DBMS_CRYPTO - Key length is limited to 8 characters

Hi, I have created a package to encrypt/decrypt the data.. But unfortunately it is considering only the first 8 characters to encrypt the data. Can anyone tell me why this behaviour and how can I fix this...
Also I would like to know is there a better way to do this...
PLEASE NOTE: when I change the key from v to w or when I change from 0 to 1 it’s the same hash value...
It takes the last two character pattern... for example, 2&3, 4 & 5, 6 & 7, 8 & 9, a & b, c & d etc., will get the same key... Also it is only using the first 8 characters to do the encryption.
SQL> select p_encrypt.encrypt_ssn('SUNILV,Kak93_dixj', 'v1qr3b9g') from dual;
SQL> select p_encrypt.encrypt_ssn('SUNILV,Kak93_dixj', 'w1qr3b9g') from dual;
SQL> select p_encrypt.encrypt_ssn('SUNILV,Kak93_dixj', 'w0qr3b9g') from dual;
SQL> select p_encrypt.encrypt_ssn('SUNILV,Kak93_dixj', 'w0qr3b9ga') from dual;
SQL> select p_encrypt.encrypt_ssn('SUNILV,Kak93_dixj', 'w0qr3b9gab') from dual;
SQL> select p_encrypt.encrypt_ssn('SUNILV,Kak93_dixj', 'w0qr3b9gcb') from dual;
SQL> select p_encrypt.encrypt_ssn('SUNILV,Kak93_dixj', 'w0qr3b9gcbddkkdkdkkakaaa') from dual;
FUNCTION encrypt_ssn ( p_ssn IN VARCHAR2
FUNCTION decrypt_ssn ( p_ssn IN RAW
END p_encrypt;
FUNCTION encrypt_ssn( p_ssn IN VARCHAR2
l_ssn RAW(30) := UTL_I18N.STRING_TO_RAW(p_ssn, 'AL32UTF8' );
l_encrypted RAW(30);
l_encrypted := dbms_crypto.encrypt
( src => l_ssn,
key => UTL_I18N.STRING_TO_RAW( p_key, 'AL32UTF8' ) );
RETURN l_encrypted;
END encrypt_ssn;
FUNCTION decrypt_ssn( p_ssn IN RAW
l_decrypted RAW(30);
l_decrypted := dbms_crypto.decrypt
( src => p_ssn,
key => UTL_I18N.STRING_TO_RAW( p_key, 'AL32UTF8' ) );
RETURN UTL_I18N.RAW_TO_CHAR( l_decrypted, 'AL32UTF8' );
END decrypt_ssn;
END p_encrypt;

Try to use 3DES or AES algorithms. DES algorithm uses 56 bit key.
And now about keys: in this case dbms_crypto substracts first 8 bytes of the key value and then uses last 7 bytes (56 bits).

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    Yes, is possible.
    Take a look here:

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    ** Root file system
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    ** Checking catalogue file
    Invalid key length
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    Hi, Can't. Your hard drive's directory is damaged in a way that exceeds the limited repair capabilities of Disk Utility or fsck. DiskWarrior can fix "invalid key length" errors, as this short FAQ explains. If you have DiskWarrior, use it to make the repair. If you don't, you can either buy DW, or reformat the hard drive with Disk Utility and start over. Note that reformatting the drive will erase everything on it, so if there's any important, un-backed-up data on it that you can't afford to lose, buying DW will be the better option for you.
    Message was edited by: eww

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    Here are some specifications:
    80 GIG drive specs: SEAGATE BARRACUDA 7200.7 80GB hard drive
    computer: imac G3 (slot loading version)
    OS: Mac OS9
    Thank you for any suggestions especially as to whether I should attempt to return the hard drive or look for a refund for this hard drive or attempt to reformat the drive and try again (backing up the data first).
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    What's the right thing to do?

