Debian config questions on Sun SPARC systems

hi all
i have installed debian 3.1 on sun netra t100 server.
i want to install graphic driver on this server , but not able to do that.
pls help

I have merged your two postings.
They ask what is essentially the same thing.
Unfortunately, there will probably be no answer for you in these particular forums.
You questions are software questions.
These are Hardware discussion forums.
These forums are offered for hardware-specific issues.
It is generally expected that you will be using Sun's Solaris operating environment on Sun's hardware.
In Sun Microsystems techsupport centers, the configuration of framebuffers, various Xservers, screen resolutions, etc are all supported in the OS software support department.
Those issues are not handled by any hardware support engineers.
I suggest you consider the Debian support maillists, where others may have more experience with this.
Perhaps this link could be a starting point:
What I <i>will</i> advise you is that these systems were designed to be densely installed to a datacenter server rack.
They were NEVER intended to run with any directly attached keyboards, mice, graphics cards, or monitors.
You attach a terminal concentrator to their LOM ports and administer them in command-line mode. All that is described in the system documentation. s/Netra_Servers/Netra_t1/index.html

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    I use Sun Java System We Server 7.0 for my project.
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    2. memory: 2G
    3. SJSWS version: 7.0 preview 3
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    first off, please try the Update 1 release in stead of technology preview releases:
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    there is nothing in the server end (whether it's Tomcat or any other web server) that affects how the content is displayed on the browser.
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    No - you want to switch to U1 anyway, since it's a released version (and is absolutely FREE for production use).

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    Use the NET MGT port for remote gui. See here for more info:

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    uname -a
    SunOS aegtest 5.6 Generic_105181-30 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-5_10.
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    hmm 2.6 too old but installboot procedure should install boot blk.
    man installboot
    use metastat to see the status of mirror (They should be in sync)
    I hope you are using Disk Suite.
    Man metastat/metainit/ etc.

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    Checking Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment...
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    I have ubuntu installed on my system. I wanted to
    install the Sun Java System Application Server PE 9
    on it. I didn't see any debian package for it on
    Sun's downloads. I downloaded the linux version and
    tried to install it. I got the following result...
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    Checking available disk space...
    Checking Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment...
    Error: Could not find the required version of the
    Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment.
    This application needs version 1.5 or higher of the
    Java(TM) 2 Runtime
    Environment. If the required Java(TM) 2 Runtime
    Environment is not installed,
    you can download it from the following website:
    f you already have the required Java(TM) 2 Runtime
    installed, try rerunning this application with the
    following usage:
    'java_ee_sdk-5-linux.bin' -javahome <Java(TM)
    installation directory>
    oot@vineet:/usr/src# ./java_ee_sdk-5-linux.bin
    -javahome /usr/lib/j2re1.5-sun
    Checking available disk space...
    Checking Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment...
    Launching Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment...
    Error: There are no files requiring installation.
    Deleting temporary files...
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    VineetDo you have java 5 sdk on your machine (Or at the very least java 5 re) ?
    Have you tried the command that they gave ?

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    The configuration files are like:
    1. magnus.conf
    # Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
    # Use is subject to license terms.
    Init fn="load-modules" funcs="wl_proxy,wl_init" shlib="/www/a/WebServer7/weblogic6.1sp6/"
    Init fn="wl_init"
    2. obj.conf
    # Copyright 2010 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
    # Use is subject to license terms.
    # You can edit this file, but comments and formatting changes
    # might be lost when you use the administration GUI or CLI.
    #<Object name="weblogic">
    #Service fn="wl_proxy" WebLogicCluster="" ConnectTimeoutSecs="240" ConnectRetrySecs="60"
    <Object name="default">
    <Client method="TRACE">
    AuthTrans fn="set-variable" remove-headers="transfer-encoding" set-headers="content-length: -1" error="501"
    #AuthTrans fn="match-browser" browser="*MSIE*" ssl-unclean-shutdown="true"
    NameTrans fn="strip-params"
    NameTrans fn="redirect" from="/" url="/home.jsp"
    NameTrans fn="redirect" from="/index.jsp" url="/home.jsp"
    NameTrans fn="redirect" from="/index.html" url="/home.jsp"
    NameTrans fn="document-root" root="$docroot"
    NameTrans fn="pfx2dir" from="/mc-icons" dir="/www/a/WebServer7/lib/icons" name="es-internal"
    NameTrans fn="home-page" path="index.html"
    <If $uri =~ "/*.jsp">
    Service method="(GET|HEAD|POST|PUT)" fn="wl_proxy" WebLogicCluster="" ConnectTimeoutSecs="240" ConnectRetrySecs="60"
    #Service method="(GET|HEAD|POST|PUT)" type="text/jsp" fn="wl_proxy" WebLogicCluster="" ConnectTimeoutSecs="240" ConnectRetrySecs="60"
    PathCheck fn="unix-uri-clean"
    PathCheck fn="check-acl" acl="default"
    PathCheck fn="find-pathinfo"
    PathCheck fn="find-compressed" check-age="off" vary="on"
    ObjectType fn="type-by-extension"
    ObjectType fn="force-type" type="text/plain" charset="iso_8859-1"
    ObjectType fn="set-default-type" charset="iso_8859-1"
    Service method="(GET|HEAD)" type="magnus-internal/directory" fn="send-error"
    Service method="(GET|HEAD)" type="*~magnus-internal/*" fn="send-file"
    AddLog fn="flex-log" name="access"
    <Object name="es-internal">
    PathCheck fn="check-acl" acl="es-internal"
    <Object name="send-precompressed">
    PathCheck fn="find-compressed"
    <Object name="compress-on-demand">
    Output fn="insert-filter" filter="http-compression"
    I add one line: type=text/jsp exts=jsp

    Quick obvious question - Are you positive you're editing the correct obj.conf? Check the config directory and see if there is a second one called something like <instance>.obj.conf (where <instance> is the name of your configured instance).
    Alternatively you can grep for object-file in the server.xml to see which obj.conf the server is using:
    # grep object-file server.xml
        <object-file>bare-php.obj.conf</object-file>Assuming that you are editing the correct obj.conf file, are you making certain to restart Web Server after making your changes?

