Detecting bounds in Windows Phone

I've got a project of Breakout in Windows Phone that I have to realized for next week.
I've placed all my graphics component. I succeed to move the racket horizontally but the racket can move offside the screen.
So I just want to block the racket when the rectangle hit the bounds of the screen, but I don't know how to do this.
Any ideas please ?

What library are you using to write this? How are you placing the graphics components?
Silverlight 8.0? Silverlight 8.1? Windows.UI.Xaml? DirectX? Some other middleware?
On Windows Phone 8.1 (Silverlight or Runtime) check out the CoreWindow.Bounds property . Depending on the UI layer you're using
there may be other options as well.
Rather than checking the screen bounds directly you may want to place and detect barrier objects in your scene.

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  • Windows Phone camera App crash when switching to another page

    I am creating a Simple Face Detection App for Windows Phone in C#. I turn on my camera , everything works perfect and FaceDetector works too, but when I try to navigate to other page my App always crashes and I do not why. I tried to test my App in Windows
    Phone Emulator and here the navigation works. I also tried debug my App in real device, but there the method OnNavigatedFrom is never hit.
    public partial class FaceDetection : PhoneApplicationPage
    #region member variables
    const string MODEL_FILE = "models/haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml";
    FaceDetector.Detector _detector;
    int _downsampleFactor = 2;
    private byte[] _pixelDataGray;
    private byte[] _pixelDataDownsampled;
    private int[] _pixelDataGrayInt;
    private WriteableBitmap _wb;
    private DateTime _lastUpdate;
    public static int pocet = 5;
    double point1;
    double point2;
    double heightRectangle;
    double widthRectangle;
    public FaceDetection()
    _detector = new FaceDetector.Detector(XDocument.Load(MODEL_FILE));
    private void NewCameraFrame(object sender, CameraFrameEventArgs cameraFrameEventArgs)
    PageOrientation orientaciaObrazovky = ((PhoneApplicationFrame)Application.Current.RootVisual).Orientation;
    var w = cameraViewer.CameraWidth;
    var h = cameraViewer.CameraHeight;
    if (_pixelDataGray == null || _pixelDataGray.Length != h * w)
    _pixelDataGray = new byte[w / _downsampleFactor * h / _downsampleFactor];
    _pixelDataDownsampled =
    new byte[w / _downsampleFactor * h / _downsampleFactor];
    _pixelDataGrayInt = new int[w / _downsampleFactor * h / _downsampleFactor];
    _wb = new WriteableBitmap(w / _downsampleFactor, w / _downsampleFactor);
    _lastUpdate = DateTime.Now;
    Utils.DownSample(cameraFrameEventArgs.ARGBData, w, h, ref _pixelDataGrayInt, _downsampleFactor);
    Utils.ARGBToGreyScale(_pixelDataGrayInt, ref _pixelDataGray);
    Utils.HistogramEqualization(ref _pixelDataGray);
    Utils.GrayToARGB(_pixelDataGray, ref _pixelDataGrayInt);
    List<FaceDetector.Rectangle> faces = new List<FaceDetector.Rectangle>();
    if (orientaciaObrazovky == PageOrientation.PortraitUp || orientaciaObrazovky == PageOrientation.PortraitDown)
    int scalw = w / _downsampleFactor;
    int scalh = h / _downsampleFactor;
    int[] _pixelDataGrayIntRotated = new int[scalw * scalh];
    for (int x = 0; x < scalw; x++)
    for (int y = 0; y < scalh; y++)
    _pixelDataGrayIntRotated[y + x * scalh] = _pixelDataGrayInt[x + y * scalw];
    faces = _detector.getFaces(
    h / _downsampleFactor,
    w / _downsampleFactor,
    2f, 1.25f, 0.1f, 1, false, false); // height-width swapped
    faces = _detector.getFaces(
    w / _downsampleFactor,
    h / _downsampleFactor,
    2f, 1.25f, 0.1f, 1, false, false);
    var elapsed = (DateTime.Now - _lastUpdate).TotalMilliseconds;
    _pixelDataGrayInt.CopyTo(_wb.Pixels, 0);
    foreach (var r in faces)
    System.Windows.Shapes.Rectangle toAdd = new System.Windows.Shapes.Rectangle();
    TranslateTransform loc = new TranslateTransform();
    if (orientaciaObrazovky == PageOrientation.PortraitUp)
    loc.X = r.X * _downsampleFactor / (double)w * cnvsFaceRegions.ActualWidth;
    loc.Y = r.Y * _downsampleFactor / (double)w * cnvsFaceRegions.ActualHeight;
    point1 = r.X;
    point2 = r.Y;
    else if (orientaciaObrazovky == PageOrientation.PortraitDown)
    loc.X = r.X * _downsampleFactor / (double)w * cnvsFaceRegions.ActualWidth;
    loc.Y = r.Y * _downsampleFactor / (double)w * cnvsFaceRegions.ActualHeight;
    point1 = r.X;
    point2 = r.Y;
    else if (orientaciaObrazovky == PageOrientation.LandscapeLeft)
    loc.X = r.X * _downsampleFactor / (double)w * cnvsFaceRegions.ActualWidth - 50;
    loc.Y = r.Y * _downsampleFactor / (double)w * cnvsFaceRegions.ActualHeight + 90;
    point1 = r.X;
    point2 = r.Y;
    else if (orientaciaObrazovky == PageOrientation.LandscapeRight)
    loc.X = r.X * _downsampleFactor / (double)w * cnvsFaceRegions.ActualWidth+50 ;
    loc.Y = r.Y * _downsampleFactor / (double)w * cnvsFaceRegions.ActualHeight -90;
    point1 = r.X;
    point2 = r.Y;
    toAdd.RenderTransform = loc;
    toAdd.Width = r.Width * _downsampleFactor + 50;
    toAdd.Height = r.Height * _downsampleFactor + 50;
    toAdd.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red);
    widthRectangle = toAdd.Width;
    heightRectangle = toAdd.Height;
    point1 = (loc.X);
    point2 = (loc.Y);
    protected override void OnNavigatedTo(System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationEventArgs e)
    cameraViewer.SaveToCameraRoll = true;
    cameraViewer.NewCameraFrame += NewCameraFrame;
    CameraButtons.ShutterKeyHalfPressed += OnButtonHalfPress;
    CameraButtons.ShutterKeyPressed += OnButtonFullPress;
    CameraButtons.ShutterKeyReleased += OnButtonRelease;
    protected override void OnNavigatedFrom(System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationEventArgs e)
    CameraButtons.ShutterKeyHalfPressed -= OnButtonHalfPress;
    CameraButtons.ShutterKeyPressed -= OnButtonFullPress;
    CameraButtons.ShutterKeyReleased -= OnButtonRelease;
    private void OnButtonHalfPress(object sender, EventArgs e)
    cameraViewer.NewCameraFrame -= NewCameraFrame;
    private void OnButtonFullPress(object sender, EventArgs e)
    private void OnButtonRelease(object sender, EventArgs e)
    cameraViewer.NewCameraFrame += NewCameraFrame;
    private static WriteableBitmap CropImage(WriteableBitmap source, int xOffset, int yOffset, int width, int height)
    var sourceWidth = source.PixelWidth;
    var result = new WriteableBitmap(width, height);
    for (var x = 0; x <= height - 1; x++)
    var sourceIndex = xOffset + (yOffset + x) * sourceWidth;
    var destinationIndex = x * width;
    Array.Copy(source.Pixels, sourceIndex, result.Pixels, destinationIndex, width);
    return result;
    private void SaveScreenShots()
    string namePerson = PhoneApplicationService.Current.State["TextBoxValue"] as String;
    bool b = cnvsFaceRegions.Children.Any();
    if (!b)
    MessageBox.Show("No face detected ");
    for (int j = 1; j <= pocet; j++)
    using (var isoStore = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication())
    var bmp = new WriteableBitmap((int)this.ActualWidth, (int)this.ActualHeight);
    bmp.Render(this, null);
    byte[] bb = EncodeToJpeg(bmp);
    WriteableBitmap bmp2 = CropImage(bmp, (int)point1, (int)point2, (int)widthRectangle, (int)heightRectangle);
    using (var isoFileStream = isoStore.CreateFile(namePerson + j))
    System.Windows.Media.Imaging.Extensions.SaveJpeg(bmp2, isoFileStream, bmp.PixelWidth, bmp.PixelHeight, 0, 100);
    MessageBox.Show("Saved successfully " + pocet + " images");
    cameraViewer.NewCameraFrame += NewCameraFrame;
    public byte[] EncodeToJpeg(WriteableBitmap wb)
    using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream())
    return stream.ToArray();
    private void cameraViewer_MouseLeftButtonDown_1(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
    cameraViewer.NewCameraFrame -= NewCameraFrame;
    private void cameraViewer_MouseLeftButtonUp_1(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
    private void ApplicationBarMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri("/PersonAndGallery;component/Gallery.xaml", UriKind.Relative));
    public class CameraFrameEventArgs : RoutedEventArgs
    public int[] ARGBData { get; set; }
    public static class AppGlobal
    public static bool isPortrait = true;
    public class CameraViewer : Grid
    #region Events
    public EventHandler<CameraFrameEventArgs> NewCameraFrame { get; set; }
    public EventHandler<ContentReadyEventArgs> NewCameraCaptureImage { get; set; }
    public EventHandler<CameraOperationCompletedEventArgs> CamInitialized { get; set; }
    #region Properties
    public int CameraWidth
    get { return _cameraWidth; }
    set { _cameraWidth = value; }
    public int CameraHeight
    get { return _cameraHeight; }
    set { _cameraHeight = value; }
    public bool PhotoOnPress
    get { return _photoOnPress; }
    _photoOnPress = value;
    // CameraButtons.ShutterKeyPressed -= CameraButtonsOnShutterKeyPressed;
    if (_photoOnPress)
    // CameraButtons.ShutterKeyPressed += CameraButtonsOnShutterKeyPressed;
    public bool SaveToCameraRoll { get; set; }
    public PhotoCamera Camera
    get { return _camera; }
    public bool TakingPhoto
    get { return _takingPhoto; }
    #region Member Variables
    private PhotoCamera _camera; // the windows phone camera that takes the photos
    private int _cameraWidth = -1;
    private int _cameraHeight = -1;
    private Thread _pumpFramesThread;
    private static ManualResetEvent _pauseFramesEvent = new ManualResetEvent(true);
    private bool _takingPhoto;
    VideoBrush viewfinderBrush;
    private bool _photoOnPress;
    private SoundEffect _cameraShutterSound;
    private static ManualResetEvent _cameraCaptureEvent = new ManualResetEvent(true);
    private static ManualResetEvent _cameraInitializedEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);
    private bool _pumpFrames;
    #region Constructor
    public CameraViewer()
    Unloaded += new RoutedEventHandler(OnUnloaded);
    PhotoOnPress = true;
    public override void OnApplyTemplate()
    #region Public methods
    public void StartPumpingFrames()
    _pauseFramesEvent = new ManualResetEvent(true);
    _cameraCaptureEvent = new ManualResetEvent(true);
    _cameraInitializedEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);
    _pumpFrames = true;
    if (_pumpFramesThread == null)
    _pumpFramesThread = new Thread(PumpFrames);
    if (!_pumpFramesThread.IsAlive)
    public void StopPumpingFrames()
    _pumpFrames = false;
    _pumpFramesThread = null;
    public void TakePhoto()
    if (TakingPhoto)
    _takingPhoto = true;
    private void CameraButtonsOnShutterKeyPressed(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs)
    if (_photoOnPress && !TakingPhoto)
    private void OnUnloaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    public void InitializeCamera()
    // Check to see if the camera is available on the device.
    if ((PhotoCamera.IsCameraTypeSupported(CameraType.Primary) == true) ||
    (PhotoCamera.IsCameraTypeSupported(CameraType.FrontFacing) == true))
    // Initialize the default camera.
    _camera = new Microsoft.Devices.PhotoCamera();
    //Event is fired when the PhotoCamera object has been initialized
    Camera.Initialized +=
    new EventHandler<Microsoft.Devices.CameraOperationCompletedEventArgs>(CameraInitialized);
    Camera.CaptureImageAvailable += CameraOnCaptureImageAvailable;
    Camera.CaptureCompleted += CameraOnCaptureCompleted;
    //Set the VideoBrush source to the camera
    // var viewfinderBrush = new VideoBrush();
    viewfinderBrush = new VideoBrush();
    viewfinderBrush.Stretch = Stretch.Fill;
    viewfinderBrush.RelativeTransform = new CompositeTransform { CenterX = 0.5, CenterY = 0.5 };
    System.Windows.Shapes.Rectangle rect = new System.Windows.Shapes.Rectangle();
    rect.Fill = viewfinderBrush;
    Stream stream = TitleContainer.OpenStream("models/shutter.wav");
    _cameraShutterSound = SoundEffect.FromStream(stream);
    // CameraButtons.ShutterKeyPressed -= CameraButtonsOnShutterKeyPressed;
    if (_photoOnPress)
    // CameraButtons.ShutterKeyPressed += CameraButtonsOnShutterKeyPressed;
    // The camera is not supported on the device.
    "Sorry, this sample requires a phone camera and no camera is detected. This application will not show any camera output.");
    private void CameraOnCaptureCompleted(object sender, CameraOperationCompletedEventArgs cameraOperationCompletedEventArgs)
    _takingPhoto = false;
    private void CameraOnCaptureImageAvailable(object sender, ContentReadyEventArgs contentReadyEventArgs)
    if (SaveToCameraRoll)
    Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
    WriteableBitmap bitmap =
    // SaveCapturedImage(bitmap);
    if (NewCameraCaptureImage != null)
    NewCameraCaptureImage.Invoke(this, contentReadyEventArgs);
    // Helper for CameraOnCaptureImageAvailable
    private void SaveCapturedImage(WriteableBitmap imageToSave)
    var stream = new MemoryStream();
    imageToSave.SaveJpeg(stream, imageToSave.PixelWidth, imageToSave.PixelHeight, 0, 100);
    //Take the stream back to its beginning because it will be read again
    //when saving to the library
    stream.Position = 0;
    var library = new MediaLibrary();
    string fileName = string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss}.jpg", DateTime.Now);
    library.SavePictureToCameraRoll(fileName, stream);
    //save to Save Photo
    Picture pic;
    private void TakeScreenShots()
    WriteableBitmap bmp = new WriteableBitmap((int)this.ActualWidth, (int)this.ActualHeight);
    bmp.Render(this, null);
    byte[] bb = EncodeToJpeg(bmp);
    MemoryStream mem = new MemoryStream();
    bmp.SaveJpeg(mem, bmp.PixelWidth, bmp.PixelHeight, 0, 100);
    mem.Seek(0, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
    if (mem != null)
    MediaLibrary library = new MediaLibrary();
    pic = library.SavePicture("Mask_" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), mem);
    MessageBox.Show("Your picture is now accessible through the Saved Picture album.", "Saved successfully.", MessageBoxButton.OK);
    catch (Exception ex)
    MessageBox.Show("Unable to save the photo." + ex);
    public byte[] EncodeToJpeg(WriteableBitmap wb)
    using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream())
    return stream.ToArray();
    // Creates a WriteableBitmap from an imageStream
    private WriteableBitmap CreateWriteableBitmap(Stream imageStream, int width, int height)
    var bitmap = new WriteableBitmap(width, height);
    imageStream.Position = 0;
    return bitmap;
    private void CameraInitialized(object sender, CameraOperationCompletedEventArgs e)
    if (e.Succeeded)
    // available resolutions are ordered based on number of pixels in each resolution
    CameraWidth = (int)Camera.PreviewResolution.Width;
    CameraHeight = (int)Camera.PreviewResolution.Height;
    if (CamInitialized != null)
    CamInitialized.Invoke(this, e);
    catch (ObjectDisposedException)
    // If the camera was disposed, try initializing again
    private void PumpFrames()
    int[] pixels = new int[CameraWidth * CameraHeight];
    int numExceptions = 0;
    while (_pumpFrames)
    catch (Exception e)
    // If we get an exception try capturing again, do this up to 10 times
    if (numExceptions >= 10)
    throw e;
    numExceptions = 0;
    () =>
    if (NewCameraFrame != null && _pumpFrames)
    NewCameraFrame(this, new CameraFrameEventArgs { ARGBData = pixels });
    //na zmenu orientacie
    public void UpdateOrientation(PageOrientation orientation)
    if (orientation == PageOrientation.PortraitDown)
    viewfinderBrush.RelativeTransform =
    new CompositeTransform { CenterX = 0.5, CenterY = 0.5, Rotation = 270 };
    /* else if (orientation == PageOrientation.PortraitDown && cameraType == 2)
    viewfinderBrush.RelativeTransform =
    new CompositeTransform { CenterX = 0.5, CenterY = 0.5, Rotation = 90 };
    else if (orientation == PageOrientation.PortraitUp && cameraType == 2)
    viewfinderBrush.RelativeTransform =
    new CompositeTransform { CenterX = 0.5, CenterY = 0.5, Rotation = -90 };
    else if (orientation == PageOrientation.PortraitUp)
    viewfinderBrush.RelativeTransform =
    new CompositeTransform { CenterX = 0.5, CenterY = 0.5, Rotation =90 };
    else if (orientation == PageOrientation.LandscapeLeft)
    viewfinderBrush.RelativeTransform =
    new CompositeTransform { CenterX = 0.5, CenterY = 0.5, Rotation = 0 };
    else if (orientation == PageOrientation.LandscapeRight)
    viewfinderBrush.RelativeTransform =
    new CompositeTransform { CenterX = 0.5, CenterY = 0.5, Rotation = -180 };
    Thanks for reply.

