Deactivating Automatic log backup

Hello All,
I have a query.
How can we check when automatic log backup of livecache log area has been deactivated. and Why?
Any log file registring this?

Hello Melanie,
Thanks a lot.
I checked dbm.prt file which does not mention autolog_off command means it has been deactivated by error.
So checked knldiag.err file, which mentioned the error:
2007-11-11 06:08:47   156 ERR 11000 d0_aopen Cannot open device, Permission denied
2007-11-11 06:08:47   156 ERR 11000 d0_aopen Device name '/sapdb/OEM/lcbackup/log/<b>autolog.003'</b>
2007-11-11 06:08:47    83 ERR     1 Backup   Backupmedium #1 (/sapdb/OEM/lcbackup/log/autolog.003) Could not open volume
2007-11-11 06:08:47    83 ERR     6 KernelCo  +   Backup error occured, Errorcode 3700 "hostfile_error"
2007-11-19 08:42:52   189 ERR 11000 d0_aopen Cannot open device, Permission denied
-rw-rw----   1 oemadm     sapsys     349765632 Jun 26  2006 autolog.002
-rw-rw----   1 oemadm     sapsys     57540608 Jul 21 10:58 <b>autolog.003</b>
I checked <b>autolog.003</b> file which has permission as owner (<livecache_sid>adm) and group sapsys.
It also has overwrite option as NO:
Corrosponding entries in the  KNLDIAG file are :
=========================================================2007-11-11 06:08:43    28     12929 TASKING  Task T5 started
2007-11-11 06:08:43    28     20018 Pager    Start TaskId: 5
2007-11-11 06:08:43    28     20019 Pager    First DataCacheSegment:31
2007-11-11 06:08:44    12         3 RunTime  State changed from STARTING to ADMIN
2007-11-11 06:08:44    24        31 SrvTasks Permanently reserved 10 servertasks for <b>'Backup / Restore'</b>.
======================================= end of startup part ====================
2007-11-20 23:23:17    14     11561 COMMUNIC Connecting T95 local 29873
2007-11-20 23:23:17   118     12929 TASKING  Task T95 started
2007-11-20 23:23:17   118     11007 COMMUNIC wait for connection T95
<b>So it owner:group is wrong or is it due to overwrite option?
What should be owner and group sdb:sdba for backup medium of file type?</b>
Thanks for your help.
Message was edited by:
        Tushar Chavan
Message was edited by:
        Tushar Chavan

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    Hello JM,
    What database version are you running?
    You already found the note 869267, which gave you answer on the question "24. Can the log area be saved to a pipe? ". The SAP note 869267 also give you the answer on the question "26. How do I archive the log backup files generated?
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    In general you could find the information/documents at
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    -> Database Administration-> Backing Up the Database
       < -> Backing Up Log Entries >
    Thank you and best regards, Natalia Khlopina
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    Edited by: Phanindra Annaparthi on Nov 10, 2010 8:12 AM

    Check the event log (SWEL) for the actual error. Could be a missing mandatory parameter.
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    hanabi technology

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    >>Question is can we restore a LOG BACKUP on a database whose recovery model is SIMPLE?
    Yes you can restore Log backup on database which is in simple recovery.
    You must understand what recovery model is for. Recovery model affects Logging and recovery of a database it does not puts restriction on what can be restore on it. Of course you cannot take log backup of database in simple recovery but you can restore.
    Reason being in simple recovery log is truncated after checkpoint (unless something is holding logs like long running transaction). Recovery model also controls the extent of logging which would be done for transaction and hence recovery which you can do
    PS: Dont play with logshipping like this which is configured on prod environment
    Please mark this reply as answer if it solved your issue or vote as helpful if it helped so that other forum members can benefit from it
    My Technet Wiki Article

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    Yes change the Password and they will not be able to login.
    That is change the Password at the server you are using.
    Either AIM itself for AIM name or iForgot for or MobilMe names
    Login to your Google account and change the password there in your Account Settings
    With any other Jabber Account you will have to use the third Party app you used to get the accounst Name set up.
    Then Change it in iChat.
    10:25 PM      Sunday; June 26, 2011
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb( 10.6.7)
     Mac OS X (10.6.7),
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously
    Message was edited by: Ralph Johns (UK)

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    EDIT: It's not actually solved but has become obsolete. KDE4 is fading away and, according to the wiki, KDE5/plasma5 prefers SDDM. Besides that, I stopped using KDE, stopped switching sessions, stopped working on this a long time ago.
    Last edited by Awebb (2015-03-29 11:55:33)

    Anybody any clues?

