Dbms_job - prevent automatic re-run of a one-time background job.

We have a job which dynamically spawns 5 background processes, each take roughly 2 hours to run (2 hours total, 10 hours if ran synchronous).
sys.dbms_job.submit(job => vJob2,
what => 'myProc;' );
Sometimes in development there is such a huge load that some of the 5 background processes will receive a snapshot too old error. DBMS_JOB automatically re-starts the same job (vJob2) 16 times, but I don't want it to. I try to manually set the job to "broken" but the job number can no longer be seen (even though it is in the job queue) I get the error:
ORA-23421 Job number X is not a job in the job queue
First question, is there an init param that I can lower the value "16" to some lower number?
Second question, once I'm caught in this situation where I know the current job running is going to fail, how do I prevent it from automatically restarting yet again?
What I have tried:
Alter the job queue to 0, kill the sessions (whew! Nothing is running now, good!).
then try to set broken to "TRUE", but I get the annoying ORA-23421 because, well I don't know why. So when I put the job queue back to 4, off they start again.
Tried dropping the jobs, get same ORA-23421 message even though I can select those job numbers in a query and I can see them in my IDE interface.
Also, I am running as the user who submitted the jobs, so there is no permission issue here (e.g. submitted as user A, trying to set to broken or drop the job as person B).
Our Oracle RDBMS is AIX.
Message was edited by:

I found this on asktom, which will prevent a DBMS_JOB proc/func/package from automatically re-starting. The basic premise is that whatever you are executing in the "what" command must not be led to think an error occurred even if it did.
Luckily in the following example, we already handled exceptions in the "myProc" code to capture errors in a log table, so this approach will work for us:
sys.dbms_job.submit(job => vJob2,
what => 'begin myProc; exception when others then null; end;' );
I would still love to be able control the arbitrary number "16" though. Oh well.

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    Hello Gurus,
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    Please provide some solution.
    Any helpful answer get surely awarded.
    Thanks a lot,

    GUI_* WS_* Function In Background, CSV Upload
    GUI_* and WS_* function modules do not work in background
    When scheduling a job in the background the appropriate statement to read in your file is OPEN DATASET, and the file must be on the file system that the SAP server can see.
    At anytime, a user can switch of the Personal Computers even though the job is still running in the background.  Therefore GUI_* and WS_* function modules are not designed to work in that way, as they need to access your personal computer  file.
    To choose the correct download method to used, you can check the value of SY-BATCH in your code,
    if it is 'X' use OPEN DATASET and if it is ' ' use WS_UPLOAD.
    *-- Open dataset for reading
      dsn(20) VALUE '/usr/test.dat',
    IF sy-subrc = 0.
        READ DATASET dsn INTO rec.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
          WRITE / rec.
    *-- Open dataset for writing
    DATA rec(80).
      TRANSFER rec TO '/usr/test.dat'.
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    The FILETYPE refer to the type of file format you need: For e.g 'WK1' - Excel format , 'ASC' - Text Format etc.
        FILENAME                      = 'C:\test.csv'
       FILETYPE                      = 'ASC'
        DATA_TAB                      = itab
       FILE_OPEN_ERROR               = 1
       FILE_READ_ERROR               = 2
       NO_BATCH                      = 3
       INVALID_TYPE                  = 5
       NO_AUTHORITY                  = 6
       UNKNOWN_ERROR                 = 7
       BAD_DATA_FORMAT               = 8
       HEADER_NOT_ALLOWED            = 9
       SEPARATOR_NOT_ALLOWED         = 10
       HEADER_TOO_LONG               = 11
       UNKNOWN_DP_ERROR              = 12
       ACCESS_DENIED                 = 13
       DP_OUT_OF_MEMORY              = 14
       DISK_FULL                     = 15
       DP_TIMEOUT                    = 16
       OTHERS                        = 17.

