Designing a login page

hello experts,
i want to design a login page so that user could preserve his authentication during the session,although I've logic for this in my mind but even though i want use the best way given by you.
where should i store login information to verify the the correctness of the login data entered by user, in database? or elsewhere?

BalusC wrote:
Depends on your requirements and environment. Which type of authentication are you using? HTTP based? Form based? Custom web form? Which type of users? JAAS? Realm? Custom?
would you please explain in brief what is http based, form based.....?
I still dont know which catagery my reqierement falls in .

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    I need to design a login page which will allow the user to enter his email id and password and upon authentication it will move on to the next page.
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    For creating a custom login page, refer the following in developer's guide:
    For using database tables as authentication provider, check

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    Try this,
    Action class
    if(event check blah blah) {
                             Cookie usernameCookie = new Cookie("Username", strUserId);
                             usernameCookie.setMaxAge(60 * 60 * 24 * 30);
                             Cookie passwordCookie = new Cookie("Password", strPassword);
                             passwordCookie.setMaxAge(60 * 60 * 24 * 30);
                             Cookie checkCookie = new Cookie("Check", strCheck);
                             checkCookie.setMaxAge(60 * 60 * 24 * 30);
                        }else {
                             Cookie usernameCookie = new Cookie("Username", "");
                             Cookie passwordCookie = new Cookie("Password", "");
                             Cookie checkCookie = new Cookie("Check", eventname);
                        }in jsp
    <bean:cookie id="uname" name="Username" value=""/>
    <bean:cookie id="pword" name="Password" value=""/>
         <html:text property="UserId" value="<%=uname.getValue() %>"/>
         <html:password property="Password" value="<%=pword.getValue() %>"/>
         <logic:equal value="on" cookie="Check">
              <input type="checkbox" name="CheckBox" checked="checked" >
         <logic:notEqual value="on" cookie="Check">
              <input type="checkbox" name="CheckBox">
    <html:submit property="" styleClass="button" ><bean:message key="button.login" /></html:submit>- vignesh

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    This old thread may help:

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    There is nothing wrong with your Dell, it will work fine with any MacbookPro. I have been using Dell displays for over 12 years with many different Mac models. I have two 21" Ultra Sharp displays working side by side to design a Keynote presentation right now.
    The issue your having is with the way Keynote  takes control of the video output to both displays, it sends the presentation signal to one and the presenter display to the other, this is set up in;
    Keynote preferences > Presenter display.
    If you want to show a wesite or another app on  either display,  use application switcher:
    press the the  command key on the keyboard, then the tab key; a row of applications will show what applications are running, choose which one you want to show. Use command  > tab to return to Keynote.

  • Windows 7-8.1 Can not change the MAC Address on wifi and cannot load login page in public HotSpot.

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    Adapter: Ralink RT3070 Chipset wifi adapter
    Tested: os Windows 8.1 Professional
    Hot Spot: 802.11b
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    is now a thing order which is not good then the operating system is unusable.

    For changing the MAC address for Windows 7 is designed with some limitation, we cannot get over it. Thanks for your understanding.
    Under Windows 7, the possible range of spoofed addresses for wireless adapters that can be set is limited.  To be used by Windows 7, a spoofed MAC address should have 0 as a least significant bit (unicast) and 1 as a second least significant
    bit (locally administered) in the second nibble.  Thus possible values for the second nibble are limited to 2, 6, A and E.
    In other words 
    MAC address:  “XY-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX” “X” can be anything hexadecimal.  The hexadecimal “Y”, written in binary format, is  Y:  “kmnp”,  where “p” is the least significant bit; 
    p=0 --> unicast;
    p=1 --> multicast;
    n=0 --> globally assigned MAC;
    n=1 --> locally administered;
    So, actually MAC can be changed  to any combination in which p=0 and n=1;
    “Y” can be 2, 6, A or E.
    So the possible MAC addresses in Windows 7 for wireless adapters:
    For the wifi hotspot issue, please check this blog to see if it can be helpful.
    Windows 7 Connectivity Problems in Public Hotspots
    Kate Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • Oracle ADF Security Login page

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    My main problem is how we can handle number of employees using Oracle ADF security configuration.
    second one is how user can change their passwords.
    Third is how number of employees going to terminate ,handle their Active/Inactive State.
    Fourth one is If we use this Oracle Security system ,project managers or project cordinator or Adminstrator level authenticator must need to deploy time to time war file, because of adding removing users in jazn-data.xml.
    hoping help from you.Thanking for all.

