Delte results before saving workbook

We are in the upgrade process - testing our workbooks in the Analyzer (BEx's successor) - trying to figure out how we can do basically what we used to be able to do in the old environment.
In BEx - if the workbook was changed and you wanted to save it, you would first choose Tools | All queries in workbook | Delete result - to avoid having data saved within the workbook. How is that done in the Analyser - I can't find a similar functionality in there - did anyone find that one?
Thanks in advance for your kind guidance

Sorry!! Did not notice that this is posted on "SAP NetWeaver2004s Ramp-Up " ..
So removing my earlier reply..
Message was edited by: Hari Kiran Y

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  • Saving Workbooks without query results in NW2004s BEx SP10

    Hi All,
    We are currently setting up all of our workbooks, but cannot find the setting which deletes all the query results in the workbook which we had in BW3.5.
    Use to be in Tools > All Queries in Workbook > Delete Results.
    Noticed another post about this, but could not find the answer.
    Any help appreciated.

    Put in an OSS note about this. The feature may be returned to BI7 in the future. It has not been carried through from BW3.5.
    You should be warey though and ensure that your sensitive workbooks have the data manually deleted out of them as you can find the workbook with the find utility pretty easily and view the data which has been previously saved. With correct permissions in place you cannot reload fresh data though.

  • Net value of sales order before saving in VA01

    Hi there,
    I'm currently working with the transaction VOFM whereby i need to get the <b>net value</b> of the current sales order in order to compare with a deposit value which the customer has made.
    a condition type is activated whenever the net value is < the deposit which the customer makes,i.e when sy-subrc EQ 0.
    My problem is that the routine in VOFM(where i have added my code),is triggered before i save the order, hence all i get as net value is always 0.00. That routine is again triggered after i save as well, but it doesnt work as i expected even if i get the net value then.
    I have in fact used the routine USEREXIT_PRICING_PREPARE_TKOMP of include MV45AFZZ, where i could get the net value from the field XVBAK-NETWR <b>after saving the order</b>.
    i thought that now it gets the right value, it'l work as expected but the fact that the VOFM routine is triggered before saving(hence net value 0.00), the condition type doesn't change after i save.
    Hence, my condition type is not being applied properly because the condition type is being activated already when it get the net value 0.00.
    Can anyone please tell me if there is a way to get the net value before saving?
    Thanks for your help.

    I have in fact used export flag to memory in FORM USEREXIT_PRICING_PREPARE_TKOMP from which i get the net value after saving.
    In fact, i have figured out the problem but still cannot solve it.
    What happens i that the VOFM routine is triggered more than once, hoewever, the first time it is triggered, i still havent got that net value. In this pass, when the routine ends, sy-subrc eq 0. Upon the next pass to the VOFM routine, i set sy-subrc to 4(condition type not activated), however the result is wrong. The condition type is activated still.
    if i do the contrary, i.e set sy-subrc to 4 on the first pass to VOFM routine and then set sy-subrc to 0 second time(condition type needs be activated), the condition type is not activated.
    what i dont understand is why the VOFM routine is only keeping the initial value of sy-subrc?Any ideas?
    Also, am doing my validations and setting sy-subrc in the form kobev_900.
    Am not using the form kobed_900 at all. Does this make a difference?
    Also, how can i do the validation only when repricing was called form SAVE process?How do i put the condition?
    Thanks for the help.

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    My thoughts are this could be partially remedied if the user received a prompt when they go to save the form or after a certain field was completed (perhaps clicking the "I agree" button) that asks them to double check to make sure they completed the second page. Similar to how if they try to type in letters in the phone number field they receive a message that they can only use numbers.
    The problem I'm having is I have no idea if we can create a prompt when someone goes to save the form, or if I can trigger a prompt for after someone completes a particular field and how to go about doing either? Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can accomplish this or where I can look to for some further help?
    PS Here's the form I'm working on - e.pdf

    Sorry for the link that turned bad above. Here's a functional one: e.pdf
    Ultimately I have decided against continuing to work with a PDF fillable. The functionality I ultimately wanted was too cumbersome. In doing additional research I came across Adobe Forms Central which is being decommissioned. In the FAQ section I found a recommendation for an online form design service called Cognito which I ultimately decided to go with. This service allows registrants to register multiple people, pretty robust form logic, and process payment all at one go. The cost is very small too. If you would like to see how the digitization and online processing of the form turned out you can see it here:
    Thanks for all the help and recommendations in the forum though!