    Hi Facko,
    Thanks for posting at the forum, however it could be really difficult for us to copy/paste your code and try to repro the issue, I would suggest you to provide a repro sample for us so that we can debug for you.
    And base on your description, looks like your app only crashes on the real device, but not on the emulator. I have question here, how the app works on the emulator?
    As I know if we open the camera on emulator, the only thing we can see is kind of small color blocks instead of the real images.
    You could also try to close the camera and then dispose the object to see if it works.
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
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  • HT1296 windows 8 thinks my iphone is a windows phone. How do i fix it?

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    Mine is doing the same thing. I discover it while trying to transfer an audiobook from Overdrive through iTunes to my phone. It doesn't think there is a portable device connected. After many, many hours of trying to troubleshoot it, I made the computer ask me what I wanted to do when I plug in my phone. It asked of I wanted to transfer information from my windows phone to my laptop (or vice versa maybe, but same difference in this case).
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  • Unable to detect NFC tag (ISO15693) in Lumia 830 on windows Phone 8.1

    Microsoft in Windows phone 8.1 has added new Nfc related features including low level access(Non NDEF). I have Nokia Lumia 830 (PN547 NFC chipset is present in this device).Im not able to detect Nfc tag (ANT-7M24LR-A ,ISO15693) through Lumia 830, which
    im able to read/write using Nfc-V(ISO15693) in Android. I also have a Lumia 720 (old NFC hardware) but atleast it is able to detect the tag. Has anyone encountered this ? Whats the workaround ?

