Develop node.js on Lion, but not install mysql-libmysqlclient

I am developer, my apple is MacBook Pro MD313CH/A, system is Mac OS X Lion 10.7.3, Xcode 4.3.2, installed Command Line Tools, mysql is 5.5.21.
I installed Node.js on MacPorts, node -v 0.6.17, npm -v 1.1.21, I want to install mysql-libmysqlclient( of node_modules, but I had problem on my machine, than other is success. link:
this error:
localhost:nodejs yangzhaojie$ CXX=/usr/bin/g++ npm install mysql-libmysqlclient
npm http GET
npm http 200
npm http GET
npm http 200
> [email protected] install /Users/yangzhaojie/tech/nodejs/node_modules/mysql-libmysqlclient
> node-gyp rebuild
info it worked if it ends with ok
spawn python [ '/Users/yangzhaojie/.node-gyp/0.6.17/tools/gyp_addon',
  '-I/Users/yangzhaojie/tech/nodejs/node_modules/mysql-libmysqlclient/build/confi g.gypi',
  'make' ]
spawn make [ 'BUILDTYPE=Release', '-C', 'build' ]
  CXX(target) Release/
llvm-g++-4.2: -E, -S, -save-temps and -M options are not allowed with multiple -arch flags
make: *** [Release/] Error 1
ERR! Error: `make` failed with exit code: 2
    at ChildProcess.onExit (/opt/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/lib/build.js:209:23)
    at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:70:17)
    at maybeExit (child_process.js:362:16)
    at Process.onexit (child_process.js:398:5)
ERR! not ok
npm ERR! [email protected] install: `node-gyp rebuild`
npm ERR! `sh "-c" "node-gyp rebuild"` failed with 1
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the [email protected] install script.
npm ERR! This is most likely a problem with the mysql-libmysqlclient package,
npm ERR! not with npm itself.
npm ERR! Tell the author that this fails on your system:
npm ERR!     node-gyp rebuild
npm ERR! You can get their info via:
npm ERR!     npm owner ls mysql-libmysqlclient
npm ERR! There is likely additional logging output above.
npm ERR!
npm ERR! System Darwin 11.3.0
npm ERR! command "node" "/opt/local/bin/npm" "install" "mysql-libmysqlclient"
npm ERR! cwd /Users/yangzhaojie/tech/nodejs
npm ERR! node -v v0.6.17
npm ERR! npm -v 1.1.21
npm ERR! message [email protected] install: `node-gyp rebuild`
npm ERR! message `sh "-c" "node-gyp rebuild"` failed with 1
npm ERR! errno {}
npm ERR! Error: EACCES, open 'npm-debug.log'
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Please try running this command again as root/Administrator.
npm ERR!
npm ERR! System Darwin 11.3.0
npm ERR! command "node" "/opt/local/bin/npm" "install" "mysql-libmysqlclient"
npm ERR! cwd /Users/yangzhaojie/tech/nodejs
npm ERR! node -v v0.6.17
npm ERR! npm -v 1.1.21
npm ERR! path npm-debug.log
npm ERR! code EACCES
npm ERR! message EACCES, open 'npm-debug.log'
npm ERR! errno {}
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Additional logging details can be found in:
npm ERR!     /Users/yangzhaojie/tech/nodejs/npm-debug.log
npm not ok
localhost:nodejs yangzhaojie$
debug install log:
info it worked if it ends with ok
verbose cli [ 'node',
verbose cli   '/Users/yangzhaojie/app/node-0.6.16/bin/npm',
verbose cli   'i',
verbose cli   'mysql-libmysqlclient' ]
info using [email protected]
info using [email protected]
verbose config file /Users/yangzhaojie/.npmrc
verbose config file /Users/yangzhaojie/app/node-0.6.16/etc/npmrc
verbose config file /Users/yangzhaojie/app/node-0.6.16/lib/node_modules/npm/npmrc
verbose caching /Users/yangzhaojie/tech/nodejs/node_modules/connect/package.json
verbose caching /Users/yangzhaojie/tech/nodejs/node_modules/mysql/package.json
verbose caching /Users/yangzhaojie/tech/nodejs/node_modules/node-cluster/package.json
verbose caching /Users/yangzhaojie/tech/nodejs/node_modules/redis/package.json
verbose caching /Users/yangzhaojie/tech/nodejs/node_modules/
verbose cache add [ 'mysql-libmysqlclient', null ]
silly cache add: name, spec, args [ undefined,
silly cache add: name, spec, args   'mysql-libmysqlclient',
silly cache add: name, spec, args   [ 'mysql-libmysqlclient', null ] ]
verbose parsed url { pathname: 'mysql-libmysqlclient',
verbose parsed url   path: 'mysql-libmysqlclient',
verbose parsed url   href: 'mysql-libmysqlclient' }
verbose addNamed [ 'mysql-libmysqlclient', '' ]
verbose addNamed [ null, '' ]
silly name, range, hasData [ 'mysql-libmysqlclient', '', false ]
verbose raw, before any munging mysql-libmysqlclient
verbose url resolving [ '', './mysql-libmysqlclient' ]
verbose url resolved
http GET
http 200
silly get cb [ 200,
silly get cb   { vary: 'Accept',
silly get cb     server: 'CouchDB/1.2.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B)',
silly get cb     etag: '"66I5Z2UT6UDC9OV8C1PCYIGKC"',
silly get cb     date: 'Thu, 03 May 2012 15:21:42 GMT',
silly get cb     'content-type': 'application/json',
silly get cb     'content-length': '32455' } ]
silly name, range, hasData 2 [ 'mysql-libmysqlclient', '', true ]
silly versions [ 'mysql-libmysqlclient',
silly versions   [ '0.0.10',
silly versions     '0.0.7',
silly versions     '0.0.8',
silly versions     '0.0.9',
silly versions     '1.0.0',
silly versions     '1.0.1',
silly versions     '1.0.2',
silly versions     '1.0.3',
