Unable to install Windows Phone Recovery Tool.

during an installation of Windows Phone Recovery Tool 1.2.4 (downloaded from official source), I get a message about error 0x80070002. All requirements seems to be fulfilled (disk space, OS version etc.).
I want to install WPRT to make a downgrade from Win10 beta to Win 8.1.
I tired to use this solution - https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/910336/ - but it didn't work.
Below, I attach the error log:
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i001: Burn v3.8.1128.0, Windows v6.1 (Build 7601: Service Pack 1), path: C:\WindowsPhoneRecoveryToolInstaller.exe, cmdline: ''
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i000: Initializing string variable 'LaunchTarget' to value '[ProgramFilesFolder]Microsoft Care Suite\Windows Phone Recovery Tool\WindowsPhoneRecoveryTool.exe'
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleLog' to value 'C:\Users\UKASZ~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Windows_Phone_Recovery_Tool_1.2.4_20150503184250.log'
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleOriginalSource' to value 'C:\WindowsPhoneRecoveryToolInstaller.exe'
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i052: Condition '(VersionNT >= v6.1)' evaluates to true.
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleName' to value 'Windows Phone Recovery Tool 1.2.4'
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i100: Detect begin, 40 packages
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i000: Setting string variable 'NETFRAMEWORK45' to value '378389'
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i000: Setting string variable 'VC2012RedistInstalled' to value '1'
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i000: Setting string variable 'VC2012RedistInstalled64' to value '1'
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i052: Condition 'NETFRAMEWORK45 >= 378389' evaluates to true.
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i052: Condition 'VC2012RedistInstalled=1 or VC2012RedistInstalled64=1' evaluates to true.
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i103: Detected related package: {0ED6AC75-474D-4511-B198-05B8C99F6B8B}, scope: PerMachine, version:, language: 1033 operation: MajorUpgrade
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: CheckFreeDiskSpace, state: Absent, cached: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: NetFx45Web, state: Present, cached: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: VC2012Redist, state: Present, cached: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: CommunicationLayerCleaner, state: Absent, cached: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WinUsbDeviceRemover, state: Absent, cached: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WinUsbCoInstallers, state: Present, cached: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WinUsbCompatIdInstaller, state: Present, cached: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WinUsbDriversExt, state: Absent, cached: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WPRT_enUS, state: Absent, cached: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WPRT_arSA, state: Absent, cached: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WPRT_csCZ, state: Absent, cached: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WPRT_daDK, state: Absent, cached: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WPRT_deDE, state: Absent, cached: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WPRT_elGR, state: Absent, cached: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WPRT_esES, state: Absent, cached: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WPRT_etEE, state: Absent, cached: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WPRT_fiFI, state: Absent, cached: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WPRT_frFR, state: Absent, cached: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WPRT_heIL, state: Absent, cached: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WPRT_hrHR, state: Absent, cached: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WPRT_huHU, state: Absent, cached: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WPRT_itIT, state: Absent, cached: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WPRT_jaJP, state: Absent, cached: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WPRT_koKR, state: Absent, cached: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WPRT_ltLT, state: Absent, cached: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WPRT_lvLV, state: Absent, cached: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WPRT_nbNO, state: Absent, cached: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WPRT_nlNL, state: Absent, cached: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WPRT_plPL, state: Absent, cached: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WPRT_ptBR, state: Absent, cached: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WPRT_roRO, state: Absent, cached: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WPRT_ruRU, state: Absent, cached: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WPRT_skSK, state: Absent, cached: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WPRT_slSI, state: Absent, cached: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WPRT_svSE, state: Absent, cached: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WPRT_thTH, state: Absent, cached: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WPRT_trTR, state: Absent, cached: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WPRT_zhCN, state: Absent, cached: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WPRT_zhHK, state: Absent, cached: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i101: Detected package: WPRT_zhTW, state: Absent, cached: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i052: Condition 'Privileged <> 0' evaluates to true.
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:42:50]i199: Detect complete, result: 0x0
[0A60:10F4][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i000: Setting numeric variable 'EulaAcceptCheckbox' to value 0
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i200: Plan begin, 40 packages, action: Install
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleLog_CheckFreeDiskSpace' to value 'C:\Users\UKASZ~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Windows_Phone_Recovery_Tool_1.2.4_20150503184250_0_CheckFreeDiskSpace.log'
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]w321: Skipping dependency registration on package with no dependency providers: NetFx45Web
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]w321: Skipping dependency registration on package with no dependency providers: VC2012Redist
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]w321: Skipping dependency registration on package with no dependency providers: CommunicationLayerCleaner
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleLog_CommunicationLayerCleaner' to value 'C:\Users\UKASZ~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Windows_Phone_Recovery_Tool_1.2.4_20150503184250_1_CommunicationLayerCleaner.log'
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]w321: Skipping dependency registration on package with no dependency providers: WinUsbDeviceRemover
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleLog_WinUsbDeviceRemover' to value 'C:\Users\UKASZ~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Windows_Phone_Recovery_Tool_1.2.4_20150503184250_2_WinUsbDeviceRemover.log'
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleLog_WinUsbDriversExt' to value 'C:\Users\UKASZ~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Windows_Phone_Recovery_Tool_1.2.4_20150503184250_3_WinUsbDriversExt.log'
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i052: Condition 'NOT ( UserLanguageID=1025 OR UserLanguageID=5121 OR UserLanguageID=15361 OR UserLanguageID=3073 OR UserLanguageID=2049 OR UserLanguageID=11265 OR UserLanguageID=13313 OR UserLanguageID=12289 OR UserLanguageID=4097 OR UserLanguageID=6145 OR UserLanguageID=8193 OR UserLanguageID=16385 OR UserLanguageID=10241 OR UserLanguageID=7169 OR UserLanguageID=14337 OR UserLanguageID=9217 OR UserLanguageID=1029 OR UserLanguageID=1030 OR UserLanguageID=1031 OR UserLanguageID=3079 OR UserLanguageID=5127 OR UserLanguageID=4103 OR UserLanguageID=2055 OR UserLanguageID=1032 OR UserLanguageID=3082 OR UserLanguageID=1034 OR UserLanguageID=11274 OR UserLanguageID=16394 OR UserLanguageID=13322 OR UserLanguageID=9226 OR UserLanguageID=5130 OR UserLanguageID=7178 OR UserLanguageID=12298 OR UserLanguageID=17418 OR UserLanguageID=4106 OR UserLanguageID=18442 OR UserLanguageID=22538 OR UserLanguageID=2058 OR UserLanguageID=19466 OR UserLanguageID=6154 OR UserLanguageID=15370 OR UserLanguageID=10250 OR UserLanguageID=20490 OR UserLanguageID=21514 OR UserLanguageID=14346 OR UserLanguageID=8202 OR UserLanguageID=1061 OR UserLanguageID=1035 OR UserLanguageID=1036 OR UserLanguageID=2060 OR UserLanguageID=11276 OR UserLanguageID=3084 OR UserLanguageID=9228 OR UserLanguageID=12300 OR UserLanguageID=15372 OR UserLanguageID=5132 OR UserLanguageID=13324 OR UserLanguageID=6156 OR UserLanguageID=14348 OR UserLanguageID=58380 OR UserLanguageID=8204 OR UserLanguageID=10252 OR UserLanguageID=4108 OR UserLanguageID=7180 OR UserLanguageID=1037 OR UserLanguageID=1050 OR UserLanguageID=1038 OR UserLanguageID=1040 OR UserLanguageID=2064 OR UserLanguageID=1041 OR UserLanguageID=1042 OR UserLanguageID=1063 OR UserLanguageID=1062 OR UserLanguageID=1044 OR UserLanguageID=2068 OR UserLanguageID=1043 OR UserLanguageID=2067 OR UserLanguageID=1045 OR UserLanguageID=1046 OR UserLanguageID=2070 OR UserLanguageID=1048 OR UserLanguageID=2072 OR UserLanguageID=1049 OR UserLanguageID=2073 OR UserLanguageID=1051 OR UserLanguageID=1060 OR UserLanguageID=1053 OR UserLanguageID=2077 OR UserLanguageID=1054 OR UserLanguageID=1055 OR UserLanguageID=2052 OR UserLanguageID=4100 OR UserLanguageID=5124 OR UserLanguageID=3076 OR UserLanguageID=1028 )' evaluates to false.
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1025 OR UserLanguageID=5121 OR UserLanguageID=15361 OR UserLanguageID=3073 OR UserLanguageID=2049 OR UserLanguageID=11265 OR UserLanguageID=13313 OR UserLanguageID=12289 OR UserLanguageID=4097 OR UserLanguageID=6145 OR UserLanguageID=8193 OR UserLanguageID=16385 OR UserLanguageID=10241 OR UserLanguageID=7169 OR UserLanguageID=14337 OR UserLanguageID=9217' evaluates to false.
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1029' evaluates to false.
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1030' evaluates to false.
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1031 OR UserLanguageID=3079 OR UserLanguageID=5127 OR UserLanguageID=4103 OR UserLanguageID=2055' evaluates to false.
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1032' evaluates to false.
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=3082 OR UserLanguageID=1034 OR UserLanguageID=11274 OR UserLanguageID=16394 OR UserLanguageID=13322 OR UserLanguageID=9226 OR UserLanguageID=5130 OR UserLanguageID=7178 OR UserLanguageID=12298 OR UserLanguageID=17418 OR UserLanguageID=4106 OR UserLanguageID=18442 OR UserLanguageID=22538 OR UserLanguageID=2058 OR UserLanguageID=19466 OR UserLanguageID=6154 OR UserLanguageID=15370 OR UserLanguageID=10250 OR UserLanguageID=20490 OR UserLanguageID=21514 OR UserLanguageID=14346 OR UserLanguageID=8202' evaluates to false.
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1061' evaluates to false.
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1035' evaluates to false.