    Hi Franklin,
    Thank you for the quick reply.
    Current OS version on the Lumia 830  is : Windows Phone 8.1 Update (8.10.14157.200)
    I have taken reference of  the NFC Smart Card Reader project(nfcsmartcardreader codeplex) to read/ write to the tag. We are trying to read/write to the tag (ISO 15693) using the low level APIs (Non NDEF format).
    But my problem is that even before we can send/receive the data from the tag, the phone is not detecting the tag itself. If i try to debug the card added event doesnot fire in any case for (ANT-7 M24-LR-A) tag.
    I also have a Lumia 720 (old NFC hardware) but it is atleast able to detect the above mentioned tag.
    Lumia 830 is able to detect other tags like a generic NFC sticker (Mifare Ultralight) .
    Hi theDarkPriest,
    >>I have taken reference of the NFC Smart Card Reader project(nfcsmartcardreader codeplex) to read/ write to the tag
    Well, have you tied to read NFC Tag using Proximity API? If not, please refer to this article:
    If the Proximity API can detect NFC Tag correctly,  I think this issue should caused by this third-party library, you need to ask for help in its official site:
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Detect "touch start" and "touch end" event in windows phone default browser.

    We have a BIG problem, because in all browsers we can detect the "touch start" event and "touch end" event. For iOS, firefox, internet Explorer, safari, Android work well. But in the windows phone default browser the "touch end"
    doesn't work.
    Do you know what we can do ?

    Hi gogogate,
    >>But in the windows phone default browser the "touch end" doesn't work
    There is no simply way to achieve this, in my experience, I would recommend that you can handle touch event using JavaScript and retrieve information you need form the webpage using the window.external.notify(string) function:
    #How to receive information from the WebView
    About how to handle touch event using JS, please refer to this article:
    You also need to inject javascript into the WebView page, please read this article:
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Detect enabled internet connection sharing (hotspot usage) on Windows Phone 8.1

    My WindowsPhone 8.1 application displays the current network/internet connection (e.g. the SSID/connection profile when connected to a WLAN). For retrieving this information, I use the following snippet:
    var ssid= ""
    foreach (var connectionProfile in NetworkInformation.GetConnectionProfiles())
    if (connectionProfile.IsWlanConnectionProfile && connectionProfile.GetNetworkConnectivityLevel() != NetworkConnectivityLevel.None)
    ssid = connectionProfile.ProfileName;
    I'd like to show some additional info when the phone has internet sharing enabled (acts as hotspot). What's the most reliable way to find this out?

    Hi Ronald,
    I think there is no way to detect if windows phone enable the internet sharing, if you want customer know the current state, you can consider about this:
    How to use the connection settings task for Windows Phone 8 to navigate user to the connection setting page.
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • AC97 Souncard not detected in windows phone

    Hello, I own MSI KT3 Ultra2 with AV97 on board and sound works fine for CD oder Internet conferencing (H323, MSN, ...). Attached I also have a ISDN card AVM Fritz which provides an additional Telefon API Service Provider. In the Windows Phone Support (dial help ?German: Wählhilfe) I'm not able to select the AC97 for the ISDN card. It's only available for H323 and Internet Telephony.
    Any suggestion? Thanks Rainer
    not a clue but you might find some one there

  • ApplicationIdleDetectionMode for windows phone 8.1?

    In windows phone 7 and 8 all i needed to do was PhoneApplicationService.Current.ApplicationIdleDetectionMode = IdleDetectionMode.Disabled; to allow running under lock screen. What is the equivalent in windows phone 8.1 windows runtime?

    The Idle detection model we're used to only "Applies to: Windows Phone 8 and Windows Phone Silverlight 8.1 | Windows Phone OS 7.1", according to
    As a shitty workaround, I'm using a DisplayRequest right now:
    Idle detection and preventions is a core feature in the WP app lifecycle, I'd be surprised if it didn't show up for Universal/Windows Runtime Apps before the release...
    Life is unsure - always eat the dessert first!

  • How to develop a Library for Windows Phone 8.1?

    Hello guys!
    I'm a quite new developer in this topic, I have never created a Library and right now, I need to create a library using this project of C because the normal OCRs cannot recognize 7 segments display:
    Last year, I used a library for SQLite (in the beginning it didn't have a Nuget package) and you must add a C++ project to execute SQLite code in WP8. I hope someone might give me an idea where to read and help me with this project. Thanks a lot
    for your worthy knowledge.
    Federico Navarrete

    I need to use a special OCR that detects 7 Segments Displays. I have been reading during the week and I discovered that the most similar project is this one:
    Seven Segment Optical Character Recognition
    However it's a C project not a C# or VB and I must create a special library (or project) to integrate with my Windows Phone App. As I said before last year I used this article:
    How to use SQLite in Windows Phone
    And in the beginning it was just a C++ project that you must add to manipulate SQLite. So, I think I should create something like that for migrate those libraries and later integrate with my project but I have never worked with this kind of libraries
    or create C/C++ libraries that finally will work with a C# App. Thanks for your time.
    Federico Navarrete

  • Windows Phone Hub with more than 2 sections causes ArgumentException when collapsing any section

    Hi there,
    I'm working on a Universal app which is using a Hub control to display different sections.
    On startup, I want to hide some of the sections. Using a button, I want to toggle between the visible sections using a binding property on the Visibility property (Handled in the ViewModel). In my ViewModel I have 2 boolean properties that are bound to the
    corresponding sections and are converted to Visibility using a BooleanToVisibilityConverter
    <Button Content="Test" Command="{Binding SwitchVisibilityCommand}"/>
    <HubSection x:Name="First" Header="Test1A" Visibility="{Binding ElementName=pageRoot,
    Path=DataContext.FirstVisibleProperty, Converter={StaticResource ResourceKey=BooleanToVisibilityConverter} }"/>
    <HubSection x:Name="Second" Header="Test1B" Visibility="{Binding ElementName=pageRoot,
    Path=DataContext.SecondVisibleProperty, Converter={StaticResource ResourceKey=BooleanToVisibilityConverter} }"/>
    <HubSection x:Name="Third" Header="Test2A" Visibility="{Binding ElementName=pageRoot,
    Path=DataContext.ThirdVisibleProperty, Converter={StaticResource ResourceKey=BooleanToVisibilityConverter} }"/>
    <HubSection x:Name="Fourth" Header="Test2B" Visibility="{Binding ElementName=pageRoot,
    Path=DataContext.FourthVisibleProperty, Converter={StaticResource ResourceKey=BooleanToVisibilityConverter} }"/>
    public class MainPageViewModel : ViewModel, IMainPageViewModel
    private bool firstVisibleProperty;
    private bool secondVisibleProperty;
    public MainPageViewModel()
    FirstVisibleProperty = true;
    SecondVisibleProperty = false;
    SwitchVisibilityCommand = new DelegateCommand(ExecuteCommand);
    private void ExecuteCommand()
    FirstVisibleProperty = !FirstVisibleProperty;
    SecondVisibleProperty = !SecondVisibleProperty;
    public bool FirstVisibleProperty
    get { return firstVisibleProperty; }
    firstVisibleProperty = value;
    OnPropertyChanged(() => FirstVisibleProperty);
    public bool SecondVisibleProperty
    get { return secondVisibleProperty; }
    secondVisibleProperty = value;
    OnPropertyChanged(() => SecondVisibleProperty);
    public DelegateCommand SwitchVisibilityCommand { get; set; }
    This setup is working fine on Windows, but in Windows Phone I get an unhandled exception (ArgumentException with the message ´Value does not fall within the expected range.´). 
    When I reduce the amount of hubsections to two, one that is visible and one that is collapsed, everything is working fine again. When I use multiple sections that all use the the same visibility property no exception is thrown
    When I set both properties to true in the viewmodel, also no exception is thrown.
    I've also tried the following (Without succes):
    - change my boolean properties to Visibility properties
    - use different boolean properties for each of the sections
    I do not understand why this exception is thrown and the exception itself is to vague to give any useful information
    How can I resolve this error??

