Deleting token file

I have a process flow that checkis is a token file exits or not. If exists it runs certain processes. if file does not exists then it sends out error email.
I want to know how can I delete the token file after I run my processes.

Hi ,
In the Command : specify the full path from where your command should execute.
i.e. for windows env ... you should give C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe
Specify the command in the Script parameter . Alternatively you can create a script which contain all the command and then specify the full path to the Script parameter .
Regarding RPE-02248 :
FTP, Shell amd SQLPlus operator are disabled by default
You should edit file (located at OWB_HOME\owb\bin\admin ) and change
property.RuntimePlatform.0.NativeExecution.Shell.security_constraint = DISABLED
property.RuntimePlatform.0.NativeExecution.Shell.security_constraint = NATIVE_JAVA
Hope this helps .

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    Thanks much

    Even if you are not writing an Applet, this is applicable. But I thot if you were, you might need this.
    See ''

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    The f.delete() is after I copy the file to an archive directory.
    import java.util.*;
    import java.text.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    public class ReadSource {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
         StringTokenizer st1;
              String val1, val3, val4, val5, val9, val10, val11, val12, val13, val14, val16;
              String val2, val6, val7, val8, val15, val17, val18, val19, val20;
              int cnt;
              File f = new File("C://upload" );
              FileWriter outFile = new FileWriter("C://RIFIS/log/logfile.txt", true);
              String filetext = "Starting RIFIS Upload";
              java.util.Date d = new java.util.Date();
              SimpleDateFormat form = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MMM/yyyy hh:mm:ss");
              String dateString = form.format(d);
         try {
    Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("","xxxxxx","xxxx");
                        Statement st = conn.createStatement();
                        outFile.write(filetext+" - "+dateString);
                        if (f.isDirectory())
                        { String [] s = f.list();
                        for (int i=0; i<s.length; i++)
                        { outFile.write(System.getProperty("line.separator"));
                             outFile.write("Found file - "+f+"/"+s);
              FileReader file = new FileReader(f+"/"+s[i]);
                                  File inputFile = new File(f+"/"+s[i]);
                                  File outputFile = new File("C://RIFIS/archive/"+s[i]);
                        BufferedReader buff = new BufferedReader(file);
                        boolean eof = false;
                        String val0="";
                        ResultSet rec = st.executeQuery("SELECT landings_hold_batch_seq.nextval FROM dual");
                        { val0 = rec.getString(1); }
                        while (!eof)
                        { String line = buff.readLine();
                             if (line == null)
                             { eof = true; }
                             { //System.out.println(line);
                                       cnt = cnt+1;
                                  st1 = new StringTokenizer(line,",");
                                       val1 = st1.nextToken();
                                       val2 = st1.nextToken();
                                       val3 = st1.nextToken();
                                       val4 = st1.nextToken();
                                       val5 = st1.nextToken();
                                       val6 = st1.nextToken();
                                       val7 = st1.nextToken();
                                       val8 = st1.nextToken();
                                       val9 = st1.nextToken();
