Design suite standard cs5.5 download

i can not find the download for cs5.5 and have been looking through threads and links for 30 min and not finding an actual download and can not find an actual email for adobe...

Direct Download Links for Adobe Software

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    What issue do you have with downloading the installation files?
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    If you're in the USA and you don't mind covering the costs, contact me via my website: Fill out the contact form...DO NOT CALL ME!
    Make sure you fill in everything accurately or I won't be able to answer you.

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    Absolutely untrue.  Download, install, and activate your software from
    Deactivate the software on your old computer if you don't use it any more.

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    Hi KJess,
    Did you install any new updates that might have caused this? When was the last time that it was working fine?
    Try launching the app in Mac's safe mode and check.
    Are you not able to launch any of the application from the Design standard Suite?
    In case you still face issues consider removing the program and reloading it,

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    Double-check your serial number here: Find your serial number quickly
    Serial numbers will sometimes become invalidated if they were hacked and made available on the internet.

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    The dmg file has become corrupt you need to download or copy another image file from backup.

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    Have serial number, but not the disc. Unfortunately, I am living in another country and the disc is sitting in storage.
    Thanks for your help!

    Direct Download All Official Adobe CS5.5 Free Trials
    Follow instructions exactly.

  • Reinstalling Adobe Design Standard CS5.5

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    You can download the trial version of the software thru the page linked below and then use your current serial number to activate it.
    Be sure to follow the steps outlined in the Note: Very Important Instructions section on the download pages at this site or else the download will not work properly.

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    ----------- Payload: {08D2E121-7F6A-43EB-97FD-629B44903403} Microsoft_VC90_CRT_x86 -----------
    ERROR: Error 1935.An error occurred during the installation of assembly component {43CC1B37-B20C-3EBC-9C04-F809989E4FD3}. HRESULT: 0x800736FD.

    See the following help documents:
    Error 1935 :
    Acrobat Help / Error 1935 | Install | Acrobat, Reader | Windows:
    Assembly component Microsoft.VC80.CRT | Install | CS4, CS5, CS5.5 products | Windows :

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    I hope not!
    I only really need photoshop, illustrator and indesign, so my other question is can I just install these from the package?
    Please help anyone!

    No, I am saying the three programs that you want to use in the suite, if you are planning on using all three programs (at the same time) then it is possible your system could slow down, then a RAM upgrade will help.  Give it a try it may work out okay. 
    Yes, I know how to backup separate things on to another external hard drive.  Just connect the hard drive make sure it is formatted for use as a Mac hard drive. Open disk utility and click on the hard drive at the bottom of the window it will show you the partition map scheme, it should be GUID Partition Table.  If not then you should format the hard drive but clicking the erase tab and the selecting Mac OS Extended (journaled) from the format drop down box.  If you are going to use the drive to transfer files from Mac to PC then you should select MS-DOS (FAT) the only problem with this format you will not be able to copy file larger then 4GB.  Then just open the find and drag and drop folders and files to the external hard drive.

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    Hi PTISigns,
    All the Adobe CS6 softwares are available at :  to download
    For Design Standard CS6 you can navigate to :

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    if you follow all 7 steps, you can download a trial via one of the links on this page using a browser that accepts cookies:
    and activate with your serial number.
    if you have a download problem (eg, you see an error page or you are offered an incorrect version), you probably didn't follow all 7 steps.  typically, failure to meticulously follow steps 1,2 and/or 3 is the problem, but your browser must also allow cookies so that (a restrictive browser setting) is another potential source of problems.

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