Deployment of TestStand 3.5 sequences using LabVIEW 8.0 vi's

I have LabVIEW 8.0 and TestStand 3.5. I currently haev this installed on the PC running the test sequences for our automated test programs. I've read the manuals and it appears that I can create a deployment to run the test sequences on another PC. Do I need an additional license for this? Is it the TS deployment license, or do I need a LV deployment license also?
I attempt to create a deployment package on the PC with the development license. I checked the box that indicated to thave the TestStand runtime system included, which (I believe) included the LabVIEW 8.0 runtime. However, when I installed this on a target machine, the sequences and vi's don't seem to have any executable associated with them. Is this because I haven't activated a deployment license on this machine? I had thought that there was a 7 day demo license in effect automatically.
Thanks, Blair

For some reason when I go to deploy a TestStand system I don't have the option of selecting an operator interface.
I have attached the options shown to this message.
Do I have the wrong license for TestStand? I'm stumped. My license indicates that I have a development system.
TS Engine Options.rtf ‏4542 KB

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    There are 10 types of people in the world that understand binary, those that do and those that don't.

    Managed to solve this one myself by setting the CustomActionExpr to 'True' and the CustomTrueActionTargetByExpr to the name of the step I wanted to jump to.
    Message Edited by SercoSteve on 01-24-2006 02:13 AM
    There are 10 types of people in the world that understand binary, those that do and those that don't.

  • TestStand Deployment Error Code 1055 when using LabVIEW Storage VIs

    After a couple of days of playing with the TestStand Deployment. I final tracked down the VI that was causing this Error.
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    My work around at the moment is to use a Wrapper VI and call this VI by reference.
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    Simon Holman
    Software Engineer
    Certified LabVIEW Developer
    Certified TestStand Developer
    measX GmbH & Co. KG.
    Go to Solution.

    Hi Simon,
    I tested your sequence file in TestStand 4.2 and I didn't get any error! Which version of TestStand do you have? Can you post a screenshot of the complete internal error pop up?
    Usually internal errors can be eliminated with the Clean Reinstall Procedure.doc, where you will remove all NI software and all references to NI software from your computer to start over with a fresh installation!
    I hope these informations help you!
    Best regards
    Certified LabVIEW Developer (CLD)
    Clean Reinstall Procedure.doc ‏32 KB

  • Using LabVIEW Packed Library within TestStand Deployment Tool

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    Any experience using Packed Library within TestStand Deployment Tool ?
    Jean-Louis SCHRICKE
    ├ CTA - Certified TestStand Architect (2008 & 2010 & 2014)
    ├ CTD - Certified TestStand Developer (2004 & 2007)
    └ CLD - Certified LabVIEW Developer (2003 & 2005)

    Sorry for the confusion,
    My question concerns the developement of Custom Step Types.
    For example, within a project or as an independant product.
    The best practices is to avoid using main module when developing CST in order to preserve evolutivity (main module calling paramters are copied within CST instances and could need prototype updating). I prefer using PostStep (as NI does for its own CST).
    Thus, when creating the CST palette, I have to configure the EditStep and the PostStep and define each VI call.
    If I want to distribute these VIs through a .lvlibp, then I need to build a .lvlibp very early and use it within my CST palette.
    This .lvlibp will be used on deployed benches and may not contain VI diagrams and debug options (best performance).
    But during the development of my CSTs, if I need to debug the VIs called when using CST whitin a sequence, and if I don't want to change the called VIs defined in my CST palette, then I need to regenerate this .lvlibp with debug option (different from the deployment .lvlibp) in order to allow debug.
    May be it could be interesting that the TestStand deployment tool take into account SubSteps when selecting the Packed Library option. This tool is able to modify sequences, it could be able to change also palette configuration file.
    This will allow to have only two levels :
     > Source and Debug (VIs)
     > Deployment (.lvlibp)
    instead of three :
     > Source (VIs)
     > Debug (.lvlibp with debug option)
     > Deployment (.lvlibp)
    Jean-Louis SCHRICKE
    ├ CTA - Certified TestStand Architect (2008 & 2010 & 2014)
    ├ CTD - Certified TestStand Developer (2004 & 2007)
    └ CLD - Certified LabVIEW Developer (2003 & 2005)

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    1. Deployment package is built and deployed on PC
    2. PC has activated TestStand Deployment License
    3. LabVIEW 2009 RTE was selected as the adapter for the sequence and thus I believe the deployed testexec.ini contains this.
    I  am experiencing the following error: "see attachment".
    Is the LabVIEW RTE the right selection?
    Is there something I may have missed in building the deployment?
    Do I need to register the ActiveX server.
    THere seems to be conflicing solutions based on Version of TestStand and LabVIEW!!
    TS_LV ActiveX Error.doc ‏77 KB

    Howdy mobiux,
    Please consider KnowledgeBase 4V58058Z: -18001 Errors in TestStand. If you're using Vista or Windows 7, then this may apply as well. You might also consider ensuring you have the proper LV version active in the TS Adapter Options.
    Warm regards,

  • [HELP] Teststand error when using labView runtime engine...

