Desktop touch?

Does Photoshop CC work as a touch application on a Windows 8 desktop with a 27" screen?

Hi Graebeard, what kind of touchscreen do you have?
Regardless there isn't very much touch support on Windows 8. If you want to see for yourself you can download a trial of Photoshop CC here:

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    Hi there,
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    Hey Tobias,
    have a look at this Thread: javascript - Disable hover effects on mobile browsers - Stack Overflow
    It helped me and might contain a solution to your problem as well!

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    any help!?

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    Any help would be appreciated. Again this is only for a few devices, we currently have less then 10 of these tablets on our domain.

    Any error messages prompted or shown under Event Viewer? Please paste related information here so we can better find the cause.
    Meanwhile, you can refer to the KB below, check if it can help you
    Remote Desktop disconnected or can’t connect to remote computer or to Remote Desktop server (Terminal Server) that is running Windows Server 2008 R2
    More detailed information would be very helpful
    TechNet Community Support

  • RegisterPointerInputTarget() breaks InjectTouchInput() on Windows 8.1 when the user physically touches the screen.

    This is a "working on Windows 8.0 but broken on 8.1" problem.
    My application is a full screen magnifier. When magnification is turned on, there is no longer a 1:1 relationship between touch screen coordinates and desktop coordinates.
    So I need a way to allow the user operate the computer, such as dragging or pinching something on the desktop (icon/window/whatever). So when they drag their finger(s) across the touch screen, I need to capture that, translate the touch coordinates from magnified
    pixels coordinates into original desktop pixels and then inject new input to the app. I also want the ability to capture the touch input and not pass it to the app (so I can have gestures/whatever to control the magnifier viewport location). I might also want
    to inject input when the user is not touching the real screen.
    So I am capturing all touch input RegisterPointerInputTarget() and simulating touch input using InjectTouchInput() (after translating coordinates from the screen to the magnified desktop).
    My code for simulating touch input works fine in isolation (as does the SDK sample). My code for capturing all touch input also works fine. However, if they are both used at the same time it’s not happy, although I am not getting any error codes back from the
    Specifically, attempts to simulate a touch and hold or a touch and drag are not working whenever the user is physically touching the real touch screen. Further diagnosis indicates that the touch input messages are not arriving in the target application. The
    moment the user physcially touches the screen, any simulated input in progress gets cancelled and all subsequent calls to InjecttouchInput() are ignored - but no error code is returned.
    Because I am capturing all real input using RegisterPointerInputTarget(), I would expect all real physical input to be redirected to my window (which it does) and be able to call InjectTouchInput() at any point to simulate input. The simulated input would go
    to the target app and not be captured by my own process.
    This all worked fine in Windows 8.0 but is broken in  windows 8.1.
    I have written a basic test application that does two things.
    1.       Uses RegisterPointerInputTarget() to consume all touch input.
    2.       Uses InjectTouchInput() to simulate some output. In this case, it just does a click, followed by a down, a drag and an up – which handily draws a line in the paint application if you arrange your windows carefully.
    If I run this, it works until you physically touch the screen with your finger. The moment you do this, InjectTouchInput stops working (no error code), but the paint app receives a mouse up and the line stops. The hwnd to capture all touch input does receive
    WM_POINTER... messages and I an returning 0 from this function (have tried other return codes, nothing makes any difference).
