Designing a college paper

Hello there,
I'm planning to launch a student-run college newspaper in September. The college bought InDesign so that I can design the layout of the paper.
But I never used the software before (I'm only using Photoshop on my personal desktop), so I'm in front my screen telling me "What now?"
How to design a college paper, with an elegant, not-too-serious, but not-amateur layout? Where to begin? How may it look professionnal?
This paper will be a way to give life to the collge, and allow students to express themselves.
Thanks in advance!

You've got two different learning tasks in front of you -- mastering InDesign and learing about newspaper layout.
We have a bunch of newspaper folk among our regulars here, so I hope they'll chime in, too. The journalism classes at the school where I advise the student paper use this text, I believe, to teach basic newspaper design and layout concepts: =books&ie=UTF8&qid=1338735084&sr=1-4#reader_0072996692
For learing InDesign itself, the most commonly recommended book on this forum is Sandee Cohen' Visual QuickStart Guide: =books&ie=UTF8&qid=1338735856&sr=1-1 for the CS5 edition, or preorder the CS6 edition due at the end of June: =books&ie=UTF8&qid=1338735856&sr=1-1
If you prefer video training, you can't do better than, which is not free, but there is also a ton of stuff on Adobe TV which is.

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    To simplify, I have removed any repreating frame from the bottom leaving only a large fixed frame containing multiple fixed frames.
    On your first suggestion:
    If I change Print Obect On: to 'Last Page' as sugested, I get an error 'Obect M_1 has an illegal print condition'. If I leave it set to 'All Pages', it prints but moves up the page immediatly following the last record
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    I would recommend the 15" MBP.
    The advantages being the quad-core processor and the increased screen size.
    If your budget allows consider the 15' rMBP. Beware that Adobe has not updated its applications to make use of the retina display.

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    Hi Makavel,
    Try the Internet Archive Wayback Machine:*/
    And then you'll get addicted checking out various web sites there.

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    1011442 wrote:
    Thanks for providing the link.
    The link that you sounds good and providing much info on considerations in creating a database and schema security.
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    How about using a Singleton pattern:
    public class Result {
        private static final Result INSTANCE = new Result();
        private Result(){
        public static final Result getInstance() {
            return INSTANCE;
       //  other methods
    public class TestBody {
        public void testBodyMethod(){
            Result result = Result.getInstance();

  • High density design in Open park

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    Definetly a unique/tough scenario
    Keep in mind, that the words 2.4ghz and 'high density' dont really go well together =)
    Your best bet (imagine a perfect square , with 100 dots evenly distributed between), would be to manually shut down the 2.4ghz on most of the access points and let the 5ghz do all the heavy lifting. Just design it on paper so that you know which AP will be on which 2.4ghz channel and try to get those spaced apart further
    I'd also say statically setting the power in addition to channel. 5ghz should hopefully do fine with RRM, but you'll jsut have to set it up and see
    I'd also take a look at the UNII2-ext. Most clients support it now adays
    How high up on these temporary poles are the access points going to be? I'm assuming you already have the 3602E models, so are you stuck with those patch antennas? Or do you have the 'rubber ducky' style on hand?
    Not sure which antenna you have but if i remember correctly the beam width on the cisco ones is fairly wide, so even if you cant get it very high up, it should still have a good 'spread' to it, which should actually help with CCI in your situation
    You could also set one up and do a quick survey with just one up and running and see how it propogates, that will help you design the rest around it etc.
    I'm curious to see how it goes so keep us posted =)
    I'm imagining an empty field with no trees, with 100 poles with access points on them lol
    Feel free to add a picture of it setup

  • Crystal report viewer does not observe the PaperSize and PageOrientation setting