                                       val10 = st1.nextToken();
                                       val11 = st1.nextToken();
                                       val12 = st1.nextToken();
                                       val13 = st1.nextToken();
                                       val14 = st1.nextToken();
                                       val15 = st1.nextToken();
                                       val16 = st1.nextToken();
                                       val17 = st1.nextToken();
                                            val18 = st1.nextToken();
                                            val19 = st1.nextToken();
                                            val20 = st1.nextToken();
                                       /*System.out.println("Token 0: " + val0);
                                  System.out.println("Token 1: " + val1);
                                  System.out.println("Token 2: " + val2);
                                       System.out.println("Token 3: " + val3);
                                       System.out.println("Token 4: " + val4);
                                       System.out.println("Token 5: " + val5);
                                       System.out.println("Token 6: " + val6);
                                       System.out.println("Token 7: " + val7);
                                       System.out.println("Token 8: " + val8);
                                       System.out.println("Token 9: " + val9);
                                       System.out.println("Token 10: " + val10);
                                       System.out.println("Token 11: " + val11);
                                       System.out.println("Token 12: " + val12);
                                       System.out.println("Token 13: " + val13);
                                       System.out.println("Token 14: " + val14);
                                       System.out.println("Token 15: " + val15);
                                       System.out.println("Token 16: " + val16);
                                       System.out.println("Token 17: " + val17);
                                            System.out.println("Token 18: " + val18);
                                            System.out.println("Token 19: " + val19);
                                            System.out.println("Token 20: " + val20);*/
                                       st.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO LANDINGS_HOLD (lh_id, lh_batch, supplier_dr_id, supplier_unique_id, supplier_dealer_id, supplier_cf_id, supplier_vessel_id, unload_year, unload_month, unload_day, state_code, county_code, port_code, itis_code, market, grade, reported_quantity, unit_measure, dollars, lh_loaddt, lh_loadlive, purch_year, purch_month, purch_day)" +
                        "VALUES (0,'"+val0+"','"+val1+"',"+val2+",'"+val3+"','"+val4+"','"+val5+"',"+val6+","+val7+","+val8+",'"+val9+"','"+val10+"','"+val11+"','"+val12+"','"+val13+"','"+val14+"',"+val15+",'"+val16+"',"+val17+",SYSDATE,NULL,"+val18+","+val19+","+val20+")");
                             FileReader in = new FileReader(inputFile);
                             FileWriter out = new FileWriter(outputFile);
    int c;
                             while ((c = != -1)
                             { out.write((char)c); }
                             outFile.write("Number of records inserted - "+cnt);
                             outFile.write("Copied upload file to archive directory");
                             f.delete(); // delete the upload file
                             outFile.write(f+"/"+s[i]+" - Has been removed from upload directory");
                        outFile.write("Upload Complete...NO ERRORS");
                        { outFile.write("No files to process"); }
              catch(Exception e)
                   { outFile.write(System.getProperty("line.separator"));
                        outFile.write("Error Occurred in - RIFIS Upload");
                   outFile.write("My Error: " + e);