    So it looks like that if you use RegisterPointerInputTarget(), any physical input is captured, but it also breaks any simulated touch gestures that are currently in progress.
    Source code is below, which you can drop in as a replacement for the main .cpp file in your injecttouch sample code from the win8 sdk (and set uiaccess=true and code sign it!). It does it in two threads, however this doesn’t seem to matter, it does the same
    thing with one thread. Am I doing something wrong?  (and yes, I know that calling Sleep() is not wise - my real app doesn't do this)?
    - Mike.
    // allow use of Windows 8 headers
    #undef WINVER
    #define WINVER 0x0602
    #include "stdafx.h"
    #include <debugoutx.h>
    #include <process.h>
    * WinMain *
    * Application entrypoint *
    static HWND touch_hwnd = NULL;
    static ATOM touch_window_atom = NULL;
    LRESULT CALLBACK TouchThread_WndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
    switch (message)
    case WM_CLOSE:
    touch_hwnd = NULL;
    case 0x250:
    case WM_POINTERUP :
    // consume pointer mesages
    dprintf(L"msg %x\n",message);
    return 0;
    case WM_TIMER:
    dprintf(L"msg %x\n",message);
    return DefWindowProc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam);
    return 0;
    void Inject(POINTER_TOUCH_INFO &contact)
    DWORD bRet = InjectTouchInput(1, &contact);
    if (bRet==0)
    DWORD temp = GetLastError();
    if (temp==ERROR_NOT_READY)
    static int start = 400;
    static int end = 800;
    bool SimulateInput(POINTER_TOUCH_INFO &contact)
    static int x = start;
    if (x==start)
    contact.pointerInfo.ptPixelLocation.x = x;
    // inject a touch down
    else if (x==(start+1))
    contact.pointerInfo.pointerFlags = POINTER_FLAG_UP ;
    else if (x==(start+2))
    else if (x==end)
    contact.pointerInfo.pointerFlags = POINTER_FLAG_UP ;
    return false;
    else if (x<end)
    // drag
    contact.pointerInfo.ptPixelLocation.x = x;
    // contact.rcContact.left = x - 4;
    // contact.rcContact.right = x + 4;
    return true;
    void thread2(void *)
    // create window to capture global touch input.
    if (!touch_window_atom)
    WNDCLASS wc; = 0; // Class style(s).
    wc.lpfnWndProc = TouchThread_WndProc; // Function to retrieve messages
    wc.cbClsExtra = 0; // No per-class extra data.
    wc.cbWndExtra = 0; // No per-window extra data.
    wc.hInstance = GetModuleHandle(0); // Application that owns the class.
    wc.hIcon = NULL;
    wc.hCursor = NULL;
    wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH);
    wc.lpszMenuName = NULL; // Name of menu resource in .RC file.
    wc.lpszClassName = L"MarsTouchInputCapture"; // Name used in call to CreateWindow.
    // Register the window class and return success/failure code.
    touch_window_atom = RegisterClass(&wc);
    touch_hwnd = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_NOACTIVATE,L"MarsTouchInputCapture",L"Magnification",0,0,0,1,1,NULL,NULL,GetModuleHandle(0),NULL);
    // capture global desktop touch input
    if (RegisterPointerInputTarget(touch_hwnd,PT_TOUCH)==0)
    DWORD err = GetLastError();
    MessageBox(NULL,L"RegisterPointerInputTarget(PT_TOUCH) failed",L"error",MB_OK);
    if (RegisterPointerInputTarget(touch_hwnd,PT_PEN)==0)
    DWORD err = GetLastError();
    MessageBox(NULL,L"RegisterPointerInputTarget(PT_PEN) failed",L"error",MB_OK);
    // message loop
    MSG msg;
    while (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0))
    WINAPI WinMain(
    _In_ HINSTANCE hInstance,
    _In_opt_ HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
    _In_ LPSTR lpCmdLine,
    _In_ int nShowCmd)
    BOOL bRet = TRUE;
    MessageBox(NULL,L"Break on Load",L"Attach Debugger",MB_OK);
    // assume a maximum of 10 contacts and turn touch feedback off
    InitializeTouchInjection(10, TOUCH_FEEDBACK_NONE);
    // initialize the touch info structure
    memset(&contact, 0, sizeof(POINTER_TOUCH_INFO));
    contact.pointerInfo.pointerType = PT_TOUCH; //we're sending touch input
    contact.pointerInfo.pointerId = 7; //contact 0
    contact.pointerInfo.ptPixelLocation.x = 400;
    contact.pointerInfo.ptPixelLocation.y = 480;
    contact.touchFlags = TOUCH_FLAG_NONE;
    contact.touchMask = 0;
    contact.orientation = 90;
    contact.pressure = 32000;
    // create thread/window for global capture
    return 0;

