Delete Library Directory

Hi, I uninstalled an application and its uninstall instructions tells I have to remove some files (belonging to that application) from my home Library directory. Attending to the purpose of the files stored at Library, is there something wrong in deleting all the contents?
Thank you very much, and sorry for my English

what you need to delete is the folder for that application in home directory/library/application support. that's quite harmless. but don't delete the whole library folder.

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    Note that it'll be created over every time you load a Flash object in a Web browser (at least if it has Flash enabled).
    The only way to consistently get rid of all its content would be to create an AppleScript, or use Automator to create a workflow that would empty this folder when you close the browser.

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    Option 1
    Back Up and try rebuild the library: hold down the command and option (or alt) keys while launching iPhoto. Use the resulting dialogue to rebuild. Choose to Repair Database. If that doesn't help, then try again, this time using Rebuild Database.
    If that fails:
    Option 2
    Download iPhoto Library Manager and use its rebuild function. (In early versions of Library Manager it's the File -> Rebuild command. In later versions it's under the Library menu.)
    This will create an entirely new library. It will then copy (or try to) your photos and all the associated metadata and versions to this new Library, and arrange it as close as it can to what you had in the damaged Library. It does this based on information it finds in the iPhoto sharing mechanism - but that means that things not shared won't be there, so no slideshows, books or calendars, for instance - but it should get all your events, albums and keywords, faces and places back.
    Because this process creates an entirely new library and leaves your old one untouched, it is non-destructive, and if you're not happy with the results you can simply return to your old one.  

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    I found a similar problem and the instructions said to check a permission box in the "Get Info" tab.
    This applies only when the Library is on an external drive. You cannot ignore permissions on the system drive.
    I was deleting files trying to make space on my hard drive
    What were you deleting?
    and noticed as I was deleting files more data was being added to the iPhoto Library.
    Hard to see how deleting files can add data to the iPhoto Library. Can you explain why you thought this?
    I would really like to keep these pictures.
    Make a back up now.
    Most Simple Back Up:
    Drag the iPhoto Library from your Pictures Folder to another Disk. This will make a copy on that disk.
    Slightly more complex: Use an app that will do incremental back ups. This is a very good way to work. The first time you run the back up the app will make a complete copy of the Library. Thereafter it will update the back up with the changes you have made. That makes subsequent back ups much faster. Many of these apps also have scheduling capabilities: So set it up and it will do the back up automatically.
    Example of such apps: Chronosync - but there are many others. Search on MacUpdate or the App Store

  • Many files in Library directory

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    These files are supposed to contain information about Mail preferences and account, right?  Seems like way too many files. 
    Can I delete them?
    Why was I looking at them anyway, you ask?  Because I was trying to solve the problem of errors in my log, went into the Library directory to delete the quicklook plist files and notices these mail plist files.
    So, can I delete these?

    I would delete them. Only one should exist, and it is located in the /Home/Library/Preferences/ folder. To access that folder start with:
    Exposing the /Home/Library/ Folder
    Pick one of the following methods:
    A. This method will make the folder visible permanently. Open the Terminal application in your Utilities folder and paste the following at the command prompt:
    chflags nohidden ~/Library
    Press RETURN.
    B. Click on the Desktop, press the OPTION (⌥) button, select Library from the Finder's Go menu.
    C. Select Go To Folder from the Finder's Go menu. Paste the following in the path field:
    Press the Go button.

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    thank you.
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    Right now, i would prefer some of the logic andsome "code snippets" but
    please do not write the entire code out for me.So I assume this is some sort of "homework" (maybe
    self imposed).
    You can't use File's delete() to delete a non empty
    directory as I guess you
    have discovered. So basically, yes, you have delete
    each child file
    separately and then delete the directory.
    But it gets worse. The directory may itself contain
    directories and these may
    not be empty...
    There's a fairly extensive snippet here:
    tml which shows
    how you can "visit" every file and folder inside a
    given folder (children,
    grandchildren etc) and "process" them. It may help -
    but be warned there's
    a nearby example which more or less solves your
    problem.Um, did my post above get covered with lemon juice or otherwise become invisible?
    Jakarta Commons IO FileUtils already does the job.

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    It is the default both in LION and Mountain LION OSX systems to hide the user's Library Directory from visibility. This actually causes a nasty problem with Time Machine Backups and the inevitable Restore. Because it is invisible, it is never picked up by Time Machine and backed up. Thus if one decides to do a restore from a time machine backup it is a complete fail. You must unhide the directory to back it up to time machine.

