Default date in MDS Entity

Hi ,
Is there any way to set a default date for a member in MDS. My requirement is that business user can enter either current date or future date but not past date.
Any help is appreciated
Thank you,

You can use Business Rules to Add a constraint and default value to that attribute.

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    Any ideas?


  • Default Date Format in ADF 11g RC

    Dear All,
    I am searching for a possibility to set a default date format pattern ("yyyy-MMM-dd") in an ADF 11g RC application.
    I know that I can set this format in every entity/view object's attributes. But I am looking for a central way.
    I already tried to override the javax.faces.convert.DateTimeConverter and configured it in the faces-config.xml.
    But without success.
    Any ideas?

    in another post of yours I pointed you to the trinidad-config.xml file - so you may want to have a look there. Also maybe property sets can give you a helping hand

  • How I configure a default value in an entity object?

    1:how I configure a default value in an entity object?
    attribute type: DATE
    I want to set the current date

    Override the create() action in your entity object implementation:
    protected void create(AttributeList attributeList)
    * This method should be subclassed to supply programmatic default values to
    * various attributes of a new Entity Object. For example, to create a sequence.
    * Instances of subclasses should call super.create() before performing any operations.
    System.out.println("create(AttributeList attributeList) - start");
    Date datSysdate = ( oracle.jbo.domain.Date) Date.getCurrentDate();
    // set the default to today...
    setHiredate( datSysdate );
    System.out.println("create(AttributeList attributeList) - end");

  • How to set default date of 3 weeks(21 days) from today's date during page load?

    I want to show the default date as 3 weeks from today's date during page load.
    For example ,i have given as adf.CurrentDate + 21 in EO for the attribute 'DueDate'. But it is showing me the date as 9.7.2013. 3 weeks default date is not getting set.If i give adf.currentDate also ,it not giving me today's date,it showing the 9.7.2013 only.Kindly provide your suggestions to set the default date as 3 weeks from today's date during page load.Thanks in advance.

    when you set the value on the entity level then you don't want to show it during page load but when the field is empty ? Correct? if so then the use case is a different one. The easiest way to implement this would be to create a Rowimpl class (Java option) and then in the get method of the entity attribute check if the value is null and if it is, set it to the current date + 21 days. This way all rows will be set with the 3 weeks due date but fields are not overridden each time the row is queried

  • Essbase default data clears taking place during FDM Batch Processing

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    However, when using the Batch Processing functionality of FDM Workbench, we are seeing unexpected data clears taking place, indicating that FDM is still executing the default data clears. Is there any way to disable these? We also want to ensure that our own data clears are still executed (they are in the "BefExportToDat" event scripts). Please advise!
    These are the unexpected Essbase application log entries we are seeing:
    +[Fri May 25 17:39:45 2012]Local/Monthly/Monthly/admin@Native Directory/140266738562816/Info(1012555)+
    +Clearing data from [Period 10] partition with fixed members [Entity(B1110); Scenario(Current Year)]+
    +[Fri May 25 17:39:46 2012]Local/Monthly/Monthly/admin@Native Directory/140266738562816/Info(1012555)+
    +Clearing data from [Period 10] partition with fixed members [Entity(B1110); Scenario(Current Year)]+
    +[Fri May 25 17:39:47 2012]Local/Monthly/Monthly/admin@Native Directory/140266738562816/Info(1012555)+
    +Clearing data from [Period 10] partition with fixed members [Entity(B1120); Scenario(Current Year)]+
    +[Fri May 25 17:39:48 2012]Local/Monthly/Monthly/admin@Native Directory/140266738562816/Info(1012555)+
    +Clearing data from [Period 10] partition with fixed members [Entity(B1130); Scenario(Current Year)]+
    +[Fri May 25 17:39:49 2012]Local/Monthly/Monthly/admin@Native Directory/140266738562816/Info(1012555)+
    +Clearing data from [Period 10] partition with fixed members [Entity(B1140); Scenario(Current Year)]+
    +[Fri May 25 17:39:49 2012]Local/Monthly/Monthly/admin@Native Directory/140266738562816/Info(1012555)+
    +Clearing data from [Period 10] partition with fixed members [Entity(B1210); Scenario(Current Year)]+
    +[Fri May 25 17:39:50 2012]Local/Monthly/Monthly/admin@Native Directory/140266738562816/Info(1012555)+
    +Clearing data from [Period 10] partition with fixed members [Entity(B1220); Scenario(Current Year)]+