    I've uploaded my code to OneDrive. Use the following link to download the source:

  • Can't seem to install Windows Phone Recovery Tool

    I'm trying to install WP Recovery Tool because while I loved the Windows 10 preview for phones, the no cellular data is a no-no for me.
    Every time I try to install the recovery tool, I keep getting 0x80072efd- Unspecified Error.
    Any suggestions?
    Here's the log of the error
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i001: Burn v3.8.1128.0, Windows v6.3 (Build 9600: Service Pack 0), path: C:\Users\Lohith\Downloads\WindowsPhoneRecoveryTool​Installer (5).exe, cmdline: ''
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i000: Initializing string variable 'LaunchTarget' to value '[ProgramFilesFolder]Microsoft Care Suite\Windows Phone Recovery Tool\WindowsPhoneRecoveryTool.exe'
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleLog' to value 'C:\Users\Lohith\AppData\Local\Temp\Windows_Phone_​Recovery_Tool_1.1.0_20150411092703.log'
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleOriginalSource' to value 'C:\Users\Lohith\Downloads\WindowsPhoneRecoveryToo​lInstaller (5).exe'
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i052: Condition '(VersionNT >= v6.1)' evaluates to true.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleName' to value 'Windows Phone Recovery Tool 1.1.0'
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i100: Detect begin, 40 packages
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i000: Setting string variable 'NETFRAMEWORK45' to value '378675'
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i000: Setting string variable 'VC2012RedistInstalled' to value '1'
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i000: Setting string variable 'VC2012RedistInstalled64' to value '1'
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i052: Condition 'NETFRAMEWORK45 >= 378389' evaluates to true.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i052: Condition 'VC2012RedistInstalled=1 or VC2012RedistInstalled64=1' evaluates to true.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: CheckFreeDiskSpace, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: NetFx45Web, state: Present, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: VC2012Redist, state: Present, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: CommunicationLayerCleaner, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WinUsbDeviceRemover, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WinUsbCoInstallers, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WinUsbCompatIdInstaller, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WinUsbDriversExt, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WPRT_enUS, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WPRT_arSA, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WPRT_csCZ, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WPRT_daDK, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WPRT_deDE, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WPRT_elGR, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WPRT_esES, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WPRT_etEE, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WPRT_fiFI, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WPRT_frFR, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WPRT_heIL, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WPRT_hrHR, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WPRT_huHU, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WPRT_itIT, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WPRT_jaJP, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WPRT_koKR, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WPRT_ltLT, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WPRT_lvLV, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WPRT_nbNO, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WPRT_nlNL, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WPRT_plPL, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WPRT_ptBR, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WPRT_roRO, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WPRT_ruRU, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WPRT_skSK, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WPRT_slSI, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WPRT_svSE, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WPRT_thTH, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WPRT_trTR, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WPRT_zhCN, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WPRT_zhHK, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WPRT_zhTW, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i052: Condition 'Privileged <> 0' evaluates to true.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i199: Detect complete, result: 0x0
    [3124:09BC][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i000: Setting numeric variable 'EulaAcceptCheckbox' to value 0
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i200: Plan begin, 40 packages, action: Install
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleLog_CheckFreeDiskSpace' to value 'C:\Users\Lohith\AppData\Local\Temp\Windows_Phone_​Recovery_Tool_1.1.0_20150411092703_0_CheckFreeDisk​Space.log'
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]w321: Skipping dependency registration on package with no dependency providers: NetFx45Web
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]w321: Skipping dependency registration on package with no dependency providers: VC2012Redist
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]w321: Skipping dependency registration on package with no dependency providers: CommunicationLayerCleaner
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleLog_CommunicationLayerCleaner' to value 'C:\Users\Lohith\AppData\Local\Temp\Windows_Phone_​Recovery_Tool_1.1.0_20150411092703_1_Communication​LayerCleaner.log'
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]w321: Skipping dependency registration on package with no dependency providers: WinUsbDeviceRemover
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleLog_WinUsbDeviceRemover' to value 'C:\Users\Lohith\AppData\Local\Temp\Windows_Phone_​Recovery_Tool_1.1.0_20150411092703_2_WinUsbDeviceR​emover.log'
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleLog_WinUsbCoInstallers' to value 'C:\Users\Lohith\AppData\Local\Temp\Windows_Phone_​Recovery_Tool_1.1.0_20150411092703_3_WinUsbCoInsta​llers.log'
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleLog_WinUsbCompatIdInstaller' to value 'C:\Users\Lohith\AppData\Local\Temp\Windows_Phone_​Recovery_Tool_1.1.0_20150411092703_4_WinUsbCompatI​dInstaller.log'
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleLog_WinUsbDriversExt' to value 'C:\Users\Lohith\AppData\Local\Temp\Windows_Phone_​Recovery_Tool_1.1.0_20150411092703_5_WinUsbDrivers​Ext.log'
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i052: Condition 'NOT ( UserLanguageID=1025 OR UserLanguageID=5121 OR UserLanguageID=15361 OR UserLanguageID=3073 OR UserLanguageID=2049 OR UserLanguageID=11265 OR UserLanguageID=13313 OR UserLanguageID=12289 OR UserLanguageID=4097 OR UserLanguageID=6145 OR UserLanguageID=8193 OR UserLanguageID=16385 OR UserLanguageID=10241 OR UserLanguageID=7169 OR UserLanguageID=14337 OR UserLanguageID=9217 OR UserLanguageID=1029 OR UserLanguageID=1030 OR UserLanguageID=1031 OR UserLanguageID=3079 OR UserLanguageID=5127 OR UserLanguageID=4103 OR UserLanguageID=2055 OR UserLanguageID=1032 OR UserLanguageID=3082 OR UserLanguageID=1034 OR UserLanguageID=11274 OR UserLanguageID=16394 OR UserLanguageID=13322 OR UserLanguageID=9226 OR UserLanguageID=5130 OR UserLanguageID=7178 OR UserLanguageID=12298 OR UserLanguageID=17418 OR UserLanguageID=4106 OR UserLanguageID=18442 OR UserLanguageID=22538 OR UserLanguageID=2058 OR UserLanguageID=19466 OR UserLanguageID=6154 OR UserLanguageID=15370 OR UserLanguageID=10250 OR UserLanguageID=20490 OR UserLanguageID=21514 OR UserLanguageID=14346 OR UserLanguageID=8202 OR UserLanguageID=1061 OR UserLanguageID=1035 OR UserLanguageID=1036 OR UserLanguageID=2060 OR UserLanguageID=11276 OR UserLanguageID=3084 OR UserLanguageID=9228 OR UserLanguageID=12300 OR UserLanguageID=15372 OR UserLanguageID=5132 OR UserLanguageID=13324 OR UserLanguageID=6156 OR UserLanguageID=14348 OR UserLanguageID=58380 OR UserLanguageID=8204 OR UserLanguageID=10252 OR UserLanguageID=4108 OR UserLanguageID=7180 OR UserLanguageID=1037 OR UserLanguageID=1050 OR UserLanguageID=1038 OR UserLanguageID=1040 OR UserLanguageID=2064 OR UserLanguageID=1041 OR UserLanguageID=1042 OR UserLanguageID=1063 OR UserLanguageID=1062 OR UserLanguageID=1044 OR UserLanguageID=2068 OR UserLanguageID=1043 OR UserLanguageID=2067 OR UserLanguageID=1045 OR UserLanguageID=1046 OR UserLanguageID=2070 OR UserLanguageID=1048 OR UserLanguageID=2072 OR UserLanguageID=1049 OR UserLanguageID=2073 OR UserLanguageID=1051 OR UserLanguageID=1060 OR UserLanguageID=1053 OR UserLanguageID=2077 OR UserLanguageID=1054 OR UserLanguageID=1055 OR UserLanguageID=2052 OR UserLanguageID=4100 OR UserLanguageID=5124 OR UserLanguageID=3076 OR UserLanguageID=1028 )' evaluates to true.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleRollbackLog_WPRT_enUS' to value 'C:\Users\Lohith\AppData\Local\Temp\Windows_Phone_​Recovery_Tool_1.1.0_20150411092703_6_WPRT_enUS_rol​lback.log'
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleLog_WPRT_enUS' to value 'C:\Users\Lohith\AppData\Local\Temp\Windows_Phone_​Recovery_Tool_1.1.0_20150411092703_6_WPRT_enUS.log​'
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1025 OR UserLanguageID=5121 OR UserLanguageID=15361 OR UserLanguageID=3073 OR UserLanguageID=2049 OR UserLanguageID=11265 OR UserLanguageID=13313 OR UserLanguageID=12289 OR UserLanguageID=4097 OR UserLanguageID=6145 OR UserLanguageID=8193 OR UserLanguageID=16385 OR UserLanguageID=10241 OR UserLanguageID=7169 OR UserLanguageID=14337 OR UserLanguageID=9217' evaluates to false.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1029' evaluates to false.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1030' evaluates to false.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1031 OR UserLanguageID=3079 OR UserLanguageID=5127 OR UserLanguageID=4103 OR UserLanguageID=2055' evaluates to false.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1032' evaluates to false.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=3082 OR UserLanguageID=1034 OR UserLanguageID=11274 OR UserLanguageID=16394 OR UserLanguageID=13322 OR UserLanguageID=9226 OR UserLanguageID=5130 OR UserLanguageID=7178 OR UserLanguageID=12298 OR UserLanguageID=17418 OR UserLanguageID=4106 OR UserLanguageID=18442 OR UserLanguageID=22538 OR UserLanguageID=2058 OR UserLanguageID=19466 OR UserLanguageID=6154 OR UserLanguageID=15370 OR UserLanguageID=10250 OR UserLanguageID=20490 OR UserLanguageID=21514 OR UserLanguageID=14346 OR UserLanguageID=8202' evaluates to false.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1061' evaluates to false.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1035' evaluates to false.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1036 OR UserLanguageID=2060 OR UserLanguageID=11276 OR UserLanguageID=3084 OR UserLanguageID=9228 OR UserLanguageID=12300 OR UserLanguageID=15372 OR UserLanguageID=5132 OR UserLanguageID=13324 OR UserLanguageID=6156 OR UserLanguageID=14348 OR UserLanguageID=58380 OR UserLanguageID=8204 OR UserLanguageID=10252 OR UserLanguageID=4108 OR UserLanguageID=7180' evaluates to false.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1037' evaluates to false.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1050' evaluates to false.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1038' evaluates to false.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1040 OR UserLanguageID=2064' evaluates to false.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1041' evaluates to false.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1042' evaluates to false.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1063' evaluates to false.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1062' evaluates to false.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1044 OR UserLanguageID=2068' evaluates to false.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1043 OR UserLanguageID=2067' evaluates to false.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1045' evaluates to false.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1046 OR UserLanguageID=2070' evaluates to false.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1048 OR UserLanguageID=2072' evaluates to false.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1049 OR UserLanguageID=2073' evaluates to false.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1051' evaluates to false.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1060' evaluates to false.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1053 OR UserLanguageID=2077' evaluates to false.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1054' evaluates to false.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1055' evaluates to false.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=2052 OR UserLanguageID=4100 OR UserLanguageID=5124' evaluates to false.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=3076' evaluates to false.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1028' evaluates to false.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: CheckFreeDiskSpace, state: Absent, default requested: Present, ba requested: Present, execute: Install, rollback: None, cache: Yes, uncache: No, dependency: Register