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1036 OR UserLanguageID=2060 OR UserLanguageID=11276 OR UserLanguageID=3084 OR UserLanguageID=9228 OR UserLanguageID=12300 OR UserLanguageID=15372 OR UserLanguageID=5132 OR UserLanguageID=13324 OR UserLanguageID=6156 OR UserLanguageID=14348 OR UserLanguageID=58380 OR UserLanguageID=8204 OR UserLanguageID=10252 OR UserLanguageID=4108 OR UserLanguageID=7180' evaluates to false.
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1037' evaluates to false.
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1050' evaluates to false.
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1038' evaluates to false.
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1040 OR UserLanguageID=2064' evaluates to false.
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1041' evaluates to false.
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1042' evaluates to false.
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1063' evaluates to false.
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1062' evaluates to false.
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1044 OR UserLanguageID=2068' evaluates to false.
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1043 OR UserLanguageID=2067' evaluates to false.
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1045' evaluates to true.
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleRollbackLog_WPRT_plPL' to value 'C:\Users\UKASZ~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Windows_Phone_Recovery_Tool_1.2.4_20150503184250_4_WPRT_plPL_rollback.log'
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleLog_WPRT_plPL' to value 'C:\Users\UKASZ~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Windows_Phone_Recovery_Tool_1.2.4_20150503184250_4_WPRT_plPL.log'
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1046 OR UserLanguageID=2070' evaluates to false.
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1048 OR UserLanguageID=2072' evaluates to false.
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1049 OR UserLanguageID=2073' evaluates to false.
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1051' evaluates to false.
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1060' evaluates to false.
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1053 OR UserLanguageID=2077' evaluates to false.
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1054' evaluates to false.
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1055' evaluates to false.
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=2052 OR UserLanguageID=4100 OR UserLanguageID=5124' evaluates to false.
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=3076' evaluates to false.
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1028' evaluates to false.
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: CheckFreeDiskSpace, state: Absent, default requested: Present, ba requested: Present, execute: Install, rollback: None, cache: Yes, uncache: No, dependency: Register
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: NetFx45Web, state: Present, default requested: Present, ba requested: Present, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: VC2012Redist, state: Present, default requested: Present, ba requested: Present, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: CommunicationLayerCleaner, state: Absent, default requested: Present, ba requested: Present, execute: Install, rollback: None, cache: Yes, uncache: No, dependency: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WinUsbDeviceRemover, state: Absent, default requested: Present, ba requested: Present, execute: Install, rollback: None, cache: Yes, uncache: No, dependency: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WinUsbCoInstallers, state: Present, default requested: Present, ba requested: Present, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: Register
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WinUsbCompatIdInstaller, state: Present, default requested: Present, ba requested: Present, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: Register
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WinUsbDriversExt, state: Absent, default requested: Present, ba requested: Present, execute: Install, rollback: None, cache: Yes, uncache: No, dependency: Register
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WPRT_enUS, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WPRT_arSA, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WPRT_csCZ, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WPRT_daDK, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WPRT_deDE, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WPRT_elGR, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WPRT_esES, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WPRT_etEE, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WPRT_fiFI, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WPRT_frFR, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WPRT_heIL, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WPRT_hrHR, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WPRT_huHU, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WPRT_itIT, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WPRT_jaJP, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WPRT_koKR, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WPRT_ltLT, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WPRT_lvLV, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WPRT_nbNO, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WPRT_nlNL, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WPRT_plPL, state: Absent, default requested: Present, ba requested: Present, execute: Install, rollback: Uninstall, cache: Yes, uncache: No, dependency: Register
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WPRT_ptBR, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WPRT_roRO, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WPRT_ruRU, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WPRT_skSK, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WPRT_slSI, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WPRT_svSE, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WPRT_thTH, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WPRT_trTR, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WPRT_zhCN, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WPRT_zhHK, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i201: Planned package: WPRT_zhTW, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i299: Plan complete, result: 0x0
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:41]i300: Apply begin
[133C:08E8][2015-05-03T18:43:43]i360: Creating a system restore point.
[133C:08E8][2015-05-03T18:43:43]i361: Created a system restore point.
[133C:08E8][2015-05-03T18:43:43]i000: Caching bundle from: 'C:\Users\UKASZ~1\AppData\Local\Temp\{54718f79-d2d7-4832-b678-472bfd963bb1}\.be\Bootstrapper.exe' to: 'C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{54718f79-d2d7-4832-b678-472bfd963bb1}\Bootstrapper.exe'
[133C:08E8][2015-05-03T18:43:43]i320: Registering bundle dependency provider: {54718f79-d2d7-4832-b678-472bfd963bb1}, version:
[133C:1BE8][2015-05-03T18:43:43]i305: Verified acquired payload: CheckFreeDiskSpace at path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\.unverified\CheckFreeDiskSpace, moving to: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{4E893B08-5155-4C03-A80C-7D9E96FFDDD2}v1.00.0000\CheckFreeDiskSpace.msi.
[133C:1BE8][2015-05-03T18:43:43]i305: Verified acquired payload: CommunicationLayerCleaner at path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\.unverified\CommunicationLayerCleaner, moving to: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\42253689C4295B7B23419779293A6F8A3D623688\CommLayerCleaner.exe.
[133C:1BE8][2015-05-03T18:43:43]i305: Verified acquired payload: WinUsbDeviceRemover at path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\.unverified\WinUsbDeviceRemover, moving to: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\CAE10F2B5EDDD7A95406FFA73F7B6E029138C09E\WinUsbDeviceRemover.exe.
[133C:1BE8][2015-05-03T18:43:43]i305: Verified acquired payload: WinUsbDeviceRemoverConfiguration at path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\.unverified\WinUsbDeviceRemoverConfiguration, moving to: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\CAE10F2B5EDDD7A95406FFA73F7B6E029138C09E\wudr_configuration.xml.
[0A60:1464][2015-05-03T18:43:43]w343: Prompt for source of package: WinUsbDriversExt, payload: WinUsbDriversExt, path: C:\WinUsbDriversExt.msi
[0A60:1464][2015-05-03T18:43:43]i338: Acquiring package: WinUsbDriversExt, payload: WinUsbDriversExt, download from:http://download-fds.webapps.microsoft.com/supportFiles/phones/files/recovery/Drivers/WinUsbDriversEx...
[0A60:1464][2015-05-03T18:43:43]e000: Error 0x80070002: Failed to send request to URL: http://download-fds.webapps.microsoft.com/supportFiles/phones/files/recovery/Drivers/WinUsbDriversEx... trying to process HTTP status code anyway.
[0A60:1464][2015-05-03T18:43:43]e000: Error 0x80070002: Unknown HTTP status code 0, returned from URL: http://download-fds.webapps.microsoft.com/supportFiles/phones/files/recovery/Drivers/WinUsbDriversEx...
[0A60:1464][2015-05-03T18:43:43]e000: Error 0x80070002: Failed to send request to URL: http://download-fds.webapps.microsoft.com/supportFiles/phones/files/recovery/Drivers/WinUsbDriversEx...
[0A60:1464][2015-05-03T18:43:43]e000: Error 0x80070002: Failed to connect to URL: http://download-fds.webapps.microsoft.com/supportFiles/phones/files/recovery/Drivers/WinUsbDriversEx...
[0A60:1464][2015-05-03T18:43:43]e000: Error 0x80070002: Failed to get size and time for URL: http://download-fds.webapps.microsoft.com/supportFiles/phones/files/recovery/Drivers/WinUsbDriversEx...
[0A60:1464][2015-05-03T18:43:43]e000: Error 0x80070002: Failed attempt to download URL: 'http://download-fds.webapps.microsoft.com/supportFiles/phones/files/recovery/Drivers/WinUsbDriversEx... to: 'C:\Users\UKASZ~1\AppData\Local\Temp\{54718f79-d2d7-4832-b678-472bfd963bb1}\WinUsbDriversExt'
[0A60:1464][2015-05-03T18:43:43]e000: Error 0x80070002: Failed to acquire payload from: 'http://download-fds.webapps.microsoft.com/supportFiles/phones/files/recovery/Drivers/WinUsbDriversEx... to working path: 'C:\Users\UKASZ~1\AppData\Local\Temp\{54718f79-d2d7-4832-b678-472bfd963bb1}\WinUsbDriversExt'
[0A60:1464][2015-05-03T18:43:43]e313: Failed to acquire payload: WinUsbDriversExt to working path: C:\Users\UKASZ~1\AppData\Local\Temp\{54718f79-d2d7-4832-b678-472bfd963bb1}\WinUsbDriversExt, error: 0x80070002.
[133C:1BE8][2015-05-03T18:43:43]i351: Removing cached package: WinUsbDeviceRemover, from path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\CAE10F2B5EDDD7A95406FFA73F7B6E029138C09E\
[133C:1BE8][2015-05-03T18:43:43]i351: Removing cached package: CommunicationLayerCleaner, from path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\42253689C4295B7B23419779293A6F8A3D623688\
[133C:1BE8][2015-05-03T18:43:43]i351: Removing cached package: CheckFreeDiskSpace, from path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{4E893B08-5155-4C03-A80C-7D9E96FFDDD2}v1.00.0000\
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:43]e000: Error 0x80070002: Failed while caching, aborting execution.
[133C:08E8][2015-05-03T18:43:43]i330: Removed bundle dependency provider: {54718f79-d2d7-4832-b678-472bfd963bb1}
[133C:08E8][2015-05-03T18:43:43]i352: Removing cached bundle: {54718f79-d2d7-4832-b678-472bfd963bb1}, from path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{54718f79-d2d7-4832-b678-472bfd963bb1}\
[0A60:1458][2015-05-03T18:43:43]i399: Apply complete, result: 0x80070002, restart: None, ba requested restart: No