  • Some general questions about Sun Java Communications Suite

    Hello Everybody,
    We are a small group of individuals (2 Java developers and 1 Linux expert and Web Application developer), located in Germany.
    We are fully new to �Solaris� and Sun Java Communications Suite and know, that it�s a highly professional software system for large scale deployment. However we plan to install (64 Bit version) and manage it in a small network environment, consisting of a Server (4 GB RAM, RAID 5, AMD Dual CPU) based on Solaris 10 (X86) and *20* clients based on Win XP, Solaris and Linux.
    It�s a network of a non-profit organization, providing social services to local society.
    At clients we will use the Communications Express and the needed services are: Calander, Mail and Address book. (no need of Outlook Connector, Instant Messaging, Document Management, etc.)
    Our long-term aim is - after learning of professional architecting, deployment and management of Communications Suite - to provide integration and development services to organizations (schools and small / medium sized Business) and public in cooperation with ISP or infrastructure-providers like Sun Microsystems.
    Now, our main questions are:
    *1.-* Is the Server phy. recourse enough to deliver the mentioned services of Communication Suite to 20 clients without problems?
    *2.-* Isn�t Communications Suite oversized for such small network mentioned above or better, if we use another collaboration software system like Opengroupeware ( ? Opengroupeware is developed using non-java lang and therefore doesn�t match our strategy.
    *3.-* Does the Communications Suite download-pack includes all necessary components of Sun Java ES (Directory Server, Access Manager, etc.) or these components are to be downloaded separately?
    *4.-* What is the difference between the Sun Java System Messaging Server and the Sun Java System Message Queue?
    We appropriate very much your answers and any further useful information regarding our project.

    1> I believe your hardware can support 20 users (you might need to tune the Web Server heap size) - I had a Sparc 2x450mhz w/ 2GB of ram supporting 50+ users quite comfortably - with roughly half using POP and the other half IMAP/webmail. Ideally though, for best performance you would want to break up the main servers (LDAP, WEB, and MS) between hosts) - probably not necessary for 20 users. Having all on one machine simplifies things too (but also makes it a single-point-of-failure). Your disk obviously is important, the faster the better - that it's redundant is also nice - larger deployments might use much fancier storage systems to provide speed and redundancy, and use an the App Server instead of the Web Server as a container for Comms Express.
    2> I don't think it's "oversized" - might you mean overkill? In this case I don't think overkill is a bad thing. Why not have very capable software, even if you don't really need it -is how I see things.
    3> I believe you get all you need in the download. Though I've never tried the 64bit version (which I am guessing is only really necessary for larger deployments where you want to obtain maximized performance for heavier loads). I recommend following the single host evaluation document to get the hang of the install.
    4> I'm not sure - though the Messaging install I believe requires the MQueue stuff, I think it's sort of an API for messaging, also available separately, but used by JES Messaging system?
    Good Luck,

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    We have in the past used Sun SPARC based servers, ranging from E420R to E4500.
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    Will they lock up like most x86 boxes, or has Sun managed to design a robust x86 system?

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  • Sun SPARC Enterprise M4000 Server as Oracle db server?

    we're considering to replace our Sun Fire V490 Servers with newer generation of Oracle SUN Servers.
    It's mentioned that next-generation product for V490 Servers is Sun SPARC M4000.
    Do you have any experience with M4000 as Oracle db servers?
    Our systems are mostly OLTP based with batch processing overnight.
    Database with about 150 concurrent users max.
    What would be our best price/performance option?

    Hi ajmaidak,
    our SunFire v490 configurations are:
    2x SunFire v490 , 4GB RAM , 2 (1x dual-port HBA) x 2Gb FC
    2x SunFire v490 , 8GB RAM , 2 (1x dual-port HBA) x 2Gb FC
    What do you think about consolidation of those four v490 servers on two Intel 7500 based X4470 servers?
    Intel 7500 X4470 is strong enough to handle workload of two SunFire v490 servers?
    Same question related to Sparc VII+ M4000 server - can this server handle workload of two SunFire v490's?
    Thanks for answer.

  • Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 available

    I am delighted to announce that Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 is now available for download, purchase, deployment, and more.
    This release builds on the highly scalable and stable heritage of Web Server. It features an entirely re-designed Administration interface designed around clusters, easy access to frequently performed tasks, simplification of frequently performed tasks., and a fully scriptable command line interface featuring functional parity with the browser-based interface.
    In addition to the administration changes this release features:
    o Full 64-bit support for Solaris SPARC and Solaris AMD64 platforms
    o Regular expression pattern matching for URL re-writing and mass hosting
    o If/Then/Else constructs within request processing
    o Advanced sed based input and output filters
    o Dynamic loading of Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs) without requiring daemon restart
    o Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC)
    o Built in request mapping for protection against abnormal load patterns and Denial of Service protection
    o WebDAV ACL support
    o Out-of-box Java support for Servlets 2.4, JSP 2.0, JSF 1.1, JSTL 1.1, JWSDP 2.0 based web services
    o Java session failover and recovery within a cluster of peers
    o Integrated HTTP reverse proxy User-Agent
    o Bundled FastCGI client for use with third party scripting environments such as Perl, PHP, Ruby on Rails, etc
    o Enhancement of perfdump, stats-xml, and SNMP as well as more ability to monitor the Java container and the ACL system
    o Much more
    The software can be downloaded from:
    The documentation is available at:

    If 7.0 was released, how come still only talks about 6.1?