silly versions     '1.1.0',
silly versions     '1.1.1',
silly versions     '1.2.1',
silly versions     '1.2.2',
silly versions     '1.2.3',
silly versions     '1.2.4',
silly versions     '1.2.7',
silly versions     '1.2.8',
silly versions     '1.2.9',
silly versions     '1.2.10',
silly versions     '1.3.0',
silly versions     '1.3.1',
silly versions     '1.3.2' ] ]
verbose bin dist [ '0.6-ares1.7.5-DEV-evundefined-openssl0.9.8r-v83.6.6.25-darwin-x64-11.3.0',
verbose bin dist   { shasum: '8ae08483d5e37fcb5a37e6e459c7eda073ff486b',
verbose bin dist     tarball: '' } ]
verbose addRemoteTarball [ '',
verbose addRemoteTarball   '8ae08483d5e37fcb5a37e6e459c7eda073ff486b' ]
verbose fetch to /tmp/npm-1336058506422/1336058506422-0.03823089087381959/tmp.tgz
http GET
http 200
silly updated sha bytes 40960
silly updated sha bytes 37717
info shasum 8ae08483d5e37fcb5a37e6e459c7eda073ff486b
info shasum /tmp/npm-1336058506422/1336058506422-0.03823089087381959/tmp.tgz
verbose unpack /tmp/npm-1336058506422/1336058506422-0.03823089087381959/tmp.tgz
silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
silly extracting entry .idea/
silly extracting entry .idea/.name
silly extracting entry .idea/codeStyleSettings.xml
silly extracting entry .idea/encodings.xml
silly extracting entry .idea/misc.xml
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silly extracting entry .idea/node-mysql-libmysqlclient.iml
silly extracting entry .idea/projectCodeStyle.xml
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silly extracting entry .idea/scopes/scope_settings.xml
silly extracting entry .idea/vcs.xml
silly extracting entry .idea/workspace.xml
silly extracting entry .npmignore
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silly extracting entry AUTHORS
silly extracting entry binding.gyp
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silly extracting entry build/.conf_check_0/
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silly extracting entry build/.conf_check_0/testbuild/.wafpickle-7
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silly extracting entry conf-stamp
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silly extracting entry doc/index.html
silly extracting entry
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silly extracting entry mysql-libmysqlclient.js
silly extracting entry nodelint.conf
silly extracting entry package.json
silly extracting entry README.markdown
silly extracting entry src/
silly extracting entry src/
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silly extracting entry src/
silly extracting entry src/mysql_bindings_connection.h
silly extracting entry src/
silly extracting entry src/mysql_bindings_result.h
silly extracting entry src/
silly extracting entry src/mysql_bindings_statement.h
silly extracting entry src/node_async_shim.h
silly extracting entry tests/
silly extracting entry tests/complex/
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silly extracting entry tests/complex/test-datatypes-cast.js
silly extracting entry tests/complex/test-fetchAll-options.js
silly extracting entry tests/config.js
silly extracting entry tests/high-level/
silly extracting entry tests/high-level/test-javascript-interface.js
silly extracting entry tests/ignored/
silly extracting entry tests/ignored/
silly extracting entry tests/issues/
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silly extracting entry tests/issues/test-issue-106.js
silly extracting entry tests/issues/test-issue-110.js
silly extracting entry tests/issues/test-issue-83.js
silly extracting entry tests/low-level-async/
silly extracting entry tests/low-level-async/setup-low-level-async.js
silly extracting entry tests/low-level-async/test-class-mysqlconnection-async.js
silly extracting entry tests/low-level-async/test-class-mysqlresult-async.js
silly extracting entry tests/low-level-sync/
silly extracting entry tests/low-level-sync/setup-low-level-sync.js
silly extracting entry tests/low-level-sync/test-class-mysqlconnection-sync.js
silly extracting entry tests/low-level-sync/test-class-mysqlresult-sync.js
silly extracting entry tests/low-level-sync/test-class-mysqlstatement.-syncjs
silly extracting entry tests/low-level-sync/test-connect-different-args.js
silly extracting entry tests/slow/
silly extracting entry tests/slow/test-connect.js
silly extracting entry tests/slow/test-fetchAll.js
silly extracting entry tests/slow/test-query.js
silly extracting entry tests/slow/test-querySend.js
silly extracting entry tools/
silly extracting entry tools/run-check-tests.js
silly extracting entry tools/run-debug.js
silly extracting entry tools/run-memoryleaks-finder.js
silly extracting entry waf-stamp
silly extracting entry wscript
verbose has bindings.gyp [ undefined,
verbose has bindings.gyp   { file: '/tmp/npm-1336058506422/1336058506422-0.03823089087381959/package/package.json' ,
verbose has bindings.gyp     gypfile: true,
verbose has bindings.gyp     serverjs: false,
verbose has bindings.gyp     wscript: true,
verbose has bindings.gyp     contributors:
verbose has bindings.gyp      [ 'Oleg Efimov <[email protected]> (',