Hi ,
Instead of using Windows Phone Recovery Tool you could try downloading Lumia Software Recovery Tool. You can rollback from Windows 10 to Windows 8.1 using Lumia Software Recovery Tool. Try downloading Lumia Software Recovery tool from the following link - http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=525568

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  • Can't seem to install Windows Phone Recovery Tool

    I'm trying to install WP Recovery Tool because while I loved the Windows 10 preview for phones, the no cellular data is a no-no for me.
    Every time I try to install the recovery tool, I keep getting 0x80072efd- Unspecified Error.
    Any suggestions?
    Here's the log of the error
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i001: Burn v3.8.1128.0, Windows v6.3 (Build 9600: Service Pack 0), path: C:\Users\Lohith\Downloads\WindowsPhoneRecoveryTool​Installer (5).exe, cmdline: ''
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i000: Initializing string variable 'LaunchTarget' to value '[ProgramFilesFolder]Microsoft Care Suite\Windows Phone Recovery Tool\WindowsPhoneRecoveryTool.exe'
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleLog' to value 'C:\Users\Lohith\AppData\Local\Temp\Windows_Phone_​Recovery_Tool_1.1.0_20150411092703.log'
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleOriginalSource' to value 'C:\Users\Lohith\Downloads\WindowsPhoneRecoveryToo​lInstaller (5).exe'
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i052: Condition '(VersionNT >= v6.1)' evaluates to true.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleName' to value 'Windows Phone Recovery Tool 1.1.0'
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i100: Detect begin, 40 packages
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i000: Setting string variable 'NETFRAMEWORK45' to value '378675'
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i000: Setting string variable 'VC2012RedistInstalled' to value '1'
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i000: Setting string variable 'VC2012RedistInstalled64' to value '1'
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i052: Condition 'NETFRAMEWORK45 >= 378389' evaluates to true.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i052: Condition 'VC2012RedistInstalled=1 or VC2012RedistInstalled64=1' evaluates to true.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: CheckFreeDiskSpace, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: NetFx45Web, state: Present, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: VC2012Redist, state: Present, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: CommunicationLayerCleaner, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WinUsbDeviceRemover, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WinUsbCoInstallers, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WinUsbCompatIdInstaller, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WinUsbDriversExt, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WPRT_enUS, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WPRT_arSA, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WPRT_csCZ, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WPRT_daDK, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WPRT_deDE, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WPRT_elGR, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WPRT_esES, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WPRT_etEE, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WPRT_fiFI, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WPRT_frFR, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WPRT_heIL, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WPRT_hrHR, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WPRT_huHU, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WPRT_itIT, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WPRT_jaJP, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WPRT_koKR, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WPRT_ltLT, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WPRT_lvLV, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WPRT_nbNO, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WPRT_nlNL, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WPRT_plPL, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WPRT_ptBR, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WPRT_roRO, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WPRT_ruRU, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WPRT_skSK, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WPRT_slSI, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WPRT_svSE, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WPRT_thTH, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WPRT_trTR, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WPRT_zhCN, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WPRT_zhHK, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i101: Detected package: WPRT_zhTW, state: Absent, cached: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i052: Condition 'Privileged <> 0' evaluates to true.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:03]i199: Detect complete, result: 0x0
    [3124:09BC][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i000: Setting numeric variable 'EulaAcceptCheckbox' to value 0
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i200: Plan begin, 40 packages, action: Install
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleLog_CheckFreeDiskSpace' to value 'C:\Users\Lohith\AppData\Local\Temp\Windows_Phone_​Recovery_Tool_1.1.0_20150411092703_0_CheckFreeDisk​Space.log'
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]w321: Skipping dependency registration on package with no dependency providers: NetFx45Web
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]w321: Skipping dependency registration on package with no dependency providers: VC2012Redist
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]w321: Skipping dependency registration on package with no dependency providers: CommunicationLayerCleaner
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleLog_CommunicationLayerCleaner' to value 'C:\Users\Lohith\AppData\Local\Temp\Windows_Phone_​Recovery_Tool_1.1.0_20150411092703_1_Communication​LayerCleaner.log'
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]w321: Skipping dependency registration on package with no dependency providers: WinUsbDeviceRemover
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleLog_WinUsbDeviceRemover' to value 'C:\Users\Lohith\AppData\Local\Temp\Windows_Phone_​Recovery_Tool_1.1.0_20150411092703_2_WinUsbDeviceR​emover.log'
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleLog_WinUsbCoInstallers' to value 'C:\Users\Lohith\AppData\Local\Temp\Windows_Phone_​Recovery_Tool_1.1.0_20150411092703_3_WinUsbCoInsta​llers.log'
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleLog_WinUsbCompatIdInstaller' to value 'C:\Users\Lohith\AppData\Local\Temp\Windows_Phone_​Recovery_Tool_1.1.0_20150411092703_4_WinUsbCompatI​dInstaller.log'
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleLog_WinUsbDriversExt' to value 'C:\Users\Lohith\AppData\Local\Temp\Windows_Phone_​Recovery_Tool_1.1.0_20150411092703_5_WinUsbDrivers​Ext.log'
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i052: Condition 'NOT ( UserLanguageID=1025 OR UserLanguageID=5121 OR UserLanguageID=15361 OR UserLanguageID=3073 OR UserLanguageID=2049 OR UserLanguageID=11265 OR UserLanguageID=13313 OR UserLanguageID=12289 OR UserLanguageID=4097 OR UserLanguageID=6145 OR UserLanguageID=8193 OR UserLanguageID=16385 OR UserLanguageID=10241 OR UserLanguageID=7169 OR UserLanguageID=14337 OR UserLanguageID=9217 OR UserLanguageID=1029 OR UserLanguageID=1030 OR UserLanguageID=1031 OR UserLanguageID=3079 OR UserLanguageID=5127 OR UserLanguageID=4103 OR UserLanguageID=2055 OR UserLanguageID=1032 OR UserLanguageID=3082 OR UserLanguageID=1034 OR UserLanguageID=11274 OR UserLanguageID=16394 OR UserLanguageID=13322 OR UserLanguageID=9226 OR UserLanguageID=5130 OR UserLanguageID=7178 OR UserLanguageID=12298 OR UserLanguageID=17418 OR UserLanguageID=4106 OR UserLanguageID=18442 OR UserLanguageID=22538 OR UserLanguageID=2058 OR UserLanguageID=19466 OR UserLanguageID=6154 OR UserLanguageID=15370 OR UserLanguageID=10250 OR UserLanguageID=20490 OR UserLanguageID=21514 OR UserLanguageID=14346 OR UserLanguageID=8202 OR UserLanguageID=1061 OR UserLanguageID=1035 OR UserLanguageID=1036 OR UserLanguageID=2060 OR UserLanguageID=11276 OR UserLanguageID=3084 OR UserLanguageID=9228 OR UserLanguageID=12300 OR UserLanguageID=15372 OR UserLanguageID=5132 OR UserLanguageID=13324 OR UserLanguageID=6156 OR UserLanguageID=14348 OR UserLanguageID=58380 OR UserLanguageID=8204 OR UserLanguageID=10252 OR UserLanguageID=4108 OR UserLanguageID=7180 OR UserLanguageID=1037 OR UserLanguageID=1050 OR UserLanguageID=1038 OR UserLanguageID=1040 OR UserLanguageID=2064 OR UserLanguageID=1041 OR UserLanguageID=1042 OR UserLanguageID=1063 OR UserLanguageID=1062 OR UserLanguageID=1044 OR UserLanguageID=2068 OR UserLanguageID=1043 OR UserLanguageID=2067 OR UserLanguageID=1045 OR UserLanguageID=1046 OR UserLanguageID=2070 OR UserLanguageID=1048 OR UserLanguageID=2072 OR UserLanguageID=1049 OR UserLanguageID=2073 OR UserLanguageID=1051 OR UserLanguageID=1060 OR UserLanguageID=1053 OR UserLanguageID=2077 OR UserLanguageID=1054 OR UserLanguageID=1055 OR UserLanguageID=2052 OR UserLanguageID=4100 OR UserLanguageID=5124 OR UserLanguageID=3076 OR UserLanguageID=1028 )' evaluates to true.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleRollbackLog_WPRT_enUS' to value 'C:\Users\Lohith\AppData\Local\Temp\Windows_Phone_​Recovery_Tool_1.1.0_20150411092703_6_WPRT_enUS_rol​lback.log'
