Démarrage after effects impossible

Je n'arrive plus à ouvrir after effects, la fenêtre grise s'ouvre bien et lance un tas de truc et puis plus rien!!! Pourquoi et comment y remédier?
J'ai refait une instal du logiciel, pareil.
Je suis sous windows 7 64bits. avec after effects cs4.
Merci pour les réponses.   

Voila ce qu'il y a dans le fichier "Plugin Loading.log":
-------- Plugin Loading Log ------------
Loading from root path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe After Effects CS4\Support Files\(Media Core plug-ins)\en_US
Scanning for the following file types: *.prmp, *.prm, *.dll, *.aex, *.8bf
Scanning C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe After Effects CS4\Support Files\(Media Core plug-ins)\en_US and sub-directories
Loading from root path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe After Effects CS4\Support Files\(Media Core plug-ins)\Common\
Scanning for the following file types: *.prmp, *.prm, *.dll, *.aex, *.8bf
Scanning C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe After Effects CS4\Support Files\(Media Core plug-ins)\Common and sub-directories
Loading C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe After Effects CS4\Support Files\(Media Core plug-ins)\Common\DvFileWriter.prm
Loading from the registry...
The plugin was successfully loaded from the registry.
Loading C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe After Effects CS4\Support Files\(Media Core plug-ins)\Common\DxMultiGraphBridge.prm
Loading from the registry...
The plugin was successfully loaded from the registry.
Loading C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe After Effects CS4\Support Files\(Media Core plug-ins)\Common\ImporterAiff.prm
Loading from disk...
This plugin was recognized by loader ba1058cd-0007-44e4-bf1a-0ef51307b979.
Loading C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe After Effects CS4\Support Files\(Media Core plug-ins)\Common\ImporterASND.prm
Loading from disk...
This plugin was recognized by loader ba1058cd-0007-44e4-bf1a-0ef51307b979.
Loading C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe After Effects CS4\Support Files\(Media Core plug-ins)\Common\ImporterAVI.prm
Loading from disk...
This plugin was recognized by loader ba1058cd-0007-44e4-bf1a-0ef51307b979.
Loading C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe After Effects CS4\Support Files\(Media Core plug-ins)\Common\ImporterDirectShow.prm
Loading from disk...
This plugin was recognized by loader ba1058cd-0007-44e4-bf1a-0ef51307b979.
Loading C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe After Effects CS4\Support Files\(Media Core plug-ins)\Common\ImporterFastMPEG.prm
Loading from disk...
This plugin was recognized by loader ba1058cd-0007-44e4-bf1a-0ef51307b979.
Loading C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe After Effects CS4\Support Files\(Media Core plug-ins)\Common\ImporterFlash.prm
Loading from disk...
This plugin was recognized by loader ba1058cd-0007-44e4-bf1a-0ef51307b979.
Loading C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe After Effects CS4\Support Files\(Media Core plug-ins)\Common\ImporterFLV.prm
Loading from disk...
This plugin was recognized by loader ba1058cd-0007-44e4-bf1a-0ef51307b979.
Loading C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe After Effects CS4\Support Files\(Media Core plug-ins)\Common\ImporterMp3.prm
Loading from disk...
This plugin was recognized by loader ba1058cd-0007-44e4-bf1a-0ef51307b979.
Loading C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe After Effects CS4\Support Files\(Media Core plug-ins)\Common\ImporterMPEG.prm
Loading from disk...
This plugin was recognized by loader ba1058cd-0007-44e4-bf1a-0ef51307b979.
Loading C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe After Effects CS4\Support Files\(Media Core plug-ins)\Common\ImporterP2.prm
Loading from disk...
This plugin was recognized by loader ba1058cd-0007-44e4-bf1a-0ef51307b979.
Loading C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe After Effects CS4\Support Files\(Media Core plug-ins)\Common\ImporterQT.prm
Loading from disk...
This plugin was recognized by loader ba1058cd-0007-44e4-bf1a-0ef51307b979.
Loading C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe After Effects CS4\Support Files\(Media Core plug-ins)\Common\ImporterWave.prm
Loading from disk...
This plugin was recognized by loader ba1058cd-0007-44e4-bf1a-0ef51307b979.
Loading C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe After Effects CS4\Support Files\(Media Core plug-ins)\Common\ImporterWindowsMedia.prm
Loading from disk...
This plugin was recognized by loader ba1058cd-0007-44e4-bf1a-0ef51307b979.
Loading C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe After Effects CS4\Support Files\(Media Core plug-ins)\Common\ImporterXDCAMEX.prm
Loading from disk...
This plugin was recognized by loader ba1058cd-0007-44e4-bf1a-0ef51307b979.
Loading C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe After Effects CS4\Support Files\(Media Core plug-ins)\Common\ImporterXDCAMHD.prm
Loading from disk...
This plugin was recognized by loader ba1058cd-0007-44e4-bf1a-0ef51307b979.
Loading C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe After Effects CS4\Support Files\(Media Core plug-ins)\Common\PlayerMediaCore.prm
Loading from disk...
This plugin was recognized by loader c9936cb9-1979-48c8-bf22-dbe0ec323274.
Loading C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe After Effects CS4\Support Files\(Media Core plug-ins)\Common\AsioWdm.dll
The plugin is marked as Ignore, so it will not be loaded.
Loading C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe After Effects CS4\Support Files\(Media Core plug-ins)\Common\DVControl.dll
Loading from the registry...
The plugin was successfully loaded from the registry.
Loading C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe After Effects CS4\Support Files\(Media Core plug-ins)\Common\DXAVSource.dll
Loading from the registry...
The plugin was successfully loaded from the registry.
Loading C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe After Effects CS4\Support Files\(Media Core plug-ins)\Common\DXCaptureSource.dll
Loading from the registry...
The plugin was successfully loaded from the registry.
Loading from root path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Common\Plug-ins\CS4\MediaCore
Scanning for the following file types: *.prmp, *.prm, *.dll, *.aex, *.8bf
Scanning C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Common\Plug-ins\CS4\MediaCore and sub-directories
Loading C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Common\Plug-ins\CS4\MediaCore\Red Giant Psunami\Psunami.aex
Loading from the registry...
The plugin has a PiPL.
The plugin was successfully loaded from the registry.