    Hi SH, yes you are right, I also realised this in the car on the way home! But don't you mean "A" rather than "M" (for append)?
    I have tested this and it appears to be the solution - setting the second character of the fifth segment of the filename to "A" has stopped the default Essbase clears from being executed. To summarise:
    To append or replace to data in FDM:
    FDM Web Client: Select "Append" or "Replace" option in drop-down list, respectively.
    FDM Workbench Batch Processing: Set first character of fifth segment of filename to be "A" or "R", respectively.
    To append or replace to data in Essbase:
    FDM Web Client: Select "1 - Merge" or "0 - Replace" option in drop-down list in Export stage of workflow, respectively.
    FDM Workbench Batch Processing: Set second character of fifth segment of filename to be "A" or "R", respectively.
    Thanks for your help!

  • JPA - How can I use the table's default Date types? e.g. CURRENT_TIME

    Once again, can't find an answer anwhere.
    I would like to know if/how one can use the default date/time/datetime types as declared for the target table when attempting to persist an entity having these fields set as null.
    create table item
         date_created DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW(*),
         date_updated DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW(*),
    );Now how can I get the above table to work when attempting to em.persist(myItem) whereby dateCreated and dateUpdated are both null?

    I should also mention that TopLink has always supported the ability to retrieve the current time from the database for use in optimistic locking. The TimestampLockingPolicy offers the ability to configure the next value being retrieved from the database instead of using the local time from the JVM. Our extended optimistic locking configuration does not currently support setting this option but it could be done using a descriptor customizer which can be configured in your persistence unit properties.
    Using optimistic locking may be a good solution for the last modified date since it will also ensure that you do not corrupt the database if someone else has incremented this value since your last read.

  • Hard Delete all soft delete records (members) in Master Data Service (MDS) database

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    of soft deleted records.
    Is there an easy way to hard delete all the soft deleted records from all MDS tables in a specific Model.