    Not exactly.  It is backed up, and if you do a full restore you will get it back (I have done this).  It is just hidden in TM just as it is on your HD.  No worries about the TM backup.  All is backed up.

  • Active Directory + Resource action to delete home directory

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    I am trying to delete home directory from the disk physically after the user is deleted from AD. I followed the link and implemented the delete resource action as mentioned in the link.
    here are the steps i followed (For testing, I mentioned delete >> C:\test.txt to see if it deletes the text file)
    1. Enter delete after action in the Identity Manager User Attribute column of the resource’s schema map.
    2. In the Attribute Type column, select string.
    3. In the Resource User Attribute column, enter IGNORE_ATTR. Leave the Required, Audit, Read Only, and Write Only columns unchecked.
    4. Add this to the Deprovision Form user form after the </Include> tag:
    <Field name= ’resourceAccounts.currentResourceAccounts[AD].attributes.
    delete after action’>
    5. Create the following XML file and import into Identity Manager. (Change file paths according to your environment.)
    <?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?> <!DOCTYPE Waveset PUBLIC
    ’waveset.dtd’ ’waveset.dtd’>
    <ResourceAction name=’AfterDelete’>
    <ResTypeAction restype=’Windows Active Directory’ timeout=’6000’>
    echo delete >> C:\test.txt
    6. Edit the XML for the Active Directory resource and add information to the “delete after action” schema mapping. Here is an example of a complete schema mapping for this resource with the new additions. (You will be adding the views-related information.)
    <AccountAttributeType id=’12’ name=’delete after action’ syntax=’string’
    mapName=’IGNORE_ATTR’ mapType=’string’>
    To test, I deleted a user from AD and I was expecting the file c:\test.txt to be deleted as it invokes the Resource action after delete. Has anyone been successful in deleting the home directory from drive after the user is deleted. Any pointers or help

    Hi Gaurav,
    I have to implement Resource Action functionality for Solaris system. I followed the link and the first message of this thread. I am using 8.1 IDM.
    But unfortunately I can’t trigger any bash commands on the resource like echo deleting of user wiht next name - $WSUSER_accountId >> /tmp/resultFile.txt.
    There are any errors on log file.
    Can you share your work configuration and steps to reproduce?
    I have done next but Resource Action doesn’t triggered:
    1. My Action:
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <!DOCTYPE Waveset PUBLIC 'waveset.dtd' 'waveset.dtd'>
    <ResourceAction name='AST-ResAct-SOL-AfterDelete'>
    <ResTypeAction restype='Solaris' timeout='6000'>
    echo deleting of user wiht next name - $WSUSER_accountId >> /tmp/resultFile.txt
    exit 0
    2. Added next line to “Deprovision Form”
    <Field name='resourceAccounts.currentResourceAccounts[SOLARIS 10].attributes.delete after action'>
    3. Added a new attribute mapping on the resource:
    <AccountAttributeType id='12' name='delete after action' syntax='string' mapName='IGNORE_ATTR' mapType='string'>
    4. Assigned role (this role provisioned resource to user) to user, delete user from resource via Deprovision IDM page. But my Action commands didn’t trigger on resource.
    Thanks’ in advance!

  • ~/user/library directory go

    Where did the user library directory disappear to?  I opened my HDD and under username I don't see it anymore.
    I was looking for ~/username/library/preferences location

    You can access it by going to Go on menu bar, then click the option key and the library appears.  Apple hides it under Lion.

  • IPhoto Library Directory shaded

    Hello All,
    First of all, I finally found how to browse the iPhoto Library directory without having to open iPhoto. This feature I'm hoping to be able to disable.
    Is there a way to browse the directory for when attaching files to an e-mail through gmail? When I was in gmail and went to select pictures, I was not able to get to the pictures because the directory was shaded. I had to manually transfer the selected pictures to an accessible directory and select from there.
    I do not wish to get into the details of why I was using gmail and not Mail to send the pictures.
    Thank you.

    There are lots and lots of ways starting with exporting the photos and using the exported photos or looking under the media section toward the bottom of the source pane on the left in the attach window
    click here for a discussion of the many ways to correctly access your photos -- note that going directly into the iPhoto library is not one of them.

  • Deleting Library items

    Is there a way of individualy deleting default Library items in Encore CS3? (those installed as additional content)

    Answered here:
    jbowden, "Delete Library Items" #1, 22 Feb 2008 1:24 pm
    Please try not to double-post. :)

  • How to recover a deleted library in Revel

    How to recover a deleted library in Revel?