verbose has bindings.gyp        'Surendra Singhi <[email protected]> (',
verbose has bindings.gyp        'Akzhan Abdulin <[email protected]>',
verbose has bindings.gyp        'Pavel Ponomarenko <[email protected]>',
verbose has bindings.gyp        'Robin Duckett <[email protected]>',
verbose has bindings.gyp        'Roman Shtylman <[email protected]>',
verbose has bindings.gyp        'Dan Beam <[email protected]> (',
verbose has bindings.gyp        'Maurits Lamers <[email protected]>',
verbose has bindings.gyp        'Benjmain Reesman <[email protected]>',
verbose has bindings.gyp        'Krists Krīgers <[email protected]>',
verbose has bindings.gyp        'Sergey Novgorodsky <[email protected]>',
verbose has bindings.gyp        'Ștefan Rusu <[email protected]>',
verbose has bindings.gyp        'Zhiqiang Zhao <[email protected]>',
verbose has bindings.gyp        'Zhao Cheng <[email protected]>',
verbose has bindings.gyp        'Zhao Lei <[email protected]>' ] } ]
verbose has wscript [ undefined,
verbose has wscript   { file: '/tmp/npm-1336058506422/1336058506422-0.03823089087381959/package/package.json' ,
verbose has wscript     gypfile: true,
verbose has wscript     serverjs: false,
verbose has wscript     wscript: true,
verbose has wscript     contributors:
verbose has wscript      [ 'Oleg Efimov <[email protected]> (',
verbose has wscript        'Surendra Singhi <[email protected]> (',
verbose has wscript        'Akzhan Abdulin <[email protected]>',
verbose has wscript        'Pavel Ponomarenko <[email protected]>',
verbose has wscript        'Robin Duckett <[email protected]>',
verbose has wscript        'Roman Shtylman <[email protected]>',
verbose has wscript        'Dan Beam <[email protected]> (',
verbose has wscript        'Maurits Lamers <[email protected]>',
verbose has wscript        'Benjmain Reesman <[email protected]>',
verbose has wscript        'Krists Krīgers <[email protected]>',
verbose has wscript        'Sergey Novgorodsky <[email protected]>',
verbose has wscript        'Ștefan Rusu <[email protected]>',
verbose has wscript        'Zhiqiang Zhao <[email protected]>',
verbose has wscript        'Zhao Cheng <[email protected]>',
verbose has wscript        'Zhao Lei <[email protected]>' ] } ]
verbose caching /tmp/npm-1336058506422/1336058506422-0.03823089087381959/package/package.json
verbose loadDefaults [email protected]
verbose from cache /tmp/npm-1336058506422/1336058506422-0.03823089087381959/package/package.json
verbose tar.pack [ '/Users/yangzhaojie/.npm/mysql-libmysqlclient/1.3.2/package.tgz',
verbose tar.pack   '/tmp/npm-1336058506422/1336058506422-0.03823089087381959/package' ]
verbose tarball /Users/yangzhaojie/.npm/mysql-libmysqlclient/1.3.2/package.tgz
verbose folder /tmp/npm-1336058506422/1336058506422-0.03823089087381959/package
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silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
silly extracting entry package.json
silly extracting entry .npmignore
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silly extracting entry mysql-libmysqlclient.js
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silly extracting entry .idea/scopes/scope_settings.xml
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silly extracting entry .travis.yml
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silly extracting entry src/mysql_bindings_connection.h
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silly extracting entry src/
silly extracting entry src/mysql_bindings_statement.h
silly extracting entry src/node_async_shim.h
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silly extracting entry tests/complex/test-fetchAll-options.js
silly extracting entry tests/high-level/test-javascript-interface.js
silly extracting entry tests/ignored/
silly extracting entry tests/issues/test-issue-102.js
silly extracting entry tests/issues/test-issue-106.js
silly extracting entry tests/issues/test-issue-110.js
silly extracting entry tests/issues/test-issue-83.js
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silly extracting entry tests/low-level-async/test-class-mysqlconnection-async.js
silly extracting entry tests/low-level-async/test-class-mysqlresult-async.js
silly extracting entry tests/low-level-sync/setup-low-level-sync.js
silly extracting entry tests/low-level-sync/test-class-mysqlconnection-sync.js
silly extracting entry tests/low-level-sync/test-class-mysqlresult-sync.js
silly extracting entry tests/low-level-sync/test-connect-different-args.js
silly extracting entry tests/low-level-sync/test-class-mysqlstatement.-syncjs
silly extracting entry tests/slow/test-connect.js
silly extracting entry tests/slow/test-fetchAll.js
silly extracting entry tests/slow/test-query.js
silly extracting entry tests/slow/test-querySend.js
silly extracting entry tools/run-check-tests.js
silly extracting entry tools/run-debug.js
silly extracting entry tools/run-memoryleaks-finder.js
silly extracting entry waf-stamp
silly extracting entry wscript
verbose has bindings.gyp [ undefined,
verbose has bindings.gyp   { file: '/Users/yangzhaojie/.npm/mysql-libmysqlclient/1.3.2/package/package.json',
