Desktop manager won't update

Installed v.4.7. With the program opened I click on "check for updates". The updater opens and appears to completely go through the update process to download v.5.0. I click install and it seems to go through that process as well but when I reopen the desktop manager it is still v. 4.7. What's up with that?

Interesting...I didn't think that DTM auto-updated to 5.0, but one never can be sure. You should simply download 5.0 and install it atop your current version:
Good luck and let us know!
Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
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    Hi and Welcome to the Community!
    I suggest this thread:
    It starts with a process for cleanly starting over, and there is some discussion, and there is also a post (15) with links to older Desktop Software versions, if those are needed. Note that this is not, by any means, guaranteed to work...but it has worked for many to resolve issues they are having.
    Good luck!
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
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    I'm having the opposite problem.  All those listed in the screen shot as "Install" have been installed.
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    Do I really need to delete all of my installed apps and starting from scratch?
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    Please try to perform following steps in order to fix error code A12E1.
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    Hi MarcBrittain,
    Welcome to the BlackBerry Support Community.
    This article should provide more information on this issue.
    There are some additional steps in it to try to diagnose the issue. If none of the steps in the article resolve the issue, you may want to try disabling your startup items in the System Configuration Utility and rebooting before trying again.
    Hope this helps.
    Come follow your BlackBerry Technical Team on Twitter! @BlackBerryHelp
    Be sure to click Kudos! for those who have helped you.
    Click Solution? for posts that have solved your issue(s)!

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    Hey Wharton,
    I certainly feel your pain on this, I've got the 9900 Bold and it won't do anything on the desktop software apart from back it up, annoyed doesn't even cut the surface of the frustration I've had with this after the hours I've spent searching the forums looking for an answer to this, mine won't sync, update, or do anything really. I'm really getting fed up with what seems RIM's very passive attitude towards this situation whilst everyone on the Windows platform seems to be getting on fine with it, I very much doubt they'll read this or even care if they did to be honest because I've had problems since I got my phone and it's got worse everytime they've released an update. I'm now at a point where I can't even look up music on my phone by artist or genre because it tells me there's no media available but yet when I go into all songs they're all there and play fine. Seriously RIM, sort this **bleep** out, it's getting beyond a joke, fed up with having a £500 smartphone that I can't update or sync with my Mac. Sorry this doesn't answer your question Wharton but I stay hopeful that RIM will sort this issue out or someone has a suggestion that helps us! 

  • Desktop Manager won't work with Bold 9900 no matter how many times I uninstall and reinstall!

    This really is a shambles and Blackberry are no help!! Can you guys help!! My blackberry won't SYNC with my computer! I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the software, it isn't ideal at all!
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    Anyone provide any tips on how I can get this to work.
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    OH! So this isn't really a sync problem, but a connectivity problem between the BB and the Desktop Software (lack of sync is a cascaded symptom, but connectivity is the root issue)...much different! In which case, here is the list of troubleshooting articles...hopefully something will be useful:
    KB10144 How to force the detection of the BlackBerry smartphone using Application Loader
    KB28457 BlackBerry Desktop Software is unable to detect the BlackBerry Smartphone due to administrative permissions
    KB28458 BlackBerry Desktop Software is unable to detect the BlackBerry Smartphone when user account control is enabled
    KB28459 BlackBerry Desktop Software is unable to detect the BlackBerry Smartphone when a full version of Roxio® Media Manager is installed 
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    KB28444 The BlackBerry smartphone is not detected by BlackBerry Desktop Software when connected by USB to a USB hub or a docking station
    KB28443 BlackBerry Desktop Software cannot detect the BlackBerry smartphone when it is connected via USB
    KB02640 Troubleshooting USB connections
    KB15486 Top 10 BlackBerry smartphone and BlackBerry Desktop Manager troubleshooting tips
    KB00125BlackBerry Desktop Software cannot detect the BlackBerry smartphone
    KB11439 BlackBerry Desktop Software does not detect the BlackBerry smartphone when it is connected
    KB00019 No PIN displayed in BlackBerry Desktop Redirector
    KB10938 "USB charging current is insufficient" appears on the BlackBerry smartphone
    KB01451 How to turn on advanced synchronization logging if a wired synchronization fails
    KB19717 The BlackBerry smartphone is not detected as a USB Mass Storage Device when connected to a computer
    KB16310 Media Transfer Protocol and the BlackBerry Storm smartphone
    Also, check that you are using only root USB hubs (sometimes the front-side ports are hubs...use a rear USB port). And make sure to try disabling USB power management in your system configuration (Device Manager).
    Also check on conflicting has been reported that the software package NTI Shadow&Ninja can cause a conflict; removing them and reinstalling the BB desktop software allows it to install correctly.
    Apologies in advance if this is redundant -- there's no way to be sure if you've already seen and tried these. Also apologies if any are not presently available...RIM takes them up and down at will as they revise things.
    Hopefully something there is helpful!
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup here for an article with instructions.
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  • BLACKBERRY TORCH - won't turn on and desktop manager won't recognise it - I can't get my contacts

