DesFoco total da camera com algo perto da lente

A  camera desfoca assim que coloca um dedo por exemplo para ver a impressao digital no acaso.

If you are having difficulty focusing the camera, the user troubleshooting steps are to do a restart, which is turning the device off, then back on. If that does not correct it, then double tap the home button to bring up the multi-tasking list. After that, locate the camera and swipe upwards on the thumbnail of the camera to close it. Then tap the home button to bring back the home page. From there the next step is to perform a reset. Hold the sleep/wake and home buttons together until you see the Apple logo and then release. The phone will restart. This will not affect any of your data. After that, test and see if it works. If it does not, then perform a restore from a backup. Connect your phone to the computer and iTunes, backup and sync the phone. After that select Restore Backup in iTunes. After that, test. If not working, the final user step is to restore as new. This will erase all data on the device and just restore the OS. After connecting to iTunes again, select the Restore button in iTunes. If it does not work after that, then make an appointment at the Apple Store or Authorized Apple Service Provider, depending on your location.

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    When i went to use my Panoramic camera on my 4s after a long time of not using it, it didnt work, the camera comes on and the arrow is there but when i move the phone it doesnt register that I am moving.Tried shutting phone off and that didnt work either. Thank you in advance for your help!

    Well, if you'd like to try the next step before your big trip, I suggest trying a restore.  Use iTunes on your computer to sync and then restore your iPhone (using the "Restore" button on the right of the summary page in iTunes).

  • Why did my isight camera come on by itself

    My isight camera came on by itself. I admit that skype was running, but I was not talking to anyone.
    The next day the isight cameara came on for less than a second and went off.
    Why would this happen?

    ArisB wrote: ... Why would this happen?
    Because either:
    (1) you (or someone else) have added software that turns the camera on and off automatically, or
    (2) something is wrong with your Mac's hardware or software.
    If you did not do the first and have given others access to your Mac, you can eliminate (1).
    Here is how I would work the second possibility:  Uninstall (follow Skype's uninstall instructions) Skype.  Then restart Mac, use Disk Utility to repair permissions, and then test your camera again. Follow the suggestions inApple's article.
    If the camera works correctly now, reinstall the latest Skype that is compatible with your Mac.  If the problem returns when you install Skype and goes away whenever you uninstall it, Skype must be causing a conflict that results in your camera's unexpected behavior.  Search or post in Skype's dedicated support pages for help for this Skype-specific problem.
    If the problem continues even when Skype is properly uninstalled, post back with as much info as you can provide on the latest behavior.   Confirm that you have used the proper SMC/PMU reset from the Troubleshooting article, and tell us which (if any) apps and user accounts work properly and which do not.  We will offer more specific suggestions based on the details in your reply.
    Message was edited by: EZ Jim
    Mac OSX 10.7.3

  • On Change Total Amount Should come into Total

    Hi Friend,
    i am using Apex 3.2.
    i have created an TAbular Form. there are four column Rate ,Qty and Total (INR) and Total ($) .
    Total(INR) = Rate * Qty
    Total($) = Rate * Qty*45
    i need when i enter any value in Rate and Qty then Rate * Qty and Rate * Qty*45 Should Come in to Total (INR) and Total ($) Column With Out Refresh .
    i need It onchange Not OnBlur.
    How Can i do this.
    Edited by: Vedant on Aug 18, 2011 9:30 PM

    Try something like following
    function makeAmount(pRow)
       //Assuming column No as follows
       //Qty = f01
       //Rate = f02
       //Amount (INR) = f03
       //Amount ($) = f04
       document.getElementsByName('f03')[pRow-1].value = ((document.getElementsByName('f01')[pRow-1].value * document.getElementsByName('f02')[pRow-1].value) );
       document.getElementsByName('f03')[pRow-1].value = ((document.getElementsByName('f03')[pRow-1].value * 45 );
    </script>And call this function on onChange event of Qty and Rate column by using onChange="makeAmount(#ROWNUM#);"
    MaxApex Hosting

  • 8130 camera comes on and takes pictures constantly

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    I was previously an alltel client but they've switched to Verizon, so I'm not sure what to do from here.
    I don't know how to wipe the OS and reload it - is my only option from here to go into a store and have them look at it?

    Hello CrowScraps,
    Welcome to the BlackBerry Support Community Forums.
    In this case we can try to reload the software on the BlackBerry smartphone to make sure it is running the latest version and there are no issues with the OS.
    To do this we would need to back up the BlackBerry smartphone. Please open the BlackBerry Desktop Manager and connect your BlackBerry smartphone. Click on the Backup and Restore button and select Back Up. Please note the location where the backup is being saved as we will need to access it later to restore the BlackBerry smartphone.
    Once you have backed up your BlackBerry smartphone please follow the link below to complete a clean reload of the BlackBerry smartphone software.
    Test the BlackBerry smartphone prior to restoring the backup.
    Thank you
    Come follow your BlackBerry Technical Team on Twitter! @BlackBerryHelp
    Be sure to click Kudos! for those who have helped you.
    Click Solution? for posts that have solved your issue(s)!

