM_ADVISOR
    SYS                            IMP_FULL_DATABASE
    GRANTEE                        GRANTED_ROLE
    OUTLN                          RESOURCE
    SAPSR3                         RESOURCE
    SYS                            RECOVERY_CATALOG_OWNER
    DBA                            EXP_FULL_DATABASE
    TSMSYS                         RESOURCE
    OPS$ORAJMD                     RESOURCE
    SAPCONN                        SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE
    SYS                            OEM_MONITOR
    GRANTEE                        GRANTED_ROLE
    SYS                            AQ_ADMINISTRATOR_ROLE
    SYS                            DBA
    SYSTEM                         AQ_ADMINISTRATOR_ROLE
    OPS$ORAJMD                     CONNECT
    OPS$JMDADM                     SAPDBA
    OPS$JMDADM                     RESOURCE
    SAPSR3                         SAPCONN
    SYS                            HS_ADMIN_ROLE
    SYSTEM                         SAPDBA

  • Windows Server Backup scheduled task run successfully but backup do not start (not running) on Windows Server 2012

    A backup job has been setup on Windows Server 2012 (Platform: Win32NT; ServicePack: ; Version: 6.2.9200.0; VersionString : Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0) via Windows Backup Software UI (Local Backup 1.0).
    It is appearing as a scheduled task "\Microsoft\Windows\Backup\Microsoft-Windows-WindowsBackup" belonging to user 'nt authority\system' in task scheduler.
    The problem is that the Backup job never start despite the scheduled task running and completing successfully (when run automatically or manually)!
    Would you be able to explain why and assist in resolving that issue?
    Here is what we know:
    When the backup is run manually via the Windows Backup Software UI, it works fine.
    When the backup is run via command line (as set in schedule task) in a cmd command prompt (as local/domain 'administrator' or as 'nt authority\system' which is possible by running command prompt via 'PsExec.exe -i -s cmd'), something like "%windir%\System32\wbadmin.exe
    start backup -templateId:{f11eb3aa-74e7-4ff4-a57b-d8d567ee3f77} -quiet", it works fine.
    If you manually run the preset scheduled task while logged in as administrator, the task run and complete successfully but the backup job does not start.
    Idem if you schedule task is run automatically at scheduled time.
    The schedule task run and complete successfully but the backup job does not start.
    It is confirmed by running the following in a command prompt as 'nt authority\system':
    schtasks /run /tn "\Microsoft\Windows\Backup\Microsoft-Windows-WindowsBackup"
    SUCCESS: Attempted to run the scheduled task "\Microsoft\Windows\Backup\Microsoft-Windows-WindowsBackup".
    Despite success result, the Backup job does not start running...
    No errors or warning appears anywhere in Event Logs (Microsoft > Windows > Backup or Task Scheduler) nor in the scheduled task History tab. The schedule task complete successfully but no Backup job is run...
    If scheduled task automatically set by Windows Backup software is duplicated (copied) and set manually it runs fine as 'administrator' and as 'nt authority\system' (subject that 'nt authority\system' is added to the 'Backup Operators' AD group).
    Here is an export of the current pre-set schedule task, is there any settings that need to be changed to make it works?
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
    <Task version="1.4" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/windows/2004/02/mit/task">
        <CalendarTrigger id="Trigger 1">
        <Principal id="Author">
      <Actions Context="Author">
          <Arguments>start backup -templateId:{f11eb3aa-74e7-4ff4-a57b-d8d567ee3f77} -quiet</Arguments>
    Thank you in advance for your feedback.

