DBAdapter polling with logical delete x distrib polling x DB rows per trans

Hi all.
I'm trying to configure a DBAdapter with "logical delete" polling strategy, distributed polling (cluster environment) and a defined number of "Database Rows per Transaction".
When I check the box "Distributed Polling", the SQL generated gets appended by "FOR UPDATE NOWAIT"
However, when I set a value for "Database Rows per Transaction" the "FOR UPDATE NOWAIT" sql clause disappear.
Is this a bug, or some limitation related to the "logical delete" strategy???

Hi All,
Actually I'm also facing the same problem.
Step I follwed:
1) Created a job_table in database
create talbe job_table(id, job_name, job_desc, job_status)
2)created a bpel process to test the Inbound distributed polling.
3)Configure the DBAdapter for polling.
a)update a field in the job_table with logical delete.
b)select the field name form the drop down
c) change the read value-->Inprogress and unRead value--->Ready
d) dont change the value for Reserved value
e) select the check box for "distributed polling".
f) the query will be appended with "For update NoWait."
g)click next and then finish.
4) Then i followed the below steps.
To enable pessimistic locking, run through the wizard once to create an inbound polling query. In the Applications Navigator window, expand Application Sources, then TopLink, and click TopLink Mappings. In the Structure window, click the table name. In Diagram View, click the following tabs: TopLink Mappings, Queries, Named Queries, Options; then the Advanced… button, and then Pessimistic Locking and Acquire Locks. You see the message, "Set Refresh Identity Map Results?" If a query uses pessimistic locking, it must refresh the identity map results. Click OK when you see the message, "Would you like us to set Refresh Identity Map Results and Refresh Remote Identity Map Results to true?Ó Run the wizard again to regenerate everything. In the new toplink_mappings.xml file, you see something like this for the query: <lock-mode>1</lock-mode>.
5) lock-mose is not changed to 1 in toplink_mappingss.xml
Can we edit the toplink_mappings.xml manually.
If yes, what allt he values Ineed to change in toplink_mappings.xml file, so that it will not pick the same record for the multiple times in clustered environment.
Please help me out this is urgent.
Thanking you in advance.

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  • Duplicate processing by DBAdapter when using Distributed Polling with Logical Delete Strategy

    We have DBAdapter based polling services in OSB running across two Active-Active clusters (total 20 managed service across 2 clusters),
    listening to the same database table. (Both clusters read from the same source DB). We want to ensure distributed polling without duplication,
    hence in the DBAdapter we have selected Distributed Polling option, meaning we are using "Select For Update Skip Locking".
    But we see that sometimes, same rows are processed by two different nodes and transactions are processed twice.
    How do we ensure that only one managed server processes a particular row using select for update? We do not want to use the markReservedValue option which was preferred in older version of DBAdapter.
    We are using following values in DB Adapter configuration, the Jdev project for DBAdapter and the OSB proxy using DBAdapter are attached.
    LogicalDeletePolling Strategy
    MarkReadValue = Processed
    MarkUnreadValue = Initiate
    MarkReservedValue = <empty as we are using Skip Locking>
    PollingFrequency = 1 second
    maxRaiseSize = 1
    MaxTransactionSize = 10
    DistributionPolling = checked   (adds lock-n-wait in properties file and changes the SQL to SELECT FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED)
    Thanks and Regards

