DB hangs creating user but create table is fine (strange!)

Hi guys,
We're not far away from bouncing the system due to this issue. I created a new tablespace on a database then tried to create a user. The create user hangs. I previously did the exact same steps on 2 other databases on a separate server...no issues.
The alert log shows no issues. v$views show no locking. shared cache has no free blocks. Some stats:  v$sga_dynamic_components
COMPONENT               CURRENT_SIZE   MIN_SIZE USER_SPECIFIED_SIZE TYPE                                    MODE
DEFAULT buffer cache                 376        368              0                      SHRINK                                  DEFERRED
shared pool                                592        488              0                       GROW                                    DEFERREDThis is trace output. It doesnt like this view (also keeps hanging):
*** 2013-01-14 14:19:33.613
WAIT #46995495479440: nam='SQL*Net message from client' ela= 4377708633 driver id=1650815232 #bytes=1 p3=0 obj#=-1 tim=1358173173613579
CLOSE #46995495479440:c=0,e=20,dep=0,type=0,tim=1358173173639109
PARSING IN CURSOR #46995495478432 len=21 dep=0 uid=0 oct=3 lid=0 tim=1358173173641688 hv=963472512 ad='66d98c80' sqlid='9sydnn4wquv40'
select * from x$kglpn
PARSE #46995495478432:c=0,e=2501,p=0,cr=0,cu=0,mis=1,r=0,dep=0,og=1,plh=1193925445,tim=1358173173641683
EXEC #46995495478432:c=0,e=54,p=0,cr=0,cu=0,mis=0,r=0,dep=0,og=1,plh=1193925445,tim=1358173173641940
WAIT #46995495478432: nam='SQL*Net message to client' ela= 5 driver id=1650815232 #bytes=1 p3=0 obj#=-1 tim=1358173173641994with tail -f it doesn't add any new lines until I CTRL+C the operation. and with the create user it cuts off part of code line. Anyone had a similar issue?

Many thanks for the workaround info, has been an excessive rebootfull adventure trying to set up Mnt. Lion  with NIS authentication. I can assure you it's not your NIS server platform, have the exact same problem and log entries here using a PPC mini/Leopard OS X server as a NIS server, which works fine with 10.4-10.7 Macs, Linux, Solaris and HP-UX clients.... just not 10.8.1 via the console, hangs it completely.
I'll be getting a new mini/Mnt. Lion server this week, and will set up NIS there and  - assuming the problem is still there - will log a call with Apple, my PPC Mini support ran out a *long* time ago....

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    Any solution for this? Is there any configuration in XI required or may be a guideline for using ABAP in RFC to do this?

    When u execute form se37 it wud update with the user logged in
    same wud happen when Receiver Adapter RFC wud log in and update r change
    shud update with user wat u have entered in Config
    try to run the RFC from se37

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    According to my experience, you can assign permission with create/delete user objects. If you want to disable/enbale
    a user, you must be a member of the Account Operators group, Domain Admins group, or the Enterprise Admins group in Active Directory, or you must have been delegated the appropriate authority.
    In general, if you just give a user group the permission to create user objects, it cannot disable or enable user accounts. Please make sure that the permission you assigned is correct and the
    user group are not the member of Account Operators group, Domain Admins group, or the Enterprise Admins group in Active Directory.
    Best regards,

  • Bulk Create Users from CSV: Error: "Put": "There is no such object on the server."?

