Desktop site in mobile browser scales text badly

i want to display desktop site on mobile browser (chrome) just as it's look on computer but textframes are not scaled as it should and layout is corrupted (big text).
When I added metadata viewport width=device-width problem gone but then lightbox view is corrupted - it's show at bad position (not centered in viewport but form the top and shifted to the left side).
I don't want to make phone/tablet version of the page - there must be one version of the site displaying identicaly on desktop and mobile.

This sounds like
It appears that you are comfortable with code. In that case, I would recommend trying the max-height:1000000px suggestion in to disable "Font Boosting". Please let me know if that works.

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    Without knowing what you tried there is no telling whether people will waste their time trying to help by offering the same.  Can you indicate what resources you used in trying to resolve this? 
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    Downloading software from untrustworthy site caused adware to be installed. This can occur when downloading anything from software aggregator hosting sites such as C net dot com, Softonic dot com, Soft pedia dot com, Download dot com, Mac Update dot com, or others.
    Don't do that. If you want to install software that isn't available from the Mac App Store, go directly to the source - usually the developer's own website, or the distribution source authorized by the developer.
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    To fix your Firefox popup problems, go to Tools > Add-ons > Extensions. Remove "VidX" as well as anything else you aren't absolutely certain is required. Do the same with Plug-Ins and Services.
    Don't use AppZapper to delete anything either. It's not necessary and you might delete something required. Merely deleting the VidX app from Applications by dragging it to the Trash is enough.

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    Hi Ben, yes I know but I come across people who insist on using the desktop version of sites because they are more familiar with the layout of the buttons and dont want to relearn etc, I come across this many times on sites I visit myself actually where I don't have time to relearn the navigation of the site because I know the desktop version so well, if in a rush etc.
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    web browser returns 502 Bad Gateway errorHuh? I would expect a "page is taking too long to respond" error.
    Seems to me like you need support for background jobs. It would work something like this:
    - do request to server, either direct submit or Ajax call
    - that request, after validating of course, will start a background job. In a thread, through a job scheduler, whatever, as long as it is not the servlet that is actually executing the job. The servlet immediately returns after starting the background job.
    - webapp can show running jobs and through Ajax infrequently polls to see if running jobs are either done or they blew up with an error
    - you can see the results after a job has finished running
    This kind of "detached" system has many problems that need to be taken care of, for example taking care of resubmission. If you maintain persistent bookkeeping about jobs, a server shutdown can make the bookkeeping and the running state go out of sync. But programming is hard, this is the fun side of the job. Doing stuff you actually have to think about!

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    Hi Jim,
    We’ll be glad to help you.
    Ecwid supports responsive layout, which means that the store pages can adapt to the visitor's screen width on the fly and keep the layout clean and nice. Your products and categories lists will be fit for any window's size, as Ecwid will calculate the most suitable number of products or categories in row automatically. In other words, Ecwid looks great on any mobile devices. You can check how your Ecwid store may look on smartphones and tablets, if you see your Starter Site (what it is).
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    We’ve checked your site and found that you used Adobe Muse for building your site. Using Adobe Muse, you can create alternate site layouts for web content to be displayed on desktop, smartphones, and tablets. Nonetheless, your site has a layout for desktops only, that’s why it looks the same on all devices. You can learn how to create those alternate layouts in Adobe Muse, by reading “Creating a Website for Mobile Devices” article.
    I hope this helps! But if there are any questions, don’t hesitate to reach us out on Ecwid forums.

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    If you have designed the site using Muse, then please check the content links as which relative links you have used for.
    if you will use mobile version link for site content then site will redirect to mobile version.
    If not Muse then pm me the site url, we will have to check few things here.

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    Thank you.