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    Log in to your account, and move all your files to your home folder. No other users should be able to access them there and they won't show up with a Spotlight search.
    Make sure your kids' account(s) do not have admin privileges.

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    System Preferences - Mail, Contacts and Calendars - delete the Facebook account you see there, and/or add your own account.

  • Getting error while taking MAX DB trans log backup.

    I am getting error while taking trans log backup of Maxdb database for archived log through data protector as below,
    [Critical] From: OB2BAR_SAPDBBAR@ttcmaxdb "MAX" Time: 08/19/10 02:10:41
    Unable to back up archive logs: no autolog medium found in media list
    But i am able to take complete data and incremental backup through data protector.
    I have already enabled the autolog for MAX DB database and it is writing that log file directly to HP-UX file system. Now i want to take backup of this archived log backup through data protector i.e. through trans log backup. So that the archived log which is on the file system after trans log backup completed will delete the archived logs in filesystem.  So that i don;t have to manually delete the archived logs from file system.

    Hi Lars,
    Thanks for the reply...
    Now i am able to take archive log backup but the problem is i can take only one archive file backup. Not multiple arhive log files generated by autolog at filesystem i.e /sapdb/MAX/saparch.
    I have enabled autolog and it is putting auto log file at unix directory i.e. /sapdb/MAX/saparch
    And then i am using the DataProtector 6.11 with trans log backup to backup the archived files in /sapdb/MAX/saparch. When i start the trans backup session through data protector it uses the archive stage command as "archive_stage BACKDP-Archive LOGBackup NOVERIFY REMOVE" If /sapdb/MAX/saparch has only one archive file it will backup and remove the file successfully. But if /sapdb/MAX/saparch has multiple archive files it gives an error as below,
      Preparing backup.
                Setting environment variable 'BI_CALLER' to value 'DBMSRV'.
                Setting environment variable 'BI_REQUEST' to value 'OLD'.
                Setting environment variable 'BI_BACKUP' to value 'ARCHIVE'.
                Constructed Backint for MaxDB call '/opt/omni/lbin/sapdb_backint -u MAX -f backup -t file -p SAPDB.13576.1283767878.par -i /var/opt/omni/tmp/MAX.
    bsi_in -c'.
                Created temporary file '/var/opt/omni/tmp/MAX.bsi_out' as output for Backint for MaxDB.
                Created temporary file '/var/opt/omni/tmp/MAX.bsi_err' as error output for Backint for MaxDB.
                Writing '/sapdb/data/wrk/MAX/dbm.ebf' to the input file.
                Writing '/sapdb/data/wrk/MAX/dbm.knl' to the input file.
            Prepare passed successfully.
            Starting Backint for MaxDB.
                Starting Backint for MaxDB process '/opt/omni/lbin/sapdb_backint -u MAX -f backup -t file -p SAPDB.13576.1283767878.par -i /var/opt/omni/tmp/MAX.
    bsi_in -c >>/var/opt/omni/tmp/MAX.bsi_out 2>>/var/opt/omni/tmp/MAX.bsi_err'.
                Process was started successfully.
            Backint for MaxDB has been started successfully.
            Waiting for the end of Backint for MaxDB.
                2010-09-06 03:15:21 The backup tool is running.
                2010-09-06 03:15:24 The backup tool process has finished work with return code 0.
            Ended the waiting.
            Checking output of Backint for MaxDB.
            Have found all BID's as expected.
        Have saved the Backup History files successfully.
        Cleaning up.
            Removing data transfer pipes.
                Removing data transfer pipe /var/opt/omni/tmp/MAX.BACKDP-Archive.1 ... Done.
            Removed data transfer pipes successfully.
            Copying output of Backint for MaxDB to this file.
    Begin of output of Backint for MaxDB (/var/opt/omni/tmp/MAX.bsi_out)----
                #SAVED 1009067:1 /sapdb/data/wrk/MAX/dbm.ebf
                #SAVED 1009067:1 /sapdb/data/wrk/MAX/dbm.knl
    End of output of Backint for MaxDB (/var/opt/omni/tmp/MAX.bsi_out)----
            Removed Backint for MaxDB's temporary output file '/var/opt/omni/tmp/MAX.bsi_out'.
            Copying error output of Backint for MaxDB to this file.
    Begin of error output of Backint for MaxDB (/var/opt/omni/tmp/MAX.bsi_err)----
    End of error output of Backint for MaxDB (/var/opt/omni/tmp/MAX.bsi_err)----
            Removed Backint for MaxDB's temporary error output file '/var/opt/omni/tmp/MAX.bsi_err'.
            Removed the Backint for MaxDB input file '/var/opt/omni/tmp/MAX.bsi_in'.
        Have finished clean up successfully.
    The backup of stage file '/export/sapdb/arch/MAX_LOG.040' was successful.
    2010-09-06 03:15:24
    Backing up stage file '/export/sapdb/arch/MAX_LOG.041'.
        Creating pipes for data transfer.