verbose has bindings.gyp     gypfile: true,
verbose has bindings.gyp     serverjs: false,
verbose has bindings.gyp     contributors:
verbose has bindings.gyp      [ 'Oleg Efimov <[email protected]> (',
verbose has bindings.gyp        'Surendra Singhi <[email protected]> (',
verbose has bindings.gyp        'Akzhan Abdulin <[email protected]>',
verbose has bindings.gyp        'Pavel Ponomarenko <[email protected]>',
verbose has bindings.gyp        'Robin Duckett <[email protected]>',
verbose has bindings.gyp        'Roman Shtylman <[email protected]>',
verbose has bindings.gyp        'Dan Beam <[email protected]> (',
verbose has bindings.gyp        'Maurits Lamers <[email protected]>',
verbose has bindings.gyp        'Benjmain Reesman <[email protected]>',
verbose has bindings.gyp        'Krists Krīgers <[email protected]>',
verbose has bindings.gyp        'Sergey Novgorodsky <[email protected]>',
verbose has bindings.gyp        'Ștefan Rusu <[email protected]>',
verbose has bindings.gyp        'Zhiqiang Zhao <[email protected]>',
verbose has bindings.gyp        'Zhao Cheng <[email protected]>',
verbose has bindings.gyp        'Zhao Lei <[email protected]>' ],
verbose has bindings.gyp     wscript: true } ]
verbose has wscript [ undefined,
verbose has wscript   { file: '/Users/yangzhaojie/.npm/mysql-libmysqlclient/1.3.2/package/package.json',
verbose has wscript     gypfile: true,
verbose has wscript     serverjs: false,
verbose has wscript     contributors:
verbose has wscript      [ 'Oleg Efimov <[email protected]> (',
verbose has wscript        'Surendra Singhi <[email protected]> (',
verbose has wscript        'Akzhan Abdulin <[email protected]>',
verbose has wscript        'Pavel Ponomarenko <[email protected]>',
verbose has wscript        'Robin Duckett <[email protected]>',
verbose has wscript        'Roman Shtylman <[email protected]>',
verbose has wscript        'Dan Beam <[email protected]> (',
verbose has wscript        'Maurits Lamers <[email protected]>',
verbose has wscript        'Benjmain Reesman <[email protected]>',
verbose has wscript        'Krists Krīgers <[email protected]>',
verbose has wscript        'Sergey Novgorodsky <[email protected]>',
verbose has wscript        'Ștefan Rusu <[email protected]>',
verbose has wscript        'Zhiqiang Zhao <[email protected]>',
verbose has wscript        'Zhao Cheng <[email protected]>',
verbose has wscript        'Zhao Lei <[email protected]>' ],
verbose has wscript     wscript: true } ]
verbose caching /Users/yangzhaojie/.npm/mysql-libmysqlclient/1.3.2/package/package.json
verbose loadDefaults [email protected]
silly updated sha bytes 40960
silly updated sha bytes 37533
info shasum 2e0901d4c28613050078931d2930b7f98a9353d0
info shasum /Users/yangzhaojie/.npm/mysql-libmysqlclient/1.3.2/package.tgz
verbose from cache /Users/yangzhaojie/.npm/mysql-libmysqlclient/1.3.2/package/package.json
verbose chmod /Users/yangzhaojie/.npm/mysql-libmysqlclient/1.3.2/package.tgz 644
verbose chown [ '/Users/yangzhaojie/.npm/mysql-libmysqlclient/1.3.2/package.tgz',
verbose chown   501,
verbose chown   20 ]
silly resolved [ { name: 'mysql-libmysqlclient',
silly resolved     description: 'Binary MySQL bindings for Node.JS',
silly resolved     keywords: [ 'mysql', 'libmysqlclient', 'sql', 'database', 'addon' ],
silly resolved     homepage: '',
silly resolved     version: '1.3.2',
silly resolved     author: { name: 'Oleg Efimov', email: '[email protected]' },
silly resolved     contributors:
silly resolved      [ { name: 'Oleg Efimov',
silly resolved          email: '[email protected]',
silly resolved          url: '' },
silly resolved        { name: 'Surendra Singhi',
silly resolved          email: '[email protected]',
silly resolved          url: '' },
silly resolved        { name: 'Akzhan Abdulin', email: '[email protected]' },
silly resolved        { name: 'Pavel Ponomarenko', email: '[email protected]' },
silly resolved        { name: 'Robin Duckett', email: '[email protected]' },
silly resolved        { name: 'Roman Shtylman', email: '[email protected]' },
silly resolved        { name: 'Dan Beam',
silly resolved          email: '[email protected]',
silly resolved          url: '' },
silly resolved        { name: 'Maurits Lamers', email: '[email protected]' },
silly resolved        { name: 'Benjmain Reesman', email: '[email protected]' },
silly resolved        { name: 'Krists Krīgers', email: '[email protected]' },
silly resolved        { name: 'Sergey Novgorodsky',
silly resolved          email: '[email protected]' },
silly resolved        { name: 'Ștefan Rusu', email: '[email protected]' },
silly resolved        { name: 'Zhiqiang Zhao', email: '[email protected]' },
silly resolved        { name: 'Zhao Cheng', email: '[email protected]' },
silly resolved        { name: 'Zhao Lei', email: '[email protected]' } ],
silly resolved     bugs: { url: '' },
silly resolved     licenses: [ { type: 'MIT' } ],
silly resolved     repository:
silly resolved      { type: 'git',
silly resolved        url: 'git://' },
silly resolved     main: './mysql-libmysqlclient',
