Declare new color from AS2 to AS3

Hi All,
Could you let me know how to "convert" the following code from AS2 to AS3:
var distracterBkgdColor = new Color(this.distracterBkgd_mc);

var ct:ColorTransform = this.distracterBkgd_mc.transform.colorTransform;ct.color = 0xrrbbgg;

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    toc    loadText = new LoadVars();
        loadText.onLoad = function(success) {
            if (success) {
                // trace(success);
                Curie.html = true;
                Curie.htmlText = this.Curie;
    Please translate it for me, i need it ASAP thanks

    Thank you for helping me
    Date: Thu, 15 Oct 2009 05:49:14 -0600
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Please help 'Translate' These codes from AS2 to AS3 for me
    Take a look at that:
    There is a LoadVars section on that.
    There is also a tutorial here:

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    package  {
              import flash.display.MovieClip;
              public class Creative Scroll Area extends MovieClip {
                        public function Creative Scroll Area() {
                                  // constructor code
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              import flash.display.MovieClip;
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                                  // constructor code

    Okay, well I know the code is making a scroll bar and a scroll area and under the "type" it says they are "compiled..." which is unusual since most of the other components I've worked with have been movie clips or bitmaps. Do I need to look up what AS3 components I need to replace the script from above? Because when I looked for that I couldn't specifically find what I needed or really understood if I was looking at the right information.
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    WARNING: The component 'UIScrollBar' requires ActionScript 2.0, which is not supported in this version of Flash Professional.
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              new Color (this.brushColor).setRGB(_root.brushColor)
              new Color(this).setRGB(_root.brushColor)
        onClipEvent (load) {
              myColor = 0x0000CC
              new Color(this).setRGB(myColor);
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              _root.brushColor= myColor;

    no code should be attached to objects.
    most of that looks like it's useless or worse than useless.   in particular, everything in the enterframe loop looks like it serves no purpose and repeatedly does useless things.  if it is doing something useful, it doesn't need to be done in a loop.
    and setting the rgb of a color instance does nothing useful.
    the only thing useful is setting brushColor when that brush movieclip is clicked.
    so, if you have a movieclip with class = "brush" in your library, you can use:
    var brushColor:uint;
    var blackBrush:brush=new brush();
    blackBrush.col = 0x000000;
    function clickF(e:MouseEvent):void{
    brushColor = MovieClip(e.currentTarget).col

