Desk Top S/ware 7.1; Synchronising between 9700 v6 & pc (Outlook 2007)

I've had to set up a new internet password and as a result have had to re-setup  my email account.  I've just tried to sync between my pc (Outlook) and device.  On checking the detail there are 344 new calendar entries to be added to the device.  If I allow the sync to go ahead this will mean that 344 entries on my device calendar will be duplicated (they're all on the device already!).  How can I solve this problem without allowing the sync to take place and then deleting the duplicates individually.
In desperation!
Many thanks

1.  You can format the phone number any way you want it.  I have decimals in some and hypens in some and nothing in others.  Keep in mind that this is a world-wide device and not all phone numbers around the world are formatted the same.
4.  You can search tasks from the main search app.
6.  My Memo pad has a check spelling option, as does my Tasks.
9.  My Email Setup allows me to edit signature right on the device now.  I gained this with OS 5.0 on the 9700.
10.  There is no "standby" any longer.  It's keypad lock and it doesn't block the clock.
It sounds like you may have an outdated OS.  Upgrade to the latest by following the instructions (exactly!) in the first post of this thread:
1. Please thank those who help you by clicking the "Like" button at the bottom of the post that helped you.
2. If your issue has been solved, please resolve it by marking the post "Solution?" which solved it for you!

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    uninstall the desktop manager, and install "4.7 without Media Manager"
    The search box on top-right of this page is your true friend, and the public Knowledge Base too:

