Debug under ActiveX bridge

I am writing a beam using to connect a servlet for a Excel VB ActiveX plug-in.
My bean cannot connect to the web server correctly.
( but it is ok when i used the beans in pure java environment )
I found it is difficult to debug the bean,
I cannot do any println or printStackTrace
is there any way make the debug process more easier ??

I use the command line entry in the Java Plugin Configuration
(-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8002,server=y,suspend=n)
and use Netbeans 3.5 for attaching the debugger to the JVM that runs my Beans. (Assuming your using the ActiveX Bridge delivered with Java 1.4.2)

Similar Messages

  • ASP page hang for calling ActiveX bridge!!!

    Below are the steps I done
    Note: Using jdk1.5.1.
    1) It is my java program, i make it as simple program
    public class FirstProgram{
         public FirstProgram(){
    public String getMessage(){
    return "hello";
    2) My manifest.stub is like this:
    Name: FirstProgram.class
    Java-Bean: true
    3) Then I generate the "FirstProgram.jar" file.
    4) Then I register like this
    jdk1.5.1\bin\packager -out C:\Program Files\Java\ j2re1.5.1\axbridge\bin -reg FirstProgram.jar FirstProgram
    5) I tested this dll with Visual Basic. It works fine.
    6) I tested this dll with VB script in ASP.
    <%@ Language=VBScript %>
    Dim oTest
    Set oTest = CreateObject("FirstProgram.Bean.1")
    Response.Write oTest.getMessage()
    Set oTest = Nothing
    or I tried like this
    <%@ Language=VBScript %>
    Dim oTest
    Set oTest = Server.CreateObject("FirstProgram.Bean.1")
    Response.Write oTest.getMessage()
    Set oTest = Nothing
    Page will be be unavaible and i run it again (then IIS will hang and die).
    1) How do i solve this problem? Why it is able to run in VB not in asp? Is it because IIS bug?
    Note: Windows Server 2003 IIS 6.0/ Windows XP IIS 5.1 ( I have tested it on
    these two environments, it gave me same results).
    2) I read some forums said we might need to use javareg.exe to register this component. Is it true? Where can I get this component?
    Thanks for you help!!!

    I am having the same problem.
    I am running Windows 2003 Server and trying to create the object, but it is hanging. I am running the Sun JRE 1.5.3 ActiveX Bridge.
    I have tried both IIS6 and IIS5 Isolation Mode, but neither work. Under IIS5, IIS just hangs.

  • ActiveX Bridge tutorial

    Can anyone please point me to a turorial or guide on how to use the ActiveX bridge? I am basically looking for a description on how to incorporate my bean into Microsoft Word, for example.
    Your help is appreciated.

    I'm not the original poster but I came here with the
    same question. I'm having some difficulty making this
    I'm working with my own bean rather than the example
    you gave, but it's also a very simple one that I wrote
    for learning to use the bridge, and I think the same
    techniques should apply.
    On the application side, I'm using Visual Basic for
    Applications in Word 97, under Windows 2000.
    If I try to follow your instructions by executing this
    code at the start of my macro:
    Dim been As Object
    Set been = CreateObject("JBtrial.Bean.1")
    in vba i don't bother with the dim but i just tried As Object and it works. in vb btw i use Variant...
    I get this error:
    Run-time error '-2147024770 (8007007e)':
    Automation error
    The specified module could not be found
    this is kind of a wierd one but i may have seen it before.
    use the jre 1.3.1 international version. i don't know why this makes a difference but it does. in fact when i first started using the bridge i spent two weeks smacking into the problem that it never worked until i noticed someone else here was using the international version and the first time i tried it it doesn't seem to matter for the deployment actually it is just the packaging tool seems to only work in the international version.
    catch didn'tHelpMuchException
    make sure of all the other obvious things like the references in the registry. in particular check the entries for JarFileName, JavaClass, InprocServer32, win32 do these all point to a file and directory that actually exists. if not make the changes re-reg and try again.
    i don't think this matters yet but it's still worth mentioning, after you load the control for the first time in word etc it keeps that control no matter what happens. so if you make changes or re-package or re-reg or whatever for any reason you MUST restart the application for the changes to take affect.
    well let me know how it goes and i'll try and help if u are still stuck