  • A few post config questions on new setup

    Hi Group,
    Just a few post config questions.
    First, how can I confirm my controller is in fact associating properly with an NTP server?  On a typically cisco product, I could just do a 'show ntp associations' or a 'show ntp status'.  I cannot see a way to confirm this on the gui or command line.
    Second, on my guest network with web-auth, if one were to choose to not use https for web-auth and instead use unsecure http, would that be possible and if so where in the gui?

    The third field is from a WLC running v7.4 not v7.2.  I usually would install a 3rd party certificate, but what eles you can try is issue this command on from the CLI.  It had issues working with certain code versions, but you might as well give it a try.
    config network web-auth secureweb disable
    Help out other by using the rating system and marking answered questions as "Answered"

  • Sun Java System Application Server8 can not startup (help me )

    I work in an japanese compay in China. recently, my JSC can not work
    who can help me
    the error infomation is :
    The Sun Java System Application Server could not start:
    Possible reasons:
    1.port conflict
    2.Incorrect server configuartion
    3.corrputed deployed application
    my java Studio Creator version: 2004Q2 Update9
    I have used this tool for three weeks , in the frist week. everything is ok.
    no probroblem happened. in the second week ,sometimes my JSC can not startup, so I restarted my JSC. and it can work again. later, the same problem happened again. when I restarted my JSC , it sill does not work, so I have to restart my computer and it startup successfully,
    two days later, the same problem happened again. I restarted my computer , it still did not work. so I have to change my port number in the domain.xml. sometimes it woks well, but sometimes I can't not startup.
    in the third week, no matter what I do, the problem can not be solved.
    some of my colleagues don't have such problem. but some of them have the same problem. when I run my project on the computer that don't have such problem , it can startup. I don't know why, just a little weird.
    till now , no one in our company can tell why this problem happened.
    and I believe that anybody who use JSC will encountered this error sooner or later.
    who can tell me why will this problem happen? and where can I find some related imformation about this problem. thanks!!!!!!
    my domain.xml
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE domain PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems Inc.//DTD Application Server 8.0 Domain//EN" "">
    Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
    SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.
    <!-- Generated from default-domain.xml.template -->
    <domain application-root="${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/applications" log-root="${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/logs">
    <j2ee-application enabled="true" location="${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/applications/j2ee-apps/MEjbApp" name="MEjbApp" object-type="system-all"/>
    <j2ee-application enabled="true" location="${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/applications/j2ee-apps/__ejb_container_timer_app" name="__ejb_container_timer_app" object-type="system-all"/>
    <web-module context-root="/web1" enabled="true" location="${com.sun.aas.installRoot}/lib/install/applications/adminapp/adminapp_war" name="adminapp" object-type="system-admin">
    <!-- System Web Module - DO NOT DELETE! -->
    <web-module context-root="/asadmin" enabled="true" location="${com.sun.aas.installRoot}/lib/install/applications/admingui/adminGUI_war" name="admingui" object-type="system-admin">
    <!-- System Web Module - DO NOT DELETE! -->
    <web-module context-root="/com_sun_web_ui" enabled="true" location="${com.sun.aas.installRoot}/lib/install/applications/com_sun_web_ui" name="com_sun_web_ui" object-type="system-admin">
    <!-- System Web Module - DO NOT DELETE! -->
    <jdbc-resource enabled="true" jndi-name="jdbc/__TimerPool" object-type="system-all" pool-name="__TimerPool"/>
    <jdbc-resource enabled="true" jndi-name="jdbc/PointBase" object-type="user" pool-name="PointBasePool"/>
    <jdbc-connection-pool connection-validation-method="auto-commit" datasource-classname="com.pointbase.xa.xaDataSource" fail-all-connections="false" idle-timeout-in-seconds="300" is-connection-validation-required="false" is-isolation-level-guaranteed="true" max-pool-size="32" max-wait-time-in-millis="60000" name="__TimerPool" pool-resize-quantity="2" res-type="javax.sql.XADataSource" steady-pool-size="8">
    <property name="DatabaseName" value="jdbc:pointbase:embedded:ejbtimer,database.home=${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/lib/databases"/>
    <property name="User" value="pbPublic"/>
    <property name="Password" value="pbPublic"/>
    <jdbc-connection-pool connection-validation-method="auto-commit" datasource-classname="com.pointbase.xa.xaDataSource" fail-all-connections="false" idle-timeout-in-seconds="300" is-connection-validation-required="false" is-isolation-level-guaranteed="true" max-pool-size="32" max-wait-time-in-millis="60000" name="PointBasePool" pool-resize-quantity="2" res-type="javax.sql.XADataSource" steady-pool-size="8">
    <property name="DatabaseName" value="jdbc:pointbase:server://localhost:9092/sun-appserv-samples"/>
    <property name="Password" value="pbPublic"/>
    <property name="User" value="pbPublic"/>
    <config name="server-config">
    <http-listener acceptor-threads="100" address="" default-virtual-server="server" enabled="true" id="http-listener-1" port="28080" security-enabled="false" server-name="" xpowered-by="true">
    <http-listener acceptor-threads="100" address="" default-virtual-server="server" enabled="true" id="http-listener-2" port="21043" security-enabled="true" server-name="" xpowered-by="true">
    <http-listener acceptor-threads="100" address="" default-virtual-server="__asadmin" enabled="true" id="admin-listener" port="24848" security-enabled="false" server-name="" xpowered-by="true">
    <virtual-server hosts="sif-caicj" http-listeners="http-listener-1,http-listener-2" id="server" state="on">
    <property name="docroot" value="${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/docroot"/>
    <property name="accesslog" value="${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/logs/access"/>
    <virtual-server default-web-module="admingui" hosts="sif-caicj" http-listeners="admin-listener" id="__asadmin" state="on">
    <property name="accesslog" value="${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/logs/access"/>
    <iiop-service client-authentication-required="false">
    <orb max-connections="1024" message-fragment-size="1024" use-thread-pool-ids="thread-pool-1"/>
    <iiop-listener address="" enabled="true" id="orb-listener-1" port="23700" security-enabled="false"/>
    <iiop-listener address="" enabled="true" id="SSL" port="21060" security-enabled="true">
