Debug output in telnet session

Hi All;
Is there anybody know how to show debug output messages in telnet session?

terminal monitor - to turn the console on in a telnet session
terminal no monitor - to turn it off
Is this what you wanted to know?

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    IOS 12.3(4)T4 on 3745.
    While Telnet, SSH or console into router we see no debug output even after turning Terminal monitor, we can only see the show outputs, etc. While consoled into the 3745 we see nothing there is No prompt or any messages at all.
    We tried replacing the console cable and placed it on different PCs or laptop still no go. I was thinking of reloading the router tomorrow night, but want to check if anyone has come across this problem. It was all working in the past without any changes.
    Is there like a command i need to add, etc. But i am 100% sure its all good on the 3745.

    Try 'logging console'
    'sh logg' will show what is currently being logged, look for this line to see what is being logged to the console:
    Console logging: level debugging, 49 messages logged, xml disabled, filtering disabled
    Hope this helps

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    access-list 101 permit tcp any any eq 23
    access-list 101 deny ip any any
    effectively, telnet is allowed and all other protocols are denied. when I start a debug on this access-list (debug ip packet list 101 detailed) and start telnetting to the router, everything works (as it should). But when I look with "show ip access list" I see there are about 30 matches on the "...eq 23" rule, which is correct, but there are also around 30 matches on the deny ip any any rule. The debug output shows only port 23 traffic and return traffic.
    My question: what packets hit the "deny ip any any" rule when starting a telnet session?

    Could be a name resolution issue but the easiest way to check would be to change your second line in the access-list to
    access-list 101 deny ip any any log

  • PLEASE PLEASE help!!! Telnet session echo problem

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    The implementation:
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    The problem:
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    Can someone PLEASE give me some advice?
    Thank you in advance.

    If you can't make the service that you're connecting to stop echoing the characters back to you (which is probably not what you want), you'll need to filter the characters received and strip out the ones you've sent.
    There might be a way to implement a Keyboard input listener and trap the key presses preventing them from being entered into the text area which would solve your problem. The characters in the text area would be the echoed ones.

  • Telnet session

    i have set up a telnet login sub vi that i would like to use in other vi but im stuck on how to pass the current telnet session to the next vi.   thanks.

    Do you know how to create an output to your sub vi?  If you do just create and output to the reference.  If you don't then follow smercurio's suggestions.  The online training will take you a couple days but it is very good.
    Message Edited by ShotSimon on 07-18-2008 10:30 AM
    telnet.PNG ‏10 KB

  • Problem sending debug output to a syslog server

    i am having a problem when a tried to send the output from a debug command to my syslog server with the logging debug-trace command.
    I already have a syslog server getting all the notification level logs from my ASA cluster.
    When i enter the command debug fover fail, i can see on the terminal session all theoputput m,essgaes from that commnad, but when i type debug-trace, the debug messages disappear from monitor and they aren´t redirect to my syslog server. I analyze the traffic arriving to my syslog server with tcpdump, and the messages from the debug command are not being send to the syslog server.
    I should say i also have a netflow collector active.
    I attached the sh run logging output, maybe it can help:
    logging enable
    logging timestamp
    logging standby
    logging buffer-size 8096
    logging monitor errors
    logging buffered warnings
    logging trap notifications
    logging asdm errors
    logging mail alerts
    logging from-address xxxxxxx
    logging recipient-address xxxxxxx level alerts
    logging facility 16
    logging host ADAM-MANAG
    logging debug-trace
    logging permit-hostdown
    Could someone help me with this?
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Gurpreet,
    thank you very much for your reply.
    When i enter the command logging trap debugging and logging debug-trace , I can see in my syslog server messages with  the tag 711001 coming from the debug fover fail command, but I also get a bunch of other information i don´t want (all the debug level messages).
    As far as I know, the debug-trace command redirect just the debug output from commands that you specifically enter in order to trace and debug a problem, but this is not the case, in order to make this work i have to enable the debugging trap level.
    Is it something I am doing wrong , or I misunderstand?