    I'm using the below PowerShell script, by @hicannl which I found on the MS site, for bulk creating users from a CSV file.
    I've had to edit it a bit, adding some additional user fields, and removing others, and changing the sAMAccount name from first initial + lastname, to firstname.lastname. However now when I run it, I get an error saying:
    "[ERROR]     Oops, something went wrong: The following exception occurred while retrieving member "Put": "There is no such object on the server."
    The account is created in the default OU, with the correct firstname.lastname format, but then it seems to error at setting the "Set an ExtensionAttribute" section. However I can't see why!
    Any help would be appreciated!
    Set-StrictMode -Version latest
    Import-Module ActiveDirectory -ErrorAction Stop
    Write-Host "[ERROR]`t ActiveDirectory Module couldn't be loaded. Script will stop!"
    Exit 1
    $path = Split-Path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
    $newpath = $path + "\import_create_ad_users_test.csv"
    $log = $path + "\create_ad_users.log"
    $date = Get-Date
    $addn = (Get-ADDomain).DistinguishedName
    $dnsroot = (Get-ADDomain).DNSRoot
    $i = 1
    $server = "localserver.ourdomain.net"
    Function Start-Commands
    Function Create-Users
    "Processing started (on " + $date + "): " | Out-File $log -append
    "--------------------------------------------" | Out-File $log -append
    Import-CSV $newpath | ForEach-Object {
    If (($_.Implement.ToLower()) -eq "yes")
    If (($_.GivenName -eq "") -Or ($_.LastName -eq ""))
    Write-Host "[ERROR]`t Please provide valid GivenName, LastName. Processing skipped for line $($i)`r`n"
    "[ERROR]`t Please provide valid GivenName, LastName. Processing skipped for line $($i)`r`n" | Out-File $log -append
    # Set the target OU
    $location = $_.TargetOU + ",$($addn)"
    # Set the Enabled and PasswordNeverExpires properties
    If (($_.Enabled.ToLower()) -eq "true") { $enabled = $True } Else { $enabled = $False }
    If (($_.PasswordNeverExpires.ToLower()) -eq "true") { $expires = $True } Else { $expires = $False }
    If (($_.ChangePasswordAtLogon.ToLower()) -eq "true") { $changepassword = $True } Else { $changepassword = $False }
    # A check for the country, because those were full names and need
    # to be land codes in order for AD to accept them. I used Netherlands
    # as example
    If($_.Country -eq "Netherlands")
    $_.Country = "NL"
    ElseIf ($_.Country -eq "Austria")
    $_.Country = "AT"
    ElseIf ($_.Country -eq "Australia")
    $_.Country = "AU"
    ElseIf ($_.Country -eq "United States")
    $_.Country = "US"
    ElseIf ($_.Country -eq "Germany")
    $_.Country = "DE"
    ElseIf ($_.Country -eq "Italy")
    $_.Country = "IT"
    $_.Country = ""
    # Replace dots / points (.) in names, because AD will error when a
    # name ends with a dot (and it looks cleaner as well)
    $replace = $_.Lastname.Replace(".","")
    $lastname = $replace
    # Create sAMAccountName according to this 'naming convention':
    # <FirstName>"."<LastName> for example
    # joe.bloggs
    $sam = $_.GivenName.ToLower() + "." + $lastname.ToLower()
    Try { $exists = Get-ADUser -LDAPFilter "(sAMAccountName=$sam)" -Server $server }
    Catch { }
    # Set all variables according to the table names in the Excel
    # sheet / import CSV. The names can differ in every project, but
    # if the names change, make sure to change it below as well.
    $setpass = ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText $_.Password -force
    Write-Host "[INFO]`t Creating user : $($sam)"
    "[INFO]`t Creating user : $($sam)" | Out-File $log -append
    New-ADUser $sam -GivenName $_.GivenName `
    -Surname $_.LastName -DisplayName ($_.LastName + ", " + $_.GivenName) `
    -StreetAddress $_.StreetAddress -City $_.City `
    -Country $_.Country -UserPrincipalName ($sam + "@" + $dnsroot) `
    -Company $_.Company -Department $_.Department `
    -Title $_.Title -AccountPassword $setpass `
    -PasswordNeverExpires $expires -Enabled $enabled `
    -ChangePasswordAtLogon $changepassword -server $server
    Write-Host "[INFO]`t Created new user : $($sam)"
    "[INFO]`t Created new user : $($sam)" | Out-File $log -append
    $dn = (Get-ADUser $sam).DistinguishedName
    # Set an ExtensionAttribute
    If ($_.ExtensionAttribute1 -ne "" -And $_.ExtensionAttribute1 -ne $Null)
    $ext = [ADSI]"LDAP://$dn"
    $ext.Put("extensionAttribute1", $_.ExtensionAttribute1)
    Try { $ext.SetInfo() }
    Catch { Write-Host "[ERROR]`t Couldn't set the Extension Attribute : $($_.Exception.Message)" }
    # Move the user to the OU ($location) you set above. If you don't
    # want to move the user(s) and just create them in the global Users
    # OU, comment the string below
    If ([adsi]::Exists("LDAP://$($location)"))
    Move-ADObject -Identity $dn -TargetPath $location
    Write-Host "[INFO]`t User $sam moved to target OU : $($location)"
    "[INFO]`t User $sam moved to target OU : $($location)" | Out-File $log -append
    Write-Host "[ERROR]`t Targeted OU couldn't be found. Newly created user wasn't moved!"
    "[ERROR]`t Targeted OU couldn't be found. Newly created user wasn't moved!" | Out-File $log -append
    # Rename the object to a good looking name (otherwise you see
    # the 'ugly' shortened sAMAccountNames as a name in AD. This
    # can't be set right away (as sAMAccountName) due to the 20
    # character restriction
    $newdn = (Get-ADUser $sam).DistinguishedName
    Rename-ADObject -Identity $newdn -NewName ($_.LastName + ", " + $_.GivenName)
    Write-Host "[INFO]`t Renamed $($sam) to $($_.GivenName) $($_.LastName)`r`n"
    "[INFO]`t Renamed $($sam) to $($_.GivenName) $($_.LastName)`r`n" | Out-File $log -append
    Write-Host "[ERROR]`t Oops, something went wrong: $($_.Exception.Message)`r`n"
    Write-Host "[SKIP]`t User $($sam) ($($_.GivenName) $($_.LastName)) already exists or returned an error!`r`n"
    "[SKIP]`t User $($sam) ($($_.GivenName) $($_.LastName)) already exists or returned an error!" | Out-File $log -append
    Write-Host "[SKIP]`t User $($sam) ($($_.GivenName) $($_.LastName)) will be skipped for processing!`r`n"
    "[SKIP]`t User $($sam) ($($_.GivenName) $($_.LastName)) will be skipped for processing!" | Out-File $log -append
    "--------------------------------------------" + "`r`n" | Out-File $log -append
    Write-Host "STARTED SCRIPT`r`n"
    Write-Host "STOPPED SCRIPT"

