DB2 stored proedure CF and DB GROUP

i am new to cf and in a previous post i explained ny current
problem which is that CFMX7 is not finding my stored procedure. I
am using Dreamweaver 8. i am now looking at the database group and
under stored procedures i have "NONE".
under the tables folder I can see all my tables(and column
names) for the datasource i am using.
if i go to bindings group i can see the stored procedure name
but if i double click on it , the stored procedure window opens
with none of the fields filled out. I select the datasource from
the drop down, and enter the user name and password. the procedure
dropdown then displays "*** NO Stored Procedure Found".
in db2 stored procedures are kept in a seperate folder
(application Objects/ Stored Procedures) and the table are kept in
the (tables) folder. how do i point Dreamweaver / CF to where the
stored procedures are located? or am i heading in the wrong
Thanks in advance bob

> @clientusername VARCHAR OUTPUT,
> @clientpwd VARCHAR OUTPUT,
Before you throw CF into the mix, did you first verify the
stored procedure actually works as expected in sql server? I
noticed the varchar variables are missing a size declaration. Add a
size that is large enough to hold the corresponding values from the
client_info table. Then try running the stored procedure directly
in sql server:
DECLARE @clientusername varchar(50)
DECLARE @clientpwd varchar(50)
EXEC getclientstuff 1, @clientusername OUT, @clientpwd OUT
--- display the results
SELECT @clientusername, @clientpwd
> <cfstoredproc procedure="getclientstuff"
> ...
> <cfprocresult name="clientinfo">
> </cfstoredproc>
I do not know about best practices, but personally I tend to
use either "output" variables OR return a resultset (not both).
When I have a lot of information to return, I use a resultset. For
simple or single values like a code, or id value I typically use
"output" variables.

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    Hi Jeroen,
    Check the sales area data of the Business partner and go to tab Organization. You will see the sales office and sales group there.
    In order to activate the sales area tab in BP transaction you have to select the BP role Sold-To party.
    <b>Reward points if it helps!!</b>
    Best regards,

  • To call db2 stored procedure having parameters in java application

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    Please correct me, if I am wrong at any point in my application..
    I would really appreciate for resolving my problem.
    Manasi N.

    Hi jschell ,
    Firstly, I tried out with execute() and getMoreResults() to check if the statement is returning result set. - Its returning "null" only.
    Secondly, I tried with following one by one :
    1. Find a new jdbc driver
    2. Write a different stored procedure.I am using DB2 Express edition - DB2 v9.7.0.0
    I have the required jar files - i)db2jcc.jar ii) db2jcc_license_cu.jar
    From these I found the available jdbc drivers as -
    i) com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2Driver
    ii) COM.ibm.db2os390.sqlj.jdbc.DB2SQLJDriver
    iii) com.ibm.db2.jcc.uw.DB2StoredProcDriver
    I tried out my code by using each of these drivers, but still returning result set as null.
    Moreover, I changed my stored procedure which has cursor returning result set. In this case also, result set is null.
    Code snippet for this SP is -
    30             Class.forName("com.ibm.db2.jcc.uw.DB2StoredProcDriver");
    31             System.out.println("Class loaded....");
    32             con = DriverManager.getConnection
    33                 ("jdbc:db2://localhost:portno/dbName", "user", "password");
    34             System.out.println("Connection established....");
    36             proc_stmt = con.prepareCall("call javaSP()");
    38             System.out.println("Called stored procedure....");
    40             proc_stmt.execute();
    41             //proc_stmt.executeUpdate();
    42             //rs = proc_stmt.getResultSet();
    44             System.out.println("Query executed....");
    46             if ((proc_stmt.getMoreResults() == false) &&
    47                     (proc_stmt.getUpdateCount() == -1)) {
    48                 System.out.println("No more result sets");
    49             }o/p is (for every mentioned above jdbc driver) :-
    Class loaded....
    Connection established....
    Called stored procedure....
    Query executed....
    No more result sets..
    The o/p is always "No more result sets"
    What else can be tried out to retrieve the result set from stored procedure from Java application? And the most important, these same stored procedures are returning result sets on db2 server after calling them.
    Thank you,
    Edited by: Manasi.N on Apr 14, 2010 12:27 AM
    Edited by: Manasi.N on Apr 14, 2010 12:28 AM