    Gave it a try but file c:\upload\DS121002.csv did not go away. Here is the location of my delete command:
    st.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO LANDINGS_HOLD (lh_id, lh_batch, supplier_dr_id, supplier_unique_id, supplier_dealer_id, supplier_cf_id, supplier_vessel_id, unload_year, unload_month, unload_day, state_code, county_code, port_code, itis_code, market, grade, reported_quantity, unit_measure, dollars, lh_loaddt, lh_loadlive, purch_year, purch_month, purch_day)" +
                        "VALUES (0,'"+val0+"','"+val1+"',"+val2+",'"+val3+"','"+val4+"','"+val5+"',"+val6+","+val7+","+val8+",'"+val9+"','"+val10+"','"+val11+"','"+val12+"','"+val13+"','"+val14+"',"+val15+",'"+val16+"',"+val17+",SYSDATE,NULL,"+val18+","+val19+","+val20+")");
                             FileReader in = new FileReader(inputFile);
                             FileWriter out = new FileWriter(outputFile);
    int c;
                             while ((c = != -1)
                             { out.write((char)c); }

  • How to recover .sparseboundle after removing token file?

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    Please help.

    2012-01-21 03:54:57 +0100: Verifica e ripara volume “disk6s2”
    2012-01-21 03:54:57 +0100: Avvio riparazione:
    2012-01-21 03:54:57 +0100: Controllo file system2012-01-21 03:54:57 +0100: Controllo volume HFS Plus Journaled.
    2012-01-21 03:54:58 +0100: Rilevato un volume case-sensitive.
    2012-01-21 03:54:58 +0100: Controllo documento extents overflow.
    2012-01-21 03:54:58 +0100: Controllo catalogo.
    2012-01-21 03:54:58 +0100: Collegamento “sibling” non valido
    2012-01-21 03:54:58 +0100: Ricostruisco il catalogo BTree.
    2012-01-21 03:55:10 +0100: Struttura nodo non valida
    2012-01-21 03:55:12 +0100: Struttura nodo non valida
    2012-01-21 03:55:12 +0100: Conteggio record non valido
    2012-01-21 03:55:12 +0100: Struttura nodo non valida
    2012-01-21 03:55:12 +0100: Conteggio record non valido
    2012-01-21 03:55:13 +0100: Conteggio record non valido
    2012-01-21 03:55:16 +0100: Non è stato possibile riparare il volume  .
    2012-01-21 03:55:16 +0100: Riparazione del volume completata.2012-01-21 03:55:16 +0100: Aggiorno le partizioni di supporto del boot per il volume come richiesto.2012-01-21 03:55:16 +0100: Errore: Utility Disco non può riparare il disco. Esegui il backup di quanti più documenti possibili, riformatta il disco e ripristina i documenti di cui hai effettuato il backup.2012-01-21 03:55:16 +0100:
    2012-01-21 03:55:16 +0100: Utility Disco ha interrotto la riparazione di “disk6s2”: Utility Disco non può riparare il disco. Esegui il backup di quanti più documenti possibili, riformatta il disco e ripristina i documenti di cui hai effettuato il backup.
    2012-01-21 03:55:16 +0100:

  • Delete old files

    In usual when I create scenarios with file (Inbound or outbound) I sand backup file to backup folder.
    I'm  looking for easy way to create scenarios or something else that clean the backup folders.
    I'm looking for process that clean the older files, for example I want to erase all the files that older then 3 month.
    Do you have any idea?

    I found a script for that:
    '* File:               fdel.vbs
    '* Created:               June-2006
    '* Version:               1.0
    '* Main Function: Check "DateCreated" of specific files and if difference between Now time
    '*                pass the Time limit and delete old files
    '* Usage:   WSCRIPT.EXE fmon.vbs [Path to Directory with old files] [Time limit in days]
    '* Example: WSCRIPT.EXE fmon.vbs C:\Windows\Temp 7
    Dim objExCmd, fso, Time_Out_Before_Action, Base_dir, filename1
    On error resume next
    Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" )
    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set objArgs = Wscript.Arguments
    Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2
    For  intI = 0 To Wscript.Arguments.Count - 1
    Base_dir = Wscript.Arguments.item(I)
    Time_Out_Before_Action = Int(Wscript.Arguments.item(I+1))
    '**** Getting list of files *****
    'Set objExCmd = WshShell.Exec("cmd /c echo off"&Chr(38)&"for /f "&Chr(34)&"tokens=* delims=. "&Chr(34)&" %a in ('dir "&Chr(34)&Base_dir&Chr(34)&" /b') do echo %a")
    Set objExCmd = WshShell.Exec("cmd /c echo off"&Chr(38)&"dir "&Chr(34)&Base_dir&Chr(34)&" /b")
    Do until objExCmd.StdOut.AtEndOfStream
    filename1 = objExCmd.StdOut.ReadLine
    If DateDiff("d", fso.GetFile(Base_dir&"\"&filename1).DateCreated, Now) > Time_Out_Before_Action Then
    'MsgBox filename1&"; Diff="&DateDiff("d", fso.GetFile(Base_dir&"\"&filename1).DateCreated, Now)&"> time ="&Time_Out_Before_Action
    f = fso.DeleteFile(Base_dir&"\"&filename1,true)
    End If

  • How to delete when file in use by the finder?

    I have two files in my trash which won't delete. I get the error that they are being used by another program. Holding down option, using secure empty trash, using the terminal method of deleting the trash.. none of them work.
    So I did the terminal command: lsof /path-to-file and found out it was being used by Finder. I don't think I can exactly quit the Finder process in Activity Monitor.. so how can I get these files out of my trash?