    My application is a 3 tier application, where the WinForm client is connected to the WCF Services hosted in IIS server.
    The report is generated on server side using WCF service, and export as.rpt with data, the .rpt file is then sent to the WinForm client, the Crystal Report viewer is used to load the .rpt file for preview and print.
    On server side I've Microsoft XPS Document Writer installed and set as default printer. On the client side if the default printer is XPS or Nitro PDF creator, the report can be view and print correctly, report design in landscape will be able to show in the landscape in CR viewer, report design using custom paper size (e.g. Half Letter), CR viewer able to show it in Half Letter.
    The problem that I'm facing is when the default printer is set to HP LaserJet P1120 or others (I've tried Epson ESC/P Standard driver), the report is always shown in the portrait, and it will not be able to show in custom paper size either. Here is my code:
         Dim settings As New System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings
         Dim rep as New ReportDocument
         rep.Load(sOutputFileName)     'The report is download from server and save in sOutputFileName
         SetReportPaperSize(rep, sPaperSizeName, False, settings) ' sPaperSizeName store the name of the custom paper used in the report
         CrViewer.ReportSource = rep
       Public Shared Sub SetReportPaperSize(rep As ReportDocument, paperSizeName As String, isHardCopy As Boolean, settings As Printing.PrinterSettings)
          Dim installedPrinters As Printing.PrinterSettings.StringCollection = Printing.PrinterSettings.InstalledPrinters
          Dim printers As New List(Of String)
          Dim sPrinter As String
          If installedPrinters.Count = 0 Then
          End If
          SetPrinterDefaultPaperSize(rep.PrintOptions, paperSizeName, settings)
          With rep.PrintOptions
             .PrinterName = settings.PrinterName
             .PaperSource = PaperSource.Auto
             If paperSizeName.Trim.Length > 0 Then
                .PaperSize = DirectCast(GetPapersizeId(paperSizeName, settings, rep.PrintOptions.PaperSize), CrystalDecisions.Shared.PaperSize)
             End If
          End With
       End Sub
       Public Shared Sub SetPrinterDefaultPaperSize(printOptions As PrintOptions, paperSizeName As String, settings As Printing.PrinterSettings)
          With settings.DefaultPageSettings
             If paperSizeName.Trim.Length = 0 Then
                . PaperSize = GetPaperSize (printOptions.PaperSize, settings)
                For Each size As Printing.PaperSize In settings.PaperSizes
                   If size.PaperName.EqualsTo(paperSizeName) Then
                      .PaperSize = size
                      Exit For
                   End If
             End If
             .Landscape = printOptions.PaperOrientation = PaperOrientation.Landscape
             .Margins.Top = printOptions.PageMargins.topMargin
             .Margins.Left = printOptions.PageMargins.leftMargin
             .Margins.Bottom = printOptions.PageMargins.bottomMargin
             .Margins.Right = printOptions.PageMargins.rightMargin
          End With
       End Sub
       Public Shared Function GetPaperSize(paperSizeId As Integer, defaultPrinterSettings As Printing.PrinterSettings) As Printing.PaperSize
          Dim settings As Printing.PrinterSettings = defaultPrinterSettings
          Dim result As Printing.PaperSize
          If settings Is Nothing Then
             settings = New Printing.PrinterSettings
          End If
          ' Default paper Size defined in the printer
          result = settings.DefaultPageSettings.PaperSize
          For Each size As Printing.PaperSize In settings.PaperSizes
             If size.RawKind = paperSizeId Then
                result = size
                Exit For
             End If
          Return result
       End Function
       Public Shared Function GetPapersizeId(paperSizeName As String, defaultPrinterSettings As Printing.PrinterSettings Optional defaultpaperSizeId As CrystalDecisions.Shared.PaperSize = CrystalDecisions.Shared.PaperSize.DefaultPaperSize) As Integer
          Dim settings As Printing.PrinterSettings = defaultPrinterSettings
          Dim result As Integer = defaultpaperSizeId
          If settings Is Nothing Then
             settings = New Printing.PrinterSettings
          End If
          If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(paperSizeName) Then
             For Each size As Printing.PaperSize In settings.PaperSizes
                ' Height and Width in Printing.PaperSize is measure in hundredths of an inch
                If size.PaperName.EqualsTo(paperSizeName) Then
                   result = size.RawKind
                   Exit For
                End If
          End If
          Return result
       End Function
    Setting the PrintOptions.PaperSize and PageOrientation seem like no effect on the viewer. My code to load the report to CR viewer is much more complicated than the code I show above, I've a background worker thread to download the report, and when the worker thread finished download the report from the server, it will assign the report to CRViewer. Do the changes in report PrintOption before assign to CRViewe and after assigning to CRViewer make any different?
    I'm using VS2010, CR XI R2 (Version 11.5.3700.0). Please Help. Thanks
    JC Voon

    Hi JC,
    CRXI R2 is a no go with VS 2010, these two are not compatible.
    With CR 11.5 use VS 2005.
    Or Use VS 2010 and CR for VS 2010 (13.0)
    Once you have the supported / compatible conbination of CR and VS, use the In Proc RAS .NET code from below KBA.
    Also, see the KBAs returned by below search. The top right corner search box on this page is quite helpful.*)&timeScope=all
    - Bhushan
    Senior Engineer
    SAP Active Global Support
    Follow us on Twitter
    Got Enhancement ideas? Try the SAP Idea Place
    Getting started and moving ahead with Crystal Reports .NET applications.