    Here is one I have used.  It can be easily updated to accommodate many needs.
    function New-RandomPassword{
    $pwdlength = 10
    $bytes = [byte[]][byte]1
    $rng=New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.RNGCryptoServiceProvider
    while (!(($PWD -cmatch "[a-z]") -and ($PWD -cmatch "[A-Z]") -and ($PWD -match "[0-9]"))){
    for($i=1;$i -le $pwdlength;$i++){
    $rnd = $bytes[0] -as [int]
    $int = ($rnd % 74) + 48
    $chr = $int -as [char]
    $pwd = $pwd + $chr
    function AddUser{
    $random=Get-Random -minimum 100 -maximum 999
    UserPrincipalName=“$[email protected]”)
    AccountPassword=ConvertTo-SecureString $pwd -AsPlainText -force
    New-AdUser @userprops -Enabled:$true -PassThru | |
    Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Password -Value $pwd -PassThru
    Import-CSV -Path c:\users\administrator\desktop\users.csv |
    AddUser $_
    } |
    Select SamAccountName, Firstname, Lastname, Password |
    Export-Csv \accountinformation.csv -NoTypeInformation

  • 1)lite create user and app subscription 2)selective sych from server

    1)i need to create a stand alone desktop application that creates users in oracle lite and that grants them access to a particular application, and then in the data subsetting to be able to enter the
    parameter values. in the documentation ive only found the create user. are there any other sql commands that can perform the other operations or do i need to go manually and update all the tables in the schema of the administrator like for example tables USERS,C$ALL_CLIENTS, C$ALL_SUBSCRIPTION_PARAM etc?
    the problem is that the create user , doesnt create an oracle lite user but a database user . i have oracle lite with oracle db 11g at the back as the repository.
    2)iif we go to mobile manager->We select mobile devices
    and then we select our mobile device (our handheld for instace) from the list. We then select the commands tab. From the list we can see the
    “Sychronize databases” option which allows us to perform a sychronization with this particular device that is initiated from the server and
    not from the client. Then we see the sychronization type. How can I specify which table to sychronize in this case? I cant seem to be able to find any option for this. i dont want
    to sychronize the entire db just a part of it.
    thank you for your time and efforts
    Edited by: user2955130 on Sep 24, 2009 11:29 PM