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    Si vous parlez anglais, je ne peux que vous conseiller de poster dans le forum d'Imagineer systèmes, les créateurs de Mocha.
    Bien que beaucoup là soient de véritables gourous, ils ne sont pas pour autant doués de clairvoyance... N'oubliez donc pas de mentionner sur quel OS êtes-vous, quelle configuration, la version de Mocha et after effects (une mise à jour est sortie hier), si les fichiers sont sur la machine, etc.

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    Merci pour le retour rapide.
    Bonne journée.
    Le 13 oct. 2014 à 17:26, any611 <[email protected]> a écrit :
    Impossible d'utiliser After Effects CS6 11.2.2, sur MAC OS X 10.9.5
    created by any611 in Forums en français - View the full discussion
    en fait je suis allé sur le chat en ligne d'Adobe (car ils n'ont pas d'aide par support téléphone) et là j'ai discuté avec des techniciens qui m'ont redirigé vers l'aide en ligne Américaine (ma licence est Canadienne) puis un technicien m'a aidé à faire la manipulation. Sur le chat en direct, il faut écrire le 1er message et attendre qu'un technicien soit libre pour répondre, cela peut prendre un peu de temps. Sinon, si je me souviens bien, j'ai téléchargé une mise à jour sur le site Adobe, là j'ai obtenu 2 icones, et j'ai simplement cliqué sur AF ingéniering en premier puis sur AF application, ensuite et tout s'est mis en place (si on clique directement sur AF application, ça ne marche pas). Mais je ne peux que vous conseiller de demander l'aide en ligne par chat qui à mon avis est très efficace.
    Bonne chance.
    Please note that the Adobe Forums do not accept email attachments. If you want to embed a screen image in your message please visit the thread in the forum to embed the image at https://forums.adobe.com/message/6820144#6820144
    Replies to this message go to everyone subscribed to this thread, not directly to the person who posted the message. To post a reply, either reply to this email or visit the message page:
    To unsubscribe from this thread, please visit the message page at . In the Actions box on the right, click the Stop Email Notifications link.
    Start a new discussion in Forums en français by email or at Adobe Community
    For more information about maintaining your forum email notifications please go to http://forums.adobe.com/thread/416458?tstart=0.