    Thanks. Unfortunately, when I quit finder and try to delete the files in the trash by the following command:
    sudo rm -rf ~/.Trash/*
    It tells me "Directory not empty". Argghh..
    I feel like I've tried everything. Can someone give me some other suggestions? Thanks

  • Error while deleting a file which is in a folder which inturn in workspace

    12:20:42.309  DELETE  (FAILED: Conflict [(pre||post)-condition failed: x:concurrency-lock-denied])   (C:\CFolder1\WSF1\WSF2\Dev\HelloWorld\Package\
    --- Problem summary: ---
    12:20:42.309  DELETE  (FAILED: Conflict [(pre||post)-condition failed: x:concurrency-lock-denied])   (C:\CFolder1\WSF1\WSF2\Dev\HelloWorld\Package\
    I am getting above error while deleting a file which is in a folder which inturn in workspace

    Here is the problem I have with deleting my folder. I had created a WD project TaxTool and and added the DC to my SC. There were obviously some checkedout activities. Being new to this, I deleted the project directly without checking in the activities. Now I have folder TaxTool/_comp with nothing underneath on the DTR server and on my client. I am unable to checkout TaxTool for delete but the checkout of _comp folder fails in NWDS with the following error:
    <b>EDIT  (FAILED: server response: Conflict [(pre||post)-condition failed: x:no-exclusivity-with-existing-checked-out-resources])  comp   (C:\JDI\JDIDEMO1\intelJDI_TEST\dev\inactive\DCs\\TaxTool\_comp\)</b>
    If I try the same from the DTR shell, I get this following error:
    <b>Unexpected problem occurred during executing command.Lockfile "C:\Documents and
    Settings\bvedamur\.dtr\.syncdbs\5b0d8b2110a7a29883734c0407462df8.syncdbM.lock" is already in use by another process.</b>
    I am the only user in the system (doing R&D) and I have tried Sync and Delete. Nothing works. Help appreciated.

  • When using a Seagate 1T external hard drive and Time Machine to back up hourly, if I delete photo files from the Mac hard drive before the next back up, are these retained on the Seagate drive or will they be lost (overwritten) in the next backu in the ne

    Does Time Machine erase previously saved files if, say, photos are deleted from the Macbook upon the next update, or will they be stored indefinately despite the current status of the files stored on the computer? Eg. can I bckup photo files to a Seagate 1T disc and then delete them to make more room on the computer in the knowlwdge that they are always going to be on the Seagate disc? Sorry if this is very elementary but I have not used a back up before like this, and am not sure how successive backups are overlaid or retained. Thanks!!

    TM is not designed to do what you ask. As Allan wrote TM is an incremental backup not an archival solution.
    If you delete a file from the HD it will eventually be removed from the TM backup (if it ever makes it on to the backup at all).
    How long before it is removed depends on a number of factors, TM disk drive size being one factor but not the only one.
    Material that is impossible to replace and is important to you (image files usually fitting that description) need to be backed up to as least one other drive and preferably more for long term storage.

  • Deleting individual Files from trash folder

    This should be a simple question...Is there a way to permanently delete individual files/folders from the trash folder instead of emptying the entire trash folder? TIA, Scott

    As Allan says, no... the trash *should not* be used as a repository for files you're not sure you want to trash yet. Not only is this extremely hazardous, as it's easy to accidentally empty the trash, but it also puts all those questionable files outside the reach of Time Machine, so they will not be backed up. If you need a "Pending Trash" folder, create one on your desktop, and then put files in the trash only once you are truly ready to delete them.

  • Why does iTunes create disk errors when deleting movie files?

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    Any ideas?

    If you let iTunes organise your media folders then that is the way it is. An option would be to change the Media Kind to TV Show which would gather them togther in one folder, but in a different part of the library.