    Hi All,
    Actually I'm also facing the same problem.
    Step I follwed:
    1) Created a job_table in database
    create talbe job_table(id, job_name, job_desc, job_status)
    2)created a bpel process to test the Inbound distributed polling.
    3)Configure the DBAdapter for polling.
    a)update a field in the job_table with logical delete.
    b)select the field name form the drop down
    c) change the read value-->Inprogress and unRead value--->Ready
    d) dont change the value for Reserved value
    e) select the check box for "distributed polling".
    f) the query will be appended with "For update NoWait."
    g)click next and then finish.
    4) Then i followed the below steps.
    To enable pessimistic locking, run through the wizard once to create an inbound polling query. In the Applications Navigator window, expand Application Sources, then TopLink, and click TopLink Mappings. In the Structure window, click the table name. In Diagram View, click the following tabs: TopLink Mappings, Queries, Named Queries, Options; then the Advanced… button, and then Pessimistic Locking and Acquire Locks. You see the message, "Set Refresh Identity Map Results?" If a query uses pessimistic locking, it must refresh the identity map results. Click OK when you see the message, "Would you like us to set Refresh Identity Map Results and Refresh Remote Identity Map Results to true?Ó Run the wizard again to regenerate everything. In the new toplink_mappings.xml file, you see something like this for the query: <lock-mode>1</lock-mode>.
    5) lock-mose is not changed to 1 in toplink_mappingss.xml
    Can we edit the toplink_mappings.xml manually.
    If yes, what allt he values Ineed to change in toplink_mappings.xml file, so that it will not pick the same record for the multiple times in clustered environment.
    Please help me out this is urgent.
    Thanking you in advance.

  • How to specify custom SQL in polling db adapter with logical delete option

    Hi all,
    I am writing a SOA composite app using JDeveloper SOA Suite connecting to a SQL Server db using a polling DB Adapter with the logical delete option to send data to a BPEL process.
    I have requirements which go beyond what is supported in the JDeveloper UI for DB Adapter polling options, namely:
    * update more than one column to mark each row read, and
    * specify different SQL for the logical delete operation based on whether bpel processing of the data polled was successful or not.
    A complicating factor is that the polling involves two tables. Here is my full use-case:
    1) Polling will select data derived from two tables: e.g. 'headers' and 'details' simplified for this example:
    table: headers
    hid - primary key
    name - data label
    status - 'unprocessed', 'processed', or 'error'
    processedDate - null when data is loaded, set to current datetime when row is processed
    table: details
    hid - foreign key pointed at header.hid
    attr - data attribute name
    value - value of data attribute
    2) There is a many:1 relationship between detail and header rows through the hid columns. The db adapter polling SELECT shall return results from an outer join consisting of one header row and the associated detail rows where header.status = 'unprocessed' and header.hid = details.hid. (This is supported by the Jdeveloper UI)
    3) The polled data will be sent to be processed by a bpel process:
    3.1) If the bpel processing succeeds, the logical delete (UPDATE) operation shall set header.status = 'processed', and header.processedDate = 'getdate()'.
    3.2) If bpel processing fails (e.g. hits a data error while processing the selected data) the logical delete (UPDATE) operation shall set header.status = 'failed', header.processedDate = 'getdate()', and header.errorMsg = '{some text returned from bpel}'.
    Several parts of #3 are not supported by the JDeveloper UI: updating multiple columns to mark the row processed, using getdate() to populate a value of one of those column updates, doing different update operations based on the results of the BPEL processing of the data (success or error), and using data obtained from BPEL processing as a value of those column updates (error message).
    I have found examples which describe specifying custom SQL using the polling delete option to create a template then modifying the toplink file(s) to specify custom select and update SQL to implement a logical delete. (e.g. http://dlimiter.wordpress.com/2009/11/05/advanced-logic-in-oracle-bpel-polling-database-adapter/ and http://myexperienceswithsoa.blogspot.com/2010/06/db-adapter-polling-tricks.html). But none of them match what I've got in my project, in the first case because maybe because I'm using a higher version of JDeveloper, and in the second I think because in my case two tables are involved.
    Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks, John

    Hi John,
    You've raised a good scenario.
    First of all let me say that the purpose of the DB polling transaction, is to have an option to initiate a process from a DB table/view and not to update multiple fields in a table (or have other complex manipulation on the table).
    So, when choose to update a field in a record, after reading it, you are "telling" the engine not to poll this record again. Sure, i guess you can find a solution/workaround for it, but I don't think this is the way....
    The question now is what to do?
    You can have another DB adapter where you can update the data after finishing the process. In that case, after reading the data (on polling transaction) - update the header.status = 'processed' for example, and after processing the selected data update the rest of the fields.
    Hope it make some sense to you.

