Dealing with X crashes

Hey all,
I play a lot of games via PoL/WINE, and I was curious about something: how do you guys deal with X when it crashes? In the past, I would always just CTRL+ALT+F1 into a TTY and kill the process. But since HAL has been depreciated and keyboard/mouse control now belongs to X, I'm basically forced to reboot the whole machine. Being the control-freak and rageaholic that I am, a kitten dies every time I have to reboot my computer just to reset X. Are there any good systems out there that take input handling away from X?

brebs wrote:
This makes little sense. If X has crashed, why does it need to be killed? It will be dead already.
HAL was deprecated (note that word, it's not "depreciated") aons ago - how is that relevant?
In my experience, a naughty wine game doesn't prevent Ctrl-Alt-F1.
I run wine in a separate X and I can go back to my regular X session and kill the rogue one. It's useful when I run into some display problems - the monitor turns itself off and I often can't kill the game blind. If X running wine had already crashed, I'm back in the console.

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    You have installed the 10.8.1 and are still experimenting low battery life?
    The beta of 10.8.2 has been issued to the developpers ; so there's still hope for a fix...
    You can search the forum, there are plenty of threads adressing the issue.  

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    rvalezin wrote:
    If I need to back-up every hour of my life in order to be able to save everything from something like this I won´t do anything least we should be able to trust that Apple tests this updates so situations like this won´t happen.
    That's exactly what Time Machine does for you.  It backs up every hour, so you don't have to.  While it is backing up, you keep on working.  Time Macvhine came with your Mac and you chose not to use it.
    The 10.7.4 update did not cause your hard disk to fail.  Hard disk fail due to mechanical causes.  They are extremely reliable, but that doesn't mean every hard disk will last a long time.  Your mileage WILL vary!
    If you are dependent on your computer and the data stored on it, then you should make sure you have AT LEAST two copies of all data and probably three or four.  You should use at least two means of backing up in case the backup software has a problem.  And you should consider having a backup computer if you live in an area where replacement takes too long (whatever too long is for your business).
    Apple hardware and software is very, very good.  You have documented your experience of this.  But NO hardware or software is perfect.  You also have experience of this.
    It is YOUR responsibility to ensure that your system is set up to protect your data and availability of computing resources.

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    Having worked in customer service, I have some experience with this kind of situation.  Reps are typically trained to make all attempts to handle complaints by themselves, because there are obviously many more reps than supervisors.  They're usually REQUIRED to fully authorize the account and to get the whole situation from the customer prior to referring you to a supervisor.  One of the biggest problems is that many customers think that demanding a supervisor is a way to guarantee you will get what you want.  If the reason for your request to escalate isn't a valid one, the supervisor won't give in to you either.
    There are plenty of times in my own experience, especially as a brand new rep out of training, that I took a long time to research and get an understanding of the issue.  Yes, I wasn't moving at light speed, but that doesn't make me an idiot.  It means I was trying to gather as much info s possible to try and deal with the issue. But I had plenty of customers tell me I was stupid and to transfer them to my supervisor, simply because I took longer than their patience could tolerate to get all the details I needed.
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    I also don't think you will find reps who work at light speed and utilize a magic wand to fix people's issues at T-Mobile, either, but I guess it never hurts to try.
    Just to clarify: I do not work for Verizon and never have.  I worked for a residential phone and internet company.