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleLog_WPRT_enUS' to value 'C:\Users\Lohith\AppData\Local\Temp\Windows_Phone_​Recovery_Tool_1.1.0_20150411092703_6_WPRT_enUS.log​'
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1025 OR UserLanguageID=5121 OR UserLanguageID=15361 OR UserLanguageID=3073 OR UserLanguageID=2049 OR UserLanguageID=11265 OR UserLanguageID=13313 OR UserLanguageID=12289 OR UserLanguageID=4097 OR UserLanguageID=6145 OR UserLanguageID=8193 OR UserLanguageID=16385 OR UserLanguageID=10241 OR UserLanguageID=7169 OR UserLanguageID=14337 OR UserLanguageID=9217' evaluates to false.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1029' evaluates to false.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1030' evaluates to false.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1031 OR UserLanguageID=3079 OR UserLanguageID=5127 OR UserLanguageID=4103 OR UserLanguageID=2055' evaluates to false.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1032' evaluates to false.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=3082 OR UserLanguageID=1034 OR UserLanguageID=11274 OR UserLanguageID=16394 OR UserLanguageID=13322 OR UserLanguageID=9226 OR UserLanguageID=5130 OR UserLanguageID=7178 OR UserLanguageID=12298 OR UserLanguageID=17418 OR UserLanguageID=4106 OR UserLanguageID=18442 OR UserLanguageID=22538 OR UserLanguageID=2058 OR UserLanguageID=19466 OR UserLanguageID=6154 OR UserLanguageID=15370 OR UserLanguageID=10250 OR UserLanguageID=20490 OR UserLanguageID=21514 OR UserLanguageID=14346 OR UserLanguageID=8202' evaluates to false.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1061' evaluates to false.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1035' evaluates to false.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1036 OR UserLanguageID=2060 OR UserLanguageID=11276 OR UserLanguageID=3084 OR UserLanguageID=9228 OR UserLanguageID=12300 OR UserLanguageID=15372 OR UserLanguageID=5132 OR UserLanguageID=13324 OR UserLanguageID=6156 OR UserLanguageID=14348 OR UserLanguageID=58380 OR UserLanguageID=8204 OR UserLanguageID=10252 OR UserLanguageID=4108 OR UserLanguageID=7180' evaluates to false.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1037' evaluates to false.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1050' evaluates to false.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1038' evaluates to false.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1040 OR UserLanguageID=2064' evaluates to false.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1041' evaluates to false.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1042' evaluates to false.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1063' evaluates to false.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1062' evaluates to false.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1044 OR UserLanguageID=2068' evaluates to false.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1043 OR UserLanguageID=2067' evaluates to false.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1045' evaluates to false.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1046 OR UserLanguageID=2070' evaluates to false.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1048 OR UserLanguageID=2072' evaluates to false.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1049 OR UserLanguageID=2073' evaluates to false.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1051' evaluates to false.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1060' evaluates to false.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1053 OR UserLanguageID=2077' evaluates to false.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1054' evaluates to false.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1055' evaluates to false.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=2052 OR UserLanguageID=4100 OR UserLanguageID=5124' evaluates to false.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=3076' evaluates to false.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i052: Condition 'UserLanguageID=1028' evaluates to false.
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: CheckFreeDiskSpace, state: Absent, default requested: Present, ba requested: Present, execute: Install, rollback: None, cache: Yes, uncache: No, dependency: Register
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: NetFx45Web, state: Present, default requested: Present, ba requested: Present, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: VC2012Redist, state: Present, default requested: Present, ba requested: Present, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: CommunicationLayerCleaner, state: Absent, default requested: Present, ba requested: Present, execute: Install, rollback: None, cache: Yes, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WinUsbDeviceRemover, state: Absent, default requested: Present, ba requested: Present, execute: Install, rollback: None, cache: Yes, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WinUsbCoInstallers, state: Absent, default requested: Present, ba requested: Present, execute: Install, rollback: None, cache: Yes, uncache: No, dependency: Register
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WinUsbCompatIdInstaller, state: Absent, default requested: Present, ba requested: Present, execute: Install, rollback: None, cache: Yes, uncache: No, dependency: Register
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WinUsbDriversExt, state: Absent, default requested: Present, ba requested: Present, execute: Install, rollback: None, cache: Yes, uncache: No, dependency: Register
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WPRT_enUS, state: Absent, default requested: Present, ba requested: Present, execute: Install, rollback: Uninstall, cache: Yes, uncache: No, dependency: Register
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WPRT_arSA, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WPRT_csCZ, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WPRT_daDK, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WPRT_deDE, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WPRT_elGR, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WPRT_esES, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WPRT_etEE, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WPRT_fiFI, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WPRT_frFR, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WPRT_heIL, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WPRT_hrHR, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WPRT_huHU, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WPRT_itIT, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WPRT_jaJP, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WPRT_koKR, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WPRT_ltLT, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WPRT_lvLV, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WPRT_nbNO, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WPRT_nlNL, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WPRT_plPL, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WPRT_ptBR, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WPRT_roRO, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WPRT_ruRU, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WPRT_skSK, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WPRT_slSI, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WPRT_svSE, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WPRT_thTH, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WPRT_trTR, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WPRT_zhCN, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WPRT_zhHK, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i201: Planned package: WPRT_zhTW, state: Absent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i299: Plan complete, result: 0x0
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:05]i300: Apply begin
    [1E60:3238][2015-04-11T09:27:06]i360: Creating a system restore point.
    [1E60:3238][2015-04-11T09:27:06]i361: Created a system restore point.
    [1E60:3238][2015-04-11T09:27:06]i000: Caching bundle from: 'C:\Users\Lohith\AppData\Local\Temp\{a8b207a1-a05f​-462d-a981-403c43525256}\.be\Bootstrapper.exe' to: 'C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{a8b207a1-a05f-462d-a981-403c43525256}\Boots​trapper.exe'
    [1E60:3238][2015-04-11T09:27:06]i320: Registering bundle dependency provider: {a8b207a1-a05f-462d-a981-403c43525256}, version:
    [1E60:37F0][2015-04-11T09:27:06]i305: Verified acquired payload: CheckFreeDiskSpace at path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\.unverified\CheckFreeDiskSpace, moving to: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{4E893B08-5155-4C03-A80C-7D9E96FFDDD2}v1.00.​0000\CheckFreeDiskSpace.msi.
    [1E60:37F0][2015-04-11T09:27:06]i305: Verified acquired payload: CommunicationLayerCleaner at path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\.unverified\CommunicationLayerCleaner, moving to: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\42253689C4295B7B23419779293A6F8A3D623688\Com​mLayerCleaner.exe.
