Deleting Podcasts Not Yet Downloaded

I have iTunes 11.1
The following is my problem.
If a podcast is downloaded(blue button), I can delete it by pressing on the Delete button.
The same command does not work for a podcast which is listed but NOT downloaded (no blue button)
How can I delete these podcasts which are shown but not downloaded?

It's been 4 days since I posted this note and since then I have discovered that all of us podcast afficionadoes are afflicted by the same problem. It is a fault in the upgrade of iTunes to 11.1 and it makes life miserable for those of us who love our podcasts.
I phoned Apple Support in Canada about the problem yesterday and the rep wasn't even aware of it but she did say she would pass the observation on to those who could fix it. So I would urge all of you, who are as upset about this as I am, to call the Apple Support people in your country to let them know. The more of us that speak up, the more likely it is that they will attend to the issue. It's unthinkable for me that they would leave this lousy "upgrade" as is. So call now!

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    Please always include the URLs of your Store page and feed to save me having to search for them. For references, your Store page is at
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    You have introduced a fatal error into your feed which is rendering it unreadable. The title for the entry of 24 November 2013 is given as
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    I've had the same problem with podcasts not downloading automatically.  The following from The Complete Guide to iTunes Books, Podcasts + iTunes U is the most likely explanation:
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    iTunes for Windows v
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    Most responders on this forum prefer to respond directly posts, not through e-mail. This also provides other responders an opportunity to comment on the suggestions and increase the liklihood of finding a good solution for your problem.
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