    Once again, the issue is not to run the backup manually from the command line but to have it run via the scheduled task setup by the Windows Backup software.
    By default, the schedule task is to be run as NT Authority\System, and when run under this account, the backup does not start (even though account is member of Backup Operators) and job can manually be run via elevated command prompt. This is not a normal
    behavior and constitute a major bug in Windows Server 2012.
    From my understanding the NT Authority\System account is a built-in account from Windows that should by default be part of the Administrators group (built-in) even though it does not explicitly appears like it in AD by default.
    This account shall have by default Administrators rights and Backup Operators rights (via the Administrators group) without being explicitly added to those groups (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-gb/library/windows/desktop/ms684190%28v=vs.85%29.aspx). By design
    it is supposed to be the most powerful account which has unrestricted access to all local system resources. If that is not the case (as it seems) then this would constitute a major bug in Windows Server 2012 edition.
    As said previously and as you confirmed, currently by default NT Authority\System on Windows 2012 server cannot start backup manually via an elevated command prompt unless it is manually added to Backup Operators (or Administrators) group. But wouldn't that
    constitute a bug of Windows Server 2012?
    Our server has not yet been restarted since I added NT Authority\System account to the Administrators group explicitly manually so I cannot yet confirmed it would sort the issue. Indeed it is heavily in use so cannot easily be restarted. Will confirm when
    We also have an additional problem where after a while of last reboot, part of the Exchange ECP can no longer be properly loaded in the web browser due to compilation error (compilation is done via NT Authority\System account which seems to no longer have
    sufficient right to compile .NET code). What is strange is that it works at first and then stop working at some point... I am hopeful that adding NT Authority\System to the Administrators group would sort this issue as well but once again, that shall not be
    Could a Windows Server 2012 update introduced some security policy changes or else that prevent NT Authority\System to have full power?

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    Windows 7 users in my domain are unable to configure or change backup settings.  Users are able to open Control Panel > Backup and Restore, but when they click
    Change settings, they receive the error: Windows Backup - The backup application coud not start due to an internal error: You must be logged on as an administrator to perform this task. (0x8100000010).
    The same error is received when executing sdclt.exe /configure at the command prompt, regardless of whether the command prompt is launched using "run as administrator".
    I've done significant testing, and have been able to determine that the local administrator account is able to configure backups before the computer is joined to the domain.  Once the computer is joined to the domain, the local administrator account
    and domain users who are in the local administrators group are no longer able to configure backup and restore.  Domain administrators are able to configure backups.
    This is a new issue, which began occuring sometime in the last 2 months.  3 months ago, users were able to configure backups without issue, and those computers with backups configured are still able to run their backups and do restores; however the
    settings can no longer be changed. 
    Clearly something in the domain is doing this, but Group Policy has not been altered, and I can find no setting that would be doing this in any case.  Any help is appreciated. 

    So you mean you have tried different accounts in the local Administrator group and all of them failed?
    If so, please check what group the local Administrator group belongs to? Does it belong to a group with limited privileges, such as the Guests group?
    Tim Quan

  • After restoring backup new macbook with time machine Firefox will not start. says missing profile

    after restoring backup on new macbook with time machine Firefox will n to start. It says it is missing profile although profile exists and profile manager will not start. Also reinstalling does not help. Direct after starting Firefox it says profile is missing and then quits Firefox. Please help edit

    Create a new profile as a test to check if your current profile is causing the problems.
    See "Basic Troubleshooting: Make a new profile":
    * https://support.mozilla.com/kb/Basic+Troubleshooting#w_8-make-a-new-profile
    There may be extensions and plugins installed by default in a new profile, so check that in "Tools > Add-ons > Extensions & Plugins" in case there are still problems.
    If that new profile works then you can transfer some files from the old profile to that new profile, but be careful not to copy corrupted files.
    * http://kb.mozillazine.org/Transferring_data_to_a_new_profile_-_Firefox

  • Server Does not start after backup complition

    Dear All,
    We are facing following problem some times after backup completion.
    Our Setup is : SAP ECC 6, Oracle 10g, HP-UX 11.31.
    We are scheduling the whole database offline + archive log backup during night.
    After completion of backup the SAP does not start. I have checked the following things.
    1. Database is started : OK.
    2. SAP related services at O/S level : OK
    3. Listener is OK
    4. No startup log generated related to SAP
    But I am not able to connect to SAP thru SAP GUI.
    If I tried to start SAP using startsap it will not respond for long time. Even I have tried to startsap after shutting down database, kill all SAP related services at O/S level. But startsap doesn't respond.
    When I restart the server, after that I am able to start SAP.
    Is there any memory fragmentation related problem ?
    Before some time same thing is happened with our production server, but at that time I have deleted Archivelog files manually before tacking backup. In this case if I take backup "whole database offline + archive log " then server doesn't start. At that time also I have to restart the server. So the Problem is identified.
    But in this case i.e on our Quality Server not able to trace out problem.
    Thanks in Advance,

