Dead cpu

My laptop's CPU is dead. How can I fix it or replace it

Met-M wrote:
I've been told by of hp worker.How did they verify this? AMD or Intel CPU going dead only happens from abuse or overheating environment or dirty environment that would cause thermal overload that will eventually damage the CPU.

Similar Messages

  • Which is dead, CPU or Mother board?

    My pismo does not boot up. After pushing the start button.
    I assume it is CPU that is dead, but I would like to confirm.
    Here is the sympton.
    I hear chime. Internal harddisk seems to be spinning.
    Nothing on screen. just stay black.
    I tried PRAM reset, T-mode start, etc.. no response.
    I tried to unplug the internal harddrive from the mother board. no response.
    I tried to boot up without RAM, no response..
    what do you think?

    I believe you probably have the G3/900MHz upgrade card once offered by PowerLogix.
    Although no longer in the archives, this post describes your symptoms and the fix.
    Joined: Feb, 2004
    Posts: 5
    My faithful pismo (500, 512MB, 30GB) is giving me problems. It chimes, but the screen remains blank. I can hear the hard drive spin up, but not start to read as usual, and no processor noises etc. I have tried different drives; nothing. Can't boot from CD, because it will not look for drives (holding down option, or C, or Command-option-shift-delete do nothing either). It was behaving erratically, booting sometimes with some working at it... re seating the processor etc. My thought is that the processor or L2 cache is shot... but I don't know. I am looking for a working Pismo to swap processors with, so that is my next step. If anyone has a better guess at the problem, or has experienced the same and found a solution, please let me know. I know it is time for an upgrade, but I am hoping to make it to next fall (G5 I hope.) Luckily I have a Dual G5 on my desk at work...
    Powerbook G3 Pismo; Mac OS X (10.3.x); 512 MB
    RE: Pismo problems: blank screen after chimes
    ( msg # 7. : Posted Feb 22, 04 10:01 pm ) New!
    Joined: Feb, 2004
    Posts: 5
    I bought a new (used) 500 MHz processor, and I am back in business. So, I do not know whether it was the L2 Cache or the processor itself, but it started right up. Anyone know of a good use for my old processor? Is there any business that will buy them? Why would they? I don't know.
    Powerbook G3 Pismo; Mac OS X (10.3.x); 512 MB
    -----end quote--------
    I believe you would be safe in replacing the microprocessor card. The Daystar G4/550MHZ upgrade cards are actually faster than the G3/900MHz when running applications that are written to take advantage of the G4's AltiVec hardware. I would stay away from the 900MHz cards due to their age and their problematic history.

  • Dead Board or dead cpu?

    i have ( had since it doesnt power on anymore) with the following
    AMd 64 3500
    K8N Neo2 platinum ( with latest bios)
    lDDR400 2x 512meg Legend memory
    Sata hard drive
    Dvd combo MSi
    Albatron 6800GT.
    The machine refuse to power on . Press the power button nothing. tried different power supply nothing.
    Disconnected vid card, drive , evrything power on, well it switches on for like a millisec and goes dead again. if I press pwoer button again nothing, if i unplug then switch it does the millisec again then dies again.
    I installed that Msi core application was set on cool and quiet no overclocking. this morning boot the machine the fan was at low speed temp was around 60 degrees, i got a message from that cor center saying temp to high .do you want to shut down I did immediatly. reprted temp was 80 degrees.
    tried to reboot no power on cant even see the blue light on the case main switch.
    Tried to reset Cmos to no avail.
    Anyone has suggestion?
    is the motherboard faulty or is it the cpu?