  • After Effects CS5: impossible to import "special" .flv -Clips?

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    thanks to Mylenium and Todd_Kopriva for their detailed anwers!
    Clips with this unusual .flv-format  can be found on www.istockphoto.com
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    P.S.:Perhaps sometime there will be an update with a supported Sorenson Spark-encoder  

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    Battistella Thomas

    Juste pour vous:

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    Par avance, merci de votre aide.

    The first problem I see is that there's no motion blur applied. The second problem is that it doesn't follow the six second rule.
    Try this. I'm assuming that you rendered to something other than a swf or flv. Import a rendered clip and change the frame rate to a higher one. If your clip is 24 or 25 change it to 30. If the frame rate is 30 change it to 36 or even 50. Now drag the clip to the new comp icon in the bottom of the Project panel and render this clip using Jpg compression. Playback the file. I'll bet that it will be smoother. It's impossible for me to test the clip because you provided a flash file. If you could post a quicktime rendered from the project I can probably get you a file that will playback smoothly.
    If there's really some jumps in the render you'll see them if you step through your render one frame at a time.

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    After Effects (alert) : Impossible to create the file '/Users/JY/Library/Preferences/Adobe/After Effects/13.0/dummy'.
    2 I just dowload AE CC 2014 fort the first time and It say to me The trial version is over....
    thank you

    if your trial is over, it's over.  there's no easy way to re-start a 30 day trial even if it ends before 30 days, Adobe trial software expired early
    if you only had problem 1, you could probably resolve it by right clicking ae and clicking 'run as administrator'.

  • After Effects, Premiere et Media Encoder plantent au démarrage

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    Je suis sous Windows 7. Quand j'essaie de lancer ces applis à partir d'un autre compte administrateur j'obtiens le même résultat.
    Ma carte graphique est une Intel(R) Graphics 4600.
    Merci par avance de votre aide !

    j'ai un problème similaire avec Ae, cependant les autres lociciels fonctionnent.
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    sur une autre machine, un imac ss yosemite, je partage la meme license. et tout fonctionne parfaitement.
    Windows 7 jouerait-il des tours???
    bonne soiree.

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  • Incident after effect après mise à jour novembre 2013

    <7128><GPUmanager><2>Sniffer result code:3
    Impossible de revenir à une version précédent d'afet effet. Donc, je suis bloqué
    Albert Barbieux