    <ssl cert-nickname="s1as" client-auth-enabled="false" ssl2-enabled="false" ssl3-enabled="true" tls-enabled="true" tls-rollback-enabled="true"/>
    <iiop-listener address="" enabled="true" id="SSL_MUTUALAUTH" port="21061" security-enabled="true">
    <ssl cert-nickname="s1as" client-auth-enabled="true" ssl2-enabled="false" ssl3-enabled="true" tls-enabled="true" tls-rollback-enabled="true"/>
    <admin-service type="das-and-server">
    <das-config admin-session-timeout-in-minutes="60" autodeploy-dir="${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/autodeploy" autodeploy-enabled="true" autodeploy-jsp-precompilation-enabled="false" autodeploy-polling-interval-in-seconds="2" autodeploy-verifier-enabled="false" deploy-xml-validation="full" dynamic-reload-enabled="true" dynamic-reload-poll-interval-in-seconds="2"/>
    <ejb-container cache-idle-timeout-in-seconds="600" cache-resize-quantity="32" commit-option="B" max-cache-size="512" max-pool-size="32" pool-idle-timeout-in-seconds="600" pool-resize-quantity="8" removal-timeout-in-seconds="5400" session-store="${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/session-store" steady-pool-size="0" victim-selection-policy="nru"/>
    <mdb-container idle-timeout-in-seconds="600" max-pool-size="32" pool-resize-quantity="8" steady-pool-size="0"/>
    <jms-service init-timeout-in-seconds="60" type="LOCAL">
    <jms-host admin-password="admin" admin-user-name="admin" host="sif-caicj" name="default_JMS_host" port="27676"/>
    <log-service alarms="false" file="${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/logs/server.log" log-rotation-limit-in-bytes="2000000000" log-to-console="false" use-system-logging="false">
    <module-log-levels admin="INFO" classloader="INFO" cmp="INFO" cmp-container="INFO" configuration="INFO" connector="INFO" corba="INFO" deployment="INFO" ejb-container="INFO" javamail="INFO" jaxr="INFO" jaxrpc="INFO" jdo="INFO" jms="INFO" jta="INFO" jts="INFO" mdb-container="INFO" naming="INFO" resource-adapter="INFO" root="INFO" saaj="INFO" security="INFO" server="INFO" verifier="INFO" web-container="INFO"/>
    <security-service anonymous-role="ANYONE" audit-enabled="false" audit-modules="default" default-realm="file" jacc="default">
    <auth-realm classname="" name="file">
    <property name="file" value="${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/config/keyfile"/>
    <property name="jaas-context" value="fileRealm"/>
    <auth-realm classname="" name="certificate">
    <jacc-provider name="default" policy-configuration-factory-provider="" policy-provider="">
    <property name="repository" value="${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/generated/policy"/>
    <audit-module classname="" name="default">
    <property name="auditOn" value="false"/>
    <transaction-service automatic-recovery="false" heuristic-decision="rollback" keypoint-interval="2048" retry-timeout-in-seconds="600" timeout-in-seconds="0" tx-log-dir="${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/logs"/>
    <module-monitoring-levels connector-connection-pool="OFF" ejb-container="OFF" http-service="OFF" jdbc-connection-pool="OFF" orb="OFF" thread-pool="OFF" transaction-service="OFF" web-container="OFF"/>
    <java-config classpath-suffix="${com.sun.aas.installRoot}/pointbase/lib/pbclient.jar${path.separator}${com.sun.aas.installRoot}/pointbase/lib/pbembedded.jar${path.separator}" debug-enabled="false" debug-options="-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_shmem,server=y,suspend=n,address=creator-14848" env-classpath-ignored="true" java-home="${com.sun.aas.javaRoot}" javac-options="-g" rmic-options="-iiop -poa -alwaysgenerate -keepgenerated -g" server-classpath="${com.sun.aas.javaRoot}/lib/tools.jar${path.separator}${com.sun.aas.installRoot}/lib/install/applications/jmsra/imqjmsra.jar${path.separator}${com.sun.aas.imqLib}/jaxm-api.jar${path.separator}${com.sun.aas.imqLib}/fscontext.jar${path.separator}${com.sun.aas.antLib}/ant.jar">
    <!-- various required jvm-options -->
    <jvm-options> -Djdbc.drivers=com.pointbase.jdbc.jdbcUniversalDriver</jvm-options>
    <thread-pool idle-thread-timeout-in-seconds="120" max-thread-pool-size="200" min-thread-pool-size="0" num-work-queues="1" thread-pool-id="thread-pool-1"/>
    <!-- config model with name "server-config" ends -->
    <server config-ref="server-config" name="server">
    <application-ref enabled="true" ref="adminapp" virtual-servers="__asadmin"/>
    <application-ref enabled="true" ref="admingui" virtual-servers="__asadmin"/>
    <application-ref enabled="true" ref="com_sun_web_ui" virtual-servers="__asadmin"/>
    <application-ref enabled="true" ref="MEjbApp" virtual-servers="server"/>
    <application-ref enabled="true" ref="__ejb_container_timer_app" virtual-servers="server"/>
    <resource-ref enabled="true" ref="jdbc/__TimerPool"/>
    <resource-ref enabled="true" ref="jdbc/PointBase"/>
    my server.log
    I am sorry there are some japanese words in the log
    �v���I: fatal
    ����: information
    �R�l�N�V���������������G���[�������������� : error happened when connecting
    Starting Sun Java System Application Server Platform Edition 8.0.0_01 (build b08-fcs) ...
    [#|2006-02-10T12:59:48.050+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.core|_ThreadID=10;|CORE5076: Using [Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM, Version 1.4.2_06] from [Sun Microsystems Inc.]|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T12:59:49.206+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01||_ThreadID=10;|ADM0020:Following is the information about the JMX MBeanServer used:|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T12:59:49.394+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01||_ThreadID=10;|ADM0001:MBeanServer initialized successfully|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T12:59:51.628+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=10;|Creating virtual server server|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T12:59:51.659+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.core|_ThreadID=10;|S1AS AVK Instrumentation disabled|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T12:59:51.738+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01||_ThreadID=10;|SEC1143: Loading policy provider|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T12:59:53.910+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.core.transaction|_ThreadID=10;|JTS5014: Recoverable JTS instance, serverId = [100]|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T12:59:55.519+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.core|_ThreadID=10;|Satisfying Optional Packages dependencies...|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T12:59:55.707+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.resource.resourceadapter|_ThreadID=10;|RAR7008 : Initialized monitoring registry and listeners|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T12:59:56.394+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.core|_ThreadID=10;|CORE5100:Loading system apps|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T12:59:57.019+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.core.classloading|_ThreadID=10;|LDR5010: All ejb(s) of [MEjbApp] loaded successfully!