    When you say a stand-alone desktop application... you mean a client application that is synchronized? You want to be able to add users to the device/database for example various shift workers?
    Take a look at the following:
    You may also mean the following:
    Note that this is only for
    5.1.4 Mobile Server User Privilege: Member
    The Mobile Server user with privilege of member is created for accessing published applications and its data within the context of a single user. The member user is useful when you have multiple people using the same application and data (or subset of data) on a single device. This enables multiple people to share the device, application and data while logging in with their own username and password.
    Multiple members can be created and associated with this user. Once a view is created on the client for the member, then the member can access the application and data of the user. Thus, the user is known as the data owner, since all synchronization initiated by a member is actually performed within the context of the user.
    The member has the same privileges as a user. It provides a specific username/password for logging in and synchronizing the application from a device.
    A member inherits access to the application, subscription and data subsetting parameters from its associated user. However, as the data owner, only the user can be used to download and install the Mobile client. Additionally, only the user can initiate the first synchronization. The member cannot access the application data directly, but through a view created on top of the data by the user.
    See Section, "Define Username and Password" for conventions for creating the username or password.
    If you modify a current user with privilege of Administrator, Organizer, or User to Member, then any associated devices for that user will be disabled when it is modified to privilege Member.
    After creating the member, the administrator associates the member with one or more users.
    For your second question, if you initiate a sync from the server, it will sync everything. You can only specify a selective sync from the client as part of your sync parameters.

  • "The CREATE USER statement must be the only statement in the batch" in SQL Azure - why? what to do?

    I'm getting an error on a line in the middle of a larger sql script, only in SQL Azure.
    IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.database_principals WHERE name = N'foouser')
    CREATE USER [foouser] FOR LOGIN [foouser] WITH DEFAULT_SCHEMA=[dbo]
    Error: "The CREATE USER statement must be the only statement in the batch."
    I don't actually understand what 'the only statement in the batch' means.
    What is a batch? Is it a SQL file? Is it related to a 'GO' statement or an 'IF' statement? What is the reason for the error? And how do I avoid it?

    >IF...ELSE imposes conditions on the execution of a Transact-SQL statement
    I understand the general purpose of an If statement. I could let go of our definition of statement counting disagreeing too except that because of the error I'm stuck.
    It's less important for Create User but what I am really puzzled over now is a very similar issue how am I supposed to do a safe version of CREATE LOGIN, when I don't know whether a login has been previously created on the server or whether I
    am setting up the database on a clean server?
    IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.server_principals WHERE name = N'foouser')
    CREATE LOGIN [foouser] WITH PASSWORD = 'asdfasdf'
    If I try and execute this script, it throws the same error as above.
    The first unworkable workaround idea is to omit the if statement
    CREATE LOGIN [foouser] WITH PASSWORD = 'asdfasdf'
    But if the login already exists on the server (because a similar script was already run), then the script throws an error.
    The second unworkable workaround idea is to do
    DROP LOGIN [foouser]
    CREATE LOGIN [foouser] WITH PASSWORD = 'asdfasdf'
    Obviously this throws an error in the second block if the login doesn't already exist on the server.
    The third workaround idea I have is to go conditional by putting an IF condition around DROP instead of CREATE:
    Unfortunately that doesn't work for me either!
    "The DROP LOGIN statement must be the only statement in the batch"
    (This is despite the fact that 'drop login' is listed on the
    supported commands page, not the partially supported page..?! Which disagrees with the notes on
    this page.)
    Anyway the real question I am interesting in addressing is: is there actually a way to have a 'Create/Delete login
    if exists' operation which is SQL-Azure compatible and doesn't throw me error messages (which messes with the sql execution tool I am using)?
    If there is no way, I would like to believe it's because it would be a bad idea to do this. But in that case why is it a bad idea?

  • Error While creating users in managed system.