    We did develop a Transact SQL procedure for this using the staging interface. It works and can be used freely :)
    God Luck!
    Jan Isacsson
    USE [MDS]
    /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[AutoPurge] Script Date: 4/21/2015 10:39:21 PM ******/
    -- To be used without warranty but it works even for collections
    -- Jan Isacsson ( 2015-04-21
    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[AutoPurge]
    @modelName nvarchar(200) = 'PDWmReferenceData',
    @versionName nvarchar(200) = 'VERSION_1',
    @entityName nvarchar(200) = NULL
    DECLARE @name nvarchar(200)
    DECLARE @tableName nvarchar(200)
    DECLARE @stagingName nvarchar(200)
    DECLARE @collectionTable nvarchar(200)
    DECLARE @collectionMemberTable nvarchar(200)
    DECLARE @isFlat INT
    DECLARE @sqlIsFlat NVARCHAR(512)
    DECLARE @sqlGetEntityTable NVARCHAR(512)
    DECLARE @sqlGetCollectionTable NVARCHAR(512)
    DECLARE @sqlGetCollectionMemberTable NVARCHAR(512)
    DECLARE @sqlGetStagingBaseTable NVARCHAR(512)
    DECLARE @sqlLoadPurgeConsolidated NVARCHAR(512)
    DECLARE @sqlLoadPurgeLeaf NVARCHAR(512)
    DECLARE @sqlRinseStaging NVARCHAR(512)
    DECLARE @sqlPurgeCollections NVARCHAR(512)
    DECLARE @sqlCheckErrorStaging NVARCHAR(512)
    DECLARE @batchTagName NVARCHAR(512)
    DECLARE @executePurge NVARCHAR(512)
    DECLARE @errorMsg NVARCHAR(512)
    DECLARE leaf_entity_cursor CURSOR FOR
    select e.ID, e.Name from
    mdm.tblModel m,
    mdm.tblEntity e
    e.Model_ID = m.ID
    and m.Name = @modelName
    DECLARE noleaf_entity_cursor CURSOR FOR
    select e.ID, e.Name from
    mdm.tblModel m,
    mdm.tblEntity e
    e.Model_ID = m.ID
    and m.Name = @modelName
    and e.IsFlat = 0
    -- Leaf purge
    SET @batchTagName = '''AutoPurge'''
    OPEN leaf_entity_cursor
    FETCH NEXT FROM leaf_entity_cursor INTO @id, @name
    if @name = @entityName or @entityName is null
    SET @sqlGetEntityTable = N'select @tableName = EntityTable from mdm.tblEntity where ID = ' + CONVERT(nvarchar,@id)
    EXEC sp_executesql
    @query = @sqlGetEntityTable,
    @params = N'@tableName NVARCHAR(100) OUTPUT',
    @tableName = @tableName OUTPUT
    SET @sqlGetStagingBaseTable = N'select @stagingName = StagingBase from mdm.tblEntity where ID = ' + CONVERT(nvarchar,@id)
    EXEC sp_executesql
    @query = @sqlGetStagingBaseTable,
    @params = N'@stagingName NVARCHAR(100) OUTPUT',
    @stagingName = @stagingName OUTPUT
    SET @sqlRinseStaging = N'delete from stg.' + @stagingName + '_Leaf where BatchTag = ' + @batchTagName
    EXEC sp_executesql @query = @sqlRinseStaging
    SET @i = @@RowCount
    SET @sqlLoadPurgeLeaf = N'insert into stg.' + @stagingName + '_Leaf (ImportType, ImportStatus_ID, BatchTag, Code) select 6, 0, ''AutoPurge'', Code from mdm.' + @tableName + ' where Status_ID = 2'
    EXEC sp_executesql @query = @sqlLoadPurgeLeaf
    SET @i = @@RowCount
    if @i != 0
    SET @executePurge = N'EXEC stg.udp_' + @stagingName + '_Leaf @VersionName = ''' + @versionName + ''', @LogFlag = 1, @BatchTag = ' + @batchTagName
    EXEC sp_executesql @query = @executePurge
    SET @i = @@RowCount
    SET @sqlCheckErrorStaging = N'select ErrorCode from stg.' + @stagingName + '_Leaf where BatchTag = ' + @batchTagName + ' and ErrorCode != 0'
    EXEC sp_executesql @query = @sqlCheckErrorStaging
    SET @i = @@RowCount
    if @i != 0
    SET @errorMsg = 'Error in purging leaf entity: ' + CONVERT(nvarchar,@id)
    RAISERROR (@errorMsg, 16, 1 )
    FETCH NEXT FROM leaf_entity_cursor INTO @id, @name
    SET @errorMsg = ERROR_MESSAGE()
    PRINT @errorMsg
    -- Consolidated purge
    OPEN noleaf_entity_cursor
    FETCH NEXT FROM noleaf_entity_cursor INTO @id, @name
    if @name = @entityName or @entityName is null
    SET @sqlGetEntityTable = N'select @tableName = HierarchyParentTable from mdm.tblEntity where ID = ' + CONVERT(nvarchar,@id)
    EXEC sp_executesql
    @query = @sqlGetEntityTable,
    @params = N'@tableName NVARCHAR(100) OUTPUT',
    @tableName = @tableName OUTPUT
    SET @sqlGetStagingBaseTable = N'select @stagingName = StagingBase from mdm.tblEntity where ID = ' + CONVERT(nvarchar,@id)
    EXEC sp_executesql
    @query = @sqlGetStagingBaseTable,
    @params = N'@stagingName NVARCHAR(100) OUTPUT',
    @stagingName = @stagingName OUTPUT
    SET @sqlRinseStaging = N'delete from stg.' + @stagingName + '_Consolidated where BatchTag = ' + @batchTagName
    EXEC sp_executesql @query = @sqlRinseStaging
    SET @i = @@RowCount
    SET @sqlLoadPurgeLeaf = N'insert into stg.' + @stagingName + '_Consolidated (ImportType, ImportStatus_ID, BatchTag, HierarchyName, Code) select 4, 0, ''AutoPurge'', ''' +@entityName + ''', Code from mdm.' + @tableName + ' where Status_ID = 2'
    EXEC sp_executesql @query = @sqlLoadPurgeLeaf
    SET @i = @@RowCount
    if @i != 0
    SET @executePurge = N'EXEC stg.udp_' + @stagingName + '_Consolidated @VersionName = ''' + @versionName + ''', @LogFlag = 1, @BatchTag = ' + @batchTagName
    EXEC sp_executesql @query = @executePurge
    SET @i = @@RowCount
    SET @sqlCheckErrorStaging = N'select ErrorCode from stg.' + @stagingName + '_Consolidated where BatchTag = ' + @batchTagName + ' and ErrorCode != 0'
    EXEC sp_executesql @query = @sqlCheckErrorStaging
    SET @i = @@RowCount
    if @i != 0
    SET @errorMsg = 'Error in purging consolidated entity: ' + CONVERT(nvarchar,@id)
    RAISERROR (@errorMsg, 16, 1 )
    SET @sqlGetCollectionTable = N'select @collectionTable = CollectionTable from mdm.tblEntity where ID = ' + CONVERT(nvarchar,@id)
    EXEC sp_executesql
    @query = @sqlGetCollectionTable,
    @params = N'@collectionTable NVARCHAR(100) OUTPUT',
    @collectionTable = @collectionTable OUTPUT
    SET @sqlGetCollectionMemberTable = N'select @collectionMemberTable = CollectionMemberTable from mdm.tblEntity where ID = ' + CONVERT(nvarchar,@id)
    EXEC sp_executesql
    @query = @sqlGetCollectionMemberTable,
    @params = N'@collectionMemberTable NVARCHAR(100) OUTPUT',
    @collectionMemberTable = @collectionMemberTable OUTPUT
    SET @sqlPurgeCollections = N'delete mdm.' + @collectionMemberTable + ' from mdm.' + @collectionTable + ' cn inner join mdm.' + @collectionMemberTable +
    ' cm on cm.Parent_CN_ID = cn.ID where cn.Status_ID = 2'
    EXEC sp_executesql @query = @sqlPurgeCollections
    SET @i = @@RowCount
    if @i != 0
    SET @sqlPurgeCollections = N'delete from mdm.' + @collectionTable + ' where Status_ID = 2'
    EXEC sp_executesql @query = @sqlPurgeCollections
    SET @i = @@RowCount
    FETCH NEXT FROM noleaf_entity_cursor INTO @id, @name
    SET @errorMsg = ERROR_MESSAGE()
    PRINT @errorMsg
    CLOSE noleaf_entity_cursor
    DEALLOCATE noleaf_entity_cursor