|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T12:59:57.769+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.ejb|_ThreadID=10;|EJB5109:EJB Timer Service started successfully for datasource [jdbc/__TimerPool]|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T12:59:57.769+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.core.classloading|_ThreadID=10;|LDR5010: All ejb(s) of [__ejb_container_timer_app] loaded successfully!|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T12:59:57.816+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=10;|WEB0302: Starting Tomcat.|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T12:59:57.957+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=10;|WEB0100: Loading web module [adminapp] in virtual server [server] at [web1]|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T12:59:58.113+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=10;|WEB0100: Loading web module [admingui] in virtual server [server] at [asadmin]|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T12:59:58.113+0800|�x��|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=10;|WEB0500: default-locale attribute of locale-charset-info element has been deprecated and is being ignored. Use default-charset attribute of parameter-encoding element instead|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T12:59:58.129+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=10;|WEB0100: Loading web module [com_sun_web_ui] in virtual server [server] at [com_sun_web_ui]|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T12:59:58.129+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|org.apache.catalina.startup.Embedded|_ThreadID=10;|Starting tomcat server|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T12:59:58.129+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|org.apache.catalina.startup.Embedded|_ThreadID=10;|Catalina naming disabled|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T12:59:58.222+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine|_ThreadID=10;|Starting Servlet Engine: Sun-Java-System/Application-Server-PE-8.0|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:00:01.285+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|org.apache.catalina.startup.ContextConfig|_ThreadID=10;|�A�v���P�[�V������web.xml�����������������A�f�t�H���g�������g�p������ StandardEngine[server].StandardHost[server].StandardContext[]|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:00:03.191+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol|_ThreadID=10;|Coyote HTTP/1.1���|�[�g28080��������������|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:00:03.254+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol|_ThreadID=10;|Coyote HTTP/1.1���|�[�g 28080 ���N��������|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:00:03.348+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol|_ThreadID=10;|Coyote HTTP/1.1���|�[�g21043��������������|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:00:03.363+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol|_ThreadID=10;|Coyote HTTP/1.1���|�[�g 21043 ���N��������|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:00:03.379+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol|_ThreadID=10;|Coyote HTTP/1.1���|�[�g24848��������������|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:00:03.379+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol|_ThreadID=10;|Coyote HTTP/1.1���|�[�g 24848 ���N��������|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:04.883+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.resource.jms|_ThreadID=10;|JMS5035: Timed out after 60000 milliseconds while trying to verify if the JMS service startup succeeded.|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:04.883+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.resource.jms|_ThreadID=10;|JMS5037: Check permissions of MQ instance directory E:\Sun\Creator\SunAppServer8\imq\var\instances|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:04.883+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.resource.jms|_ThreadID=10;|JMS5036: More details may be available in the log file for the JMS service broker instance imqbroker. Please refer to the JMS provider documentation for the exact location of this log file.|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:04.883+0800|�v���I|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.core|_ThreadID=10;|CORE5071: An error occured during initialization
    com.sun.appserv.server.ServerLifecycleException: [C4003]: �R�l�N�V���������������G���[���������������B - ���o Connection refused: connect
         at com.sun.enterprise.jms.JmsProviderLifecycle.checkProviderStartup(
         at com.sun.enterprise.server.PEMain.main(
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    Caused by: com.sun.messaging.jms.JMSException: [C4003]: �R�l�N�V���������������G���[���������������B - ���o Connection refused: connect
         at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.ExceptionHandler.getJMSConnectException(
         at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.ExceptionHandler.handleConnectException(
         at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.PortMapperClient.readBrokerPorts(
         at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.PortMapperClient.init(
         at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.PortMapperClient.<init>(
         at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.protocol.tcp.TCPConnectionHandler.<init>(
         at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.protocol.tcp.TCPStreamHandler.openConnection(
         at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.ConnectionInitiator.createConnectionOld(
         at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.ConnectionInitiator.createConnection(
         at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.ConnectionInitiator.createConnection(
         at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.ProtocolHandler.init(
         at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.ProtocolHandler.<init>(
         at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.ConnectionImpl.openConnection(
         at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.ConnectionImpl.init(
         at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.ConnectionImpl.<init>(
         at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.UnifiedConnectionImpl.<init>(
         at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.QueueConnectionImpl.<init>(
         at com.sun.messaging.ConnectionFactory.createQueueConnection(
         at com.sun.messaging.jmq.admin.jmsspi.JMSAdminImpl.pingProvider(
         at com.sun.enterprise.jms.JmsProviderLifecycle.waitForJmsProvider(
         at com.sun.enterprise.jms.JmsProviderLifecycle.checkProviderStartup(
         ... 7 more