  • At a loss for a solution

    I've been at this since Wednesday. Five days now, for about 4-8 hours a day.
    The low-down-
    -on Wed. I updated to iTunes 5 from 4.9. When 5 started up I connected my iPod and was told that I needed to update my iPod software, so I did from v2.2 to v2.3. Then iTunes 5 begain to update my iPod with my iTunes library. It got to around song 280 and freezes up on me with the info window in iTunes stuck flashing between "updating iPod do not discounect" and "uploading song 280 of 2154: Name of song" From here I've gotten different error messages here is what they were.
    1-"attempting to copy to disk "Ricky Woodson's iPod" failed. The disk could not be read from or written to."
    2-"Some of the songs in the iTuens music library including the song "name of song" were not copied to the iPod, because they could not be found."
    the first message is the one I still continue to get. I've changed all my songs to Mp3s and deleted all none mp3 files.
    I've called apple and they've had me do everything from delete and re-install to restore my iPod, to deleteing my entire iTunes library and then going to iTuens File menu and then "add to library" and then select my entire harddrive. iTuens then imported all the sounds off of my harddrive. This still didn't work. Then I found a thread on discussion forums where someone said I should delete the iPodDriver.kext from extensions, so I did. Then I couldn't get my iPod Updater to see my iPod when it was plugged in. I had to get pacifer to download the iPodDrive.kext extension file agian (reinstalling iTuens and iPod updater did now install the software)
    Next I did an arcive and install of my OS system, which is Tiger by the way.
    Then I update all my software and re-install iTunes and the 9-9-2005 iPod updater and give it another go...still no luck. But now I can use the restore button in iPodUpdater to wipe my iPod
    In my last ditch effort I even tried to erase my ipod using disk utility and then restoring the software using iPod Updater. Nope this didn't work either. I'm in need of help. I'm willing do try anything because basically my iPod is worthless now. reduced to being a highly designed over priced paper weight. These problems only begun the day I upgraded to iTuens 5 and iPod v2.3 and Quicktime 7.0.2 Someone please help.

    Hey Ricky,
    I've sorted my problem out but I wouldn't exactly call it a solution. I'll run through all the steps I took... not sure if you need to do all of them, but just in case... and hopefully you'll be able to sort yours out too. I think it's actually problem with iTunes 5 which they haven't sorted yet. Anyway, here's what I did.
    1) Removed all music from my library on iTunes
    2) Uninstalled iTunes
    3) Restored my iPod using the latest updater
    4) Reinstalled iTunes
    5) Added music back to library
    6) Set it to "Automatically sync with the iPod" (I normally just drag the library over to it)
    7) Connected up iPod and it started copying over songs.
    8) When the error message "Attempting to copy to the dish Simon's iPod failed. The disk could not be written to." obviously came up again! I clicked ok and waited for it to say it was ok to remove the iPod. I then disconnected iPod for 30 secs then reconnected and it started syncing again from where it had left off. This happened again about 7 times but repeated the steps each time and eventually got all music (with artwork) on the iPod. Although 7 times is still not great, it's better than the 50 times I had before... this is for 4000 songs so it may happen more or less for you.
    I definitely think this is a screw up in iTunes. As you can see this isn't really a solution but a temporary fix to deal with their screw up! I can't believe they don't get rid of all the bugs before they launch software. Anyways, I hope that helps you in the short term. Be sure to let me know if you find anything more long term! Good luck

  • Images not showing up!! Running late... what else is new...