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    You will need to clean uninstall Palm desktop and re-install.
    If you have the data in Palm desktop, export the data, uninstall Palm desktop, re-install, import the data, change the conduits to desktop overwrites handheld and then sync. once the sync is complete to palm desktop, install the oputlook 2007 conduits and then sync again.
    If the data is in Outlook, follow the directions above.
    Here is the procedure for exporting your data.
    The best way to preserve your data is to export the data in each category in Palm Desktop to a seperate folder on your PC.
    Create a new folder on your PC somewhere that is convenient. Name it something like Palm Desktop Data. Click on the link below and follow the instructions on that page for the export procedure.
    Make sure you select all for the range in the export window.
    With the data saved in the folder you created, make a copy of that folder and save to a flash drive, cd-rw or external hard drive.
    Anytime you make a change in Palm Desktop, export the data that was changed to that folder and save again to the external media.
    With this process you can always import the data back into Palm Desktop anytime you have a problem with the data in Palm Desktop or if your computer/hard drive/device crashes.
    Here are the clean uninstall instructions for XP;
    You should first make a copy of your data to have just in case something
    happens. You can find your data files by going to C:\Program Files\Palm or
    Palm One. Highlight your Palm Desktop username and right click and copy.
    Then go to your PC desktop, right click on a blank spot and select paste.
    If this is the first time you are installing Palm desktop and encountering a problem, skip the previous step.
    For Palm desktop 6.2, look in the following location for the folders and files, my documents, PalmOS desktop. You will find the username folder in this location.
    Now you want to uninstall Palm Desktop and remove everything that has to do
    with Palm Desktop from your computer. Like the above folder, delete the Palm folder. Once this is done, you will need to delete some registry keys
    from your PC Operating System registry.
    Word of warning, going here and deleting the wrong thing can cause your PC
    to not start up, crashing and deletion of programs and data. If you feel
    you are unsure of yourself, see if you have a friend that can help you or a
    PC technician that you can pay to help you. This will show them everything
    they need to delete. To retain your current Registry settings, we need to do a backup of the Registry.
    On the PC, go to start and run type "regedit" without quotes
    Highlight MY COMPUTER, go to File --> export. Should pop up with a Save As
    box. Current location is fine should be in My Documents or you can change to a location you will remember. In the file name box, type "Regbackup[todaysdate]" i.e. Regbackup07072008. Next, the hard part.
    The easiest way to make sure your working with the correct key, highlight the key i.e. palm quick install, and press delete on your keyboard. It will ask you, are
    you sure. Say yes. Do the same thing for all keys below.
    If you make a mistake, stop what you are doing. And call a PC technician.
    BUT do not turn off your computer.
    The reg keys are as follows (Note: some of theses reg keys will not be here
    but if they are delete them)
    * HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\U.S. Robotics\Palm Quick Install
    * HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\U.S. Robotics\PalmOne File Transfer
    * HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\U.S. Robotics\Pilot Desktop
    * HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Palm
    * HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Palm, Inc.
    * HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\PalmDesktopAutorun
    * HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\palmOne
    * HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\PalmSource
    * HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\PalmSource or anything else that says palm
    Next reboot your computer
    Then reinstall your Palm desktop from the CD and do a hotsync. If it asks
    you for a username, enter the name that is on your device in the upper right corner of the hotsync screen.
    Here are the uninstall instructions for Vista;
    You should first make a copy of your data to have just in case something
    happens. You can find your data files by going to Start --> Documents -->
    Palm OS Desktop. Highlight your Palm Desktop username and right click and
    copy. Then go to your PC desktop right click on a blank spot and select paste.
    If this is the first time you are installing Palm desktop and encountering a problem, skip the previous step.
    Now you want to uninstall Palm Desktop and remove everything that has to do
    with Palm Desktop from your computer.
    Go to the following locations on the PC and delete the folders listed below.
    C:\Program Files\Palm or Palm One
    C:\Users\[Vista Login Name]\appdata\local\virtualstore\Program Files\Palm or
    C:\Users\[Vista Login Name]\appdata
    *Note you may need to view hidden folders to get to appdata. To do that go
    into your control panel and open folder options. Go to view tab and uncheck
    hide hidden files.
    Once this is done you will need to delete some registry keys from your PC Operating System.
    Word of warning, going here and deleting the wrong thing can cause your PC
    from starting up, crashing and deletion of programs and data. If you feel
    you are unsure of yourself, see if you have a friend that can help you or a
    PC technician that you can pay to help you. This procedure will show them everything they need to delete. To make sure we have a good copy of the current registry, we need to do a backup of the Registry.
    Go to start on the PC, in the search field type "regedit.exe" without quotes.
    Highlight COMPUTER, go to File --> Export. Should pop up with a Save As box.
    Current location is fine, should be in My Documents or save to a location you will remember. In the file name on the bottom type "backup[todaysdate]" i.e. backup07072008. Next, the hard part.
    The easiest way to make sure your working with the correct key, highlight the key i.e. palm quick install, and press delete on your keyboard. It will ask you, are you sure. Say yes. Do the same thing for all keys below.
    If you make a mistake, stop what you are doing. And call a PC technician.
    BUT do not turn off your computer.
    The reg keys are as follows (Note: some of theses reg keys will not be here
    but if they are delete them)
    * HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\U.S. Robotics\Palm Quick Install
    * HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\U.S. Robotics\PalmOne File Transfer
    * HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\U.S. Robotics\Pilot Desktop
    * HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Palm
    * HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Palm, Inc.
    * HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\PalmDesktopAutorun
    * HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\palmOne
    * HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\PalmSource
    * HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\PalmSource or anything else that says palm
    Next reboot your computer.
    Then reinstall your Palm desktop from the CD and do a hotsync. If it asks
    you for a username, enter the name that is on your device in the upper right corner of the hotsync screen.

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    hi guicheft have you tried to do a hrad reset on your fone ? & have you deleted from your itunes at all ? if that still does'nt work you could try taking the sim out then put it back & see if that works. gud luck .lori

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    For my client I am looking for a way to synchronise the mails generated by SAP and placed in the SAPOffice outbox with the users Microsoft Outlook outbox.
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    Up until SAPGUI 6.20, this option was standardly available, and could be activated during GUI installation. However, that possibility no longer exists. I know that it is possible still to do it, but I do not know how to.
    Is there anybody that knows of this.
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    Sjaak van den Berg

    > After creating a purchase order in SAP, an email message for the order is generated to be sent to the vendor. This message is placed in the SAPOffice outbox from the user that created the purchase order. What I would like is that the message pending in the SAPOffice outbox is automatically transferred to the Outlook outbox of that user (not by sending the mail to the users e-mail address, but by synchronisation).
    This is not possible by default, this would imply that the SAP system has access to the Exchange server and there would be a mapping from SAP user to ActiveDirectory user.
    This wasn't also done in previous versions but you just displayed the SAP outbox using the MAPI client in Outlook, there were always two separate "mailboxes".

