Deploying Midlets on to a Cellphone

I have developed Midlet that works perfectly on the simulator provided with the J2ME Kit. Now I want to deploy the midlet from my PC to a cell phone. How can that be achived ?

Some mobile phones come with a serial cable that allows you to transfer midlets from PC to phone. Other than that, the next is via OTA -- put it in a WAP site and download it to a phone.

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    I tried to deploy the application only from a Window PC. I send the jar only throug "Send File" and the phone receives it as a message. Then I click on the message and I can install the jar. I tried only with Nokia 6600
    Hope this can help

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    Edited by: 862423 on 30-mag-2011 8.43
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    Search for deploying midlets on Samsung's phones. It's a hard task and here might be the problem. Try also another device of different producer to verify if it works correctly.

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    Download and use EasyWMA. EasyWMA will not handle protected WMA files; no Mac application can.

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    Got the exact same problem aswell, finally fed up with it now as i just started up firefox and 14 new windows opened because of this bug, luckily my computer can handle them but someone with a slower processor it would have been a nightmare, needs fixing ASAP.
    Reverting back to 3.6.3 until this issue is solved. (link for anyone wanting to do the same below)

  • MIDlet deployment

    I've installed the JDev J2ME extension as specified here
    and the Sun toolkit.
    The help walkthroughs are very good, but I've run into a couple of problems.
    The first is minor:
    I installed the Sun toolkit in c:\Java\jdk1.4\wtk2.0 but the JDev Sun scripts jam.bat, prefs.bat and utils.bat (in assume its located in D:\WTK104
    I've put the contents of in "~JDEV_HOME\j2me" by the way.
    The second is a show-stopper. I've created a MIDlet using the wizard and compiled it successfully. I've created a deployment profile for when running a deployment, the log records:
    Fatal Error: Unable to locate package java.lang in classpath or bootclasspath
    Making jar file
    The system cannot find the path specified.
    .\* : no such file or directory
    Making jad file
    **Warning: Using RELATIVE flavor for MIDlet-Jar-URL
    I'm not sure which script is being run by the deployment but maybe it also has a D:\WTK104 dependency?
    However, I can't find any other references to wtk104
    Maybe there's a problem with using the 2.0 toolkit instead of 104?

    I've got the same problem. How did you fix it?

  • Deploy and install MIDlet

    To clarify – I’m looking into the steps needed in order to install a java application I have created onto a mobile device and then run it as I would any other application on the device. (The mobile device is J2ME enabled).
    I’ve read through many of the threads on this subject and have to say that I’m not entirely clear on this. I’ve also read through the article ‘Deploying Wireless Java Applications’ by Qusay H. Mahmoud and it clarified things a little.
    The article explains how to install (using a Java Application Loader) an application, that has been previously downloaded and stored to your desktop, onto the mobile device. The article also mentions the OTA (Over The Air) method of installing applications without needing to connect to a desktop, this method uses the Java Application Manager.
    So, both methods need an ‘interface’ to facilitate downloading and installation – either JAL or JAM.
    Both need to read the jad file before the jar can be installed.
    The article was written in 2002 and I’m wondering if the increase in memory capacity in many mobile devices has left it a little out of date.
    I have a question that I would appreciate any responses to:
    I’m wondering if current mobile devices needs only to download the jar and jad files for an application to be ‘good to go’ i.e. by running a web browser on the mobile device and simply downloading both files in the same manner as you would any other file? The device itself would simply read the jad and install the application automatically.
    If my understanding is incorrect please feel free to correct it.
    Thanks in advance

    MIDP devices install MIDlets in accordance with specification. If you're interested, google *"MIDP Over The Air Provisioning specification*" for more details

  • (Self-)signing a MIDlet for use on ~10 phones without spending money

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    I just spend like 4 hours researching how to sign MIDlet and I am totally confused.
    Instead of asking for general instructions I am going to explain what I want to do. Hopefully that will enable people to tell me whether or not this is possible and what steps I should take.
    What I want to do:
    * I have a MIDlet (JAR+JAD pair), written for J2ME CLDC 1.1/MIDP 2.0
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    * Because this is an entirely non-commercial thing the whole process should not cost me any money
    So far I've been testing this application on a single Nokia N95-2 (8GB). Because the MIDlet is unsigned (or at least I believe that is why) it throws lots of runtime warnings (concerning file access and location access, eg: "Allow application X to read user data?" YES/NO). So this is exactly what I need to avoid when deploying this program on the ~10 other phones.
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    So is this possible? And if so, what are the steps I should take. Please give me as much info as possible. I've been googling for hours and I ave yet to find a decent explanation for a scenario like this.
    Thanks in advance!