  • Resultset returns null while calling a DB2 stored procedure using hibernat

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    ResultSet rs1 = stmt3.getResultSet();
    System.out.println("rs1 " + rs1); --> returns null
    CREATE PROCEDURE answers_select_id (IN question_id bigint )
    SELECT a.answer_id from answers as a where a.question_id = question_id;
    open cursor1;
    END P1;
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    System.out.println("rs1 " + rs1); --> returns null
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    SELECT a.answer_id from answers as a where a.question_id = question_id;
    open cursor1;
    END P1;
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    odi version we have is  ODI_11., it is not migrated and 'Always Execute' option is checked already.
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    Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.Error: Cannot call invokeAndWait from the event dispatcher thread
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    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class ProgressBarExample2 {
        private JProgressBar bar = new JProgressBar(0,99);
        private JButton button = new JButton("Lengthy operation");
        private ActionListener al = new ActionListener(){
           public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
                new Worker().execute();
        private class Worker extends SwingWorker<Boolean, Boolean>{
            protected Boolean doInBackground() {
                try {
                    Thread.sleep(10000); //10 secs
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                return Boolean.TRUE;
            protected void done() {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    new ProgressBarExample2();
        ProgressBarExample2() {
            JPanel cp = new JPanel();
            JFrame f = new JFrame("ProgressBarExample2");

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    $ServerName = 'XXXX'
     $conn_string = "Provider=IBMDADB2;DBALIAS=$dbalias;Uid=;Pwd=;"
     $conn = new-Object system.data.Oledb.OleDbconnection
     $conn.ConnectionString = $conn_string
     $cmd = new-Object system.data.Oledb.OleDbcommand($query,$conn)
      $ds=New-Object system.Data.DataSet
     $da=New-Object System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter($cmd)
      $da.Fill($ds) [int]$cur_utc_date_key = $ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0]
     $cur_utc_date          = $ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][1]
     ###list current date key & current date values
     write-output "current date key value is $cur_utc_date_key"
     write-output "current date value is $cur_utc_date"
     write-output " "

    This is the error message i get when i run the script
    Exception calling "Fill" with "1" argument(s): " CLI0100E  Wrong number of parameters. SQLSTATE=07001"
    At line:45 char:10
    +  $da.Fill <<<< ($ds)
        + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], ParentContainsErrorRecordException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : DotNetMethodException

  • DB2 Stored Procedure from Java-JDBC

    Hi All,
    I am using DB2 stored procedure which have been written in COBOL. I have two types of stored procedures. First types of stored procedure takes IN parameter and returns OUT parameter. These stored procedures are working fine. The second type of stored procedure takes IN parameter and returns a CURSOR. According to Database team (who wrote these stored procedure) claims that they can see data in a cursor when they test these stored procedure directly in the database. However, when I run these stored procedures from Java code it returns NULL ResultSet. Here is the code:
    public SearchResult getAllBenefitHEDType(SearchParameter searchParam) throws DAOException {
    log.debug(" getAllBenefitHEDType method - entering ");
    HashMap searchParametersMap = searchParam.getHashMap();
    SearchResult searchResult = new SearchResult();
    String type = (String) searchParametersMap.get(UDFConstant.LOOKUP_SEARCH_TYPE);
    HashMap resultParametersMap = new HashMap();
    ArrayList resultSetDTO = new ArrayList();
    try {
    conn = this.getConnection();
    System.out.println("getAllBenefitHEDType Step 1");
    CallableStatement cs = conn.prepareCall("{call TEST.APS003(?)}"); // Stored Procedure with one IN parameter.
    boolean retVal = cs.execute(); // this should return true if ResultSet is available.. in my case it is returning false.
    // I tried with getting the Object
    ResultSet rs = (ResultSet) cs.getObject(1); // this should give me a valid result set ... in my case I am getting null
    if (rs!=null) {
    System.out.println("getAllBenefitHEDType Step 4A Result Set Not Null");
    } else {
    System.out.println("getAllBenefitHEDType Step 4A Result Set Is Null");
    // I tried getting the resultset
    ResultSet rs1 = cs.getResultSet(); // this should give me a valid result set ... in my case I am getting null
    if (rs1!=null) {
    System.out.println("getAllBenefitHEDType Step 4D Result Set Not Null");
    } else {
    System.out.println("getAllBenefitHEDType Step 4D Result Set Is Null");
    while (rs.next()) {
    System.out.println("getAllBenefitHEDType Step 5");
    LookupDTO lookupDTO = new LookupDTO();
    // the following code populate the Lookup DTOs from ResultSet.