  • Telnet session not working in OEL -5

    Telnet session not working in OEL -5
    1. Installed xinetd and telnet-server packages on the box.
    2. Enabled the xinetd service.
    # service xinetd start
    # chkconfig xinetd on
    Telnet still not working. Please help.

    Re-ran the /etc/init.d/xinetd restart command. Telnet cannot connect and this is what I get:
    Unencrypted connection refused. Goodbye.
    Below is the telnet.cfg
    # default: on
    # description: The telnet server serves telnet sessions; it uses \
    #     unencrypted username/password pairs for authentication.
    service telnet
         flags          = REUSE
         socket_type     = stream
         wait          = no
         user          = root
         server          = /usr/sbin/in.telnetd
         log_on_failure     += USERID
         disable          = no

  • Debugging output not appearing

    I recently absorbed the task of supporting our CF MX 6.1
    server. We have an app that we need to debug - the developer asked
    us to add her IP address to the "Debugging IP Addresses" list. I
    turned on debugging and added her IP address to the list, but
    debugging output is not displaying; this is true even when you run
    the CF app on the server running CF. The steps I took are as
    - In CF Administrator, checked Enable Robust Exception
    Information and Enable Debugging. Submitted changes and got msg
    Server has been updated successfully.
    - Added developer's IP address to the list of debugging IP
    addresses. She couldn't see the debug output. Neither could I.
    - Restarted CF server. No change.
    - Rebooted server box. No change.
    - Tried removing all IP addresses from list. Debugging input
    then shows for everyone.
    One thing of note regarding the setup of the server is that
    IE has "Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration" enabled
    - don't know if this would have any impact. I'd also tried adding
    the local IP address of my machine (I'm on the same LAN as the
    server), and I got no debug info on my machine. Our whole LAN,
    including the CF Server's box, is behind an ISA server, but of
    course that wouldn't have any impact on the local server, and I
    don't *think* it would affect machines on the LAN, but I'm not
    certain of this.
    Showing the debug info to everyone is not an option, so we
    need to get the IP address filtering working. I've looked at the
    Windows event logs, the CF logs, and these forums, and can't find
    any helpful info.
    Server config:
    Windows Server 2003 (Standard Ed.) SP1
    ColdFusion MX 6.1 (6,1,0,63958) Standard
    Any suggestions would be very much appreciated.

    I figured out the problem - it turns out that even our LAN
    traffic goes through our ISA server, and the ISA server passes its
    IP address to IIS, so CFMX is seeing all traffic as coming from the
    same IP address - the LAN address of the ISA server. Adding that
    turned it on for everyone, so it seems that the solution lies in
    changing the config of the ISA server to pass through IP addresses.
    See post by "Smiley Dave" titled "Debug IP Addresses" for a little
    more info, though there's no info in that thread that he ever
    actually got it working.

  • How do I establish a telnet session with unit under test?

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    If you want to do telnet using plain TCP, you need to do everything yourself, including the telnet options negotiation.
    RFC 854 should have most of what you need (look towards the bottom).
    Most likely, the server will propose a few options, which you should either accept or reject depending on your needs.
    Easiest is probably to use a packet sniffer on a regular telnet session, then dissect the negotiation to see what that particular server wants.
    RFC 990 has a list of telnet options, look for the section labeled "ASSIGNED TELNET OPTIONS".
    It should be simple to write some code that negotiates with one particular host. It will be more difficult to write a full-blown telnet client that does general negotiations with any type of telnet server.
    I have a small program that telnets to a router to do some configuration. The only thing I reply to the proposed options is:
    "\FF\FD\03\FF\FE\01\r\n" (In \-codes). Translated: "Don't suppress go ahead, Do echo".
    (FF=IAC "Interpret as command", FD=Do, FE=Don't, 01=echo, 03= suppress go ahead.)
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

  • Placing a telnet session within a java swing program

    I was wondering if there was a way to maybe anchor a telnet session into a JPanel within a Java Swing program. Most of my users end up running a telnet session while using my Swing Program and I was hoping to find a way to bring the two together. If this is possible could someone point me in the right direction (like an online resource) that might show me how to do this.