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: NetFx45Web, state: Present, default requested: Present, ba requested: Present, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: VC2012Redist, state: Present, default requested: Present, ba requested: Present, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: CommunicationLayerCleaner, state: Absent, default requested: Present, ba requested: Present, execute: Install, rollback: None, cache: Yes, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WinUsbDeviceRemover, state: Absent, default requested: Present, ba requested: Present, execute: Install, rollback: None, cache: Yes, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WinUsbCoInstallers, state: Absent, default requested: Present, ba requested: Present, execute: Install, rollback: None, cache: Yes, uncache: No, dependency: Register
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WinUsbCompatIdInstaller, state: Absent, default requested: Present, ba requested: Present, execute: Install, rollback: None, cache: Yes, uncache: No, dependency: Register
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WinUsbDriversExt, state: Absent, default requested: Present, ba requested: Present, execute: Install, rollback: None, cache: Yes, uncache: No, dependency: Register
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WPRT_enUS, state: Absent, default requested: Present, ba requested: Present, execute: Install, rollback: Uninstall, cache: Yes, uncache: No, dependency: Register
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WPRT_arSA, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WPRT_csCZ, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WPRT_daDK, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WPRT_deDE, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WPRT_elGR, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WPRT_esES, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WPRT_etEE, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WPRT_fiFI, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WPRT_frFR, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WPRT_heIL, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WPRT_hrHR, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WPRT_huHU, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WPRT_itIT, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WPRT_jaJP, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WPRT_koKR, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WPRT_ltLT, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WPRT_lvLV, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WPRT_nbNO, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WPRT_nlNL, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WPRT_plPL, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WPRT_ptBR, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WPRT_roRO, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WPRT_ruRU, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WPRT_skSK, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WPRT_slSI, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WPRT_svSE, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WPRT_thTH, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WPRT_trTR, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WPRT_zhCN, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WPRT_zhHK, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WPRT_zhTW, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i299: Plan complete, result: 0x0
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i300: Apply begin
    [1E60:3238][2015-04-11T09:27:06]i360: Creating a system restore point.
    [1E60:3238][2015-04-11T09:27:06]i361: Created a system restore point.
    [1E60:3238][2015-04-11T09:27:06]i000: Caching bundle from: 'C:\Users\Lohith\AppData\Local\Temp\{a8b207a1-a05f​-462d-a981-403c43525256}\.be\Bootstrapper.exe' to: 'C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{a8b207a1-a05f-462d-a981-403c43525256}\Boots​trapper.exe'
    [1E60:3238][2015-04-11T09:27:06]i320: Registering bundle dependency provider: {a8b207a1-a05f-462d-a981-403c43525256}, version:
    [1E60:37F0][2015-04-11T09:27:06]i305: Verified acquired payload: CheckFreeDiskSpace at path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\.unverified\CheckFreeDiskSpace, moving to: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{4E893B08-5155-4C03-A80C-7D9E96FFDDD2}v1.00.​0000\CheckFreeDiskSpace.msi.
    [1E60:37F0][2015-04-11T09:27:06]i305: Verified acquired payload: CommunicationLayerCleaner at path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\.unverified\CommunicationLayerCleaner, moving to: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\42253689C4295B7B23419779293A6F8A3D623688\Com​mLayerCleaner.exe.
    [1E60:37F0][2015-04-11T09:27:06]i305: Verified acquired payload: WinUsbDeviceRemover at path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\.unverified\WinUsbDeviceRemover, moving to: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\CAE10F2B5EDDD7A95406FFA73F7B6E029138C09E\Win​UsbDeviceRemover.exe.
    [1E60:37F0][2015-04-11T09:27:06]i305: Verified acquired payload: WinUsbDeviceRemoverConfiguration at path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\.unverified\WinUsbDeviceRemoverConfiguration​, moving to: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\CAE10F2B5EDDD7A95406FFA73F7B6E029138C09E\wud​r_configuration.xml.
    [3124:2D7C][2015-04-11T09:27:06]w343: Prompt for source of package: WinUsbCoInstallers, payload: WinUsbCoInstallers, path: C:\Users\Lohith\Downloads\WinUsbCoInstallers.msi
    [3124:2D7C][2015-04-11T09:27:06]i338: Acquiring package: WinUsbCoInstallers, payload: WinUsbCoInstallers, download from:​iles/phones/files/recovery/Drivers/WinUsbCoInstall​...
    [3124:2D7C][2015-04-11T09:27:06]e000: Error 0x80072efd: Failed to send request to URL:​iles/phones/files/recovery/Drivers/WinUsbCoInstall​... trying to process HTTP status code anyway.
    [3124:2D7C][2015-04-11T09:27:06]e000: Error 0x80072efd: Unknown HTTP status code 0, returned from URL:​iles/phones/files/recovery/Drivers/WinUsbCoInstall​...
    [3124:2D7C][2015-04-11T09:27:06]e000: Error 0x80072efd: Failed to send request to URL:​iles/phones/files/recovery/Drivers/WinUsbCoInstall​...
    [3124:2D7C][2015-04-11T09:27:06]e000: Error 0x80072efd: Failed to connect to URL:​iles/phones/files/recovery/Drivers/WinUsbCoInstall​...
    [3124:2D7C][2015-04-11T09:27:06]e000: Error 0x80072efd: Failed to get size and time for URL:​iles/phones/files/recovery/Drivers/WinUsbCoInstall​...
    [3124:2D7C][2015-04-11T09:27:06]e000: Error 0x80072efd: Failed attempt to download URL: '​iles/phones/files/recovery/Drivers/WinUsbCoInstall​... to: 'C:\Users\Lohith\AppData\Local\Temp\{a8b207a1-a05f​-462d-a981-403c43525256}\WinUsbCoInstallers'
    [3124:2D7C][2015-04-11T09:27:06]w343: Prompt for source of package: WinUsbCoInstallers, payload: WinUsbCoInstallers, path: C:\Users\Lohith\Downloads\WinUsbCoInstallers.msi
    [3124:2D7C][2015-04-11T09:27:09]i338: Acquiring package: WinUsbCoInstallers, payload: WinUsbCoInstallers, download from:​iles/phones/files/recovery/Drivers/WinUsbCoInstall​...
    [3124:2D7C][2015-04-11T09:27:09]e000: Error 0x80072efd: Failed to send request to URL:​iles/phones/files/recovery/Drivers/WinUsbCoInstall​... trying to process HTTP status code anyway.
    [3124:2D7C][2015-04-11T09:27:09]e000: Error 0x80072efd: Unknown HTTP status code 0, returned from URL:​iles/phones/files/recovery/Drivers/WinUsbCoInstall​...
    [3124:2D7C][2015-04-11T09:27:09]e000: Error 0x80072efd: Failed to send request to URL:​iles/phones/files/recovery/Drivers/WinUsbCoInstall​...
    [3124:2D7C][2015-04-11T09:27:09]e000: Error 0x80072efd: Failed to connect to URL:​iles/phones/files/recovery/Drivers/WinUsbCoInstall​...
    [3124:2D7C][2015-04-11T09:27:09]e000: Error 0x80072efd: Failed to get size and time for URL:​iles/phones/files/recovery/Drivers/WinUsbCoInstall​...
    [3124:2D7C][2015-04-11T09:27:09]e000: Error 0x80072efd: Failed attempt to download URL: '​iles/phones/files/recovery/Drivers/WinUsbCoInstall​... to: 'C:\Users\Lohith\AppData\Local\Temp\{a8b207a1-a05f​-462d-a981-403c43525256}\WinUsbCoInstallers'
    [3124:2D7C][2015-04-11T09:27:09]w343: Prompt for source of package: WinUsbCoInstallers, payload: WinUsbCoInstallers, path: C:\Users\Lohith\Downloads\WinUsbCoInstallers.msi
    [3124:2D7C][2015-04-11T09:27:12]i338: Acquiring package: WinUsbCoInstallers, payload: WinUsbCoInstallers, download from:​iles/phones/files/recovery/Drivers/WinUsbCoInstall​...
    [3124:2D7C][2015-04-11T09:27:12]e000: Error 0x80072efd: Failed to send request to URL:​iles/phones/files/recovery/Drivers/WinUsbCoInstall​... trying to process HTTP status code anyway.
    [3124:2D7C][2015-04-11T09:27:12]e000: Error 0x80072efd: Unknown HTTP status code 0, returned from URL:​iles/phones/files/recovery/Drivers/WinUsbCoInstall​...
    [3124:2D7C][2015-04-11T09:27:12]e000: Error 0x80072efd: Failed to send request to URL:​iles/phones/files/recovery/Drivers/WinUsbCoInstall​...
    [3124:2D7C][2015-04-11T09:27:12]e000: Error 0x80072efd: Failed to connect to URL:​iles/phones/files/recovery/Drivers/WinUsbCoInstall​...
    [3124:2D7C][2015-04-11T09:27:12]e000: Error 0x80072efd: Failed to get size and time for URL:​iles/phones/files/recovery/Drivers/WinUsbCoInstall​...
    [3124:2D7C][2015-04-11T09:27:12]e000: Error 0x80072efd: Failed attempt to download URL: '​iles/phones/files/recovery/Drivers/WinUsbCoInstall​... to: 'C:\Users\Lohith\AppData\Local\Temp\{a8b207a1-a05f​-462d-a981-403c43525256}\WinUsbCoInstallers'
    [3124:2D7C][2015-04-11T09:27:12]w343: Prompt for source of package: WinUsbCoInstallers, payload: WinUsbCoInstallers, path: C:\Users\Lohith\Downloads\WinUsbCoInstallers.msi
    [3124:2D7C][2015-04-11T09:27:15]i338: Acquiring package: WinUsbCoInstallers, payload: WinUsbCoInstallers, download from:​iles/phones/files/recovery/Drivers/WinUsbCoInstall​...
    [3124:2D7C][2015-04-11T09:27:15]e000: Error 0x80072efd: Failed to send request to URL:​iles/phones/files/recovery/Drivers/WinUsbCoInstall​... trying to process HTTP status code anyway.
    [3124:2D7C][2015-04-11T09:27:15]e000: Error 0x80072efd: Unknown HTTP status code 0, returned from URL:​iles/phones/files/recovery/Drivers/WinUsbCoInstall​...
    [3124:2D7C][2015-04-11T09:27:15]e000: Error 0x80072efd: Failed to send request to URL:​iles/phones/files/recovery/Drivers/WinUsbCoInstall​...
    [3124:2D7C][2015-04-11T09:27:15]e000: Error 0x80072efd: Failed to connect to URL:​iles/phones/files/recovery/Drivers/WinUsbCoInstall​...
    [3124:2D7C][2015-04-11T09:27:15]e000: Error 0x80072efd: Failed to get size and time for URL:​iles/phones/files/recovery/Drivers/WinUsbCoInstall​...
    [3124:2D7C][2015-04-11T09:27:15]e000: Error 0x80072efd: Failed attempt to download URL: '​iles/phones/files/recovery/Drivers/WinUsbCoInstall​... to: 'C:\Users\Lohith\AppData\Local\Temp\{a8b207a1-a05f​-462d-a981-403c43525256}\WinUsbCoInstallers'
    [3124:2D7C][2015-04-11T09:27:15]e000: Error 0x80072efd: Failed to acquire payload from: '​iles/phones/files/recovery/Drivers/WinUsbCoInstall​... to working path: 'C:\Users\Lohith\AppData\Local\Temp\{a8b207a1-a05f​-462d-a981-403c43525256}\WinUsbCoInstallers'
    [3124:2D7C][2015-04-11T09:27:15]e313: Failed to acquire payload: WinUsbCoInstallers to working path: C:\Users\Lohith\AppData\Local\Temp\{a8b207a1-a05f-​462d-a981-403c43525256}\WinUsbCoInstallers, error: 0x80072efd.
    [1E60:37F0][2015-04-11T09:27:15]i351: Removing cached package: WinUsbDeviceRemover, from path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\CAE10F2B5EDDD7A95406FFA73F7B6E029138C09E\
    [1E60:37F0][2015-04-11T09:27:15]i351: Removing cached package: CommunicationLayerCleaner, from path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\42253689C4295B7B23419779293A6F8A3D623688\
    [1E60:37F0][2015-04-11T09:27:15]i351: Removing cached package: CheckFreeDiskSpace, from path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{4E893B08-5155-4C03-A80C-7D9E96FFDDD2}v1.00.​0000\
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:15]e000: Error 0x80072efd: Failed while caching, aborting execution.
    [1E60:3238][2015-04-11T09:27:15]i330: Removed bundle dependency provider: {a8b207a1-a05f-462d-a981-403c43525256}
    [1E60:3238][2015-04-11T09:27:15]i352: Removing cached bundle: {a8b207a1-a05f-462d-a981-403c43525256}, from path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{a8b207a1-a05f-462d-a981-403c43525256}\
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:16]i399: Apply complete, result: 0x80072efd, restart: None, ba requested restart: No

