Delay IO

I'm trying to setup a program to test step response
first I begin logging, then after a set delay time I send out a digital output on port 1 and hold that on until logging stops.
I'm having trouble sequencing the analog input with the digital output. Right now my logging finishes running, then triggers the digital output. I've had to configure them in different tasks due to them being different data types, so how can I run the read and write blocks simultaneously?

 Hi Amaes,
 To control the execution flow of the analog input and digital output you could use data flow, sequence structures, local variables, etc.
 In this example I would use data flow. I've attached a screenshot of how to do this with DAQmx and Labview 8.2.
 The Analog Input task is started first. After the Task is started then the error out wire branches to the Digital Output task. A delay is inserted before the DO task starts.
 I hope this works for you! Best regards,
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
AI_DO_delay.JPG ‏66 KB

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    Hi Dario,
    Pl Try the Below Threads and Ref SAP Notes Provided by NagaRajan.

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    Hi Prashant,
    I am not able to understand ur suggestion.
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        call function 'JOB_OPEN'
            jobname          = 'YI90C_BG'
           sdlstrtdt        = w_startdt
           sdlstrttm        = w_starttm
            jobcount         = job_count
            cant_create_job  = 1
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          message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno
                  with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
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          with selection-table it_selcr
          and return
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          number job_count.
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                jobname              = 'YI90C_BG'
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                cant_start_immediate = 1
                invalid_startdate    = 2
                jobname_missing      = 3
                job_close_failed     = 4
                job_nosteps          = 5
                job_notex            = 6
                lock_failed          = 7
                others               = 8.
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    Hi LabBard,
    Could you tell us a little more about the device that you are connected to? What you could try is to have a VI accessing the LAN, and a separate VI communicating with the instrument, and see how things play out.
    Let us know how it goes!

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    It sounds like it should be quite straightforward to do, but I’m not so sure how to progress. I have begun to modify the original VI (“flow vis +”, as attached), but would be much appreciative of any help or suggestions on how I can complete the VI to meet the above requirement.
    Many thanks,
    flow vis + ‏939 KB
    flow vis + ‏895 KB

    Please refer this URL for an example VI I made to solve the problem:
    Way S.
     NI-UK Applications Engineer

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    Please bear with me while I explain what I’m trying to do :-)   Basically, in the attached LabView file (“flow vis +”), I am generating 2 signals: a sinusoidal waveform (used to drive an actuator) and a square waveform (used as a TTL signal to trigger image capture on a CCD camera). Currently when I run the program using LabView 7, both signals are started simultaneously. I would like to introduce a time delay that can be manually specified in the VI, such that when the program is started (i.e. at time t0), the sinusoidal waveform also starts (i.e. at time t0) before the square waveform (i.e. at time t0 + delay time). In a practical sense, this means allowing the actuator to run for several seconds before capturing any images.
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    Many thanks,
    flow vis + ‏939 KB
    flow vis + ‏895 KB

    Hi Mark,
    I forgot that all analog waveforms generated needed to have the same number of samples in a single task. By introducing a delay into your square wave, I effectively added samples that waveform. So the same number of samples added to the square wave has to be added to your sine wave. I added code that extends the number of samples of your sine wave (# delay + square wave samples). Let me know if this works for you.
    Way S.
    NI UK Applications Engineer
    flow vis + ‏872 KB

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    adding slack into your project in planning, as it is time that could pass before the next task, but doesn't necessarily have to.
    First - do I have this assessment correct?
    Second - does MSP calculate PV based upon when tasks appear in the schedule regardless of whether they are there due to lag or delay, or do tasks presented with delay assume that they will start straight away, without the delay?
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    Thanks for your help!