  • How to deal with "Script stopped responding" in general Part 3

    OK, I have asked about this issue before, and am back because it won't go away.
    First, I have tried resetting Firefox. Yesterday was the most recent time.
    I have tried using add-on Script Blockers.
    The Script Blocker program worked for a while. The problem is that the primary source of the script problems are Hotmail and Gmail, and I need to have these functioning and open. Plus it is not easy to determine what a script does before deciding to let it in.
    So I'm going to start from the computer user perspective: Why does this happen at all?
    I understand the need for scripts to be used for websites to function. What I don't understand is why my entire computer slows to a crawl, some programs get cut off entirely, and then I have to try to figure out what webpage is causing the problem...slowly. Even when I click the box to stop the script, my computer is still incredibly slow for an unreasonable amount of time. By unreasonable amount, I mean that it is so long that I can't even close Firefox within 5 minutes just to make it stop. By unreasonable amount, I mean I have actually just set my computer to restart so that Firefox will be forced closed and then cancel the restart when Firefox shuts down.
    What can Hotmail, Gmail, or any other program be doing that is of sufficient importance that it can essentially take over the computer? Nothing that isn't critical to the functioning of the computer should have this power. There is nothing critical about a script on Hotmail while I'm not even using that should let it take over all of the computer's resources. I would rather have Hotmail crash and shut off than have it let a script take over my computer. I can click on my Hotmail start up button within seconds while a script that won't respond might take 15 minutes to deal with.
    So can someone please explain to me why this system exists? Why isn't there a command that says "a script may use up this amount of processing power only" that allows a person to keep using their computer while the script futily whirls away? Why isn't there a way to have an automatic setting like "let a script try to run for X seconds and if it doesn't work just stop it"? Why doesn't a window pop-up on the computer screen regardless of where the script problem is to alert you what webpage is causing the problem instead of making the user guess?
    There doesn't even seem to be much purpose to the scripts. If I stop a script that is not responding on Hotmail, I can still use Hotmail when the computer recovers. So why does this happen?
    This system seems insane to me. Honestly, I don't understand why scripts are allowed to do this. Can someone at least help with an explanation of why this happens? Why there isn't a way to make it stop? In a world of apps it seems like something that would kill non-responding scripts after a brief time would be a winner. How did we reach this chokepoint in computer functioning and why haven't we figured out how to stop it?
    Thank you for any help, whether it be fixing the problem or just explaining the purpose.

    Hi auzziewog, a couple of thoughts on long pauses.
    In some cases, this is caused by Firefox waiting on content from the server, or loading some content into a plugin. Other than blocking some extraneous content in pages and setting plugins to "Ask to Activate" (click-to-play) on the Add-ons page, this is a hard problem to solve.
    If the problem is a script (the eventual appearance of the dialog suggests that possibility), please see the above reference post.
    Perhaps it is a combination of those things, since scripts often run after some other elements are loaded...

  • A different way to deal with "unknown" user after upgrade from Tiger.

    It's a known issue that doing upgrade and install or archive and install from Tiger to Leopard, produces a lot of folders with "unknown" group in their "get info" panel. This has to do with a different group structure in Tiger and Leopard.
    In Tiger, every user has their own private group with the same name as the username. That group is set to be user's primary group.
    In leopard, every new user with an account is a member of the group staff (gid=20) which is not present in Tiger. Leopard doesn't fully understand Tiger's private group structure, hence the "unknown" group. This causes various problems such as Finder crashes when trying to change the permissions and ownership in the get info window.
    Apple's proposed way of dealing with this is described [here|].
    However, this method doesn't change the existing group structure and doesn't resolve all the problems.
    I'd like to suggest a different way of dealing with it.
    1. create a new admin user (if you don't have one already), log out of your primary account and log into the new one.
    2. enter the following in terminal:
    *sudo dscl . delete /users/"username"*
    where username is the short name of the user on the main account (not the one you are currently logged into).
    This will delete that user.
    3. Log out/in.
    4. go to system preferences->accounts and create a new user with the name and short name exactly as the one you've deleted in step 2.
    You'll be get a popup saying that a home directory by this name already exists and asking if you want to use it. Say "Yes".
    That's it. Your main user will be recreated using the native group structure of Leopard with gid=20(staff). Permissions on your home directory will be reset with correct group and ownership.
    I tested the process on my powerbook after an upgrade and install from Tiger to leopard and it worked without a hitch.
    I like this method better than Apple's because it completely gets rid of Tiger's group structure which was creating all the confusion. The only downside as far as I can see is that you might have to manually change the group ownership on some files belonging to the main user that sit outside your home directory.
    I would appreciate any comments on this.

    hmm, I confess, I did this before installing 10.5.2 so i can't say for sure. However, I've dealt with a few people (see e.g. this [thread|]) who are running 10.5.2 and still have this issue. I don't know what if anything 10.5.2 did about this but I'm quite sure that it didn't change the group structure inherited from Tiger.
    Message was edited by: V.K.

  • How to deal with 0...n or 1...n mappings?