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    Yep, A BUNCH OF CRAP!!!!
    They are forcing us to "THE COMMUNITY" in the hopes that someone in "THE COMMUNITY" is smart enough to have figured out a BLINKIN' ANSWER INSTEAD OF HIRING AND TRAINING THEIR OWN FRIGGIN' SUPPORT STAFF!!!!!!!!!
    As Ann154 indicated - NO FRICKIN' SUPPORT here!!!!!!
    Apparently they are willing to force all these **** changes on us and have us figure them out.
    No one here (including me) apparently wants any of these new MOBILE 'hybrid' apps on our desktops and/or tablets - BUT WE SEEMINGLY HAVE NO CHOICE except to switch carriers.
    This is why I have not renewed my multi-phone contract because my intent very soon is to bail for Sprint or T-Mobile - their coverage "IS GOOD ENOUGH" for us to use.
    First, Verizon Fios forces this recent USER INTERFACE on us with the crappy colors that MANY people actually do believe is horrible. --- And next, they push this MOBILE interface on ALL OF US as if we ARE ALL DOPPIE teenagers without a full brain.
      This kind of activity causes even more attrition, more folks leaving their subscriber base - what a waste.

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    Hi pigfy, the checkbox doesn't affect the user interface of Firefox for Android itself, only (if it works) the pages retrieved as you browse.
    If you want to display your bookmarks as a horizontal toolbar, I think you would need an add-on for that. Not sure whether anyone has created one.

  • How do I set the "request desktop site" as default?

    At many sites I have to double tip in safari before the browser recognize the tip - this s****! After I request the desktop verison of this site, everthing is fine.
    I.e. is a very good example. Bye the way, I don't want to use the ebay app - there are too many restrictions in the search and filter feature compared to the desktop site.
    The next advantage would be, that the google picture search and the displaying of pictures would better use the retina display resolution and would instantly show an accurate (hd) version of a picture and not the slushy low-res one.
    Thanks in advance

    1. If you use iCloud to synchronize Safari with a mobile device, you may be opening a bookmark to the mobile version of the site. Another possibility is that you're getting a Handoff activity from the device.
    Remove everything from the URL except the domain name and try again. For instance, if the URL is something like this:
    change it to this:
    2. From the Safari menu bar, select
              Safari ▹ Preferences... ▹ Privacy ▹ Remove All Website Data...
    and confirm. Test.

  • Desktop view in mobile safari

    Is there any way to force Safari to view the desktop version of a website? Any help will be appreciated! Thank you.

    And this is relevant to the discussion how?
    All web browsers, mobile or desktop, leave a signature that is read by the website. Depending on the sophistication of the website programers, the site can deliver different versions of the content to meet the requirements of that particular browser.
    Google gives you a choice when it detects a mobile browser; many website do not.

  • I would like know how to view a SharePoint Page from mobile browser or app.

    I work for a company that sell products and then offers aftermarket support.  On our external SharePoint site, I created a page to link to Wiki pages that contain knowledge sharing entries.  The goal is when a member of the company learns something
    that they feel would be good to share, the can take a video, post it to Vimeo, and then embed the video with applicable text to the SharePoint site.  The SharePoint posts can also contain PDFs, other document links, and embedded pictures.  
    I have the page essentially finished, I am ready for some more contributors at the company to start adding content.
    One of the goals of the site is to be viewable via a mobile application.  I have tried apps such as SPConnect, and SharePlus from Infragistics.  Their mobile apps view SharePoint as a list, and do not view any of the embedded pictures or Vimeo
    My questions are:  
    Will SharePoint 2010 support mobile web browsing with the same functionality as the standard web browser?
    If 2010 will not, will SharePoint 2013 offer the support?
    If it is possible, what features do I need from a server and what settings do I need to enable to make it happen?  Currently on our site, it is not viewable.  I use "Forms Authentication" to log into the site.
    If it is possible, do you suggest finding an app?  Is there an app that will do it, or can I just log in and view from the mobile web browser the same way I do from a standard web browser?
    Overall, I need to know what I need to do to get this to work.
    Thank you for reading.  I look forward to your responses.

     Its possible to achieve the functionality which you are looking here. To enable mobile support please follow the below link which will guide you,
    if its not helping you please let us know.
    Sekar - Our life is short, so help others to grow
    Whenever you see a reply and if you think is helpful, click "Vote As Helpful"! And whenever
    you see a reply being an answer to the question of the thread, click "Mark As Answer

  • Need code for mobile browser detection

    So I've read there are several different ways to do this using HTML, JS, PHP, Cookies, etc... and found a discussion suggesting to search for "javascript detect mobile browser" which I did, and maybe since the forum is from 2010 the search results are lacking is a link to that forum:
    I have code and editing knowlege but not on the developer side of things...I could not write a JS, or PHP if needed...but have created a jQuery mobile site no problem!