    Originally posted by Paul Foster
    MSI sells thousands of these boards every month. If there was any sort of big problem we would be inundated by people. Instead we have the occasional person who is convinced it must be the mobo which is at fault without even trying to diagnose the problem.
    I sure hope you aren't another one of those people. After all we really don't have anything to do with MSI except we also purchased a board, got it to work, and decided to try to give back something to the community by offering free advice to those who appreciate it.
    BTW, anybody who has RMAed 3 mobos purchased it from a vendor who allows anything to be returned whether it is actually bad or not. You may get a bad mobo now and then, but two in a lifetime is stretching things, and 3 means you should have bought a $60 million lottery ticket instead of a PC.
    I agree the chances of this happening are ultra slim not to say impossible. Something else would have to be wrong with is set up. I guess I am frustrated by the all thing.
    When I bought this machine I decided that with a high end system ( never having owned one bfr) I should have it speced and built for me> So I gave a list of conmponent to MSI delaler and said " ok these are my specs you make it with whatever will perform well and not give me grief and compatibility problems".  when i received the system I could not install winxp, the ram DDR400 was in the wrong slots.
    That was rectified, everything worked ok ( actually I was very Happy with My system)
    High frame rates in games , no freezes after install of SP1. was all good. I am not  saying outright ho this MSI 's fault. I am just trying to understand what went wrong, so it doesn't happen again. And i Understand that such new design cannot work 100% of the time and future Bios may aleviate problems experienced by users
    When you get a failure you tend generally to blame the latest application or bit of hardware or driver you have installed ( it's human to jump to conclusion).
    Lets state the facts in a rational way.
    1) my board died foir no apparent reason. ( so it seems I am waiting on the test results. but I assume it did it seems logical)
    2)i did not add any hardware, or open the case system was performing great exept for the fact that the fans were going full speed all the time . so a quick look at msi web site + MSI update software, which by the way is great ( finds latest bios , utilitiy version etc all from 1 mouse click, all good)
    I installed core centre 1.7 that supports my board, it seemed  to work too, fan speed seemed to decrease with temperature, was happy with it.
    3 days later system is dead.
    NB temp was never reported said N/a What does NB STANDS FOR?
    system temp reprted 7 degrees
    core temp was between 47 and 60 reported ( 60 after a game 41 to 47 idling or little activity)
    so beeing Human and beeing a brand new system I wonder If that core centre app could have reported wrong temperatures giving me a false sens of security while the system temp may have in fact be much higher than reproted? and consequently the motherboard or processor or both are now fried....

  • How can I tell if its a dead CPU or mobo?

    I am trying to fix a friend's dead (sort of) computer. He said the computer just stopped working and wouldn't restart. The "TCP" smell from the PSU suggested it had blown.
    I've put a new PSU in (Mercury 400W - 3.3V@28A,5V@40A,12V@17A) and the following happens: the computer starts, CPU and PSU fans run, DVD and DVD-RW lights DO NOT light up and will not eject, there is no sound of the HD spinning, there are no error bleeps, on the D Bracket 2 all four lights light up as steady red!
    The last suggests that its CPU - but surely I would get error bleeps too if there was a problem with the CPU??
    How can I be sure that it is just the CPU and no mobo damage - I don't have a spare socket 754 mobo or CPU to try.
    thanks in advance
    AMD Athlon 64 3000+ 754 @ 1.8GHz
    1GB (512*2) 1xHynix & 1xM&S PC3200
    K8N Neo Platinum (MS-7030 Ver 1)
    ASUS GeForce FX5200 128Mb
    LiteON 16x DVD Dual Drive SOHW-1673S
    Fire Power 350W Power Supply (3.3V@20A,5V@40A,12V@15A)
    250Gb Maxtor Diamond Max 10 IDE

    Quote from: Grim_up_North on 08-June-06, 02:55:43
    No Jedi Mind Tricks or anything else needed - all the computer specs appear at the bottom of my original message - its a 7030 Ver 1.
    "P.S. Which two lights are Red?" - don't think I mention two red lights anywhere in my original message, there are four lights on the D Bracket 2 - ALL ARE RED!
    Hi my friend!
    To check what part of the computer that is damaged and not working disconnect everything inside the computer, CPU, Memory, Graphic card any IDE drive etc.
    Now, make sure that the PSU is only conected to the motherboard and nothing else, also connect the power sw and power led.
    Now, power on the system, if the system is not powering on check the power sw, if its still not powering on then it's likley that the motherboard is damaged.
    If it is powering on the put in the graphiccard and try again, if an image is displayed saying somthing like processor or cpu missing, go ahead and install the processor with cooling and try again, if you still get this messege than you know its a problem ether with the processor or the socket, if you ain't getting processor error messege but memory error messege than you know that the processor is working some what well.
    Anyway, the only way to test the socket or processor is by putting it into another hardware...
    But this testing is at least some fingerpointing to the problem...
    Yours ChalkyGBG!