  • Return default data if no data is returned by sql query

    I have a requirement.
    I have an inner query that returns no data. However I still want to return default data (say 'abc'). The below sql does not return anything inspite of using nvl . Please advise .
    select nvl( x.vencode,'abc') vencode
    -- below sql returns no data!
              SELECT a.vencode vencode,
                     a.mid mid,
                     a.title title,
                      ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY a.vencode ORDER BY a.title) rnk
               FROM (
                     SELECT *
                     FROM    (SELECT vencode FROM vendor where login is not null and vencode = 'BKFI'
                                        and login > (sysdate - 90) )
                          CROSS JOIN
                             (SELECT mid, title, ROWNUM num FROM tcommmemos where mid is not null)
                    ) a,        
                   (SELECT * FROM (
                    SELECT v.vencode, tc.mid, tc.title
               (select  * from vendor
                     where login is not null and vencode = 'BKFI'
                     and login > (sysdate - 90)) v,
                tcommmemosviewed tcv, tcommmemos tc
               WHERE     v.vencode = tcv.vencode
                     and tc.mid is not null
                     --AND tc.post_date > v.hiredate
                     AND tc.mid = tcv.mid)
                   ) b
                   where a.vencode = b.vencode(+)
                     and a.title   = b.title(+)
                     and a.mid     = b.mid(+)
                     and b.mid is null                               
    ) x              

    Use any aggregate function it'll always return a value even if there no data in the table
    create table r_dummy_1 (a number);
    SQL> select * from r_dummy_1;
    no rows selected
    SQL> select nvl(max(a),1) from r_dummy_1;

  • How to change the default date in Person assignment tab?