            Creating pipe '/var/opt/omni/tmp/MAX.BACKDP-Archive.1' ... Done.
        All data transfer pipes have been created.
        Preparing backup tool.
            Setting environment variable 'BI_CALLER' to value 'DBMSRV'.
            Setting environment variable 'BI_REQUEST' to value 'OLD'.
            Setting environment variable 'BI_BACKUP' to value 'ARCHIVE'.
            Constructed Backint for MaxDB call '/opt/omni/lbin/sapdb_backint -u MAX -f backup -t file -p SAPDB.13576.1283767878.par -i /var/opt/omni/tmp/MAX.bsi_
    in -c'.
            Created temporary file '/var/opt/omni/tmp/MAX.bsi_out' as output for Backint for MaxDB.
            Created temporary file '/var/opt/omni/tmp/MAX.bsi_err' as error output for Backint for MaxDB.
            Writing '/var/opt/omni/tmp/MAX.BACKDP-Archive.1 #PIPE' to the input file.
        Prepare passed successfully.
        Constructed pipe2file call 'pipe2file -d file2pipe -f /export/sapdb/arch/MAX_LOG.041 -p /var/opt/omni/tmp/MAX.BACKDP-Archive.1 -nowait'.
        Starting pipe2file for stage file '/export/sapdb/arch/MAX_LOG.041'.
            Starting pipe2file process 'pipe2file -d file2pipe -f /export/sapdb/arch/MAX_LOG.041 -p /var/opt/omni/tmp/MAX.BACKDP-Archive.1 -nowait >>/var/tmp/tem
    p1283767880-0 2>>/var/tmp/temp1283767880-1'.
            Process was started successfully.
        Pipe2file has been started successfully.
        Starting Backint for MaxDB.
            Starting Backint for MaxDB process '/opt/omni/lbin/sapdb_backint -u MAX -f backup -t file -p SAPDB.13576.1283767878.par -i /var/opt/omni/tmp/MAX.bsi_
    in -c >>/var/opt/omni/tmp/MAX.bsi_out 2>>/var/opt/omni/tmp/MAX.bsi_err'.
            Process was started successfully.
        Backint for MaxDB has been started successfully.
        Waiting for end of the backup operation.
            2010-09-06 03:15:25 The backup tool process has finished work with return code 2.
            2010-09-06 03:15:25 The backup tool is not running.
            2010-09-06 03:15:25 Pipe2file is running.
            2010-09-06 03:15:25 Pipe2file is running.
            2010-09-06 03:15:30 Pipe2file is running.
            2010-09-06 03:15:40 Pipe2file is running.
            2010-09-06 03:15:55 Pipe2file is running.
            2010-09-06 03:16:15 Pipe2file is running.
            Killing not reacting pipe2file process.
            Pipe2file killed successfully.
            2010-09-06 03:16:26 The pipe2file process has finished work with return code -1.
        The backup operation has ended.
        Filling reply buffer.
            Have encountered error -24920:
                The backup tool failed with 2 as sum of exit codes and pipe2file was killed.
            Constructed the following reply:
                -24920,ERR_BACKUPOP: backup operation was unsuccessful
                The backup tool failed with 2 as sum of exit codes and pipe2file was killed.
        Reply buffer filled.
        Cleaning up.
            Removing data transfer pipes.
                Removing data transfer pipe /var/opt/omni/tmp/MAX.BACKDP-Archive.1 ... Done.
            Removed data transfer pipes successfully.
            Copying output of Backint for MaxDB to this file.
    Begin of output of Backint for MaxDB (/var/opt/omni/tmp/MAX.bsi_out)----
    End of output of Backint for MaxDB (/var/opt/omni/tmp/MAX.bsi_out)----
            Removed Backint for MaxDB's temporary output file '/var/opt/omni/tmp/MAX.bsi_out'.
            Copying error output of Backint for MaxDB to this file.
    Begin of error output of Backint for MaxDB (/var/opt/omni/tmp/MAX.bsi_err)----
    End of error output of Backint for MaxDB (/var/opt/omni/tmp/MAX.bsi_err)----
            Removed Backint for MaxDB's temporary error output file '/var/opt/omni/tmp/MAX.bsi_err'.
            Removed the Backint for MaxDB input file '/var/opt/omni/tmp/MAX.bsi_in'.
            Copying pipe2file output to this file.
    Begin of pipe2file output (/var/tmp/temp1283767880-0)----
    End of pipe2file output (/var/tmp/temp1283767880-0)----
            Removed pipe2file output '/var/tmp/temp1283767880-0'.
            Copying pipe2file error output to this file.
    Begin of pipe2file error output (/var/tmp/temp1283767880-1)----
    End of pipe2file error output (/var/tmp/temp1283767880-1)----
            Removed pipe2file error output '/var/tmp/temp1283767880-1'.
        Have finished clean up successfully.
    The backup of stage file '/export/sapdb/arch/MAX_LOG.041' was unsuccessful.
    2010-09-06 03:16:26
    Cleaning up.
        Have encountered error -24919:
            Can not remove file '/var/tmp/temp1283767880-0'.
            (System error 2; No such file or directory)
        Could not remove temporary output file of pipe2file ('/var/tmp/temp1283767880-0' ).
        Have encountered error -24919:
            Can not remove file '/var/tmp/temp1283767880-1'.
            (System error 2; No such file or directory)
        Could not remove temporary output file of pipe2file ('/var/tmp/temp1283767880-1' ).
    Have finished clean up successfully.