    [1E60:37F0][2015-04-11T09:27:06]i305: Verified acquired payload: WinUsbDeviceRemover at path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\.unverified\WinUsbDeviceRemover, moving to: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\CAE10F2B5EDDD7A95406FFA73F7B6E029138C09E\Win​UsbDeviceRemover.exe.
    [1E60:37F0][2015-04-11T09:27:06]i305: Verified acquired payload: WinUsbDeviceRemoverConfiguration at path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\.unverified\WinUsbDeviceRemoverConfiguration​, moving to: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\CAE10F2B5EDDD7A95406FFA73F7B6E029138C09E\wud​r_configuration.xml.
    [3124:2D7C][2015-04-11T09:27:06]w343: Prompt for source of package: WinUsbCoInstallers, payload: WinUsbCoInstallers, path: C:\Users\Lohith\Downloads\WinUsbCoInstallers.msi
    [3124:2D7C][2015-04-11T09:27:06]i338: Acquiring package: WinUsbCoInstallers, payload: WinUsbCoInstallers, download from: http://download-fds.webapps.microsoft.com/supportF​iles/phones/files/recovery/Drivers/WinUsbCoInstall​...
    [3124:2D7C][2015-04-11T09:27:06]e000: Error 0x80072efd: Failed to send request to URL: http://download-fds.webapps.microsoft.com/supportF​iles/phones/files/recovery/Drivers/WinUsbCoInstall​... trying to process HTTP status code anyway.
    [3124:2D7C][2015-04-11T09:27:06]e000: Error 0x80072efd: Unknown HTTP status code 0, returned from URL: http://download-fds.webapps.microsoft.com/supportF​iles/phones/files/recovery/Drivers/WinUsbCoInstall​...
    [3124:2D7C][2015-04-11T09:27:06]e000: Error 0x80072efd: Failed to send request to URL: http://download-fds.webapps.microsoft.com/supportF​iles/phones/files/recovery/Drivers/WinUsbCoInstall​...
    [3124:2D7C][2015-04-11T09:27:06]e000: Error 0x80072efd: Failed to connect to URL: http://download-fds.webapps.microsoft.com/supportF​iles/phones/files/recovery/Drivers/WinUsbCoInstall​...
    [3124:2D7C][2015-04-11T09:27:06]e000: Error 0x80072efd: Failed to get size and time for URL: http://download-fds.webapps.microsoft.com/supportF​iles/phones/files/recovery/Drivers/WinUsbCoInstall​...
    [3124:2D7C][2015-04-11T09:27:06]e000: Error 0x80072efd: Failed attempt to download URL: 'http://download-fds.webapps.microsoft.com/supportF​iles/phones/files/recovery/Drivers/WinUsbCoInstall​... to: 'C:\Users\Lohith\AppData\Local\Temp\{a8b207a1-a05f​-462d-a981-403c43525256}\WinUsbCoInstallers'
    [3124:2D7C][2015-04-11T09:27:06]w343: Prompt for source of package: WinUsbCoInstallers, payload: WinUsbCoInstallers, path: C:\Users\Lohith\Downloads\WinUsbCoInstallers.msi
    [3124:2D7C][2015-04-11T09:27:09]i338: Acquiring package: WinUsbCoInstallers, payload: WinUsbCoInstallers, download from: http://download-fds.webapps.microsoft.com/supportF​iles/phones/files/recovery/Drivers/WinUsbCoInstall​...
    [3124:2D7C][2015-04-11T09:27:09]e000: Error 0x80072efd: Failed to send request to URL: http://download-fds.webapps.microsoft.com/supportF​iles/phones/files/recovery/Drivers/WinUsbCoInstall​... trying to process HTTP status code anyway.
    [3124:2D7C][2015-04-11T09:27:09]e000: Error 0x80072efd: Unknown HTTP status code 0, returned from URL: http://download-fds.webapps.microsoft.com/supportF​iles/phones/files/recovery/Drivers/WinUsbCoInstall​...
    [3124:2D7C][2015-04-11T09:27:09]e000: Error 0x80072efd: Failed to send request to URL: http://download-fds.webapps.microsoft.com/supportF​iles/phones/files/recovery/Drivers/WinUsbCoInstall​...
    [3124:2D7C][2015-04-11T09:27:09]e000: Error 0x80072efd: Failed to connect to URL: http://download-fds.webapps.microsoft.com/supportF​iles/phones/files/recovery/Drivers/WinUsbCoInstall​...
    [3124:2D7C][2015-04-11T09:27:09]e000: Error 0x80072efd: Failed to get size and time for URL: http://download-fds.webapps.microsoft.com/supportF​iles/phones/files/recovery/Drivers/WinUsbCoInstall​...
    [3124:2D7C][2015-04-11T09:27:09]e000: Error 0x80072efd: Failed attempt to download URL: 'http://download-fds.webapps.microsoft.com/supportF​iles/phones/files/recovery/Drivers/WinUsbCoInstall​... to: 'C:\Users\Lohith\AppData\Local\Temp\{a8b207a1-a05f​-462d-a981-403c43525256}\WinUsbCoInstallers'
    [3124:2D7C][2015-04-11T09:27:09]w343: Prompt for source of package: WinUsbCoInstallers, payload: WinUsbCoInstallers, path: C:\Users\Lohith\Downloads\WinUsbCoInstallers.msi
    [3124:2D7C][2015-04-11T09:27:12]i338: Acquiring package: WinUsbCoInstallers, payload: WinUsbCoInstallers, download from: http://download-fds.webapps.microsoft.com/supportF​iles/phones/files/recovery/Drivers/WinUsbCoInstall​...
    [3124:2D7C][2015-04-11T09:27:12]e000: Error 0x80072efd: Failed to send request to URL: http://download-fds.webapps.microsoft.com/supportF​iles/phones/files/recovery/Drivers/WinUsbCoInstall​... trying to process HTTP status code anyway.
    [3124:2D7C][2015-04-11T09:27:12]e000: Error 0x80072efd: Unknown HTTP status code 0, returned from URL: http://download-fds.webapps.microsoft.com/supportF​iles/phones/files/recovery/Drivers/WinUsbCoInstall​...
    [3124:2D7C][2015-04-11T09:27:12]e000: Error 0x80072efd: Failed to send request to URL: http://download-fds.webapps.microsoft.com/supportF​iles/phones/files/recovery/Drivers/WinUsbCoInstall​...
    [3124:2D7C][2015-04-11T09:27:12]e000: Error 0x80072efd: Failed to connect to URL: http://download-fds.webapps.microsoft.com/supportF​iles/phones/files/recovery/Drivers/WinUsbCoInstall​...
    [3124:2D7C][2015-04-11T09:27:12]e000: Error 0x80072efd: Failed to get size and time for URL: http://download-fds.webapps.microsoft.com/supportF​iles/phones/files/recovery/Drivers/WinUsbCoInstall​...
    [3124:2D7C][2015-04-11T09:27:12]e000: Error 0x80072efd: Failed attempt to download URL: 'http://download-fds.webapps.microsoft.com/supportF​iles/phones/files/recovery/Drivers/WinUsbCoInstall​... to: 'C:\Users\Lohith\AppData\Local\Temp\{a8b207a1-a05f​-462d-a981-403c43525256}\WinUsbCoInstallers'
    [3124:2D7C][2015-04-11T09:27:12]w343: Prompt for source of package: WinUsbCoInstallers, payload: WinUsbCoInstallers, path: C:\Users\Lohith\Downloads\WinUsbCoInstallers.msi
    [3124:2D7C][2015-04-11T09:27:15]i338: Acquiring package: WinUsbCoInstallers, payload: WinUsbCoInstallers, download from: http://download-fds.webapps.microsoft.com/supportF​iles/phones/files/recovery/Drivers/WinUsbCoInstall​...
    [3124:2D7C][2015-04-11T09:27:15]e000: Error 0x80072efd: Failed to send request to URL: http://download-fds.webapps.microsoft.com/supportF​iles/phones/files/recovery/Drivers/WinUsbCoInstall​... trying to process HTTP status code anyway.
    [3124:2D7C][2015-04-11T09:27:15]e000: Error 0x80072efd: Unknown HTTP status code 0, returned from URL: http://download-fds.webapps.microsoft.com/supportF​iles/phones/files/recovery/Drivers/WinUsbCoInstall​...
    [3124:2D7C][2015-04-11T09:27:15]e000: Error 0x80072efd: Failed to send request to URL: http://download-fds.webapps.microsoft.com/supportF​iles/phones/files/recovery/Drivers/WinUsbCoInstall​...
    [3124:2D7C][2015-04-11T09:27:15]e000: Error 0x80072efd: Failed to connect to URL: http://download-fds.webapps.microsoft.com/supportF​iles/phones/files/recovery/Drivers/WinUsbCoInstall​...
    [3124:2D7C][2015-04-11T09:27:15]e000: Error 0x80072efd: Failed to get size and time for URL: http://download-fds.webapps.microsoft.com/supportF​iles/phones/files/recovery/Drivers/WinUsbCoInstall​...
    [3124:2D7C][2015-04-11T09:27:15]e000: Error 0x80072efd: Failed attempt to download URL: 'http://download-fds.webapps.microsoft.com/supportF​iles/phones/files/recovery/Drivers/WinUsbCoInstall​... to: 'C:\Users\Lohith\AppData\Local\Temp\{a8b207a1-a05f​-462d-a981-403c43525256}\WinUsbCoInstallers'
    [3124:2D7C][2015-04-11T09:27:15]e000: Error 0x80072efd: Failed to acquire payload from: 'http://download-fds.webapps.microsoft.com/supportF​iles/phones/files/recovery/Drivers/WinUsbCoInstall​... to working path: 'C:\Users\Lohith\AppData\Local\Temp\{a8b207a1-a05f​-462d-a981-403c43525256}\WinUsbCoInstallers'
    [3124:2D7C][2015-04-11T09:27:15]e313: Failed to acquire payload: WinUsbCoInstallers to working path: C:\Users\Lohith\AppData\Local\Temp\{a8b207a1-a05f-​462d-a981-403c43525256}\WinUsbCoInstallers, error: 0x80072efd.
    [1E60:37F0][2015-04-11T09:27:15]i351: Removing cached package: WinUsbDeviceRemover, from path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\CAE10F2B5EDDD7A95406FFA73F7B6E029138C09E\
    [1E60:37F0][2015-04-11T09:27:15]i351: Removing cached package: CommunicationLayerCleaner, from path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\42253689C4295B7B23419779293A6F8A3D623688\
    [1E60:37F0][2015-04-11T09:27:15]i351: Removing cached package: CheckFreeDiskSpace, from path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{4E893B08-5155-4C03-A80C-7D9E96FFDDD2}v1.00.​0000\
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:15]e000: Error 0x80072efd: Failed while caching, aborting execution.
    [1E60:3238][2015-04-11T09:27:15]i330: Removed bundle dependency provider: {a8b207a1-a05f-462d-a981-403c43525256}
    [1E60:3238][2015-04-11T09:27:15]i352: Removing cached bundle: {a8b207a1-a05f-462d-a981-403c43525256}, from path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{a8b207a1-a05f-462d-a981-403c43525256}\
    [3124:05F4][2015-04-11T09:27:16]i399: Apply complete, result: 0x80072efd, restart: None, ba requested restart: No

