DBMS_LOB.INSTR - Searching for a pattern

I have a program supporting several databases. F.ex SQL2000 and Oracle 8/9.
The field in question, text, might contain a lot of characters. In Oracle, it's a CLOB,
on SQL2000 it's a varchar. It is not possible for me to alter the database-structure in
any ways at this moment. The database-schema is locked.
My question is pretty simple, you have probably seen it before.
In SQL2000 I can use this query:
select count(*) from crm5.text where text like 'n%'.
The result returned = 8.
The same on Oracle will be somewhat like:
select count(*) from crm5.text where dbms_lob.instr( text, 'n') > 0
The result returned = 29.
The databases has the same data.
It seems to me that the dbms_lob.instr
does a (case-sensitive) query like this:
select count(*) from crm5.text where text like '%n%
Is this the right assumption? How can I get the correct number
of rows and do the search case-insensitive at the same time not
killing the performance of the database? We use a pretty smart
little thing on "normal" LIKE. But how can we do this with the

Found the solution.
On Oracle 9, use LIKE as you want.
On Oracle 8, use
select count(*) from crm5.text
where dbms_lob.instr( text, 'N') = 1
or dbms_lob.instr( text, 'n') = 1.
Ivar (same account, different mail-address).

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           :search_string search_string,
      from (select column_name,
                   'ora:view("' || table_name || '")/ROW/' || column_name || '[ora:contains(text(),"%' || :search_string || '%") > 0]' str
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             where table_name in ('TABLE1', 'TABLE2')),
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    When you use something dynamically within a function or procedure, roles do not apply and privileges must be granted directly.  So, you need to grant select on dba_tab_cols directly.  If you want to do pattern matching then you should use regular expressions.  The following example grants the proper privileges and uses regexp_instr to find all values containing the pattern xxx-xxxx-xxxx, where /S is used for any non-space character.  I limited the tables in order to save time and output for the test, but you can eliminate that where clause.
      2  /
    User created.
      2  /
    User altered.
      2  /
    Grant succeeded.
    SYS@orcl> GRANT SELECT ON dba_tab_cols TO test
      2  /
    Grant succeeded.
    SYS@orcl> CONNECT test/test
    TEST@orcl> SET LINESIZE 90
    TEST@orcl> CREATE TABLE table1
      2    (tab1_col1  VARCHAR2(60))
      3  /
    Table created.
      2  INTO table1 (tab1_col1) VALUES ('xxx-xxxx-xxxx')
      3  INTO table1 (tab1_col1) VALUES ('matching abc-defg-hijk data')
      4  INTO table1 (tab1_col1) VALUES ('other data')
      6  /
    3 rows created.
    TEST@orcl> CREATE TABLE table2
      2    (tab2_col2  VARCHAR2(30))
      3  /
    Table created.
      2  INTO table2 (tab2_col2) VALUES ('this BCD-EFGH-IJKL too')
      3  INTO table2 (tab2_col2) VALUES ('something else')
      5  /
    2 rows created.
    TEST@orcl> VAR search_string VARCHAR2(24)
    TEST@orcl> EXEC :search_string := '\S\S\S-\S\S\S\S-\S\S\S\S'
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    TEST@orcl> COLUMN "Searchword"     FORMAT A24
    TEST@orcl> COLUMN "Table"     FORMAT A6
    TEST@orcl> COLUMN "Column/Value" FORMAT A50
    TEST@orcl> SELECT DISTINCT SUBSTR (:search_string, 1, 24) "Searchword",
      2               SUBSTR (table_name, 1, 14) "Table",
      3               SUBSTR (t.column_value.getstringval (), 1, 50) "Column/Value"
      4  FROM   dba_tab_cols,
      5          TABLE
      6            (XMLSEQUENCE
      7           (DBMS_XMLGEN.GETXMLTYPE
      8              ( 'SELECT ' || column_name ||
      9               ' FROM ' || table_name ||
    10               ' WHERE REGEXP_INSTR
    11                     (UPPER (' || column_name || '),''' ||
    12                  UPPER (:search_string) || ''') > 0'
    13              ).extract ('ROWSET/ROW/*'))) t
    14  WHERE  table_name IN ('TABLE1', 'TABLE2')
    15  ORDER  BY "Table"
    16  /
    Searchword               Table  Column/Value
    \S\S\S-\S\S\S\S-\S\S\S\S TABLE1 <TAB1_COL1>matching abc-defg-hijk data</TAB1_COL1>
    \S\S\S-\S\S\S\S-\S\S\S\S TABLE1 <TAB1_COL1>xxx-xxxx-xxxx</TAB1_COL1>
    \S\S\S-\S\S\S\S-\S\S\S\S TABLE2 <TAB2_COL2>this BCD-EFGH-IJKL too</TAB2_COL2>
    3 rows selected.