  • Problem calling java from vb via activex bridge

    I am trying to call java from vb via ActiveX Bridge and I am running into problems. I would appreciate any help.
    I am using Visual Basic 2010 express, and Java JDK 1.6.0_16. I have used the page as a guideline. To try to make it work I took the following steps:
    1. Wrote a very simple java class (below):
    package xxx;
    public class axb implements Serializable {
    public int get_axb_Handle() {
    int Address = 12345678;
    return Address;
    2. After I compiled, and created the jar file. I built the dll using the following command:
    "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_16\bin\packager" -out "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_16\jre\axbridge\bin" E:\axb\dist\axb.jar xxx.axb
    3. I then registered using: regsvr32 axb.dll
    4. In Visual Basic Express IDE I use Project -> Add Reference to add Iterop.axb (dump below), and axb namespace
    5. In my basic code I use the following lines
    Dim axb1 As axb.axb
    axb1 = New axb.axb <== Crash here with AccessViolationException ( full exception below)
    What am I missing? Any help would be greatly appreciated
    Iterop.axb partial dump
    ___[MOD] C:\Documents and Settings\Elie A. Cohen.USINC022\My Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\Repo API Example\Repo API Example\obj\x86\Release\Interop.axb.dll
    | M A N I F E S T
    |___[NSP] axb
    | |___[INT] axb.axb
    | | | .class interface public abstract auto ansi import /*02000006*/
    | | | implements axb.axbDispatch/*02000003*/
    | | | implements axb.axbSource_Event/*02000005*/
    | | | .custom /*0C000018:0A000001*/ instance void [mscorlib/*23000001*/]System.Runtime.InteropServices.GuidAttribute/*01000002*/::.ctor(string) /* 0A000001 */ = ( 01 00 24 34 45 36 44 30 44 41 38 2D 36 41 45 44 // ..$4E6D0DA8-6AED ...
    | | | .custom /*0C000019:0A000007*/ instance void [mscorlib/*23000001*/]System.Runtime.InteropServices.CoClassAttribute/*01000009*/::.ctor(class [mscorlib/*23000001*/]System.Type/*01000007*/) /* 0A000007 */ = ( 01 00 0C 61 78 62 2E 61 78 62 43 6C 61 73 73 00 // ...axb.axbClass. ...
    | |
    | |___[CLS] axb.axbClass
    | | | .class public auto ansi import /*02000004*/
    | | | implements axb.axbDispatch/*02000003*/
    | | | implements axb.axb/*02000006*/
    | | | implements axb.axbSource_Event/*02000005*/
    | | | .custom /*0C00000F:0A000008*/ instance void [mscorlib/*23000001*/]System.Runtime.InteropServices.ClassInterfaceAttribute/*0100000A*/::.ctor(int16) /* 0A000008 */ = ( 01 00 00 00 00 00 ) ...
    | | | .custom /*0C000010:0A000009*/ instance void [mscorlib/*23000001*/]System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComSourceInterfacesAttribute/*0100000B*/::.ctor(string) /* 0A000009 */ = ( 01 00 0F 61 78 62 2E 61 78 62 53 6F 75 72 63 65 // ...axb.axbSource ...
    | | | .custom /*0C000011:0A000001*/ instance void [mscorlib/*23000001*/]System.Runtime.InteropServices.GuidAttribute/*01000002*/::.ctor(string) /* 0A000001 */ = ( 01 00 24 43 44 42 46 36 42 33 33 2D 45 32 33 46 // ..$CDBF6B33-E23F ...
    | | | .custom /*0C000012:0A000002*/ instance void [mscorlib/*23000001*/]System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibTypeAttribute/*01000003*/::.ctor(int16) /* 0A000002 */ = ( 01 00 02 00 00 00 ) ...
    | | |___[MET] method .ctor : void()
    | | |___[MET] method equals : bool(object)
    | | |___[MET] method getClass : object()
    | | |___[MET] method get_axb_Handle : int32()
    | | |___[MET] method hashCode : int32()
    | | |___[MET] method notify : void()
    | | |___[MET] method notifyAll : void()
    | | |___[MET] method toString : string()
    | | |___[MET] method wait : object(object,object)
    AccessViolationException exception
    System.AccessViolationException was unhandled
    Message=Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.
    at System.RuntimeTypeHandle.CreateInstance(RuntimeType type, Boolean publicOnly, Boolean noCheck, Boolean& canBeCached, RuntimeMethodHandleInternal& ctor, Boolean& bNeedSecurityCheck)
    at System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceSlow(Boolean publicOnly, Boolean skipCheckThis, Boolean fillCache)
    at System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceDefaultCtor(Boolean publicOnly, Boolean skipVisibilityChecks, Boolean skipCheckThis, Boolean fillCache)
    at System.Activator.CreateInstance(Type type, Boolean nonPublic)
    at System.Activator.CreateInstance(Type type)
    at WindowsApplication1.Form1.getPatientHandle_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) in C:\Documents and Settings\Elie A. Cohen.USINC022\my documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\Repo API Example\Repo API Example\Repo API Example.vb:line 13
    at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e)
    at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e)
    at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mevent)
    at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
    at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
    at System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WndProc(Message& m)
    at System.Windows.Forms.Button.WndProc(Message& m)
    at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
    at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
    at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.DebuggableCallback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
    at System.Windows.Forms.UnsafeNativeMethods.DispatchMessageW(MSG& msg)
    at System.Windows.Forms.Application.ComponentManager.System.Windows.Forms.UnsafeNativeMethods.IMsoComponentManager.FPushMessageLoop(IntPtr dwComponentID, Int32 reason, Int32 pvLoopData)
    at System.Windows.Forms.Application.ThreadContext.RunMessageLoopInner(Int32 reason, ApplicationContext context)
    at System.Windows.Forms.Application.ThreadContext.RunMessageLoop(Int32 reason, ApplicationContext context)
    at System.Windows.Forms.Application.Run(ApplicationContext context)
    at Microsoft.VisualBasic.ApplicationServices.WindowsFormsApplicationBase.OnRun()
    at Microsoft.VisualBasic.ApplicationServices.WindowsFormsApplicationBase.DoApplicationModel()
    at Microsoft.VisualBasic.ApplicationServices.WindowsFormsApplicationBase.Run(String[] commandLine)
    at WindowsApplication1.My.MyApplication.Main(String[] Args) in 17d14f5c-a337-4978-8281-53493378c1071.vb:line 81
    at System.AppDomain._nExecuteAssembly(RuntimeAssembly assembly, String[] args)
    at System.AppDomain.ExecuteAssembly(String assemblyFile, Evidence assemblySecurity, String[] args)
    at Microsoft.VisualStudio.HostingProcess.HostProc.RunUsersAssembly()
    at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context(Object state)
    at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean ignoreSyncCtx)
    at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
    at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()