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    there is source code from paint application, thank to human who will convert this code, it's codeimportant for us.
    var arrSloy:Array = new Array();
    _root.onMouseMove = function() {
              if (checkPole() && onTool) {
                        _root.kist._visible = true;
                        _root.eras._visible = true;
                        _root.pen._visible = true;
                        _root.line._visible = true;
              } else {
                        _root.kist._visible = false;
                        _root.eras._visible = false;
                        _root.pen._visible = false;
                        _root.line._visible = false;
    _root.panelMane.butNew.onRelease = function() {
              onTool = false;
    _global.XO = null;
    _global.YO = null;
    _global.WO = null;
    _global.HO = null;
    function creatNewPalitra(color:String, w:Number, h:Number) {
              XO = 120;
              YO = 130;
              WO = w;
              HO = h;
    function checkPole() {
              if (WO == null) {
                        return false;
              if ((_xmouse>=XO && _xmouse<=XO+WO) && (_ymouse>=YO && _ymouse<=YO+HO)) {
                        return true;
              } else {
                        return false;
    _root.panelTool.butCursor.onRelease = function() {
              onTool = false;
    creatClip = 10;
    _root.panelTool.butPen.onRelease = function() {
              onTool = true;
              function drawPen() {
                        lineSize = _root.panelProperties.poleSizeLine.text;
                        lineColor = _root.panelProperties.poleColorLine.text;
                        lineAlpha = _root.panelProperties.poleAlphaLine.text;
                        clip = _root.newClip1.createEmptyMovieClip("newClip"+creatClip, creatClip);
              _root.pen.onMouseDown = function() {
                        if (checkPole()) {
                                  pen_draw_flag = true;
              _root.pen.onMouseUp = function():Void  {
                        pen_draw_flag = false;
              _root.pen.onMouseMove = function():Void  {
                        if (pen_draw_flag) {
                                  if (checkPole()) {
    _root.panelTool.butkist.onPress = function() {
              onTool = true;
              function drawKist() {
                        lineSize = _root.panelProperties.poleSizeLine.text;
                        lineColor = _root.panelProperties.poleFill.text;
                        lineAlpha = _root.panelProperties.poleAlphaLine.text;
                        clip = _root.newClip1.createEmptyMovieClip("newClip"+creatClip, creatClip);
              _root.kist.onMouseDown = function() {
                        if (checkPole()) {
                                  kist_draw_flag = true;
              _root.kist.onMouseUp = function():Void  {
                        kist_draw_flag = false;
              _root.kist.onMouseMove = function():Void  {
                        if (kist_draw_flag) {
                                  if (checkPole()) {
    _root.panelTool.butLiner.onRelease = function() {
              onTool = true;
              function drawLine() {
                        lineSize = _root.panelProperties.poleSizeLine.text;
                        lineColor = _root.panelProperties.poleColorLine.text;
                        lineAlpha = _root.panelProperties.poleAlphaLine.text;
                        clip = _root.newClip1.createEmptyMovieClip("newClip"+creatClip, creatClip);
                        thisx = thisy=null;
              _root.line.onMouseDown = function() {
                        if (checkPole()) {
                                  line_draw_flag = true;
                                  thisx = this._x;
                                  thisy = this._y;
              _root.line.onMouseUp = function():Void  {
                        line_draw_flag = false;
              _root.line.onMouseMove = function():Void  {
                        if (line_draw_flag) {
                                  if (checkPole()) {
    _root.panelTool.butEras.onPress = function() {
              onTool = true;
              function drawEras() {
                        lineSize = _root.panelProperties.poleSizeLine.text;
                        lineColor = "0xFFFFFF";
                        lineAlpha = "100";
                        clip = _root.newClip1.createEmptyMovieClip("newClip"+creatClip, creatClip);
              _root.eras.onMouseDown = function() {
                        if (checkPole()) {
                                  eras_draw_flag = true;
              _root.eras.onMouseUp = function():Void  {
                        eras_draw_flag = false;
              _root.eras.onMouseMove = function():Void  {
                        if (eras_draw_flag) {
                                  if (checkPole()) {
    _root.panelTool.butCurv.onRelease = function() {
              onTool = true;
              anchor1X = anchor2X=controlX=null;
              anchor1Y = anchor2Y=controlY=null;
              onClic = 0;
              function drawCurv() {
                        lineSize = _root.panelProperties.poleSizeLine.text;
                        lineColor = _root.panelProperties.poleColorLine.text;
                        lineAlpha = _root.panelProperties.poleAlphaLine.text;
                        clip = _root.newClip1.createEmptyMovieClip("newClip"+creatClip, creatClip);
              _root.line.onMouseDown = function() {
                        if (onClic == 0) {
                                  if (checkPole()) {
                                            anchor1X = this._x;
                                            anchor1Y = this._y;
                                            onClic = 1;
                                            point1._x = anchor1X;
                                            point1._y = anchor1Y;
                        } else if (onClic == 1) {
                                  if (checkPole()) {
                                            anchor2X = this._x;
                                            anchor2Y = this._y;
                                            onClic = 2;
                                            point2._x = anchor2X;
                                            point2._y = anchor2Y;
                        } else if (onClic == 2) {
                                  if (checkPole()) {
                                            controlX = this._x;
                                            controlY = this._y;
                                            onClic = 0;
                                            curv_draw_flag = true;
              _root.line.onMouseUp = function():Void  {
                        curv_draw_flag = false;
              _root.line.onMouseMove = function():Void  {
                        if (curv_draw_flag) {
                                  if (checkPole()) {
    _root.panelTool.butStar.onRelease = function() {
              onTool = true;
              function drawStar() {
                        lineSize = _root.panelProperties.poleSizeLine.text;
                        lineColor = _root.panelProperties.poleColorLine.text;
                        lineAlpha = _root.panelProperties.poleAlphaLine.text;
                        clip = _root.newClip1.createEmptyMovieClip("newClip"+creatClip, creatClip);
              thisx = thisy=null;
              _root.line.onMouseDown = function() {
                        if (checkPole()) {
                                  star_draw_flag = true;
                                  thisx = this._x;
                                  thisy = this._y;
              _root.line.onMouseUp = function():Void  {
                        star_draw_flag = false;
              _root.line.onMouseMove = function():Void  {
                        if (star_draw_flag) {
                                  if (checkPole()) {
    _root.panelTool.butRecttangle.onRelease = function() {
              onTool = true;
              function drawRecttangle() {
                        lineSize = _root.panelProperties.poleSizeLine.text;
                        lineColor = _root.panelProperties.poleColorLine.text;
                        lineAlpha = _root.panelProperties.poleAlphaLine.text;
                        fillColor = _root.panelProperties.poleFill.text;
                        clip = _root.newClip1.createEmptyMovieClip("newClip"+creatClip, creatClip);
                        thisx = thisy=null;
              _root.line.onMouseDown = function() {
                        if (checkPole()) {
                                  kvadrat_draw_flag = true;
                                  thisx = this._x;
                                  thisy = this._y;
              _root.line.onMouseUp = function():Void  {
                        kvadrat_draw_flag = false;
              _root.line.onMouseMove = function():Void  {
                        if (kvadrat_draw_flag) {
                                  if (checkPole()) {
    _root.panelMane.butClear.onRelease = function() {
              for (a=0; a<arrSloy.length; a++) {
                        clip = arrSloy[a];
                        delete arrSloy[a];
    _root.panelMane.butBack.onRelease = function() {
              i = arrSloy.length-1;
              clip = arrSloy[i];
    Thank you very much!!!