    First, the lag (and not delay) in the task form is to be entered in the Predecessors/successors form and not the schedule form. The delay in the schedule form is the delay on an assignment, meaning the delay a resource has on a assignment. And indeed it
    is not required but just an option given to the scheduler.
    The PV (or
    BCWS) is calculated based on this formula:
    timephased baseline costs of the task up to the status date. The lag just implies that the task will occur later in the project, thus the PV will take into account the lag.
    AS per the bug, I couldn't experience it, thus I'll let you or others folks give a feedback on it.
    Hope this helps,
    Guillaume Rouyre, MBA, MVP, P-Seller |

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    I presume the new server is sending some kind of busy message that Mail interprets incorrectly, but it's a show-stopper for us. Currently our options are:
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    2. Find out from the provider why the new server is causing this behavior (fat chance--they're likely to blame it on our weird Apple software)
    3. Find out how to make Mail interpret the busy signal correctly.
    4. Forward the account's mail to all the users' own addresses, instead of having them check that account themselves (am doing this now, will see how it works out. It will require more storage space on the server, at a minimum.)
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    Any feedback or enlightenment would be greatly appreciated.
    Mac mini G4 1.25   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

    "More Like this" entry " Phantom Mail Account won't let go! Steven Shmerler SASNET Design, New York  Oct 10, 2011 7:56 PM" gave me a clue, which after 15 minutes without annoying message, seems to work.
    Went to Mail Preferences/ Accounts/ Account Information/ Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP)/ Edit SMTP Server List...
    There were four (count them, 4) references to Earthlink. I deleted them, restarted Mail, and so far so good.

  • Deleted Item not actually getting deleted or **delay** deleted thus getting refetched (EWS Managed API)

    I am polling Exchange Server to fetch all the mails left in the Inbox and then fetching them, processing them and finally moving them to the deleted folder. My procedure takes following form of EWS Managed API calls:
    1 itemResults = service.FindItems(WellKnownFolderName.Inbox, itemView);
    2 //some code...
    3 service.LoadPropertiesForItems(itemResults.Items, itItemPropSet);
    4 //some code...
    5 foreach(Item item in itemResults)
    6 {
    7 //process item
    8 item.Delete(DeleteMode.MoveToDeletedItems);
    9 }
    To test this code I flooded the inbox with 5000 mails, 5 threads flooding 1000 mails each at the interval of 4ms.
    After test run, I realized some mails are getting processed multiple times.
    When I read the soap traces logged using TraceListener, I realized that when there are more than 100 mails in the inbox, there are more SOAP packets were dispatched in burst of 100s.
    Logically below set of SOAP Packets (let us call it "Set 1") should occur only once:
    <m:FindItem>...</m:FindItem> //generated by line 1
    <m:FindItemResponse>...</m:FindItemResponse> //generated by line 1
    <m:GetItem>...</m:GetItem> //generated by line 3
    <m:GetItemResponse>...</m:GetItemResponse> //generated by line 3
    followed x number of Delete SOAP packets for x number of mails in the Inbox
    <m:DeleteItem>...</m:DeleteItem> //generated by line 8
    <m:DeleteItemRepsonse>...</m:DeleteItemRepsonse> //generated by line 8
    However if there are say 325 mails in the inbox, then there first occurs 4 occurences of Set 1 followed by Delete SOAP packest as follows:
    //1st occurence
    <m:FindItem>100 items</m:FindItem>
    <m:FindItemResponse>100 items</m:FindItemResponse>
    <m:GetItem>100 items</m:GetItem>
    <m:GetItemResponse>35 items</m:GetItemResponse>
    //2nd occurence
    <m:FindItem>100 items</m:FindItem>
    <m:FindItemResponse>100 items</m:FindItemResponse>
    <m:GetItem>100 items</m:GetItem>
    <m:GetItemResponse>35 items</m:GetItemResponse>
    //3rd occurence
    <m:FindItem>100 items</m:FindItem>
    <m:FindItemResponse>100 items</m:FindItemResponse>
    <m:GetItem>100 items</m:GetItem>
    <m:GetItemResponse>100 items</m:GetItemResponse>
    //4th occurence
    <m:FindItem>35 items</m:FindItem>
    <m:FindItemResponse>35 items</m:FindItemResponse>
    <m:GetItem>35 items</m:GetItem>
    <m:GetItemResponse>35 items</m:GetItemResponse> //****followed by 335 occurences of the Delete SOAP packets****<m:DeleteItem>...</m:DeleteItem>  
    //334 more of above
    So there are 100 + 100 + 100 + 35 = 335 items actually getting handled, which is 10 more than what are actually present in the inbox. 
    Also notice that Delete SOAP packets are queued till end. They are not dispatched in burst.
    First thing I realize dispatching SOAP packets in burst of 100s is EWS Managed API behavior. I guess there must be traffic reason behind it and there must be some configuration setting to tweak it.
    Q1. How can we change this count of 100?
    I inferred that there are some overlaps in fetching of mails.
    So I copy pasted SOAP Traces for first two of
    <m:GetItem>100 items</m:GetItem>
    in two different files, and compared them in text comparer. I realised that some mails that are at the end of the first 100s were reappearing at the beginning of 2nd 100: 
    This is the pattern in many test runs.
    Due to this these overlapping mails, these mails are getting processed twice. Also the attempt to second time delete them was throwing exception : The specified object was not found in the store.
    So I guess there is time delay in delete mail API call and mails actually getting deleted, between which they are getting refetched.
    Q2. How can I handle this to avoid redundant processing of mails and unnecessary exceptions.