    Hi all,
    I'm relatively new to BPM. I've already made several processes that are working fine. However, I'm now stuck because, for the life of me, I'm not able to understand how to deal with data mappings of nodes of a cardinality greater than 1...1.
    I'm used to dealing with 0...n inputs of Web Services in Webdynpro Java and CAF Application services, using java code... but I just don't get how to deal with these in a BPM data mapping scenario.
    Let's say you have a Web Service whose input is a node called "Employee", where you can add n Employee objects, like this:
       Employee (0...n)
          FirstName: String
          LastName: String
    How do you:
    1- map a 0...n context node from a Web Dynpro or Web Service output, already containing several employees, into this Employee 0...n WS input node?
    2- map a 0...n context node from a Web Dynpro or Web Service output, containing NO employees, into this Employee 0...n WS input node, without getting an error and the BPM crashing because it says the employee element is not found?
    Hopefully someone can help me with this, because I'm about to go the way of calling the web service n times, one employee at a time, instead of one time with a Employee object with n registries in it.

    Hi Abhijeet,
    i think i should have mentioned this earlier. My Employee node is inside another node.  So, the actual input structure of the WS is this:
    InputValues (1...1)
       Employees (0..n)
          FirstName: String
          LastName: String
    This scenario works OK in BPM when mapping a 0..n node using deep copy as Jocelyn explained, but I still doesn't work if I want to pass an empty (not null) Employees array.
    If I go to the WS Navigator and run this WS with the following parameters, it runs ok (I get an output message saying no employee was selected, which is how it should work):
    InputValues -  "Is null" checkbox not activated.
       Employees - "Skip" checkbox not activated
          FirstName - "Skip" checkbox activated
          LastName - "Skip" checkbox activated
    However, if instead of activating the checkbox of, say, "FirstName", I enter a "" value, I get an error from the WS saying that's not a vaild first name, which is also how it should work.
    In java code, I would just pass an empty InputValues object to the WS, but I'm not sure how to do this in a BPM without it being considered null, and without having to set on of its String-child values to "".
    Do you know how to achieve this?

  • How to deal with Memory Leaks, that are caused by Binding

    Hi, I recently noticed (huge?) memory leaks in my application and suspect bindings to be the cause of all the evil.
    I made a little test case, which confirms my suspicion:
    import javafx.application.Application;
    import javafx.scene.Scene;
    import javafx.scene.control.Button;
    import javafx.scene.layout.VBox;
    import javafx.stage.Stage;
    public class TestAppMemoryLeak extends Application {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
        public void start(Stage stage) throws Exception {
            VBox root = new VBox();
            Button button = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
                button = new Button();
                button.textProperty().unbind(); // if you don't call this, you can notice the increased memory of the java process.
            Scene scene = new Scene(root);
        private StringProperty text = new SimpleStringProperty("test");
    }Now the problem is, HOW can I know, when a variable is no longer needed or overwritten by a new instance.
    Just an example:
    I have a ListView with a Cell Factory. In the updateItem method, I add a ContextMenu. The textProperty of each MenuItem is bound to a kind of global property, like in the example above. I have to do it in the updateItem method, since the ContextMenu differs depending on the item.
    So every time the updateItem method is called a new ContextMenu is created, which binds some properties, but the old context menus remain in memory.
    I guess there could be many more example.
    How can I deal with it?