    I have almost same situation. But there are some different. I am using RegisterPointerInputTarget to redirect all touch message to my window. and use InjectTouchInput to simulate each flag, which means, WM_POINTERDOWN,WM_POINTERUPDATE,WM_POINTERUP. If user
    touches monitor, I simulate DOWN, if user swipes their finger, I simulate UPDATE, if user lifts finger, I simulate UP.
    Then the interesting point is, system consider user's finger as primary pointer, and my injected touch as secondary pointer. windows desktop and windows explorer skip all my injected touch. I really hate that.
    However IE and chrome will accept my injected touch, they don't caret about primary pointer.
    In order to fix this problem, I call AccNotifyTouchInteraction before calling InjectTouchInput.
    According to the MSDN, AccNotifyTouchInteraction will notify the destination window before InjectTouchInput. But this idea still fails, which is disappointing.

  • External touch screen

    I am looking at which Mac to buy, and am looking at the Mac Pro. One thing I want is a touch screen. Does anyone have experience or can recommend a desktop touch-screen, 19 to 21 inch? Do touchscreens generally come with Apple Mac drivers?

    You can find touch screens/drives for a Mac. There ae not that many since few drivers exist.. See:
    Touch screen for a Mac Mini?
    Planar Helium PCT2785 touchscreen for mac?

  • I want to build an apple script that will parse the name of a file and sort it into folders.

    This is for medical application, so I will do it as such: CLIN_FAM_PAT_FILE_DATE.EXT sorts into Folders: Family/Patient/Type/Date, either sorting into folders that already exist (and make them shared folders eventually for each patient) or creating new folders with names as indicated by the file name.  The Prefix "CLIN" is an indication that the file is a clincial patient document and so needs to be filed.  Files without that prefix would be ignored. 
    So the file format would be:
    Family Folder
    Family DocumentsDocument Type folders
    Patient folders - for each person who is a member of that houshold unitDocument Type Folders (such as x-rays, lab reports, or insurance info)Within each document type, there would be separate folders based on the date (or at least the order of the docs would be by date)
    For example:   A document called CLIN_JONES123_JAMES228_LAB_022614.PDF which is a lab summary for James Jones done on 2/26/14 would go here
    JONES123 FolderJAMES228 FolderLab Results FolderFebruary 2014 Folder.
    Makes sense?  I am initially putting these files into a Filemaker Pro database and having it compile the files based on patient name, type, date, etc.  But need to use Applescript to create the folders so things are organized in a way that I can easily share with patients.
    Makes sense?

    You can call this script from Applescript (just need to do some escaping of quotes):
    This can be run in Applescript:
    do shell script "
    MONTHS=(January February March April May June July August September October November December)
    for f in ~/Desktop/*
         if [[ $( echo \"${f##*/}\" | cut -d_ -f1 ) == \"CLIN\" ]] ; then
              ff=$( echo \"${f##*/}\" | cut -d_ -f2 )
              pd=$( echo \"${f##*/}\" | cut -d_ -f3 )
              date=$( echo \"${f##*/}\" | cut -d_ -f5 )
              Dir=$DestinantionFolder/$ff/$pd/${MONTHS[$mo-1]}\\ $yr/
              if [ ! -d \"$Dir\" ]; then
                   mkdir -p \"$Dir\"
              mv \"$f\" \"$Dir\"
    done" there a way to trigger this whenever a new file is created to check and see if it needs to be moved
    Yes, with Automator.  When you Open Automator, choose Folder Action
    I copied what you did and while the script ran successfully, I don't see any new folders created.  Your shell script makes sense; I am not sure why it doesn't create folders.
    The script as written only looks for files in the Desktop Folder
    (edit by changing: DestinantionFolder=$HOME/Desktop )
    To test I created a file on my Desktop
      touch ~/Desktop/CLIN_JONES123_JAMES228_LAB_022614.PDF
    and Folders were created and the file moved.
    (Note: I only tested that format.  If the file has any other format, it will fail)