    I have an extensive TestStand 3.5 project which I am working on.  This project uses a large number of LabVIEW 2012 VI’s.  (Note: The version of TestStand cannot be changed).  When TestStand 3.5 LabVIEW Adaptor is configured to “Development System (Active Version: 12.0)” all the sequence run and perform as expected.
    When I change the TestStand 3.5 LabVIEW Adaptor is configured to “LabVIEW Run-Time Engine 12.0” then I get an -18002 error in the first VI called by the sequence and nothing runs.  Now this sequence contains a standard library VI in it “Check if File or Folder”.
    From research I realised that I needed to deploy the software properly.  So created a LabVIEW project with all the sequences and VI’s in it and a “Source Distribution”.  I also unchecked “Exclude files from vi.lib”, “Exclude files from instr.lib”, and, “Exclude files from user.lib”.  After building the project I get a “data” folder full of VI’s and control files (273 of them).
    Next I created an “Installer” and added build to the correct place.  I can see the “data” folder in the source files section.
    When I install this distribution kit on a PC, which happens to have full LabVIEW 2012 development on it, all the files install but the “data” folder is missed out!!!
    If I then attempt to run the installed top level sequence I get the same -18002 broken VI error as before.  If I manually copy the “data” folder into the same place as it was built it makes no difference.
    Anyone got any suggestions?
    Christopher Povey
    Senior Test Systems Engineer for BAE Systems.

    Bit of additional information:
    I created a blank LabVIEW 2012 project. To this I added one VI which included a call to "Check if File or Folder". Then added one TestStand 3.5 Sequence which contained a call to the VI above.
    I then added a build to the project and built the project. This resulted in a folder with the sequence file, my VI and a Data folder containing the "Check if File or Folder". When I tried to run the TestStand sequence with LabVIEW Run-Time Engine selected it failed as before.
    Next I added another LabVIEW step to my sequence calling "Check if File or Folder" from the "Data" folder. It then worked!
    I then modified my VI and added the MD5 checker VI (forget the exact name). It added some files to the dependences in the LabVIEW project. I rebuilt it and ran it again and again it worked. I did not need to add the additional VI's in the "Data" folder to the sequence file.
    If I remove the LabVIEW step to my sequence calling "Check if File or Folder" though it breaks again.
    This is not ideal though as it is a bit chicken and egg. In order for the project to work I need to add one of the VI's from the generated "Data" folder into a sequence in the project, but I can't do that until I build the project to create the "Data" folder!
    Christopher Povey
    Senior Test Systems Engineer for BAE Systems.

  • How do i read the Shift register value of a vi which is written in the teststand sequence from labview exe

    Dear All..
    My Qusetion is ... I have a VI in which I can writ the data to shift register and I can read( Differenent cases). I am Running the VI in write mode to write SAY '100' in the shiftreg( VI will be In teststand Sequence) . And I am reading the VI in read mode using Labview. I am getting the data in labview.
    When i conver my Reading Vi which is having that Read/Write vi in to EXE even then the test stand is writing the data to VI is Unable to reflect in labview.
    Please Help me out with some solution.

    I'm confused by your question:
    Are you trying to transfer data from an Exe to TestStand and vice versa?
    Or are you changing existing, working VIs into EXEs and then wondering why they won't behave the same?
    Can you clarify some what your goal is?
    There may be a better way to do what you want.
    CTA, CLA
    ~Will work for kudos and/or BBQ~