    I've dealt with this situation and created a Jira issue for it, but I also have a work-around that is a bit unwieldy but works. I'll share it with you.
    The bug that deals with this (in part atleast):
    The solution is to use weak invalidation listeners, however they are a bit of a pain to use as you cannot do it with something simplistic as "bindWeakly"... and you need to keep a reference around to the wrapped listener otherwise it will just get garbage collected immediately (as it is only weakly referenced). Some very odd bugs can surface if weak listeners disappear randomly because you forgot to reference them :)
    Anyway, see this code below, it shows you some code that is called from a TreeCell's updateItem method (I've wrapped it in some more layers in my program, but it is essentially the same as an updateItem method):
    public class EpisodeCell extends DuoLineCell implements MediaNodeCell {
      private final WeakBinder binder = new WeakBinder();
      public void configureCell(MediaNode mediaNode) {
        MediaItem item = mediaNode.getMediaItem();
        StringBinding episodeRange = MapBindings.selectString(mediaNode.dataMapProperty(), Episode.class, "episodeRange");
        binder.bind(titleProperty(), MapBindings.selectString(mediaNode.dataMapProperty(), Media.class, "title"));
        binder.bind(ratingProperty(), MapBindings.selectDouble(mediaNode.dataMapProperty(), Media.class, "rating").divide(10));
        binder.bind(extraInfoProperty(), Bindings.when(episodeRange.isNull()).then(new SimpleStringProperty("Special")).otherwise(episodeRange));
        binder.bind(viewedProperty(), item.viewedProperty());
    }This code makes use of a class called WeakBinder -- it is a helper class that can make Weak bindings and can keep track of them. When you call unbindAll() on it, all of the bindings it created before are released immediately (although they will also disappear when the Cell itself is garbage collected, which is possible because it only makes weak references).
    I've tested this extensively and it solves the problem of Cells keeping references to objects with much longer life cycles (in my case, the MediaNode passed in has a longer lifecycle than the cells and so it is important to bind weakly to it). Before this would create huge memory leaks (crashing my program within a minute if you kept refreshing the Tree)... now it survives hours atleast and the Heap usage stays in a fixed range which means it is correctly able to collect all garbage).
    The code for WeakBinder is below (you can consider it public domain, so use it as you see fit, or write your own):
    package hs.mediasystem.util;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.Map;
    import javafx.beans.InvalidationListener;
    import javafx.beans.Observable;
    import javafx.beans.WeakInvalidationListener;
    import javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue;
    public class WeakBinder {
      private final List<Object> hardRefs = new ArrayList<>();
      private final Map<ObservableValue<?>, WeakInvalidationListener> listeners = new HashMap<>();
      public void unbindAll() {
        for(ObservableValue<?> observableValue : listeners.keySet()) {
      public <T> void bind(final Property<T> property, final ObservableValue<? extends T> dest) {
        InvalidationListener invalidationListener = new InvalidationListener() {
          public void invalidated(Observable observable) {
        WeakInvalidationListener weakInvalidationListener = new WeakInvalidationListener(invalidationListener);
        listeners.put(dest, weakInvalidationListener);
    }Let me know if this solves your problem.

  • Dealing with Drobo (best practices?)

    I have two second generation Data Robotics Drobos, and have been using them under 10.6 on a MacBook via USB. Like many Drobo users, I have had various "issues" over the years, and even suffered 1TB of data loss probably related to the USB eject bug that was in Mac OS X 10.6.5-10.6.7. I have also used the Drobos on a Mac with FireWire.
    My Drobos are set up as 1TB volumes, so my 4x2TB unit shows six 1TB volumes. Using DiskWarrior on some of my volumes has reported "speed reduced by disk malfunction" and DW was unable to rebuild the directory. I fear for my data, so I have been in the process of moving data away from the drive and starting fresh.
    I would like to use this discussion to see what "best practices' others have come up with when dealing with a Drobo on a Mac.
    When I first set up the Drobo, the documentation stated that the unit would take longer to startup if using one big partition, so I chose the smallest value -- 1TB. This initially gave me a few Drobo volumes to use, and as I swapped in larger hard drives, Drobo would start adding more 1TB volumes. I like this approach, since it lets me unmount volumes I am not using (so iMovie does not have to find every single "iMovie Events" I have across 12TB of drives).
    This was also a good way to protect my data. When my directory structure crashed, and was unrepairable, I only lost 1TB of data. Had that happened on a "big" volume Drobo, I would have lost everything.
    Data Robotics own KB articles will tell you to never use Disk Utility to partition a Drobo, but other KB articles say this is what you must do to use TimeMachine... Er? And, under 10.7, they now say don't do that, even for TimeMachine. Apparently, if your parititoned under 10.6 or earlier, you can still use your TimeMachine backup under 10.7, but if you are 10.7 only, you have to use some Time Tamer utility and create a sparsebundle image -- and then you cannot browse TimeMachine backups (what good is that, then?).
    It's a mess.
    So I am looking for guidance, tips, suggestions, and encouragement. I will soon be resetting one of my Drobos and starting fresh, then after I get everything working again, I will move all my data over to it, and reset my second Drobo.