    I am polling Exchange Server to fetch all the mails left in the Inbox and then fetching them, processing them and finally moving them to the deleted folder. My procedure takes following form of EWS Managed API calls:
    1 itemResults = service.FindItems(WellKnownFolderName.Inbox, itemView);
    2 //some code...
    3 service.LoadPropertiesForItems(itemResults.Items, itItemPropSet);
    4 //some code...
    5 foreach(Item item in itemResults)
    6 {
    7 //process item
    8 item.Delete(DeleteMode.MoveToDeletedItems);
    9 }
    To test this code I flooded the inbox with 5000 mails, 5 threads flooding 1000 mails each at the interval of 4ms.
    After test run, I realized some mails are getting processed multiple times.
    When I read the soap traces logged using TraceListener, I realized that when there are more than 100 mails in the inbox, there are more SOAP packets were dispatched in burst of 100s.
    Logically below set of SOAP Packets (let us call it "Set 1") should occur only once:
    <m:FindItem>...</m:FindItem> //generated by line 1
    <m:FindItemResponse>...</m:FindItemResponse> //generated by line 1
    <m:GetItem>...</m:GetItem> //generated by line 3
    <m:GetItemResponse>...</m:GetItemResponse> //generated by line 3
    followed x number of Delete SOAP packets for x number of mails in the Inbox
    <m:DeleteItem>...</m:DeleteItem> //generated by line 8
    <m:DeleteItemRepsonse>...</m:DeleteItemRepsonse> //generated by line 8
    However if there are say 325 mails in the inbox, then there first occurs 4 occurences of Set 1 followed by Delete SOAP packest as follows:
    //1st occurence
    <m:FindItem>100 items</m:FindItem>
    <m:FindItemResponse>100 items</m:FindItemResponse>
    <m:GetItem>100 items</m:GetItem>
    <m:GetItemResponse>35 items</m:GetItemResponse>
    //2nd occurence
    <m:FindItem>100 items</m:FindItem>
    <m:FindItemResponse>100 items</m:FindItemResponse>
    <m:GetItem>100 items</m:GetItem>
    <m:GetItemResponse>35 items</m:GetItemResponse>
    //3rd occurence
    <m:FindItem>100 items</m:FindItem>
    <m:FindItemResponse>100 items</m:FindItemResponse>
    <m:GetItem>100 items</m:GetItem>
    <m:GetItemResponse>100 items</m:GetItemResponse>
    //4th occurence
    <m:FindItem>35 items</m:FindItem>
    <m:FindItemResponse>35 items</m:FindItemResponse>
    <m:GetItem>35 items</m:GetItem>
    <m:GetItemResponse>35 items</m:GetItemResponse> //****followed by 335 occurences of the Delete SOAP packets****<m:DeleteItem>...</m:DeleteItem>  
    //334 more of above
    So there are 100 + 100 + 100 + 35 = 335 items actually getting handled, which is 10 more than what are actually present in the inbox. 
    Also notice that Delete SOAP packets are queued till end. They are not dispatched in burst.
    First thing I realize dispatching SOAP packets in burst of 100s is EWS Managed API behavior. I guess there must be traffic reason behind it and there must be some configuration setting to tweak it.
    Q1. How can we change this count of 100?
    I inferred that there are some overlaps in fetching of mails.
    So I copy pasted SOAP Traces for first two of
    <m:GetItem>100 items</m:GetItem>
    in two different files, and compared them in text comparer. I realised that some mails that are at the end of the first 100s were reappearing at the beginning of 2nd 100: 
    This is the pattern in many test runs.
    Due to this these overlapping mails, these mails are getting processed twice. Also the attempt to second time delete them was throwing exception : The specified object was not found in the store.
    So I guess there is time delay in delete mail API call and mails actually getting deleted, between which they are getting refetched.
    Q2. How can I handle this to avoid redundant processing of mails and unnecessary exceptions.

