Dependent values list

this is suresh. I am new for this technology.. Please Help me to know anybody about this issue....
       The user will select the dropdown for the characteristic and it should display relevant values based on entered value from the preceding characteristic.  For example, u201Cassembly typeu201D field value u201CCabinetu201D is only displayed for TLA Family type u201CSYMM5u201D u201CSYMM6u201D or u201CSYMM7u201D values.  This is my requirement... How can i implement in core abap.
Dependent values like...
ADAPTER       -
>                   SYMM5 / SYMM6/ SYMM7
BOARD          -
CABINET     ->                     SYMM5 / SYMM6/ SYMM7
These values coming from the table and as well as Dynamically also...(IN Both cases)
Please tell me how to implement in core there any code available please share with me.
Thank to ALL...

Hi Suri,
Well, I also agree with Craig as this may not be feasible in QM stand alone! Possibly  you can think of using selected sets for attributes as an alternative for this. I try to explain for the same case in point.
1.     Letu2019s say we have created 2  qualitative MIC as Country and State
2.     Create code groups under catalog 1 with states names
3.     Create selected set as IN, GE, US for India, Germany and US respectively.
4.     Under each one of these selected sets define country specific states.
5.     You can assign more than 1 selected sets in MIC under catalog section.
6.     As a result of which while carrying out result recording system will prompt you to put state name. drill down respective country folder and choose the appropriate one.
But this wouldnu2019t depend on previous result. At lease would ensure you can input the data.
Anand Rao

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    Hi Bhaskar,
    This can be achieved in ODC. Which GUI you are talking about?
    Vikrant Korde.

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    Yes, it is possible to generate an excel file in SAP. You can use any of the following FM's for the same:
    Hope it will help.

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    Looking at the documentation 3.7 of  Managing Oracle Webcenter Capture, that's how it is, you have to have a separate child list of cities for every country in the country list, only 196 parent items and 196 lists to configure then
    In a choice list dependency, a parent field is linked to two or more child choice lists,
    one of which is displayed after the user makes a selection in the parent field.
    Important Points About Choice List Dependencies
    ■ You can create choice list dependencies between Capture user defined choice lists,
    database choice lists, or between choice list types.
    ■ Create all choice lists you plan to link before creating a choice list dependency. At
    a minimum, you need a parent choice list, and two or more child choice lists.
    ■ Each item in a child list can be related to multiple parent items. For example,
    Supplies could be a child item to Household and Automotive subproducts.
    ■ You can create multi-level dependencies (for example, great grandparent,
    grandparent, parent, and child choice lists).
    ■ Only one choice list dependency may be assigned to a client profile. Multiple
    parent/child dependencies must be defined within a single choice list dependency.

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    <li type="disc">
    <p>Creating a basic form. </p>
    <li type="disc">
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    <li type="disc">
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    <pre xml:space="preserve">SELECT state_name d, state_id v FROM states </pre>
    <p>The second LOV selects the country name and country ID based on the state selected in the first LOV. </p>
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    Hrefna the persistent

    Hi Earl,
    Can you please help me out? Hope so.
    I then created a page with a text field called
    P1_EMPNO.You're not using select list items on the page? That's what this thread is about - although the specifics can be adapted to other page item types.
    I added onblur="get_AJAX_SELECT_XML(this,'P1_ENAME')"
    in the Form Element Attributes.
    My question is, how do I create P1_ENAME? Is it a
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    Hello All,
    by the way, it is very simple to let opltion lists grow dynamically, and moreover to have a predefined structure before.
    First you create a table and fill the view for this table with you start values, as it has been described before in this thread.
    Then you make the option list for the field Edit and Select.
    And then, as you know, your predefined values are stored in your custom schTable (whatever the name is), but all the values entered by the user are stored in DOCMETA table!
    All you need to do is to create a trigger with SQL Developer, so that on update and insert in table DOCMETA for your custom metadata field it is checked whether this value is already in your predefined option list stored in your schTable.
    And if the value is not there, make the trigger add a new record to custom table with this value and related values as well.
    This is true for any option list with predefined value and updated by the end-user.
    If it is dependent option list, then you need to add both values for parent and child fields in your custom table.
    There is another problem for which I can not find a solution --> if the field depends on two fields...