  • Error while taking archive log backup

    Dear all,
    We are getting the below mentioned error while taking the archive log backup
    BR0208I Volume with name RRPA02 required in device /dev/rmt0.1
    BR0210I Please mount BRARCHIVE volume, if you have not already done so
    BR0280I BRARCHIVE time stamp: 2010-05-27 16.43.41
    BR0256I Enter 'c[ont]' to continue, 's[top]' to cancel BRARCHIVE:
    BR0280I BRARCHIVE time stamp: 2010-05-27 16.43.46
    BR0257I Your reply: 'c'
    BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
    BR0280I BRARCHIVE time stamp: 2010-05-27 16.43.46
    BR0226I Rewinding tape volume in device /dev/rmt0 ...
    BR0351I Restoring /oracle/RRP/sapreorg/.tape.hdr0
    BR0355I from /dev/rmt0.1 ...
    BR0278W Command output of 'LANG=C cd /oracle/RRP/sapreorg && LANG=C cpio -iuvB .tape.hdr0 < /dev/rmt0.1':
    Can't read input
    We are able to take offline, online backups but we are facing the above mentioned problem while taking archive log backup
    We are on ECC 6 / Oracle / AIX
    The kernel is latest
    The drive is working fine and there is no problem with the tapes as we have tried using diffrent tapes
    can this be a permissions issue?
    I ran but somehow it is setting owner as sidadm and group as sapsys to some of the br* files
    I tried by changing the permissions to oraSID : dba but still the error is the same
    Any suggestions?