    You could use sockets and a TextArea and build your own simple telnet application.
    Socket tutorial:

  • Stupidly easy - trace source to debug output inunit test...

    I'm convinced that this is stupidly easy, but I cant figure it out...
    I have a class with "TraceSource "classname" and in debugging it work fine, I see the output in the "output" window, however when running unittests I only see "debug.Write" output...
    What am I missing... do I need to add a listener route or something?!
    - sure I'm noJedi but that's no reason to stop trying to make stuff levitate! -
    to clarify...this UnitTest:
    public void TestLogging()
    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("this is a debug writeline");
    System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("this is a Trace writeline");
    var ts = new System.Diagnostics.TraceSource("classname");
    ts.TraceInformation("this is a ts.TraceInformation");
    throw new AssertInconclusiveException();
    outputs this:
    Test Name: TestLogging
    Test Outcome: Skipped
    Result Message: Exception of type 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertInconclusiveException' was thrown.
    Result StandardOutput:
    Debug Trace:
    this is a debug writeline
    this is a Trace writeline
    Now... for SOME reason, THIS is NOT outputing to the DebugOutput either... when I step through the TEST...
    however stepping through code NOT in unit test does put stuff in the debug output window...
    What am I missing... why is the TraceSource not outputting... I can see in step through that the DefaultTraceListener is there (its the only listener) and I was under the impression that it directed output to the DebugOut output stream... is this not what
    I think it is...?!

    Hi Jack,
    I think you are correct in that my expectations were wrong.
    1) stepping through "SwitchLevel" is "Off", in the unit test, which is problematic.
    turning it on (to All) starts logging, but ONLY when I manually add a CONSOLETraceListener (and set the route to debug error stream to true)
    2) the doco you've pointed me at was what I was reading, but I think I read/misread it differently than you...
    I think its this that threw me:
    •A DefaultTraceListener emits Write and WriteLine messages to the OutputDebugString and to the Debugger.Log method. In Visual Studio, this causes the debugging messages to appear in the Output window. Fail and failed Assert messages also emit to the OutputDebugString Windows API and the Debugger.Log method, and also cause a message box to be displayed. This behavior is the default behavior for Debug and Trace messages, because DefaultTraceListener is automatically included in every Listeners collection and is the only listener automatically included.
    to my thinking this means that by default a "Default -> aka Debug (when DEBUGGGING)" is created for you always, and therefore in the ABSENCE of config stuff, this would be perfect for UNITTESTING - therefore TraceSource with nothing but a name
    should effectively produce the same output as "Debug.WriteLine"...
    that was my thinking, but it looks like even with 'SourceLevel.All" you still need to fiddle with it...
    Thanks for your input, for now, I've resolved this by adding the above stuff so that my existing TraceSources are at least outputting stuff in my tests so I can see more of what is going on without having to change my "TraceSource" calls to "Debug"
    calls everywhere.
    - sure I'm noJedi but that's no reason to stop trying to make stuff levitate! -

  • Run 6i form in a telnet session on a 32 bit Windows environment

    We have the following environment: 8.1.7 database, 9iDS Forms 6i ( included. This is installed on 32 bit windows environment. We have wireless RF barcode scanners with TCP/IP connection. So they can connect to Unix box or a Windows telnet session. As we have Windows system we can connect this equipments to Windows through telnet session.
    I heard and read in some topics that Forms 6i can run in character mode environment. But I didn't find any solution.
    We would like to run forms as we can run svrmgrl for example on a telnet session.
    My question is that it is possible to run 6i forms on charcater mode environment (telnet session) ? If so, what we need to do in the development or running phase (command line parameters for example).
    Thanks in advance,

    Forms 6i can run in Character mode in telnet - but this only applies to Unix ports of the product - they have an f60run executable as well as the Gui f60runm and the Web f60runw runtimes.
    Windows only has GUI and Web versions.