    Yes the problem is related to memory. I think during the backup  memory is allocated but not release after completion of database backup.
    in case of archive log backup what option your are using means are you using save and delete option  or other.
    In the case of the production server archive log backup you to use to the option  save and delete.
    Please also check wheather core file getting gernerated should be deleted frquently from work folder.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Vidyadhar K

  • SAP Does not start after backup complition

    Dear All,
    Since last two times when we put Offline whole database + Redolog
    backup, after complition of backup SAP Does not start.
    I have tried to start SAP Manually, but didn't start.
    To start SAP we have to restart the SERVER.
    Attached please find backup log.
    Thanks and Regards,

    Thanks you all for quick response.
    Backup log is pasted at end of message. Wile you please guide me where dev_disp log is located.
    I am taking backup through DB13.
    When I got this problem. Database was not started. But at O/S level SMON is running. Shutdown normal or transactional was not working. I have to shutdown abort. and start the database.
    SAP services are also running at O/S level.
    I have doubt about work process.
    BR0051I BRBACKUP 7.00 (24)
    BR0055I Start of database backup: beamxrbx.aft 2009-05-06 04.00.05
    BR0484I BRBACKUP log file: /oracle/PRD/sapbackup/beamxrbx.aft
    BR0477I Oracle pfile /oracle/PRD/102_64/dbs/initPRD.ora created from spfile /oracle/PRD/102_64/dbs/spfilePRD.ora
    BR0083W Compression rates out of date - run BRBACKUP with option '-k only'
    BR0101I Parameters
    Name                           Value
    oracle_sid                     PRD
    oracle_home                    /oracle/PRD/102_64
    oracle_profile                 /oracle/PRD/102_64/dbs/initPRD.ora
    sapdata_home                   /oracle/PRD
    sap_profile                    /oracle/PRD/102_64/dbs/initPRD.sap
    backup_mode                    ALL
    backup_type                    offline_force
    backup_dev_type                tape
    compress                       hardware
    tape_copy_cmd                  dd
    cpio_flags                     -ovB
    cpio_in_flags                  -iuvB
    dd_flags                       obs=64k bs=64k
    dd_in_flags                    ibs=64k bs=64k
    rewind                         mt -f $ rew
    rewind_offline                 mt -f $ offl
    tape_size                      102400.000 MB
    tape_address                   /dev/rmt/0mn
    tape_address_rew               /dev/rmt/0m
    volume_backup                  PRDB01,PRDB02,PRDB03,PRDB04,PRDB05,PRDB06,PRDB07,PRDB08,PRDB09,PRDB10,
    expir_period                   29
    tape_use_count                 100
    exec_parallel                  0
    system_info                    prdadm/oraprd rlsdbi HP-UX B.11.31 U ia64
    oracle_info                    PRD 8192 7547 46814166 rlsdbi UTF8 UTF8
    sap_info                       700 SAPSR3 0002LK0003PRD0011Q21439814270013NetWeaver_ORA
    make_info                      hpia64 OCI_102 Apr 21 2007
    command_line                   brbackup -u / -jid ALGOF20090506040000 -c force -t offline_force -m all -p initPRD.sap -a -c force -p initPRD.sap -sd
    BR0116I ARCHIVE LOG LIST before backup for database instance PRD
    Parameter                      Value
    Database log mode              Archive Mode
    Automatic archival             Enabled
    Archive destination            /oracle/PRD/oraarch/PRDarch
    Archive format                 %t_%s_%r.dbf
    Oldest online log sequence     7544
    Next log sequence to archive   7547
    Current log sequence           7547             SCN: 46814166
    Database block size            8192             Thread: 1
    Current system change number   46815598         ResetId: 674927195
    BR0118I Tablespaces and data files
    Tablespace     TS-Status  F-Status  File                                                       Size   Id.     Device  Link    Type       MaxSize     IncrSize  BlkSize
    PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   /oracle/PRD/sapdata1/sr3_1/sr3.data1                 2097160192    4  1073872902  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
    PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   /oracle/PRD/sapdata1/sr3_2/sr3.data2                 2097160192    5  1073872902  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
    PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   /oracle/PRD/sapdata1/sr3_3/sr3.data3                 2097160192    6  1073872902  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
    PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   /oracle/PRD/sapdata1/sr3_4/sr3.data4                 2097160192    7  1073872902  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
    PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   /oracle/PRD/sapdata1/sr3_5/sr3.data5                 2097160192    8  1073872902  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
    PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   /oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_10/sr3.data10               2097160192   13  1073872903  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
    PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   /oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_6/sr3.data6                 2097160192    9  1073872903  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
    PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   /oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_7/sr3.data7                 2097160192   10  1073872903  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
    PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   /oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_8/sr3.data8                 2097160192   11  1073872903  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
    PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   /oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3_9/sr3.data9                 2097160192   12  1073872903  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
    PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   /oracle/PRD/sapdata3/sr3_11/sr3.data11               2097160192   14  1073872904  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
    PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   /oracle/PRD/sapdata3/sr3_12/sr3.data12               2097160192   15  1073872904  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
    PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   /oracle/PRD/sapdata3/sr3_13/sr3.data13               2097160192  
    BR0143I Backup type: offline_force
    BR0113I Files will be compressed by hardware
    BR0130I Backup device type: tape
    BR0102I Following backup device will be used: /dev/rmt/0mn
    BR0103I Following backup volume will be used: PRDB25
    BR0289I BRARCHIVE will be started at the end of processing
    BR0134I Unattended mode with 'force' active - no operator confirmation allowed
    BR0208I Volume with name PRDB25 required in device /dev/rmt/0mn
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2009-05-06 04.00.07
    BR0226I Rewinding tape volume in device /dev/rmt/0m ...
    BR0351I Restoring /oracle/PRD/sapbackup/.tape.hdr0
    BR0355I from /dev/rmt/0mn ...
    BR0241I Checking label on volume in device /dev/rmt/0mn
    BR0242I Scratch volume in device /dev/rmt/0mn will be renamed to PRDB25
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2009-05-06 04.00.08
    BR0226I Rewinding tape volume in device /dev/rmt/0m ...
    BR0202I Saving /oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3700_7/sr3700.data7
    BR0203I to /dev/rmt/0mn ...
    #FILE..... /oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3700_7/sr3700.data7
    #SAVED.... sr3700.data7  PRDB25/43
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2009-05-06 04.20.17
    BR0063I 40 of 62 files processed - 82240.312 MB of 120066.277 MB done
    BR0204I Percentage done: 68.50%, estimated end time: 4:29
    BR0001I **********************************________________
    BR0202I Saving /oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3700_8/sr3700.data8
    BR0203I to /dev/rmt/0mn ...
    #FILE..... /oracle/PRD/sapdata2/sr3700_8/sr3700.data8
    #SAVED.... sr3700.data8  PRDB25/44
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2009-05-06 04.20.42
    BR0063I 41 of 62 files processed - 84640.320 MB of 120066.277 MB done
    BR0204I Percentage done: 70.49%, estimated end time: 4:29