    Dear All,
    I am configuring SAP Solution Manager 7.1. I am in stage of Managed System Configuration (for JAVA).
    In step 6 Create user:  While creating (System) user SM_COLL_<SID> I am getting error :
    An error occurred while processing the UME command READ_USER from agent <hostname> : Server returned: 401 Unauthorized. Please check SMD agent application logs.
    And for ABAP System,
    SMDAGENT_XXX Technical User (in Managed System <SID> Client 000)
    while creating user SMDAGENT_<SID> and SAPSUPPORT
    I am getting error:
    No CENTRAL nor DIALOG instance known for system <SID>
    But in SM51 I can see Server Status Active. 
    and Users are not present.(Checked it through SU01)
    I am not getting why this is happening.
    Please help me regarding the same.
    Thanks & Regards

    I am pasting the SMD agent application logs:
    <!HELP[Manual modification of the header may cause parsing problem!]/>
    <!LOGGINGVERSION[ - 630]/>
    <!FORMATTER[com.sap.tc.logging.TraceFormatter(%d [%t] %10s %m)]/>
    <!FILESET[0, 10, 1000000]/>
    Nov 29, 2011 2:02:09 PM [Thread[Connector,5,main]] Warning    com.sap.smd.wily.hostagent.mai.MaiAdapter - init: Introscope Host Adapter is not active, no Introscope metrics from MAI
    Nov 29, 2011 2:21:01 PM [Thread[Thread-33,5,main]] Warning    com.sap.smd.wily.hostagent.mai.MaiAdapter - init: Introscope Host Adapter is not active, no Introscope metrics from MAI
    Nov 29, 2011 2:38:31 PM [Thread[Thread-67,5,main]] Warning    com.sap.smd.wily.hostagent.mai.MaiAdapter - init: Introscope Host Adapter is not active, no Introscope metrics from MAI
    Nov 30, 2011 1:26:19 PM [Thread[ExRun:OutsideDiscovery_1,5,OutsideDiscovery:ExecTG]] Path       Caught java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect
         at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.socketConnect(Native Method)
         at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.doConnect(PlainSocketImpl.java:333)
         at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connectToAddress(PlainSocketImpl.java:195)
         at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connect(PlainSocketImpl.java:182)
         at java.net.SocksSocketImpl.connect(SocksSocketImpl.java:366)
         at java.net.Socket.connect(Socket.java:521)
         at com.sap.smd.agent.plugin.connectors.http.ConnectionExtendedImpl.openSocket(ConnectionExtendedImpl.java:2025)
         at com.sap.smd.agent.plugin.connectors.http.ConnectionExtendedImpl.open(ConnectionExtendedImpl.java:1398)
         at com.sap.smd.agent.plugin.connectors.http.ConnectionExtendedImpl.sendInternal(ConnectionExtendedImpl.java:1552)
         at com.sap.smd.agent.plugin.connectors.http.ConnectionExtendedImpl.send(ConnectionExtendedImpl.java:1483)
         at com.tssap.dtr.client.lib.protocol.requests.RequestBase.perform(RequestBase.java:570)
         at com.tssap.dtr.client.lib.protocol.requests.RequestBase.perform(RequestBase.java:693)
         at com.sap.smd.agent.plugin.connectors.http.HTTPConnectorService.performRequest(HTTPConnectorService.java:548)
         at com.sap.smd.agent.plugin.connectors.http.HTTPConnectorService.performRequest(HTTPConnectorService.java:673)
         at com.sap.smd.agent.plugin.connectors.http.HTTPConnectorService.performRequest(HTTPConnectorService.java:638)
         at com.sap.smd.agent.plugin.connectors.http.HTTPConnectorService.performRequest(HTTPConnectorService.java:624)
         at com.sap.smd.agent.plugin.connectors.webservice.SAPHostAgentTrustedConnectionConfigurator.setupTrustedConnection(SAPHostAgentTrustedConnectionConfigurator.java:81)
         at com.sap.smd.agent.plugin.connectors.webservice.WSConnectorFactory.configureLocalSAPHostAgentEndPoint(WSConnectorFactory.java:244)
         at com.sap.smd.agent.plugin.hostagent.check.HostAgentCheckService.getHostAgentVersion(HostAgentCheckService.java:105)
         at com.sap.smd.agent.plugins.dcc.util.WSProxyManager.checkSAPHostAgentVersion(WSProxyManager.java:287)
         at com.sap.smd.agent.plugins.dcc.util.WSProxyManager.initSAPHostControlWebServiceClient(WSProxyManager.java:112)
         at com.sap.smd.agent.plugins.dcc.util.WSProxyManager.getSAPHostControlProxy(WSProxyManager.java:75)
         at com.sap.smd.agent.plugins.dcc.job.PhysicalHostPushJob.run(PhysicalHostPushJob.java:195)
         at com.sap.smd.server.exec.TaskRunner.run(TaskRunner.java:46)
         at com.sap.smd.server.util.concurrent.PooledExecutor$Worker.run(PooledExecutor.java:781)
         at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:679)
    Nov 30, 2011 1:26:19 PM [Thread[ExRun:OutsideDiscovery_1,5,OutsideDiscovery:ExecTG]] Error      Pb:
    java.rmi.RemoteException: Error to perform http request cause by java.io.IOException: Unable to open connection to host "FQDN:1128". The host is down or unavailable...; nested exception is:
         java.io.IOException: Unable to open connection to host "FQDN:1128". The host is down or unavailable.
    Dec 2, 2011 4:56:53 PM [Thread[Thread-368,5,main]] Warning    [Setup]Step Id 1051 has no step description
    Dec 2, 2011 4:56:53 PM [Thread[Thread-368,5,main]] Warning    [Setup]Step Id 1051 has no step description
    Dec 2, 2011 5:02:05 PM [Thread[Thread-363,5,main]] Error      [Setup]Failed to get a soap response from http://FQDN:50000/spml/spmlservice
    Dec 2, 2011 5:02:05 PM [Thread[Thread-363,5,main]] Error      [Setup]An error occured while processing the UME command READ_USER from agent HOSTNAME : Server returned: 401  Unauthorized
    com.sap.sup.admin.xmlsoap.core.soap.NativeSOAPException: Server returned: 401  Unauthorized
    Kindly help me out guys.
    Thanks & Regards