    In case you haven't figured it out already... Or if anyone else is curious... Or for myself when I get old and forgetful...
    h2. Object Creation
    For starters, when you create an ActiveX object from within VB, use:
    Set myObject = CreateObject("JavaObject.Bean")When I refer to JavaObject.Bean, I'm meaning the full object name + ".Bean". So, in your case, you should use:
    Set myObject = CreateObject("xxx.axb.Bean")h2. Location
    The .dll file must be located in the JRE that is used at the time of calling. Meaning, the .dll file must be placed under <jre_home>\axbridge\bin and registered there.
    In your case:
    C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\axbridge\bin
    C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\axbridge\libh4. A Note:
    The only supported JRE is a 32bit version as far as I know with regards to the ActiveX bridge. Just like the packager.exe can only be found in the 32bit JDK.
    h2. Methods
    h3. Object Types
    ActiveX Bridge does not support passing literals or arrays. However, it does support passing java's primitive data types as Objects.
    Simply meaning:
    h4. Invalid:
    public int get_axb_Handle() {
         int Address = 12345678;
         return Address;
    }h4. Valid:
    public Integer get_axb_Handle() {
         int Address = 12345678;
         return Address;
    }On a normal circumstance, there's little difference between the two methods. However, in the second example, the JVM does a typecast from a literal data type to a object data type, resulting in a valid object to pass through to Visual Basic. Now, obviously there are multiple ways to do a proper change, new Integer(int) for example. It doesn't matter to me. At the end of the day, you have to pass an object.
    As a side note, the same idea applies when receiving data from Visual Basic.
    h4. Invalid:
    public void set_axb_Handle(int newHandle) {
         int Address = newHandle;
    }h4. Valid:
    public void set_axb_Handle(Integer newHandle) {
         int Address =newHandle;