  • ARRGGHH!! Dead CPU? Or Mobo?

    OK... rather than explaining again what's happened, can anyone have a quick scan at my thread at the AMD forums and maybe offer me any advice or suggestions? Basically, I think my CPU is dead, but I can't tell for sure just yet. Could it be the mobo?
    Thank you in advance for any help. I really need to get to the bottom of this one because I am broke and can't really afford a new CPU, mobo, or both...
    Here's the thread:

    It's OK, I got it working again. No amount of clearing CMOS and switching the jumper was working, but I followed some advice I found on this board about holding the Insert key as the system was powered on. It booted for the first time in 2 days! I'm happy now. Cheers for the help.

  • [875P Neo FIS2R] Dead Mobo or dead CPU?

    I've got the Neo FIS2R (PCB 1.0) version with a nothwood 2.8C CPU and all of a sudden, a couple of days ago my system stopped working.
    When I press the power button the fans work just for an instant and then everything stops...
     One thing I've noticed though is that, either with or without the cpu on the board, when the 4-pin 12V connector is not connected, I can power up the system and I got 4 green leds on the D-bracket. Once I connect the 12V again, I cant power up my system
    I've tried with a different PSU and with all the cards, drives etc disconnected and I get the same results.
    If anyone has any idea, if it is the CPU or the mobo that is dead, please, please tell me 

    Hi Maesus thanks for your input.
    The problem is that i dont have access to another S478 board, if I did things would be much simpler indeed...
    By the way another thing that came into my mind, is that I have 1GB RAM (2x512MB dual channel at "fast" setting in the bios) and I had overclocked the CPU from [email protected] by increasing the FSB @ 215MHz. I had also increased the core voltage of the CPU @ more than 1.6V. The AGP and PCI buses were left at default speeds but the AGP voltage was increased a little as in some games I overclocked the video card as well from inside the windows.
    The past couple of weeks or so, I had all kinds of BSODs (from STOP 0x0000007f errors to IRQL_NOT_LESS...) out of the blue quite frequently, either when running specific applications or completely randomly.
    I am mentioning the above, because I've read in other forums that it is a frequent phenomenon for Northwood CPUs to die when increasing the core voltage above a level (SNDS) and one of the symptoms indicating that the CPU is dying is frequent BSODs a few weeks before they die.
    In fact, before my system died, I had a BSOD and after that the computer shut down and couldnt be turned on again (I saw the BSOD when I was sleeping...but not in my dreams  and the next morning the system was dead. I have disabled the auto-restart after a BSOD in the windows).
    Any help will be appreciated.

  • Another dead CPU..

    today I received some new RAM and a new cooler for my graphics card.
    While the RAM worked spot on....
    I took out the Radeon and then installed the VGA silencer.
    When i re-installed it, the PC no longer worked.
    I believe I think I may have done something to the CPU, but not sure what. It is definitely not working anymore. I have tested all 4 sticks of RAM i have (The Corsair and GeiL) which I KNOW were all working.
    And, before anyone asks, the Radeon is now sitting in this Athlon XP 1700 machine of my dad's, working perfectly.
    I think i've fried the damn CPU
    RMA TIME weeeeee