  • Logical Delete in DB Polling - OSB

    Hello All,
    I have a question in polling. I have a logical delete column with Read value as 'P and unread value as 'N', Unlike BPEL, OSB's polling, does not make a record to 'P' until the process completes successfully. My DB polling adapter polls the same records while the previous instance is under processing or the previous instance ended in error. Is there a way to logically delete the record immediately once the record is read?
    To avoid this scenario, I added an error handler to make the record to 'E' if the instance encountered any error. By the time the error handler kicks in and updates the record, OSB polls the record a few times. I increased my polling frequency from 5 seconds to 30 seconds, but no luck. Any clue how to handle this scenario?

    Is there a way to logically delete the record immediately once the record is read?Dont do any logic in db adapter proxy. Instead make the proxy to just write to a jms queue and then have your processing logic in the jms proxy service which reads off the jms queue.

  • Help with logic for Open Feint "10-in-a-row" achievement.

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    I have a Q&A app and want to implement 10,20,30... in-a-row achievements. So if the user answers 10 in a row correctly, it submits to open feint.
    I have Open Feint implemented in my app. I created the achievements I want and can successfully set those achievements while testing so thats all good. What I need some assistance with is how to handle "XX-in-a-row" in code.
    I currently have an int correctButtonPressed which increments when you press the correct button, so checking for how many correct answers wont be to tough... but how do I make sure they are pressed in a row, without the user pressing the incorrect button (which also is an int incorrectButtonPressed)?
    Sorry if this doesnt make sense. If you guys need to see the code I can post it up no problem.

    Add a second 'inArow' counter that gets incremented at the same time as correctButtonPressed, but reset to zero if incorrectButtonPressed is incremented.

  • Can an Excel Report with Multivalue Custom field list report on one row per task

    I have a ECF Multi Value field (MVF) at the Task Level and have created a report.  In Excel it wants to add it as a Pivotable, which makes sense and I end up with a row for each MVF.  If a Task has 3 MV selected there are 3 rows returned.
    I want to see if it will return only one row (row per task). 
    Example of Result Required
    PTask name , MVf Value1, MVF Value2, MVF Value 3.
    Build Car             X                                    
    Build Bike            X                     X
    Is it possible?  is there something in my SQL Query I can do or is there something in Excel I can configure?
    Result being Returned
    PTask name , MVf Value1, MVF Value2, MVF Value 3.
    Build Car             X                                    
    Build Car                                                    X
    Build Bike            X                    
    Build Bike                                 X
    SQL Query
    MSP_EpmLookupTable.MemberFullValue AS [Item],
    Iif(MSP_EpmLookupTable.MemberFullValue LIKE 
    '%' + 'CPT' + '%','X','') AS [CPT],
    Iif(MSP_EpmLookupTable.MemberFullValue LIKE 
    '%' + 'TS' + '%','X','') AS [TS],
    Iif(MSP_EpmLookupTable.MemberFullValue LIKE 
    '%' + 'CSAs' + '%','X','') AS [CSAs],
    Iif(MSP_EpmLookupTable.MemberFullValue LIKE 
    '%' + 'EM' + '%','X','') AS [EM],
    Iif(MSP_EpmLookupTable.MemberFullValue LIKE 
    '%' + 'RS' + '%','X','') AS [RS],
    Iif(MSP_EpmLookupTable.MemberFullValue LIKE 
    '%' + 'IS' + '%','X','') AS [IS]
    MSP_EpmProject_UserView INNER JOIN
    MSP_EpmTask_UserView ON
    MSP_EpmProject_UserView.ProjectUID = MSP_EpmTask_UserView.ProjectUID
    [MSPCFTASK_Service Areas_AssociationView] ON
    MSP_EpmTask_UserView.TaskUID = [MSPCFTASK_Service Areas_AssociationView].EntityUID
    MSP_EpmLookupTable ON
    [MSPCFTASK_Service Areas_AssociationView].LookupMemberUID = MSP_EpmLookupTable.MemberUID
    WHERE datalength(MSP_EpmLookupTable.MemberFullValue) > 0
    Andrew Payze