  • Does the ActiveX Bridge work if not C++ installed?

    I've been reading the ActiveX Bridge developer guide at
    and it seems that you must have Visual C++ installed to run the packager.exe to create a dll. I kind of wasn't sure whether to believe that so I tried the Person tutorial (thanks scsi-boy) at
    and tried tweaking it to use the new 1.4.2 packager but I got the error
    C:\j2sdk1.4.2\bin>packager -reg c:\PersonBean.jar Person
    Failed to generate type library, missing midl.exe.which gives me the idea that I really do need C++ installed to run this (I'm guessing midl.exe is part of C++) - bit of downer when we only have VB.
    Can this really be true? Have any VB people got it working out there?

    packager.exe depends on the tools available with Visual C++, and therefore you must have it installed to make the packager work. Visual C++ IS NOT required to execute the bean, only to run the packager.exe.

  • Problems with the ActiveX bridge for Java beans when using third-party .jar

    I encountered the following problem when using the ActiveX bridge for a java bean:
    I am using JDK 1.4.2_09 and MS Visual Basic 6.0 (SP6). I wrote a java bean called ProcessViewer (my class ProcessViewer inherits from JComponent and implements the interfaces Serializable and AdjustmentListener) which I would like to use within a VB 6.0 application. I used the ActiveX bridge (packager.exe) to generate a DLL (ProcessViewer.dll) and registered it successfully. The java bean GUI-control works fine within my VB 6.0 application unless my java bean (ProcessViewer.jar) uses any third-party .jar files.
    But when I tried to add a reference to some third-party class ( I got some problems. I could solve the problem with packager.exe by setting the correct CLASSPATH. But at runtime my VB 6.0 application does not work. It crashes or it reports an error like this: "The control ... could not be loaded from axbridge.dll" (although I deployed my .jar file correctly to the directory C:\Programme\Java\j2re1.4.2_09\axbridge\bin and lib). Setting the CLASSPATH environment variable before calling my VB 6.0 application (exe) did not solve the problem.
    How can I teach my VB 6.0 application (containing the Java bean ActiveX control) where to find the third-party .jar file? Copying the third-party .jar file to the JRE lib-folder or to the axbridge\lib folder did not solve the problem either.
    I studied the documentation about the ActiveX bridge given at:
    but I am missing informations on how the third-party .jar files can be found during runtime of the ActiveX container (e. g. a VB 6.0 application).

    See how to solve your problem with JNI:
    More examples (for SWING) in tools setup:[id]95126[SiteID][id]94368[SiteID][id]93174[SiteID]