    I am using CS4 on a Mac
    I made a simple page with two images. Neither shows up when I upload the files.
    I have a site:
    A folder for the site
    Inside that folder is a another folder
    Inside that folder is the index.html page
    It shows up fine in DW. I test and it says no errors.
         No images show up on the internet's published version. And now it would seem I've screwed around so much I get an error page for even my main page. <sigh> I am also attaching screen shots of when I try to upload. I get errors when trying to post the images.
    Code for page follows.
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
    <title>Welcome to Kathryn Cecelia's Website</title>
    <style type="text/css">
    body,td,th {
    font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;
    font-size: 14px;
    color: #FFF;
    body {
    background-color: #000;
    font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;
    font-size: 14px;
    font-style: normal;
    font-weight: normal;
    color: #FFF;
    width: 1250px;
    left: 20px;
    right: 20px;
    position: relative;
    a:link {
    color: #C00;
    a:visited {
    color: #FFC;
    .emphasis_by_size {
    font-size: 16px;
    font-style: italic;
    font-weight: normal;
    font-variant: small-caps;
    <body bgcolor="#000000" text="#FFFFFF" link="#CC0000">
    <p><img src="kathryncecelia/Images/kcw_title.png" alt="Kathryn Cecelia Whitacre" width="586" height="162" hspace="100" />
    <p> </p>
    <p> </p>
    <p>My website is not built yet, but I'm working on it. For the time being I'd like to hit a few points so that you know you're at the right place.</p>
    <p>I am participating in the Art in the WorkPlace event for the City of Tacoma. I will be holding classes in my studio for a limited number of participants. These classes have a small materials fee attached to them that needs to be paid in cash of the correct denominations.</p>
    <p>My studio is the back of our home in the basement area. To attend you must <span class="emphasis_by_size">use the alley entrance</span> so parking is closer on North Warner between N. 29 and 30th. RSVP to: 253.307.2602 or by email to: <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a></p>
    <p>November 1:   2-4pm RSVP required           $5 cash limited  to 6</p>
    <p> <span class="emphasis_by_size">Introduction to Beginning Bookbinding </span><br />
      You will fold pages to make a single signature soft cover book. There will be examples of many types of bookbinding and if time and skill allow we may make an additional item. I will provide all the tools, but if you have an exacto with a #11 blade, a large needle to sew with, any fabric you'd like to use for the cover, such as holiday prints or something special; a quote or text that you'd like in your book. I have many quote books, so don't worry about finding something before you come, if you don't have anything. The book can also be left blank.</p>
    <p>November 21:<span class="emphasis_by_size"> Open Studio</span> 2-4 pm light refreshments<br />
      Visit my studio to see the range of work I do... from lettering arts; beading and jewelry to sandblasting and fused glass. I'd love to talk with you about a project you'd like my help with.</p>
    <p>November 22: Two Different Classes<br />
      1-3 pm<span class="emphasis_by_size"> Kelitc Knots</span>: learn how to make a keltic knot, this will be the basics unless there's time for more. No Fee.<br />
      3-5 pm<span class="emphasis_by_size"> Blind Embossing</span>: learn how to make your own templates and create beautiful designs on your paper projects. Fee: $2 per stencil &amp; 1 pc hot press paper</p>
    <p>I look forward to meeting you. My studio is <span class="emphasis_by_size">A2Z</span>, because I work in a wide range of mediums... from Aluminum oxide in sandblasting to Zaffre a colorant used in blue enamel. However, when I came up with the name I had in mind two parts A... action and ability with one part zen.</p>
    <p> </p>
    <p><img src="kathryncecelia/Images/tenshoblkbkgrnd.png" alt="Neuvo Monogram of initials KCW" width="90" height="141" hspace="450" /></p>

    When I go to the URL you posted, everything looks fine in IE6 and FF3.5 on Win.
    I see both of these images as expected.
    Try refreshing your browser.
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists

  • 3G ipod suddenly DIES in no frills incident!!

    I am a long time mac user, going back to the apple II +. While I have had my ups and downs I have always remained optimistic trough many crashes and drive failures.
    Now my 3G ipod, purchased 2 years ago, suddenly died one day a few weeks ago. I had just updated to itunes 5.0.1 and done the recent security update too. These were the symptoms, similar to many I have seen elsewhere in the discussion boards:
    1- Ipod is not recognized at all by my, and my partners, mac. Not in disk utility, tech tool pro, or disk warrior. Nothing. It had already been set to disk mode. So unable to do any software restore or erase.
    2- Only the apple logo comes up on the screen for about 5 seconds, disappears, then comes back. It does this until it runs the battery out and eventually a battery with exclamation point comes on and disappears.
    3- Does not respond to reset, the apple logo does disappear, and it flashes as though it had taken the reset, but the it continues in the loop of 1.
    4- 1 is accompanied by a clicking sound (the dreaded drive failure sound).
    As it is two years old, it is out of warranty, and even if it was I am in Europe and it was purchased in the states. To "fix" it, meaning to replace the drive, would cost 250 Euro = almost cost of a new ipod.
    I can only be suspicious of tech manufacturing versus tech marketing. It seems electronics nowadays are built with a life expectancy of 2-3 years. So that one has no choice but to upgrade to the next latest edition. Yet the marketing and even the design of products such as the ipod, suggest that it is clean, perfect, no screws, no flaws. As though Jobbs had pushed out the perfect silver and white egg. Though without even dropping it once, with very light wear, this egg seemed to take its own life from within.
    I am not going to say that all of the music on my ipod was legitimately acquired, though more than 90% of it was. Maybe this is negative ipod karma coming back to get me in this lifetime. This leads me to a further query. Perhaps there is a way to encode mp3, or aac files to cause physical harm to the drive in the ipod. But so far I can not find any confirmation of this.
    All I know is that now I have a sleekly designed 300 dollar paper weight.