    well i am late in the game, so i try to get up to speed,
    here is a posting that worked for someone else
    "I know his is your 9th computer build, and i know this is basic, so bear with me here, but at this point you have to do a methodical by the book check list.
    when you mounted your cpu you....
    1 ___you properly handle equipment so no static damage can ouccur, (properly grounded) fully lift the cpu ziff socket arm up, orient the gold triangle marking arrow,pins and it easily dropped into socket, with no bent pins ,
    3 ___ backer plate mounted carfully no missing pices of the board flying off, ( i have seen people launch capaciters, and the like )
    4 ____obviously you removed the plastic thermal pad cover, and heatsink was evenly locked down, and fully seated, and correctly pluged into mobo cpufan1.
    and you fully removed old thermal pad/grease and applied new artic silver, or new heatsink with plastic on pad,you didnt reuse old paste or pad.
    5 _____memory stick(not sticks)i sfully seated and properly oriented in slot, and is 184 pin ddr non-registered , non ecc ram , and you have tried different non corsair, non twinmoss, brands that have been known to work.
    6.____ plug in only powerswitch pins 6,8and power led to jfp1, pins 2,4 and they are turned correctly,
    7. ____your new psu has the 20 pin and square 4 pin power connector plugged in to jpw1 turned right and fully seated.
    8 ____your video card is fully seated an locked down,also securley screwd in.
    9 ____your floppy drive cable iss facing right way (pin1 is matched with red stripe)
    10. ____you have ata cables for hd and cd set to master/slave or cs. with hard drive set as master, end of cable.
    11 _____the power plugs are all fully seated, including psu rear plug,floppy ,hd, and cd.
    12. _____keyboard(ps2) and mouse pluged in, monitor pluged into video card,
    13 ______every thing is fully secured in case, side cover is off.
    14 ______cmos jumper is set 1,2 keep data, usb stuff is unplugged, except for dbracket.
    power it up, one beep, fans spin, in psu and cpu, and video card,
    you get no bios found error, or hit del tio go into bios, set boot order, and .......
    .........your now at the end of the road, and it should by all means work,
    now what i am after,
    there are no bent pins, on cpu, you reapplied artic silver paste.
    no loose wires,
    properly applied heatsink with fan cooling,
    you have tried different brands of known ,to work in an msi k8tneo
    ddr ram 1 stick at a tme.
    you have tried different video cards, and in case of higher end card, the external molex power supply as plugged in,
    you have tried different ata hard drives
    you then have tried have set up your sata drive corectly drives, get to sata later.
    everthing is securely pluged in ..fully seated and oriented the right esy?
    what are d-bracket error light, and any beep codes?
    you have tried a different wall outlet, you have changed surge protectors,
    you never hot pluged video cards, hd cables or power etc.
    i know this redundant , and basic , it is not ment to be insulting , it is ment to be a checklist and rule out all basic errors and potential problems

  • Dead Cpu or board?

    Hi,i have an amd64 3500+ and msi neo2 platinum board.prob i have is that my cpu overheats the instant i turn machine on,the board and chip are only 2 days old,first day comp run at 34 idle np,but on 2nd day it wouldnt  post so i went into bios and saw temp was high instant,now im lucky if i can even get to bios screen before cpu overheats and locks up,the heatsink and fan are both fine ,it is not that,if a cpu is broken would it normally overheat or just wouldnt post at all? Could it be some sort of board malfunction that causes the excess heat or does it have to be a cpu prob?The voltages in bios are all set to defaults,the cpu voltage is at 1.50 still so its not overvoltage,any ideas or help appreciated...

    Yes all that stuff is as it should be,the heatsink is one i used for a while now and only has a small amount of grease spread as it should be,first day comp was np if heatsink was prob then it would have overheated right off,but something seems to have happened on 2nd day,what i really need to be sure off is which is prob the board or cpu as i brought them off different retailers and have no means to test the cpu or board without one or the other...

  • MSI Big Bang-XPower II More MB RAM than the CPU can handle...

     I understand reading in a few forum post :" By making more memory available to the system more data can be cached in RAM, so there will be less hard drive activity, and less swapping to memory so your system will perform better." But what happen when motherboard for a desktop that supports( and had install) more RAM than the processor can handle?(aka:processor Max Memory Size).
    Please comment in this I 'm looking for a MB than offer me the more SATA6 connection i found a few available using LGA2011 socket (MSI Big Bang-XPower II LGA 2011 Intel X79 SATA 6GB/s USB 3.0 XL ATX Intel Motherboard with UEFI BIOS) than support 128GB. As I understand the processor Intel® Core™ i7-3930K Processor only work with 64GB.
     Is there any advantage to have a MB that hold a bigger RAM capacity than the CPU? If so, how can this be translate using in a program like Adobe After Effects, RAM preview? thank

