Design approach suggestion

Hello Experts,
Here is the scenario -
I have an oracle database from which I need to fetch the data through record adapter(SQL pass through). The data is from different tables which are "unrelated" to each other. There are in all 8 such unrelated tables.
Now the approaches that come to my mind -
Approach 1: Create 8 different applications and fetch respective tables. Run ITL over it and push the indexed data to the same Dgraph.
Risk : 1Running multiple applications on the same dgraph at the same time. But this could be mitigated by the processes followed.
Risk : Manageability
Any other risk you see?
Approach 2 :Create 1 application with 8 record adapters and finally join all on the basis of a unique identifier column.
Any risk or challenges do you foresee in this?
If you have any other ideal approach , please share!

Hello Kristen,
Thanks for a quick reply!
Yes, creating 8 applications doesnt seems a good idea and I am more focussing on the second approach -
"Create a pipeline with 8 record adapters that fetch the data from tables and then I will do a switch join and provide it to mapper"
Do you foresee any issues in the above approach?
I am less familiar with how CAS works at the moment. Can you please guide me to the correct document or just brief the approach you suggested.
Thanks a ton for your reply!

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    I'd create one package.
    I do not see why de-coupling the loading to staging from prod needs to be so.
    When it works as one unit you can rollback the entire load as one as you may not want to end up with some data partially loaded.

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    Hi ijmari,
    I checked out that page and don't see any Spry menubar in it.
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    Hi Anusha,
    considering the reusability aspect the components approach is the much better one (see also the best practices dev guide chapter regarding components SAPUI5 SDK - Demo Kit).
    It allows you to reuse that component in different applications or other UI components.
    I also think that the Application.js approch will not work with Fiori, cause the Fiori Launchpad loads the Components.js of the Fiori app in an Component Container.
    Best Regards, Florian

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    After going through your question, the first thing that came to my mind is what would be the size of the 20K records.
    If this is going to be huge then even the 1000 row logic might take significant time to do the transfer. And I think even writing it to a file will not be efficient enough.
    If the size is not huge then probably your solution might work. But I think you will need to decide on the chunk size based on how well your BPEL process will work. Possible you can try different size and test the performance to arrive at an optimal value.
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    On the other hand, implementing the logic using the DBAdapter should be more efficient than java code.
    Hope this helps. Please do share your thoughts/suggestions.

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    I am not really sure what you are asking.
    Systems are usually defined (SID) in SMSY, then they are added to a logical component.
    Logicals need to be in the customer name space, so they are copied from SAP References to a unique name prefixed by a "Z".
    Multiple systems  of  any system type (PRD, DEV, QAS, TEST, SANDBOX...etc) can be added to a logical component.
    One or more logical can then be added to a Solution.
    This is basically how the Solution is built. There are some limitations you need to consider when naming systems.
    For certain functions, like EWA reports they need to have a unique Installation # + SID, and in the case of a long_sid, it would be the Installation # + (1st 3 chars of the)Long_SID.
    So if you want to know if you can have a PI system called DEV, QAS and PRD and  a ECC system called DEV, QAS and PRD, you can. But if you name them ECC_DEV, ECC_QAS, and ECC_PRD, then you will have problems.
    A logical name must be unique. But they show up in the system landscape as soon as they have been defined.
    When the logical is added to the Solution, only system Types of Production are automatically set to "Put in Solution"
    Even though you can see the systems of other types in the logical and in the solution. And any system that is not in status "Put in Solution" will not be visible when you try to use it, as an example create an EWA , you would select the solution and not see any other type but production systems to select. This is because system types that are not production need to be manually set to "Put in Solution". This is done in the solution, in Change/Edit mode, and right clicking on the system you want to put in the solution and selecting that option, then saving.
    From your questions am and not exactly sure what you were getting at, but I do hope this general info helps.