    A few comments...
    1) Creating tables, particularly tables whose names seem to imply that they are temporary tables, on the fly in a stored procedure is a bad idea. That is not the way to work with Oracle, though it is a common practice in other databases like SQL Server. There is undoubtedly a better way to do this in Oracle if you can explain what you're trying to accomplish from a business standpoint.
    2) If you are going to use dynamic SQL, you almost always want to use bind variables, not literals. One of the quickest ways to kill an Oracle database's performance is to not use bind variables.
    3) As has already been mentioned, assuming FH_INICIO is a DATE column, you need to put an explicit TO_DATE around your strings in order to convert them to dates. Otherwise, Oracle's implicit cast depends on the session's NLS_DATE_FORMAT, which is likely to be different in different client applications and from different client machines.

  • Table name in which function module and function group store

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    ...and table enlfdir has additional info.... function module RS_GET_ALL_INCLUDES is useful for getting a list of includes used by an fm.
    Message was edited by: Neil Woodruff

  • Closed Two Separate Instances of Firefox - Open Tabs and All Groups Lost

    I had two instances of Firefox 16.0.2 open and closed both with the "X" box at the top of the window and shut down windows. When I opened Windows XP this morning I came up with only one of the two Firefox sessions with the tabs restored and lost all the groups I had created over the last year.
    The original groups are important to me, the tabs less so.
    I was able to recover previous versions of sessionstore.js from the profile directory for Firefox and have the several days prior of them.
    I saw in other postings of similar nature that the information is in the sessionstore.bak or a previous deleted sessionstore.js. I've attempted to figure out the procedure for running scripts but I don't think I'm getting it. When I open sessionstore.bak in notepad I can see the links that were in the groups that I'd like back.
    My questions are:
    1). Can & how do I restore the groups? (I'm not understanding the procedures I saw in: http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?p=10768811&start=45)
    2). Are the tabs gone? How do I restore them?
    3). Is having two open Firefox windows a no-no for keeping groups and tabs remembered?
    4). How do you backup groups so if things go south you can recover easily?
    5). How many tabs can you safely have open in Firefox?
    6). Any other hints or procedures I should know about.

    Did you check if there are entries in History > Recently Closed Windows ?
    App (pinned) tabs and Tab Groups (Panorama) are stored as part of the session data in the sessionstore.js file in the Firefox profile folder, so if you have a backup copy of a sessionstore.js that has those tabs then you need to check that.
    If you close a window via the close X on the title bar then you only close that window and all pinned tabs and tab groups that you created in that window will be gone (each window has their own tab groups and pinned tabs).
    Use "Firefox/File > Exit" (Mac: "Firefox > Quit"; Linux: "File > Quit") to close Firefox if you are currently doing that by clicking the close X on the title bar to make sure that you do not lose tab groups.

  • How to restore Lost App Tabs and Tab Groups

    I make a lot of use of App tabs and Tab Groups. Today at startup of FireFox it showed only 1 blank tab with the default FireFox startup page. As far as I know there wasn't anny update recently.
    I have lost session restore before but then FireFox start page showed me the option te restore it, this isn't the case now. Also the restore session button in the menu is grayed out.
    Is there anny way to restore my tabs?
    Thanks in advance.
    I'm using FF 5 under Windows Vista.