    Caused by: Connection refused: connect
         at Method)
         at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.PortMapperClient.readBrokerPorts(
         ... 25 more
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:04.883+0800|�v���I|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.core|_ThreadID=10;|Server Startup failed. Exiting...|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:04.883+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.core|_ThreadID=10;|Server shutdown in progress...|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:04.883+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=10;|WEB0303: Stopping Tomcat.|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:04.883+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol|_ThreadID=10;|Stoping http11 protocol on 28080 server:type=ThreadPool,name=http28080|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:04.899+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol|_ThreadID=10;|Stoping http11 protocol on 21043 server:type=ThreadPool,name=http21043|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:04.915+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol|_ThreadID=10;|Stoping http11 protocol on 24848 server:type=ThreadPool,name=http24848|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:05.008+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.core|_ThreadID=10;|CORE5051: Shutting down all J2EE applications ...|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:05.008+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.ejb|_ThreadID=10;|EJB5122:EJB Timer Service shutdown at [2006/02/10 13:01:05]|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:05.008+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.core|_ThreadID=10;|CORE5052: Application shutdown complete.|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:05.008+0800|�x��|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.core|_ThreadID=10;|CORE5061: Exception :
    com.sun.appserv.server.ServerLifecycleException: MQ startup failed :[C4003]: �R�l�N�V���������������G���[���������������B - ���o Connection refused: connect
         at com.sun.enterprise.jms.JmsProviderLifecycle.checkProviderStartup(
         at com.sun.enterprise.jms.JmsProviderLifecycle.onShutdown(
         at com.sun.enterprise.server.ApplicationServer.onShutdown(
         at com.sun.enterprise.server.PEMain.main(
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:05.008+0800|�v���I|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.core|_ThreadID=10;|Server stopped due to Server startup failure.|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:05.024+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.core|_ThreadID=11;|sending notification to server...server|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:05.024+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.core|_ThreadID=11;|Server shutdown complete.|#]
    Starting Sun Java System Application Server Platform Edition 8.0.0_01 (build b08-fcs) ...
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:10.743+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.core|_ThreadID=10;|CORE5076: Using [Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM, Version 1.4.2_06] from [Sun Microsystems Inc.]|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:11.728+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01||_ThreadID=10;|ADM0020:Following is the information about the JMX MBeanServer used:|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:11.868+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01||_ThreadID=10;|ADM0001:MBeanServer initialized successfully|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:14.634+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=10;|Creating virtual server server|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:14.650+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.core|_ThreadID=10;|S1AS AVK Instrumentation disabled|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:14.665+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01||_ThreadID=10;|SEC1143: Loading policy provider|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:16.337+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.core.transaction|_ThreadID=10;|JTS5014: Recoverable JTS instance, serverId = [100]|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:17.603+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.core|_ThreadID=10;|Satisfying Optional Packages dependencies...|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:17.790+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.resource.resourceadapter|_ThreadID=10;|RAR7008 : Initialized monitoring registry and listeners|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:18.462+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.core|_ThreadID=10;|CORE5100:Loading system apps|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:19.025+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.core.classloading|_ThreadID=10;|LDR5010: All ejb(s) of [MEjbApp] loaded successfully!|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:19.728+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.ejb|_ThreadID=10;|EJB5109:EJB Timer Service started successfully for datasource [jdbc/__TimerPool]|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:19.728+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.core.classloading|_ThreadID=10;|LDR5010: All ejb(s) of [__ejb_container_timer_app] loaded successfully!|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:19.775+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=10;|WEB0302: Starting Tomcat.|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:19.916+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=10;|WEB0100: Loading web module [adminapp] in virtual server [server] at [web1]|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:20.041+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=10;|WEB0100: Loading web module [admingui] in virtual server [server] at [asadmin]|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:20.041+0800|�x��|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=10;|WEB0500: default-locale attribute of locale-charset-info element has been deprecated and is being ignored. Use default-charset attribute of parameter-encoding element instead|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:20.041+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=10;|WEB0100: Loading web module [com_sun_web_ui] in virtual server [server] at [com_sun_web_ui]|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:20.056+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|org.apache.catalina.startup.Embedded|_ThreadID=10;|Starting tomcat server|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:20.056+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|org.apache.catalina.startup.Embedded|_ThreadID=10;|Catalina naming disabled|#]
    [#|2006-02-10T13:01:20.150+0800|����|sun-appserver-pe8.0.0_01|org.apache.catalina.c                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      &n