  • Failed to Run OLE Excel program in background JOB (SM36)

    Please help.
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    The program can run successful in front end workstation. However, when I run the program in background job by SM36.
    The statement "CREATE OBJECT EXCEL 'EXCEL.APPLICATION'" return with error "SY-SUBRC = 2".
    How can I solve it ?
    Can OLE Excel be run on background job ?
    Thanks so much,

    Hi Mark:
    Your need is a very common one. I also was asked to generate an Excel in Background.
    It is not possible to work with OLE in background mode.
    The reason is: In background mode there is no presentation server. OLE is executed in presentation server.
    Below I paste the code I wrote to solve my problem.
    This class sends a mail with an excel attached. The Excel content will be the internal table you pass to the class. But the Excel is not binary, it is a plain text file, separated by tabulators. Anyway, when you open it with Excel, the columns are properly shown.
    Sorry. Comments are in spanish, I don't have time to translate it.
    I kindly ask to everybody which want to use it to keep my name in the code.
    * Autor: Jordi Escoda, 30/10/2008.
    * Descripción: Esta clase genera un correo electrónico destinado a
    *  una persona, adjuntando el contenido de una tabla interna como
    *  Excel (campos separados por tabuladores).
    *  La virtud de esta clase es su sencillez de utilización. Para lanzar
    *  el mail con el excel adjunto basta con declarar la tabla interna,
    *  llenarla, colocar el asunto del mensaje, el destinatario, el nombre
    *  del excel adjunto, y pasar la tabla interna.
    * Ejemplo de utilización:
    *  DATA: lc_mail TYPE REF TO cl_mail_builder_xls_attach.
    *  DATA: lt_anla TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF anla.
    *    SELECT * INTO TABLE lt_anla  FROM anla.
    *    CREATE OBJECT lc_mail.
    *    CALL METHOD lc_mail->set_subject( 'Excel adjunto' ).
    *    CALL METHOD lc_mail->set_recipient( 'XXX@XXXDOTCOM' ).
    *    CALL METHOD lc_mail->set_attach_filename( 'ANLA' ).
    *    APPEND 'Cuerpo del mensaje' TO  lt_body.
    *    APPEND 'Saludos cordiales' TO  lt_body.
    *    CALL METHOD lc_mail->set_bodytext( lt_body ).
    *    CALL METHOD lc_mail->set_attach_table( lt_anla ).
    *    CALL METHOD lc_mail->send( ).
    *       CLASS cl_mail_builder_xls_attach DEFINITION
    CLASS cl_mail_builder_xls_attach DEFINITION.
        METHODS: set_subject
                               IMPORTING im_subject TYPE so_obj_des,
                               IMPORTING im_body TYPE bcsy_text,
                               IMPORTING im_recipient TYPE ad_smtpadr,
                               IMPORTING im_table TYPE ANY TABLE,
                               IMPORTING im_attach_name TYPE sood-objdes,
          c_tab  TYPE c VALUE cl_bcs_convert=>gc_tab,
          c_crlf TYPE c VALUE cl_bcs_convert=>gc_crlf,
          c_singlequote TYPE c VALUE '.
        DATA: l_recipient_addr TYPE ad_smtpadr.
        DATA: send_request   TYPE REF TO cl_bcs,
              document       TYPE REF TO cl_document_bcs,
              recipient      TYPE REF TO if_recipient_bcs,
              bcs_exception  TYPE REF TO cx_bcs.
        DATA: binary_content TYPE solix_tab,
              size           TYPE so_obj_len.
        DATA: l_string TYPE string,
              l_body_text TYPE bcsy_text,
              l_subject TYPE so_obj_des,
              l_attach_name TYPE sood-objdes.
        METHODS: create_binary_content,
                        IMPORTING im_table_name TYPE tabname
                                  im_field_name TYPE fieldname
                        EXPORTING ex_medium_text TYPE scrtext_m.
    ENDCLASS.                    "cl_mail_builder_xls_attach DEFINITION
    *       CLASS cl_mail_builder_xls_attach IMPLEMENTATION
    CLASS cl_mail_builder_xls_attach IMPLEMENTATION.
      METHOD set_bodytext.
        l_body_text[] = im_body[].
      ENDMETHOD.                    "add_bodytext
      METHOD set_subject.
        l_subject = im_subject.
      ENDMETHOD.                    "add_subject
      METHOD set_attach_filename.
        l_attach_name = im_attach_name.
      ENDMETHOD.                    "add_subject
      METHOD set_recipient.
        l_recipient_addr = im_recipient.
      ENDMETHOD.                    "add_subject
      METHOD set_attach_table.
    *   Rellena en un string el contenido de la tabla interna recibida
        DATA: ref_to_struct  TYPE REF TO cl_abap_structdescr.
        DATA: my_like TYPE fieldname,
              nombretabla TYPE tabname,
              nombrecampo TYPE fieldname,
              texto_mediano TYPE scrtext_m.
        DATA: l_idx TYPE i,
              l_valorcampo(16) TYPE c,
              l_long TYPE i.
        FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_linea> TYPE ANY,
                       <fs_campo> TYPE ANY.
        FIELD-SYMBOLS: <comp_descr> TYPE abap_compdescr.
        CHECK NOT im_table[] IS INITIAL.
    *   Línea con los nombres de las columnas.
        CLEAR l_string.
        LOOP AT im_table ASSIGNING <fs_linea>.
    *     Toma los atributos del componente
          ref_to_struct  =
                     cl_abap_structdescr=>describe_by_data( <fs_linea> ).
          LOOP AT ref_to_struct->components ASSIGNING <comp_descr>.