  • Voice delay with iPhone 5s

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    If anything, that would more than likely be carrier related. I used to see that a lot with Nextel devices. It had to do with their network. You can try a reset on the phone, hold the sleep/wake and home buttons together until you see the Apple logo and then release. See if that helps. You can also go into Settings>General>Reset>Reset Network Settings, which will also reset your cell network, and any wi-fi networks and passwords and see if either helps.

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    Does anyone have a solution or suggestion?

    After iOS 7 update, my iPhone 4s Voice Memo App has 5 second delay when the record button is pressed. When it starts recording, it goes from 0 seconds to 5 or so seconds that it shows has recorded. This happens randomly and often, sometimes it will have the 5+ second delay but starts recording at zero seconds. Besides the delay it has been working fine as far as saving and playback is concerned. I have plenty of storage on the phone itself and it NEVER had this problem before I updated to iOS 7. I've reset the phone a couple times by holding down the power and home buttons at the same time. The reason I have an issue with this is that I'm always recording song ideas, melodies, and scratch takes; what I'm saying is when I come up with an idea I need to be able to know that when I hit record it will start right then so I don't forget anything that has just popped in my mind.
    Does anyone have a solution or suggestion?

  • Weblogic 10.3.2. application launch delayed by approximately 60 seconds

    The application was developed using Flex 2, java, hibernate and spring framework(ver. 2.0.3). It works fine in the oracle Application server oc4j based container.
    When deployed this application in weblogic 10.3.2, after entering the username and password, the first page is delayed by approximately 60/70 seconds. The full log file shows this time is consumed by HttpSessionContextIntegrationFilter. As you can see below in the log, the processing for this class stats at 10:46:23 and then it moves on to the next processing at 10:47:26. Please let me know, how I could resolve/troubleshoot this issue.
    [Mar 24 10:46:23] DEBUG ( - /efc-flex/efc.swf reached end of additional filter chain; proceeding with original chain
    [Mar 24 10:46:23] DEBUG ( - Chain processed normally
    [Mar 24 10:46:23] DEBUG ( - SecurityContextHolder now cleared, as request processing completed
    [Mar 24 10:47:26] DEBUG ( - Converted URL to lowercase, from: '/efc-flex/j_spring_security_logout'; to: '/efc-flex/j_spring_security_logout'
    [Mar 24 10:47:26] DEBUG ( - Candidate is: '/efc-flex/j_spring_security_logout'; pattern is /**; matched=true