    Thomas - the constant rebooting you refer to is happening because either 1) the iPod software is corrupt or 2) the drive is damaged.
    If you check out the iPod troubleshooting basics information you'll find out how to set the iPod into disk mode and how to reset it. If you can reset the iPod and then immediately put it into disk mode you can then use the restore CD to reinstall the software.
    When the iPod is constantly rebooting as you describe, doing the reset and then performing the disk mode command immediately afterwards can be a little tricky - getting the timing right so that you perform the disk mode command before it spontaneously reboots but not too early can be 'fun.' And if the drive is damaged, it will be useless. But I've resurrected quite a few iPods that appeared to be dead.

  • Which is the best for me?plz help me .I've more confusing about my Career.

    I've done B.E Computer Science and Engineering year of 2013. Currently i'm doing IT-Support Engineer job. I've only 7 months experience. But i know how to install,Mounting of the blade server.but i don't know about windows servers.but i can install server
    OS.i have lot of confusion and fear also,about my career.which is suitable for me?plz help me.frnds. 

    Hi, Ravi.
    Based on your experience, you may want to start working your way to earning an MCSA for Windows Server 2012 R2. It requires you to pass three exams. The first exam you may want to take on is 70-410 which is on install Windows Server 2012.
    Here is the MCSA: Windows Server 2012 certification title description:
    As you can see, it will require you to pass three exams. Here they are:
    70-410 Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2012
    70-411 Administering Windows Server 2012
    70-412 Configuring Advanced Windows Server 2012 Services
    Microsoft offers free online training through different web sites. Consider these as a few of the many resources you can use to study for these exams.
    Microsoft Virtual Academy
    By the way - if you are still in school and prefer a more entry-level certification, you can also consider the MTA certification track designed for college students:
    Good luck!
    Best wishes, Davin Mickelson

