Description not showing

I have been adding tv shows that I own on dvd already to my iTunes. Ripping with Handbrake and using a couple of scripts from Dougs Apple script to put episode info.
Adding Descriptions that I am getting from a site. Some are NOT showing on the Apple tv when the episode is selected. Don't understand what the issue is as I am doing the same thing for each one. Just did one season of Everybody Loves Raymond (FYI.. I OWN everything I rip.) Put it all in.. Descriptions are there in iTunes and on Apple tv. Next day.. another season... Same exact procedure. Descriptions are there in iTunes, but not on Apple tv.
Any thoughts???

Welcome to the  Discussion Forums.
After changing the comments field are you forcing a re-sync.
You could try repopulating itunes with the modified content. Select the movie in itunes, file/show in finder, (note location), delete the listing in itunes (not in the finder), if prompted do not delete the original, drag the original from the finder back to the itunes window, sync.

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    Daniel Waddon wrote:
    HI WolfShade
    thanks for the comment and no its not I allready have that in the site root
    User-agent: *
    Disallow: /cgi-bin/
    That's the robots.txt file telling search engine spiders "you can spider everything here EXCEPT the /cgi-bin folder".  It has nothing to do with site description.
    This is what I've used to make certain portions of a site appear under Google searches.

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    Then it must be a SAP-Program error. Look for OSS notes for this problem, shall let you know the number If I find.

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    The descriptions you see on your iOS device cannot be edited from iTunes. You need a metadata editor in order to edit those.
    I personaly use Metax (

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    Showing names of Site Columns on a Page Layout
    Thanks. That allows me to do this:
    <SharePointWebControls:FieldProperty FieldName="ContentOwnerRemark" PropertyName="Description" runat="server" />
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    Did you manually copy the data file and cofile from some place else into /usr/sap/trans?
    In that case, this happens a lot of times, not to worry about it. Your request is imported correctly if the logs say RC=0.
    If you are using ftp to copy data files and cofiles from some other system, set the ftp transfer mode to 'bin'
    Edited by: Gautam Poddar on Mar 18, 2009 7:42 AM

  • Podcast description not showing

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    Many thanks,

    The feed registered with iTunes is at
    iTunes is not using a Feedburner-generated feed so any amendments in Feedburner are having no effect.
    Your feed does not contain the 'iTunes declaration' at the top, nor any of the required tags for this information to show - 'itunes:author', 'itunes:subtitle' and so on. This I imagine is something you would need to address in Wordpress, but I can't advise on that.
    Any ht_access modifications are not likely to have an effect (though possibly a 301 redirect may). If you want to move iTunes to the Feedburner feed the correct method is to add a special tag to the feed, following the instructions here:
    However this will have no effect if you don't have the itunes declaration at the top, which should look like this:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <rss xmlns:itunes="" version="2.0">
    This is necessary for iTunes to be able to read the 'itunes:...' tags.
    This page may help you in showing how a feed should look:

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    In solar01
    goto sap menu... environment ->Update component System texts
    this wil solv ur prob

  • Podcast descriptions not showing up on iPhone

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    tell application "iTunes"
        repeat with podTrack in tracks of user playlist "Podcasts"
            if ((get lyrics of podTrack) = "") then
                set lyrics of podTrack to (get description of podTrack)
            end if
        end repeat
    end tell

    Hmm. Well, yes, now I see the scripts icon at the top of my iTunes screen (I had named the folder Script; once I added the "s" to the end, the Scripts icon showed up). But for some reason the script is not working. Not only is the description not pasting into the lyrics field, but the description no longer shows up on the iTunes listing. I can see the description when I control-click on the file and look at "Show description", but not in the iTunes listing on my Mac or in the lyrics field on the Mac or the iPhone. I just added some new podcast episodes, and before even running the script, they came over to iTunes without the description showing up. Selecting them and running the script has no effect. Any idea what has happened?
    (And I do appreciate you taking the time to help me on this.)