    BR0001I ***********************************_______________
    BR0202I Saving /oracle/PRD/sapdata3/sr3700_10/sr3700.data10
    BR0203I to /dev/rmt/0mn ...
    #FILE..... /oracle/PRD/sapdata3/sr3700_10/sr3700.data10
    #SAVED.... sr3700.data10  PRDB25/45
    #FILE..... /oracle/PRD/sapdata1/system_1/system01.dat
    #SAVED.... system01.dat  PRDB25/60
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2009-05-06 04.27.07
    BR0063I 57 of 62 files processed - 119850.445 MB of 120066.277 MB done
    BR0204I Percentage done: 99.82%, estimated end time: 4:27
    BR0001I **************************************************
    BR0202I Saving /oracle/PRD/origlogA/log_g11m1.dbf
    BR0203I to /dev/rmt/0mn ...
    #FILE..... /oracle/PRD/origlogA/log_g11m1.dbf
    #SAVED.... log_g11m1.dbf  PRDB25/61
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2009-05-06 04.27.14
    BR0063I 58 of 62 files processed - 119900.446 MB of 120066.277 MB done
    BR0204I Percentage done: 99.86%, estimated end time: 4:27
    BR0001I **************************************************
    BR0202I Saving /oracle/PRD/origlogB/log_g12m1.dbf
    BR0203I to /dev/rmt/0mn ...
    #FILE..... /oracle/PRD/origlogB/log_g12m1.dbf
    #SAVED.... log_g12m1.dbf  PRDB25/62
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2009-05-06 04.27.22
    BR0063I 59 of 62 files processed - 119950.447 MB of 120066.277 MB done
    BR0204I Percentage done: 99.90%, estimated end time: 4:27
    BR0001I **************************************************
    BR0202I Saving /oracle/PRD/origlogA/log_g13m1.dbf
    BR0203I to /dev/rmt/0mn ...
    #FILE..... /oracle/PRD/origlogA/log_g13m1.dbf
    #SAVED.... log_g13m1.dbf  PRDB25/63
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2009-05-06 04.27.29
    BR0063I 60 of 62 files processed - 120000.448 MB of 120066.277 MB done
    BR0204I Percentage done: 99.95%, estimated end time: 4:27
    BR0001I **************************************************
    BR0202I Saving /oracle/PRD/origlogB/log_g14m1.dbf
    BR0203I to /dev/rmt/0mn ...
    #FILE..... /oracle/PRD/origlogB/log_g14m1.dbf
    #SAVED.... log_g14m1.dbf  PRDB25/64
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2009-05-06 04.27.36
    BR0063I 61 of 62 files processed - 120050.449 MB of 120066.277 MB done
    BR0204I Percentage done: 99.99%, estimated end time: 4:27
    BR0001I **************************************************
    BR0202I Saving /oracle/PRD/origlogA/cntrl/cntlrPRD.dbf
    BR0203I to /dev/rmt/0mn ...
    #FILE..... /oracle/PRD/origlogA/cntrl/cntlrPRD.dbf
    #SAVED.... cntlrPRD.dbf  PRDB25/65
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2009-05-06 04.27.42
    BR0063I 62 of 62 files processed - 120066.277 MB of 120066.277 MB done
    BR0204I Percentage done: 100.00%, estimated end time: 4:27
    BR0001I **************************************************
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2009-05-06 04.27.44
    BR0304I Starting and opening database instance PRD ...
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2009-05-06 04.28.10
    BR0305I Start and open of database instance PRD successful
    BR0117I ARCHIVE LOG LIST after backup for database instance PRD
    Parameter                      Value
    Database log mode              Archive Mode
    Automatic archival             Enabled
    Archive destination            /oracle/PRD/oraarch/PRDarch
    Archive format                 %t_%s_%r.dbf
    Oldest online log sequence     7544
    Next log sequence to archive   7547
    Current log sequence           7547             SCN: 46814166
    Database block size            8192             Thread: 1
    Current system change number   46815880         ResetId: 674927195
    BR0056I End of database backup: beamxrbx.aft 2009-05-06 04.28.11
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2009-05-06 04.28.13
    BR0053I BRBACKUP completed successfully with warnings
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2009-05-06 04.28.13
    BR0291I BRARCHIVE (action ID aeamxrbx) will be started with options '+beamxrbx.aft,42106018475,PRDB25,62 -jid ALGOF20090506040000 -d tape -c force -p initPRD.sap -sd'
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2009-05-06 04.31.42
    BR0292I Execution of BRARCHIVE (action ID aeamxrbx) finished with return code 0