  • Interfacing problems using the Activex Bridge

    I have a bean that's based on a JPanel. I am packaging it and then using it in Visual Basic as an OCX component.
    I have to adhere to an interface on the VB side so that the bean will plug into the rest of our product.
    I'm hitting several problems, all of which I'm attributing to to the fact that the packager introspects the interface for the typelib instead of asking me what I want to expose and how I want to expose it.
    1) Getter/Setter methods for properties which contain additional attributes arent recognised as such.
    e.g. for property foo:
    public int getFoo() is fine
    public int getFoo(int extraCriteria) doesn't work.
    The packager doesn't recognise it as a valid getter and so doesn't bind it to Foo in the typelib.
    NB: I've also tried explicitly binding the methods in the bean's beanInfo, (using PropertyDescriptors), but to no effect.
    2) Typelib is only generated for the top level bean so how do I provide a similar interface for any java object that it returns?
    Any java objects that I return from methods in my bean cannot be interfaced:
    Therefore I have to deal with them all as VB Object and I'm also back to square one with my getFoo instead of "= Foo" problem.
    3) The packager arbitrarily listens to, and exposes, any events that my class throws. This includes events that are fired from any of the classes that I'm extending. Therefore I'm getting 20+ events showing up from my JPanel on the VB side, NONE of which I'm interested in. When the packager finds an event firing method it automatically exposes it AND registers the activex bridge as a listener of it. Again this is a case of the packager introspecting instead of asking the programmer what they want to expose...
    Basically I need help in either a) solving these specific problems, or b) coming at it from the opposite end and finding a way of getting control over what is exposed to VB. (Although this doesn't help me with problem 2)
    Any suggestions?
    Paul James

    See inline
    I have a bean that's based on a JPanel. I am packaging
    it and then using it in Visual Basic as an OCX
    I have to adhere to an interface on the VB side so
    that the bean will plug into the rest of our product.
    I'm hitting several problems, all of which I'm
    attributing to to the fact that the packager
    introspects the interface for the typelib instead of
    asking me what I want to expose and how I want to
    expose it.Did you make sure that you marked the bean in the jar
    correctly? (The must declare the bean as bean
    so that the corresponding bean info can be found in the same jar)
    1) Getter/Setter methods for properties which contain
    additional attributes arent recognised as such.
    e.g. for property foo:
    public int getFoo() is fine
    public int getFoo(int extraCriteria) doesn't work.
    The packager doesn't recognise it as a valid getter
    and so doesn't bind it to Foo in the typelib.
    NB: I've also tried explicitly binding the methods in
    the bean's beanInfo, (using PropertyDescriptors), but
    to no effect.That might be a COM restriction? IN that prop get and prop put
    have to have a certain signature. If your method is public
    and part of the bean info, then you should at least have the method.
    (That always worked for me...)
    2) Typelib is only generated for the top level bean so
    how do I provide a similar interface for any java
    object that it returns?Run the packager over all additional beans.
    Any java objects that I return from methods in my bean
    cannot be interfaced:
    Therefore I have to deal with them all as VB Object
    and I'm also back to square one with my getFoo instead
    of "= Foo" problem.Once you start with your first bean, all subsequent objects
    you receive from your first bean can be analyzed via the
    java reflection mechanism on the VB side. Somewhere in the
    documentation for the ActiveX Packager, there is sample code
    on how to do this (how to get the class, find a method, invoke the
    method, create new objects for some other class, pass it to your bean
    3) The packager arbitrarily listens to, and exposes,
    any events that my class throws. This includes events
    that are fired from any of the classes that I'm
    extending. Therefore I'm getting 20+ events showing
    up from my JPanel on the VB side, NONE of which I'm
    interested in. When the packager finds an event
    firing method it automatically exposes it AND
    registers the activex bridge as a listener of it.
    Again this is a case of the packager introspecting
    instead of asking the programmer what they want to
    expose...The reason is that VB only knows one event interface (
    marked as dispinterface). This interface has to contain all
    events for the bean. I suppose the packager just goes and
    collects all events it finds for the bean, including all the
    inherited ones. The bridge has to be registered for all of them,
    otherwise no event could pass through.
    Basically I need help in either a) solving these
    specific problems, or b) coming at it from the
    opposite end and finding a way of getting control over
    what is exposed to VB. (Although this doesn't help me
    with problem 2)
    Any suggestions?
    Paul James