silly resolved     scripts:
silly resolved      { test: 'make test',
silly resolved        doc: 'make doc',
silly resolved        install: 'node-gyp rebuild' },
silly resolved     engines: { node: '0.4.x || 0.5.x || 0.6.x || 0.7.x || 0.8.x' },
silly resolved     devDependencies: { nodeunit: '>= 0.7', nodelint: '>= 0.6' },
silly resolved     _id: '[email protected]',
silly resolved     dependencies: {},
silly resolved     optionalDependencies: {},
silly resolved     _engineSupported: true,
silly resolved     _npmVersion: '1.1.20',
silly resolved     _nodeVersion: 'v0.6.16',
silly resolved     _defaultsLoaded: true,
silly resolved     dist: { shasum: '2e0901d4c28613050078931d2930b7f98a9353d0' },
silly resolved     _from: 'mysql-libmysqlclient' } ]
info into /Users/yangzhaojie/tech/nodejs [email protected]
info installOne [email protected]
verbose from cache /Users/yangzhaojie/.npm/mysql-libmysqlclient/1.3.2/package/package.json
info unbuild /Users/yangzhaojie/tech/nodejs/node_modules/mysql-libmysqlclient
verbose unpack /Users/yangzhaojie/.npm/mysql-libmysqlclient/1.3.2/package.tgz
silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
silly extracting entry package.json
silly extracting entry .npmignore
silly extracting entry LICENSE
silly extracting entry mysql-libmysqlclient-bindings.js
silly extracting entry mysql-libmysqlclient.js
silly extracting entry build-stamp
silly extracting entry CHANGELOG.markdown
silly extracting entry conf-stamp
silly extracting entry devdependencies-stamp
silly extracting entry DEVELOPMENT.markdown
silly extracting entry doc/example_http.js
silly extracting entry doc/examples.js
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silly extracting entry doc/changelog.html
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silly extracting entry doc/examples/url_shortener/index.html
silly extracting entry doc/examples.html
silly extracting entry doc/index.html
silly extracting entry
silly extracting entry .idea/.name
silly extracting entry .idea/codeStyleSettings.xml
silly extracting entry .idea/encodings.xml
silly extracting entry .idea/misc.xml
silly extracting entry .idea/modules.xml
silly extracting entry .idea/node-mysql-libmysqlclient.iml
silly extracting entry .idea/projectCodeStyle.xml
silly extracting entry .idea/scopes/scope_settings.xml
silly extracting entry .idea/vcs.xml
silly extracting entry .idea/workspace.xml
silly extracting entry Makefile
silly extracting entry .travis.yml
silly extracting entry AUTHORS
silly extracting entry nodelint.conf
silly extracting entry binding.gyp
silly extracting entry README.markdown
silly extracting entry src/
silly extracting entry src/mysql_bindings.h
silly extracting entry src/
silly extracting entry src/mysql_bindings_connection.h
silly extracting entry src/
silly extracting entry src/mysql_bindings_result.h
silly extracting entry src/
silly extracting entry src/mysql_bindings_statement.h
silly extracting entry src/node_async_shim.h
silly extracting entry tests/config.js
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silly extracting entry tests/complex/test-datatypes-cast.js
silly extracting entry tests/complex/test-fetchAll-options.js
silly extracting entry tests/high-level/test-javascript-interface.js
silly extracting entry tests/ignored/
silly extracting entry tests/issues/test-issue-102.js
silly extracting entry tests/issues/test-issue-106.js
silly extracting entry tests/issues/test-issue-110.js
silly extracting entry tests/issues/test-issue-83.js
silly extracting entry tests/low-level-async/setup-low-level-async.js
silly extracting entry tests/low-level-async/test-class-mysqlconnection-async.js
silly extracting entry tests/low-level-async/test-class-mysqlresult-async.js
silly extracting entry tests/low-level-sync/setup-low-level-sync.js
silly extracting entry tests/low-level-sync/test-class-mysqlconnection-sync.js
silly extracting entry tests/low-level-sync/test-class-mysqlresult-sync.js
silly extracting entry tests/low-level-sync/test-connect-different-args.js
silly extracting entry tests/low-level-sync/test-class-mysqlstatement.-syncjs
silly extracting entry tests/slow/test-connect.js
silly extracting entry tests/slow/test-fetchAll.js
silly extracting entry tests/slow/test-query.js
silly extracting entry tests/slow/test-querySend.js
silly extracting entry tools/run-check-tests.js
silly extracting entry tools/run-debug.js
silly extracting entry tools/run-memoryleaks-finder.js
silly extracting entry waf-stamp
silly extracting entry wscript
verbose has bindings.gyp [ undefined,
verbose has bindings.gyp   { file: '/Users/yangzhaojie/tech/nodejs/node_modules/mysql-libmysqlclient/package.json' ,
verbose has bindings.gyp     gypfile: true,
verbose has bindings.gyp     serverjs: false,
verbose has bindings.gyp     wscript: true,
verbose has bindings.gyp     contributors:
verbose has bindings.gyp      [ 'Oleg Efimov <[email protected]> (',
verbose has bindings.gyp        'Surendra Singhi <[email protected]> (',
verbose has bindings.gyp        'Akzhan Abdulin <[email protected]>',
verbose has bindings.gyp        'Pavel Ponomarenko <[email protected]>',