  • I want to build an AA that will allow for rotating call out profiles

    I have UCCX 7. what i'm looking to do is build an auto attendant script so when a caller dials in it will allow for them to reach the oncall person in a different sequence each week\ month. this will need to be triggered only by them calling the ACD access number. I know how the day of week sciprt works just not how to step up the sequencing. has anybody done this before? please respond if you have thank you.
    Kind of like this:
    Jan 2010            Feb 2010
    dial phone 1        dial phone 2
    dial phone 2        dial phone 3
    dial phone 3        dial phone 1

    You can call this script from Applescript (just need to do some escaping of quotes):
    This can be run in Applescript:
    do shell script "
    MONTHS=(January February March April May June July August September October November December)
    for f in ~/Desktop/*
         if [[ $( echo \"${f##*/}\" | cut -d_ -f1 ) == \"CLIN\" ]] ; then
              ff=$( echo \"${f##*/}\" | cut -d_ -f2 )
              pd=$( echo \"${f##*/}\" | cut -d_ -f3 )
              date=$( echo \"${f##*/}\" | cut -d_ -f5 )
              Dir=$DestinantionFolder/$ff/$pd/${MONTHS[$mo-1]}\\ $yr/
              if [ ! -d \"$Dir\" ]; then
                   mkdir -p \"$Dir\"
              mv \"$f\" \"$Dir\"
    done" there a way to trigger this whenever a new file is created to check and see if it needs to be moved
    Yes, with Automator.  When you Open Automator, choose Folder Action
    I copied what you did and while the script ran successfully, I don't see any new folders created.  Your shell script makes sense; I am not sure why it doesn't create folders.
    The script as written only looks for files in the Desktop Folder
    (edit by changing: DestinantionFolder=$HOME/Desktop )
    To test I created a file on my Desktop
      touch ~/Desktop/CLIN_JONES123_JAMES228_LAB_022614.PDF
    and Folders were created and the file moved.
    (Note: I only tested that format.  If the file has any other format, it will fail)

  • Officejet Pro 8500 a909g software won't install in widows 8

    I have a HP Deskjet Pro 8500 a909g printer.  It's worked great on XP and windows 7.  On Windows 8 I can get the printer drivers to install, but not any of the HP software.  I have done a L4 uninstall, stopped all the TSR non-windows applications, cleaned all temp files/folders, disable the firewall and anti-virus and downloaded the version 14.8.0 Product installation software.  When I execute the Product installation software, it completes the "extraction", then simply disappears.  The app is still running, because I can't delete the file, but no screen or window comes up. 
    I have also tried the Install wizard and the HP Print and Scan Doctor, both failed saying they don't support this device after processing through the first 3-4 steps.
    Has anyone successfully installed this software on Windows 8?  Any help or thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

    Hi pepps
    I understand you are unable to install the printer on the Win 8.
    The downloaded driver goes to the downloads folder, try and run it from there.
    In our lab this where it extracted to but yours might be different.
    Go to desktop, touch windows key and x key, select file
    explorer, downloads folder. Double click it to run the
    extracted file. (ojaio6500e709fullwinww140)
    Run extracted file separately.
    Go to desktop, touch windows key and x key, select file
    explorer, c:, users, your computer name, app data, local,
    temp 7zs4d1a, (Officejet 6500) open the setup.exe to run
    the installation.
    Let me know if that works.
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos Thumbs Up" on the right to say “Thanks” for helping!
    I work on behalf of HP

  • I want to sort photos on ATV 2 by alphabetical album name (itunes on win7)

    I have 13,000 plus photos stored in folders under a top directory which is shared by iTunes on Win7. For some reason the Apple TV Gen 2 brings up the list of albums (folders) in a random order. How can I change it to be alphabetical?