  • One part from camera come out what to do?

    one part from camera from iphone 4 ( plastic on top) just fell out
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    Take it back to the Apple Store where you purchased it for service.

  • Camera light comes on when opening iTunes.

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    I have searched but found nothing even remotely similar to the issue I'm having. Can anyone help?

    ia7med80 wrote: ... Can anyone help?
    If restarting your Mac or reinstalling OS X does not correct this weird behavior,
    contact Apple Support or an Apple Authorized Service Provider ASAP.
    Message was edited by: EZ Jim
    Mac OSX 10.10.2

  • The photos are going insane after the 9.18 Raw Camera update!

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    the color are totally changed, and it couldn't be tuned to normal. seem the new parameters(maybe there are) make the photos totally out of range.
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    It seems to the parameters of the camera Raw Algo was mistaken.

    Don't panic. There are some who've found a solution!
    What you'll need to do is "Downgrade" back to RAW Update 2.1.
    GO to this thread and scroll down to a post by Clem on Sep 17 at 9:56:
    Worked for me.
    Good luck

  • How can I get my web cam to work in Adobe Connect ?

    This is actually an end user's question that I am having trouble answering to...
    We use Adobe Connect to give online language classes, the end user is one of the students.
    I cannot find the right Support answer to give him.
    My camera does not work when I connect to Adobe's rooms but camera works fine with other software.
    Even though I suspected my old camera was working fine, yesterday I went ahead and bought a new camera. 
    I thought perhaps my webcam software may have been a problem, so I bought a different type camera with different software. 
    Even after removing all the old software, same result:  
    I surmised the problem might be caused by my firewall and security software, so once I tried changing the permissions for Adobe, and my Webcam, but that didn’t work.   
    Another time, I restarted my computer right before class and then turned off my firewall completely so there would be no interference but to no avail. I’m totally perplexed.  
    Isn’t there anyone else experiencing a similar problem?   Has anyone else found a solution? 
    I run Windows Vista with McAfee Internet Security Software.  I always reboot the computer before class and open no other programs other than Google Chrome. 
    I now have a brand new Microsoft LifeCam Cinema Camera with LifeCam 3.5 Webcam Software. 
    I test my camera before going online.  It always works fine.   Then I shut down the camera program and login into class.   
    When I “connect webcam” in the room, the light on my camera comes on (suggesting that it is ON), but only a black image is transmitted to the room.

    Check to see if you have Google Voice installed. If so, remove it and see
    if your problem vanishes. If not Google Voice, check to see if you have
    any other communications software which interacts with your cam and
    disable it. This was the problem I had with a similar problem on a Mac.
    MosesJOI <[email protected]>
    10/13/11 12:08 PM
    Please respond to
    [email protected]
    jsb152 <[email protected]>
    How can I get my web cam to work in Adobe Connect ?
    Re: How can I get my web cam to work in Adobe Connect ?
    created by MosesJOI in General Discussion - View the full discussion
    Thanks a lot Heyward for the swift reply !
    I sent the advice out to the end user, but unfortunately this wasn't the
    His reply is below :-
    The default resolution of my new camera is already set at 640x360, but I
    went ahead and tried several lower resolutions (e.g. 424x240; 320x240; and
    160x120) but none worked in the room - camera still showed up as black
    blank screen.  Also, as far as I can tell, I don’t have the option of
    adjusting the frame rate.
    I started playing around with my Internet Security Settings to see if they
    might be playing a role. So far, all to no avail.
    Hmm...quite a tricky one - webcams always are - maybe if he can find a way
    to adjust the frame rate (?).
    He's going to fiddle about with the settings a bit more and see if
    something does the trick.
    If anyone has had a similar problem and found an ingenious solution,
    please jot on a note on this thread.
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    directly to the person who posted the message. To post a reply, either
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    the right, click the Stop Email Notifications link.
    Start a new discussion in General Discussion by email or at Adobe Forums
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    please go to

  • ISight, Cam Twist, Leopard and websites that you can do video chat in?

    Okay, I have family that can't use AIM or iChat, so we use Stickam for video chat. Before I upgraded to Leopard, I could use Cam Twist to entertain the kids (nieces & nephews & my own kids) with the effects. Since I upgraded to Leopard, Cam Twist isn't working the same way. About 70-80% of the cam view is pink in color (& there are no effects turned on). I made sure I have the most up to date flash player and just down loaded Leopard 10.5.1 in hopes Cam Twist would work, it doesn't. I have made sure I am using the most up to date Cam Twist as well. Does anyone know what the problem could be? I have made sure the settings in Stickam are set to Cam Twist also. I feel silly being so old & worrying about video chat and all, but the cousins (the kids) and I really enjoy the effects. It gives us more to chat about. If I just use iSight (built in) and set Stickam for the USB Cam it works great, even my DV Cam (via firewire) works get if set within Stickam settings, but Cam Twist isn't working at all. If any one can help, that would be wonderful.