    Hi Andrew,
    I'm not a developer, but I found something in my documentation that could help you. This is a SQL store procedure that returns in an Excel pivot table something like below (GR_test6 being a project and values in the next column being multivalue project ECF
    SELECT proj.ProjectName,
    lt.MemberFullValue AS 'VLookupField'
    FROM dbo.MSP_EpmProject_UserView AS proj
    LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[MSPCFPRJ_ProjectECF_AssociationView] AS MVassoc -- view for multi value field
    ON proj.ProjectUID = MVassoc.EntityUID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.MSP_EpmLookupTable AS lt
    ON MVassoc.LookupMemberUID = lt.MemberUID
    order by ProjectName asc
    Hope this helps.
    Guillaume Rouyre - MBA, MCP, MCTS

  • DB Adapter polling and logical delete: Process succeed but lock on database

    We have the following busisness flow, that reseult in a BPEL behaviour we did not expect. I hope that some of you had the same exeprience.
    The database adpater polls from a table new records based on a value (20) in a status field. When it finds records, it will process them and update the status field (20 -> 30).
    When we update from sqlplus a record, select for update on record with status 20, then We see in the logging that the update fails, but the process ran sucessfully. At the database we see an outstanding lock. If we commit the sqlplus session (after a few minutes), the status field is updated to 30.
    This is strange to me, the BPEL process was already sucessfully finished.
    Anyone seen this behaviour?
    The logging
    <2006-05-02 13:06:37,052> <DEBUG> <default.collaxa.cube.activation> <Database Adapter::Inbound> <oracle.tip.adapter.db.TopLinkLogger log> SELECT STATUS,
    <2006-05-02 12:03:21,473> <DEBUG> <default.collaxa.cube.activation> <AdapterFramework::Inbound> Delivery Thread 'JCA-work-instance:Database Adapter-0 pe
    rforming unsynchronized post() to localhost
    <2006-05-02 12:03:21,879> <DEBUG> <default.collaxa.cube.activation> <Database Adapter::Inbound> <oracle.tip.adapter.db.TopLinkLogger log> begin transact
    <2006-05-02 12:03:21,881> <DEBUG> <default.collaxa.cube.activation> <Database Adapter::Inbound> <oracle.tip.adapter.db.TopLinkLogger log> UPDATE PROV.PR
    bind => [30, 81600]
    <2006-05-02 12:03:22,188> <WARN> <default.collaxa.cube.activation> <Database Adapter::Inbound> <oracle.tip.adapter.db.InboundWork runOnce> Exception dur
    ing polling of the database ORABPEL-11624
    DBActivationSpec Polling Exception.
    Query name: [prov_cmmac], Descriptor name: [PROVprocessmacaddress.ProvUserAccount]. Polling the database for events failed on this iteration.
    If the cause is something like a database being down successful polling will resume once conditions change. Caused by Exception [TOPLINK-4002] (OracleAS
    TopLink - 10g ( (Build 040930)): oracle.toplink.exceptions.DatabaseException
    Exception Description: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-20220: MDB3 ERR: session not in admin mode
    ORA-06512: at "PROV.PUAT_BUR", line 90
    ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'PROV.PUAT_BUR'

    The following entry:
         bind => [MINE[undef:instance]]
    can be found in $ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/oc4j_soa/log/oc4j_soa_default_group_1/oc4j/*.xml

  • Logical delete in DB adapter with 2 columns to update

    I am using Oracle SOA 11G.
    I am polling a DB table and after reading the data I have to update 2 columns.
    With logical delete we can update 1 field, is it possible to update 2 fields.
    If Yes, then I have to update the first column BPEL_FLAG = R and BPEL_TIME = currentTime()
    Please advice,

    Hi Yatan,
    Came across the possible solution at this link.
    Could not try and validate though.
    Please try and let us know if it works.