    More Memory doe's not make it faster as its Volatile Memory (more RAM but it has to be run at much slower speeds) that is very short term and is just a buffer for active Programs and files it Caches there while its active but in no way improves system speed (as it has to be clocked slower to allow the IMC on the CPU to cope with it)! more memory just allows more Active Large programs and files open at the same time and huge amount of ram will only really be of benefit for things like Video Editing, photo editing and 3D rendering as those take alot of ram to allow all the computations that the CPU does to be held for quick access but only when they are active!
    having more RAM then your CPU can Handel is a VERY BAD IDEA as it will just refuse to even post or in very rare cases damage the CPU's IMC leading to a dead CPU!
    why MSI have done that is for possible later 2011 CPU's that may allow the 128GB of RAM limit to be used but currently they do not exist currently as X79 is a more professional grade Platform that will probably be around for years to come (may be used for many upgrade cycles and may eventually have a cpu that can use 128GB or ram) and who knows what will happen with Intel CPU's in that time frame! (more of a possible forward compatibility thing as its a very high end platform)
    as for after effects it uses RAM for  holding Render Files so in theory more ram will just allow it to render Larger files that are more complex without hitting the Available Ram ceiling that your computer has but it will not render any faster as a result it just gives it more headroom to work in!
    so overall more ram = more Active space available & no increase in speed (actually maybe a drop in speed as it needs to run slower causing LAG/Latency) so it all depends what is important to you here to whether more ram is of any benefit or just a hindrance but that is down to your own use case scenario!

  • Kernal Panic (0) cpu not supported

    2 yr old Imac with 8 gig memory. SN 10.6.8.
    Cannot boot computer. Get the above kernal panic. Occurs on safe mode boot, boot from DVD, as well as standard boot.
    Everything was fine until I tried booting from the SN DVD. Then the kernal panic started. It occurs after the apple is displayed on the screen.
    Dead cpu? Help please.

    About kernel panics,
    Technical Note TN2063: Understanding and Debugging Kernel Panics,
    Mac OS X Kernel Panic FAQ,
    Resolving Kernel Panics,
    How to troubleshoot a kernel panic, and
    Tutorial: Avoiding and eliminating Kernel panics for more details.

  • K8N Neo4 Platinum (7030) issues with new CPU

    I was running a 3000(754).  It was running just fine, I decided to swap in a 3700.  I can't get to post or anything.  Everything comes on(fans, lights ect...).  I can put back in my 3000 and it works fine.  I have updated the bios.  Is this CPU supported?  Or is it a dead cpu?  Thanks for the help.

    Quote from: coreystang on 03-July-07, 00:55:53
    Sorry for the lack of info, I have updated my sig.  Please let me know if any other info is needed.  Does moving the jumpers clear the Bios or the CMOS?  I have done that.  I will take the battery out tonight and see if that works.
    don't forgot to remove power cord from the PSU before Clear CMOS.
    provide full details about your newest CPU which you are tying to install.
    check for bent CPU pins too.
    what shows your D-Bracket?

  • Replacing bad cpu

    Hello all ,
    I have a dead cpu with the following  laptop:
    HP Pavilion dv7-4264ca Entertainment Notebook PC
    Serial Number:   CNF10367P3
    Product Number:   lk326ua
    Since this happend , I was looking for an alternatite cpu ,
    I came across these 2:
    AMD A8-3530MX 2.60-GHz processor
    AMD A8-3820 APU
    Would either work for the board ?
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    According to the service manual, neither of the processors you listed will work.
    Please see chapter 1 pages 1 and 2 for the list of supported processors for your model:

  • Dead P4N SLI...4 Days Old

    My new mobo died after 4 days out of the box and I could use some advice as I'm going to have to figure out what to return to the online company that I purchased it from. Could it be the processor?
    I put together a:
    MSI P4N SLI mobo with a 3ghz Celeron and 512mb chunk of Geil 667 RAM with a 480 watt Mutant Mods PSU. Yes, the RAM is in the correct slot. 
    After 4 days (24 hours a day) of operating fine, yesterday I was talking on Skype and my machine went cold, lights out. 
    Tried rebooting, can hear the CPU crunching, fans and lights working, DVD drive blinking, hard drives are humming but monitor remains in sleep mode and there are no POST beeps to be heard. Tried resetting the CMOS, luck. Tried booting a few hours later and the monitor came on and I got into the BIOS so I let it sit like that. After a few minutes it died again. Does this mean anything to anyone?
    Would a dead CPU prevent the BIOS from being accessed or is the BIOS able to operate without a CPU?
    Would a dead mobo be able to boot again but only for a brief time?