    In theory, conversion of this code is not difficult, especially because it is clear what the logic is designed to do. The issue is that you will not have an expected result once only this code is converted in isolation. This puppy uses some other objects that are written in AS2 including entities in the FLA library.
    In short, it looks like this application needs a total overhaul at every level in order for it to properly function as an AS3 program.
    With that said, although this is, again, not a difficult task, it is unlikely to find someone to do it for free. You may have a better luck if you start conversion yourself and post focused questions as you go.

  • Converting code from as2 to as3 and getting errors

    I am trying to get a counter that I found in as2 to work in as3 but I am getting errors when I publish.
    Here is my code:
    var currSlide;
    addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame);
    function onEnterFrame(evt:Event):void
    currSlide = root.rdinfoCurrentSlide +1;
    this.curSlide_txt.text = currSlide;
    this.totSlide_txt.text = root.rdinfoSlideCount;
    any suggestions?

    no code should be attached to objects.
    most of that looks like it's useless or worse than useless.   in particular, everything in the enterframe loop looks like it serves no purpose and repeatedly does useless things.  if it is doing something useful, it doesn't need to be done in a loop.
    and setting the rgb of a color instance does nothing useful.
    the only thing useful is setting brushColor when that brush movieclip is clicked.
    so, if you have a movieclip with class = "brush" in your library, you can use:
    var brushColor:uint;
    var blackBrush:brush=new brush();
    blackBrush.col = 0x000000;
    function clickF(e:MouseEvent):void{
    brushColor = MovieClip(e.currentTarget).col

  • Translation from AS2 to AS3

    Below I have a bit of code that determines the bandwidth that a user has.  It is written in ActionScript 2.  The problem is that I am unfamiliar with AS2, and I wanted to use this in conjunction with a live streaming video player built in AS3.  I was wondering if anyone could give me the equivalent code in AS3, or if there's any way to tell flash that a portion of the code will be written in AS2.
    Thank You,
    Ari Amiri
    nc = new NetConnection();
    nc.onStatus = function(info) {
        trace("Level: "+info.level+" Code: "+info.code);
        if (info.code == "NetConnection.Connect.Success") {
            trace("--- connected to: " + this.uri);
    nc.onBWDone = function(kbitDown, deltaDown, deltaTime, latency) {
        trace("onBWDone: kbitDown:"+kbitDown+" deltaDown:"+deltaDown+" deltaTime:"+deltaTime+" latency:"+latency);
        // app logic based on the bandwidth detected follows here
        detected_bw = kbitDown;
        // close the Netconnection to bwcheck
    nc.onBWCheck = function() {
        return ++counter; // Serverside, just ignore any return value, For now return the call count
    nc.connect("rtmp://localhost/bwcheck", true);

    Yah very important point from NetDragon. As of version 3.0
    the netconnection " class was dynamic in ActionScript 2.0 but is
    now sealed. " so you can't just do something like:
    netconnection.client.somefunction = function() {...}
    The default netconnection.client = this, so you need to
    extend it with a custom class or an object to be able to add
    callback functions
    But be careful, I wrote an entire app that worked with the
    AS2.0 technique ...without an error from the compiler.....(flex

  • EventListener...: From AS2 to AS3..?