    Hi, Lohithmohan. Welcome to Microsoft Mobile Community! Does your PC meet the following requirements?
    Microsoft Windows 7 or newer.
    USB cable to connect your phone to the computer.
    Minimum 4 GB free storage space.
    Were you able to test it using another computer? Did you obtain the tool from our MS local page? We'll be waiting for your response.

  • I can't install "windows phone power tool" in window 8 for windows phone 8 app development.

    Dear Sir/Mam,
    I can't install "windows phone power tool" in window 8 for windows phone 8 app development.
    I am download the Windows phone power tool  for install in windows 8 for wp8 app development then it show the dialogbox for install that software. if i am click on install button it shows a another dialogbox that 
    i am using this link for install wp power tool.
    System Update Required,
    Unable to install or run the application. The application requires that assembly
    Microsoft.SmartDevice.Connectivity Version be installed in the Global Assembly Cache(GAC) first .
    More information on this system update can be found by visiting the site here()
    How can i solve this problem. Please help me for install wp8 power tool.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi SrinivaaS Birlangi,
    >>Microsoft.SmartDevice.Connectivity Version be installed in the Global Assembly Cache(GAC) first
    When we meet the above exception, first please try to make sure that we have installed the WP8.0 SDK very well.
    Then please try to check the following article which may give you some idea:
    https://wptools.codeplex.com/workitem/41 .
    Best Regards,
    Amy Peng
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Lumia 520 bricked by Windows Phone Recovery Tool

    So I'd installed win10 preview for my lumia 520 and it was not good enough for my daily using and i tried to downgrad it. there was an instruction after starting to flash that hol power key and volume - for 3 or 15 seconds and when you felt vibration hit the button to start the process...
    i'd tried it but my phone didnt restart...even i hod them for about 2minutes but nothing will happen just blank screen.
    when i used windows phone recovery it find my phone but it shows an error that restart your phone and try again
    Recovery tool said operation unsuccessful. Red screen with NOKIA written.
    what's your suggestion?
    thanks for your help
    Moderator's note: The post was edited. Discussion of an unauthorized tool is not allowed on the forum. Using such tool may bring unforeseen damage to the phone and may invalidate its warranty.
    Go to Solution.

    As farby said, did you get the updated version AND verify the versions number as explained in post linked to?
    User Expectations & Recovery efforts:
    For users who have already unusable devices, we’re continuing to research this situation.  There is no guarantee that using this updated version of the tool will recover an already-bricked device.  If your device is showing the red Nokia logo, please do the following:
    Ensure your device has a good power source (connected via USB cable that can transfer data and charge the device simultaneously)
    Close the WPRT, re-open, and take the update to the new version of the WPRT.  The new version is1.2.4
    Once he new version is installed, re-attempt the flashing process.
    If your device is not recognized, click the "My phone was not detected" button and continue the attempted recovery process
    If your device is on a blank/black screen and is unresponsive, you may attempt the same steps as listed above.  Devices that do not have the red Nokia logo on the screen are in a different state and will not have the same recovery rate should they be recoverable.  Please do try to recover and share your results.
    So while the cause of the failure is know and the application is fixed there is no guarantee that a an already bricked phone will recover with the new version. Also I suggest you post your questions and results in the linked post as it is most likely the team working on this will post updates and see your responses.
    Click on the blue Star Icon below if my advice has helped you or press the 'Accept As Solution' link if I solved your problem..

  • Update to 8.1 after using Windows Phone Recovery T...

    Hello This is Criss
    My Phone is Lumia 1020 and I had Denim 8.1 Update latest version on my phone. But While using It was freezing and crashing, Then I've used Windows Phone Recovery Tool and Now It works smooth and perfect but It has returned to Windows 8 Amber (Update 2, OS version: 8.0.10328.78).
    I want to update to Denim or at least Cyan. Now I'm checking for updates but every time It says 'Your phone is up to date'. It's not showing any updates, So how do I update my phone now ?
    Mobile Operator: 000-DE
    Thank you!

    @CrissMoon was this Lumia send in for repair previously? Then, please, send it in again, because that repair facility did a mistake.

  • Unable to install Remote Server Administration Tools for Windows 8 Release Preview on RTM 8 Enterprise

    Unable to install Remote Server Administration Tools for Windows 8 Release Preview on RTM 8 Enterprise 
    Standalone installer available here
    fails with error code 0x80004005
    Is this because my installation has issues, or would the admin pack files be updated for RTM?
    Thank you in advance for any insight

    Found the solution here:
    Download the RSAT package intended for Windows 8 Release Preview: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=28972
    Extract the .msu file with a tool such as 7-Zip.
    Open an Admin command prompt and change directory to where you extracted the .msu.
    Run the following command to install (if x86 you probably have a different .xml filename): pkgmgr /n:Windows6.2-KB2693643-x64.xml
    Wait a while. You can look in task manager for pkgmgr. When it disappears, the installation is done.
    Use the tools as per usual.