  • Installation error: Adobe Color JA Extra Settings CS4

    I have a multiuser Mac CS4 Design Studio (college department).  All but one computer is installing fine.  This is a PowerMac G5 with 10.5.8.  Clean as a whistle, nothing funny installed, no other problems.
    The installer fails when installing Illustrator, specifically when installing the additional-but-required item named "Adobe Color JA Extra Settings CS4".  It simply fails with a helpful "Error 2" message.  I don't know what this item is, but without it, Illustrator won't install.
    All other CS4 applications install fine.  I've repaired permissions, tried installing from another Admin user on the same computer, etc.  I've tried installing both from the original CDs and from the downloaded license installer.  Etc etc.
    The Adobe installation log appears useless.  I run the "Adobe Support Advisor" which tells me:
      Issue no: id18470
      Unable to update an installed font when installing the Adobe Creative Suite 4 product
    and points me to:
    Which, if related at all, doesn't provide any info since it doesn't tell me what font is related (although my gut feeling is this isn't a font issue at all, but it's impossible to know).  Anyway I try using the Support Advisor to upload the logs to Adobe but keep getting "The storage server is unavailable! Please try again later."  That's helpful.  Anyway, to rule out any font permission issues I force-propagated proper permissions in /Library/Fonts and ~/Library/Fonts.  No change.
    I've been on hold with Adobe Support for 45 minutes and can't stay on much longer, so I figure I'll post here to see if anyone has any suggestions.  I wish they'd at least have better music.
    Any idea what this file/item is, and if there's either another way to install it (ie copy from another Mac) or manually deselect it from the installer?
    The last chunk of lines from the installation log follows; no idea where the proper cutoff is.
    1 Deleted
    [       1] Tue Mar  2 11:36:16 2010  INFO
    Completing repair for payload at /Volumes/Adobe CS4 Design Premium Disc 1/Adobe CS4 Design Premium/payloads/AdobeColorEU_ExtraSettings2-mul/AdobeColorEU_ExtraSettings2-mul.dmg
    [       1] Tue Mar  2 11:36:17 2010 DEBUG
    RepairPayload succeeded.
    [       1] Tue Mar  2 11:36:17 2010  INFO
    Physical payload repair result:0
    [       0] Tue Mar  2 11:36:17 2010  INFO
    Calling the custom action code for post-repair for payload {69A6AF34-639F-4AC8-8EFB-86DB91C5E106}
    [       0] Tue Mar  2 11:36:17 2010 DEBUG
    BEGIN Payload Properties
    ARK_UninstallAliasName=Uninstall Adobe Color EU Extra Settings CS4
    installSourcePath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Installers/502814f68fd7e36868492dfad441107
    mediaName=Adobe CS4 Design Premium Disc 1
    mediaPath=/Volumes/Adobe CS4 Design Premium Disc 1/Adobe CS4 Design Premium/payloads/AdobeColorEU_ExtraSettings2-mul/AdobeColorEU_ExtraSettings2-mul.dmg
    productName=Adobe Color EU Extra Settings CS4
    END Payload Properties
    Operation complete. Setting status: 0
    Popping new operation
    Creating instruction for payload {2B47D5DE-E019-4130-AB69-2DAB4DEEBB0A} Adobe Color JA Extra Settings CS4
    [       0] Tue Mar  2 11:36:17 2010  INFO
    Calling the custom action code for pre-install for payload {2B47D5DE-E019-4130-AB69-2DAB4DEEBB0A}
    [       0] Tue Mar  2 11:36:17 2010 DEBUG
    BEGIN Payload Properties
    ARK_UninstallAliasName=Uninstall Adobe Color EU Extra Settings CS4
    installSourcePath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Installers/502814f68fd7e36868492dfad441107
    mediaName=Adobe CS4 Design Premium Disc 1
    mediaPath=/Volumes/Adobe CS4 Design Premium Disc 1/Adobe CS4 Design Premium/payloads/AdobeColorJA_ExtraSettings2-mul/AdobeColorJA_ExtraSettings2-mul.dmg
    productName=Adobe Color JA Extra Settings CS4
    END Payload Properties
    Custom action code for pre-install for payload {2B47D5DE-E019-4130-AB69-2DAB4DEEBB0A} returned : [object Object]
    BEGIN Dependent operations for DRIVER {E8B28C6D-46DF-4842-9B06-9924D94DA1E0} Adobe Creative Suite 4 Design Premium
      {78F4C3FA-BE2D-4392-A98A-68A3498E3E94} Adobe Anchor Service CS4
      {BC286945-85E3-44BC-86E0-F6F856E159CB} Suite Shared Configuration CS4
    END Dependent operations for DRIVER {E8B28C6D-46DF-4842-9B06-9924D94DA1E0} Adobe Creative Suite 4 Design Premium
    Checking operation result for {78F4C3FA-BE2D-4392-A98A-68A3498E3E94} Adobe Anchor Service CS4
    Checking operation result for {BC286945-85E3-44BC-86E0-F6F856E159CB} Suite Shared Configuration CS4
    Operation can be attempted
    BEGIN Payload Properties
    ARK_UninstallAliasName=Uninstall Adobe Color JA Extra Settings CS4
    installSourcePath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Installers/502814f68fd7e36868492dfad441107
    mediaName=Adobe CS4 Design Premium Disc 1
    mediaPath=/Volumes/Adobe CS4 Design Premium Disc 1/Adobe CS4 Design Premium/payloads/AdobeColorJA_ExtraSettings2-mul/AdobeColorJA_ExtraSettings2-mul.dmg
    productName=Adobe Creative Suite 4 Design Premium
    END Payload Properties
    [       1] Tue Mar  2 11:36:17 2010  INFO
    Installer Operation: PayloadInstaller
    Request to install payload
    [       0] Tue Mar  2 11:36:17 2010  INFO
    setting timeout
    [       1] Tue Mar  2 11:36:17 2010  INFO
    Beginning installation for payload at /Volumes/Adobe CS4 Design Premium Disc 1/Adobe CS4 Design Premium/payloads/AdobeColorJA_ExtraSettings2-mul/AdobeColorJA_ExtraSettings2-mul.dmg
    [       1] Tue Mar  2 11:36:17 2010 DEBUG
    Setting determined properties...
    Mounting payload image at /Volumes/Adobe CS4 Design Premium Disc 1/Adobe CS4 Design Premium/payloads/AdobeColorJA_ExtraSettings2-mul/AdobeColorJA_ExtraSettings2-mul.dmg
    [       1] Tue Mar  2 11:36:19 2010 DEBUG
    Payload mounted at /tmp/.tempdirVk0XtuAb
    [       1] Tue Mar  2 11:36:19 2010  INFO
    Reading instructions from /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Installers/R2/
    [       1] Tue Mar  2 11:36:19 2010 DEBUG
    Uninstalling {7E8C0B6B-A9DD-47C2-9589-43442F753117} as part of upgrade installation.
    [       1] Tue Mar  2 11:36:19 2010  INFO
    Reading instructions from /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{7E8C0B6B-A9DD-47C2-9589-43442F753117}.js
    [       1] Tue Mar  2 11:36:19 2010 ERROR
    Unable to get alias data from uninstall db for storage key {7E8C0B6B-A9DD-47C2-9589-43442F753117} due to error 4
    [       1] Tue Mar  2 11:36:19 2010 FATAL
    JavaScript processing failed with error:
    [       1] Tue Mar  2 11:36:19 2010 DEBUG
    Rolling back prior actions...
    [       1] Tue Mar  2 11:36:19 2010  INFO
    Completing installation for payload at /Volumes/Adobe CS4 Design Premium Disc 1/Adobe CS4 Design Premium/payloads/AdobeColorJA_ExtraSettings2-mul/AdobeColorJA_ExtraSettings2-mul.dmg
    [       1] Tue Mar  2 11:36:20 2010 ERROR
    InstallPayload failed.
    [       0] Tue Mar  2 11:36:20 2010 DEBUG
    Adding failed payload to required list
    Adding failed payload to required list
    Adding failed payload to critical list
    Adding failed payload to required list
    Adding failed payload to required list
    [       0] Tue Mar  2 11:36:23 2010 DEBUG
    Mid stream failure: User decided to quit
    [       0] Tue Mar  2 11:36:23 2010  INFO
    Calling the ROLLBACK custom action code for pre-install for payload {2B47D5DE-E019-4130-AB69-2DAB4DEEBB0A}
    [       0] Tue Mar  2 11:36:23 2010 DEBUG
    BEGIN Payload Properties
    ARK_UninstallAliasName=Uninstall Adobe Color JA Extra Settings CS4
    installSourcePath=/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Installers/502814f68fd7e36868492dfad441107
    mediaName=Adobe CS4 Design Premium Disc 1
    mediaPath=/Volumes/Adobe CS4 Design Premium Disc 1/Adobe CS4 Design Premium/payloads/AdobeColorJA_ExtraSettings2-mul/AdobeColorJA_ExtraSettings2-mul.dmg
    productName=Adobe Color JA Extra Settings CS4
    END Payload Properties
    Operation complete. Setting status: 2
    Popping new operation
    Creating instruction for payload {6CA25E84-FDC9-4EAE-86A6-FE0697BAF171} Adobe Color NA Recommended Settings CS4
    User exited workflow.
    Marking payload {6CA25E84-FDC9-4EAE-86A6-FE0697BAF171} Adobe Color NA Recommended Settings CS4 as canceled
    Status object
    Log of: object
    isRunning {boolean}: false
    percentComplete {number}: 100
    message {object}: [object Object]
    Log of: object
    code {number}: 1
    Set payload canceled status
    Creating instruction for payload {9153FB2B-184A-4FBD-A4DE-334CFD5900E9} Adobe Utilities CS4
    User exited workflow.
    Marking payload {9153FB2B-184A-4FBD-A4DE-334CFD5900E9} Adobe Utilities CS4 as canceled
    Status object
    Log of: object
    isRunning {boolean}: false
    percentComplete {number}: 100
    message {object}: [object Object]
    Log of: object
    code {number}: 1