  • HT1766 When I started my new iPad 2 I could not start from a previous backup because the os on the new iPad is not the latest 7.x used to backup the previous ipad2  to install the new os I had to start the iPad as new. But now I cannot backup from the pre

    When I started my new iPad 2 I could not start from a previous backup because the os on the new iPad is not the latest 7.x used to backup the previous ipad2  to install the new os I had to start the iPad as new. But now I cannot backup from the previously backup ipad

    Hi there,
    You may find the troubleshooting steps in the articles below helpful.
    iCloud: Troubleshooting restoring an iCloud backup
    iOS: If you can't back up or restore from a backup in iTunes
    -Griff W. 

  • MacBook does not start-how do I backup?

    My Macbook is not starting properly - displays a gray screen with logo only. I have the MacOs installer ready to go into Disk Utility, Erase and then somehow install OS again.... I would like to know how can I make a backup of my files prior to erasing, since I cannot see my files anymore... any suggestions? Thanks!

    What I have done in this situation is to plug in an external hard drive, and run the Mac install disk. Install Mac OSX on the external one. Then boot up from the external drive by holding down the option key at startup.
    If you can't mount the internal hard drive, or see it on the desktop, you're out of luck. Probably a hardware issue. You could look into a more professional repair utility, or just bring it to a servicer.
    However, if you can see the hard drive on your desktop, you can move on. Now we can make a clone of the internal hard drive. Go into Disk Utility (/Applications/Utilities/), and navigate to your boot drive (external). Go to the tab labeled "Partition". Add a new partition, and name it. This will be your backup partition. After you have done this, you should see an extra icon on the desktop. If not, troubleshoot "adding a partition."
    Now we can make the backup. You can use free software such as SuperDuper, or Carbon Copy. Personally I use SuperDuper, and I will explain it with that software. Open it, and make sure you copy your internal hard drive (usually Macintosh HD), to the backup partition you just made. Now backup all files.
    After this is complete you should have a bootable copy of your internal hard drive on your external hard drive. Try booting it up with by holding down the option key like before. From here, there are several courses of action.
    1. You can attempt to use SuperDuper to copy the backup back to your internal hard drive. This works sometimes, but your internal hard drive will have to be in good condition. I reccomend trying it though.
    2. Try reinstalling Mac OSX on the internal hard drive, holding option at startup and selecting the disk. There should be an option in the install process to import files and settings from another computer. Don't worry if you miss it though, because you can always do this from Migration Assistant (/Applications/Utilities/).
    3. If neither of the above options, either try going to the genius bar, or getting a new internal hard drive. (A new computer works too .) If you opt for a new computer or hard drive, try importing from your backup on the external hard drive with step 2.
    I have done this several time by attempting to dual boot Ubuntu. Good luck!!

  • Windows could not start block level backup engine service

     trying to perform system state backup for one of the server its unable to run. Last week we have performed the system state backup without any issue.
    Operating System:2008
    OS Version: R2 Small Business Server 2011 x64 Edition Build 7600
    RAM-32 GB
    Following event ID is reported in the logs;
    Log Name:      Application
    Source:        Microsoft-Windows-Backup
    Date:          7/2/2013 2:25:35 PM
    Event ID:      754
    Task Category: None
    Level:         Information
    User:          SYSTEM
    Computer:      ABC
    The Block Level Backup Engine service has stopped.
    When we try to restart the Block Level Backup Engine service we get error as “Windows could not start the Block Level Backup Engine Service on Local Computer.
    Error 0x800700b7: Cannot create a file when that file already exists.”
    I have already restarted Virtual disk and Volume shadow copy service, but no luck.
    Any help in resolving this issue will be much appreciated.
    Thank you.

    Here is the solution which worked for me ;
    Services.msc >properties page of Block Level Backup Service Engine
    Changed to Log On tab
    Instead of Log On as Local System Account changed to Log On as
    [email protected] (select the account with admin creds), entered the password of admin and closed the properties page.
    Now restart the Block Level Backup Service Engine and re-run the job, backup completes without any issue.
    Thank you

  • Error:cannot backup SPFILE because the instance was not started with SPFILE

    I get the following error message, what I have done wrong?
    Starting backup at 27-JUN-08
    released channel: ch1
    RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
    RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
    RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
    RMAN-03002: failure of backup command at 06/27/2008 10:11:54
    RMAN-06062: can not backup SPFILE because the instance was not started with SPFILE
    Best Regards,