    Thank you Jim and Apple2Freak,
    I appreciate your comments. I am now suggesting to my friend to buy a legal OS and if that is the case I am suggesting to him to move to OSX instead of OS9. Luckily he let me know there wasn't much data on that drive that he needed to save. I am still trying to determine if I could still use this hard drive with the keylength errors if I erase it or if the hard drive has permanent damage. I am hoping that I could install OSX on it and erase the hard drive to start again.
    This imac (slot loading version) can support up to OS 10.3.9 however I might consider Xpostfacto to try to run 10.4. But then I would need to buy 10.3.9 as well as 10.4 and that would double my OS cost. I think I might just look for OS 10.3.9 only. Its not worth it for me to buy two OSes for it.
    Jim, your post was very interesting because it also pointed out that it could be an issue of bad RAM. A few months ago we installed some new second-hand RAM and I wonder if that is the cause of all these problems. I will have to check that first.
    Thanks again!

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    ) https://jsecom15d.sun.com/ECom/EComActionServlet;jsessionid=0F59ACFF95A61F6C0E78B5CE8E0FA93B.
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    Any pointers will be highly appreciated.

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    2. Capacity-on-Demand (CoD)
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    Activate and license more cores when needed; Active cores may not be deactivated
    3. OVM and Trusted Partitions
    License software on Virtual CPUs within a VM; Ideal for special-purpose DB options
    You can mix different combination of options for different DB on one Exadata.
    OVM has no License cost; support is included with premier hardware support
    At least 40% of usable cores on the machine must be licensed for Oracle software
    Cannot use both OVM and CoD to license less than 40% of cores
    A server must be virtualized or non-virtualized – not mixed
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  • Key length message - how to correct it?

    I added a couple of fields two an existing Z table (APPL0)
    and when I activate I am getting this warning message.
    Table ZMATLIST: Key length > 120 (Restricted functionality)
    Message no. DT214
    The key length, i.e. the sum of the field lengths of all the key fields of the table, is more than 120 bytes.
    System response
    This is a warning.
    Note the following restricted fuctionality for this table:
    - Table contents cannot be transported by specifying key values, at
      best by specifying generic key values with a maximum length of 120
    - The table may not be used as the base table of a lock object.
    (Couple of fields have check tables assigned to them already.)
    Since I want to transport contents of the table also, how to correct this message?

    Check this thread..May be useful.
    Warning in SE11 - Defining tables.

  • Key length 120 (Restricted functionality) Error

    Hi Experts,
    I created a ZTable with 4 Primary Key fields.The sum of all these fields is 175.When I am activating the table it is showing the following error.
    Key length > 120 (Restricted functionality)
    Message no. DT214
    The key length, i.e. the sum of the field lengths of all the key fields of the table, is more than 120 bytes.
    Is there any solution to solve this problem?

    Dear saju sam
    Please goto change table in SE11 and remove the check boxes for primary key in table so that number of primary keys are reduced.And then activate before transporting.
    Please put ratings if this helps .

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    Hi Anil,
    Thanks for your response. It has been very helpful. Can u tell how we can change the transfer method. The option comes greyed out in BI system. So where exactly is this setting made?

  • Sparseimage Fails Verification with Invalid Key Length error.

    I recently have been having some trouble with my computer. Every time I log out of my account, all of my preferences reset. This just now started happening. It was working fine, then all of a sudden it started to do this. This only happens on my account and doesnt with the root account. On looking up solutions, I discovered that I should verify my home directory image. I logged in as a different user (root) and used disk utility to verify it. However it failed saying "invalid key length" and "Error: The underlying task reported failure on exit". When I try to repair it, it gives me the same error. I backed up my system using superduper to an external drive a while back and verified the sparseimage file that I backed up. It failed with the same error.
    When I verify my harddrive it passes with no problem. Only my sparseimage file is corrupted. I would try diskwarrior but I cant afford it right now.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
    Macbook   Mac OS X (10.4.9)   100gb hd; 1gb ram; Triple-Boot(OSX-Linux-Vista)

    Would that mean that I can't turn off filevault? Way I see it is that since the image file is corrupted, I would try to have filevault unencrypt it and see if it somehow fixes it. (Since there will be no longer a filevaut image to be corrupted). All of my data in the image file seems to be fine. Everything is still there and I can access everything.
    I was also thinking that I might be able to just copy everything in the image to my external, then deleting the account and create a new one, coping everything back over when im done.
    I know I probably sound like a noob, but im really not. Ive had a lot of experience with my computer, just not this sorta thing. Thanks for your help.

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