    You can call this script from Applescript (just need to do some escaping of quotes):
    This can be run in Applescript:
    do shell script "
    MONTHS=(January February March April May June July August September October November December)
    for f in ~/Desktop/*
         if [[ $( echo \"${f##*/}\" | cut -d_ -f1 ) == \"CLIN\" ]] ; then
              ff=$( echo \"${f##*/}\" | cut -d_ -f2 )
              pd=$( echo \"${f##*/}\" | cut -d_ -f3 )
              date=$( echo \"${f##*/}\" | cut -d_ -f5 )
              Dir=$DestinantionFolder/$ff/$pd/${MONTHS[$mo-1]}\\ $yr/
              if [ ! -d \"$Dir\" ]; then
                   mkdir -p \"$Dir\"
              mv \"$f\" \"$Dir\"
    done" there a way to trigger this whenever a new file is created to check and see if it needs to be moved
    Yes, with Automator.  When you Open Automator, choose Folder Action
    I copied what you did and while the script ran successfully, I don't see any new folders created.  Your shell script makes sense; I am not sure why it doesn't create folders.
    The script as written only looks for files in the Desktop Folder
    (edit by changing: DestinantionFolder=$HOME/Desktop )
    To test I created a file on my Desktop
      touch ~/Desktop/CLIN_JONES123_JAMES228_LAB_022614.PDF
    and Folders were created and the file moved.
    (Note: I only tested that format.  If the file has any other format, it will fail)

  • Quad-buffered OpenGL Stereo (Nvidia Quadro FX5600)

    I have some early 2008 MacPros with Nvidia QuadroFX5600 graphics cards, which
    were purchased expressly for doing stereo visualization and computation.  At the time they were
    purchased, the best option for stereo monitors was from Planar (a setup with two monitors
    and a telepromptor mirror) in which the left and right eye images are drawn to different
    monitors (passive stereo, not requiring a fancy glasses/transmitter setup).
    These setup works beautifully under Linux and Windows, but has never worked properly
    under OSX - the only supported stereo model on OSX has been, it seems, the fancy
    glasses/transmitter setup, and I have never been able to find a good reason why this
    was not implemented in the graphics drivers on OSX.  The shutter glasses also give me
    a fantastic headache with extended use due to eye strain, which is not a problem with
    passive stereo.
    We've been dealing with this by dual-booting into Ubuntu, but I'm seriously considering
    ditching the whole OSX partition and settling on just using Ubuntu - the hardware has
    been rock-solid otherwise.  It just seems a shame that the folks at Apple haven't
    fully supported this part of the graphics/vis niche market, given that the MacOS is otherwise a
    top-notch development environment.
    Any thoughts on whether this will change with Mavericks, or whether anyone has had
    any experience getting this kind of setup to work on either Lion or Mountain Lion?

    Hello Chris,
    Thanks for the information. I have a Quadro 4000 card around here that I can experiment with, but was hoping to get a response from Sapphire Technology regarding the ATI Radeon HD 7950 I had installed before I went down that road.
    I spoke to a very helpful tech at PNY on Friday who told me that it would be necessary to purchase the NVidia 3D vision "Pro" kit, and that it would work with a monitor that was capable of a 120 hz refresh rate over DVI or DisplayPort. Do you know if the "Pro" kit is required, which seems to run anywhere from $749 to $899, or if I could get away with the consumer/gaming version at $129?
    I'll add to the thread as soon as I hear back from Sapphire.
    Thanks for the information, I appreciate it!

  • Why does my ical on my ipod touch not sync with my ical on my desktop if I put in an event on the ipod calendar?

    Why does my ical on my ipod touch not sync with my ical on my desktop imac ical?
    It will if I put it in on my desktop though.
    Please help,

    Probably because you did not tell the iPod to sync the calendar in iTunes.