    you can uninstall any cs4 program that is installed.
    clean (Use the CC Cleaner Tool to solve installation problems | CC, CS3-CS6)
    and retry installing.
    if you again see a 1603 error, check your install logs for more specific info - Troubleshoot installation with install logs | CS3, CS4

  • Photoshop CS4 crashing on load in OSX 10.5.6

    Has anyone experienced Photoshop CS4 crashing at startup just as it's about to load the tools?
    My computer specs are the following:
    - Apple PPC G5 Quads 2.5GHz
    - 4 GB of RAM
    - 23GBs of free space on the main partition and 182GBs of the secondary partition.
    - GeForce 6600 Video card with 256MB
    - OS X 10.5.6
    Creative Suite Design Premium 3 is loaded too and it's working fine.
    So far I've tried the following without success:
    - logged in as admin
    - created a new test user account
    - deleted and rebuilt the preferences
    - verified the privileges
    - ran disk first aid to verify the disk and the privs
    - verified printer driver
    - no third party plug-ins present
    - turned off all fonts except required system fonts
    - verified the video card driver was up to date
    - tried the GPU optional plugins
    - replaced the Adobe Photoshop CS4/Presets/Tools folder
    - replaced first individual pieces then the entire Application Support folder for Adobe
    - replaced the executable.
    Here's the catch. I've deployed the software to 100 stations (same specs) using Apple's disk utility and netboot/netrestore. This has worked for years and all other applications are running normally. The source computer (the computer I built the image on) is running well. Photoshop CS4 launches perfectly. The break seems to occur through the imaging process, but I can't figure out where.
    Any suggestions are welcome. I'm running out of ideas and am trying to avoid running around to 100 stations with CDs.
    Kristy Depper
    Technical Consulting Specialist
    Macintosh Computer Administrator &
    Adobe Certified Expert
    School of Animation, Arts and Design
    Sheridan College Institute
    Oakville, Ontario, Canada

    Thanks dude!
    Freaked me out, but now its all is back to normal. It was the Windows-side of me jumping high