    Restarting the computer should have stopped the appserver.
    To kill the appserver manually you can go to the command prompt

  • How to access JDBC Resource registered in Sun Java System App Server ?

    I want to create a stand-alone JDBC application with Java SE using Swing technologies and JNDI technology. The purpose of using JNDI technology is to avoid change of Java Source Code every time I move the database to different location. This Java application will be used in a standalone PC installed with Windows XP Professional with no LAN / WAN connection. Of course, Internet connection is available with the PC.
    I use JavaDB to store the data tables and the location of the database is D:\E-DRIVE\SAPDEV. Tomorrow, if I move this database to C:\SAPDEV or any network drive, I do not want to change the Java Source code. I want to use JNDI which, if I am not wrong, helps developers to avoid manual change of Java source code whenever the database location is changed. Changes have to be made only in the JNDI Name which contains all relevant information about the database in order to get connection no matter where the database SAPDEV is stored; it can be placed under D:\E-DRIVE directory or C:\ directory of the hard disk. To implement my intention, I started developing Java application as per the steps mentioned below:
    Step 1:
    To proceed, first, I sought the help of Sun Java System Application Server Admin Console. I created JNDI object for Connection Pool using the menu path Common Tasks->Resources->JDBC->Connection Pools.
    Resource Type : javax.sql.DataSource
    Datasource class : org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDataSource
    Description : ABAP Program Repository
    The Connection Pool creation has options for General, Advanced and Additional Settings tabs and I made all the settings relevant to the database I created in D:\E-DRIVE\SAPDEV.
    To confirm whether the above settings are correct, I pressed the Ping push button which is available in the General tab of the connection pool creation screen. The system responded with the message Ping Succeeded.
    Step 2:
    I created a JDBC Resource using the menu path Common Tasks->Resources->JDBC->JDBC Resources.
    JNDI Name : jdbc/SAPDEV
    Pool Name : ABAPRPY
    Description : Database Connection for SAPDEV database
    Status : Enabled
    I can see all the above settings recorded in the domain.xml which is placed in the folder
    Step 3:
    I have made sure that Sun Java System Application Server is up and running in the background with JavaDB server. I created a Java Program making sure the following JAR files are included in the classpath:
    Plus, the lib directory of JDK 1.6 & C:\Sun\AppServer\domains\domain1\config
    Source code of the program is as follows: I used NetBeans IDE to create my project file.
    import java.util.logging.Level;
    import java.util.logging.Logger;
    import javax.naming.*;
    import javax.activation.DataSource;
    public class JNDILookup {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {
    InitialContext initCtx = new InitialContext();
    DataSource ds = (DataSource) initCtx.lookup("java:comp/env/jdbc/sapdev>");
    } catch (NamingException ex) {
    Logger.getLogger(JNDILookup.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
    When I attempted to compile the above program in NetBeans IDE ,no compilation error reported. But while executing the program, I got the following run-time error message:
    SEVERE: null
    javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: No object bound for java:comp/env/jdbc/sapdev> [Root exception is java.lang.NullPointerException]
    at com.sun.enterprise.naming.SerialContext.lookup(
    at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(
    at SAPConnect.JNDILookup.main(
    Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
    ... 3 more
    Now, I want to come out of this situation; at the same time, I want to preserve the settings I have made in the Sun Java System Application Server Admin Console. That is, I want to programmatically access the data source using Connection Pool created in Sun Java System Application Server Admin Console.
    I request dear forum members to provide me an appropriate solution.
    Thanks and regards,
    K. Rangarajan.