    Here is the dump for the issue above. Could anyone take a look at this and let me know, what the issue is..
    This page displays the current stacks for each thread.
    "[STANDBY] ExecuteThread: '3' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'" waiting for lock WAITING
         java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
    "DynamicListenThread[Default]" RUNNABLE native Method)
    "DynamicListenThread[Default[1]]" RUNNABLE native Method)
    "weblogic.GCMonitor" waiting for lock java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue$Lock@eb33a1 TIMED_WAITING
         java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
    "Timer-4" waiting for lock java.util.TaskQueue@18abda9 WAITING
         java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
    "Timer-3" waiting for lock java.util.TaskQueue@1a9a61d WAITING
         java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
    "RedeployManager" waiting for lock java.lang.Object@d8cd3c TIMED_WAITING
         java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
    "RTMP-Server" RUNNABLE native$SubSelector.poll0(Native Method)$SubSelector.poll($SubSelector.access$400(
    "Timer-2" waiting for lock java.util.TaskQueue@18a310a TIMED_WAITING
         java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
    "Thread-12" waiting for lock java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject@1999292 WAITING
         sun.misc.Unsafe.park(Native Method)
    "[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '2' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'" waiting for lock WAITING
         java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
    "Thread-11" waiting for lock java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject@165c180 WAITING
         sun.misc.Unsafe.park(Native Method)
    "DoSManager" TIMED_WAITING
         java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method)
    "VDE Transaction Processor Thread" waiting for lock [email protected] WAITING
         java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
    "ExecuteThread: '2' for queue: 'weblogic.socket.Muxer'" RUNNABLE native
         weblogic.socket.NTSocketMuxer.getIoCompletionResult(Native Method)
    "ExecuteThread: '1' for queue: 'weblogic.socket.Muxer'" RUNNABLE native
         weblogic.socket.NTSocketMuxer.getIoCompletionResult(Native Method)
    "ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.socket.Muxer'" RUNNABLE native
         weblogic.socket.NTSocketMuxer.getIoCompletionResult(Native Method)
    "Thread-7" waiting for lock java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject@eb9951 WAITING
         sun.misc.Unsafe.park(Native Method)
    "[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '1' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'" RUNNABLE Method)
         sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.JmxMBeanServer.getAttribute($ Method)$ Method)$ Method)$ Method)$ Method)$5$ Method)$$200($ Method) Source)
         weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicRemoteRef.invoke( Source)$RemoteMBeanServerConnection.getAttribute(
         $Proxy132.getThreadStackDump(Unknown Source)
    "weblogic.timers.TimerThread" waiting for lock weblogic.timers.internal.TimerThread@ac35d5 TIMED_WAITING
         java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
    "weblogic.time.TimeEventGenerator" waiting for lock weblogic.time.common.internal.TimeTable@2562c TIMED_WAITING
         java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
    "[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'" waiting for lock WAITING
         java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
    "Timer-1" waiting for lock java.util.TaskQueue@16765c9 TIMED_WAITING
         java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
    "Timer-0" waiting for lock java.util.TaskQueue@14b70dd WAITING
         java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
    "Attach Listener" RUNNABLE
    "Signal Dispatcher" RUNNABLE
    "Finalizer" waiting for lock java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue$Lock@1defb61 WAITING
         java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
    "Reference Handler" waiting for lock java.lang.ref.Reference$Lock@49c224 WAITING
         java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
    "main" waiting for lock weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr@68c9a1 WAITING
         java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)