  • Solving "COMMIT business rules" on the database server

    Headstart Oracle Designer related white paper
    "CDM RuleFrame Overview: 6 Reasons to get Framed"
    (at // says:
    "For a number of business rules it is not possible to implement these in the server
    using traditional check constraints and database triggers. Below you can find two examples:
    Example rule 1: An Order must have at least one Order Line ..."
    But, one method exists that allows solving "COMMIT rules" completely on the database level.
    That method consists of the possibility of delaying the checking of the declarative constraints (NOT NULL, Primary Key, Unique Key, Foreign Key, Check Constraints) until the commit
    (that method was introduced first in the version 8.0.).
    E.g. we add the field "num_emps" to the DEPT table, which always has the value of the number
    of the belonging EMP rows and add DEFERRED CK which uses the values from that field:
    UPDATE dept
    SET num_emps = (SELECT COUNT (*) FROM emp WHERE emp.deptno = dept.deptno)
    DELETE dept WHERE num_emps = 0
    ALTER TABLE dept ADD CONSTRAINT dept_num_emps_ck CHECK (num_emps > 0) INITIALLY DEFERRED
    Triggers that insure the solving of the server side "COMMIT rules" are fairly simple.
    We need a packed variable that is set and reset in the EMP triggers and those value
    is read in the bur_dept trigger (of course, we could have place the variable in the package
    specification and change/read it directly, thus not needing the package body,
    but this is a "cleaner" way to do it):
    PROCEDURE set_flag;
    PROCEDURE reset_flag;
    m_dml_from_emp BOOLEAN := FALSE;
    PROCEDURE set_flag IS
    m_dml_from_emp := TRUE;
    PROCEDURE reset_flag IS
    m_dml_from_emp := FALSE;
    RETURN m_dml_from_emp;
    :NEW.num_emps := 0;
    IF :OLD.deptno <> :NEW.deptno THEN
    RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR (-20001, 'Can''t change deptno in DEPT!');
    END IF;
    -- only EMP trigger can change "num_emps" column
    IF NOT pack.dml_from_emp THEN
    :NEW.num_emps := :OLD.num_emps;
    END IF;
    UPDATE dept
    SET num_emps = num_emps + 1
    WHERE deptno = :NEW.deptno;
    IF NVL (:OLD.deptno, 0) <> NVL (:NEW.deptno, 0) THEN
    UPDATE dept
    SET num_emps = num_emps - 1
    WHERE deptno = :OLD.deptno;
    UPDATE dept
    SET num_emps = num_emps + 1
    WHERE deptno = :NEW.deptno;
    END IF;
    UPDATE dept
    SET num_emps = num_emps - 1
    WHERE deptno = :OLD.deptno;
    If we insert a new DEPT without the belonging EMP, or delete all EMPs belonging to a certain DEPT, or move all EMPs of a certain DEPT, when the COMMIT is issued we get the following error:
    ORA-02091: transaction rolled back
    ORA-02290: check constraint (SCOTT.DEPT_NUM_EMPS_CK) violated
    Disvantage is that one "auxiliary" column is (mostly) needed for each "COMMIT rule".
    If we'd like to add another "COMMIT rule" to the DEPT table, like:
    "SUM (sal) FROM emp WHERE deptno = p_deptno must be <= p_max_dept_sal"
    we would have to add another column, like "dept_sal".
    CDM RuleFrame advantage is that it does not force us to add "auxiliary" columns.
    We must emphasize that in real life we would not write PL/SQL code directly in the database triggers, but in packages, nor would we directly use RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR.
    It is written this way in this sample only for the code clarity purpose.
    Zlatko Sirotic

    You are right, your method is a way to implement "COMMIT rules" completely on the database level.
    As you said yourself, disadvantage is that you need an extra column for each such rule,
    while with CDM RuleFrame this is not necessary.
    A few remarks:
    - By adding an auxiliary column (like NUM_EMPS in the DEPT table) for each "COMMIT rule",
    you effectively change the type of the rule from Dynamic (depending on the type of operation)
    to a combination of Change Event (for updating NUM_EMPS) and Static (deferred check constraint on NUM_EMPS).
    - Deferred database constraints have the following disadvantages:
    When something goes wrong within the transaction, then the complete transaction is rolled back, not just the piece that went
    wrong. Therefore, it becomes more important to use appropriate commit units.
    There is no report of the exact row responsible for the violation nor are further violations either by other rows or of other
    constraints reported.
    If you use Oracle Forms as a front end application, the errors raised from deferred constraints are not handled very well.
    - CDM discourages the use of check constraints. One of the reasons is, that when all tuple rules are placed in the CAPI,
    any violations can be reported at the end of the transaction level together with all other rule violations.
    A violated check constraint would abort the transaction right away, without the possibility of reporting back other rule violations.
    So I think your tip is a good alternative if for some reason you cannot use CDM RuleFrame,
    but you'd miss out on all the other advantages of RuleFrame that are mentioned in the paper!
    kind regards, Sandra

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