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    Now we are considering the below approaches to have better Architectural design and have easier User interface.
    1. Creating a master Universe for the Dimension tables(here there may be a effort to modify data model to suit linking Dimension tables together). Then to create derived Universes for each Fact table. These derived Universes will be linked back to common dimension Universe. <br>
    Maintenance will be easier in this approach, as whenever a Dimension changes I need not update multiple Universes, but as I am linking Universes at Designer level as Master and derived Universes, I am concerned about the Report development if the report needs data from multiple Universes. Then I would be linking u201Cmultiple Linked Universeu201D queries at Report. <br><br>
    2. The other option I have is to combine multiple dimension models(Subject areas) into one Universe. By this we will create minimal number of Universes as possible. May be end up creating 5 or 6 Universes, but we will have tough time in maintaining Security of data elements. For instance, at high level a Universe may have Billing and Eligibility data, where I have to maintain strict Security for the User groups, and let only specific users to see/ use all data elements (objects). <br><br>
    Hope I have summarized my question well, any inputs from you on the approach you are aware of/ prou2019s and conu2019s of it in terms of time it takes to build, the performance of Report(creating WebI reports through InfoView) is appreciated !!
    We want to see which approach makes it better for creating Crystal Reports and when it reaches Business Users who has little patience waiting for a Report and needs best possible interface

    There is no one perfect answer for your question.  Universes are more of an art than a science imo.  I can tell you that we have many conformed dimensions joined to multiple facts in a single universe.  The key to this approach is that for each fact table you will need a context.  The advantage to this approach is the ease in which your WebBI users will be able to build reports.  The disadvantage is that Crystal Reports cannot handle multiple contexts so your Universe is basically useless in CR.  For CR, you will need to build Business Views rather than universes.

  • Need advice about design approach for query editing tool with JSF

    Hi !
    I would like to propose in my application a way to allow end-user to create queries that could be executed on a some tables. I suppose that this kind of stuff is not new and would like to know if someone has to good design practice or example to do this with the JSF technology ?
    I think that two approaches is possible:
    1/ the user specifies the complete query from the start and get the final result when query is executed in the background
    2/ user specifies the query in a interactive way. It specifies one criteria and get the results of it, then on the results specifies another criteria and get new results, then specifies another criteria and so on.
    Also for information I use Hibernate as database framework.
    Some advice or start of approach will be very appreciated.
    Thanks !

    No-one could advice on this ?

  • Design Issues, suggestions welcome

    I have stumbled across some design issues, with a carhire system i am making.
              kept in
                        | Retives car from garage
    As it stands the GARAGE class automatically has CAR objects added as attributes.     
    import java.util.*;
    public class Garage {
         //class attributes     
              private LinkedList carhold;
              Car ford_ka = new Car("A",135);
              Car ford_focus = new Car("B",149);
              Car ford_Mondeo = new Car("C",179);
               Car Vauxhall_Vectra = new Car("D",239);
              Car Mercedes_E240 = new Car("H",290);
              Car Renault_Espace = new Car("V",399);
         public Garage() {
              carhold = new LinkedList();
              carhold.add(Renault_Espace);          The TIMESLOT class has an GARAGE object as an attribute, thus enabling it access mehtods.
    import java.util.*;
    public class TimeSlot {
           Garage g = new Garage();
    public void getCarCost(String input) {
               Car theCar =;problem is each time a new TIMESLOT is create so too is a
    new garage created with all the cars.
    I really need the garage to be a seperate entity, but still allowing
    the TIMESLOT class to use its methods.
    would in heritence be the appropriate solution, or maybe something else.
    I would like to hear other suggestions.

    I believe a Singleton pattern works perfectly here. A singleton ensures that only one instance of an object is created. You would use it as follows:
    public class Garage {
        private LinkedList carhold;
        // Car declarations here
        private Garage() {
            carhold = new LinkedList();
            // add cars here  
        public static Garage getInstance() {
            static Garage instance = null;
            if (instance == null)
                instance = new Garage();
            return instance;
    public class TimeSlot {
        public void getCarCost(String input) {
            Garage g = Garage.getInstance();
            // do some other stuff
    }Notice the PRIVATE constructor on the Garage class. This keeps classes other than Garage from instantiating it. In fact, the only way to get an instance of Garage is to call Garage.getInstance(), which will always return the same instance.
    You might also consider the Builder pattern, which will keep you from having to instantiate all those Car objects inside of your Garage. You would do something like this:
    public class Garage {
        LinkedList carhold;
        public Garage() {
            carhold = new LinkedList();
        public void addCar(Car c) {
    public class GarageBuilder {
        public static final int BOBS_GARAGE = 0;
        public static final int BILLS_GARAGE = 1;
        public static Garage buildGarage(int garage) {
            Garage g = new Garage();
            switch (garage) {
                case BOBS_GARAGE:
                    Car c = new Car("bobsCar", 200);
                case BILLS_GARAGE:
                    Car c = new Car("billsCar", 400);
            return g;

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