    Means you have not initialized the medias but trying to take backups.
    First check how many medias you have entered in your tape count parameter for archive log backups (just go to and check)
    Then increase/reduce them to according to your archive backup plan >> Initialize all the tapes according to their name (same as you have initialized in >> stick physical label to all the medias according to name >> Schedule archive backups
    It will not ask you for initialization as already you have initialized in second step.
    Suggestion: Use 7 medias per week (one tape per day)
    Nick Loy

  • RMAN never deletes archive log backups

    Hi all,
    I have same problem as some of you have already faced.
    I have some instances running un archive log mode.
    I take full hot backup daily.
    I setup a rman script to backup and delete obsolete backups according to the following policy:
    and then:
    run {
    BACKUP AS COMPRESSED BACKUPSET DATABASE FORMAT '/mnt/rman_202/pnetpres/db_pres_%U';
    crosscheck archivelog all;
    delete noprompt archivelog all completed before 'sysdate -2';
    DB full backups are being deleted, however archive logs backups are not deleted.
    There are no tablespaces in backup or offline mode.
    How can I know the reason why some archive log backups are kept ?
    Even I clear the policy and perform a crosscheck and delete, those are not marked as obsolete neither deleted from disk.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Fernando,
    This are the ouputpus of the commands:
    RMAN retention policy will be applied to the command
    RMAN retention policy is set to redundancy 1
    no obsolete backups found
    List of Backup Sets
    BS Key Size Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time
    1090 69.65M DISK 00:00:16 23-FEB-11
    BP Key: 1093 Status: AVAILABLE Compressed: YES Tag: TAG20110223T061511
    Piece Name: /mnt/rman_202/pnetproy/al_pres_0jm5c6bf_1_1
    List of Archived Logs in backup set 1090
    Thrd Seq Low SCN Low Time Next SCN Next Time
    1 13 2173025156 21-FEB-11 2173028010 21-FEB-11
    1 14 2173028010 21-FEB-11 2173041730 21-FEB-11
    1 15 2173041730 21-FEB-11 2173041813 21-FEB-11
    1 16 2173041813 21-FEB-11 2173106066 22-FEB-11
    1 17 2173106066 22-FEB-11 2173108831 22-FEB-11
    1 18 2173108831 22-FEB-11 2173116745 22-FEB-11
    1 19 2173116745 22-FEB-11 2173117735 22-FEB-11
    1 20 2173117735 22-FEB-11 2173117739 22-FEB-11
    1 21 2173117739 22-FEB-11 2173117753 22-FEB-11
    1 22 2173117753 22-FEB-11 2173165783 23-FEB-11
    1 23 2173165783 23-FEB-11 2173168857 23-FEB-11
    BS Key Size Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time
    1411 125.43M DISK 00:00:28 24-FEB-11
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    Piece Name: /mnt/rman_202/pnetproy/al_pres_0mm5eqqb_1_1
    List of Archived Logs in backup set 1411
    Thrd Seq Low SCN Low Time Next SCN Next Time
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    1 19 2173116745 22-FEB-11 2173117735 22-FEB-11
    1 20 2173117735 22-FEB-11 2173117739 22-FEB-11
    1 21 2173117739 22-FEB-11 2173117753 22-FEB-11
    1 22 2173117753 22-FEB-11 2173165783 23-FEB-11