    hcoshawn, I think you just solved the problem.....I'll wait it out and see what happens
    On the board, just about the top PCIe slot, there is a 4 pin molex connector to add more power to the board, in addition to the 24 pin main and the square 4 pin ATX. When I originally built up the system, I had this hooked up and then removed it thinking that I'd only need it there if I have a vid card in that slot and it worked fine...for 4 days. Anyway, I tried putting if back just now after reading your post and although there are no hard drives hooked to the board right now, with all the power connectors stuck to the board, she booted up and gave me a single POST beep, which for this board is a positive POST.
    I'm just going to let it run for awhile and see if it shuts down again, but she is purring like a kitten now..
    Any ideas why it would work for 4 days without this connector and then just stop working? I think it could be that I installed the nVidia drivers for the board on that 4th day and that initiated a call for more power from the board....not sure.
    I am sofa can we todd did! :D

  • Quicksilver won't start after crash

    Intermediate Mac user with a significant problem...
    So, my Quicksilver started having problems a few weeks ago - when I would startup, I would get a message saying I needed to restart the computer. After finally getting the Leopard install disk back (we had a family pack), I diagnosed and fixed the problem (it was an invalid leaf count, whatever that means). The computer ran fine again for a day or so, but soon after I sent the install disk away to my brother-in-law, I'd get the folder with the question mark when I tried to startup. After trying to hook it up to my MacBook as a Firewire drive or to use the Disk Utility that came with the MacBook install DVD for a few days, now the computer won't startup at all.
    I tried zapping the PRAM but had no luck. At the Apple Store, they told me that the power supply was dead and that they no longer supported computers this old. I wouldn't be too hurt if the computer were dead (I was getting ready to replace it anyway), but I'd like to get the data without paying for a data recovery service if possible. So, here are my basic questions:
    1. I made a Time Machine backup to an external drive when I upgraded to Leopard, but my External Drive filled up and I stopped the backup. However, I still have the Backups.backupdb folder on my External Drive. Is there anyway to extract the files to the External Drive or to my MacBook? (I also posted this in the Time Machine forum, but have not heard a reply yet).
    2. What options do I have for recovering the data? Keep in mind that my power supply seems defunct. I discussed some options with my brother-in-law and he suggested buying an external partition for the drive (or something) - is this a good idea or is there a better solution out there?

    You may have one or more fans that are not working. My Quicksilver recently would not start up. Two of three internal fans were dead (CPU fan and PSU fan). With only the case fan left to cool everything, the processors quickly became too hot to function reliably. Replacing both fans got the machine working again.
    If the Apple employee who diagnosed your machine saw that the PSU fan was not turning, that may have led to a diagnosis that a new PSU was needed. But the PSU fan can be removed and replaced on its own, for perhaps 10% the cost of a new PSU.

  • New processor FX-8150 doesn't fit socket AM3b

    Can anyone help with this? Bought an FX-8150 based on statement by AMD tech that it would fit my Hp h8-1234. I removed the old FX-6120 to find the socket to be an AM3b not the AM3+ expected. It looks like I could jerry rig it with wire ties or rubber bands, however I hope there is a better method. The AM3b socket does not have small protrustions (ears) that are on the AM3+ and stick out from the sides for the cooling unit bracket to snap onto. The socket itself is the same and the fan power is the same. Just no way to attach the cooling fan. Any help on this will be appreciated. Yes, I should have looked further into it.