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    There is no built in way to do this. You'll end up having to enumerate all keys and values in the entire registry and comparing each one for a pattern using Regex or similar.  This is going to be really slow but there isn't much else you can do about
    it (other than parallelize the enumeration).  Also note that you won't have permissions to all keys for read and/or write access so you'll need to skip over those using exception handling.
    Michael Taylor

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    SQL> set serveroutput on size 100000;
      2    str   VARCHAR2(100) := 'aiiisalalkjsiiiksjjjslakjsljliiiljflakjfljsldiiiiiisfsljslkjdoooofdiiiiiisfsljslkjdoooof';
      3    pos   NUMBER;
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      5    subst VARCHAR2(3) := 'iii';
      6  BEGIN
      7    WHILE instr(str,
      8                subst,
      9                1,
    10                occur) > 0
    11    LOOP
    12      pos   := instr(str,
    13                     'iii',
    14                     1,
    15                     occur);
    16      occur := occur + 1;
    17    END LOOP;
    18    dbms_output.put_line('last occurrence of ' || subst ||
    19                         ' begins at position ' || pos);
    20  END;
    21  /
    last occurrence of iii begins at position 71
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed

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    Your question answered my problem.  Yikes I was blind. And was seeing what I wanted in Len(inp).
    That has to be: Len(strTmp)
    inp = "AZ,00000.00,4,aaaaaaaaaaa,bbbbbbbbbbb,cccccccccccc,ddddddddddd,00003,X,X,X,X,X,00<cr><lf>"
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    Thank you. 

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    Go to Solution.

    Playing around with Gerd's idea of using the search 1D Array, I came up with this.
    There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
    Unofficial Forum Rules and Guidelines
    Find Subarray.png ‏16 KB

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    <% page import="java.util.regex"%>
    <% boolean b=Pattern.matches("hello world","hello");
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  • The search for a perfect design pattern

    The search for a perfect design pattern
    I am searching tip to upgrade a labview program used. I am looking for the best approach to make
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    Device                           Data type                 Interval                    Interface
    GPS                                NMEA string                1 second                   Serial  rs232
    Ultrasound wind sensor   NMEA string                1 second                   Serial rs232
    Weather, temp,humid     NMEA string               35 seconds                 Serial rs232
    Echosounder                  NMEA string               500ms-5 seconds       Serial rs232
                                                                          (depending of depth)
    Webcamera                    Jpg                           Snapshot on demand  Ethernet
    The tasks to be solved
    All the data have to be stored.
    All the data have to be displayed in real time.
    Weather history data must be buffered to be plotted in a graph (pop-up windows).
    Absolute wind speed and direction have to be calculated.
    Option to send navigation data attached to email at desired time intervals.
    Image snapshot at desired time intervals.
    The data wich streams into the serial ports are not synchronized and vary in intervals . Would it be a good idea to put all the serial peripherals into a serial device server. Is it possible to let the server place a event in my software, to  trigger reading of the data, from the the server.  Or how could that be done in other ways?
    The perfect design pattern
    In version one of the software I use 4 parallel loops to read data at the serial ports, inside these loops the data was separated and outputted to a datasocket server.  I used datasocked read in other loops to present and store data. But it did not look good, and yes it was a mess, a really rat nest. I am looking for a better design pattern.
     Could some kind of producer/ consumer pattern be the way to go?
    Comments and tips are wanted.