            ASSIGN COMPONENT <comp_descr>-name
                                OF STRUCTURE <fs_linea> TO <fs_campo>.
    *       Obtenemos el origen de donde proviene (like). Ej:BKPF-BUDAT
            DESCRIBE FIELD <fs_campo> HELP-ID my_like.
            SPLIT my_like AT '-' INTO nombretabla nombrecampo.
            CALL METHOD get_dataelement_medium_text
                im_table_name  = nombretabla
                im_field_name  = nombrecampo
                ex_medium_text = texto_mediano.
            IF texto_mediano IS INITIAL.
              CONCATENATE l_string <comp_descr>-name INTO l_string.
              CONCATENATE l_string texto_mediano INTO l_string.
            AT LAST.
              CONCATENATE l_string c_crlf INTO l_string.
            CONCATENATE l_string c_tab INTO l_string.
    *   Contenido de la tabla
        LOOP AT im_table ASSIGNING <fs_linea>.
    *     Toma los atributos del componente
          ref_to_struct  =
                     cl_abap_structdescr=>describe_by_data( <fs_linea> ).
          LOOP AT ref_to_struct->components ASSIGNING <comp_descr>.
    *       Asignamos el componente ue tratamos, para obtener
    *       el valor del mismo
            ASSIGN COMPONENT <comp_descr>-name OF STRUCTURE <fs_linea>
                                            TO <fs_campo>.
            CASE <comp_descr>-type_kind.
              WHEN 'P'. "Packed Number
    *           Convierte a caracter
                WRITE <fs_campo> TO l_valorcampo.
                CONCATENATE l_string l_valorcampo INTO l_string.
              WHEN OTHERS.
                l_long = STRLEN( <fs_campo> ).
                IF l_long > 11 AND <fs_campo> CO ' 0123456789'.
    *             El Excel muestra un número tal como 190000000006
    *             en formato 1,9E+11.
    *             Para eviarlo, los números de más de 11 dígitos los
    *             concatenamos con comillas simples.
                  CONCATENATE l_string c_singlequote
                              <fs_campo> c_singlequote INTO l_string.
                  CONCATENATE l_string <fs_campo> INTO l_string.
            AT LAST.
    *         Añade CRLF
              CONCATENATE l_string c_crlf INTO l_string.
    *       Añade tabulador
            CONCATENATE l_string c_tab INTO l_string.
        create_binary_content( ).
      ENDMETHOD.                    "set_attach_table
      METHOD create_binary_content.
        DATA: l_size TYPE so_obj_len.
    *   convert the text string into UTF-16LE binary data including
    *   byte-order-mark. Mircosoft Excel prefers these settings
    *   all this is done by new class cl_bcs_convert (see note 1151257)
                iv_string   = l_string
                iv_codepage = '4103'  "suitable for MS Excel, leave empty
                iv_add_bom  = 'X'     "for other doc types
                et_solix  = binary_content
                ev_size   = size ).
          CATCH cx_bcs.
            MESSAGE e445(so).
      ENDMETHOD.                    "create_binary_content
      METHOD send.
        DATA: l_sent_to_all TYPE os_boolean.
    *       create persistent send request
            send_request = cl_bcs=>create_persistent( ).
    *       create and set document with attachment
    *       create document object
            document = cl_document_bcs=>create_document(
              i_type    = 'RAW'
              i_text    = l_body_text
              i_subject = l_subject ).
    *       add the spread sheet as attachment to document object
              i_attachment_type    = 'xls'
              i_attachment_subject = l_attach_name
              i_attachment_size    = size
              i_att_content_hex    = binary_content ).
    *       add document object to send request
            send_request->set_document( document ).
    *       add recipient (e-mail address)
            recipient =
                                          l_recipient_addr ).
    *       add recipient object to send request
            send_request->add_recipient( recipient ).
    *       send document
            l_sent_to_all = send_request->send(
                                 i_with_error_screen = 'X' ).
            COMMIT WORK.
            IF l_sent_to_all IS INITIAL.
              MESSAGE i500(sbcoms) WITH l_recipient_addr.
              MESSAGE s022(so).
          CATCH cx_bcs INTO bcs_exception.
            MESSAGE i865(so) WITH bcs_exception->error_type.
      ENDMETHOD.                    "lcl_mail_xls_attachment
      METHOD get_dataelement_medium_text.
        DATA: lt_fld_info TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF dfies,
          wa_fld_info TYPE dfies.
    *   Busca en el diccionario los datos del campo
            tabname        = im_table_name
            fieldname      = im_field_name
            langu          = sy-langu
            dfies_tab      = lt_fld_info
            not_found      = 1
            internal_error = 2
            OTHERS         = 3.
        CLEAR ex_medium_text.
        IF sy-subrc = 0.
          READ TABLE lt_fld_info INDEX 1 INTO wa_fld_info.
    *     Si lo ha podido tomar del diccionario...
          IF NOT wa_fld_info-scrtext_m IS INITIAL.
    *       Toma el nombre del nombre de campo del diccionario
            ex_medium_text = wa_fld_info-scrtext_m.
      ENDMETHOD.                    "get_dataelement_medium_text
    ENDCLASS.                    "cl_mail_builder_xls_attach IMPLEMENTATION