  • Saved workbooks (very urgent)

    some users have saved some discoverer reports related to their organization roles and responsibilities and now that their roles have changed the should not have access to these reports any more.
    but still they can run these reports from their computers and have access to information they shouldn't.
    i want to know:
    1-if wrokbooks which are saved on workstations after the reports is not shared for them any more,could they view new information retrived from database?i mean online information?
    2- how can we stop them accessing illegal information while the workbook is saved on their WS?
    we use discoverer V4

    what do you mean by " remove access to the folders that the workbooks need to run"?UsieDisco Administrator to change the security on the Business Areas which hold the folders so that the user/responsibility does not have access to the business areas.
    what do you mean by "implement data security in the EUL or on underlying views/tablesImplement conditions in the EUL or in database views or using VPD. These condition check the user or responsibility and only return data in the user has logged with the right roles/responsibilities. For example, if you are using Oracle Applications you could create using Disco Admin the mandatory condtion on a folder such as, fnd_global.resp_name IN ('System Administrator') then the folder would only return data for a user who had logged on with the System Administrator responsibility.
    first we need to disable the possibility if saving workbooks on workstations for end users,(if possible)No you don't (not possible anyway). You need to implement security in your EUL.
    secondly we need to avoid users who are not allowed to run some reports they'v saved on their pc before,from running these reportsNo you don't (not possible anyway). You need to implement data security, so it doesn't matter what workbooks users run, they will only be able to see the data they are allowed to see. Discoverer is an ad-hoc reporting tool, so the whole point of Discoverer and the EUL is that the users can run reports against any folder they can access.
    Rod West

  • Tcode FV50: How to find long text in FI Document line item Before Saving.

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    Please anybody can be help me out where exactly this long text is going to be stored or in which internal table or memory id.
    Please give me the answer as soon as possible .
    Note:- Read_Text function module is not useful. Because Read_text useful after saving document.

    Hi Amit,
    In application area FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING , go for node LINE ITEM. Here create a step & maintain the prerequisite as per your requirement & in the check you can mention the code or you can direct it to a custom program like ZFI_RGGBR000.
    Here while maintaining the check you will get structures BKPF & BSEG in which you will get the desired field you are looking for.
    Just try to explore in your system how the other validations are maintained.
    After you are done with all your code, you have to run the regeneration program RGUGBR00.
    Here utmost care should be taken while running regeneration program, you should select all the checkboxes in the selection screen except  GENERATE SETS, GEN SUBSTN ROUTNS IN ALL CLNTS  & TRACE PROG. GENERATE CALLS .
    Hope this make your doubt clear.

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    it's an urgent requirement............pls help me on this..........
    pls get back to me if u want more  details.........

    Have you figured this out yet?  We are having the same problem.

  • Error while Saving Workbook in BEx

    Hi Experts,
    When ever I am trying to same a workbook, I get the following error:
    "workbook format .xlsm is not supported by the server"
    Does anyone of you faced this error earlier ? Please suggest. I am working on SAP Netweaver 2007 and have MS Office 2007 installed in my system..
    Best Regards,

    Please let me know if you are opening the workbook in 3.5 Analyser. If
    then unfortunately Business explorer Analyzer 3.x is not supporting the
    new file-format. Please refer to note 1052761. If you would like to use
    new office 2007 file format you need to use Bex Analyzer 7.0. Due to
    the architecture of Analyzer 3.x this behaviour cannot be changed.
    BW Support Package lower than SP16 it is not
    possible to save files in Excel 2007 file formats on the server. But you
    can still save files from Excel 2007. When using the SAP Default
    Workbook please set the flag "Use XLS file format" as defined in note
    1267924. If you create workbooks from scratch ensure that Excel creates
    new files in XLS format (in the Excel options).
    Afterwards you are able to save files with Excel 2007 in XLS file
    format. The new Excel 2007 file formats require the implementation of
    the latest BW Support Package.
    If you are interested in saving workbooks in xlsm format you have to
    use at least SP16 and a recent FEP (e.g. FEP801). But it is
    not correct that it will work also when you implement the notes on a SP
    level which is older then SP15, as then other corrections are missing.
    And these points, I am afraid, cannot be downported to a Support package
    less than SP15.
    Therefore I have to ask you to import furhter SPs. Then I am pretty sure
    that it will work.
    Please check also note 1055581 ... where you find the info that
    we recommend to use at least SPS15 (which is BW-SP17).
    So as mentioned above you can still save files from Excel 2007. When
    using the SAP Default Workbook please set the flag "Use XLS file format"
    as defined in note 1267924. For saving the workbook in the new file
    format(xlsm) you need atleast SP16. The latest Sp being SP20, I suggest
    you to look for an upgrade.