  • Problem installing Windows Phone Developer Power Tools (8.1) on a device

    we have tried to install Windows Phone Developer Power Tools (8.1) in a Lumia 730 device, but due to an error we can't do it.
    We do it through Visual Studio 2013 Update 4:
    - Menu TOOLS
    - Windows Phone 8.1
    - Developer Power Tools
    - Select the device and click to Connect.
    It is requested to install the tools on the device, but when we click on "install", there is an error (German text):
    0x80070057 - Es kann nicht nach Paketen vom Updateserver gesucht werden
    (It is not possible to search packets in the update server.)
    We have tried it on different computers, but it doesn't work.
    Is there anything we could do?
    Best regards,

    we have tried to install Windows Phone Developer Power Tools (8.1) in a Lumia 730 device, but due to an error we can't do it.
    We do it through Visual Studio 2013 Update 4:
    - Menu TOOLS
    - Windows Phone 8.1
    - Developer Power Tools
    - Select the device and click to Connect
    It is requested to install the tools on the device, but when we click on "install", there is an error (German text):
    0x80070057 - Es kann nicht nach Paketen vom Updateserver gesucht werden
    (It is not possible to search packets in the update server.)
    We have tried it on different computers, but it doesn't work.
    Is there anything we could do?
    Best regards,

  • HT4407 Hey, I am unable to install windows 7 using 'bootcamp 5.0' . I have already partitioned the drive as (mac Os Extended Journaled) and yet it seems bootcamp won't acknowledge this?

    Hey, I am unable to install windows 7 using 'bootcamp 5.0' . I have already partitioned the drive as (mac Os Extended Journaled) and yet it seems bootcamp won't acknowledge this?
    My first thoughts were that 'bootcamp' was out of date...needed an upgrade to register windows 7. Since then I am once again met with the same problem... how can it not see the I have already have a paritioned drived ready to be used for installition, is there a way to fix this problem? I don't really want to pay out for 'i-parition' only to merge my 2 drives back into one and start again from scratch =/. Seems silly to do so...what are my options?
    Regards Swishi...p.s If anyone can help me...it'll make my day :3.

    You don't need to buy anything but you should have backups.
    you can delete #2 you created. Then resize to full drive.
    There are already
    and there needs to be Windows which cannot be higher ID
    Reading the instructions first and just swallow whatever pride or inidignation. It is a "my way or highwar" setup and utility,.
    create a Windows support software (drivers) CD or USB storage media
    The Boot Camp Assistant can burn Boot Camp software (drivers) to a DVD or copy it to a USB storage device, such as a flash drive or hard drive. These are the only media you can use to install Boot Camp software.
    Installation Guide  Instructions for all features and settings.
    Boot Camp 4.0 FAQ  Get answers to commonly asked Boot Camp questions.
    Windows 7 FAQ  Answers to commonly asked Windows 7 questions.

  • Unable to install Windows Server AppFabric

    Hello I am installing SharePoint foundation 2013 SP1 on Windows Server 2012 R2. I have run the prerequisite but it is unable to install Windows App Fabric and these are the logs for the same.
    2014-06-14 13:57:33 - Reading the following DWORD value/name...
    2014-06-14 13:57:33 - DCC
    2014-06-14 13:57:33 - from the following registry location...
    2014-06-14 13:57:33 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\AppFabric\V1.0\Features
    2014-06-14 13:57:33 - Reading the following DWORD value/name...
    2014-06-14 13:57:33 - DCS
    2014-06-14 13:57:33 - from the following registry location...
    2014-06-14 13:57:33 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\AppFabric\V1.0\Features
    2014-06-14 13:57:33 - Reading the following DWORD value/name...
    2014-06-14 13:57:33 - DCA
    2014-06-14 13:57:33 - from the following registry location...
    2014-06-14 13:57:33 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\AppFabric\V1.0\Features
    2014-06-14 13:57:33 - Beginning download of Windows Server AppFabric
    2014-06-14 13:57:33 - http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=235496
    2014-06-14 13:57:35 - Size of download of "Windows Server AppFabric" in bytes is "33646240"
    2014-06-14 13:57:35 - Download of "Windows Server AppFabric" completed successfully
    2014-06-14 13:57:35 - configuring FTP/Windows Services for AppFabric
    2014-06-14 13:57:35 - The current status of the service is...
    2014-06-14 13:57:35 - SERVICE_RUNNING
    2014-06-14 13:57:35 - FTP service is running...
    2014-06-14 13:57:35 - Stopping FTP service....
    2014-06-14 13:57:35 - The current status of the service is...
    2014-06-14 13:57:35 - SERVICE_RUNNING
    2014-06-14 13:57:35 - Waiting till the status of the service is...
    2014-06-14 13:57:35 - SERVICE_STOPPED
    2014-06-14 13:57:37 - The status of the service is now...
    2014-06-14 13:57:37 - SERVICE_STOPPED
    2014-06-14 13:57:37 - The current status of the service is...
    2014-06-14 13:57:37 - SERVICE_STOPPED
    2014-06-14 13:57:37 - Windows update service is stopped...
    2014-06-14 13:57:37 - Starting Windows update service....
    2014-06-14 13:57:37 - The current status of the service is...
    2014-06-14 13:57:37 - SERVICE_STOPPED
    2014-06-14 13:57:37 - Waiting till the status of the service is...
    2014-06-14 13:57:37 - SERVICE_RUNNING
    2014-06-14 13:57:37 - The status of the service is now...
    2014-06-14 13:57:37 - SERVICE_RUNNING
    2014-06-14 13:57:37 - Warning : Call to OpenService(...,SERVICE_START | SERVICE_QUERY_STATUS | SERVICE_STOP | SERVICE_PAUSE_CONTINUE) function to get handle to the service failed (0X424=1060)
    2014-06-14 13:57:37 - Warning : [In HRESULT format] (0X80070424=-2147023836)
    2014-06-14 13:57:37 - AppFabric caching service is not installed.
    2014-06-14 13:57:37 - All services have been configured successfully for AppFabric.
    2014-06-14 13:57:37 - Installing Windows Server AppFabric
    2014-06-14 13:57:37 - "C:\Users\manoj\AppData\Local\Temp\App3B41.tmp.exe" /i CacheClient,CachingService,CacheAdmin /gac
    2014-06-14 13:58:10 - Install process returned (0X643=1603)
    2014-06-14 13:58:10 - [In HRESULT format] (0X80070643=-2147023293)
    2014-06-14 13:58:10 - All services have been configured successfully after AppFabric installation
    2014-06-14 13:58:10 - Last return code (0X643=1603)
    2014-06-14 13:58:10 - Reading the following DWORD value/name...
    2014-06-14 13:58:10 - Flags
    2014-06-14 13:58:10 - from the following registry location...
    2014-06-14 13:58:10 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Updates\UpdateExeVolatile
    2014-06-14 13:58:10 - Reading the following string value/name...
    2014-06-14 13:58:10 - PendingFileRenameOperations
    2014-06-14 13:58:10 - from the following registry location...
    2014-06-14 13:58:10 - SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager
    2014-06-14 13:58:10 - Reading the following registry location...
    2014-06-14 13:58:10 - SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto Update\RebootRequired
    2014-06-14 13:58:10 - Error: The tool was unable to install Windows Server AppFabric.
    2014-06-14 13:58:10 - Last return code (0X643=1603)
    2014-06-14 13:58:10 - Options for further diagnostics: 1. Look up the return code value 2. Download the prerequisite manually and verify size downloaded by the prerequisite installer. 3. Install the prerequisite manually from the given location without any
    command line options.
    2014-06-14 13:58:10 - Cannot retry
    Can someone please help on this 
    Thanks, Manoj

    Yes, This article helped me to fix the issue..
    I have deleted the PSModulePath entry
    from the 'Environment Variables' and re-run the installer. 
    It worked
    Thanks, Manoj

  • Install windows phone 8.0 sdk on win 10 error Windows Program Compatibility mode is on. Turn it off and then try Setup again.

    install windows phone 8.0 sdk on win
    10 error Windows Program Compatibility mode is on. Turn it off and then try Setup again.