  • Last One Month Background job details to view ( Execept SM37,SM36)

    Hi All
    1. Any other report / transaction code to view the background jobs.
    2. Automatic deletion of background jobs setting is maintained in which transaction code.
    Please confirm.
    Thanks & Regards

    Hi All,
    I am referring TBTCO and TBTCP tables but its showing only last 1 week data.Is there a way to extract data of last 6 months from these tables.This is needed for Auditing purpose.
    Any pointers on this will be highly appreciated.
    Please help !
    Manish Chhetia.

  • Can I prevent automatic failover for a period of time?

    We have two Exchange 2013 servers (and a witness server) in a DAG.  They are all VMWare virtual.  We have recently migrated our 500 users from Ex2007 to Ex2013, so there is a bit of a learning curve for us. One of the servers "A"
    is has a better hardware situation than the other "B" server that is offsite.  They both have the same memory and hard drive sizes.  We would like to keep the databases active on the better A server.  There was a situation with our
    primary A server the night before that caused the databases to be activated on the B server which in turn caused B to run all the resources up to 100% and be very.  I was able to move the active databases back to A and put B in maintenance mode so
    that it won't fail over to B for right now until we can get B a better hardware situation. 
    Question is: Is it possible for B to keep getting the logs played to the server so that if there were a catastrophic failure on A, we could essentially activate the databases on B we would be fine.  I don't want it to be activating on B on
    its own.  I don't want to break the DAG because we want it to be able to eventually be used as designed, but it may be a month or two.  Essentially, can we put the DAG in a manual mode?

    Just for more reference:
    How To Block A Mailbox Database Copy From Activation…
    Note: Microsoft is providing this information as a convenience to you. The sites are not controlled by Microsoft. Microsoft cannot make any representations regarding the quality, safety,
    or suitability of any software or information found there. Please make sure that you completely understand the risk before retrieving any suggestions from the above link.
    Simon Wu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Running more than one time machine back up drive

    I have a back up drive assigned as my offices time machine back up drive.
    I need to set up an off site back up drive too. I know that time machine will only allow a connection to one back up destination at once.
    What problems could i encounter if i set up a off site drive as another time machine drive, disconnect on site drive and connect the off site drive to back up.

    That will work just fine, other than the hassle of having to tell Time Machine every time you swap.
    Give the drives at least slightly different names (that's for you; Time Machine knows they're different).
    Each set of backups will be complete and independent. When you do a backup to either one, it will contain all the changes you've made since the last backup +*to that drive.+*
    The first backup after a swap may take a bit longer than usual, as there may be more changes to "catch up" with, but otherwise there should be no troubles.