    Hi all,
    I'm new to this so please bare with me.
    I'll try and be as brief as possible. Up until last week I had the Blackberry Torch 9800. I was due an upgrade and about two days before I went to contact my network provider my Torch battery died (it wasn't broken at this point, it just was drained and needed charged) so I went to charge it and it did that thing where the battery was so dead it wouldn't even switch on whilst charging.
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    Anyway rather than send it to be repaired I opted for a new phone as I was due an upgrade anyway and intended on doing so whether the Torch was alive and kicking at this point or not. Cut a long story short I got my new blackberry (9360 curve) it is all set up with my e-mail etc, media card and same sim card swapped over but as Blackberry insist on your contact numbers being saved to the handset and not the sim my contacts are stuck in my Torch 9800.
    When I go to plug the Torch in to Desktop manager to get the contacts saved to there and then sync over to my new handset the Torch is so dead that DManager won't even read/recognise it. My network say since this is not an issue with network etc they can't really help and gave me a number for Blackberry services in England somewhere (they are office hrs so can't phone until Monday morning).
    Please can someone help? I have my new 9360 all up and running but my contacts are stuck in my Torch and that is the only place they are? DManager won't recognise the Torch because it is dead - except the two flashing lights - and therefore won't let me at the contacts that way.
    ANY help would be appreciated - please not too techinal as not great with all of that side of things!
    Sorry for the long post.

    Sco123 wrote:
    Sorry for the long post.
    Then let me counter with a short reply: .
    - If my response has helped you, please click "Options" beside my post and mark it as solved. Clicking the "thumbs up" icon near the bottom of my response would also be appreciated.

  • Sync on desktop manager won't start with new 9700

    I am attaching my 9700, with a USB cable, to my laptop. The Desktop Manager software opens but it will not start the sync'ing process with my device.
    - the little "check" box - "automatically synchronize device and computer when USB connected" is switched on
    - I am using the latest version of Desktop Manager
    - the "Synchronize" tab is in grey. It's grey'ed out. When my curser hovers over "Synchronize" it won't light up, as in, it won't let me press the Synchronize button to initiate the process.
    - my 9700 is brand new. I had no synchronizing problems with my previous model, the Curve.
    - my laptop is a great device, I don't currently, nor haven't had, any issues with it in the past - DELL D420 Latitude. I seem to have all the drivers I need
    - I am running Windows XP
    - I am not linking to a server at work. My Blackberry is set is purely a directly link from the 9700 device, to my computer, and syncs with the calendar, address book and tasks list (MS Outlook 2003 from MS Office)
    - my new 9700 - I bought it 2weeks ago. It did sync in the beginning. About three times successfully. But not now obviously.
    - on my Windows bar at the bottom of my computer screen it pops up "new hardware added" and the 9700 device is no longer described by its identity number (PIN ref?), it says "new hardware added, 'memory device'"
    - I've searched through the Blackberry help pages and so far, all I can come up with is that my computer can't seem to recognise now, for some unknown reason, that it is connected to my 9700. Blackberry help suggested I go to the "pairing" pages of the Help guide, but I thought "pairing" was only a subject that involves Bluetooth activities. Not a USB cable connection.
    Anyone got any ideas?

    Hey Graeme0309,
    If you disconnect the BlackBerry from your computer and open Desktop Manager, are you able to open Synchronize?
    What version of BlackBerry Desktop Manager are you using?
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  • Adobe Application Manager won't update on Win 8.1 - cannot install apps

    Since updating this PC to Windows 8.1, the Adobe Application Manager which manages the Creative Cloud apps will not update itself, hence we cannot install or update CC apps (specifically, Acrobat).
    On clicking the download button on the Acrobat page of CC, the Adobe Application Manager starts to update itself, then quits with the error:
    We've encountered the following issues:
    Adobe Application Manager failed to install.
    Repeated attempts fail.  We urgently need to admin several CC apps so to be forced to use the App Manager causes us substantial business interruption.
    /src Illuminant NYC

    Hi illuminantpartnersnyc ,
    Please close all the Adobe application, browsers running at the back and try to install again. If still the same error please follow the mentioned steps:
    1. Please navigate to C/Program Files(X86)/Common Files/Adobe/OOBE and rename to OOBE.old
         Please go to C/User/User Name/App date/Local/Adobe/OOBE and rename it to OOBE.old
         Log to to CC desktop: and run as admin to install it.
    If still the same error then please enable hidden admin: ws-8-a.html and try to install again from hidden admin account.
    Please review the log : if still the error persists.
    Romit Sinha

  • Desktop Manager Won't Delete Apps

    When I use Desktop Manager to go to delete an app on my Curve by unchecking the app, the checkmark just returns a second or two later.  Is there something else I should be doing?  Thanks. 
    Go to Solution.