    So, you can define SQLAuthenticator/SQLReadOnlyAuthenticator on Weblogic which will retrieve users from your db table(instead of jazn-data file) to application server.
    Then, in your application you can enable ADF Security and this will generate login page.
    And, this is it :)
    If you need some custom processing before users login to your app, then you can create custom login page and do whatever you want in Java code:
    But 11g has Database connection in Application Resource. Using that connection I need to log to the system using user's User iD and Password
    This connection is valid only in design time. When you deploy your application to application server, then you can include this connection in .ear file, or you can define Data Source on Weblogic(which is better approach).
    To programmatically retreive db connection, you can create utility method in your Application Module.

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    Try ditching Dreamweaver and switching to Notepad ++, less bugs, less control from big brother, more nimble, less crashes ... simply better than this pile of junk.
    Ok - put your style sheet in a separate file and link it.
    If you're going to use styles then don't use attributes if you can get away with it.  (Have a look at CSS Zen garden - such a great site.  May be a little complicated for a beginner, but it gives you something to aim for.)
    Ditch the table format - it makes everything far, far more complicated; try using DIVs instead.
    NEVER nest tables if you can at all avoid it.  Usually you can - it's just a case of looking at column and row spans.
    NEVER use something like DreamWeaver in design mode - it's a huge waste of time.
    Try starting with something more basic and build it up a step at a time.  Test every change stage by stage - if you're painting a picture you never paint the whole thing then take a step back and look, you always paint a piece, step back and look, paint another piece etc...
    Most importantly - research which setting (relating to tags, CSS and attributes) actually performs what operation, and which affects which browser.  The classic example of this is the Internet Explorer 6.0 box model problem.
    But most importantly, ditch DreamWeaver.  Hell!  VI is better!

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    I need to create a login page where I would assign user a password and when they input the password it would take them to pages only accesabile by that password. Can someone lead me to some good articles on how to do this? Everyting I have found so far doesn't seem to make sense or the coding doesn't work right when I input it into my html and php pages.
    Thank you.

    The simplest method is to add .htaccess and .htpasswd text files to the protected folder of your site.
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists

  • E4200 Guest SSID Login page fails

    Netgear ProSafe Gigabit Router is my DHCP Server -- The entire home net work is on the same subnet (
    Linksys E4200 configured as an access point ONLY -- wired connection -- static IP assigned -- DHCP server turned off
    Linksys WRT610N configured as an access point ONLY  -- wired connection -- static IP assigned -- DHCP server turned off
    3 -- 5 port gigabit switches
    1 -- 8 port gigabit switch
    No more than two switches between any two wired devices
    Both Linksys access points have the same SSID and WPA2 security phrase -- total of 4 radios
    Nonoverlapping channels are selected on both the 2.4Ghz and 5.0Ghz radio to minimize interference
    All computers are running Windows 7 Professional 64bit with all the latest updates
    Two iPhones and one iPad also access the network
    All LAN and WAN connectivity is working as designed
    guest SSID is turned on
    password is established
    All devices will connect to the guest SSID and the E4200 is assigning an ip address to the device in the range which is what it's supposed to do.
    When I open a web browser, I am not automatically redirected to the Cisco Login Page. If I enter as the URL, the login screen is presented. I enter the password I have created in the guest admin page on the wireless guest tab.  I then see a blank page and a URL of THIS IS WHERE I GET STUCK. THE ONLY WAY TO EVER SEE THE LOGIN PAGE AGAIN IS TO REBOOT THE E4200, otherwise you just get unable to connect messages when opening web browsers and the wireless status icon in the system tray shows a yellow exclamation mark.
    I successfully connect to the guest SSID but I do not get access to the internet. When I type ipconfig, I see that the DNS is set to which does not exist on my network. I assume there's some internal NAT magic that is supposed to happen in the E4200 to bridge me over to my network but it doesn't seem to be happening.
    At the beginning of the call I specifically asked them if the E4200 must be the DHCP server in order for the guest SSID feature to work and they said no. 1.5 hours later they had no answers so they told me that it wasn't working because the E4200 was not the DHCP server. The documentation says nothing about a DHCP requirement for guest AP service. Linksys support further could not answer what you would do if you needed more than one AP with guest service enabled.
    It seems like this is a firmware issue but it may be the guest SSID service requires the E4200 to also act as the DHCP server. Can anyone shed any light on whether this is a bug or if the router/AP is working as designed?
    (Mod note: Edited for guideline compliance.)

    Yes the E4200 must have DHCP turned on in order to pass out IP's to your Guest Network.  No DHCP, no Guest Network.

  • New Login Page

    I have created a new login page so that when the users enter they are presented with all the available application they have access to. When they click on an application Say the timesheet i am storing there user name in an item on the timesheet page. If there are multiple users the system can not keep track of what user it has and displays someone elses user name to the user.
    Any Ideas?

