Desktop suddenly appears as a photographic negative

I have been a mac user since 1985, but have never run into this problem before. I have an iMac G3 PowerPC 750 600 MHz, running OSX 10.3.9. When I "woke" my sleeping desktop this morning, it appeared in mustard yellow, even though it is set as "aqua blue." Everything appears as a photo negative, whites are black, blacks are white, etc. I ran Virex; I restarted; I shutdown and restarted. I checked all my preference settings. I tried printing a photo from iPhoto (it looked like an old film negative), and the printed version came out in normal colors. I haven't found any references to this problem elsewhere. It's very disconcerting to work in the negative, and I would appreciate any help restoring my desktop to sanity as soon as possible.
iMac G3 PowerPC 750 600 MHz   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

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    Hi Brian Bernardini-
    I would presume that the drive is starting to fail. It would be wise to back it up as soon as possible?
    What model and make is the drive?

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    Thanks Terence. I know about that in iPhoto already. I use it often. However, that is not an option when creating a book. When you click on the photos button in the bottom right corner when creating a book, it shows the photos but there is no "info" selection. The only way I find out the date is to drag the photo into the book, then go back and hover over the page number it was imported to and hope eventually the date shows up. If it's not the date for the chapter I wanted (as my chapters are divided by months), I then drag it back out and try again until I find a photo that does have that date. It's taken hours and is different from previous versions of iPhoto where I have created books before. This is iPhoto 11, trying to create a hard bound book.

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    You have done something which change the permissions and your user is not able to access anymore. You can play around and try to correct permissions manually by going to your home folder, right click on the Desktop folder and choose get info and when new window will be open, at the bottom of it, check if your username is listed and if has Read & Write permissions.
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    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Welcome to the HP Community Forum.
    If I understand what you are saying, it appears that one computer - the notebook - is working correctly to print.
    A different computer -- a Desktop computer - does not print, and is showing an error indicating that the printer is not connected properly (or something similar).
    Assuming you are using DHCP and not a Static IP address for the Printer, the following might apply to your setup.
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    Shut down the Desktop Computer
    Disconnect the extra bits from the Desktop -- USB drives, speakers, other unnecessary devices.  Leave the monitor and mouse connected; these are considered necessary.
    Unplug the Desktop computer for thirty seconds
    Reconnect the Desktop computer to the power (plug in)
    Reconnect the Desktop's devices as desired:  USB drives, etc.
    Shut down the Notebook, using proper shutdown protocols
    Shut down the Printer
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    Switch on the Router - wait thirty seconds for the Router to boot completely...
    Boot Notebook, Desktop computer,  and then start the Printer
    Install the Full Feature Software onto the Desktop computer:
    Install Full Feature Software – Printer
    Click the Kudos Thumbs-Up to show you appreciate the help.
    I am pleased to provide assistance on behalf of HP. I do not work for HP. 
    Click Accept as Solution when the Answer provides a Fix or Workaround!
    Kind Regards,

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              gid: -2
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    It's normal for the icons at the top level of the startup disk to revert to the same arrangement every time the Finder is relaunched. If it's important to you to arrange those icons in a persistent way, proceed as follows.
    Back up all data.
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    Cascam. (Photoshop CS4 is normally running in English)
    Casper Cammeraat

    It was my understanding that one could not change the language from the purchased edition, so like I say this is odd.
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