    You may need to contact the author of Cam Twist. I found the following on the site -
    +"CamTwist is totally free and comes with no warranty *or support*. That being said, I welcome hearing about suggestions *and problems* you might have."+
    *System Requirements*: CamTwist requires MacOS 10.4
    No mention of Leopard! Therefore, not compatible?

  • 110 Wireless Security Camera Solution

    Listed below is what we need to quote our end user (school)....if the setup is even possible.
    110 Wireless IP Cameras (2.8Gbps)
    Any other necessary hardware
    Does anyone have any insight on this topic?  I haven't had the opportunity to quote any surveillance systems this large before.

    There are some challenges in reaching a 110 camera solution.  Things you need to plan for with a Cisco Small Business solution:
    * You have two options for the wireless camera.  WVC210 & WVC2300.  For security applications include low-light & no-light (with IR illuminators) conditions, the best option is the WVC2300.  You can also customize the lens on the WVC2300 to match your field of view needs for each individual camera.  Both WVC210 and WVC2300 are indoor cameras.  If you need cameras outdoors, the PVC2300 and PVC300 are excellent options which support POE.
    * For management software, all the cameras come with SWVMS16.  This has the ability to manage, view, record, and playback 16 cameras at once.  For a 110 camera solution, you'd need to deploy 7 windows computers running SWVMS16.  Technically feasible, but managing each application would a burden.  If you can break down the monitoring into sections/categories that might make this step easeier.  Even the common 3rd party Video Management Software from ONSSI, Nuuo, & Milestone don't scale to 110 cameras without having to buy their enterprise level central management system software.
    * Besides the video management software, you'll need enough storage capacity to store the video.  This will depend on the complexity of the video stream (how well the codec can compress the data), resolution, and frames per second.  If we assume 250Kbps per camera x 110 cameras = 27500 Kbps total.  You'd need over 6TB of storage to hold just under 21 days of video.  You'll want to make sure the data is protected in a NAS or server with RAID.  You'll also need to make sure the NAS or server can handle the incoming bandwidth.  If not you'll need multiple storage devices.
    * You need wireless access points that can handle the number of clients and bandwidth needed.  Will depend on physical layout of the 110 cameras.
    * You need switches to connect all the access points to the network.
    There is definitely alot to define in a solution this large.

  • Detect if user has no camera

    Hey there,
    I'm trying to detect wether the user has a camera or not installed. In the examples I found you do this by checking if _camera = Camera.getCamera(); results in null. But when I test this on my Mac Mini (without camera) it always returns a camera object;
    Here a code snippet:
    private function setupCamera():void
                   _isMac = Boolean(Capabilities.os.substr(0,3).toLocaleLowerCase() == "mac");
                        var total:int = Camera.names.length;
                        var i:int;
                             Console.debug("Camera: "+Camera.getCamera(i.toString()).name);
                                  case "USB Video Class Video":
                                  _camera = Camera.getCamera(i.toString());
                                  _camera = _camera?_camera:Camera.getCamera();
                                  _camera = Camera.getCamera();
                   } else {
                        _camera = Camera.getCamera();
                if (_camera) {
                    _camera.addEventListener(StatusEvent.STATUS, statusHandler);
                    _isSetup = true;
                } else {
                     _isSetup = false;
                     dispatchEvent(new Event(NO_CAMERA));
                    Console.debug("No Camera");
    Anyone any ideas?

    site.RootWeb.DoesUserHavePermissions(SPContext.Current.Web.CurrentUser.LoginName, SPBasePermissions.Open)
    Please check the similar post here

  • Pc-cam 920

    I am now a proud owner of . One thing I found in that is that the battery life is very little. I put two numbers AAA Alkaline Battery as prescribed in the manual. But even before finishing 0 snaps (totally the cam was on for 5 min), the battern exausted 50% capacity. This is quite alarming that for every 30 min. of use, am I to change batteries?
    Please enlighten me as to whether this is the normal consumption of power by the Cam or anything wrong with the piece that I purchased.
    Please provide me with tips and tricks as to how I can economize the use.

    Check this article out. Look under MSN section and see if it helps.

  • Little man and camera shows up when I boot up my computer on my screen.

    I sent my Powerbook G4 into Apple because my speakers had started to not have the volumne they had before. All I know is that they replaced my hard drive and my speakers are not any better....and I had Tiger installed and it came back with Panther.
    Ever since, when I boot, I get this little man and a camera come on when I boot up my computer.
    My spotlight doesn't work...I can't find files.
    I wonder what the problem can be.
    Any nice person out there have any ideas?

  • Web cam does not override iSight camera. Any suggestions how to do so?

    I bought a Logitech webcam but cannot get it to work. The iSight camera comes on instead and overrides the web cam. Any way to fix this?

    If your Logitech webcam is Mac-compatible, it should be menu-selectable in the app you are using. Different camera apps work differently. Your Mac's Help in each application should give you more info on how each particular app works, but here are a few examples:
      • Messages:
      • Photo Booth:
      • FaceTime:
      • Skype:
      •   QuickTimeX:
    If your camera recognizes only one camera, apps may not display even the inbuilt camera in the menu.
    Different iMovie versions support different cameras in different ways.  Search your iMovie > Help for info on your version.

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