  • Error while saving workbook or query

    Hi guys. After upgrade to 7.0 we are experiencing error while saving workbook or query.
    We are using BEx 3.5.
    Here is the error:
    "Program error in class SAPMSSY1 method: UNCAUGHT_EXEPTION.
    An exeption with the type CX_SY_PROGRAM_NOT_FOUND occured, but was neighter handled locally, nor declared in a RAISING clause.
    Program CP9QUC052Y8TXQ0C2TM5KB0T92K does not exist"
    What can be the cause of this error?

    Hi Jose!
    It was easy.
    The problem can be solved by reactivating the personalization
    for the BEx.
    To reactivate the personilization go to transaction SPRO and navigate:
    SAP Reference IMG -> SAP Customizing Implementation Guide -> SAP
    NetWeaver -> Business Intelligence -> Settings for Reporting and
    Analysis -> General Settings for Reportiung and Analysis
    open the transaction RS_PERS_ACTIVATE
    Check all boxes and execute.
    Hope it helps.

  • Error While Saving Workbook

    Dear All,
    We are getting following error while saving workbook. This has started after our migration from IBM server to HP Unix server.
    "Document store access caused errors in the SAP Correction System"
    Thanks in advance.
    Regards: Gaurave

    During the save of the workbook a transport check is done and that check fails. The reason for that is "Client independent objects not changeable in this client" Or "System is not set to changeable - objects are not changeable" The solution to the problem is "Change the setting for the system or client to "changeable". You can do this using transaction SE06 or SCC4."
    Note 992965 is relevant here.
    - RSA1 -> transport connection ->object changeability -> check the object type:XLWB(workbook)
    If the setting is 'Not Changeable', please change it  to 'Everything Changeable' by right mouse click.
    Manoj Kumar

  • Pop up Window before saving remembering the need (forcing) to fill required fields in a form

    I searched the "old" forum and have very good help from UVSAR but unfortunately I'm not able to access my message sent to that forum anymore.
    [I could never thank all the people who answered because I keep receiving "Your submission has triggered the spam filter and will not be accepted.""]
    I've have never use Java scripts in my life: I started about three days ago.
    1) I'm using Adobe Acrobat Pro X (Windows 7)
    2) I've created a form using Microsoft Word and save it as a pdf file.
    3) After I created a form using Acrobat Pro X;
    3.1.) This form it's not going to be submitted over Internet. It will be send by e-mail to some persons. They will receive it, fill in the form and send it back to me via e-mail. Note: I will save it with extended rights in order to allow to be read with acrobat reader (I'm the only one of the group having Professional edition).
    4) In that form I've created some text fields (for now it's just what I need - no radio buttons, dropdown
    menus, and so...)
    5) Choosed Properties and marked 7 fields as "required";
    6) Used a script I found in here: (thank you for the authors of the thread)
    if (! {
    app.alert("My text My text", 3);
    7) This script allows me to remember people to fill that 7 specific fields (when using mouse or tab).
    8) So... What I really need? Here are the reasons for my request for help:
    8.1.) When people use the Acrobat Reader Save button (not a button I created inside the form) it will pop up an alert message. Users will receive a pop up window telling them they need to fill those fields before saving the form and send it back to me. Can someone share a script, please? Thanks in advance.
    8.2.) Is there a way to colorize the fileds that need to be filled? Again I only learned where to insert a java script yestaerday sou I'm not able to write one. I'm sorry for my newbie questions.
    8.3.) Last question: In one of the fields there will be an e-mail address. On the end of the form I want to create a button like "Send by e-mail" and When someone press that button the e-mail will be sent to the address that was written in the earlier specific field. How can I do this (link a button to an e-mail address in a specific field)? Can someone help me with a script or ideas? Hope I was clear.
    8.1.) UVSAR sent me the following code that works fine untill I save the document for the first time. Affter that he never shows me pop up window again.
    var isFilled = true;
    for (var i=0;i < this.numFields;i++){
    var f = this.getNthFieldName(i);
    if (this.getField(f).required && !this.getField(f).valueAsString) isFilled = false;
    if (!isFilled) app.alert("You must complete all the required fields");
    8.3.) With the help of UVSAR I used:
    var mailto = this.getField('emaddr').valueAsString;
    if (mailto!='') this.mailForm({ bUI:true, cTo:mailto, cSubject:"This is the subject", cMsg: "This is the body of
    the mail." });
    else app.alert("Cannot submit form until the email address field is completed");
    but gives me an error (Note: I named the filed with e-mail "emaddr")
    Once again Thank you so very very much to all the kind people who take their time to share knowledge...
    I'm not a native speaker, sorry for some errors
    Best regards