  • Create Teststand 3.5 SequenceCall Step use Labview 8.2

    Dear ALL:
             I want use Labview 8.2 to create a sequence Call Step,and I know I must get the SequenceCall Module first.In Teststand 3.5 I can use NI Teststand Adapter API 3.5(Ver 1.0) to get the SequenceCall Module,But In Labview 8.2 I can not access to  NI Teststand Adapter API 3.5(Ver 1.0),Because when I Select NI Teststand Adapter API 3.5(Ver 1.0) in "select object from Type Library"(See 1.bmp),It the same as the NI Teststand API 3.5(Ver 1.0),and I can not find SequenceCall Module.
             I think this is the compatible probelm with labview 8.2 and teststand 3.5. When I use Labview 7.1, I can normally select NI Teststand Adapter API 3.5(Ver 1.0).
    11.jpg ‏34 KB

    You didn't say if you were using LabVIEW 8.2 or 8.2.1, so I'm not sure if this truely reproduces your behavior.
    However, I just ran LabVIEW 8.2.1 and selected the adapter API, and I was able to see all of the items.
    There are a few things I'd like you to try:
    1) Run the TestStand Version Selector and make version 3.5 active.  Even if it is already the active version, this will re-register all of the TestStand components to make sure they are properly working
    2) Restart LabVIEW (if you haven't already)
    Josh W.
    Certified TestStand Architect
    Formerly blue
    adapter.gif ‏18 KB

  • What are the advantages of using LabVIEW projects in TestStand, as apposed to just a path to a vi

    What are the advantages of using LabVIEW projects in TestStand, as apposed to just a path to a vi ?
    I am modifying an existing workspace for a new product, and it seems like more work to add the vi's into a LabVIEW project
    does it gain anything in the long run

    Hi Rusty,
    I wanted to quickly clarify on the integration between TestStand and LabVIEW Projects.
    As Jeff mentioned, some of the big benefits of using LabVIEW Projects is to organize code and to namespace them.
    For instance if you had a project called "Power Supply" that housed all your power supply code and had a VI in that called "Initialize", and another project called "Temperature Chamber" that also had a VI called "Initialize", both these VIs are namespaced by the project, so there is no longer confusion about which "Initialize" VI is being used.
    Now from a TestStand point of view, in prior version of TestStand, we lost some of this benefit because TestStand did not know about TestStand projects and called VIs simply as un-namespaced VIs. However, in TestStand 2010 (released last year, free eval available at, we added the ability to (optionally) call VIs within the context of their projects. This means that:
    VIs are now namespaced by their project, even when called from TestStand
    VIs can use project specific constructs like NI-DAQmx tasks and conditional compilation settings
    Note: When creating deployments, the VIs maintain their projects and namespacing, so this benefit holds true for deployments as well.
    Additionally, someone had mentioned looking into using lvlibs to namespace your VIs for deployment. Two comments:
    With TestStand 2010, this is no longer neccessary since the project itself namespaces the VIs
    You might also want to look into LabVIEW Packed Project Libraries, which combined several VIs into a single file. Think of it as a DLL specific to LabVIEW that is as easy to call as normal LabVIEW VIs. TestStand 2010 can call VIs that are exposed by PPLs. In addition, the deployment utility can automatically pack your VIs into PPLs for deployment.
    Hope this is helpful!
    Jervin Justin
    NI TestStand Product Manager

  • Why I get an error when running a sequence using the LabVIEW operator interface ?

    I have a simple TestStand sequence calling LabVIEW vis that is giving me an error when I run it with the .exe version of the LabVIEW operator interface and I set TestStand to run the vis using the 8.2.1 runtime engine instead of the development adapter. I made a change in the operator interface to open a vi programatically and get the value of a control, this vi is also used in the TestStand sequence I am trying to run. Could this be causing my problem ?

    Hello Verdulken,
    I have a few additional questions:
    Does your application function correctly when running the LabVIEW operator interface you have created as a VI in the LabVIEW development environment (i.e. does this problem only occur when the LabVIEW operator interface is run as an executable)?
    What is the error that you are receiving?
    Regarding the VI that you open programmatically, do you open it in a visible manner (i.e. use the Show front panel when called option from VI Properties)?If so, do you also close this VI after it finishes (i.e. use the Close if originally closed option from VI Properties)?
    Does the error occur on the step that calls this very same VI again later in the sequence?
    Does your application function correctly if you use the development adapter for all of your calls?
    Thank you in advance for this information,
    Matt G.
    National Instruments
    Applications Engineering

  • Using labview global in test stand sequence steps

    If I have to pass data between different steps ( only labview vis) within same Main sequence, is it right using LabVIEW globals, rather than TestStand globals?
    in one step, I will be writing data to the Global.
    In a later step, I will be reading the global to access that data.
    Example sequence:
    I am more comfortable with using Labview globals than Teststand variables. Labview is the only adapter in my sequence. 