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    Yes they can share. But there is a trick for that the Oracle told me after 2 months.
    Define the accounting flexfield structure in two steps.
    1. On the Key Flexfields Segments form, you have to Save the flexfield structure after you define the segment with the independent segment (for example account).
    2. Then close the form and come back.
    3. Now add your dependent segment (for example subaccount).
    4. You should see the dependent value set in the list of values.
    Thanks Charan

  • How to manage the personal value list of movement types

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    Questions are.....
    1. If you can manage the setting of this list from other management transactions like SU01, could you tell me which transaction should be used and how to manage it ?
    2. If impossible to manage it, the setting information must be stored into some DB table in some way though. Could you tell me the name of the table ?
    Thank you in advance for your help.
    Best regards

    Hello Hideki Kozai,
    First of all, include ONLY the mvt types in your (user's) favouite list by pressing "add to favourite button" on F4 help. These mvt types are normally used by users.
    If you want to delete from the favourite, then select that particular mvt type and click on "Delete from favourite" button, so that will not apprear in next time.
    The other way is suggested by Sumit, remove from the transaction list itself so user will not be able to carry out that mvt type.
    Hope this helps.
    Arif Mansuri

  • Implementing dependent choice list with internal columns as varchar

    While implementing dependent choice list I created two tables & their views with internal column as varchar(for example: countryName for country table & stateName for states table) instead of int. I couldn't get the DCL working: selecting a value from the dropdown of parent field won't show up only the dependent values of the child field; it will display the dropdown with all values (it will show all values of the States irrespective of the countryname selection). However when I select the internal column as int & visible column as varchar the DCL works fine.
    Our requirement is to use the internal columns as varchar instead of int. Please suggest/help.

    Hi Shashwat,
    I have done that. The problem is: dependent choice list doesn't seem work is you choose primarykey/foreign key as varchar. It works if I choose the primarykey/foreign key as int. And this key will be the internal column in the views. My requirement is to have them as varchar so that while checking-in content using RIDC API I don't have to provide the int value.
    Thanks & Regards,

  • Cannot replicate the ring cells' value list on a table

    I am trying to create a variable-size table/matrix of ring cells. The default value list is "0 (x)" and "1(P)", for binary purpose, specified in cell (1,1). When I insert a new row and/or colum on the table, It looks like the inserted cells does not inherit the specified value list "0 (x)" and "1(P)" from cell (1,1).
    I have also tried the following options, but none of them works.
    (1) change the Table Mode (Edit Table -> Control Settings -> Table Mode) to either "row" or "column" from "grid"
    (2) use the parameter "VAL_USE_MASTER_CELL_TYPE" instead of ring type
    (3) search the forum but not clue found
    Please also see the attached snapshot files, which show how the settings are set.
    (1) "snapshots_02_ring_list.jgp": specify the ring value list of cell(1,1)
    (2) "snapshots_03_edit_default_cell_values.jpg": I tried also to specify the default cell values in Control Settings (Edit Table -> Control Settings -> Edit Default Cell Values -> Ring/Combo Box Attributes), but the button "Value List" is greyed out.
    (3) "snapshot_04_cells.jpg": the created/inserted cells do not have the value lists
    Here is the code piece for your information:
    // insert a few rows
    InsertTableRows(panel,PANEL_TABLE_CHKBRD, (iNumOfRowNow+1),iNumOfRowChange, VAL_USE_MASTER_CELL_TYPE);
    // draw the cells
    // set the active row
    SetCtrlAttribute(panel, PANEL_TABLE_CHKBRD,ATTR_FIRST_VISIBLE_ROW, iNumOfRowNew);
    snapshot_02_ring_list.jpg ‏134 KB
    snapshot_03_edit_default_cell_values.jpg ‏159 KB
    snapshot_04_cells.jpg ‏16 KB

    You cannot inherit the ring values of a cell. This is why the Value List button is dimmed when you edit the default cell values of a column in the UI Editor.
    You can use the InsertTableCellRingItem function to programmatically create the value list of any new cells that you add to the table. Or the InsertTableCellRangeRingItem function, if you want to do the same thing for multiple cells at once.
    By the way, for items that can be inherited (i.e. cell attributes, as Wolfgang put it), inheritance does not happen from one cell to another. Depending on the table mode, inheritance happens from a column's default cell to new cells under that column, or from a row's default cell to new cells on that row, or from the table's default cell to all new cells.