    Merci pour vos réponses.
    Que puis je dire pour vous aider.
    D'abord, dans les deux cas CS6 et CC, c'"st bien au démarrage que le problème survient. Je vois le splash screen, puis le message, puis le splash screen disparait.
    Ma configuration. Windows 7 SP1
    Adobe premiere pro cc et cs6 (temporairement le cs6) derniere version
    adobe after effect cs6 et cc derniere version (12.2)
    Une multitide d'autres produits installé (je ne vais pas les citer tous)
    Actuellement le pilote de ma GEforce 9800 GT est 331.65. Je ne parviens pas à installer la version suivante pour le moment.
    que puis'je encore vous fournir (5 disques durs externes, 3 disques durs internes)
    J'ai aussi vegas pro 12 installé sur ma machine?
    Vous faut-il autre chose.
    Vous me demandez la version d'un pilote, duquel s'agit il. Je vous ai donné le graphique et je ne connais pas d'autre
    Type de processeur
    QuadCore Intel Core i7 920, 2800 MHz (21 x 133)
    Nom de la carte mère
    Asus P6T  (2 PCI, 1 PCI-E x1, 3 PCI-E x16, 6 DDR3 DIMM, Audio, Gigabit LAN, IEEE-1394)
    Chipset de la carte mère
    Intel Tylersburg X58, Intel Nehalem
    Albert Barbieux
    j'espère que je procède bien pour le forum
    Je signale quand même que je n'avais pas de problèmes avant la mise à jour d'after effect cc.
    Ce codec qui pose problème, je ne pourrais pas l'enlever. Si oui, comment faire ?
    Était-ce utile?  Oui    Pas   
    Mark as:
    |                       Translate           
            7 publiés depuis
    10 mai 2012  
    11. AlbertBarbieux, 
      16 déc. 2013 08:44    in reply to AlbertBarbieux 
    Salut, je ne sais pas si, maintenant que je suis passé au forum d'adobe, vous recevez encore mes messages.
    Albert Barbieux
    Derniere question, comme cela fontionnait avant la mise à jour, n'y aurait-il pas moyen de revenir à cette version d'after effect. Pour les pilotes de ma carte graphique, j'ai pu le faire, mais jusqu'à présent cela ne change rien.
    Je dois dire aussi que je ne sais plus modifier mes anciens projets qui utilisent after effet, puisqu'il se plante à l'ouverture.
    Bien à vous

  • After effect CC 12.2 Crash - Dynamiclinkmanager.app??

    je viens d'installer plusieurs logiciels de la suite CC. (after effect + speedgrade + photoshop) en version d'évaluation pour le moment.
    J'ai installé ces logiciels via Adobe Créative Cloud Installer sur un iMac avec Maverick 10.9.1. Le système est tout frais de ce matin (formatage bas niveau + instal du système).
    Malheureusement, j'ai un message d'erreur l'orsque j'essai de lancer After Effects :
    Et impossible de lancer Media Encoder... il plante aussi au démarrage mais sans message d'erreur…
    J'ai vu que ce Dynamiclinkmanager.app sert à lier des progs travaillant ensemble, si j'ai bien compris dans mon cas ce serait AE + SpeedGrade…
    J'ai essayer de :
    - Désinstaller, réinstaller After Effects
    - Démarer sans les extensions, réparer les autorisations (AE se lance en mode sans extensions)
    - J'ai vu sur internet que c'etait peut etre lié au droits d'un fichier dans les préférences utilisateurs (utilisateur/biblio/preferences/adobe/after effects/12.0 et 12.2). J'ai tous mis en lecture et ecriture, rien n'y fait.
    Est-ce qu'une âme charitable pourrait m'aider ?
    Merci !!

    Désolé mais personne à pu me répondre... chez adobe comme sur le net.
    J'ai un peu tt essayer. Au bout d'un moment, étant un peu désespéré, j'ai
    reformaté le tout, réinstallé est j'ai créer un nouvel utilisateur avec nom
    factice. La je vois que ça marche.... Voulant garder le meme utilisateur
    qu'avant (même nom et même mot de passe/réglages etc. sur mon réseau) je
    passe sous le nouvel utilisateur >> j'efface l'ancien qui posait problème
    >> je recrée un nouvel utilisateur avec le meme nom et infos que celui qui
    posait souci... et la, en bootant sur ce nouvel utilisateur, meme *****....
    AE et AMC ne se lance pas.
    J'ai du donc changer encore d'utilisateur mais avec nouveau nom et
    nouvelles infos... incompréhensible !
    2014/1/20 n0wmi <[email protected]>
        Re: After effect CC 12.2 Crash - Dynamiclinkmanager.app??
    created by n0wmi <http://forums.adobe.com/people/n0wmi> in *Forums en
    français* - View the full discussion<http://forums.adobe.com/message/6030978#6030978