    jay44 wrote:
    Bare in mind I am attempting the context.lookup() from inside the container (my code is in a session bean). I have accessed the server and have my bean "say hello" first to verify the bean works OK, then I call a method with this rather standard code:
    String jndiDataSourceName ="Second_EJB_Module_DataBase";
    Logger.getLogger(DynamicPU.class.getName()).log(Level.INFO,"Programatically acquiring JNDI DataDource: "+ jndiDataSourceName);
    InitialContext ctx;
    try {
    ctx = new InitialContext();
    ds =(DataSource)ctx.lookup("java:comp/env/jdbc/"+jndiDataSourceName);
    } catch (NamingException ex) {
    Logger.getLogger(DynamicPU.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
    return "Exception generated trying to preform JDBC DataSource lookup. \n"+ex.toString();
    But when I run the code the server log shows the initial context is created Ok, but an exception is thrown becasue the resource name is not found:
    (and i have tried vriations of ctx.lookup("jdbc/"+jndiDataSourceName) etc etc
    You are fine here. It works in container because the InitialContext properties have been supplied already. That was the link I forwarded earlier. The InitialContext you create locally needs to locate the container JNDI. That is what the properties specify.
    Where I am confused is where you indicate the stack below is from the server log. So, you initiate a standalone (java main method) application, create an InitialContext, and you see the results in your app server log?
    LDR5010: All ejb(s) of [EJB_Module_1] loaded successfully!
    Programatically acquiring JNDI DataDource: Second_EJB_Module_DataBase
    The log message is null.
    javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Second_EJB_Module_DataBase not found
    at com.sun.enterprise.naming.TransientContext.doLookup(
    at com.sun.enterprise.naming.TransientContext.lookup(
    at com.sun.enterprise.naming.TransientContext.lookup(
    This is strange since I can see this resource (a JDBC connection named Second_EJB_Module_DataBase) is configured on the server from the server's admin console.
    That is why you can obtain a lookup from within the container (app server).
    For this lookup to work it may be that one must map the name inside an ejb-jar.xml deployed with the application, but I have also read some resources like jdbc connection should have a default name. Does anyone know if my lookup() should work without using an ejb-jar.xml mfile to explcitly map the reource for my application?
    Both EBJ's and data sources can be referenced via JNDI. It's a remote lookup (that is normally optimized if it is running in the same JVM). You should not have any dependencies on a JDBC data source being set-up on ejb-jar.xml. That file can of course impact your EJB's. However, data sources are normally set-up on a container-specific basis (e.g., you probably did it through a console, but there is a spec somewhere about how to set up a data source via a resource the app server looks for; it varies from app server to app server). However, once you have that container-specific data source set-up, JNDI operates vendor-neutral. You should be able to take the code above and move it to JBoss or Weblogic or Tomcat or whatever (this is an ideal, in practice, the vendors sometimes put a data source in a name you would not expect, but again, you can use their JMX console to see what the JNDI name is).
    (As I stated above if I have to use a deployment discriptor to get at this JNDI datasource, then solution is not "programmatic" as newly configured datasources could not be accessed without redeploying the entire application).
    As JSchell alluded to, you will always have at least something vendor-specific. JNDI itself (the code you wrote) is totally portable. However, you have to set the various JNDI environment properties to a given vendor's spec. Ideally, you should not need a vendor's actual InitialContext application, but it's a possibility. Once you can safely cast to Context, you should be vendor-neutral (if not, demand your money back).
    So that is exactly where I am stuck, trying to get the lookup to work and wondering if it should work without and xml file mapping the resource for my app.
    What we ended up doing for standalone was to provide our own JNDI. If you look at the open source project JOTM, there are examples on how to use that with XBean (if integrating with Spring, as we did), you can easily set up a data source that runs standalone exactly as you get in the container. Another benefit is you get full JTA/JTS support and the ability to run XA transactions. (This might all be alphabet soup, but the app server gives it to you, and this is the way we ended up doing the same: JNDI + JTA + JTS + XA). It ends up the same application code uses a "vanilla" InitialContext and all we have to do is write one or two xml files (one for our app server, a couple for JOTM), and our actual code works the same.
    I still think you have a shot at getting to the container's JNDI, just not using their full-blown app server JAR.
    I think there must be a simple way to do this with an ejb-jar.xml, I am no expert in JNDI, I could be missing something simple, I will keep at it and post an answer here if I come up with it.
    Thanks, jayIt is simple to code. Getting it to integrate with your app server, yes, that can be challenging. But it has nothing to do with EJB's. Write a simple test. Using nothing but DataSource and InitialContext. Let us know where you get stuck.
    - Saish

  • Sun Java System Calendar Server 2005q1 configuration issue

    I have installed Sun Java System Calendar Server (and dependencies systems) using the Java Enterprise System 2005Q1 on a Windows Server 2003 platform for an integration evaluation purpose. While configuring Sun Calendar Server it throw those message that comes in the console window:
    Cargando propiedades predeterminadas... SERIOUS ERROR:
    R: BUILD PLATFORM NOT RECOGNIZED! Cannot read null\ics.conf.tem
    plate: Exception java.lang.Exception: File "C:\Sun\CALEND~1\bin\config\null\ics.
    conf.template" does not exist
    LoadWizardStateDefaults->Error: Could not read server configuration template fil
    e "null\ics.conf.template": Cannot read "null\ics.conf.template: File "C:\Sun\CA
    LEND~1\bin\config\null\ics.conf.template" does not exist
    novalidate option set to: false
    Ha terminado la carga de propiedades predeterminadas.
    Espere.: Obteniendo el DN base del servidor LDAP
    RuntimeSetupPanel->Error: Invalid boolean value: null. Setting default value to
    RuntimeSetupPanel->Error: Invalid boolean value: null. Setting default value to
    El directorio especificado estß vacÝo, especifique un directorio vßlido
       <Pulse INTRO para continuar>
    The installation complete but Calendar Server could not be started with start-cal command throwing a configuration error. I've searched on google and on this forum to find a solution but seems that no one has encountered a similar problem. Hope can find some help.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

    Mattek wrote:
    I have installed Sun Java System Calendar Server (and dependencies systems) using the Java Enterprise System 2005Q1 on a Windows Server 2003 platform for an integration evaluation purpose.At this point I have to ask, why would you install such an old version of Java Enterprise Systems and most importantly why would you install on a platform that has been dropped for several years -- JES 2005Q4 was the last version to provide calendar/messaging/im server on Windows? SERIOUS ERROR:
    R: BUILD PLATFORM NOT RECOGNIZED!Windows Server 2003 is not a supported platform for JES 2005Q1:
    It is however supported with JES 2005Q4:

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