  • Passing telnet session between LabVIEW calls from TestStand

    From TestStand I am calling VI's from telnet.llb.
    In one TestStand step  am opening a telnet session to an IP address and collecting the telnet connection (U32). In the next TestStand step I pass the telnet connection  to a telnet write VI but get this error.
     "Dequeue Element in Acquire>Telnet>Telnet"
    The telnet open, write, read, and close work great if I pass the telnet session number within the same VI. But I need to keep the session open between calls from TestStand because one huge VI is not feasible.
    thank you
    Go to Solution.

    Maybe the following link can help
    Ray Farmer

  • How to turn of debug output from the jdriver for Oracle

    We are running our builds with Ant and doing unit-tests with junit/cactus.
    The Weblogic jDriver produces what appears to be debug info on standard out which
    in turn is captured by junit in xml files reporting errors etc. The problem is that
    the WebLogic driver ( WL6.1 SP2) sometimes produces binary 0's ( see below) ending
    up in the result xml files, and that Ant's result xml parser cannot handle - (nor
    should it ).
    This is probably a bug in the c-code for the jdriver , the oci dll ?
    Would much appreciate how to turn off the debug(?) logging that the jDriver does:
    looks like this (look for the string "[6 binary 0's]"):
    Parsing: select length(SYSDATE) from dual
    Executing: select length(SYSDATE) from dual
    Done logging in at: 60
    Connection: using OCI API: OCI8[6 binary 0's]
    Connection successfully established via plain JDBC
    trying driver[className=weblogic.jdbc.oci.Driver,weblogic.jdbc.oci.Driver@3383e9]
    getDriver returning driver[className=weblogic.jdbc.oci.Driver,weblogic.jdbc.oci.Driver@3383e9]

    Hi Gunnar,
    I'd check your code for appearances of "DriverManager.setLogWriter" that set
    log writer to System.out. This is the way to get driver's debug output
    to standard out.
    Slava Imeshev
    "Gunnar Skogen" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:3d2972bb$[email protected]..
    We are running our builds with Ant and doing unit-tests with junit/cactus.
    The Weblogic jDriver produces what appears to be debug info on standardout which
    in turn is captured by junit in xml files reporting errors etc. Theproblem is that
    the WebLogic driver ( WL6.1 SP2) sometimes produces binary 0's ( seebelow) ending
    up in the result xml files, and that Ant's result xml parser cannothandle - (nor
    should it ).
    This is probably a bug in the c-code for the jdriver , the oci dll ?
    Would much appreciate how to turn off the debug(?) logging that thejDriver does:
    looks like this (look for the string "[6 binary 0's]"):
    Parsing: select length(SYSDATE) from dual
    Executing: select length(SYSDATE) from dual
    Done logging in at: 60
    Connection: using OCI API: OCI8[6 binary 0's]
    Connection successfully established via plain JDBC
    getDriver returningdriver[className=weblogic.jdbc.oci.Driver,weblogic.jdbc.oci.Driver@3383e9]

  • Filtering debug output from CUBE

    Hi all
    I'm trying to filter the output of the debug command "debug ccsip messages"
    This is my reference
    This is what I've done:
    TR-47-0005.NEV#sh call filter match-list 1
      outgoing called-number XXXXXXXX
    debug condition match-list is set to EXACT_MATCH
    TR-47-0005.NEV#term mon
    TR-47-0005.NEV#sh debugging
    CCSIP SPI: SIP Call Message tracing is enabled  (filter is ON)
    It still gives me full debug output. Weather I go for "incoming called-number", "incoming calling-number", "outgoing called-number", "outgoing calling-number" or if I set the debug condition to "partial_match".
    Why is that?
    CUBE: 3945G
    IOS: c3900-universalk9-mz.SPA.152-4.M1.bin

    I have same problem, but only explanation I can find for this behavior is this:
    "Some debug output generated during a call may not have GUID information. These debugs, represented by /xxxxxxxxxxxx/ characters in the debug header, are not filtered and always appear."
    From my output there are lot of calls that have no GUID, even some calls that have GUID but NOT match condition appears in debug... Some people reported that they managed to work with diferent IOS, but for me it never worked on 3-4 versions of firmware.
    For me, best alternative for filtering is to use

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