    The AMD Tech is correct. I think there's confusion because this motherboard (HP M3970AM-HP - Angelica2 - uATX) doesn't have a standard AMD Retention bracket & HP used an LGA1155 type stock cooling fan (for i3/i5/i7 and for AMD AM3+/AM3b) that screws into the underside backplate underneath (through) the motherboard. Yet, still the AM3+ socket is one and the same as the AM3b black socket (at least in terms of compatibility) -- works with AM3+ processors like the FX-8300 and FX-8350 & backwards compatible with the Phenom II X4 Quad core -- such as -- 810, 945, 965 (AM3) processors and Phenom II X6 processors - such as 1035T, 1045T, 1055T, 1065T & 1090T (AM3), but still there's no AMD retention bracket to add an aftermarket AMD heatsink/fan that latches in and mounts (over) a standard AMD retention bracket -- as there's simply no AMD bracket. **(Suggestion #1)** Still, you could use an aftermarket LGA1155 / LGA1156 heatsink that screws into the backplate, not the push-pin type, but the ones that screw into the underside backplate such as Cooler Master or Deep Cool or Masscool (these have 4 top-down screws)..etc or just use the stock HP heatsink as it's not a bad cooler for 95W AMD AM3+/AM3 processors, but doesn't cool quite as effectively for 125W CPUs. If you look at the HP Heatsink/fan for the FX-6120 (AM3+ processor) it's the same heatsink/fan that HP used for the i3/i5/i7 LGA1155 systems, which means the spacing of the top-down (male) screws have the same layout & spacing, and it's the same exact fan.  Granted, you asked this question several years ago and have probably moved on by now, but you can't use an AMD heatsink as there's no AMD retention bracket on top of the motherboard & there's no way to modify the system to add an AMD retention bracket. So, you can go 3rd party LGA1155 heatsink with 4 top-down screws as in **(Suggestion #1)** above. Or ****(Suggestion #2)**** -- #### ~ not recommended if you're not comfortable removing the motherboard from the case ~ #### -- You could conceivably pop off that metal underside backplate (that has 4 female screw threadings) underneath the motherboard with a flathead screwdriver as its affixed only with glue to the bottom of the motherboard and add a custom LGA1155 fan that mounts from top to bottom or bottom to top on the motherboard. I used to do this all of the time with LGA775 motherboards that had an underside backplate with 4 female screw threadings going back to the Intel Core 2 Quad days -- take a flathead screwdriver and pop off that underside backplate -- in order to add a more lavish custom heatsink that uses its own mounting gear, but you'll find limited space within the HP case so you can't add a behemoth of a heatsink/fan. If you're not experienced in building systems, this is kind of tricky business to add a 3rd party cooler. Many of these aftermarket heatsinks are very difficult for novices to mount, and it'll require you to remove the motherboard completely from the case and remount the heatsink to the motherboard with the CPU installed outside of the case. This requires a bench setup to mount the HSF. You'd probably damage the AM3+ processor as they can come out of the socket, pins and all, when trying to mount one of these tricky heatsinks, and then you have a dead CPU with severely bent or broken pins in several rows.

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  • Error trapping for 'Save' dialog open?

    I'm writing a program which will do an extensive amount of work in Photoshop, and I'm trying to make sure it's as idiot-proof as possible. Before starting the image editing code, I want to make sure the user hasn't left any dialogs open in Photoshop,

  • Any hope for wireless?

    I've recently moved on to a Mac Pro, but have kept my trusty G4 Laptop for traveling needs. It doesn't travel much, but when it does I'd like to be able to connect to available wireless networks. However, I never have equipped my G4 with an Airport c

  • 8KEN - Account determination for charging of valuation difference

    Hi Friends, Could anyone please tell me briefly how and where the configuration done in transaction code 8KEN - (Account determination for charging of valuation difference) works? What I basically wanted to know once we maintain the configuration how

  • User has no ICF authorization ALC_ADMN

    Hi, I am new to BSP. I am trying to test a BSP application, but the IE shows a dump with below message "User has no ICF authorization ALC_ADMN for executing /sap/bc/bsp/sap/zio_for_cst_alc" Please advise on the same. Thanks in advance.

  • ATTN ORACLE CORP:Oracle Installation under *nix manual errata found.

    under: /* errata start */ Set the Sockets to /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range # echo 1024 65000 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_change /* errat