  • Adobe Touch Apps won't send to/open in Desktop Apps

    When I create anything is any of the Adobe Touch Apps (Draw, Line, Comp, Sketch) and then click the "send to Photoshop", "send to Illustrator", or "send to InDesign" (depending on the app/program) the app will say that it has sent but then nothing opens in the desktop programs. That being said, all of the Library apps work perfect and sync as they should (such as Color and Shape)
    What I'm Working With:
    I have the most updated versions of all the touch apps, the updated version of my Mac OS, and I'm on the monthly subscription of the most updated versions of Creative Cloud.
    What I've Tried:
    uninstalled and reinstalled all software and apps
    rebooted the computer and iPad (both hard and soft)
    contacted Adobe Chat
    contacted Mac Support Chat
    What's we (Adobe/Mac) have concluded:
    If I'm logged into this computer with my default admin account the apps will NOT send/sync. If I log into this computer with a different admin account it will send/sync perfectly and all files that were sent will all start opening in the appropriate program.
    When I contacted Adobe and they took control of my computer, they said that this was a Mac profile issue and to contact Mac.
    When I contacted Mac and they took control of my computer, they said that this is not a profile issue and that there is something wrong with the Adobe programs. They recommended that I contact Adobe to see which "plist" files I can delete in order to have them rebuild upon reboot. I have not been able to get home from work in time to get back onto the chat session with Adobe since.
    Adobe/Mac Suggested "workaround":
    log out of my default account and log into my other admin account on this computer when ever I want to work with the Adobe Touch Apps.

    Hey there Jose!
    Here's the default admin account (2 photos). The files will NOT send to this account.
    Here's the temp admin account that Adobe created when I was on tech support chat (2 photos). The files WILL send to this account.

  • I have a new iPod Touch and one apple ID. I want to use My laptop aswell as my desktop computer for the one ipod, using the same apple ID. I have music on both computers and want to merge the two without losing any music or apps. How do I do this?

    I have a new iPod Touch and one apple ID. I want to use My laptop aswell as my desktop computer for the one ipod, using the same apple ID. I have music on both computers and want to merge the two without losing any music or apps. How do I do this?
    My iPod has music and apps from my apple ID that I downloaded to my iPod via iCloud and some apps that I got free from the store, straight onto my iPod, but my laptop has some music on it aswell, separate from my other library. I want to put the music from my laptop into my iTunes library which I want to use on both computers. Is it possible to do this?

    - You can only sync an iPod to one iTunes library/computer. You can however, manually manage music and videos among different libraries.
    Go to iTunes>Help>iTunes Help>Sync your iPod....>Sync You Device>Set up Syncing>Sync your device manually and follow the instructions.
    - If y wnat to switch syncing libraries/computer see:
    go to iTunes>Help>iTunes Help>Sync your iPod....>Sync You Device>Set up Syncing>Sync your device manually and follow the instructions.
    Syncing to a "New" Computer or replacing a "crashed" Hard Drive: Apple Support Communities
    If all the synced media like music is in the iTunes library of the second computer it is very easy.

  • When I import photos taken from my Ipod Touch 4 to My Mac Desktop, I click delete photos on ipod, but they do not delete. Is the only way to delete them individually (I have 1,400 photos!) or is there a way to delete them all in one go?

    When I import photos taken from my Ipod Touch 4 to My Mac Desktop, I click delete photos on ipod, but they do not delete. Is the only way to delete them individually (I have 1,400 photos!) or is there a way to delete them all in one go?
    I realise you can you can delete them on your ipod slowly as you have to click on each one, and you can restore your ipod, but surely there is a way to get around this?
    Software: 4.3.2
    Build Version: 8H7
    Thanks If anyone can help me.

    Download/install an app is a know possible solution.
    3. Install another app from the App Store
    If all user-installed apps are not launching, it could be an Apple ID authorization issue. Download and install an app that isn't already installed on your device to reset this information.
    Note: If you have installed apps using multiple Apple ID accounts, you may need to perform this step for each account.
    Above from Apple's :
    iOS: Troubleshooting applications purchased from the App Store

Maybe you are looking for