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    I too seek a fix for this iPhoto 2011 bug, but unfortunately it is now July 2011 and no fix appears to be forthcoming, despite of all the info on it in Apple's won forums.  Therefore, the best I can suggest is that all reading this do as I did -- file a bug report with Apple at the following URL:
    You just need an Apple ID and 5 minutes of your time.  Be sure to generate an Apple System Profile report and upload that along side your bug report, otherwise Apple will just bother you about submitting it 3 days later.
    And yes, it is important that you too file a report even though I have, since Apple seems to give priority to bugs based on how many people file the same report.  You unfortunately cannot reference an existing bug report.  You have to file a new report.  But Apple keeps track of them and gives them priority accordingly.
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  • Podcast episode description not showing up in iTunes

    I've got just an audio version of my podcast and as I wanted a bit more flexibility and statistics I started using Feedburner for the audio version. The only bad thing that I've found is that the individual episode description is just the description of the podcast itself. Have you got any suggestions what am I doing wrong or how to fix it?
    iTunes Store link to the podcast -
    Original Podcast RSS -
    And the Feedburner RSS that goes to iTunes -
    BTW! I know that the last episode (no. 40) does not have a description in the Feedburner feed but does have a description in the original podcast RSS. That does not make a difference as I wanted to see what happens when theres no description at all. I latter updated the original feed to have the description but either the changes have not taken effect in Feedburner or they just wont update it.

    You've fallen over a bug in the Store. According to Apple's Podcast Tech Specs page the 'Description' column in the Store page shows the contents of the 'itunes:subtitle' tag - the text you want is correctly shown in this tag and in the 'description' tag (which iTunes doesn't read but other readers do).
    However, despite what they say, the 'Description' column actually shows the contents of the 'itunes:summary' tag (also seen by clicking on the 'i' button) which in your case is the same for every episode. So to get this to work you will need to amend this tag.
    On subscribing the 'Decscription' column correctly shows the 'itunes:subtitle' tag. However you should look at this; you have used character codes for your accented characters and iTunes will not render these - it's showing the actual codes which looks messy. I don't know how you can work round this to get it to show the correct characters. If they are available on by the use of modifier keys you might be able to just type them in, and then it might show them - or it might not: it depends on whether the characters are covered by UTF-8. You've managed to achieve this with your title - Õunasaade.

  • Podcast Description not showing up in iTunes/Feedburner

    Hi all,
    After my podcast got approved all the information entered in Feedburner was getting
    read in my Podcast in iTunes. After 2 months or so I started noticing that the Podcast Description got
    removed, then the copyright info and finally the author information.
    Here is a picture where I try to show where iTunes is not grabbing some of my feedburner information.
    Its looks like some of the Feedburner information is going through, as you
    can see in the picture, is grabbing my Podcast Picture, Category, new episodes, etc.
    iTunes Podcast Link:…..d419121389
    Note: This is a category I setup through Wordpress and re-directing the feed to my
    feedburner account (.htaccess file)
    Would love to know, what is causing this and if I have to do something in order for this
    to get fixed.
    Thanks in advance.
    Pedro Sanchez, Jr.

    The feed registered with iTunes is at
    iTunes is not using a Feedburner-generated feed so any amendments in Feedburner are having no effect.
    Your feed does not contain the 'iTunes declaration' at the top, nor any of the required tags for this information to show - 'itunes:author', 'itunes:subtitle' and so on. This I imagine is something you would need to address in Wordpress, but I can't advise on that.
    Any ht_access modifications are not likely to have an effect (though possibly a 301 redirect may). If you want to move iTunes to the Feedburner feed the correct method is to add a special tag to the feed, following the instructions here:
    However this will have no effect if you don't have the itunes declaration at the top, which should look like this:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <rss xmlns:itunes="" version="2.0">
    This is necessary for iTunes to be able to read the 'itunes:...' tags.
    This page may help you in showing how a feed should look:

  • Key figure description not show in BEx and WAD sometimes

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    Country |    Hierarchy   |        Banking      |         ATM       |      ....    
    Germany |   Key figure 1 |           1.000     |         500       |      ....
            |   Key figure 2 |                27   |           9       |      ....
            |   Key figure 3 |                27   |           9       |      ....
            |   Key figure 4 |                27   |           9       |      ....
    Example (wrong)
    Country |    Hierarchy   |        Banking      |         ATM       |      ....    
    Germany |                |           1.000     |         500       |      ....
            |                |                27   |           9       |      ....
            |                |                27   |           9       |      ....
            |                |                27   |           9       |      ....
    We can solve the problem if so we deleted the query from the cache but that is not really a good solution.
    Any suggestions?
    Regards, Thomas

    Hi Thomas,
    I have a similar problem in WAD. After applying Patch 19, the Key Figures descriptions do not display in certain reports.
    From Query Designer, everything is OK.
    Could you fix the issue?
    Jean-Luc T.

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    any idea?

    Hi Zhongmingzhao,
    As per my understanding, you had created site with description and when you search with created site description, you are not getting search results.
    Had you tried searching any documents in the site.
    Is there crawled propertied mapped.
    I recommend try searching with site name or any documents inside the site, hope that could help you.

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