    Hi experts,
    Does anyone know how to change the default date in person assignment tab in cj20n? Currently, the system always take the scheduled finish date to the date of the person assignment tab. Can I change it to the start date?
    Thanks and rgs,

    Hi Michelle,
    Goto SPRO->Project system->Dates->Scheduling->Specify Parameters for Network Scheduling, Here you can control the workforce planning dates.
    Hope this is useful...

  • How to change default Date format in BO 6.5 SP4

    A problem with date display has been reported to me by one of our users -  in BO 6.5 - since installing SP4.
    The default date format is now MM/DD/YYYY
    I have tried to recreate this on my PC and have been able to confirm that this is the case.
    Most of our PC's will have two versions of Business Objects on them - for 5.1.6 and for 6.5 - that is the case for my PC.
    If I create a new BO document based on a spreadsheet with three entries in the spreadsheet as follows:-
    20/01/2009    20-Jan-2009  20th January 2009
    This displays in BO 6.5 as
    1/20/2009   1/20/2009    20th January 2009
    My PC regional setting is UK and the time displays DD/MM/YYYY
    Can you advise how to correct this problem please.

    Hi Sebastien
    Thank you for your response.
    I haven't checked Dimension in universe because this is happening even when datasource is an Excel spreadheet - as per details in previous post.
    I have looked for *.sbo files and found one for ODBC.sbo in the Version 5 folders on PC - with date format details in it which I've changed - that doesn't make any difference.
    Any other ideas?

  • How to get the default date as current date in input filed in VC

    In my VC application i have two date fields. we are allowing the end user to select the From Data and Todate though Data pickers, But the client asking to make the today's date as default date in Todate field , rather picking up from the data picker,
    Unless the  user wants change the todate from the current date. It should display today's date as default date.
    can any body tell me how to do it.

    Hi All,
    I have an issue an implementing the "Exporting the Table data to Excel."
    My VC version is 7.0
    Portal version NW 2004s.
    By refering the following link, i have implemented Export To Excell functionality in VC.
    2) Another one that's in the Visual Composer WIKI:
    By refering to 7th page in the document. It is explained to add the data source object from the 'info' port and add the field called 'RAPTNAME'to the DATA source object.
    But the RFC object which i added to the story board, i havent find any 'info' port in my added RFC. But still i have added the data store object and added field. then
    copied the following given formula in the document in respective formula window ,Formula showin as valid. when i click on check button.
    copied formula :
    i am able to run the application. After i run the application . once i click on the button 'ExportToExcel' i am getting the following error.
    Portal Runtime Error
    An exception occurred while processing a request for :
    iView : N/A
    Component Name : N/A
    Could not find portal application
    Exception id: 05:32_01/05/07_0001_18800950
    See the details for the exception ID in the log file
    Can u please tell me what is the problem

  • How to give specific default date with expression in SSRS

    I have to pass some specific kind of dates in "Default Values" section of parameter.
    1st is whenever SSRS report run for any year in default date I want to pass value 1/1/(Current Year), for this I tried many way like , = "1/1/" + DatePart("Y",Now())  also = "1/1/" + Year(Now()) but it
    is giving me error. When I tried both part individually "1/1/" and  DatePart("Y",Now()) , it is working but when I join them with + sign it is giving me error that "input string is not in correct format"
    2nd I want to set up like when package run in month of April, it takes default date as "(Previous Month, which is May)/1/(current Year)" so if I am running report on 4/5/2013 then it in default date it should take 3/1/2013.
    Please help me with the expression. Thanks in advance. 

    Hi Visakh,
    Thanks again.
    I have one more question, I also have start date and end date. In start date I can put your expression as you gave me as below,
    But can you please help me with End date expression?
    In End date I want to put previous month's last date. For example, if active batch is running package on
    12/16/2013 then for End Date parameter it should value "11/30/2013" 
    For  1/16/2014 then for End Date parameter it should value "12/31/2013" 
    For  3/16/2013 then for End Date parameter it should value "2/28/2013" 
    Thanks for your help in advance.