    I'm trying to rewrite som AS2 code so it will fit to AS3 but
    some minor problem occurs...
    Here's the AS2 code:
    panel.onRollOver = panelOver;
    function panelOver() {
    this.onEnterFrame = scrollPanel;
    delete this.onRollOver;
    The idea here is to create an EventListener in AS3 that will
    trigger when the pointer is rolling over the movieclip "panel".
    So far, so good...
    Here's the AS3 code so far:
    panel.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, panelOver);
    function panelOver(myEvent:MouseEvent):void {
    this.onEnterFrame = scrollPanel;
    Now, the problem is to rewrite [delete this.onRollOver;] so
    it will work in AS3...
    Could it be something like:
    delete this.EventListener(panel)?
    I'm really struggling these days finding my way through AS3
    but I do feel that I'm starting to get a hang of it...
    Thank you for any help I get...!
    I think I might run into some more problems after solving
    this one.. But we're all here to learn, aren't we?

    panel.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, panelOver);
    (parameters should match as in addEventListener)
    delete doesn't work.
    this.onEnterFrame = scrollPanel; wont work either. infact
    there is nothing called onEnterFrame in AS3..
    it would be like
    this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, scrollPanel);

  • Convert simple animation code from as2 to as3

    Hi everyone,
    I have a simple animation that is controlled by the y movement of the mouse. The code for the animation is put in frame 1 and is as follows:
    var animationDirection:Boolean = false;
    var prevMousePosition:Boolean = false;
    var mouseListener = new Object();
    mouseListener.onMouseMove = function () {
    var curMousePosition = _ymouse;
    if(curMousePosition > prevMousePosition) {
    animationDirection = false;
    }else if(curMousePosition < prevMousePosition) {
    animationDirection = true;
    prevMousePosition = curMousePosition;
    function onEnterFrame() {
    if(animationDirection && _currentframe < _totalframes) {
    }else if(!animationDirection && _currentframe > 1) {
    Is it possible to use this code in as3 or do I need to convert it? I am grateful for any help. Best wishes

    Yes, you need to convert the code. Here is what looks like a similar logic in AS3:
    var animationDirection:Boolean = false;
    var prevMousePosition:Boolean = false;
    addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame);
    addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, onMouseMove);
    function onMouseMove(e:MouseEvent):void {
        var curMousePosition = mouseX;
        if (curMousePosition > prevMousePosition)
            animationDirection = false;
        else if (curMousePosition < prevMousePosition)
            animationDirection = true;
        prevMousePosition = curMousePosition;
    function onEnterFrame(e:Event):void
        if (animationDirection && _currentframe < _totalframes)
        else if (!animationDirection && _currentframe > 1)

  • Convert simple code from as2 to as3

    Hello, i am looking for some help here for something simple (i think)
    var txt:String = link1;
    btn.onRelease = function():Void {
    if( sample_id )
    getURL("" + sample_id + "sampleURLCode", "_blank");
    getURL("", "_blank");
    Is there a way to make this simple code into AS3?

    Hi, Apparantly that's because the 'link1' and 'sample_id' variables are not within the scope of the code you posted above, Perhaps you have defined them outside on a different frame or class. You can either define them with the same code like:
    var sample_id:Number=1234;  //Use your own variable type and value here
    var link1:String = "your string or link URL here";
    var txt:String = link1;
    btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoURL);
    function gotoURL(e:MouseEvent)
    if( sample_id )
          navigateToURL(new URLRequest("" + sample_id + "sampleURLCode"),"_blank");
          navigateToURL(new URLRequest(""),"_blank");
    Or you can put a direct reference to your existing variable like (If your variables are defined on root/frame 1) :
    var link1:String = "your string or link URL here";
    var txt:String = MovieClip(this.root).link1;
    btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoURL);
    function gotoURL(e:MouseEvent)
    if( MovieClip(this.root).sample_id )
          navigateToURL(new URLRequest("" + sample_id + "sampleURLCode"),"_blank");
          navigateToURL(new URLRequest(""),"_blank");
    try that, or you can share your .fla !