  • I am new to After Effects and Motion 5 and I have a question

    Hello there,
    I am currently working on a personal side project for a family member. She would like me to make a video with recorded audio and pictures from the 1920’s for my grandmother. I would like to give the parallax and 2.5D effect a try but as I never used After Effects or Motion before I am a little overwhelmed.
    I have about 80 images to animate. Right now I am in the ‘Photoshop phase’. I am going through each image and separating the foreground, mid-ground, and background, into separate layers and saving the .psd files to eventually bring into Motion 5 (or After Effects) and animate.
    After seeing this video:
    I really wanted to animate the images I had in a similar fashion. I really loved how they seemed to move and know that I can accomplish this appearance with the pin tool in After Effects. After seeing this video however, I continued looking into the 2.5d effect and found this movie for Motion 5:
    I bought Motion 5 because I thought the interface seemed more user friendly to newcomers (like myself), the effects were similar, and because I couldn’t afford to pay for After Effects every month.
    But now I am kicking myself. Motion 5 is lovely and I do like the camera effects but I don’t think I can accomplish the ‘puppet’ effect with it like I can in After Effects. Does anyone know if it is possible? Is there a plugin for Motion 5? Can I send my .psd files into Motion 5, set up the timeline and cameras, save it, and then move it into After Effects and then use the pin tool to manipulate the images and layers?
    I have read that some say it is hard to move Motion files into After Effects? If this is the case, could I save the Motion file, open it in Adobe Premiere, and THEN open it in After Effects and play around with it?
    Any help is appreciated. Thank you so much in advanced.

    2.5D is fairly easy to do in Motion... that's the good news. The bad news is: if you don't know what you need to do to accomplish it, it's practically impossible to do easily or well.
    The first problem to overcome is perspective, and the other problem is parallax.
    These two tutorials (by Mark Spencer) will give you all the information you need dealing with moving Photoshop Layers in Z-space. Even though the point of the tutorials is a "fly through", the same information applies to creating 2.5D. Just animate the camera laterally (sweep) instead of dolly.
    http://vimeo.com/1695145  (updated tips)

  • After Effects not starting at all, stops at "initializing user interface"

    I installed CS5 master collection trial version on W7 64 bit machine.
    After Effects  doesn't load at all (it stops at "initializing user interface") and it's  even impossible to kill the  process in windows (never had this problem with any app). I can shut down all  the other processes, like dynamiclinkmanager.exe  or Adobe QT32  Server.exe, but aftereffects.exe  just won't stop and I need to restart my PC.
    Also  Premier crashes after I click 'new project', or try to open something,  but the application starts and I do see the whole GUI.
    I updated Quicktime, as well as my video card  drivers. All  other apps in the master collection seem to work fine. Uninstalled the  whole thing twice (with the remove preferences option), cleaned the registry with a comodo system clean up utility,  reinstalled also twice- nothing. Tried with the firewall turned off and  quick time completly uninstalled - nothing changed.

    can you rename or delete "C:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\After Effects\10.0"
    can you rename or delete for max 11
    "C:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsmax\2011 - 64bit\enu"

  • Adobe After Effects in 32-bit

    How can i run Adobe After Effects CS5 on my 32-bit computer?

    AznB0i wrote:
    How can i run Adobe After Effects CS5 on my 32-bit computer?
    You can't.  It's impossible. End of story.
    You need to have a computer capable of running a 64-bit operating system like the latest Apple OS 10 -- which cat name are they up to now, Ocelot or something? --- or Windows 7.
    Now, when you you get the Creative Suite CS5 installation disks, Adobe thoughtfully includes the previous 32-bit versions of Premiere and AE.  But since you're paying for all those new 64-bit bells & whistles, it does seem a little silly, n'est-ce pas?   It's intended as an intermediate measure.
    Go get yourself a new computer and operating system.  And if you can't, put up with what you have.
    I personally had to wait 9 months before I could afford a new 64-bit machine.

Maybe you are looking for