  • Default data adaptor error when deploying a war file in weblogic

    Hi All,
    Newbie here with a few questions regarding the deployment of OPA 10.1. Really hoping you guys can help...
    1) I'm attempting to deploy an unexploded web-determinations.war file on WebLogic. Thanks to this forum I've got past the issues of "rulebase directory not found" etc. However, i'm now faced with an issue which I can't find any info on. Please see below.
    3672074 [[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '1' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] WARN com.or
    acle.determinations.web.platform.controller.actions.StartSessionAction - Could not instansate defau
    lt data adaptor
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper$
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper.invokeServlet(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.execute(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.TailFilter.doFilter(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$
    at Source)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.securedExecute(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.execute(
    I've got the following entry in the file too...
    # Default XDS data adaptor file path
    #xds.file.path =data
    From what we can see we believe the code is getting a null pointer because of the following method in the WebDeterminationsServletContext class.
    public String resolveFullPath(String path)
    File f = new File(path);
    return f.isAbsolute() ? f.getAbsolutePath() : this.servletContext.getRealPath(path);
    We believe the getRealPath(path), highlighted in red, is returning null. Any ideas how we can resolve this?
    2) The second issue I'm facing is with regards the plugins.libraries property in the file. I've got the entry as
    plugin.libraries =DataAdaptor.DA;
    which should point to our customised data adaptor. However I'm getting the following error.
    4242994 [[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '2' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] WARN com.or
    acle.determinations.web.platform.servlet.WebDeterminationsServletContext - Can not find class: Data
    4243025 [[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '2' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] WARN com.or
    acle.determinations.interview.engine.local.LocalInterviewEngine - Can not find class: DataAdaptor.D
    3) Also, does anyone know if it's possible to deploy a web-determinations.war file containing additional internal application code? What we're attempting to do is deliver a single war file which not only holds the web determination code but also all the code for an application which wraps the OWD within it. At present this just isn't working. I'm not sure what the conflict is exactly. The only way i seem to be able to get this working is by deploying the code in two seperate war files.
    Any help on these issues would be greaty appreciated.

    (2) is being caused because your data adaptor plugin is not installed properly. The jar that contains your plugin needs to go in the WEB-INF/lib directory and you must specify the fully qualified class name in the plugin.libraries property of the file.
    If you haven't provided a custom data adaptor, Web Determinations will configure and attach the default one for use instead, which is file based. If you are deploying to WebLogic as an unxeploded war, you must configure the directory the default data directory the plugin will uses by specifying an absolute path that your instance of Web Determinations has read/write permissions to in the xds.file.path property of the file. In your case (1) is basically being caused by (2) since if the your data adaptor was loaded correctly the default one wouldn't load at all.
    As for (3) yes it's likely possible, provided you don't have library conflicts. How it's done really depends on what these additional customisations consist of.