    Nice Project! Congratulations ;-)
    I am not an expert for large applications. But your project looks nice and manageable. Here my straightforward ideas:
    I would build a GUI, with menu bar, pop-up graph display thing.
    THen low level tasks with each one handling a RS232 device and feeding queues or fireing notifications.
    Maybe handle the snapshots in an event structure on the GUI blockdiagramm.
    When GUI and producer tasks are running, close the gap with a middle layer which captures the data and actualizes GUI by reference. For instance the graph-thing-dialogue triggers a "flush queue" and displays the last 200 entries of the array of data.
    I often run into issues when having defined too many userevent structures. I guess i am too stupid for that. Thats why i rather use queues (when i dont want to loose data) or notifiers (data is up-to-date). Nevertheless I like a "stop-all-tasks" user event...traditionally.
    My team is actually developing a large application. We are using LabVIEW classes and objects.
    So have fun!

  • Search for Pattern using Java

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    I am trying to read a 'C' file and trying to look for all the lines in the 'C' cod, wherever a function call has happened. How could I do that ??

    import java.io.*;
    import java.util.Scanner;
    import java.util.regex.Matcher;
    import java.util.regex.*;
    class FileParser{
        Scanner sc;
        FileParser(String fileName)throws FileNotFoundException{
         sc = new Scanner(new File(fileName));
        void getFunctions(){
         //sc.findInLine("([a-zA-Z]+) (\p{Punct})");
         MatchResult result = sc.match();
         //for (int i=1; i<=result.groupCount(); i++)
            // System.out.println(result.group(i));//typo in API
        void getLoops(){
         //Search for patterns FOR, WHILE, DO-WHILE
         MatchResult result = sc.match();
         for (int i=0; i<=result.groupCount(); i++)
         /*     sc.findInLine("main");
         result = sc.match();
         for (int i=0; i<=result.groupCount(); i++)
         result = sc.match();
         for (int i=0; i<=result.groupCount(); i++)
        //Search for pattern FOR
        void getForLoops(){
        //Search for pattern WHILE
        void getWhileLoops(){
        //Search for pattern DO-WHILE
        void getDoWhileLoops(){
        //Search for Union
        //Search for Struct
    }I have added/deleted stuff to try all the different combinations. This class basically will have methods to ....
    1) Get a List of Function Calls with Line# in 'C' code
    2) Get a List of Loops with Line# in 'C' code
    import java.io.*;
    class TestScan{
        public static void main(String[] args)throws IOException{
         FileParser fp = new FileParser("main.c");
         //     fp.getFunctions();
    }Message was edited by:

  • DBMS_LOB.instr (looking backwards for a string)

    I am trying to find the position of the first instance of a string ('><'), but staring at a position in the CLOB (not the start) and working backwards
    I thought this may work:
    num := DBMS_LOB.instr(L_CLOB, '><', 5000, -1);
    But unfortunately it returns nothing....
    Anyone able to help me?

    I think you've got the parameters scrambled. Try this:
       num := DBMS_LOB.instr(L_CLOB, '><', -1, 1);Cheers, APC

  • How do I search for lines with a particular pattern and delete them when a match occurs

    How do I search for lines with a particular patter and delete them when a match occurs? For example delete lines containing SUB_NAME = "?" where ? is any string. 

    How do I search for lines with a particular patter and delete them when a match occurs? For example delete lines containing SUB_NAME = "?" where ? is any string. 
    Lines in what? And what language are you using to develop with?
    Are the lines in a text file? A RichTextBox? A TextBox? Some other control? A List(Of String)?
    Is there some expectation by you that by providing what you wrote in your question post that the knowledge in your mind about what you are thinking about will mysteriously emanate to anybody reading your post so all of the sudden your knowledge will
    become their knowledge and they will be able to provide you with an answer as they will suddenly understand what you are trying to do? Because that's probably impossible. Most people try providing enough information in a question so anybody, even stupid people
    like me, can understand what they want. Maybe you should try that. As well as selecting an appropriate forum for your question in the future. Usually a question like this is related to programming in a particular language therefore a language forum may be
    a good choice. Or not.
    La vida loca

  • Can dbms_lob.instr have end position?