  • Unable to update Logical Delete field in AS400

    hi all,
    We have an ESB process that polls for data in AS400 DB and transfers this data into an Oracle DB. This polling is based on Logical Delete. The data transferred is in the range of some lakhs of records. So we are sending around 5000 records per transaction in ESB. When we deploy the process, the data in AS400 is being read and getting transferred. However, the status field is not changing to 'Read Value'. Due to this, we are facing a lot of issues like, when we're in middle of data transfer and the opmn restarts, the data which has already been transferred is also being read and this is throwing an error because of primary constraint violation. Even after the data transfer, if we delete any rows in Oracle DB, the data transfer resumes as the status field is not updated.
    I have worked with logical delete in Oracle DB before and was working fine.
    Please help me with Logical Delete functionality in case of AS400 Database and also please let me know the privilages we need to have on the AS400 DB to successfully run this process.

    According to your post, my understanding is that you was unable to update managed metadata field in designer workflow.
    You need to provide the exact string for the MMS value, in the form of <id>;<value>.
    The format of the value you wanted to set is uncorrectly, so you cannot update the managed metadata field.
    If you want to set the managed metadata field value with correct format, you’d better to create custom action.
    There is an article for your reference, although it is about the SharePoint 2010, it is similar to SharePoint 2013.
    Best Regards,
    Linda Li
    Linda Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • Database Adapter using Logical Delete Polling Strategy not updating field

    I have an ESB database adapter defined against a table. The adapter is set to use the Logical Delete Polling Strategy, and the table has an extra column defined as the "delete" field. When I register the adapter to the ESB and add a record to the table, the adapter reads the contents of the record as expected. However, 15 seconds later (that being the polling interval) it reads it again, and again 15 seconds after that, ad infinitum.
    I have defined the logical delete field as a single character field and set the Read value for "T" (a record is normally inserted with that field having a null value). Results as outlined in the previous paragraph. I redefined the field as a number and set the Read value to "1" (with a record normally inserted with that field having a value of "0"). Results as outlined in the previous paragraph.
    Apparently the update of the logical delete value to the Read value is not occurring. My question (obviously) is: Why?
    Thanks for your time.

    Here is the adapter WSDL:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
    <import namespace="http://xmlns.oracle.com/pcbpel/adapter/db/top/PollPMLOG"
    <message name="LogCollection_msg">
    <part name="LogCollection" element="top:LogCollection"/>
    <portType name="Poll_PM_LOG_ptt">
    <operation name="receive">
    <input message="tns:LogCollection_msg"/>
    <binding name="Poll_PM_LOG_binding" type="tns:Poll_PM_LOG_ptt">
    <operation name="receive">
    MappingsMetaDataURL="PollPMLOG_toplink_mappings.xml" />
    <service name="Poll_PM_LOG">
    <port name="Poll_PM_LOG_pt" binding="tns:Poll_PM_LOG_binding">
    <jca:address location="eis/DB/PM"
    <plt:partnerLinkType name="Poll_PM_LOG_plt" >
    <plt:role name="Poll_PM_LOG_role" >
    <plt:portType name="tns:Poll_PM_LOG_ptt" />
    The field PROCESSED is defined as CHAR(1), and is normally null when a record is inserted. The value of the field is to be set to 'T' when the record is read by the polling adapter.

  • Databse polling without using logical delete or physical delete

    Hi all,
    Without using logical delete or physical delete how can i poll to the database????

    Whatever table are you interested in polling, have a duplicate table for it. Whenever an event (update, delete, insert etc) happens on the source table, fire a trigger to perform that activity in your dup table. Now, from the other tier poll a query for a change. Once the change is consumed clear the dup table.
    Hope this help!
    Yousuf Baig

  • Logical delete in a DBAdapter

    I am using a logical delete to poll a table. A simple logic of unproccesed records assigned to 'N', processed ones to 'Y' and locked once to 'X' doesnt seem to work. The process doesnt pickup any inserted records.
    Are any other additional settings required for this logical delete to get working.

    When you have the table definition which has the primary key defined already, the database adapter directly takes the field and constructs a where condition(update tbl set col1="", col2="" where primarykey=#input) based on the primary key; in this case your input should have the primary key field mapped from the BPEL process!
    If you don't have a primary key defined on that you obviously have to choose one otherwise db adapter will not proceed further and rest all the is the same logic!
    You can also observe that you can't select only few fields for updation as the XML schema generated will have all the columns available in the table. You can simply assign/tranform input data to what ever the fields which require for updation and rest all will not be treated as null but they will have the same value which is already existing in the database!!
    Hope it helps!! ( You can still have a question !! how do I change my primary key if required by the business !! ) - well I have no answer for this yet !!