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    Yes I tried that. I finally turned off all home sharing settings, shut down my desktop and found them in my account settings in the store on the cloud. So at that point I just had it download everything. But I suspect that with the ipad somehow being on, the store was saying I had already received them? Regardless, my trip today whilst running errands, I was rocking out to vintage Police music! Thank you so much for responding.

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    Your old iMac can only connect to a WEP network, and yours is probably WPA.  As far as the partitions are concerned, if you don't need any any of the data on it, use your Panther disc and erase and fomat it as one partition.

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    The thing is I do not know how to move my library to the desk top before reimporting it. Where do I get the library from? Can you also tell me where the option key is I don't seem to have one labelled option on my keyboard.
    Any help will be welcomed.
    G5   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   Tiger

    The ! or ? turns up when iPhoto loses the connection between the thumbnail in the iPhoto Window and the file it represents. The most common cause of this is User Activity in the iPhoto Library Folder. Have you altered, moved or renamed anything in the iPhoto Library Folder?
    If you haven't, then try rebuilding the database. Hold down the apple and option keys and launch iPhoto. Use the resulting dialogue to rebuild.
    The iPhoto Library Folder is at Home/Pictures, and within it there are three folders:
    Originals are the photos as they were downloaded from your camera or scanner.
    (ii) Modified contains edited pics, shots that you have cropped, rotated or changed in any way.
    This allows the Photos -> Revert to Original command - very useful if you don't like the changes you've made.
    (iii) Data holds the thumbnails the the app needs to show you the photos in the iPhoto Window.
    If you want to start again, it's the Originals that you want.

  • Agent is not visible in Cisco Supervisor Desk Top

    Agent is not visible in Cisco Supervisor Desk Top
    Problem Details: UCCX 5.0(2)SR02_Build045
    CUCU 6.1.4
    For some reason I can not get one of my agents to show up in Cisco Supervisor Desk Top
    I have never had a problem like this before. I configured this phone and agent just like
    all the others. The following is a list of items I have checked and double-checked.
    CM user and Password
    ICD One Button Logon
    UCCX, Teams, Resources and Q’s
    IPCC directory number
    RMCM App User Association
    Deleted user and re added user
    I also did the following:
    From my PC telnet to UCCX Server port 5900, Successful
    From my Server telnet to my phone 59021 and 59020 not successful
    My phone and agent work fine.
    I shut off my virus protection and had the same results
    Most of the PC’s and phones in my environment had separate Ethernet ports and they show up just fine in the Cisco Supervisor Desk Top
    Does anyone have any experience with this? Thanks, Tom

    Hello Tom,
    In this case what you should try to telnet into that specific port is the Agents PC where the CAD software is running, this ports are use by the UCCX for the chat service. this service is the one that handles not oly the chat feature between the agents but also the agent status in the suppervisor desktop.
    Please follow this document, and test again the connectivity.
    Another important detail to check is if the Agents Pc has the Windows Firewall running or any anti virus software that could block the ports as well
    Please rate this post if was helpful
    Walter Solano
    CCNA Voice
    Cisco UCCX Specialist

  • Every time I save a file it copies it to the desk top as well.

    Every time I save a file to either the internal drive or an external drive, it also saves it to my desk top...must be a preference somewhere to turn off but I can't find it.