  • Migrating array functions from AS2 to AS3

    The code below is meant to load randomly selected "koan swfs" into a movie clip on the main root timeline called "koan_loader_mc" using a loader called "koan_loader."  Are the actions of this array correctly migrated to AS3?  Thanks for your help
    // creates function called at the end of koan_#.swfs  
    // this code is in the first frame of the root timeline
    Array.prototype.shuffle = function() {
    for (var ivar = koan.length-1; ivar>=0; ivar--) {
    var p = random(ivar+1);
    var t = this[ivar];
    this[ivar] = this[p];
    this[p] = t;
    var koan_loader:Loader = new Loader();
    var koan:Array =["swfs/koans/koan_1.swf","swfs/koans/koan_2.swf", "swfs/koans/koan_3.swf", "swfs/koans/koan_4.swf", "swfs/koans/koan_5.swf", "swfs/koans/koan_6.swf", "swfs/koans/koan_7.swf", "swfs/koans/koan_8.swf", "swfs/koans/koan_9.swf", "swfs/koans/koan_10.swf", "swfs/koans/koan_11.swf", "swfs/koans/koan_12.swf"];
    koan_loader.load(new URLRequest(koan[index]));
    This is the code in a frame at the end of koan swfs:
    var koan_loader:Loader = new Loader();
    koan_loader.load(new URLRequest(koan[root.index]);

    function shuffle(a:Array) {
    for (var ivar = a.length-1; ivar>=0; ivar--) {
    var p = random(ivar+1);
    var t = a[ivar];
    a[ivar] = a[p];
    a[p] = t;

  • Preloader (from as2 to as3)

    Hey ladies and gentlemen
    I'm currently converting one of my project to as3 and I hit a
    wall with this preloader problem.
    Before, with as2, I was using getBytesLoaded() and
    getBytesTotal() in a frame loop to display a progress bar and know
    when the loading was finished. I can't seem to find how to do this
    in as3.
    I read as3 language reference and some examples but they all
    deal with loading an external swf or file.
    I would think that the main swf would trigger progress events
    as it gets loaded so I made this little piece of code, which
    doesn't work.
    function ProgressHandler(theEvent:ProgressEvent)
    trace("bytes Loaded: " + theEvent.bytesLoaded + "
    bytesTotal: " + theEvent.bytesTotal);
    addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, ProgressHandler);
    Can anyone point me back in the right direction?

    I just wanna make it clear that I'm trying to preload the
    main swf itself, I still can't find anything on the net about that.

  • Translating tellTarget from AS2 to AS3

    Hi all!
    I am truely a beginner and here is my problem.
    I have been working on a Flash website in coded in AS3. Now, I have found a stright-forward turorial on adding a Sound ON/OFF button coded i AS2!
    What I want to do is to translate the piece of AS2 code below to AS3:
    on (release) {
    tellTarget ("supernovastar.mp3") {
    on (release) {
    I am aware of the on (release) has been changes to EventListners in AS3 but I cannot figure the rest out.
    I am greatful for any advice and help!

    tellTarget is AS1, not AS2, and is replaced with dot notation coding (aka OOP).  But since the command in this case is to stop all sounds, targeting an object doesn't seem necessary since it is a global command.  The replacement for it would be to import the SoundMixer class (early on) and call its stopAll() method.
    For the second on(release) section, nextFrame is still valid in AS3

  • Migration plans for Stock Captivate Animations from AS2 to AS3

    The stock animations that come with Adobe Captivate were published in ActionScript 2 many years ago and carried forward with each new release of Captivate.
    This presents a problem, because Captivate publishes to ActionScript 3.
    So, I get lots of Flash Error messages popping up when I run my lessons with the debug version of the Flashplayer.
    Error #2044 Unhandled SecurityErrorEvent:. text=Error #2047: Security sandbox violation: LocalConnection.send:  ...
    If I could find the original FLA files, I'd republish them myself, but I can't find them on my drive.
    Does anyone know where I can find this source code?
    I hate to have to do this every time I install a new version of Captivate, but the Adobe developers seem oblivious/apathetic to this recurring bug.
    Thoughts? Comments? Suggestions?

    No, the MovieClip class is still dynamic so you can add
    properties. If you extend MovieClip but you dont declare your
    subclass dynamic, then you cannot add properties.
    To access a display list you need to use getChildByName or
    getChildAt. If you would add an instance name on your tf you can
    retrieve that tf using getChildByName(), see attached snippet
    (assuming you assign an instance name in the loop using =
    You need to read up on the target and currentTarget
    properties of events.

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