  • Trying to understand Android OS updates delays

    This is not another hate mail, it´s more about trying to understand the facts and motives regarding the OS updates (or lack of).
    Hopefully this material will arrive at someone from Sony with enough power to do something about it.
    Ever since I can remember, Sony has been THE brand for electronics. I can´t remember a TV or VCR in my house that it wasn´t Sony, and they lasted for LOTS of years.
    When a couple years ago I finally had the money (and the need) for a Smartphone, i chose the X10 Mini, which is a great little phone from a great brand, but it´s stuck at Android 2.1... which makes it a crippled android nowadays...
    It really bothered me the lack of OS updates, so I chose to buy a Galaxy Nexus, but it´s really expensive in my country. So my second option was a Galaxy Ace 2, but they haven´t arrived to my country yet, so I went with my third option: Xperia Sola, knowing beforehand that it´s a great phone, a great brand, but I might get slow OS updates.
    I bought it about 10 days ago when I saw they were starting to roll out the updates.
    10 days later I still don´t have my update. And not only that, but I don´t see much light at the end of the tunnel...
    I found a thread with the SI numbers that were updated, and there were a bunch on Oct 1, another bunch on Oct 4, and one code on Oct 8, and no other update since...
    I also read that those who did get the update, were having bugs with the OS, and also found threads from other Xperia models, whose updates began rolling 3 months ago, and there is still people who hasn´t gotten the update...
    As a customer, and a owner/CEO of a small company, I have a really hard time understanding how a HUGE company like Sony can be making such mistakes...
    I have been thinking objective reasons, and I can only think of one. I know it´s a wild guess, but I´m starting to think that our salvation might be the very thing that means our condemnation: CYANOGENMOD!!!
    Think about it: Why would Sony spend more money hiring twice as much programmers, when they can make only one update per phone, and sit down and see how CM releases begin to appear, for all tastes and needs. And... IT´s FREE!!!
    Also, if there is a software related problem (way more likely than a hardware problem), then the CM developers take the fall, instead of Sony. And I´m beginning to see custom OS installers that are more user friendly, so it might be something that they take in accout when neglecting OS updates.
    If that´s the line Sony is following, it´s a very risky move and it won´t work. Sony Mobile will crash and burn, but it´s still a better business plan that "let´s get lazy and make ULTRA slow updates so we don´t spend a lot of money programming".
    If you can´t afford more programmers, stop including so much bells and whistles and make your OS near vanilla. Include a couple of Xperia menus, a custom theme and voila!
    The main reason I wanted the Galaxy Nexus is Vanilla OS, which means inmediate OS updates. Sony on the other hand, takes a year or two to release it after its launch. If they release it at all...
    Another though...  why not stop making that many different phones! Really! There are like 5 Xperia models i can´t tell one from the other... even with specs side by side!
    You are trying to make too many phones and you are failing with all of them! (Software and software updates are also part of the phone, one of the most importants...)
    I know hiring programmers is expensive, but you are sacrificing one of the most expensive values for a company EVER: Customer credibility! Which as you know better than me, takes years to create.
    If Apple had problems with carriers and code aprooving and stuff, they might get away with it, becouse they alone have all the devices. If iOS 6 is delayed a few months, it´s delayed for everyone, and besides Apple fanboys rarely complain about Mac products, but Android is a more independent and educated market.
    I´m not saying that Apple users are ignorant, not at all, but I´m pretty sure most iPhone owners don´t even know what processor or how much RAM their phone has. They just "swallow" the Apple Way of Life. (it´s a good phone becouse Apple says so).
    The Android user on the other side, because of the fragmentation of the market, has many brands and models to choose from. An Android user about to buy a new phone will most likely go online looking for different models, specs, reviews in webs and forums...etc.
    You can´t say "I don´t know how HTC and other companies get their updates so soon, but we take a lot more becouse Google and the Operators must aproove the code.", because there are many other brands that have exactly the same difficulties or more, since they are smaller, and we can SEE online that they are indeed delivering solid and relativly fast updates.
    Did we miss something? Does HTC use Witchcraft to get their code aprooved?
    My underlying point is this: You are getting lazy... VERY lazy with software programming for your phones, and WE KNOW IT!
    It´s not the "difficulties" you claim, becouse every brand has those difficulties.
    This isn´t 1999 you know. We are in the information age. If you lie to us and tell us that your phones have the latest OS, I can go online and see that you don´t (Hello!!!). If I see that the company lies to it´s customers, I will stop buying their products. If I´m so dissapointed with how Sony handles OS updates and their customers queries about it, then I want for the first time ever to sell my Cell Phone becouse I´m not happy with it, or the brand behind it.
    We also live in the "Here and now" age. You can´t expect your customers to read about new Android releases on news and blogs, and wait YEARS with arms crossed waiting for their update... The world doesn´t work like that. Not anymore at least...
    It´s not a matter of how many recources you have, it´s about how you use and balance them. GIVE MORE IMPORTANCE TO SOFTWARE UPDATES! IT´S WAY MORE IMPORTANT THAT YOU THINK! LISTEN TO YOUR CUSTOMERS!!!
    You guys are Sony are smart and design great products, but you are not GOD! You are not our wife, no one has sworn alliagence to you.
    If you stop giving us good products and start lying to us, we hate you and stop giving you our money. Simple as that.
    My sola is beatiful, I love the design, the screen, the hardware... but it hasn´t been updated yet to 4.0, not to mention 4.1, which REALLY is the latest version... so stop advertising that your phones have the latest Android OS, unless you want angry customers switching to other companies, which you are getting.
    I also read some stories that Androind 4.0 was announced for the Xperia PLAY, and then it was called off... Do you have any idea how pissed I would be and ripped off I would be if I bought my phone based in that information and then you say it won´t be available?
    Well, actually right now my possition is worse, since you SAY you will update my phone, but you don´t say when, and I read online about people still not getting their updates months after the rollout started, so I´m in the limbo right now...
    As a company, one of the worse things you can do is calling your customers stupid, and when I see the answers you give in this forum, then I feel insulted. I feel like they are talking to an idiot or ignorant person with the so called "diplomatic" answers, which are basicly empty excuses for not doing your job right.
    You gave us the frikking CDs, DVDs and Blu-Rays!!! Don´t tell us you can´t tweak an already built OS in a year!
    I really hope you change their OS update policies really soon, before you lose the already small cellphone market share you have, or at least change your P.R. and C.M. policies towards a more open one.
    We all are humans and make mistakes, but we customers really appreciate honesty and truth.
    Have an open conversation with your customers! Don´t lie about your shortcomings! Accept then and ask the community to help you solve them, ask them what they biggest problems are, what features are most important to them, how often do they expect updates... LISTEN TO THEM!!
    "Succes is a meneace. It tricks smart people into thinking they can´t lose."
    Ps: Nothing personal with the mods from this forum, I´m not killing the messenger, I know that you can ONLY give the info you are allowed to give, and even if you wanted, you probably don´t know the answers yourself, since you work in the Communications department, not Developement or anything technical, and if you can't give any given info, then they probably won´t give it to you either... My message is to the company as a whole. I just hope you will be a good messenger and give this to whoever needs to read it.