    As well as having had this problem a couple of times on different machines, both immediately after upgrades, I also use the synch capability so that tab groups from more than one machine can be accessed from any of the others - a really useful capability. It's really frustrating to have lost everything and have to try to recreate things from history. It occurs to me that the contents of my sets of groups are stored on a synch server somewhere so they ought to be recoverable from the hopefully, periodic automatic server backups - only problem is, how to access them? unlikely to be possible at this stage!
    In this context, a useful enhancement would be a capability to make user-created named backups of all current groups of tabs which could later be restored at will; any upgrade process should also automatically create such a backup for the user so that the problem of lost groups of tabs would be solved. In addition it would give users additional flexibility to create groups of groups - accessed by the save/restore mechanism - say for development, personal or social or whatever.

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    Is there a way to get them back? Someone asked a similar question and was never given a useful answer.

    I've begun having this problem as well. Reviewing the above, I seen no errors that I' making. A few weeks ago, without being aware of an update to Firefox, it began behaving differently than it has for years. I've always had it set to open to an empty tab, now it often opens to the 'Firefox Home Page' (which I've never used)... this despite resetting my opening page to "Show my windows and tabs from last time" (upon troubleshooting the 'home page issue' I found that the opening page had reset to FF Home somehow. I store a lot of pages in tab groups and having them disappear is a major bummer since they're news articles I'm waiting to copy.
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  • What are filed simbols and filed groups

    what are filed simbols and filed groups?