    I am extracting data from xml using dbms_lob utility and the pattern in XML is as below.
    I want to extract all tag values inside <Btag> which will be nohting but Ctag and Dtag values. There can be any occurence of <Btag> in this xml. When I use like this,
    val3:=case(val1) when 0 then 0 else dbms_lob.instr(xml,'<Ctag>,val1) end;
    val4:=case(val3) when 0 then 0 else dbms_lob.instr(xml,'</Ctag>,val3) end;
    val5:=case(val1) when 0 then 0 else dbms_lob.instr(xml,'<Dtag>,val1) end;
    val6:=case(val5) when 0 then 0 else dbms_lob.instr(xml,'</Dtag>,val5) end;
    In this case as <Dtag> doesnt exist inside the first occurence of <Btag>, so it gets the value from the next one which is not what I require. I want that to be set to null/zero so for which I want to search only between the first occurence of <Btag> and </Btag>.
    I know it is confusing but can some one of you tell me how to go and find the values of <Ctag> and <Dtag> between each occurence of <Btag>. If they are not present I want the value to be set to zero/null.
    Thanks in advance.

    test@ora> @ver1
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Prod
    1 row selected.
    test@ora> --
    test@ora> with t as (
      2    select '<Atag>
      3  <Btag>
      4  <Ctag>Tootsie</Ctag>
      5  </Btag>
      6  <Btag>
      7  <Ctag>Psycho</Ctag>
      8  <Dtag>Casablanca</Dtag>
      9  </Btag>
    10  <Btag>
    11  <Ctag>Goodfellas</Ctag>
    12  <Dtag>Chinatown</Dtag>
    13  </Btag>
    14  </Atag>' as x from dual)
    15  --
    16  select
    17    x,
    18    regexp_replace(modx,'(.*?)<Btag>(.*?)</Btag>.*$','\2',1,1) as txt1,
    19    regexp_replace(modx,'(.*?)(<Btag>(.*?)</Btag>){1}<Btag>(.*?)</Btag>.*$','\4',1,1) as txt2,
    20    regexp_replace(modx,'(.*?)(<Btag>(.*?)</Btag>){2}<Btag>(.*?)</Btag>.*$','\4',1,1) as txt3
    21  from (
    22    select regexp_replace(x,'(>).(<)','\1\2',1,0,'n') as modx, x from t
    23  );
    X                              TXT1                 TXT2                                        TXT3
    <Atag>                         <Ctag>Tootsie</Ctag> <Ctag>Psycho</Ctag><Dtag>Casablanca</Dtag>  <Ctag>Goodfellas</Ctag><Dtag>Chinatown</Dtag>
    1 row selected.
    test@ora>@Keith - Regular expressions are from 10g upwards.

  • Dbms_lob.instr question

    I have a field that holds CLOBs in the database. I have a textfield in which the user can enter a target string, then I hope to use dbms_lob.instr to search for the target string in CLOB. The code looks like: dbms_lob.instr(upper(I.COMMENTS),upper(nvl(:P26_SEARCH_NAME,I.COMMENTS))). If I replace the textfield value :P26_SEARCH_NAME with a string, the line works fine, but the current line returns the error
    ORA-22835: Buffer too small for CLOB to CHAR or BLOB to RAW conversion (actual: 6250, maximum: 4000) Can someone offer some help with a fix?

    Steven - Try v('P26_SEARCH_NAME') as a test to see if it makes any difference. If not, I can look at your test case if you put it on apex.oracle.com.

  • How to search for a text node with a particular value in an xml document with labview

    supposing i have the following xml document:
    <bookname>the spear warrior</bookname>
    <bookname>the beard</bookname>
    i want to search for the author of the book "the beard" using for example the V.I Get first match  of labview to access the the node with value "the beard" and then use Get next sibling  V.I  and Get node text content to get get the author of this book..so my question is how do i write the xpath expression for Get first match so as to access the node with bookname "the beard" instantyly?  am trying to minimise the use of loops because they increase the time duration,..thank you (NB:i dont want to use Get all Matched V.I because it obliges me to use a loop in order to access the name derrick and this increases the time duration for my v.i)
    Go to Solution.

    Since it's all text, why not use a real quick Match Pattern (or Regular Expression, but you don't need that much power here), see attached.
    To err is human, but to really foul it up requires a computer.
    The optimist believes we are in the best of all possible worlds - the pessimist fears this is true.
    Profanity is the one language all programmers know best.
    An expert is someone who has made all the possible mistakes.
    To learn something about LabVIEW at no extra cost, work the online LabVIEW tutorial(s):
    LabVIEW Unit 1 - Getting Started
    Learn to Use LabVIEW with MyDAQ
    Two-stage match demo.vi ‏8 KB

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