    My bad, it´s closer to 40 the number of phones released hehe
    I know it´s all about money, and I know Sony is obligated to neglect users who haven´t given them money after an x ammount of time. However, it´s not a matter of making the phones obsolete earlier, so the users want to buy a new phone faster and therefore getting more money.
    A person will buy a new phone when he/she has the money to do so and wants to do so.
    It´s not a matter of WHEN. It´s a matter of WHAT.
    The question is not "When will that user buy a new phone?", but rather "When that user buys a new phone, whenever that is, what phone will it be?"
    I have a love/hate relationship with Apple. I would never use a iPhone. I would love having any Mac, if someone gives it to me, but I would never spend my harn earned dollars on such an overpriced piece of hardware over general principals.
    However, i do recognice that Steve Jobs was a business genius. Weather you like or love his ideas and methods, he turned a garage project into the biggest company in the world, with a market value higher than Exxon with 1/3 of it´s assets.
    Apple is a money making machine, and that is where the "hate" part of my relationship comes from.
    However, it surprised me a lot to see that they released iOS 6 for the iPhone 3GS, released in 2008!
    That get´s you thinking, that inside all that "SELL NOW" culture Apple is, they also support their older devices that people bought years ago but can't buy a new phone now. However, when they can do it, it will surely be another iPhone. Because they FEEL that the company listens and cares for them.
    Also if you jump from iOS 6 on the 3 GS to a brand new iPhone 5, the transition will be virtually non-existant, except for Siri and a couple of features.
    However jumping from Android 1.5 or 2.1 to Jelly Bean, might not be so easy on some users, making them more likely to give iPhone a shot.
    Since they have to adapt to another phone anyway, they might as well try the apple...
    And for old users, it gives people a sense of continuity and care about the user. Otherwise we feel like being kicked out of a restaurant right after we payed the bill.