  • BizTalk Server 2013 SFTP Adapter with private key - Did not poll any files

    We have a requirement to connect SFTP secure site with the private key and polling files.   Initially I have
    tested BizTalk Server 2013 SFTP Adapter receiver Port using  Bitvise SSH SFTP Server tool and it was working perfectly in our local network environment( with public private key authentication).
    However when we connected to Client SFTP server with private key authentication, It successfully connected to SFTP Server but
    did not poll any files from SFTP Site.  I added only one file to SFTP Server ( 145 kb file) for testing purpose.
    However BizTalk Server 2013 SFTP Send Adapter is working well with the same configuration.
    I could not find any errors in Event viewer also.  I can download\upload file using WinSCP tool .
    So I downloaded nSoftware SFTP Adapter trial version and deployed on server. nSoftware SFTP adapter  is also working find
    without any issues for Client SFTP Site.
     This is the configuration on SFTP Receive Adapter
    This is how SFTP Server download folder permission configured. I have got this details using WinSCP tool. 
    Appreciate your help on this.<o:p></o:p>

    BizTalk Adapter for SFTP is where the polling logic is implemented. It is not part of the SFTP Client logic. any SFTP Client is for User Interaction and you do what you want/when you want.
    The BizTalk Receive however is for purposes of automation and the adapter polls the receive location using the credentials every polling interval to check for the files matching the filter. When it find a file, it will read and publish to message box or
    submit to pipeline for processing. Your setting the polling interval to 0 (ZERO) might actually be disabling the polling.
    Set your poll interval to a non-zero value and check the behavior.

  • Polling with RFC Sender Adapter

    i am facing a general problem with the rfc sender adapter.
    I have to design a scenario where periodically pi has to call a rfc fuba/bapi in R3 and insert the response into a database or create a file.
    I looked for some possibilities to impelement this scenario and desided to use ABAP Proxies to transfer the data from R3 to pi.
    The problem is that the wish of the department for R3 is not to plan a job to send the files. They want that pi itself call periodically the fuba in R3. I found out that the rfc sender adapter is not able to poll like jdbc oder file adapter.
    I thought i could write a litte abap program in pi to be planned in a job or to create a dummy file and poll with the file adapter. But i mean that these solutions are not good. They feel like workarounds and not like a real good solution.
    Beside this there is also the problem that we could use the inubit integration system. inubit is able to poll periodically the rfc adapter and is it hard to argument against this.
    Are there any good solutions known for the problem?
    Does anyone know what the official SAP meaning is for a process like the described above?
    many thanks
    Michael Eckstein
    Edited by: Michael Eckstein on Dec 16, 2011 12:55 PM

    1st: your R3 department is stupid (!).
    As your flow is ECC -> PI -> Database. you could easily create a litle extraction program with a selection screen (and a variant which could be easily updated !!) (1) to send data to PI (by using a proxy or an idoc), with a log (at end of your program) and to create easily (!!) a sap job (ecc) based  on a country calendar (2).
    2nd: If you really need to have "PI -> ECC (proxy)-> PI -> JDBC", you have to use the standard PI scheduler tool, called "Availibility time planning" (ATP). see this option in CC monitoring (RWB). you could trigger your sender CC (proxy)
    And if you want, another possibility could be to trigger your sender CC by an external tools (to buy), or by creating an abap program....
    (1) how you will pass the value to extract data with your solution (my 2nd point).
    (2) in ATP of PI, the scheduling will be NOT based on a country calendar (holiday, religious/bank holiday), but just daily, weekly, inside a range, etc...
    Edited by: Mickael Huchet on Dec 16, 2011 12:53 PM

  • !!! Statements of Logic Deleting Files and messing with System are True !!!