    Hi, Lohithmohan. Welcome to Microsoft Mobile Community! Does your PC meet the following requirements?
    Microsoft Windows 7 or newer.
    USB cable to connect your phone to the computer.
    Minimum 4 GB free storage space.
    Were you able to test it using another computer? Did you obtain the tool from our MS local page? We'll be waiting for your response.

  • Unable to install Windows Phone Recovery Tool.

    during an installation of Windows Phone Recovery Tool 1.2.4 (downloaded from official source), I get a message about error 0x80070002. All requirements seems to be fulfilled (disk space, OS version etc.).
    I want to install WPRT to make a downgrade from Win10 beta to Win 8.1.
    I tired to use this solution - - but it didn't work.
    Below, I attach the error log:
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i001: Burn v3.8.1128.0, Windows v6.1 (Build 7601: Service Pack 1), path: C:\WindowsPhoneRecoveryToolInstaller.exe, cmdline: ''
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i000: Initializing string variable 'LaunchTarget' to value '[ProgramFilesFolder]Microsoft Care Suite\Windows Phone Recovery Tool\WindowsPhoneRecoveryTool.exe'
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleLog' to value 'C:\Users\UKASZ~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Windows_Phone_Recovery_Tool_1.2.4_20150503184250.log'
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleOriginalSource' to value 'C:\WindowsPhoneRecoveryToolInstaller.exe'
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i052: Condition '(VersionNT >= v6.1)' evaluates to true.
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleName' to value 'Windows Phone Recovery Tool 1.2.4'
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i100: Detect begin, 40 packages
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i000: Setting string variable 'NETFRAMEWORK45' to value '378389'
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i000: Setting string variable 'VC2012RedistInstalled' to value '1'
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i000: Setting string variable 'VC2012RedistInstalled64' to value '1'
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i052: Condition 'NETFRAMEWORK45 >= 378389' evaluates to true.
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i052: Condition 'VC2012RedistInstalled=1 or VC2012RedistInstalled64=1' evaluates to true.
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i103: Detected related package: {0ED6AC75-474D-4511-B198-05B8C99F6B8B}, scope: PerMachine, version:, language: 1033 operation: MajorUpgrade
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: CheckFreeDiskSpace, state: Absent, cached: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: NetFx45Web, state: Present, cached: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: VC2012Redist, state: Present, cached: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: CommunicationLayerCleaner, state: Absent, cached: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WinUsbDeviceRemover, state: Absent, cached: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WinUsbCoInstallers, state: Present, cached: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WinUsbCompatIdInstaller, state: Present, cached: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WinUsbDriversExt, state: Absent, cached: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WPRT_enUS, state: Absent, cached: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WPRT_arSA, state: Absent, cached: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WPRT_csCZ, state: Absent, cached: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WPRT_daDK, state: Absent, cached: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WPRT_deDE, state: Absent, cached: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WPRT_elGR, state: Absent, cached: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WPRT_esES, state: Absent, cached: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WPRT_etEE, state: Absent, cached: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WPRT_fiFI, state: Absent, cached: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WPRT_frFR, state: Absent, cached: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WPRT_heIL, state: Absent, cached: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WPRT_hrHR, state: Absent, cached: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WPRT_huHU, state: Absent, cached: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WPRT_itIT, state: Absent, cached: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WPRT_jaJP, state: Absent, cached: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WPRT_koKR, state: Absent, cached: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WPRT_ltLT, state: Absent, cached: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WPRT_lvLV, state: Absent, cached: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WPRT_nbNO, state: Absent, cached: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WPRT_nlNL, state: Absent, cached: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WPRT_plPL, state: Absent, cached: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WPRT_ptBR, state: Absent, cached: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WPRT_roRO, state: Absent, cached: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WPRT_ruRU, state: Absent, cached: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WPRT_skSK, state: Absent, cached: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WPRT_slSI, state: Absent, cached: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WPRT_svSE, state: Absent, cached: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WPRT_thTH, state: Absent, cached: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WPRT_trTR, state: Absent, cached: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WPRT_zhCN, state: Absent, cached: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WPRT_zhHK, state: Absent, cached: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WPRT_zhTW, state: Absent, cached: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i052: Condition 'Privileged <> 0' evaluates to true.
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i199: Detect complete, result: 0x0
    [0A60:10F4][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i000: Setting numeric variable 'EulaAcceptCheckbox' to value 0
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i200: Plan begin, 40 packages, action: Install
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleLog_CheckFreeDiskSpace' to value 'C:\Users\UKASZ~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Windows_Phone_Recovery_Tool_1.2.4_20150503184250_0_CheckFreeDiskSpace.log'
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]w321: Skipping dependency registration on package with no dependency providers: NetFx45Web
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]w321: Skipping dependency registration on package with no dependency providers: VC2012Redist
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]w321: Skipping dependency registration on package with no dependency providers: CommunicationLayerCleaner
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleLog_CommunicationLayerCleaner' to value 'C:\Users\UKASZ~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Windows_Phone_Recovery_Tool_1.2.4_20150503184250_1_CommunicationLayerCleaner.log'
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]w321: Skipping dependency registration on package with no dependency providers: WinUsbDeviceRemover
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleLog_WinUsbDeviceRemover' to value 'C:\Users\UKASZ~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Windows_Phone_Recovery_Tool_1.2.4_20150503184250_2_WinUsbDeviceRemover.log'
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleLog_WinUsbDriversExt' to value 'C:\Users\UKASZ~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Windows_Phone_Recovery_Tool_1.2.4_20150503184250_3_WinUsbDriversExt.log'
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i052: Condition 'NOT ( UserLanguageID=1025 OR UserLanguageID=5121 OR UserLanguageID=15361 OR UserLanguageID=3073 OR UserLanguageID=2049 OR UserLanguageID=11265 OR UserLanguageID=13313 OR UserLanguageID=12289 OR UserLanguageID=4097 OR UserLanguageID=6145 OR UserLanguageID=8193 OR UserLanguageID=16385 OR UserLanguageID=10241 OR UserLanguageID=7169 OR UserLanguageID=14337 OR UserLanguageID=9217 OR UserLanguageID=1029 OR UserLanguageID=1030 OR UserLanguageID=1031 OR UserLanguageID=3079 OR UserLanguageID=5127 OR UserLanguageID=4103 OR UserLanguageID=2055 OR UserLanguageID=1032 OR UserLanguageID=3082 OR UserLanguageID=1034 OR UserLanguageID=11274 OR UserLanguageID=16394 OR UserLanguageID=13322 OR UserLanguageID=9226 OR UserLanguageID=5130 OR UserLanguageID=7178 OR UserLanguageID=12298 OR UserLanguageID=17418 OR UserLanguageID=4106 OR UserLanguageID=18442 OR UserLanguageID=22538 OR UserLanguageID=2058 OR UserLanguageID=19466 OR UserLanguageID=6154 OR UserLanguageID=15370 OR UserLanguageID=10250 OR UserLanguageID=20490 OR UserLanguageID=21514 OR UserLanguageID=14346 OR UserLanguageID=8202 OR UserLanguageID=1061 OR UserLanguageID=1035 OR UserLanguageID=1036 OR UserLanguageID=2060 OR UserLanguageID=11276 OR UserLanguageID=3084 OR UserLanguageID=9228 OR UserLanguageID=12300 OR UserLanguageID=15372 OR UserLanguageID=5132 OR UserLanguageID=13324 OR UserLanguageID=6156 OR UserLanguageID=14348 OR UserLanguageID=58380 OR UserLanguageID=8204 OR UserLanguageID=10252 OR UserLanguageID=4108 OR UserLanguageID=7180 OR UserLanguageID=1037 OR UserLanguageID=1050 OR UserLanguageID=1038 OR UserLanguageID=1040 OR UserLanguageID=2064 OR UserLanguageID=1041 OR UserLanguageID=1042 OR UserLanguageID=1063 OR UserLanguageID=1062 OR UserLanguageID=1044 OR UserLanguageID=2068 OR UserLanguageID=1043 OR UserLanguageID=2067 OR UserLanguageID=1045 OR UserLanguageID=1046 OR UserLanguageID=2070 OR UserLanguageID=1048 OR UserLanguageID=2072 OR UserLanguageID=1049 OR UserLanguageID=2073 OR UserLanguageID=1051 OR UserLanguageID=1060 OR UserLanguageID=1053 OR UserLanguageID=2077 OR UserLanguageID=1054 OR UserLanguageID=1055 OR UserLanguageID=2052 OR UserLanguageID=4100 OR UserLanguageID=5124 OR UserLanguageID=3076 OR UserLanguageID=1028 )' evaluates to false.
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1025 OR UserLanguageID=5121 OR UserLanguageID=15361 OR UserLanguageID=3073 OR UserLanguageID=2049 OR UserLanguageID=11265 OR UserLanguageID=13313 OR UserLanguageID=12289 OR UserLanguageID=4097 OR UserLanguageID=6145 OR UserLanguageID=8193 OR UserLanguageID=16385 OR UserLanguageID=10241 OR UserLanguageID=7169 OR UserLanguageID=14337 OR UserLanguageID=9217' evaluates to false.
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1029' evaluates to false.
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1030' evaluates to false.
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1031 OR UserLanguageID=3079 OR UserLanguageID=5127 OR UserLanguageID=4103 OR UserLanguageID=2055' evaluates to false.
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1032' evaluates to false.