    Hi Roman,
    Once a user has deleted files those files cannot be recovered by us.
    If you have been uploading or using Revel via the Revel Mac desktop you may be able to recover your originals if you have selected the option Keep Originals. They are stored in a file on the desktop.

  • Obant reports ORABPEL-00005 (collaxa library directory not found)

    I´m trying to deploy some tasks using obant and several build.xml´s. I´ve done this for dozen times now, but today I got an error message that says:
    build.xml:42: ORABPEL-00005
    Collaxa-Library-Verzeichnis nicht gefunden.
    Das angegebene BPM-Library-Verzeichnis "lib/" wurde nicht gefunden.
    Here a maybe-translation:
    build.xml:42: ORABPEL-00005
    Collaxa-Library-Directory not found
    The indicated BPM-Library-Directory "lib/" was not found
    Well, the funny thing is, that when I´m running "obant" from command-line everything works fine - but when I´m calling the it from another ant-script it fails. The corresponding line in build.xml points to the bpelc-task:
    <target name="main">
    <bpelc input="${basedir}/bpel.xml" rev="${rev}" deploy="${deploy}" />
    I´ve inserted an <echo ... /> to get the values of those variables (basedir/rev/deploy) used and everything seems to be in order. Here´s how I call this build.xml.
         <target name="deployBPELServices">
              <property name="deploy" id="deploy" value="testDomain"/>
              <ant dir="services/all" antfile="build.xml" target="all">
                   <reference refid="deploy"/>
    <property name="deploy" id="deploy" value="default"/>
    <property name="rev" value="1.0"/>
         <target name="BpelProcess1">
              <ant dir="${basedir}/../BpelProcess1/"/>
    <target name="all" depends="BpelProcess1"/>
    <target name="main">
    <bpelc input="${basedir}/bpel.xml" rev="${rev}" deploy="${deploy}" />
    Usualy I start the deployment by using "obant deployBPELServices", which fails. When I´m using "obant" directly from main/services/all it works flawless.
    Any ideas or suggestions?
    Thnx in advance,

    Hi Clemens,
    Yes, the sample´s build.xml were my reference on how to set up this whole thing. I did it this the very same procedure for the last year with 26 BPEL-processes and yesterday just added a new process and this happend. Nevertheless, also if I remove the changes made to the main build.xml it doesn´t work (tested on 2 systems). Well at least, obviously this is my fault, not BPEL´s :) Whatever, I succeeed with the following:
    Instead of using
    <target name="deployBPELServices">
    <property name="deploy" id="deploy" value="testDomain"/>
    <ant dir="services/all" antfile="build.xml" target="all">
    <reference refid="deploy"/>
    I´m now doing it this way:
    <target name="deployBPELServices">
    <property name="deploy" id="deploy" value="testDomain"/>
    <exec dir="services/all" executable="cmd">
    <arg line="/c ${ORABPEL}/bin/obant.bat -Ddeploy=${deploy}"/>
    ${ORABPEL} points to my BPEL installation.
    Thnx anyway :)

  • Library directory (8.2 ini file/preferences)

    I would like to move the library folders, and I found in the help files the option to change the library directory, but it doesn't show up in the preferences window, and adding anything to labview.ini does nothing.  Is this a problem with the documentation? Or is it just poorly documented?
    Go to Solution.

    I think it was possible in 8.0 but I tried it and moved my user.lib...
    It sucked, scared a lot of LabVIEW tools software and I have turned it off. (So has done NI).
    Is there a reason why you want to do this?
    Free Code Capture Tool! Version 2.1.3 with comments, web-upload, back-save and snippets!
    Nederlandse LabVIEW user groep
    My LabVIEW Ideas
    LabVIEW, programming like it should be!

  • Why can't I see user /Library directory?

    I wanted to find the filename(s) for the Contacts file on my machine.  I wanted to save off the file, and then start pruning old contacts from it.  I wanted to save the actual file w/out having to rely on TImeMachine.
    I found from other searches that my Contacts list should be in a file called Metadata.  I found this folder (seems to contain each individual contact in a file).
    Get Info says the folder is in /users/<me>/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/Sources/.....
    However, when I look at Macintosh HD, there is a /Library directory at the root level, that doesn't have AddressBook under Application Support, but under name /Users/<me>/ , no Library directory is displayed.
    Is there an option I have to set somewhere to make the directory visible?  How do I do it?
    If not, why is it telling me the data is somewhere that doesn't seem to exist?

    Updating iTunes will help.

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