  • Ways to make a Realignment run faster in DP in background job

    We have to Realign some characteristics sometimes and it takes a really long time (over 40 seconds per record).  Sometimes we might have a couple thousand records to Realign and its a drain on the system and time consuming for the user.  Are there any parameters that can be tweaked to make this run more efficiently and faster in the background?  My BI person has compressed and indexed the database, but it only saved a couple seconds per record. 
    Should I ask the Basis team to help out?  I'm not sure if this is their area of expertise or not.

    Thanks for suggesting this Note.  We can definitely reduce the amount of data in the Realignment.  We have 6 years of data in the cube, but only show 3 years online in APO.  I think we will purge some old data and see if it runs faster.  Also, our Basis team is looking at LiveCache parameters to see if any can be tweaked to increase the runtime of the job.
    Best Regards,

  • Automatic workflow customizing :Schedule background job for condition evalu

    I have one problem in automatic customizing SWU3(Maintain runtime environment)-Schedule background job for condition evaluation.
    How to turn  green tick from red cross? All other steps are OK in SWU3 except this problem.
    Please give me some tips.
    _______Thanks in terms of BIG points_______________________

    Hi Jaheer
    If the only red cross is next to the condition evaluation job, I suppose you could just schedule up the job automatically in SM36. Just be sure that the RFC Destination is correctly configured.
    The program that you need to schedule is <b>RSWWCOND</b>. The SAP default is to call the job SWWCOND and schedule it to run every 30min. That should get rid of the red cross. And if not, you might find along the way why the Auto-Customising didn't work.

  • I want to schedule a dbms_job to run for every one hour

    Hi Guys,
    I want to schedule a dbms_job(in oracle 10g) to run for every one hour. Can any one provide some idea on this.

    Thanks for your reply, but I am getting the error below
    'ORA-06550: line 1, column 112:
    PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "END" when expecting one of the following:
    := . ( @ % ;
    The symbol ";" was substituted for "END" to continue.
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_JOB", line 82
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_JOB", line 139
    ORA-06512: at line 7'
    can you please check this error and let me know how can I execute one package for every one hour and how to see whether the job is running every one hour or not.
    Thanks in advance.

  • How to prevent users from running PRC: Transaction Import from WebADI form?

    We are 12.1.3 and trying to create a workflow to approve Project transactions coming through web ADI before they become effective. To this end, we want to prevent users from running the PRC: Transaction Import from the Web ADI.
    I know that if the checkbox Automatically run transaction import is not checked, the program does not run. But we want to hide this checkbox and not allow the possibility that the program could get triggered.
    To this end, we updated the BNE_INTEGRATORS_B with source='C'. This allows you to edit the integrator from Desktop Integration Manager.
    In the 4th step, where the value for Uploader Parameters is set, we have set boolean value to No. These are the fields on the page:
    Parameter Name: bne:import
    Display Name: Start Transaction Upload
    Data Type: Boolean
    Category: Field
    Default Value: Boolean Flag: No
    Description: start Transaction Import Concurrent Request
    Display Options: Displayed: Unchecked
    Display Options: Enabled: Checked
    Display Options: Required: Checked
    Prompt Left: Automatically submit Transaction import
    Display Type: Check Box
    Maximun Size: 100
    Display Size:100
    Now the checkbox is not appearing for the user to check it, But the program is automatically running when you hit Upload in the WebADI. 

    Hi ,
    Try removing the PRC: Transaction Import Program from the request group for the responsibility used by customers to submit the WebADI and then check if the program launches.

  • Automatic payment run

    One of the User run the F110 on some date and gave vendor numbers from 1 to 99999 with AP wire payment. Finally it showed 11 posting orders generated and completed. When I see the FBL1N for the vendor # 10346, it is showing under open only not cleared.
    Could you please advise me what should I do for this.