  • How to create dependent Select Lists?

    Found in the documentation that to create dependent select list we have to do these 3 things:
    1. In the parent select list, choose the option "select list with submit".
    2. Defining a branch that branches back to the current page.
    3. In the child select list sql, use the value of the parent (eg. :P6_PARENT_SELECT_VALUE).
    When I change the value of parent select list the page is getting submitted and its going to the parent page. I've a branch that goes to the parent page but how to create a branch that comes back to the same page and then use it in parent select list?

    Hi Hozy,
    1. Make the branch conditional...
    2. Create a new branch while will run when you make a selection in parent select list.
    Also check this site to create dependent select list without sumbitting the page....

  • Select-options - select multiple values from personal value list

    Hi experts,
    In my application, I am using select-options. I select the values required from the search help into the personal value list . I want to copy these values from the personal value list into my ranges table. Do I have to copy them one row at a time. Is there any way to select the values directly into the ranges table of the select-options field?

    Boy, this is something we're struggling with too. So we'd like to hear others' ideas on this also.
    thank you,

  • How can we use C# to read dynamic parameter's value list from .rpt?

    I'm using Cystal Report 2008. We know starting from CR XI we can create dynamic parameters, the list of items of this kind of parameter are fetching from database. So in general the SQLs to get the list of values for dynamic parameters are stored in the .rpt.
    In Crystal Report Designer, if I preview a report with dynamic parameters, it will first query the database and then show the input dialog with list of values from database for user to choose. My question is can we implement the same thing by our C# code? I'm planning to use C# code to read this dynamic parameter's value list from .rpt and render them on the web page. Then pass back the user selected values to the .rpt to run the report after user make the choice. I didn't find any APIs can do this. Is it possible?
    Thanks in advance!!

    Can you explain a bit in detail, I have similar scenario. I am using the following code but not getting the Column name for dynamic parameter list.
    foreach (ParameterFieldDefinition prm
                              in reportDocument.DataDefinition.ParameterFields)
                        string vParameterFieldName;                   
                        *vParameterFieldName = prm.ParameterFieldName.ToString();*

  • Error at transport in select option   is not followed by itab or value list

    Hi All,
    I have an issue with the following inner join. when i check with code inspector it is not showing any errors but i get the following error while transport.
    "The In operator with SO_MATKL is followed neither by an Internal table nor by a value list".
    This error appears after the system is unicode enabled is that it have any unicode significance please advice on this.
    The following is the code snippet.
    SELECT amatnr amtart aextwg amatkl bwerks bdispo b~ekgrp
        INTO TABLE tb_mara
        FROM mara AS a
       INNER JOIN marc AS b ON amatnr = bmatnr
       WHERE a~matnr IN so_matnr
         AND a~mtart IN so_mtart
         AND a~extwg IN so_extwg
         AND a~matkl IN so_matkl
         AND b~werks IN so_werks
         AND b~dispo IN so_dispo
         AND b~ekgrp IN so_ekgrp.

    Hi Gopal
    Am on UNICODE Enabled system and i dont have problem with below code. Please check, if you have used similar to this???
    tables: mara, marc.
    select-options: so_matnr for mara-matnr,
                    so_mtart for mara-mtart,
                    so_extwg for mara-extwg,
                    so_matkl for mara-matkl,
                    so_werks for marc-werks,
                    so_dispo for marc-dispo,
                    so_ekgrp for marc-ekgrp.
    types: begin of t_mara,
             matnr type matnr,
             mtart type mtart,
             extwg type extwg,
             matkl type matkl,
             werks type werks_d,
             dispo type dispo,
             ekgrp type ekgrp,
           end of t_mara.
    data: tb_mara type table of t_mara.
    SELECT a~matnr a~mtart a~extwg a~matkl b~werks b~dispo b~ekgrp
           INTO TABLE tb_mara
           FROM mara AS a
           INNER JOIN marc AS b ON a~matnr = b~matnr
           WHERE a~matnr IN so_matnr
           AND   a~mtart IN so_mtart
           AND   a~extwg IN so_extwg
           AND   a~matkl IN so_matkl
           AND   b~werks IN so_werks
           AND   b~dispo IN so_dispo
           AND   b~ekgrp IN so_ekgrp.
    Kind Regards

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