    Kevin - If your application requires authentication and you don't use the built-in authentication and session management mechanisms provided by wizard-created authentication schemes (and their associated login pages), then you'll have to debug your own code as we have no idea what the design and implementation details are. However, if you are having trouble with some of the built-in mechanisms, please provide more details, preferably an example on

  • Login Page Image

    We are looking to replace the login page image to our portal, is there a particular SIZE/IMAGE TYPE( gif, jpeg) we need to consider for our image.
    SAP Partner

    the smaller the better
    Anyhow - any image that can be displayed in a web-browser will do the trick - it's up to you.
    But if you want to keep the design of the login page you should use the size of the original image.

  • I want to design a login form on my website, can I do it without coding in Muse?

    I want to design a login form on my website, can I do it without coding in Muse? And if I want to set an Email function within my website, can I still use Muse?

    Hi Wenshu... I am sure someone will be along here shortly with a "right" answer, but here is my 2 cents.  On part 2 of your question, I just say something like "Click HERE to e-mail me" and on the HERE part, I type the link mailto:[email protected] (filling in your actual e-mail address, of course AND no matter how many times I try to edit this, it still keeps putting the hyperlink in my response here!!!  That entire link has no spaces... that envelope icon is supposed to be helpful, but it's making me nuts) in the hyperlink box at the top of the Muse design page so that the person's default e-mail client will pop up to send me an e-mail when they click on that link on my site.
    As far as part one goes, I don't do any login forms.... but I do create and use long forms for like applications and whatnot and I do have to code them outside of Muse because when I try to drop the code into the HTML box, it ends up not looking right.  I look forward to hearing the replies on the login box issue.
    Good night.

  • Web Authentication - Web login page not displayed

    Cisco 4402 WLC running version
    Access Points: AIR-LAP1142N
    I have configured an SSID for WebAuthentication. When a wireless client logs into the WLAN the PC will associate to the AP but will then stop at the WEBAUTH_REQD stage.
    Internet Explorer will show the attmept to redirect to the virtual port at but will not bring up the login page.
    IE shows :
    The network is a flat network so this SSID is using the management interface.
    DHCP is being provided by the controller for this WLAN.
    I know the classic design should be for this to be implemented on a separate VLAN but my customer has not VLANed his network yet and this is planned at a later stage. I have implemented this on a flat network before and it has worked.
    Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

    I faced exactly the same problem as you have described above. The following is what fixed it for me, i am sure u try it to might fix it for u as well.
    In my scenario i found that my WLC controller had cipher-option sslv2 disabled. I enabled it and that resolved the issue for me.
    This is what needs to be done in order to do it :-
    It's best to enable it on the WLC and this is done from the CLI. It requires a reboot.
    ssh to the WLC
    enter the following command:-
    WLC>config network secureweb cipher-option sslv2 enable
    and then reboot.
    Once the WLC reboots u can check the status by issuing the following command:-
    WLC>show network summary
    The output should look similar to the following
    RF-Network Name............................. GTCR-CH-RF-GA
    Web Mode.................................... Enable
    Secure Web Mode............................. Enable
    Secure Web Mode Cipher-Option High.......... Disable
    Secure Web Mode Cipher-Option SSLv2......... Enable
    As u can see the Secure Web Mode Cipher-Option SSLv2 is now enabled.
    This should work.
    Hope this helps and all the best.

  • Sapui5 custom login page

    HI: ALL
          I have a question about SAPUI5, Can you give me some advice.
         I create a proper, contains a login page and a detail page by sapui5 in Eclipse,I want to achieve When login page user name and   password and SAP user name and password are the same, just go to the next page.
         Please tell me how to do
            Best regard!

    Hi Huang,
    You can take a look some classes delivered by SAP.
    Configuring Login Screen for Launchpad Designer - User Interface Add-On for SAP NetWeaver - SAP Library
    /IWFND/CL_COC_SYSTEM_LOGIN     system login class
    /UI2/CL_SRA_LOGIN              ICF system login class
    CL_ICF_BASIC_LOGIN             ICF System Logon Basic Layout
    CL_ICF_EXAMPLE01_LOGIN         Example 01 Customization System Login
    CL_ICF_IDES_LOGIN              ICF System Logon IDES Layout
    CL_ICF_NW04_LOGIN              ICF System Logon Layout NetWeaver 04
    CL_ICF_NW07_LOGIN              ICF System Logon Basic Layout
    CL_ICF_SAML_LOGIN              SAML Logon
    CL_ICF_SYSTEM_LOGIN            ICF System Logon
    CL_ICF_XBCML_LOGIN             ICF System Logon for XBCML
    CL_MOBILE_SYSTEM_LOGIN         Logon Page for Mobile Devices
    CL_OAUTH2_ICF_SYS_LOGIN        System Login class to render Token Endpoint JSON respons
    CX_NWECM_LOGIN                 ECMI: Credentials Invalid Exception
    IF_ICF_SYSTEM_LOGIN            ICF System Logon
    Regards, Masa
    SAP Customer Experience Group - CEG

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