    Field Symbols
    Field symbols are placeholders or symbolic names for other fields. They do not physically reserve space for a field, but point to its contents. A field symbol cam point to any data object. The data object to which a field symbol points is assigned to it after it has been declared in the program.
    Whenever you address a field symbol in a program, you are addressing the field that is assigned to the field symbol. After successful assignment, there is no difference in ABAP whether you reference the field symbol or the field itself. You must assign a field to each field symbol before you can address the latter in programs.
    Field symbols are similar to dereferenced pointers in C (that is, pointers to which the content operator * is applied). However, the only real equivalent of pointers in ABAP, that is, variables that contain a memory address (reference) and that can be used without the contents operator, are reference variables in ABAP Objects.
    All operations programmed with field symbols are applied to the field assigned to it. For example, a MOVE statement between two field symbols moves the contents of the field assigned to the first field symbol to the field assigned to the second field symbol. The field symbols themselves point to the same fields after the MOVE statement as they did before.
    You can create field symbols either without or with type specifications. If you do not specify a type, the field symbol inherits all of the technical attributes of the field assigned to it. If you do specify a type, the system checks the compatibility of the field symbol and the field you are assigning to it during the ASSIGN statement.
    Field symbols provide greater flexibility when you address data objects:
    If you want to process sections of fields, you can specify the offset and length of the field dynamically.
    You can assign one field symbol to another, which allows you to address parts of fields.
    Assignments to field symbols may extend beyond field boundaries. This allows you to address regular sequences of fields in memory efficiently.
    You can also force a field symbol to take different technical attributes from those of the field assigned to it.
    The flexibility of field symbols provides elegant solutions to certain problems. On the other hand, it does mean that errors can easily occur. Since fields are not assigned to field symbols until runtime, the effectiveness of syntax and security checks is very limited for operations involving field symbols. This can lead to runtime errors or incorrect data assignments.
    While runtime errors indicate an obvious problem, incorrect data assignments are dangerous because they can be very difficult to detect. For this reason, you should only use field symbols if you cannot achieve the same result using other ABAP statements.
    For example, you may want to process part of a string where the offset and length depend on the contents of the field. You could use field symbols in this case. However, since the MOVE statement also supports variable offset and length specifications, you should use it instead. The MOVE statement (with your own auxiliary variables if required) is much safer than using field symbols, since it cannot address memory beyond the boundary of a field. However, field symbols may improve performance in some cases.
    check the below links u will get the answers for your questions
    Syntax Diagram
    Basic form
    1. ... TYPE type
    2. ... TYPE REF TO cif
    3. ... TYPE REF TO DATA
    4. ... TYPE LINE OF type
    5. ... LIKE s
    6. ... LIKE LINE OF s
    7. ... TYPE tabkind
    8. ... STRUCTURE s DEFAULT wa
    The syntax check performed in an ABAP Objects context is stricter than in other ABAP areas. See Cannot Use Untyped Field Symbols ad Cannot Use Field Symbols as Components of Classes.
    This statement declares a symbolic field called <fs>. At runtime, you can assign a concrete field to the field symbol using ASSIGN. All operations performed with the field symbol then directly affect the field assigned to it.
    You can only use one of the additions.
    Output aircraft type from the table SFLIGHT using a field symbol:
    WRITE <PT>.
    Addition 1
    ... TYPE type
    Addition 2
    ... TYPE REF TO cif
    Addition 3
    Addition 4
    ... TYPE LINE OF type
    Addition 5
    ... LIKE s
    Addition 6
    ... LIKE LINE OF s
    Addition 7
    ... TYPE tabkind
    You can define the type of the field symbol using additions 2 to 7 (just as you can for FORM parameters (compare Defining the Type of Subroutine Parameters). When you use the ASSIGN statement, the system carries out the same type checks as for USING parameters of FORMs.
    This addition is not allowed in an ABAP Objects context. See Cannot Use Obsolete Casting for FIELD SYMBOLS.
    In some cases, the syntax rules that apply to Unicode programs are different than those for non-Unicode programs. See Defining Types Using STRUCTURE.
    Assigns any (internal) field string or structure to the field symbol from the ABAP Dictionary (s). All fields of the structure can be addressed by name: <fs>-fieldname. The structured field symbol points initially to the work area wa specified after DEFAULT.
    The work area wa must be at least as long as the structure s. If s contains fields of the type I or F, wa should have the structure s or at least begin in that way, since otherwise alignment problems may occur.
    Address components of the flight bookings table SBOOK using a field symbol:
    Field Groups
    Field groups use a mechanism called extract to store and process data. You define a header and then line structure and the fields that you would like those to have and process them fairly similarly to a table; unless you are dealing with millions of records.
    Since internal tables have fixed line structures, they are not suited to handle data sets with varying structures.
    An extract is a sequential dataset in the memory area of the program. You can only address the entries in the dataset within a special loop. The index or key access permitted with internal tables is not allowed. You may only create one extract in any ABAP program. The size of an extract dataset is, in principle, unlimited. Extracts larger than 500KB are stored in operating system files. The practical size of an extract is up to 2GB, as long as there is enough space in the file-system.
    Reward points if this explains well

  • Calling db2 stored procedures from wls 8.1 sp2

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    We do see this error only if we use wls prepared statement cache and without cache (size=0) everything seems to work. We also did some db2 level tracing and noticed that statement is not prepared when using wls cache and db2 cannot execute statement which is not prepared....
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  • How do I read the metadata of an object in abap?

    I need to find a way to read the metadata of an object (say an internal table) in abap.  An example of what I am looking to do is that I want to get a list of all the column names of an internal table.  Any help would be greatly appreciated! Dustin

  • Copy Quote discount price with 'line item proposal' in VA01

    Hi Expert Does anyone know how we can use 'line item proposal' to copy discount prices from Quotation into Sales Order via VA01? We want to copy all line items from a previous quote into new sales order, in our test all line item details was copied a

  • Custom XSLT for Biztalk Maps

    Hi, I have a input xml file and the output xml file. The input message is multi-part message. I have to create a custom xslt to convert input xml to output xml. The xslt should give an xml output. I have an another xslt to take this output as input a

  • Trouble finding macbook apps

    I go to itunes and see apps for iphones and ipads, but there is not a section for apps for mac computers. I used to have the twitter app, but it stopped working so I deleted it and tried to find it in the app store, but could only find the iphone and