    If it is just within one sequence, then I would use the TestStand variables.  The reason is because you are limiting your possible reuse of those VIs by using the global.  If you pass in the value, you have a better chance of being able to reuse the VI.
    There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
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  • How can I view/debug via probes with TestStand using Labview Vi's?

    Hello, I would like to debug a Test Stand Sequence that uses Labview Vi's. Anybody know how?

    You cant use the vi probes in TestStand. But you can set breakpoints in TestStand and then step in the labview VI's.
    TestStand 3.x has improved debugging capabilities over TS2.0.1.
    You can also set you break points in your Labview VI's and when your test code is executed the VI will stop when your break point is reached. Then you can use your probes as you would normally do in your labview.
    In TestSTand you also have the ability to set up watches on your teststand variables and to beable to modifiy these as well.
    I think the TestStand User Manual will help explain in more detail.
    Hope this helps
    Ray Farmer
    Ray Farmer

  • Execution of TestStand-Sequence in LabVIEW via TS-API: Different Execution times for same sequence

    Hello Forum-Members,
    I have a problem concerning the execution of an TestStand-Sequence in LabVIEW. I have created a VI that offers the ability to choose a TestStand-Sequence-File and then executes the sequence using the TestStand-API. The implementation is based on an example in C++-Application found following this link:
    The implementation works quite solid in case the VI is executed the first time. The VI processes the chosen sequence in a acceptable duration.
    But in case the execution is started a second time, the execution of the sequence takes ca. 30sec more than in the first case.
    Until now I have not found a solution and hope someones got a hint concerning this problem...
    I am using LabVIEW 2013 and TestStand 2013.
    I have attached my own VI, a sample sequence with a small sample VI, so you can reproduce the problem.
    Kind regards,
    Go to Solution.
    Attachments: ‏25 KB ‏8 KB
    Test-Sequenz.seq ‏5 KB

    Hi Norbert,
    first thanks for your answer.
    What would be a reasonable way to replace the "Execution.WaitForEndEx"? My first idea is to get the respective thread of the execution and use the "Thread.WaitForEnd".
    To clarify my problem:
    The execution of the sequence itself takes longer time and so the execution of the calling VI. I have attached pictures of the log file of the first and second execution.
    Further I don't get any dialog popups during the shutdown of TestStand. (I have activated the "ReportObjectLeaks" using the "DebugOptions") While developing the attached VI I've gotten several popups. But these popups disappeared after closing all references.
    Maybe you have another hint how to locate the problem.
    FirstExecution_20-08-2014.png ‏16 KB
    SecondExecution_20-08-2014.png ‏16 KB

  • I would like to build I data base in teststand which collect data from labview , if you have example (sequence) that give me some way to build sequence

    I would like to build a data base in teststand which collect data from labview program , if you have example (sequence) that give me some way to build sequence that have step of action for labview and step
    data base

    There is an example in the \TestStand\Examples\Database directory. Basically there are two ways to connect to your database.
    1. You can use the TestStand database step types. There are steps for opening/closing a database connection, opening/closing an SQL statement, and a step for performing a data operation.
    2. The other way is to use the TestStand database logging capability to write your results to the database. This is the way I would recommend. With database logging, you use the step results container to record all your results as the sequence runs. (This is done automatically by TestStand). When the sequence is complete, the process model calls a "Log to Database" sequence that will write the results to the database. You must define your datab
    ase schema using Configure->Database Options. There are some default (or example) schema definitions already defined. Refer to chapter 18 of your TestStand manual.
    Another way to log the data as the sequence is running is shown in the \TestStand\Examples\OnTheFlyReports. This has the advantage of recording data as it is obtained, but it is not as efficient in terms of using a database connection. I don't recommend using this method.
    Please post again if you have any more questions. If you are using stored procedures with your database, I can probably give you some tips.

  • How to read and write data from Excel to TestStand without using LabVIEW VIs

    How can I read in columns of data from Excel into a TestStand array and write columns of data to Excel from TestStand without using LabVIEW VIs?
    I don't think the Property Loader custom step type in TestStand will work because the data I would like to read in from Excel is in a column that is thousands of rows long and the data has to be in the proper format to use the Property Loader to load in an array from Excel.
    Thanks for your help.

    That example does not use LabVIEW and it does about 40% of what you need to do by calling Excel through ActiveX. If you don't know how to use Excel through ActiveX then you'll need to brush up on that.

Maybe you are looking for