  • After creating a customizing database table 'create entries disable'

    After creating the database table i want to add fields through goto-table contents-create entries but "create entries" is in disable mode how can i resolve this?

    Dear Dileep,
    You need to go to "Delivey and Maintainence" tab there you will "Data Browser/Table Maintainence",
    Here you need to select "Display/Maintainence Allowed" in the drop down list.
    Thie will help to find the "create entrie enable".

  • Workflow once user is created

    Hi All,
    Seems to be a very basic workflow but I cannot get the events to trigger!
    I need a workflow once a user is created. The standard BO "USER" has the event "Created" but it does not trigger once the user is created through transaction SU01!
    I checked for Change documents and there are no documents written when the user is created. There are no User Exits or BADIs to put in my custom code once the user is created.
    I am sure that there is something very basic that I might be missing. Maybe a customizing stuff to trigger the standard event.
    Any help will be greatly appreciated.
    Best regards,

    Hi Sudhi,
    Not a great solution but you could check for any existing workflow instances for the BO to determine if this has been created and workflowed before, or you could check the time of the DB record update (and creation) in the user audit log and make the determination, or better yet check both.
    Neither idea is brilliant but both will work.
    Bear in mind the events on USER are:
    create (user locked created)
    cloned (user created or changed)
    roles changed
    Based on this I would postulate that if you created a locked user you would get sy-ucomm = 'INS'.  If this is the case you may want to create each user locked (initially) and then unlock in your workflow.

  • Create User?

    I'm sure I'm just confused, but I have (I think successfully) installed the HTML DB from the companion CD on a 10g database running on Windows XP.
    I look at the Help after logging into the HTML DB as Admin to try and run the demos and it starts getting a bit confusing. I figured I need to make a user (and even if I don't, I'd like to know how!) but the docs don't match what I see.
    To create a new user account:
    From the Oracle HTML DB Home page select the Administration tab.
    Under Administration Services, click Manage Users and then Create New User.
    The Create User page appears.
    Under User Identification, enter the appropriate information.
    Under Developer Privileges, specify whether the user is a developer or an administrator.
    Developers having Admin privilege have access to the Administration Services page and all the functionality described in this section. These users can also alter passwords of users within the same workspace.
    Under User Groups, select an optional user group.
    You can use User Groups to restrict access to various parts of an application. Keep in mind, however, that user groups are not portable over different authentication schemes. They are only useful when using Internal Cookie User authentication.
    Click Create User or Create and Create Another.
    First of all, I don't have an "Administration Services" tab. I logged in as ADMIN like the docs say, and there is no Administration tab. I have Home, Service Administration, Workspace Administration, and Monitoring tabs. NONE of these have a Manage Users link. Am I on the wrong page? Did I really have an installation error or something?