    Nope, something is malfunctioning, but we can reset it all easily.
    Download the free OnyX and run ALL the initial checks, cleaning and maintenance aspects (except deleting the log files) and reboot at the end. (cancel in between reboots is fine).
    Your machine will act a bit slow upon reboot until the caches and spotlight are rebuilt, but things should be straightened out.
    If you get any drive warnings, make sure you immediately backup your files off the computer to another drive as soon as possible, return for further instructions.

  • What DN is used for Agent desk top transfer

                     Hi If we have agents using Agent Desk top, if a caller is answered by agent A and wishes to transfer to Agent B using the Agent Desk Top what DN is the targeted phone?
    Does the Agent Desk Top transfer the caller to Agent B using the Agent ID of Agent B or does it transfer to Agent B`s "private DN". For Agent Desk top transfer do Agent`s need a "private DN" or a second line?
    If you have sites in different city, locations which do not allow RTP how does it transfer if the application uses the Agent ID

    just to add. Can Agent A transfer to the prime DN of the  phone the Agent B logs on to. Agents only have an ACD DN on their phone no other DN`s . The question is really for transfers between Agents via CAD do they need two DN`s  ACD DN and "private DN" or just an ACD DN

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    I created and maintain my business website on my macbook in iWeb.  Is there any way to move it to my desk top?

    In Lion the Library folder is now invisible. To make it permanently visible enter the following in the Terminal application window: chflags nohidden ~/Library and hit the Enter button - 10.7: Un-hide the User Library folder.
    To open your domain file in Lion or to switch between multiple domain files Cyclosaurus has provided us with the following script that you can make into an Applescript application with Script Editor. Open Script Editor, copy and paste the script below into Script Editor's window and save as an application.
    do shell script "/usr/bin/defaults write iWebDefaultsDocumentPath -boolean no"delay 1
    tell application "iWeb" to activate
    You can download an already compiled version with this link: iWeb Switch Domain.
    Just launch the application, find and select the domain file you want to open and it will open with iWeb. It modifies the iWeb preference file each time it's launched so one can switch between domain files.
    WARNING: iWeb Switch Domain will overwrite an existing Domain.sites2 file if you select to create a new domain in the same folder.  So rename your domain files once they've been created to something other than the default name.

  • When I hit reply in hot mail... only about 1/3 of my old email follows me to the reply screen.... it does this only on my notebook but is fine on my desk top... both run windows XP and both have the same version of firefox

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    Yet my desk top works fine..... Help please.... [email protected]

    I have had a similar problem with my system. I just recently (within a week of this post) built a brand new desktop. I installed Windows 7 64-bit Home and had a clean install, no problems. Using IE downloaded an anti-virus program, and then, because it was the latest version, downloaded and installed Firefox 4.0. As I began to search the internet for other programs to install after about maybe 10-15 minutes my computer crashes. Blank screen (yet monitor was still receiving a signal from computer) and completely frozen (couldn't even change the caps and num lock on keyboard). I thought I perhaps forgot to reboot after an update so I did a manual reboot and it started up fine.
    When ever I got on the internet (still using firefox) it would crash after anywhere between 5-15 minutes. Since I've had good experience with FF in the past I thought it must be either the drivers or a hardware problem. So in-between crashes I updated all the drivers. Still had the same problem. Took the computer to a friend who knows more about computers than I do, made sure all the drivers were updated, same problem. We thought that it might be a hardware problem (bad video card, chipset, overheating issues, etc.), but after my friend played around with my computer for a day he found that when he didn't start FF at all it worked fine, even after watching a movie, or going through a playlist on Youtube.
    At the time of this posting I'm going to try to uninstall FF 4.0 and download and install FF 3.6.16 which is currently on my laptop and works like a dream. Hopefully that will do the trick, because I love using FF and would hate to have to switch to another browser. Hopefully Mozilla will work out the kinks with FF 4 so I can continue to use it.
    I apologize for the lengthy post. Any feedback would be appreciated, but is not necessary. I will try and post back after I try FF 3.16.6.

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    There are a few methods described on this page for copying music between computers : - it should also work for films and tv shows

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