verbose has bindings.gyp        'Robin Duckett <[email protected]>',
verbose has bindings.gyp        'Roman Shtylman <[email protected]>',
verbose has bindings.gyp        'Dan Beam <[email protected]> (',
verbose has bindings.gyp        'Maurits Lamers <[email protected]>',
verbose has bindings.gyp        'Benjmain Reesman <[email protected]>',
verbose has bindings.gyp        'Krists Krīgers <[email protected]>',
verbose has bindings.gyp        'Sergey Novgorodsky <[email protected]>',
verbose has bindings.gyp        'Ștefan Rusu <[email protected]>',
verbose has bindings.gyp        'Zhiqiang Zhao <[email protected]>',
verbose has bindings.gyp        'Zhao Cheng <[email protected]>',
verbose has bindings.gyp        'Zhao Lei <[email protected]>' ] } ]
verbose has wscript [ undefined,
verbose has wscript   { file: '/Users/yangzhaojie/tech/nodejs/node_modules/mysql-libmysqlclient/package.json' ,
verbose has wscript     gypfile: true,
verbose has wscript     serverjs: false,
verbose has wscript     wscript: true,
verbose has wscript     contributors:
verbose has wscript      [ 'Oleg Efimov <[email protected]> (',
verbose has wscript        'Surendra Singhi <[email protected]> (',
verbose has wscript        'Akzhan Abdulin <[email protected]>',
verbose has wscript        'Pavel Ponomarenko <[email protected]>',
verbose has wscript        'Robin Duckett <[email protected]>',
verbose has wscript        'Roman Shtylman <[email protected]>',
verbose has wscript        'Dan Beam <[email protected]> (',
verbose has wscript        'Maurits Lamers <[email protected]>',
verbose has wscript        'Benjmain Reesman <[email protected]>',
verbose has wscript        'Krists Krīgers <[email protected]>',
verbose has wscript        'Sergey Novgorodsky <[email protected]>',
verbose has wscript        'Ștefan Rusu <[email protected]>',
verbose has wscript        'Zhiqiang Zhao <[email protected]>',
verbose has wscript        'Zhao Cheng <[email protected]>',
verbose has wscript        'Zhao Lei <[email protected]>' ] } ]
verbose caching /Users/yangzhaojie/tech/nodejs/node_modules/mysql-libmysqlclient/package.json
verbose loadDefaults [email protected]
info preinstall [email protected]
verbose from cache /Users/yangzhaojie/tech/nodejs/node_modules/mysql-libmysqlclient/package.json
verbose readDependencies: using package.json deps
verbose from cache /Users/yangzhaojie/tech/nodejs/node_modules/mysql-libmysqlclient/package.json
verbose readDependencies: using package.json deps
silly resolved []
verbose about to build /Users/yangzhaojie/tech/nodejs/node_modules/mysql-libmysqlclient
info build /Users/yangzhaojie/tech/nodejs/node_modules/mysql-libmysqlclient
verbose from cache /Users/yangzhaojie/tech/nodejs/node_modules/mysql-libmysqlclient/package.json
verbose linkStuff [ false,
verbose linkStuff   false,
verbose linkStuff   false,
verbose linkStuff   '/Users/yangzhaojie/tech/nodejs/node_modules' ]
info linkStuff [email protected]
verbose linkBins [email protected]
verbose linkMans [email protected]
verbose rebuildBundles [email protected]
info install [email protected]
verbose unsafe-perm in lifecycle false
verbose Setting uid from 0 501
verbose stack at uid setting Error
verbose stack at uid setting     at exec (/Users/yangzhaojie/app/node-0.6.16/lib/node_modules/npm/lib/utils/exec.js:36:1 7)
verbose stack at uid setting     at Array.0 (/Users/yangzhaojie/app/node-0.6.16/lib/node_modules/npm/lib/utils/lifecycle.js :146:5)
verbose stack at uid setting     at EventEmitter._tickCallback (node.js:192:40)
silly exec sh "-c" "node-gyp rebuild"
silly spawning [ 'sh',
silly spawning   [ '-c', 'node-gyp rebuild' ],
silly spawning   '/Users/yangzhaojie/tech/nodejs/node_modules/mysql-libmysqlclient' ]
info [email protected] Failed to exec install script
info unbuild /Users/yangzhaojie/tech/nodejs/node_modules/mysql-libmysqlclient
verbose from cache /Users/yangzhaojie/tech/nodejs/node_modules/mysql-libmysqlclient/package.json
info preuninstall [email protected]
info uninstall [email protected]
verbose unbuild [email protected] [ true,
verbose unbuild [email protected]   '/Users/yangzhaojie/tech/nodejs/node_modules',
verbose unbuild [email protected]   '/Users/yangzhaojie/tech/nodejs/node_modules' ]
info postuninstall [email protected]
ERR! [email protected] install: `node-gyp rebuild`
ERR! `sh "-c" "node-gyp rebuild"` failed with 1
ERR! Failed at the [email protected] install script.
ERR! This is most likely a problem with the mysql-libmysqlclient package,
ERR! not with npm itself.
ERR! Tell the author that this fails on your system:
ERR!     node-gyp rebuild
ERR! You can get their info via:
ERR!     npm owner ls mysql-libmysqlclient
ERR! There is likely additional logging output above.
ERR! System Darwin 11.3.0
ERR! command "node" "/Users/yangzhaojie/app/node-0.6.16/bin/npm" "i" "mysql-libmysqlclient"
ERR! cwd /Users/yangzhaojie/tech/nodejs
ERR! node -v v0.6.16
ERR! npm -v 1.1.20
ERR! message [email protected] install: `node-gyp rebuild`
ERR! message `sh "-c" "node-gyp rebuild"` failed with 1
ERR! errno {}
verbose exit [ 1, true ]