    I have been trying to do either.
    right now i have the images download when the cell is created and then stored into an NSMutable Array. the array is initially populated with a NSString value of the url to the image. I then test to see if the object at the current TableView index is a UIIimage, If not i download the image and replace the existing NSString with the UIImage in the array.
    -(UIImage*) newUIImageWithURLString:(int)urlString
    if (![[imgarr objectAtIndex:urlString] isKindOfClass: [UIImage class]])
    NSLog(@"image not there");
    UIImage *img2get = [[UIImage alloc] initWithData:[NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL URLWithString:[imgarr objectAtIndex:urlString]]]];
    [imgarr replaceObjectAtIndex:urlString withObject:img2get];
    [img2get release];
    return [imgarr objectAtIndex:urlString];
    Works fairly well but does stall the scrolling when i download the image because i am calling it like this in the cellForRowAtIndexPath.
    UIImage *cellimage = [self newUIImageWithURLString:indexPath.row];
    cell.image = cellimage;
    I am looking into using a background process for the actual downloading so as not to interfere with the table operations. have you any thoughts on the best way to this?

  • How to deal with the situation when the database change into ms-sqlserver ?

    Hi,dear all,
    How to deal with the situation when the database change into ms-sqlserver or other database?
    Now, i want to build a j2ee project with ORACLE ADF bc,but this project may be used in several diffrent databases for example oracle db,ms db,mysql and so on.however,if i have developer this project in jdeveloper and this project connection was config as a oracle database,and then,can this project be reused for other databases espasially including the model codes? if yes,how should i do?
    all who know how to resolve this,tell me pls,thanks.
    bruce Li,
    Message was edited by:

    Hi Paulbin,
    Do you want to supply a function-pointer to a DLL so it can call[back] your VI?  Here's how it can be done with .NET, though, that solution requires a C compiler.   A single "VI_to_function-reference" utility could handle all cases where the callback passes no parameters.  Maybe someday somebody will share that dll.
    Did you know that LabVIEW can use Events for some COM-signals change?  See pic.  (Note: DTR is not listed - - )
    Another question is another function's prototype is WORD SetTestType(WORD comHandle, bool type1, bool type2, bool type3),   I tried to use a boolean control and a Boolean to (0,1) node in labVIEW to pass parameters to CLF, I config the bool input value as U8(according to C++ bool type) and U32(according to WIN32 BOOL type), it dose not help, when I execute the VI, LabVIEW will be disappeare, it seems to be closed, I must start it again.
    Could someone has similar experience on this points?
    It's easy to crash LabVIEW misusing CLF - maybe there's another reason for the crash besides bool mis-match(?)  Do you know which "Calling convention" is required?  What type is comHandle? (where does comHandle come from?) 
    Message Edited by tbd on 03-23-2007 09:34 PM
    Message Edited by tbd on 03-23-2007 09:35 PM
    "Inside every large program is a small program struggling to get out." (attributed to Tony Hoare)
    evt.jpg ‏7 KB

  • Premiere Pro CS6 with Mavericks Crash

    I am running CS6 on a Late 2012 27" i7 iMac. I read the initial statement from Adobe saying that everything should work fine with Mavericks, so I upgraded. Now, in Premiere it seems to open fine but as soon as a try to open any media in the media browser it freezes. When I navigate to the destination folder in the browser and the individual clips come up they get stuck on Proccessing.... then I get the beach ball, indefinitely. I tried this with clips both on my hard drive and on external harddrive. I also reinstalled Premiere. I can get it to open a clip if I just put one short one in a folder, but much more than that and it locks up. I never have had any issues whatsoever, until Mavericks.