  • Error while saving default data type

    When I try to save system wide Default Data Format of any of the columns, an error pops out. Seems like an XML error:
    The current xml is invalid with the following errors:
    Bad xml instance!
    <?xml version="1.0"?> <sawsavedformat:metadata xmlns:sawsavedformat=""><sawsavedformat:columnSavedFormats><sawsavedformat:columnSavedFormat xmlns:saw="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="sawsavedformat:regularColumnSavedFormat" columnName="&quot;HT Catalog&quot;.&quot;Item As Was&quot;.&quot;Division Number&quot;"><saw:displayFormat><saw:formatSpec suppress="suppress" wrapText="true" visibility="visible" hAlign="right" vAlign="top"><saw:dataFormat xsi:type="saw:number" commas="false" negativeType="minus" minDigits="0" maxDigits="0"/></saw:formatSpec></saw:displayFormat><saw:tableHeading><saw:displayFormat><saw:formatSpec/></saw:displayFormat></saw:tableHeading><saw:columnHeading><saw:displayFormat><saw:formatSpec/></saw:displayFormat></saw:columnHeading></sawsavedformat:columnSavedFormat><sawsavedformat:columnSavedFormat xmlns:saw="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="sawsavedformat:regularColumnSavedFormat" columnName="&quot;HT Catalog&quot;.&quot;Item As Was&quot;.&quot;Group Number&quot;"><saw:displayFormat><saw:formatSpec suppress="suppress" wrapText="true" visibility="visible" hAlign="right" vAlign="top"><saw:dataFormat xsi:type="saw:number" commas="false" negativeType="minus" minDigits="0" maxDigits="0"/></saw:formatSpec></saw:displayFormat><saw:tableHeading><saw:displayFormat><saw:formatSpec/></saw:displayFormat></saw:tableHeading><saw:columnHeading><saw:displayFormat><saw:formatSpec/></saw:displayFormat></saw:columnHeading></sawsavedformat:columnSavedFormat><sawsavedformat:columnSavedFormat xmlns:saw="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="sawsavedformat:regularColumnSavedFormat" columnName="&quot;HT Catalog&quot;.&quot;Item As Was&quot;.&quot;Dept Number&quot;"><saw:displayFormat><saw:formatSpec suppress="suppress" wrapText="true" visibility="visible" hAlign="right" vAlign="top"><saw:dataFormat xsi:type="saw:number" commas="false" negativeType="minus" minDigits="0" 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xmlns:saw="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="sawsavedformat:regularColumnSavedFormat" columnName="&quot;HT Catalog&quot;.&quot;Organization As Was&quot;.&quot;District Number&quot;"><saw:displayFormat><saw:formatSpec suppress="suppress" wrapText="true" visibility="visible" hAlign="right" vAlign="top"><saw:dataFormat xsi:type="saw:number" commas="false" negativeType="minus" minDigits="0" maxDigits="0"/></saw:formatSpec></saw:displayFormat><saw:tableHeading><saw:displayFormat><saw:formatSpec/></saw:displayFormat></saw:tableHeading><saw:columnHeading><saw:displayFormat><saw:formatSpec/></saw:displayFormat></saw:columnHeading></sawsavedformat:columnSavedFormat><sawsavedformat:columnSavedFormat xmlns:saw="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="sawsavedformat:regularColumnSavedFormat" columnName="&quot;HT Catalog&quot;.&quot;Organization As Was&quot;.&quot;Store Number&quot;"><saw:displayFormat><saw:formatSpec suppress="suppress" wrapText="true" visibility="visible" hAlign="right" vAlign="top"><saw:dataFormat xsi:type="saw:number" commas="false" negativeType="minus" minDigits="0" maxDigits="0"/></saw:formatSpec></saw:displayFormat><saw:tableHeading><saw:displayFormat><saw:formatSpec/></saw:displayFormat></saw:tableHeading><saw:columnHeading><saw:displayFormat><saw:formatSpec/></saw:displayFormat></saw:columnHeading></sawsavedformat:columnSavedFormat><sawsavedformat:columnSavedFormat xmlns:saw="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="sawsavedformat:regularColumnSavedFormat" columnName="&quot;HT Catalog&quot;.&quot;Business Calendar&quot;.&quot;Fiscal Week&quot;"><saw:displayFormat><saw:formatSpec suppress="suppress" wrapText="true" visibility="visible" hAlign="left" vAlign="top"><saw:dataFormat xsi:type="saw:text" textFormat="plain"/></saw:formatSpec></saw:displayFormat><saw:tableHeading><saw:displayFormat><saw:formatSpec/></saw:displayFormat></saw:tableHeading><saw:columnHeading><saw:displayFormat><saw:formatSpec/></saw:displayFormat></saw:columnHeading></sawsavedformat:columnSavedFormat><sawsavedformat:columnSavedFormat xmlns:saw="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="sawsavedformat:regularColumnSavedFormat" columnName="&quot;HT Catalog&quot;.&quot;Unit Inventory&quot;.&quot;U BOP&quot;"><saw:displayFormat><saw:formatSpec suppress="repeat" wrapText="true" visibility="visible" hAlign="right" vAlign="top" imagePlacement="right"><saw:dataFormat xsi:type="saw:number" whistlerFormat="#,##0" commas="true" negativeType="minus" minDigits="0" 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    Line:2, Col:8982, Attribute 'whistlerFormat' is not declared for element 'dataFormat'
    Any suggestions?

    Its known bug in obiee11.1.1.5. version try to apply obiee11.1.5.5.BP bug fixes version.
    bug 13249783 - OBIEE 11G THROWS BAD XML INSTANCE

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