Department of Defense Email Intermediate Certificates

I just noticed that a bunch of new certificates are on my Keychain Access under SystemCACertificates and virtually all of them are Department of Defense CA or Department of Defense Email CA Certificates. Is this normal? Why are these here? They were definitely not there before.

Thanks for the help. In answer to your question about why my system didn't load these before, I was tempted to say that maybe it was a software update, except that my other computer is running the same system and doesn't have these on it. Why didn't yours show them? Since they don't seem necessary to me, is it okay to just delete all SystemCACertificates?

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    Kind regards,

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    Examine this page, it covers the details of how to do this. The section of interest to you is the box which discussed obtaining and installing the verisign intermediate cert -
    Basically you have the concept correct, but the order of certs in the chain is important.

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    -----END CERTIFICATE-----
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----
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    Examine this page, it covers the details of how to do this. The section of interest to you is the box which discussed obtaining and installing the verisign intermediate cert -
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