    You want to create a workspace first. A workspace is used for one or more developers to work on one or more applications. The workspace will also have control over one or more database schemas.
    See also this section of the Oracle by Example on installing HTML DB:

  • Integration pack to create user from template

    Does anybody know if the Orchestrator 2012 Sp1  active directory integration pack has a way to create user from a template?
    I believe there is a create user but not from a template.
    Thanks Lance

    Hi Lance,
    you are right. There's no "Create User from template" or "Copy User" Activity in the Integration pack for Active Directory in System Center SP1 or R2.
    Perhaps, you can use "Get User" to get some settings from the template and subscribe the results to "Create User" Activity.
    www.sc-orchestrator.eu ,
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  • How to create user in oracle 11 g

    i am new to oracle 11 g. i am learning for oragle 11g dummies pdf.i have some doubts about create user in that what is for identified by used in create user.
    eg: create user acme_own identified by acme_own2008 temporary tablespace temp, default tablespace user,
    in this what identified user is used and what it does.
    if anyone tell me it will be very helpfull.

    Please see below notes if you have still doubt please update thread:

  • I want to create a duplicate table (button click by user) but instanceManager doesn't seem to work

    I have a table that needs to be duplicated, in whole, not just adding a row, on the next page of a form.
    Scenario: The user enters data (employment history) on the first table but requires an additional page with table to complete all work history.
    1. I've created a simple table (Table1) wrapped in Subform_EmployHistory which is inside SubformMain_Page2. Theses are the object properties; which I haven't done anything to, yet.
    Subform_EmployHistory is Flowed
    Allow Page Breaks is unchecked
    (click on image to see larger version)
    2. I've added a "Subform Instance Controls: Add" button object outside the table and its subform
    3. Have tried to script the button to allow user to create a new page duplicating the table (not duplicating the data they entered on the first page) table but nothing seems to work.
    4. What you see in the next screen clip has not had any script changed or added. Just what shows up when the instance control button is first placed on the page.
    What should my script look like? Or, am I using the wrong approach altogether.

    I would try checking your hardware setup to ensure that your playback device is selected and setup properly
    From the main menu select Edit > Preferences > Audio Hardware

  • IPhoto exports some Originals but hangs, saying "Unable to create /Users/

    I have a folder of 43 photos, some jpgs but a lot of the Originals are RAW and a couple of large tiffs, too. I'm trying to send them to a graphic designer for use in a book, so I want the highest quality. I would like to export them as Originals, so I don't have to search for each photo individually. The Export Originals process works for three jpgs, then I get Unable to create Users/amyzerner/Desktop/ then the first four letters of the name of the folder to which I'm exporting the photos, which I want to burn to a DVD. If I export them as Jpgs or Tiffs, all works well. Does anyone have any idea what the problem is here? Thanks in advance.

    How much free space do you have on the boot drive?
    TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.
    I've created an Automator workflow application (requires Tiger), iPhoto dB File Backup, that will copy the selected Library6.iPhoto file from your iPhoto Library folder to the Pictures folder, replacing any previous version of it. It's compatible with iPhoto 08 libraries and Leopard. iPhoto does not have to be closed to run the application, just idle. You can download it at Toad's Cellar. Be sure to read the Read Me pdf file.

  • Error creating user defined tables: Ref count (-1120)

    Hi all !
    I have to create user defined tables per code, so I wrote <b>2 main functions</b>, first <i>to create a table</i> (with TableName,TableType and TableDescription properties)and  and <i>second to add fields</i> (to a certain table which is sent as parameter).
    I call these functions to create multiple tables. For the first 6 tables it works totally ok. But beginning from the 7th table it gives that "<b>Ref count for this object is higher then 0.</b> " (-1120) error. All parameters are ok just as the first 6 tables.
    Found such an explanation like below in help files.
    <i>The DI API allows only one instance of a meta data object at a time. This maintains data integrity by preventing any manipulation of a business object while modifying the object's user fields. Therefore, verify that no other DI object is active except the meta data object.</i>
    But why do I get such an error after sixth call of the function (but not beginning from the second table )?

    Have you tried doing some grbage collection?
    Search for a topic: "Add Usertables and Fields while having a recordset"

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