  • Problems with context in JAXB and ActiveX bridge

    I'm using Java ActiveX Bridge for accesing from Navision to a digital invoice API developed by spanish Industry, Commerce and Tourism Department.
    I successfully executed the invoice creation process from a standalone java application. However, it doesn't work through activex bridge.
    I suspect the problem is probably related to a classloader woe. Here's the first code snippet I used:
      public static void marshal(es.mityc.facturae31.Facturae paramFacturae, String paramString)
"Loading context es.mityc.facturae31");
          JAXBContext localJAXBContext = JAXBContext.newInstance("es.mityc.facturae31");
"Creating marshaller"); The obtained exception is:
         at javax.xml.bind.ContextFinder.find(
         at javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext.newInstance(
         at javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext.newInstance(
         at javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext.newInstance(
         at es.mityc.facturae.utils.MarshallerUtil.marshal(
         at com.mailgrafica.navifacturae.Facturae31.firmar(
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at sun.plugin.javascript.JSInvoke.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor3.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at sun.plugin.javascript.JSClassLoader.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)Then, I changed code to make sure the context creation method receives a classloader which loads classes from appropiate jar file (Facturae-API.jar):
          URL[] urls = { new URL("file:///c:/Archivos de programa/Java/jre6/axbridge/lib/Facturae-API.jar"),
                    new URL("file:///c:/Archivos de programa/Java/jre6/axbridge/lib/lib/jaxb-api.jar"),
                    new URL("file:///c:/Archivos de programa/Java/jre6/axbridge/lib/lib/jaxb-impl.jar"),
                    new URL("file:///c:/Archivos de programa/Java/jre6/axbridge/lib/lib/jsr173_1.0_api.jar")};
          ClassLoader oldcloader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
          URLClassLoader cloader = new URLClassLoader(urls, oldcloader);
"Created URLClassloader");
"Loading context es.mityc.facturae31");
          JAXBContext localJAXBContext = JAXBContext.newInstance("es.mityc.facturae31", cloader);
"Creating marshaller");
          Marshaller localMarshaller = localJAXBContext.createMarshaller();
          FacturaeNamespacePrefixMapper localFacturaeNamespacePrefixMapper = new FacturaeNamespacePrefixMapper();
          localMarshaller.setProperty("com.sun.xml.bind.namespacePrefixMapper", localFacturaeNamespacePrefixMapper);
          FileOutputStream localFileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(paramString + ".xsig");
"Starting the marshal process");
          System.out.println("Starting the marshal process");
          localMarshaller.marshal(paramFacturae, localFileOutputStream);  // Exception now is produced here.  Now the exception is:
    javax.xml.bind.JAXBException: class es.mityc.facturae31.Facturae nor any of its super class is known to this context.
         at com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.JAXBContextImpl.getBeanInfo(
         at com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.XMLSerializer.childAsRoot(
         at com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.MarshallerImpl.write(
         at com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.MarshallerImpl.marshal(
         at javax.xml.bind.helpers.AbstractMarshallerImpl.marshal(
         at es.mityc.facturae.utils.MarshallerUtil.marshal(
         at com.mailgrafica.navifacturae.Facturae31.firmar(
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at sun.plugin.javascript.JSInvoke.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor3.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at sun.plugin.javascript.JSClassLoader.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)Could anybody help me? Thanks in advance.

    According problem 1: this is not normal behavior and you could try first to restart Bridge holding down option key to reset the preferences.
    But if you experience this also on the server I don't know if this solutions works. And according to problem 2, you should open a case on Adobe support using the little contact button top right on this page, not many users (including me) of this forum are using a server or know a lot about of that workflow :-(
    You could try a forum search also on the word server (Search for forum only works when you are on the mainpage with al the post for Bridge for some strange reason...)

  • Catching Events from Com side using ActiveX bridge

    I have packaged a java swing application into an activex control using the ActiveX bridge. I now need to be able to fire events from my java code which the com/VB code needs to be able to trap. The event handler on the com side looks like this: function(BSTR param1, BSTR param2, BSTR param3), but the java event model only allows passing the EventObject in the param for the introspector to work. How do I fire an activex event that the com client is able to trap??

    Thanks, beders. Your solutions above works, although I found the only way to install the SDK was to the use following URL rather then the one beders suggested:
    This SDK is the full one and not just the Core SDK so may take a little longer to download.
    You also need to ensure that the location to cmd.exe (ie. C:\WINDOWS\system32) is on the path variable otherwise SetEnv.bat fails when it calls cmd.