    Show parameter pfile/spfile will not show you contents of pfile , for seeing contents you will have to show parameter with required parama name.
    show parameter log_archive_dest
    Whenever you start database ostartup first by default use spfile$Oracle_Sid.ora for starting the instance if this spfile does not exist then it goes for spfile.ora if spfile.ora also does not exist then it search init$Oracle_Sid.ora in default location.
    As you created spfile after restarting the database will automatically use spfile and will show you spfile in yours param when you will show parameter spfile if it does not show then you are still using pfile
    SQL> startup pfile='C:\oracle\product\10.1.0\admin\lease\pfile\init.ora.5242008172537'
    ORACLE instance started.
    Total System Global Area  171966464 bytes
    Fixed Size                   787988 bytes
    Variable Size             145488364 bytes
    Database Buffers           25165824 bytes
    Redo Buffers                 524288 bytes
    Database mounted.
    Database opened.
    SQL> show parameter pfile
    NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
    spfile                               string
    SQL> create spfile from pfile
      2  /
    File created.
    SQL> show parameter pfile
    NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
    spfile                               string
    SQL> shutdown immediate
    Database closed.
    Database dismounted.
    ORACLE instance shut down.
    SQL> startup
    ORACLE instance started.
    Total System Global Area  171966464 bytes
    Fixed Size                   787988 bytes
    Variable Size             145488364 bytes
    Database Buffers           25165824 bytes
    Redo Buffers                 524288 bytes
    Database mounted.
    Database opened.
    SQL> show parameter pfile
    NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
    spfile                               string      C:\ORACLE\PRODUCT\10.1.0\DB_2\

  • HT5569 Backup started then after two hours Message " prior backup not completed"

    Successfully connected to WI FI trying to back up my contacts, etc. Entered "Back up Now" and backup started with the message " expected completion time: two hours. Did not touch the phone. After two hours, I checked the phone. Got message" Prior Backup not completed".  Al Aloisi    .

    Is iPhone in wall power charger?

  • IMac will not start-up, do not have a backup, any way to back it up before erasing the drive?

    Our iMac will not start up, it goes to the flashing question mark screen. I have tried the different steps listed at http://support.apple.com/kb/TS1440, but they have not worked, as it says the disk is not repairable. It says I need to erase the disk and reinstall OS X. However, I do not currently have a back-up of the hard drive, so is there any way I can back it up before erasing and reinstalling, even though the iMac will not start up? Thanks.

    I also tried downloading Snow Leopard onto an external hard drive and boot from there, but it just comes up to the choose a language screen everytime.

  • HT201210 My Ipod is not starting up after Backup.... Please help

    My Ipod touch is not starting up when i did restore. Then i conected to Itunes it shows Ipod recovery mode. Then i clicked restore and update after that it shows that the Ipod can not be restoreed at this time because ipod software update server could not be contacted or is temperory unavailable. Please help.

    Update Server
    - Powering off and then back on your router.
    - iTunes for Windows: iTunes cannot contact the iPhone, iPad, or iPod software update server
    - Change the DNS to either Google's or Open DNS servers
    Public DNS — Google Developers
    OpenDNS IP Addresses
    - Try on another computer/network
    - Wait if it is an Apple problem

  • System PI 7.11 will not start because of R3INLPGM error

    Dear experts,
    our PI 7.11 sap system will not start on the backup machine. We have two AS/400 machines using IBM iCluster.
    On the source node the PI system starts without any problems. If we switch over to the target node,
    the PI system will not start. Only the two subsystems R3_<instance> were started and the SAPSTRSVR jobs
    ran under QUSRWRK.
    In the pool files from SAPSTART we found the following errors:
    R3<SID>400/R3INLPGM: Error occured setting gid to R3GROUP.
    *NONE      Information                 XXXXXXX  SAPINLPGM    XXXXXXX *STMT    SAPINLPGM   XXXXXXX *STMT
                                         From module . . . . . . . . :   O4TMKLIBIX                                                                               
    From procedure  . . . . . . :   prtjoblA                                                                               
    Statement . . . . . . . . . :   15                                                                               
    To module . . . . . . . . . :   O4TMKLIBIX                                                                               
    To procedure  . . . . . . . :   prtjoblA                                                                               
    Statement . . . . . . . . . :   15                                                                               
    Message . . . . :   SAPINLPGM: Error in ChangeGidToR3GROUP - check whether              
                                         R3<SID>400/R3INLPGM is owned by QSECOFR using adopted authority         
    But the authority from all libs and objects are same as on the source machine.
    Any idea?
    Best regards,

    Hello Matthias,
    Please log on as QSECOFR (or a user with SECOFR authority),
    and run command
    Best regards,
    B. Wolf

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