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=3082 OR UserLanguageID=1034 OR UserLanguageID=11274 OR UserLanguageID=16394 OR UserLanguageID=13322 OR UserLanguageID=9226 OR UserLanguageID=5130 OR UserLanguageID=7178 OR UserLanguageID=12298 OR UserLanguageID=17418 OR UserLanguageID=4106 OR UserLanguageID=18442 OR UserLanguageID=22538 OR UserLanguageID=2058 OR UserLanguageID=19466 OR UserLanguageID=6154 OR UserLanguageID=15370 OR UserLanguageID=10250 OR UserLanguageID=20490 OR UserLanguageID=21514 OR UserLanguageID=14346 OR UserLanguageID=8202' evaluates to false.
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1061' evaluates to false.
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1035' evaluates to false.
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1036 OR UserLanguageID=2060 OR UserLanguageID=11276 OR UserLanguageID=3084 OR UserLanguageID=9228 OR UserLanguageID=12300 OR UserLanguageID=15372 OR UserLanguageID=5132 OR UserLanguageID=13324 OR UserLanguageID=6156 OR UserLanguageID=14348 OR UserLanguageID=58380 OR UserLanguageID=8204 OR UserLanguageID=10252 OR UserLanguageID=4108 OR UserLanguageID=7180' evaluates to false.
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1037' evaluates to false.
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1050' evaluates to false.
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1038' evaluates to false.
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1040 OR UserLanguageID=2064' evaluates to false.
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1041' evaluates to false.
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1042' evaluates to false.
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1063' evaluates to false.
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1062' evaluates to false.
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1044 OR UserLanguageID=2068' evaluates to false.
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1043 OR UserLanguageID=2067' evaluates to false.
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1045' evaluates to true.
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleRollbackLog_WPRT_plPL' to value 'C:\Users\UKASZ~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Windows_Phone_Recovery_Tool_1.2.4_20150503184250_4_WPRT_plPL_rollback.log'
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleLog_WPRT_plPL' to value 'C:\Users\UKASZ~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Windows_Phone_Recovery_Tool_1.2.4_20150503184250_4_WPRT_plPL.log'
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1046 OR UserLanguageID=2070' evaluates to false.
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1048 OR UserLanguageID=2072' evaluates to false.
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1049 OR UserLanguageID=2073' evaluates to false.
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1051' evaluates to false.
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1060' evaluates to false.
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1053 OR UserLanguageID=2077' evaluates to false.
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1054' evaluates to false.
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1055' evaluates to false.
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=2052 OR UserLanguageID=4100 OR UserLanguageID=5124' evaluates to false.
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=3076' evaluates to false.
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1028' evaluates to false.
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: CheckFreeDiskSpace, state: Absent, default requested: Present, ba requested: Present, execute: Install, rollback: None, cache: Yes, uncache: No, dependency: Register
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: NetFx45Web, state: Present, default requested: Present, ba requested: Present, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: VC2012Redist, state: Present, default requested: Present, ba requested: Present, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: CommunicationLayerCleaner, state: Absent, default requested: Present, ba requested: Present, execute: Install, rollback: None, cache: Yes, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WinUsbDeviceRemover, state: Absent, default requested: Present, ba requested: Present, execute: Install, rollback: None, cache: Yes, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WinUsbCoInstallers, state: Present, default requested: Present, ba requested: Present, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: Register
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WinUsbCompatIdInstaller, state: Present, default requested: Present, ba requested: Present, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: Register
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WinUsbDriversExt, state: Absent, default requested: Present, ba requested: Present, execute: Install, rollback: None, cache: Yes, uncache: No, dependency: Register
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WPRT_enUS, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WPRT_arSA, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WPRT_csCZ, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WPRT_daDK, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WPRT_deDE, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WPRT_elGR, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WPRT_esES, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WPRT_etEE, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WPRT_fiFI, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WPRT_frFR, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WPRT_heIL, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WPRT_hrHR, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WPRT_huHU, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WPRT_itIT, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WPRT_jaJP, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WPRT_koKR, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WPRT_ltLT, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WPRT_lvLV, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WPRT_nbNO, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WPRT_nlNL, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WPRT_plPL, state: Absent, default requested: Present, ba requested: Present, execute: Install, rollback: Uninstall, cache: Yes, uncache: No, dependency: Register
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WPRT_ptBR, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WPRT_roRO, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WPRT_ruRU, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WPRT_skSK, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WPRT_slSI, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WPRT_svSE, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WPRT_thTH, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WPRT_trTR, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WPRT_zhCN, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WPRT_zhHK, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WPRT_zhTW, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i299: Plan complete, result: 0x0
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i300: Apply begin
    [133C:08E8][2015-05-03T18:43:43]i360: Creating a system restore point.
    [133C:08E8][2015-05-03T18:43:43]i361: Created a system restore point.
    [133C:08E8][2015-05-03T18:43:43]i000: Caching bundle from: 'C:\Users\UKASZ~1\AppData\Local\Temp\{54718f79-d2d7-4832-b678-472bfd963bb1}\.be\Bootstrapper.exe' to: 'C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{54718f79-d2d7-4832-b678-472bfd963bb1}\Bootstrapper.exe'
    [133C:08E8][2015-05-03T18:43:43]i320: Registering bundle dependency provider: {54718f79-d2d7-4832-b678-472bfd963bb1}, version:
    [133C:1BE8][2015-05-03T18:43:43]i305: Verified acquired payload: CheckFreeDiskSpace at path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\.unverified\CheckFreeDiskSpace, moving to: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{4E893B08-5155-4C03-A80C-7D9E96FFDDD2}v1.00.0000\CheckFreeDiskSpace.msi.
    [133C:1BE8][2015-05-03T18:43:43]i305: Verified acquired payload: CommunicationLayerCleaner at path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\.unverified\CommunicationLayerCleaner, moving to: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\42253689C4295B7B23419779293A6F8A3D623688\CommLayerCleaner.exe.
    [133C:1BE8][2015-05-03T18:43:43]i305: Verified acquired payload: WinUsbDeviceRemover at path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\.unverified\WinUsbDeviceRemover, moving to: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\CAE10F2B5EDDD7A95406FFA73F7B6E029138C09E\WinUsbDeviceRemover.exe.
    [133C:1BE8][2015-05-03T18:43:43]i305: Verified acquired payload: WinUsbDeviceRemoverConfiguration at path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\.unverified\WinUsbDeviceRemoverConfiguration, moving to: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\CAE10F2B5EDDD7A95406FFA73F7B6E029138C09E\wudr_configuration.xml.
    [0A60:1464][2015-05-03T18:43:43]w343: Prompt for source of package: WinUsbDriversExt, payload: WinUsbDriversExt, path: C:\WinUsbDriversExt.msi
    [0A60:1464][2015-05-03T18:43:43]i338: Acquiring package: WinUsbDriversExt, payload: WinUsbDriversExt, download from:
    [0A60:1464][2015-05-03T18:43:43]e000: Error 0x80070002: Failed to send request to URL: trying to process HTTP status code anyway.
    [0A60:1464][2015-05-03T18:43:43]e000: Error 0x80070002: Unknown HTTP status code 0, returned from URL:
    [0A60:1464][2015-05-03T18:43:43]e000: Error 0x80070002: Failed to send request to URL:
    [0A60:1464][2015-05-03T18:43:43]e000: Error 0x80070002: Failed to connect to URL:
    [0A60:1464][2015-05-03T18:43:43]e000: Error 0x80070002: Failed to get size and time for URL:
    [0A60:1464][2015-05-03T18:43:43]e000: Error 0x80070002: Failed attempt to download URL: ' to: 'C:\Users\UKASZ~1\AppData\Local\Temp\{54718f79-d2d7-4832-b678-472bfd963bb1}\WinUsbDriversExt'
    [0A60:1464][2015-05-03T18:43:43]e000: Error 0x80070002: Failed to acquire payload from: ' to working path: 'C:\Users\UKASZ~1\AppData\Local\Temp\{54718f79-d2d7-4832-b678-472bfd963bb1}\WinUsbDriversExt'
    [0A60:1464][2015-05-03T18:43:43]e313: Failed to acquire payload: WinUsbDriversExt to working path: C:\Users\UKASZ~1\AppData\Local\Temp\{54718f79-d2d7-4832-b678-472bfd963bb1}\WinUsbDriversExt, error: 0x80070002.
    [133C:1BE8][2015-05-03T18:43:43]i351: Removing cached package: WinUsbDeviceRemover, from path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\CAE10F2B5EDDD7A95406FFA73F7B6E029138C09E\
    [133C:1BE8][2015-05-03T18:43:43]i351: Removing cached package: CommunicationLayerCleaner, from path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\42253689C4295B7B23419779293A6F8A3D623688\
    [133C:1BE8][2015-05-03T18:43:43]i351: Removing cached package: CheckFreeDiskSpace, from path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{4E893B08-5155-4C03-A80C-7D9E96FFDDD2}v1.00.0000\
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:43]e000: Error 0x80070002: Failed while caching, aborting execution.
    [133C:08E8][2015-05-03T18:43:43]i330: Removed bundle dependency provider: {54718f79-d2d7-4832-b678-472bfd963bb1}
    [133C:08E8][2015-05-03T18:43:43]i352: Removing cached bundle: {54718f79-d2d7-4832-b678-472bfd963bb1}, from path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{54718f79-d2d7-4832-b678-472bfd963bb1}\
    [0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:43]i399: Apply complete, result: 0x80070002, restart: None, ba requested restart: No