    You could delete the App just on the BB itself. Untethered, do this:
    Homescreen > Options > Advanced Options > Applications > highlight, but don't select, the app > BBKey > Delete
    See if that does it.
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup here for an article with instructions.
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  • Desktop Manager Won't Work

    I have downloaded the desktop manager, and like the past version, this one still wont recognize my blackberry 8330 Smartphone, I am using Windows Vista and multiple USB connection devices. I have opened the DM first, then attached the phone, and vise-versa. The phone is recognizing the connection because it lights up as charging.
    I did everything SpawnMod suggested on the other blackberryboard forum, using both the decimal and hexagonal values of 1. Nothing has worked can anyone please tell me how to get the desk manager to recognize my phone, it's very annoying that I have never once been able to upload any photos from my phone (and small memory too) let alone that its only SMS and no MMS texting.
    (Here's what SpawnMod said to do and I did it all)
    "For anyone having the issue with Desktop Manager stating "Before you begin, verify that your current BlackBerry device is connected to your computer", this may resolve your problem (it worked for me even with Bluetooth):
    1) Make sure no "Desktop Manager" components are running. You may need to kill BbDevMgr.exe, RIMDeviceManager.exe, and DesktopMgr.exe using Task Manager
    2) Run regedit.exe
    3) Navigate to:
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Research In Motion\BlackBerry\Manager
    4) Create a new 32bit dword reg value named "DeviceConnection" and set the value to 1
    5) Launch Desktop Manager
    For me this was a new install in a VM I created to test this with. I noticed that there was no value named "DeviceConnection" where one does exist on a machine of mine that is working. Once I did this, then DM would at least start up and not show that stupid message screen where it then does not allow you to select the device. It appears that the programmers at RIM need to go back to school and learn how to test application updates and use FRESH computer images for their testing."

    Hi and Welcome to the Forums!
    Here is the list of troubleshooting atricles...hopefully something will be useful. However, I've no idea if the other advice you took will do harm, good, or nothing.
    KB02640 Troubleshooting USB connections
    KB15486 Top 10 BlackBerry smartphone and BlackBerry Desktop Manager troubleshooting tips
    KB11439 BlackBerry Desktop Software does not detect the BlackBerry smartphone when it is connected
    KB00019 No PIN displayed in BlackBerry Desktop Redirector
    KB10938 "USB charging current is insufficient" appears on the BlackBerry smartphone
    KB01451 How to turn on advanced synchronization logging if a wired synchronization fails
    KB19717 The BlackBerry smartphone is not detected as a USB Mass Storage Device when connected to a computer
    Also, check that you are using only root USB hubs (sometimes the front-side ports are hubs...use a rear USB port). And make sure to try disabling USB power management in your system configuration (Device Manager).
    Apologies in advance if this is redundant -- there's no way to be sure if you've already seen and tried these.
    Hopefully something there is helpful!
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup here for an article with instructions.
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  • CC cloud desktop manager won't launch from win 8.1. It won't let me uninstall it either. Deadlock

    I installed CC cloud desktop manager and it won't launch from win 8.1. It won't let me uninstall it either. I'm in a deadlock and can't get to my subscription. How do I remove it from my PC and re-install it ?

    App doesn't open | Progress wheel spins continually

  • Mac Blackberry Desktop Manager Won't sync with New Bold 9650

    I have a new Bold 9650 (upgraded from a curve). My curve recognized and would sync with no problems. I used BB Desktop Manager to restore my new bold with all it's contacts and such. When showing up in DM, the options for restore and back up are available. When I click on applications it says I need a newer version of desktop manager. I have downloaded the most recent from the website and it still says this. 
    More importantly, the SYNC option doesn't even come up while the two are connected. It stays greyed out and won't let me get the option to sync. This worked fine with the curve, but the bold won't sync!!! Help please!!!

    I too had the same problem. See below... there's a workaround. Apparently they are working on it.
    BlackBerry Desktop Manager is unable to detect the BlackBerry smartphone when the Mac computer is bo...

Maybe you are looking for