    1 23 2173165783 23-FEB-11 2173168857 23-FEB-11
    1 24 2173168857 23-FEB-11 2173221907 23-FEB-11
    1 25 2173221907 23-FEB-11 2173246002 24-FEB-11
    1 26 2173246002 24-FEB-11 2173249177 24-FEB-11
    BS Key Size Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time
    1600 164.40M DISK 00:00:37 25-FEB-11
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    Piece Name: /mnt/rman_202/pnetproy/al_pres_0pm5hf6b_1_1
    List of Archived Logs in backup set 1600
    Thrd Seq Low SCN Low Time Next SCN Next Time
    1 22 2173117753 22-FEB-11 2173165783 23-FEB-11
    1 23 2173165783 23-FEB-11 2173168857 23-FEB-11
    1 24 2173168857 23-FEB-11 2173221907 23-FEB-11
    1 25 2173221907 23-FEB-11 2173246002 24-FEB-11
    1 26 2173246002 24-FEB-11 2173249177 24-FEB-11
    1 27 2173249177 24-FEB-11 2173313111 25-FEB-11
    1 28 2173313111 25-FEB-11 2173316259 25-FEB-11
    BS Key Size Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time
    1829 132.24M DISK 00:00:30 26-FEB-11
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    List of Archived Logs in backup set 1829
    Thrd Seq Low SCN Low Time Next SCN Next Time
    1 25 2173221907 23-FEB-11 2173246002 24-FEB-11
    1 26 2173246002 24-FEB-11 2173249177 24-FEB-11
    1 27 2173249177 24-FEB-11 2173313111 25-FEB-11
    1 28 2173313111 25-FEB-11 2173316259 25-FEB-11
    1 29 2173316259 25-FEB-11 2173380316 26-FEB-11
    1 30 2173380316 26-FEB-11 2173388686 26-FEB-11
    BS Key Size Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time
    2058 218.03M DISK 00:00:48 27-FEB-11
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    Piece Name: /mnt/rman_202/pnetproy/al_pres_0vm5mnts_1_1
    List of Archived Logs in backup set 2058
    Thrd Seq Low SCN Low Time Next SCN Next Time
    1 28 2173313111 25-FEB-11 2173316259 25-FEB-11
    1 29 2173316259 25-FEB-11 2173380316 26-FEB-11
    1 30 2173380316 26-FEB-11 2173388686 26-FEB-11
    1 31 2173388686 26-FEB-11 2173465280 27-FEB-11
    1 32 2173465280 27-FEB-11 2173499757 27-FEB-11
    1 33 2173499757 27-FEB-11 2173527280 27-FEB-11
    1 34 2173527280 27-FEB-11 2173530545 27-FEB-11
    BS Key Size Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time
    2298 205.39M DISK 00:00:45 28-FEB-11
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    Piece Name: /mnt/rman_202/pnetproy/al_pres_12m5pc9l_1_1
    List of Archived Logs in backup set 2298
    Thrd Seq Low SCN Low Time Next SCN Next Time
    1 30 2173380316 26-FEB-11 2173388686 26-FEB-11
    1 31 2173388686 26-FEB-11 2173465280 27-FEB-11
    1 32 2173465280 27-FEB-11 2173499757 27-FEB-11
    1 33 2173499757 27-FEB-11 2173527280 27-FEB-11
    1 34 2173527280 27-FEB-11 2173530545 27-FEB-11
    1 35 2173530545 27-FEB-11 2173589000 28-FEB-11
    1 36 2173589000 28-FEB-11 2173592018 28-FEB-11
    BS Key Size Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time
    2546 180.29M DISK 00:00:39 01-MAR-11
    BP Key: 2549 Status: AVAILABLE Compressed: YES Tag: TAG20110301T061533
    Piece Name: /mnt/rman_202/pnetproy/al_pres_15m63to5_1_1
    List of Archived Logs in backup set 2546
    Thrd Seq Low SCN Low Time Next SCN Next Time
    1 32 2173465280 27-FEB-11 2173499757 27-FEB-11