    Hi ,
    Instead of using Windows Phone Recovery Tool you could try downloading Lumia Software Recovery Tool. You can rollback from Windows 10 to Windows 8.1 using Lumia Software Recovery Tool. Try downloading Lumia Software Recovery tool from the following link -

  • Windows Phone 8 Lync 2013 will not sign in. Although Apple and Android mobility works fine.

    Hey everyone,
    I have a fully functional Lync deployment as it seems so far. However, the only thing that refuses to connect successfully is the Windows phone 8 lync 2013 mobile app. It keeps getting the general "Can't sign in" error.
    I've read that if the SAN does not exist on the certificate that is being used by the External Web Site, then this will happen. The cert I'm using is an internal published certificate from my internal CA, the SAN
    and is added.
    My public cert on the RP / public facing side of the Edge is a go daddy cert. This cert does NOT have the lyncdiscover / lyncdiscoverinternal SANs added to it. I am currently unable to get my manager to purchase a new cert with this included because this
    Lync deployment is really just for testing and there is no point in buying a new cert just for this one piece.
    So in result, I am forcing the lyncdiscover to fail over to HTTP 80 traffic instead of 443; and this works great. My Android and iOS clients are able to connect fine but every windows phone in my environment are not working.
    I have tried turning off auto-detect server and manually putting in
    as the internal and external addresses on the phone settings, but this does not work either.
    I am running the latest updates from the January 2014 update on my servers.
    When I turn logging on within the device, I repeatedly see these errors in the logs:
    ERROR UTILITIES CHttpConnection.cpp/1113:Request failed with the WININET errorCode (UcwaAutoDiscoveryRequest): -2147467260
    ERROR TRANSPORT CMetaDataManager.cpp/591:Unable to get a response to an unauthenticated get to url
    Now, this may or may not be normal due to me forcing the lyncdiscover to fail over to HTTP 80.
    If anyone has any ideas or needs any more information please let me know.

    Please check the Authentication Delegation is set to No delegation, but client may authenticate directly when you create a web server publishing for Lync Server Web Service.
    Lisa Zheng
    TechNet Community Support

  • Issues with 32GB micro SD with Windows Phone 8 and Lumia 810

    I bought 32 GB micro SDHC card (Sandisk) that causes issues such as:
    (1) tap Settings - then blank screen - then go back to Home
    (2) when shutting down WP8, it says "goodbye" forever and it does not go away. I have to detach the battery.
    (3) Occasional freezes - need to do step (2) to force reboot
    (4) Go to music > songs, causes OS to freeze
    (5) Go to music > albums, select one and cannot play - OS freeze
    I have huge library of MP3 and WMA that I want to keep them in the SD. I did it in 2 ways:
    Attach the micro SD (with adapter) into Windows PC, copy music folders to SD with Windows Explorer.
    (B) Attach the micro SD into Lumia 810, connect it to Windows PC. Windows detects the hardware, then using Windows Explorer, copy he music folders to Lumia 810 > SD card > Music.
    When I tried (A), 5 above issues came up. WP8 reported the SD card was corrupted. I run chkdsk to fix the SD card, but the 5 issues persisted after I inserted the SD. I formatted the SD card, and repeat
    (A), but the 5 issues persisted.
    I tried (B), then the copying process stopped in the middle. Windows Explorer reported error cannot copy file XXX. Then the 5 issues came up again.
    I am running out of ideas. What's wrong? SD, Lumia, or WP8? What should I do to have huge music files on the phone? Sorry, I can't play from the cloud.

    You should ask in the
    Windows Phone forums on the Microsoft Community forums.
    When you see answers and helpful posts, please click Vote As Helpful, Propose As Answer, and/or Mark As Answer.
    My Blog: Unlock PowerShell
    My Book: Windows PowerShell 2.0 Bible
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  • Is it possible to run Windows Phone 7.1 using VS2010 on Windows 10?

    I was having problems with my computer after upgrading from windows 8 to Windows 10 preview. So I bit the bullet and did a fresh install. After installing everything back on my computer I noticed that I'm getting an error while trying to install Windows
    Phone 7.1 SDK. Error message reads as follows:
    Requirements and Software Prerequisites
    Incompatible products
    Setup has detected that the follow incompatible version of products or components are installed on your computer. Please uninstall the following products or components in the specified order.
    Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Extended
    Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile
    Previously with the upgrade from Windows 8 to 10 I could develop using Windows Phone 7.1/5, but the system was unstable (hence the fresh install).
    Anyone have any ideas on how to fix or if there is a fix for this on Windows 10 environment?
    I've tried to uninstall the listed programs, but couldn't find them in Programs and features.
    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Hi MakeMeLaugh,
    I'm afraid that you are missing the point.  The point of this post is
    Windows Phone 7.1 SDK.
    <del>BTW, as for your post : 
    Your assumption is correct, i.e. I am using Win.10 Build 9926
    1. I installed Build 9926 (English version) with Clean-installing on my laptop.
     After that, I installed Visual Studio 2013 with Update 4 (Japanese version),
    2. and also upgraded Build 9926 (Japanese version)  onto Windows 7 on my
    desktop PC.
     Visual Studio 2013 (Japanese) had been installed already on Windows 7.
    3.  Later, I will try to uninstall .Net Framewok and install it.

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