    Hi Winnie
    Unfortunately I have been sick and did not read the message before. I apologize.
    I have not received help beyond what is on the page. But when I get I tell you.
    I hope you can get answers. If you receive, I ask that you share with me.
    thank you very much
    best regards
    Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2012 09:33:10 -0700
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Pop up Window before saving remembering the need (forcing) to fill required fields in a form
        Re: Pop up Window before saving remembering the need (forcing) to fill required fields in a form
        created by Win_Form in Forms - View the full discussion
    Hi ACI wonder if you can share any responses on to your question above?I too have never used a script but, I have the same problems as you in regards to building a form. And wants to have the same 'protection' and message reminders for the end users. Any information, including a script and/or a contact email of experts you can share with me will help tremendously. Thank you so much in advance. Winnie
         Replies to this message go to everyone subscribed to this thread, not directly to the person who posted the message. To post a reply, either reply to this email or visit the message page:
         To unsubscribe from this thread, please visit the message page at In the Actions box on the right, click the Stop Email Notifications link.
         Start a new discussion in Forms by email or at Adobe Forums
      For more information about maintaining your forum email notifications please go to

  • User Exits for transaction VF01 before saving the billing document

    Can any one say is there any user exit which exits before saving the billing document since i want to check the net value of the billing with the net value of sales order so that it should not go beyond the total amount specified in sales order.

    SDVFX001  User exit header line in delivery to accounting
    SDVFX002  User exit for A/R line in transfer to accounting
    SDVFX003  User exit cash clearing in transfer to accounting
    SDVFX004  User exit G/L line in transfer to accounting
    SDVFX005  User exit reserves in transfer to accounting
    SDVFX006  User exit tax line in transfer to accounting
    SDVFX007  User exit: Billing plan during transfer to Accounting
    SDVFX008  User exit: Processing of transfer structures SD-FI
    SDVFX009  Billing doc. processing KIDONO (payment reference numbe
    SDVFX010  User exit item table for the customer lines
    SDVFX011  Userexit for the komkcv- and kompcv-structures
    V05I0001  User exits for billing index
    V05N0001  User Exits for Printing Billing Docs. using POR Procedu
    V60A0001  Customer functions in the billing document
    V60P0001  Data provision for additional fields for display in lis
    V61A0001  Customer enhancement: Pricing
    These are the Exits Available in the Package
    Jus try finding which will suffice ur Requirement.

  • Print Preview of PO before saving .

    Dear Experts ,
    Is it possible to view a print preview of a PO after  just checking the PO & before saving it ??
    If yes pls let me know how ?

    Hi Anis,
    yes, you can view a PO in print preview in ME21N before saving it but the following are pre-requisities:
    1 - There are valid messages defined for the PO - check by clicking on 'Messages' at the top of the screen. So long as there is a message defined, you can display, if not, add the output type that you would like to use (NEU for example).
    2 - The output type must be pointing correctly to a printer or valid e-mail address (for e-mail outputs)
    3 - You must have access to transaction ME9F in authorisations - although you are not navigating to ME9F, you will still need the access
    If these things are OK, click on print preview and you will get an image of what the printed document will look like.

  • Check on vendor email address change before saving PO

    Hi All,
        I need to check Is there any change in Vendor Email address in PO before
    saving. I am trying to find userexits.
    I found some like EXIT_SAPMM06E_012, But here I am not getting complete
    Vendor address...
    Req: I am maintaing multiple email address for Vendor at PO header level.
    Here is the path:  PO Header --> Address tab --> Click on Address Details
    --> Here we can maintain(Insert/ Delete/Change) multiple e mail address.
    So I need to check is there any change in email address before saving.
    Could you please any body help me on this....

    Hello Rays,
    One base question,
    Are you going to check the vendor email address manually before saving the PO?
    The vendor address in the puchase order is copied from the vendor master so you can maintain email address (single or multiple) in the vendor master before creating the purchase order. At the time of purchase order creation/save, you can change the default email address and use this to trigger PO to vendor.
    By the way, user exit EXIT_SAPMM06E_012  (Check Customer-Specific Data Before Saving) is used for custom field not for SAP std field.
    Hope this helps.
    Arif Mansuri
    Reward the points if answer is helpful.

  • How to read header text in MM contract (ME31K/ME32K) before saving record?

    Hi All,
    In ME31K / ME32K (Contracts), before saving the contract I would like to check if the user has entered header text in the contract or not.
    I am using customer exit MM06E005.
    Can anybody help me with this?
    Thanks in advance.

    Try creating dummy text id which will be part of text determination procedure @ Customers sales text & document header text.
    else, maintain the SO10-text against this text ID. whenver user createds quotation this text will be defaulted irrespective of the cusotmer.
          then based on if user want to modify the text they have to enter manually in this text id. print this text in header.
    Reazuddin MD

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