Deleting unwanted podcasts (before they download)

am struggling because all these podcasts appear ready to download and actually i DON'T WANT THEM.
Before, i could just delete them from the list BEFORE downloading. Fine. But now it is impossible to delete
them... and they show up all the time.
So am downloading them (something like 100 of them) and then deleting them but this is real weird.
So could you please show a more sensitive way to delete them?
I just hate this new iTunes and wish we could avoid the acceptance of new versions.
Thank you for caring and replying.

(Click this image to make it larger.)
Click the 'Old Episodes' button to see the undownloaded episodes: you can choose to show some in this view by clicking on the grey circle to the right of the title. Click 'Done' when done.

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    Chris CA wrote:
    You cannot backup photos to iCloud.
    You can enable Photo Stream (in Settings > iCloud) but only for 30 days and only a max of 1000 photos.
    Then what does this mean? It was copied from the kb article that I posted above.
    Reducing the size of your Camera Roll backup
    If you take lots of photos and videos with your iOS device, you may notice your Camera Roll takes up most of your iCloud Storage backup. To check the size of the Camera Roll backup on your device:
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    Tap iCloud.
    Tap Storage & Backup.
    Tap Manage Storage.
    In the Backups section, tap your device.
    In the Backup Options section, the backup size is displayed under Camera Roll.
    To reduce the size of your Camera Roll backup, save your photos and videos locally to your computer with iTunes, and then manually back up your iOS device. If you want to keep your photos and videos on your iOS device, you can turn off Camera Roll in Backup (see the "Deleting backups and turning off Backup for your Device" section above) orpurchase additional storage.

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    You are right -- I use the "Sync n least recent unplayed" option, so I guess it makes a little sense that an unplayed podcast would get re-synced to the phone, even if it was deleted from the phone (although it seems more intuitive that deleting from the phone should mean you want it deleted from iTunes as well).
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    You and me both!
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    I SURE HOPE THEY GET OVER THIS MESS IN A HURRY!  I want to go back to i-Tunes 10+ whatever I was at, but Lion won't let me dump i-Tunes, as it is part of the OS.  BUMMER!
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    If you have another download that did not complete - Let it finish or try to delete it as well. If its a song, finish the download or the the swipe to delete feature, it its an app try tapping and holding down on it to delete it or tap on the icon to finish the download.
    Eiether complete those downloads or try to delete them and then see if you can use the swipe to delete or tap and hold down on the podcast to delete them.
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    Welcome to the Apple community.
    Select the content which is causing a problem and use the 'Report a problem' button in Your Purchase History on your computer.

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    A professional will image your drive and attempt a bit by bit file recovery method directly from the drive itself.
    You see when you delete something, it's not quite erased yet, but the space the file took is available to be overwritten, so it's only a matter of time before that occurs and the file is really gone.
    So they will recover what they can, and then restore your machine and it's software and return the recovered files.
    The TimeMachine is certainly going to assist, good thing you got it.
    The trick is to hire someone and quit using the computer until they rescue you, show you in person how to rescue yourself .
    Good Luck

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    If your country's iTunes Store allows you to redownload purchased tracks, I'd delete your current copies of the dodgy tracks and try redownloading fresh copies. For instructions, see the following document:
    Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store
    Otherwise, I'd report the problem to the iTunes Store.
    Log in to the Store. Click on "Account" in your Quick Links. When you're in your Account information screen, go down to Purchase History and click "See all".
    Find the items that are not playing properly. If you can't see "Report a Problem" next to the items, click the "Report a problem" button. Now click the "Report a Problem" links next to the items.

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    I tried to download podcasts, but they failed, but the titles are still in download area. How to delete these files?

    How can audio files show up in a smart playlist but not be listed under music or podcast?
    No idea. They must be somewhere in the library, otherwise they would not appear in (Smart) playlists.
    Is there any way to delete them from the library?
    Select the file(s) in the playlist, hold the Option key, then press Delete.
    This will normally remove the file from both the playlist and the library.
    Hope this helps.

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