  • HT2674 I have an iMac purchased in May 2011.  OSX Lion 10.7.3.  I deleted backup file from the external hard drive. Now, the trash can will not empty some of the files deleted.  File folder: "Core Services" contains a locked file: "boot.efi".  It will not

    I have an iMac purchased in May 2011.  OSX Lion 10.7.3.  I deleted backup file from the external hard drive which operates from Time Machine.
    Now, the trash can will not empty some of the files deleted from the backup harddrive.
    The trash contains-- File folder: "Core Services" which contains a locked file: "boot.efi". 
    It will not delete.
    How do I get the trash can empty of these files?

    Yes, the Old Master file has a folder for each year where I find all photos from that specific year. I am attaching a screen shot of the file.
    In the meantime i have managed to download all photos (it did not download any video files though in mpg, avi, 3gp, m4v,mp4 and mov format) to a new iphoto library. Unfortunately the photos are quite mixed and often doubled up. I ma considering to purchase iphoto library which checks all duplicates in iphoto. this will save me a lot of time. What do you think?

  • I have installed itunes When I delete a file or podcast I am not being prompted to delete the file from its folder at the same time.

    I have installed itunes When I delete a file or podcast I am not being prompted to delete the file from its folder at the same time. How do I restore this facility? I am running a 64bit Windows 7 OS

    Is the media files in question in the iTunes library or elsewhere on the computer?

  • If i delete a file from a smart folder is it deleted from the hard drive?

    I've got a late 2011 17" MacBook Pro with a 750 GB harddrive. I'm trying to free up space by deleting movie files. I spoke with tech support about this, and they suggested creating a smart folder of all my movie files in order to find them and delte them. I did this and deleted many files, but when I open system information to check on the amount of hard drive space, I'm still seeing the same amount of hard drive space dedicated to movies.
    If I make a smart folder and delete files in that, am I really deleting them from my hard drive or just from the smart folder?

    What files are stored automatically by Time Machine?  I thought Time Machine pretty much saved everything on my hard drive to my external hard drive.  If that is the case, wouldn't my music files and picture files be on Time Machine (via my external hard drive)?
    Time Machine does backup almost all files on your hard drive, unless you have chosen to exclude them. There are a few exceptions, but nothing you should worry about. Your music and photos should be there, but Time Machine will not backup your iPhoto library if iPhoto is open.
    Also, are the photos from iPhoto automatically stored on my external hard drive via Time Machine?  If so, can I delete the pictures from iPhoto without deleting them from the external hard drive?
    Yes to both questions, with the above cavat that Time Machine won't backup the library if iPhoto is open.
    I notice that it takes iPhoto quite a while to load, and if deleting those photos would allow it to load quicker I would delete them (providing they would remain on the external hard drive.
    I only have a few pictures in iPhoto, compared to my wife's 3,500+, and my iPhoto doesn't load appreciably faster that her's does even though I have a faster computer. In my opinion, it isn't worth the effort it would take to delete them for such a small gain.
    You should have at least 2 complete backups to try to make sure you won't lose any data. Hard drives do fail and/or files can become corrupted. Time Machine can back up to more than one external hard drive or you can use a cloning program.
    Time Machine FAQ

  • HT203200 Cannot delete the file from the itunes folder

    I cannont delete the file from the itunes folder because it tells me I need permission to do so.  I am the admin person for the laptop plus I have checked my permissions under the security tab in the files properties.  How do I delete this file to start again?  It downloaded 1.2GB of the file before the error message appeared, so its paid for and all but not looking like I'll get to watch it before the time runs out on the movie being available for me to watch. :-(

    Try deleting the file without iTunes running.
    When you next open iTunes it should then be marked as a missing file and you should be able to delete the entry from iTunes.
    Hope this works
    Colin R.

  • I cannot delete a file from the document folder.  I can move it to the trash and then empty the trash, but when I go back to the documents folder it is still there.

    I cannot delete a file from the documents folder.  I can move it to the trash and then empty it, but when I go back to the documents folder, the file is still there.

    I wonder what your computing environment is. Is your account being administrated by another account? Are you working in an account subject to "Parental Controls"?

Maybe you are looking for