    Also having this issue. I am unable to remove Windows Phone Emulator 8.0 on Windows 10 Technical Preview. Here is the relevant log file output
    [6554:4F4C][2014-10-31T13:33:53]: Condition 'NOT (CurrentOperation = "Uninstall")' evaluates to true.
    [6554:4F4C][2014-10-31T13:33:53]: Condition '(CurrentOperation = "Install") OR (CurrentOperation = "Repair")' evaluates to false.
    [6554:4F4C][2014-10-31T13:33:53]: Condition '(CurrentOperation = "Install") OR (CurrentOperation = "Repair")' evaluates to false.
    [6554:4F4C][2014-10-31T13:33:53]: Condition '(CurrentOperation = "Install") OR (CurrentOperation = "Repair")' evaluates to false.
    [6554:4F4C][2014-10-31T13:33:53]: Condition '(CurrentOperation = "Install")' evaluates to false.
    [6554:4F4C][2014-10-31T13:33:53]: Condition '(VersionNT < v6.1) OR ((VersionNT = v6.1) AND (NTProductType < 3)) OR (NOT VersionNT64)' evaluates to false.
    [6554:4F4C][2014-10-31T13:33:53]: Condition '(VersionNT = v6.2) AND (netfxfullredist_43_DetectKey < v4.5.50709)' evaluates to false.
    [6554:4F4C][2014-10-31T13:33:53]: Condition 'CompatibilityMode = 0' evaluates to true.
    [6554:4F4C][2014-10-31T13:33:53]: Condition 'ProfessionalVersion_DetectKey AND (NOT (ProfessionalVersion_DetectKey = "11.0.50727")) AND (CurrentOperation = "Install")' evaluates to false.
    [6554:4F4C][2014-10-31T13:33:53]: Condition '( VS11BETA_MSENV_DLL_EXISTS ) AND ( VS11BETA_MSENV_DLL_VERSION < v11.0.50324.0 ) AND (CurrentOperation = "Install")' evaluates to false.
    [6554:4F4C][2014-10-31T13:33:53]: Condition 'WPExpressVersion_DetectKey AND (WPExpressVersion_DetectKey < v11.0.50727) AND (CurrentOperation = "Install")' evaluates to false.
    [6554:4F4C][2014-10-31T13:33:53]: Condition 'WPExpressVersion_DetectKey AND (WPExpressVersion_DetectKey = v11.0.50727) AND (CurrentOperation = "Install") AND WPExpressQFEVersion_DetectKey AND (WPExpressQFEVersion_DetectKey < 38)' evaluates to false.
    [6554:4F4C][2014-10-31T13:33:53]: Condition 'WPExpress10_Exists AND (NOT SameLcidWPExpress10_Exists) AND CurrentOperation = "Install"' evaluates to false.
    [6554:4F4C][2014-10-31T13:33:53]: Condition 'WPExpress11_Exists AND (NOT SameLcidWPExpress11_Exists) AND CurrentOperation = "Install"' evaluates to false.
    [6554:4F4C][2014-10-31T13:33:53]: Condition 'NOT Privileged' evaluates to false.
    [6554:4F4C][2014-10-31T13:33:53]: MUX:  Stop Block: CompatibilityMode : Windows Program Compatibility mode is on. Turn it off and then try Setup again.
    [6554:4F4C][2014-10-31T13:33:53]: MUX:  Detect Completed
    [6554:4F4C][2014-10-31T13:33:53]: MUX:  Wait for View to be loaded
    [6554:40A0][2014-10-31T13:33:53]: MUX:  Detect Completed, now create view
    [6554:40A0][2014-10-31T13:33:54]: MUX:  Validate custom path failed: Empty Install path
    [6554:40A0][2014-10-31T13:33:54]: MUX:  Validate custom path failed: Empty Install path
    [6554:40A0][2014-10-31T13:33:54]: MUX:  User feedback control is Enable because opt-in value is NotDefined
    [6554:4F4C][2014-10-31T13:33:54]: MUX:  View loaded
    [6554:4F4C][2014-10-31T13:33:54]: MUX:  Go to Blocker page.
    [6554:4F4C][2014-10-31T13:33:54]: Detect complete, result: 0x0

  • Unable to install windows 10

    Hi,I am unable to install windows 10 on a Think Pad Edge 520 (Windows 7 fully updated) as I am unable to remove Rescue and Recovery version 4.5. I have tried windows uninstall and tried CCleaner uninstall but get the message "The feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable.Any help would be appreciated. I have wasted an hour of my life bycontacting Windows answer desk but they were as much use as a chocolate fire guard.Im sure that I must be in the right place for help now!

    Thank you for answering my post. I tried "perfect installer" but that didnt work either. I then rang Lenovo UK and he just didnt want to lnow even though I selected the problems with windows 10 choice.I found the solution myself which was to download a fresh copy of Rescue and Recovery, restart and then remove using the normal windows environment. Windows 10 now loaded and working ... but I cant get the Credential Manager to start and this is preventing me from setting up the Mail program/App. Any help would be gratefully received. I wonder if thee is a conflict with the Lenovo Password Manager?

  • How to install windows phone 8.1 in other mobile phones(Android mobile phones or other)?

    Can i install windows phone 8.1 in other mobile phones(Android mobile phones or other)?

    Csound1 wrote:
    Either you will do this correctly or you will not.
    You can not have a storage partition in addition to Mac OS and Boot Camp.
    I can't help at all if you want to go your own way.
    Good luck, backup before you lose data.
    Ok, thanks
    I want to check this tutorial http://www.intowindows.com/how-to-install-windows-8-1-on-mac-without-boot-camp/ It´s about install Windows 8 without bootcamp.
    I tell us

  • Unable to install Windows 7 RC x64 on macbook 2.2

    im unable to install windows 7 x64 rc on my macbook. i have a macbook 2.2 (white)
    after creating the partion using boot camp my comp restarts and gets stuck on a black screen that says
    choose CD-ROM boot type :
    thats it.. nothing more.. jst a blinking cursor.
    any idea wat the error is.
    1. can my macbook 2.2 (white) run x64?
    2. i have downloaded a patch for bootcamp (bootcampx64.msi) , wat do i do with it?
    3. what should i do next?

    http://jowie.com/blog/post/2008/02/24/Select-CD-ROM-Boot-Type-prompt-while-tryin g-to-boot-from-Vista-x64-DVD-burnt-from-iso-file.aspx
    Read carefuly that article. It describes step by step how-to modify Windows 7 64x RC DVD image to boot smoothly on any Mac. Be sure to creat 8 sector disk instead of 4
    Thanks to Jowie I was able to install Windows 7 64x on my early Aluminium iMac.
    PS: Be sure to download Boot Camp version 2.1.1 and modify it so setup will run without errors. I can't hel you with direct links but I can at least warn you. Have fun and good luck

  • Unable to install windows 8

               1.dvd drive is not responding
                            i tried:
                                      1.reset the SMC
                                      2.cleaned the drive with a cd cleaning kit
                                      3.burnt a dvd(sony dvd-r;burnt at lowest speed possible) and reinserted it (no luck)
                                      * but i inserted original dvd of blood diamond worked without any problem
                             reaction when i insert any dvd other than original movie titles is:
                                       1.i hear it spin and then it spits it out after about 2 min
                                       2.there is no dvd icon in finder and there is no error message
               2.unable to install windows 8
                                  what i've done so far:
                                   1.I used boot camp to make the partition        
                                   2.since my dvd drive is not working i force enabled the option in boot camp
                                      to make a usb image of windows on my external HDD
                                       everything ok so far no hiccups
                                  The problem:
                                     when we have to select the partition on which we have to install windows i.e "drive 0:partition 4:BOOTCAMP"
                                       which has to be formatted...i cant format that partition and the following message appears
                                                      "Windows cannot be installed to this disk the selected disk has an MBR partition table.
                                                        On EFI systems windows can only be onstalled to GPT disks.
                                                          Windows cannot be installed to this disk.this computers may not support booting to this disk.
                                                             ensure that the disk's controller is enabled in the computer's BIOS menu."

    It is an issue regarding windows 8 system os. I suggested you to post this thread to answer.microsoft.com
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Unable to install windows 8.1 on inspiron 15

    when I try to download windows 8.1 it denies my request because im not an administrating account yet my account is the only one on my computer and I don't know how set it up as an administrator

    try all step at this thread below

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