    This morning I answered some guys post about Logic deleting everything in the same level as the project folder under certain circumstances. I Tried trouble shooting for him but could not recreate it.
    Then this happened to me today:
    When working in Logic 8 in Leopard all of a sudden it stopped communicating with my Unitor8 via USB. I restarted but the Unitor 8 Which I reset twice would NOT communicate with L8 anymore. It would remain in patch mode (red light lit though CPU is running)
    I've had this erratic behavior many times since the past years on many computers so it wasn't really new. All one needs to do is reinstall the Unitor Family driver.
    So I decided to do so:
    I inserted my Logic Studio DVD and opened the installer and checked ONLY the Unitor family Drivers. After completed install I restarted the Mac. Everything went fine. So I booted L8. While booting I saw my hardrives on the right side of the desktop flash once. I thought that to be strange and took closer look.
    Now my boot drive was missing from all the drives on the desktop and in the sidebar window...
    I tried to Apple+Click on a Application in the dock. The finder opened the applications folder and showed me the app I had clicked on. But I could not navigate to the root of my System Drive even via the "path" sysmbol in the toolbar. So I hit shiftappleg and entered /Volumes/MySystemVolume - it showed my volume "Grayed Out" in the finder window...
    I tried repairing the disk and permissions but nothing was wrong with my boot drive apparently besides the fact that the finder (and all other applications when wanting to open or save) could not "see" my system drive... I could launch all the apps normally that were residing on the SystemDrive in the AppFolder... So this kept getting weirder...
    So I opened my favorite application Tinkertool System and went to the Tab Files and chose the underlying tab "Attributes" which shows me Macintosh HFS and Finder Attributes... I pulled my SystemDrive onto the Drop Area and discovered something VERY amazing: The Display in Finder option had mysteriously been altered to "INVISIBLE"
    I changed it to Visible and there it was - My System Drive... Showing up in the finder...
    I made a restart to make sure everything was OK....
    After the restart the following settings had VANISHED:
    1) Pixadex = ALL ICONS (I had 230 MB) of sorted icons stored in my Application Support Folder
    2) All my Safari Book marks were gone - They were still in ~/Library/Safari - but the Bookmarks.plist was UNREADABLE even with a text editor and XML editor
    3) Numerous other applications had LOST their authorization preferences so I had to re-authorize many of my Audio Unit plug-ins...
    4) My Dock had been reset
    5) My Monitor arrangement had been reset...
    6) My date and time had been reset
    7) My energy settings had been reset.... (I had NOT zapped the P-RAM)
    Since installing Leopard 2 weeks ago - I have CAREFULLY monitored ANY activity after INSTALLING anything in order to be able to troubleshoot - and this problem definitely occurred right after installing the USB Family Drivers and launching L8....
    There was really NO HARM done other than the sweating that I did troubleshooting but if L8 is capable of doing what happened to this other guy loosing his whole folder and now doing this to me - where are the limits? When is someone going to get REAL hurt.
    Please Apple - I am sending you this post as a BUG report as well - could you PLEASE look into this as there has to be some kind of VERY dangerous MALFUNCTION within Logic or its Installers.

    Wow, I was just joking with the medication thing. I didn't actually think it was seriously a mental health issue. Sorry.
    In any case, though, if he has full access to the Mac, mental health issues or no, there's not a whole lot to do about it. If it is possible to take away administrative privileges without causing a huge fuss, then you can limit his access to certain things. However, you can't mess with privileges on a Time Machine backup (doing so breaks it), and that means he's going to have access to at least parts of the backup. Which means he can trash at least some of the backup data, and if he deletes files from the TM backup using the Finder, he'll have essentially trashed the whole backup. He might as well have the ability to delete all the files on the machine if he has the power to delete backups.
    Honestly, in this situation, he should either only be allowed to use an account with Parental Controls on, which may not be an option (I don't know how offended he would be at such a suggestion), or he should be using a different computer entirely and have no access at all to his wife's computer. Alternately, have his wife keep a backup that is hidden - ie, connect the backup drive periodically and then remove it and hide it so he can't mess with it. That will at least secure the backup.

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