    It is my understanding (from posts on other forums) that the procedure explained on that webpage ( [|] ) only works/worked on Nokia S60 2nd edition devices, due to a bug (or feature?) in Nokia's MIDP implementation. In the 3rd edition of the S60 platform this bug was fixed so the procedure no longer works.
    As for my own project, we bit the bullet and got ourselves a Verisign certificate after all (for a whooping $500). So the problem is solved, although it wasn't exactly cheap.
    Thanks for your helpful comments.

  • Midlet working in wireless tool kit but not in real mobile

    I have created a midlet having a login form which will ask for username and password. once enter the details and click on submit button it will invoke servlet in our server. servlet connects to ms-access database and checks for autthentication and send valid or invalid message to the midlet. if it is valid then menu will be displayed otherwise display message login incorrect. it is working properly in the j2me wireless toolkit(emulator). but when the application is deployed in the mobile it is always getting in valid message and displaying login incorrect form.
    i am using apache as a webserver and it is connected to the tomcat using mod_jk to run servlets/jsps.
    thanks and regards


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    Thankx in advance

    You can't jar and deploy it. You'll need to fill the RMS from some file in your jar the first time you start your midlet.

  • Midlet working in wireless tool kit but not real mobile

    I have created a midlet having a login form which will ask for username and password. once enter the details and click on submit button it will invoke servlet in our server. servlet connects to ms-access database and checks for autthentication and send valid or invalid message to the midlet. if it is valid then menu will be displayed otherwise display message login incorrect. it is working properly in the j2me wireless toolkit(emulator). but when the application is deployed in the mobile it is always getting in valid message and displaying login incorrect form.
    i am using apache as a webserver and it is connected to the tomcat using mod_jk to run servlets/jsps.
    thanks and regards

    Does the data that you send from your application reach the server?

  • Transfer data from linux pc to cellphone & give access to j2me program

    i am doing a project wherein i need to transfer some data from a linux based pc to sony ericsson p800 cellphone connected to the pc. now the problem is the pc suite of p800 works only on windows. so right now i recompiling the kernel to incorporate irda / bluetooth support and then transfer data using bluetooth. now my question is will the data transferred via bluetooth get stored in the rms and will it be accessible to j2me aplications? actually initially we were planning to use socket programming (personal java) to transfer data between pc and cellphone . can j2me programs access files on the cellphone? again somebody told me
    RMS is created for every JAR and SIS the cell allots a particular area for each jar application which another application cannot access, so personal java programs are converted into SIS using personal java is not of any help coz if the data is transferred, it wont be accessible to j2me application i.e. all midlets that wanna access a RMS should be packaged into the same JAR file
    also does anyone know an easier method of transferring data from the linux pc to the cell rather than recompiling the kernel? again most importantly the data transferred should be accessible to j2me applications.

    Iphone requires itunes.
    As far as I know itunes does not run on Linux Ubuntu.

  • J2ME toolkit (midlet suit debugging problem)

    I installed the SUN's J2ME wireless toolkit and made all the necessary configurations. I can run my midlet suit using any emulator. I can deploy my project into a jad file.
    However, I cannot debug my project.
    When I try to debug using any emulator I get:
    "KVM not ready" message and I'm stuck.
    Did anybody experience this issue before?

    It probably comes from the sequence you use to start debugger and debuggee. A MIDlet Suite will necessary be remote debugged. Please see the viewlets at, scroll at the bottom of the page, and click "Dbug the MIDlet Suite".
    Please feel free to ping me directly at [email protected] if you need more info.

  • Transfer midlet from local computer -Irda

    Is it possible to install midlet from my local computer to cellphone through the IrDA port?
    I think about cellphone Sagem myx5-2. It has only Irda port.

    You can sync music and other content to an iPad via your computer's iTunes (a free download from here) - you don't have to purchase anything in order to use the program. You can buy music from Apple, from other sites and/or copy your own CDs via iTunes, and then sync them to the iPad via iTunes.
    Syncing music :
    I don't know what country that you are in, but there is a Kindle app available for the iPad in a number of countries (the app is free) which can be linked to your Amazon account so you can download your kindle ebooks into it. There are also Nook and Kobo ereader apps.
    There are also a number of PDF reader apps for the iPad, some of them free like Apple's iBooks and Adobe Reader, and some which are paid-for which are more powerful e.g. GoodReader.
    Films can be purchased from Apple, or there are other sites such as Netflix with their own apps. The iPad natively supports a number of video formats (they are listed on this page).
    There is a manual for the iPad here which has some info on it's built-in apps (plus iBooks which is a free download) :

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