    1 33 2173499757 27-FEB-11 2173527280 27-FEB-11
    1 34 2173527280 27-FEB-11 2173530545 27-FEB-11
    1 35 2173530545 27-FEB-11 2173589000 28-FEB-11
    1 36 2173589000 28-FEB-11 2173592018 28-FEB-11
    1 37 2173592018 28-FEB-11 2173671730 01-MAR-11
    1 38 2173671730 01-MAR-11 2173674751 01-MAR-11
    BS Key Size Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time
    2801 85.40M DISK 00:00:19 02-MAR-11
    BP Key: 2804 Status: AVAILABLE Compressed: YES Tag: TAG20110302T061613
    Piece Name: /mnt/rman_202/pnetproy/al_pres_18m66i5d_1_1
    List of Archived Logs in backup set 2801
    Thrd Seq Low SCN Low Time Next SCN Next Time
    1 36 2173589000 28-FEB-11 2173592018 28-FEB-11
    1 37 2173592018 28-FEB-11 2173671730 01-MAR-11
    1 38 2173671730 01-MAR-11 2173674751 01-MAR-11
    1 39 2173674751 01-MAR-11 2173736248 02-MAR-11
    1 40 2173736248 02-MAR-11 2173739307 02-MAR-11
    BS Key Size Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time
    3058 137.93M DISK 00:00:30 03-MAR-11
    BP Key: 3061 Status: AVAILABLE Compressed: YES Tag: TAG20110303T061548
    Piece Name: /mnt/rman_202/pnetproy/al_pres_1bm696gk_1_1
    List of Archived Logs in backup set 3058
    Thrd Seq Low SCN Low Time Next SCN Next Time
    1 38 2173671730 01-MAR-11 2173674751 01-MAR-11
    1 39 2173674751 01-MAR-11 2173736248 02-MAR-11
    1 40 2173736248 02-MAR-11 2173739307 02-MAR-11
    1 41 2173739307 02-MAR-11 2173784198 02-MAR-11
    1 42 2173784198 02-MAR-11 2173816111 03-MAR-11
    1 43 2173816111 03-MAR-11 2173819171 03-MAR-11
    BS Key Size Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time
    3324 138.96M DISK 00:00:31 04-MAR-11
    BP Key: 3327 Status: AVAILABLE Compressed: YES Tag: TAG20110304T061559
    Piece Name: /mnt/rman_202/pnetproy/al_pres_1em6bqsv_1_1
    List of Archived Logs in backup set 3324
    Thrd Seq Low SCN Low Time Next SCN Next Time
    1 40 2173736248 02-MAR-11 2173739307 02-MAR-11
    1 41 2173739307 02-MAR-11 2173784198 02-MAR-11
    1 42 2173784198 02-MAR-11 2173816111 03-MAR-11
    1 43 2173816111 03-MAR-11 2173819171 03-MAR-11
    1 44 2173819171 03-MAR-11 2173882472 04-MAR-11
    1 45 2173882472 04-MAR-11 2173885557 04-MAR-11
    BS Key Size Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time
    3597 178.07M DISK 00:00:39 05-MAR-11
    BP Key: 3600 Status: AVAILABLE Compressed: YES Tag: TAG20110305T061543
    Piece Name: /mnt/rman_202/pnetproy/al_pres_1hm6ef8f_1_1
    List of Archived Logs in backup set 3597
    Thrd Seq Low SCN Low Time Next SCN Next Time
    1 41 2173739307 02-MAR-11 2173784198 02-MAR-11
    1 42 2173784198 02-MAR-11 2173816111 03-MAR-11
    1 43 2173816111 03-MAR-11 2173819171 03-MAR-11
    1 44 2173819171 03-MAR-11 2173882472 04-MAR-11
    1 45 2173882472 04-MAR-11 2173885557 04-MAR-11
    1 46 2173885557 04-MAR-11 2173947612 05-MAR-11
    1 47 2173947612 05-MAR-11 2173951657 05-MAR-11
    BS Key Size Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time
    3835 198.44M DISK 00:00:43 06-MAR-11
    BP Key: 3838 Status: AVAILABLE Compressed: YES Tag: TAG20110306T061548
    Piece Name: /mnt/rman_202/pnetproy/al_pres_1km6h3kk_1_1
    List of Archived Logs in backup set 3835
    Thrd Seq Low SCN Low Time Next SCN Next Time