    I managed to talk to someone on Adobe.
    He took remote control over my computer, opened up the ROOT user ability, then we logged in using that admin account. When we then went to Prelude, it worked fine with the videos crashing the system before.
    His conclusion: something is wrong with my current user settings. System functions at root level. This means I should create a new user with fresh settings and then carry all my files and folders from the existing one to there, and delete the existing one.
    I spoke to someone on Apple on how to do this and got some tips (it's by using migration of the user data from one to another, so that I could keep my older data). That did not work. Then I just created a fresh account with no settings transferred. That also failed.
    I uninstalled and reinstalled Adobe CS6 several times with different combinations with the above actions. That also didn't do it.
    I can re-create the proper functioning under root level. So, clearly, the videos are fine, my system is not, and the way I am dealing with it is also not fine. I will keep digging. Perhaps I can find someone on Apple tomorrow to tell me what next I can try. I worry that I will have to format my computer and start all over again with all the apps and settings.

  • Dealing with null values from a database (easy?)

    I'm sure this should be a simple question :
    I'm creating a dynamic dropdown of my companies products that once a product is selected draws values (links) from a database and displays them (links to User guides, FAQs etc).
    My problem is dealing with blank entries in the database - i.e. if a product doesn't have a User guide I've left the database blank.
    I'd like to show 'none' or 'not available' if the entry is blank rather than the 'null' I currently get.
    I'm sure it should be a straightforward if .... else .... but I'm struggling and would appreciate any help,
    Many thanks,

    Thanks for the message, the cut down piece of code I'm using for the output is:
    while (
    //header row
    out.println("<tr bgcolor='#666666'>");
    out.println("<td><font style='font-family:arial;color:#ffffff;font-size:10px;'>Product Name</font></td>");
    out.println("<td><font style='font-family:arial;color:#ffffff;font-size:10px;'>FAQs</font></td>");
    out.println("<td><font style='font-family:arial;color:#ffffff;font-size:10px;'>Technical Information</font></td>");
    out.println("<tr border='1' bordercolor='#CCCCCC' bgcolor='#FFFFFF'>");
    out.println("<td><font style='font-family:arial;font-size:12px;font-weight:bold;'><a style='text-decoration:none' href=" + rs.getString("ProductURL") + " target='_blank'><font color='#669999'>" + rs.getString("ProductName") + "</a></td>");
    out.println("<td><font style='font-family:arial;color:#000000;font-size:10px;'>" + rs.getString("FAQs") + "</td>");
    out.println("<td><font style='font-family:arial;color:#000000;font-size:10px;'>" + rs.getString("TechInfo") + "</td>");
    It's the FAQs and TechInfo strings I need to use the statement on - if there's no entry show 'none',
    Thanks again,

  • How to deal with several itunes users in a house

    I will try to be brief but explain what I don't know how to configure.
    We have three children. We have 5 laptops that work wirelessly, and we have music and photos all stored on a shared NAS drive. We moved our iTunes music folder successfully to it when we set up.
    1. We set everyone's folder location, under preferences, to the folder on the NAS drive.--- It won't stay. With any reboot or interruption in signal it switches back to the individual computer's hard drive. This is a pain, because every time you reset it, you have to wait for 30 gigs of music to update. This has been asked before and no one answers it. Is it a bug and is Apple aware?
    2. I understand that we can "share" our libraries. But how do we deal with the issue of individual family members purchasing songs from iTunes? As in, I would like to add songs my teen bought to my ipod, but how do I know if there is new music beside asking them to "log" all their purchased so I can manually look for them. We can't just sync every time. They have nanos, and I don't want to have to weed through Christmas music, audio books, and Kidz Bop each time and delete them. What about someone finding they are not "authorized" to play a song? We can have 5 authorized no? I tried to drag something from a shared library onto an ipod and it wouldn't let me.
    Please help. My last question dropped to page three by the end of the day with no response.