  • How to run ActiveX bridge packager without VC++

    Hello everybody,
    The ActiveX Bridge Developer Gude states that I have to
    install Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 with SP3 to run the ActiveX packager.
    Is there a way to run the packager without installing MS VC++ on my computer?
    What components from VC++ are actually required?
    May be they can be found in other software?
    Thank you to anyone who give me a hint.

    I found the link below while trying to determing the same thing, but I have not actually attempted to get it working yet.

  • Problems with Activex bridge

    I am having problems with my VB 6.0 program that uses a Java Activex Bridge. When I shut down my VB 6.0 application the service control manager logs a message in the event log that the program terminated unexpectedly.
    I have done some analysis and I have realised that the service control manager outputs this message only when my VB application creates the Java activex object. It appears that for some reason the Java object does not destruct cleanly.
    I have got 2 versions of Java plug-in 1.3.0 and 1.3.0_02. Only 1.3.0_02 is enabled. I am not sure whether are any known issues with the version of the plug-in I am using which causes this behaviour.
    I will be grateful for any suggestion which would help me in resolving the above problem.

    Check the registry. The activeX has a CLSID, the CLSID points to a jar file (HKCR/CLSID/{$CLSID}) does this jar exist?
    Does the beans.ocx used exist. Is it used in a plug-in that works (in the control panel there a Java Plug in for each version).

  • Using ActiveX bridge

    Has anyone used the ActiveX Bridge with TopLink? Does it work???

    Well, I would like to take advantage of TopLink and create my business components all in Java and reuse them in any programming language for Windows, like Delphi or Visual Basic for example. If I encapsulate my queries into JavaBeans is it possible to package it into an ActiveX with Sun's ActiveX bridge?
    So I would have only an windows interface in any language and all the business in Java...

  • COM+ and ActiveX bridge vs earlier bridge

    Any help would be appreciated.
    Looks like we may be having a problem with the following...
    1. ASP page accesses (2)
    2. VB component registered as COM+ which calls on instances of (3)
    3. Java classes registered using previous COM (javareg.exe)
    We're getting (sproadically) marshalling problems.
    0x8001010E is the error we're seeing. Text is:
    Automation error The application called an interface that
    was marshalled for a different thread.
    Any ideas? Could the new ActiveX bridge resolve this?

    Okay, I might as well update this problem.
    The marshalling problems were solved by changing the COM+ threading settings for that VB app to "REQUIRES_NEW" to force a new context for each instance. Otherwise, the stupid COM+ components want to "share" each other's instances... That solved that problem.

  • Running the ActiveX Bridge examples

    I have just tried to download the examples and run them in JDK 1.4.2_06. Both the examples registered fine. Unfortunately, I get a very unhelpful message from Windows XP when I run the executable that the executable has to close before anything else happens. I have tried searching the forums for an error like this, but have seen nothing.
    Does anyone know why the documentation for the ActiveX bridge is so miniscule and incomprehensible? I wonder why they released it, if they're not going to document it properly.
    My eventual requirement (if I can get a proof-of-concept working) is to call Java from .NET code. Has anyone made this work, and if so, would you mind sharing hints? I'm very strong on the Java side, but it's been a long time since COM in school.

    I also had a hard time to finally get my own bean running as expected. I call my Java objects from within Visual Basic. Post your error messages/exception stack traces so we may help you.

  • Which ActiveX bridge actually works????

    Hi all,
    i have really simple question...I have been looking for the proper ActiveX bridge really long time....I just wana to integrate ActiveX display component into the JAVA SWING API....Most suitable for this purpose seems to be IBM Bridge2Java...But actually it is not working, this bridge still crashes on this exception... Bad return code from Invoke().
    Please does anyone have any experiences with the Bridge2Java product or does anyone know any other better ActiveX bridges ????????
    Message was edited by:

    Sun's ActiveX Bridge. Basically, the host is not seeing my bean properties. I have standard getters and setters. This is from an IDL from a C++ client and I need my java code to produce an equivalent property access.
    Please help. I'm really stuck on this.
    [propget, id(1), helpstring("property Version")] HRESULT Version([out, retval] LONG* pVal);

Maybe you are looking for

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