Hi Simon,
Thanks for posting!
Firstly, I suggest you could try how to connect to local MySQL database from Azure. Similar issue for your reference.
Secondly, What's your local machine? Is  it a server or just a PC? If it is a PC for you dev, I guess it could not be accessed from internet. You need use the server and open the 3306 port.
>> “tried to link the resource but the option to link an existing mysql database is greyed out.”
Base on my experience, when we create website on azure portal, azure will create a free database which is 20 M. If you want to use MySQL on azure, you may need use Clear DB. It is used to connect to a MySQL database that created in Azure (
We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
HERE to participate the survey.

Similar Messages

  • How to download but not install OSX Mountain Lion on Mavericks

    Hi all
    I would like to download but not install OSX Mountain Lion on my MBP which is currently running OSX Mavericks.
    This however seems impossible. I think OSX Mavericks were already installed on my MBP and therefore it seems "impossible" to download it.
    Now, why would I to do this? The answer is quite reasonable, due to certain demands related to an application portfolio I need Mountain Lion, because the portfolio is not upgraded to run on Mavericks. And, it is more reasonable to downgrade a version of OSX, rather waiting for the portfolio upgrade which can take years.
    Yes, I need to downgrade my secondary MBP which also came with preinstalled Mavericks. This can be done, if I only could download but not install Moutain Lion.
    It should be easy enough; download Mountain Lion, make an installer and make a bootable thumb usb stick. Then erase Mavericks and install Mountain Lion.
    I have previously bought Mountain Lion so it is accessible to me in the App Store, but whenever I try to hit the Download button, I get a message saying this can't be done, since I am running Mavericks.
    This bugs me, it should be obvious users needs the flexibility to swap whatever OSX version they need. It is still software.
    So, how can I download but not install Mountain Lion on my newer MBP that came with preinstalled Mavericks?
    I would like to see answers like:
    "In order to get this to work, you first have to disable the locking mechanism in [...] " instead of "No, this is impossible to do"