    I guess then I need to read more about my NAS drive, because it is always on. I read in another thread about the same issue the question was asked, "Is your NAS drive mounted?" I have no idea what that means. There was other ideas of making alias of the NAS iTunes folder and putting in on the laptop's dock, but I didn't quite understand that either.
    I thought NAS was a rapper. Well, I have no idea what a NAS drive is. But it should have no influence on iTunes' behavior. If that drive is always on and visible on your Desktop (= "mounted"), iTunes shouldn't change its settings re. its Library.
    It would be easier to draw all this instead of explaining, but, well, we are not that far yet.
    0: If you set up on all Macs that iTunes stores its files on one drive, iTunes should not change this on any of them as long as it is always on, as you said. If it does, thought, something is wrong. Don't ask me, what.
    Ok, just to make this even more complicated, LOL if each person has their own laptop and ipod, and everyone in the household has used their 5 authorizations on each other's computers, then theoretically, when everyone accesses the itunes library they should be able to copy the songs onto their devices?
    1: You can play all your music on this external drive from anywhere in the house.
    2: You can activate the DRM files on every Mac in the house and play them.
    3: You canNOT use one iPod on more than one Mac, regardless if the music is DRM or not. iPod 1 is associated with Mac A, iPod 2 with Mac B etc. If you change that, all music from iPod 1 will be deleted before the music from Mac B will be copied to it. So, it's always 1:A, 2:B etc., not iPod 1 : Mac A & B & C... Otherwise, your iPods would be regular external hard drives from which you could copy tons of music to someone else's PC, which is illegal. That's why all the music on an iPod is made invisible. And even after making it visible with special utilities (I tried that once), you won't be able to recognize which song is which. CDs are not stored together, etc. Apple would not have got the permissions for the iTunes Store / iPods from the music industry if it was the perfect utility for illegal music sharing.
    Did I savvy what you meant?

  • How can I create unique partnerships to deal with like EDI messages?

    I have an EDI to Application partnership setup currently that deals with translating MEDRUC type EDIFACT messages to a mainframe format. The setup is
    Sender = PARTNERA,
    Receiver = PARTNERB
    DocType = MEDRUC.
    In the Input EDI tab the
    Sender Qualifier ID = ZZ:PARTNERA
    Receiver Qualifier ID = ZZ:PARTNERB
    Standard = EDIFACT
    Version = D
    Release Number = 97B.
    Use UNG to locate partnerships = No
    EDIFACT messages contain all this information in their UNB and UNH segments which is where SunONE IS B2B looks to then match against the relevant partnership. My problem is this does not go to enough granularity for me to distinguish uniqueness for the second partnership I need to create.
    The problem is the "Association assigned code" field in the UNH for EDIFACT messages is not catered for anywhere in the partnership details area. This means then that whilst my existing partnership deals with Simplified Billing Claim MEDRUC's which is Association assigned code = SBC20, I can't create an EDI to Application partnership for PARTNERA and PARTNER B to cater for Two Way Gap Claiming MEDRUC's which are Association assigned code = TWC10, ie the two messages are D97B MEDRUC type messages only distinguished from each other by this Association assigned code.
    Any ideas how can I then create a unique EDI to Application partnership for this TWC10 MEDRUC message?
    What I am thinking I will have to do is make this second partnership Application to Application and create a custom service to wrap the MEDRUC message with a HREC/TREC and use the parameters in the HREC to dictate the DocType rather than use the UNB/UNH segments in the MEDRUC?

    Hmmm. It looks like way back when the decision was made on how specific the keys had to be, they didn't get quite specific enough for your case. I'm not super experienced with EDIFACT but I'll throw out some suggestions based on my HREC and X12 knowledge.
    A. Could you handle both instnaces through the same partnership, but alter the map to create unique outputs based on the two different types? At least of the cards would need to be handled through Route, but you could have that picked up by a simple Outprep / Gateway Service list that put the data where you wanted it.
    B. Before Parse, run a custom service that is capable of inspecting for which type of data it is, then modify one of the key fields in place to find the Second partnership. Really getting adventurous, maybe you could alter keys in the UNG to make the distinction. This assumes that you don't have both types of documents in the same interchange.
    C. Your idea may be workable. Can you give some more detail on the make-up of the Service list and the destination/processing of the two differnt types of MEDRUC?

Maybe you are looking for

  • How can i transfer music from my iPod touch to my new macbook?

    I recently bought a laptop, and i can not transfer the music on my ipod touch onto it!? I also need to update my ipod, but if i do this i will lose what is on the ipod, and i have no back up because i cant get it onto my macbook! Is there any way to

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  • Country India version activation

    Hi All We have installed ECC 6.0 IDES in our office. We have activated the country India version in SPRO settings via Financial accounting -->Tax on sales/purchase --> basic settings --> India. But when I checked in SPRO settings Enterprise structure