    You could use either JavaScript or PHP to do this but I prefer PHP, as Nancy said JavaScript can be a bit shakey to say the least across different devices and it may not be enabled.
    I have come across a few ways to this but my preferred choice is a project called MobileESP. This project offers a JavaScript or a PHP solution for detecting a massive array of different devices. Because of how complex this project is, I thought I'd explain a very basic way of using the scripts to redirect the client to the appropriate page dependant on what type of device the client is using. PHP is the best solution for this. This script was acquired from there site.
    Go to and download the PHP version of MobileESP which is a file called mdetect.php.
    Put this file in a folder called scripts.
    Then for your index.php home page at the site root, add this script below,
    //Instantiate the object to do our testing with.
    $uagent_obj = new uagent_info();
    //Detect iPhone Tier and iPads...
    if (($uagent_obj->DetectTierIphone() == $uagent_obj->true) ||
    ($uagent_obj->DetectIpad() == $uagent_obj->true))
      { header('Location:'); } //Edit here
    //Detect Rich CSS Tier...
    else if ($uagent_obj->DetectTierRichCss() == $uagent_obj->true)
      { header('Location:'); } //Edit here
    //Detect All Other Mobile Devices...
    else if ($uagent_obj->DetectTierOtherPhones() == $uagent_obj->true)
      { header('Location:'); } //Edit here
    //Else it's a regular PC browser -- send to regular desktop site
      { header('Location:'); } //Edit here
    This script redirects iPhone Tier devices and iPads to, Rich CSS devices such as Nokia N95 to, Generic mobile devices to and Desktop browsers and all others to
    You can also redirect to any file i.e. or
    Hopefully this should answer your question.

  • Communication between mobile browser and proxy server

    I am trying to connect to internet in mobile through my proxy server.I wrote codings for that.Using my code i am able to get the request from the mobile browser but the problem is i am unable to connect to the proxy server
    The following is my code for sending the request to the proxyserver and getting back the response:
    s = (SocketConnection)"socket://"+hostname+":"+port);
    /*OutStream to write the request to the proxy server*/
    OutputStream out = s.openOutputStream(); PrintStream outw = new PrintStream(out); outw.print(requestHeader +"\r\n"); /*Inputstream to read the response from the proxy server*/ InputStream in = s.openInputStream();
    /*writing the response in the browser */
    byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
    int len;
    while((len = > 0) {
    os.write(buffer, 0, len);
    is my coding correct?or i need to change anything in my codings?
    This coding is working fine in emulator and displaying the correct output in the desktop browser.but in mobile it is not working?
    Thanks a lot

    yes nothing is returned from the browser
    request from the browser means
    whenever u type say, in your browser
    the following type of request will go to the proxy server,after getting the request the proxy server will check for the host address and then it connects to the webserver and get the response and send it back to the browser.
    for google page the request is
    GET HTTP/1.1
    Accept: text/html, application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml, application/xhtml+xml, text/css, multipart/mixed, text/vnd.wap.wml, application/vnd.wap.wmlc, application/vnd.wap.wmlscriptc, application/java-archive, application/java, application/x-java-archive, text/, application/vnd.met.ticket, application/x-wallet-appl.user-data-provision, application/vnd.oma.drm.message, application/vnd.oma.drm.content, application/vnd.wap.mms-message, application/vnd.wap.sic, text/x-co-desc, application/vnd.oma.dd+xml, */*
    Accept-Charset: iso-8859-1, utf-8, iso-10646-ucs-2; q=0.6
    Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate,identity;q=0.9
    Accept-Language: en
    Cookie: PREF=ID=dc8dc6e63dab6e09:TM=1156324791:LM=1156324791:S=FgovcdMV93Mm4Li7
    Cookie2: $Version="1"
    User-Agent: Nokia6630/4.06.0 Series60/2.6 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1
    x-wap-profile: ""
    in the code u have given the value of the host is http: only

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