    Hi all,
    This is my first post here, not intended to be a rant, but would like to share my anger and frustration I had with BT Openreach. This is a very long story.
    To begin, I am not an average user, I understand about BT Wholesale, ISP, service provider, Line provisioning team, Line Plant Team etc... Yet, everytime I called BT customer, I was treated as if I was an idiot but in fact, the "advisors" were actually those did not know whats going on!
    Anyway, I think it was rather unfortunate that no matter which ISP we go for, the actual connection must be done by Openreach. This means, if Openreach decides not to work for you, then you'll be stuck... forever. well, satellite broadband or 3G,4G are still viable if you have the wallet.
    So my situation began 3 months ago when I moved into my new built apartment in London. I quickly signed up to BT internet and phone because this was just a daily necessity. Typically, there is a 14days lead time for the engineers to attend your case, which is reasonable... and so I waited for it. The "big" day came which I took holiday from work to wait, and after numerous emails and txt to tell me to wait at home for the engineer, and guess what happened? No show from BT.
    I phoned the customer care in India the next day, waited for 30mins on my mobile (had not discover WeQ4U yet that time), someone picked up and said that the engineer would come again the following monday, although no explanation was given why no show the first time. So, I waited and wasted another day of my 25days annual leave, NO SHOW AGAIN!
    This time, I was given an explanation that there was a problem at the switch, so additional works was required. Which also meant that an even longer delay would result. I wasn't happy with BT and their so-called customer care’s attitude and so decided to cancel my order and go with a service provider that I used for the last 7 years.
    So... I went to signup phone and internet package with them, as this company was truly UK BASED, I received update almost instantly. So on the day I paid for the connection, it immediately showed up as delay status from Openreach. I phone them up to find out, and they were told by Openreach that there was a substantial problem occurred at the exchange, - this seemed to match with what BT told me, so fair enough, I waited for a week as Openreach said they would update my ISP in a week time. 
    A week had gone, as expected, no update whatsoever. I contacted my service provider to find out, then they were told by Openreach that they were working on it and advised a "significant update" would be issued 3 WEEKS LATER! (This was probably the 5th week since I signed up to BT broadband). Openreach also advised my provider not to contact them during this time because there would not be any updates.
    Ok, so I waited for three more weeks (8th week). I called my service provider to check the progress, which they raised the question to BT Wholesale team and then the team spoke to BT Openreach, the answer I got was they had not completed the works… that was it! They advised me to wait for another THREE weeks for an UPDATE. WTF, bear in mind the property was not in the middle of nowhere, it was in LONDON! waiting for 6 weeks just to receive an update? and yet they did not mention about when the works would be completed, or whether it had even started?
    After a good conversation with my service provider, they had escalated the case for me. After a week of escalation, no reply from Openreach so my provider escalated again to get to their manager, now this time the manager came back and said the works were completed! So.. did that mean I could get my phone line to work? No. 
    Today is probably the 10th week I waited, and so far, no official word from Openreach on when they will actually connect my phone. 
    This is ridiculous because I am living in a new built apartment, my ISP also searched that there are 3 pairs of spare lines to the apartment block – which is referred as Gold status. At one point, Openreach said that there was a lack of supply to my development, hence causing the delay. And yet I am receiving more and more WIFI connections from my neighbours everyday, so how can this be true?
    I contacted my property developer, they said they had provided all necessary infrastructure, not being able to connect phone would be BT’s problem.
    I contacted Ofcom, and they said there was NO WAY to complaint about Openreach because none of us are actually in contract with them. The only way to complaint would be through my ISP. Well, in a way this was true, but shouldn’t there be warranty from Openreach to the end users? Any visiting Openreach website was more of a time waster because they do not contain any useful information about contacting them or making a complaint.
    My ISP contacted BT wholesale and Openreach, the reply from them was almost a box standard reason for delay. I felt that this problem was out of their control because there wasn’t much they could do if BT Wholesale or openreach were not co-operating.
    So… what should I do now? Wait? Change supplier? Or just give up and use satellite broadband? Given that no satellite dishes are allowed in apartment balconies. 3G? 4G?

    Hi atsang,
    Unfortunately you will need to contact and negotiate with your Communication Provider as BT Retail (an ISP who operates this forum) can't help you as you're not a BT Retail Customer.
    Openreach (a BTplc Group Company) own, maintain and install the exchanges and telecommunication lines for the majority of ISPs and Communication Provider. However Openreach is a seperate line of business to the rest of the BTplc Group and have to treat all ISPs/CPs equally and BT Retail do not get any priority.
    Openreach do not talk to end users like you and I, they will only talk to the ISPs/CPs.
    I'm afraid you will need to take this up with your Communication Provider.
    This is a BT Retail Customer to Customer help forum. The only BT presence are the moderators.
    Hope that helps and you get it sorted soon,
    jac_95 | Help Site | BT Service Status
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    For some reason, there is a long delay, usually up to five minutes, before the system will allow me to save a print as a PDF. I ran disk utility and no issues arose. Anyone know why this is happening?

    Make sure there is enough free space on the startup disk.
    Right or control click the MacintoshHD icon. Click Get Info. In the Get Info window you will see Capacity and Available. Make sure you always have a minimum of 10% to 15% free disk space at all times.

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