    1 45 2173882472 04-MAR-11 2173885557 04-MAR-11
    1 46 2173885557 04-MAR-11 2173947612 05-MAR-11
    1 47 2173947612 05-MAR-11 2173951657 05-MAR-11
    1 48 2173951657 05-MAR-11 2174026607 06-MAR-11
    1 49 2174026607 06-MAR-11 2174062014 06-MAR-11
    1 50 2174062014 06-MAR-11 2174087203 06-MAR-11
    1 51 2174087203 06-MAR-11 2174090299 06-MAR-11
    BS Key Size Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time
    4131 185.94M DISK 00:00:40 07-MAR-11
    BP Key: 4134 Status: AVAILABLE Compressed: YES Tag: TAG20110307T061546
    Piece Name: /mnt/rman_202/pnetproy/al_pres_1nm6jo0i_1_1
    List of Archived Logs in backup set 4131
    Thrd Seq Low SCN Low Time Next SCN Next Time
    1 47 2173947612 05-MAR-11 2173951657 05-MAR-11
    1 48 2173951657 05-MAR-11 2174026607 06-MAR-11
    1 49 2174026607 06-MAR-11 2174062014 06-MAR-11
    1 50 2174062014 06-MAR-11 2174087203 06-MAR-11
    1 51 2174087203 06-MAR-11 2174090299 06-MAR-11
    1 52 2174090299 06-MAR-11 2174147018 07-MAR-11
    1 53 2174147018 07-MAR-11 2174149955 07-MAR-11
    BS Key Size Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time
    4435 161.37M DISK 00:00:35 08-MAR-11
    BP Key: 4438 Status: AVAILABLE Compressed: YES Tag: TAG20110308T061540
    Piece Name: /mnt/rman_202/pnetproy/al_pres_1qm6mccc_1_1
    List of Archived Logs in backup set 4435
    Thrd Seq Low SCN Low Time Next SCN Next Time
    1 49 2174026607 06-MAR-11 2174062014 06-MAR-11
    1 50 2174062014 06-MAR-11 2174087203 06-MAR-11
    1 51 2174087203 06-MAR-11 2174090299 06-MAR-11
    1 52 2174090299 06-MAR-11 2174147018 07-MAR-11
    1 53 2174147018 07-MAR-11 2174149955 07-MAR-11
    1 54 2174149955 07-MAR-11 2174239915 08-MAR-11
    1 55 2174239915 08-MAR-11 2174242816 08-MAR-11
    BS Key Size Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time
    4745 79.24M DISK 00:00:18 09-MAR-11
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    Piece Name: /mnt/rman_202/pnetproy/al_pres_1tm6p0os_1_1
    List of Archived Logs in backup set 4745
    Thrd Seq Low SCN Low Time Next SCN Next Time
    1 53 2174147018 07-MAR-11 2174149955 07-MAR-11
    1 54 2174149955 07-MAR-11 2174239915 08-MAR-11
    1 55 2174239915 08-MAR-11 2174242816 08-MAR-11
    1 56 2174242816 08-MAR-11 2174304682 09-MAR-11
    1 57 2174304682 09-MAR-11 2174307679 09-MAR-11
    BS Key Size Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time
    5270 135.13M DISK 00:00:31 10-MAR-11
    BP Key: 5273 Status: AVAILABLE Compressed: YES Tag: TAG20110310T061603
    Piece Name: /mnt/rman_202/pnetproy/al_proy_20m6rl53_1_1
    List of Archived Logs in backup set 5270
    Thrd Seq Low SCN Low Time Next SCN Next Time
    1 55 2174239915 08-MAR-11 2174242816 08-MAR-11
    1 56 2174242816 08-MAR-11 2174304682 09-MAR-11
    1 57 2174304682 09-MAR-11 2174307679 09-MAR-11
    1 58 2174307679 09-MAR-11 2174353241 09-MAR-11
    1 59 2174353241 09-MAR-11 2174384330 10-MAR-11
    1 60 2174384330 10-MAR-11 2174387259 10-MAR-11
    For example the backups of archivelog from Feb 21st will never be deleted unless I force the delete.
    I'd like to understand why it happens :-)
    Thanks a lot,

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