    Here are a couple of things that you can check.
    1. Go to FBZP and check if the payment method is in the country of the company code in which you are running the automatic payment run (also check in 'payment methods in country' if you have anything in allowed currencies.  If you have none, all currencies would work.  If you have specified any, it will work only for that currency).
    2. FBZP - Payment methods in company code - Check if the payment method is assigned to the company code and in the same option (payment methods per country) check if foreign business partner allowed checkbox is checked in case your vendor's country is other than the country of your company code.
    3. FBZP - Bank determination - Check if the payment method is having (a) ranking order and CoCd, (b) housebank/payment method (here again the same rule above applies to currency) is assigned to bank account ID and GL account, and (c) available amounts.  Value Date and Expenses/Charges are not important.
    Good luck!
    Assign points if it helps!!!

  • Cannot run more than one instance of a remote app in remote desktop services Server 2012

    I installed "Remote Desktop Services (RDS) Quick Start Deployment for RemoteApp, Windows Server 2012 Style" using the instructions here http://blogs.technet.com/b/yungchou/archive/2013/02/07/remote-desktop-services-rds-quick-start-deployment-for-remoteapp-windows-server-2012-style.aspx
    I need to set up an image viewing program (Olyvia) to allow students using Macs and iPads access to this windows only application in order for them to get their work done.  We may have 12 or more students accessing and trying to run the Olyvia application
    at any one time.
    All works good, except that I cannot run the Olyvia application (setup as a remoteapp program) more than one instance at a time.  That is, when I start up "olyvia" on a Mac, it works great.  If I leave it up and running, and then try
    and start up "olyvia" on an iPad (using different accounts), I get the following error message:
    "Cannot run more than one instance of this program simultaneously.  Either the program is already running, or it has not been terminated completely."
    I need to understand the root issue.
    1.  Is this a licensing issue?  So, I need to add some CALs to the RDS server?
    2.  Is this a application issue with "olyvia"?  So, no matter what I do, it is not going to be able to be used by more than one person at a time when configured as a remoteapp?
    3.  Did I not "publish" the application correctly?
    4.  Is this happening because I followed the "quick start" guide?
    Appreciate any help I can get on this.  We have no problem getting CALs, I just need some help with the root issue.
    Geoff Weatherford

    Hi Geoff,
    Each application uses different techniques for determining if multiple instances are running.  If you can determine what method it is using then perhaps you could use App-V or other virtualization software.
    In the best case you really should direct your question to the maker of Olyvia.  The reason I said that is they specifically designed their software to prevent multiple instances, so the first question is, why?  Is it related to Licensing? 
    Compatibility?  If you knew the specific reason(s) why they are doing it and the technique used then at the point using a virtualization technique may be the best option.

  • I have MacAir with OS 10.8.4, how can I cancel the automatic link of my USB flashdisk to Mac instead of BootCamp, since I have one time press the ALT key before choosing "MAC" or "BOOTCAMP". Thanks

    I have MacAir with OS 10.8.4, how can I cancel the automatic link of my USB flashdisk to Mac instead of BootCamp, since I have one time press the ALT key before choosing "MAC" or "BOOTCAMP". Thanks

    That only happens when you are running Windows in a Virtual Machine with OS X as the host. Shut down the VM and restart your Mac.  Once the VM is running again and you insert a USB flash drive you should get that prompt again.

  • Error in printing sum value of DME file in Automatic Payment Run

    Hi All,
    We are in the process of upgrading from R/3-4.0B to ECC6.0.
    In Automatic Payment run in transaction F110, when the spool is generated, the sum values is displaying in correctly.  It is displaying and printing as actual value/100 for example if total of all the line items is 1000000, the sum value displaying as 10000 and in words also prints as ten thousands.
    Kindly let us know how to fix the issue, if any one has come across with similar issue.
    Thanx & Regards

    Hi VVR,
    I got the following errors:
    Err     Message text
    003    Item is blocked for payemnt
    007    Error in creating the payment doc, read job log.....
    But if we have a look at the job log it is showing for all the 50,000 items... how to find where the problem is???

  • Deletion of automatic payment run - F110

    I have executed a automatic payment run using F110. Many postings have been saved in the system. Is there any way I can cancel this automatic payment run or do I have to cancel the postings one by one with transaction FB08?
    Thanks for your help,

    If you have done proposal run , and want to cancell the saved proposal then go to F110 --your identification EditProposal--delete proposals.
    If you have already executed payment run and system has generated document number against it , then you need to reverse the documents as well as have to voide checks as system has already assigned checks against these payments ,if your payment method is Check for this payment run.

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