    Thanks for your reply Eric
    Can't help wondering thought, people are ok with this?
    Basically Apple are saying: "Do not attempt to install an older version of OSX which came preinstalled. If so, expect multiple failures." Really?! Has it always been so? For me it's not like I'm going to install Snow Leopard on my Late 2013 Retina MBP, but I would expect some form of backward compatibility between the previous version and it successor. Apparently this is not possible, and how is this even acceptable? 
    Personally, I am not going to downgrade, as if I had a choice, but I would and I expected however, the possibility to at least download the previous OSX version. What do you do if you have bought several applications, not necessarily online from App Store and buy yourself a new Mac with preinstalled Mavericks and after installing your "old" applications they fail to work properly? What do you do since downgrading apparently is not an option. So... again, what do you do? 
    If you don't have friends with an older Mac, you could be facing serious problems. And I'm not talking about gaming, but serious business. 
    I find this quite disturbing actually, and please tell me it's not so. There gotta be a way to do this?
    I simply want to download the OS but I expect some registry values (like windows' registry) keeps preventing this.
    It should be possible to simply download and not download and install in one operation, shouldn't it?

  • I bourgt 10.7 Lion, but i cnt´t install it. All the last updates are downloaded. I see the sign of the lion, but not clear- there stand the download stopped. How can i continue the download?

    i bourgt 10.7 Lion, but i cnt´t install it. All the last updates are downloaded. I see the sign of the lion, but not clear- there stand the download stopped. How can i continue the download?

    In that case, drag the Lion installer from your application folder to the trash. Empty trash. Now press option key and click on 'purchased' tab. The button next to the Lion installer now should say 'install' click on that to download again.

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  • TS2986 I installed Snow Leopard, upgraded it to OS X 10.6.8, paid for and spent the hours necessary to download Lion, but Lion will not install.  Even though it says the requirements are 10.6.6 or greater, when I try to install, it says I need 10.7.

    I installed Snow Leopard, upgraded it to OS X 10.6.8, paid for and spent the hours necessary to download Lion, but Lion will not install.  Even though it says the requirements are 10.6.6 or greater, when I try to install, I get a message saying I need 10.7. to install Lion.  What should I do?

    Make sure your Mac meets Lion's requirements.
    Mac computer with an Intel Core 2 Duo, Core i3, Core i5, Core i7, or Xeon processor
    2GB of memory
    OSX v10.6.6 or later (V10.6.8 recommended)
    7GB of available spare
    From here > Apple - OS X Lion - Technical specifications
    If your Mac meets the requirements, installing the Mac OS X 10.6.8 Update Combo reinstalls the App Store for you which may help.
    Restart your Mac after instaling the combo installed. It's ok to do this even though you are already running v10.6.8.
    If you have anti virus software installed, you may need to disable that in order to install Lion.

  • Downloading but not installing Mountain Lion?

    I have a MacBook Pro with Retina display purchased since June 11 so I qualify for the free upgrade to Mountain Lion.  I understand that I have 30 days to get the software for free once it is released.  On the other hand, I would like to wait before installing the software until 10.8.1 or 10.8.2 are released to let some of the bugs be ironed out first.  Is it possible to download ML but not install it (within the 30 day period)?

    I would do as stated above except that I would set the install location to an external drive and then when the download finishes disconnect the external.
    The reason for this is you may not have the option to NOT reboot the system after the download finishes. And even if you do have that option at the time the download finishes the next time the system reboots it may be set, in the EFI system or through some command placed on the hard rive, to start the install automatically.
    At this time no one really knows how Mountain Lion will react when downloaded from the Mac App Store.
    Also putting the download on an external drive allows to to actually install it to that external and run it from there to check it out before you do the install on your internal drive.

  • Why can a person buy and/or download Snow Leopard, Lion, and Mountain Lion but not Mavericks???

    I am running OS X Lion on a mid 2009 MacBook Pro with 4GB of ram and a 160GB HDD. I was going to download Mavericks from the app store but waited to long. Now that Yosemite is out Mavericks has disappeared from the app store. WHY? A person can buy and/or download Snow Leopard, Lion, and Mountain Lion but not Mavericks??? And the kicker is that it was FREE!!! I just wanted to load Mavericks on my MacBook Pro to see how it performs. If I could live with any slow downs or quirks, I'd leave it installed. If not, I'd roll my system back. Apple's policy of ramrodding unstable product down our throat is BS. I don't want to use Yosemite until it has become more stable!

    Upgrading to Snow Leopard
    You can purchase Snow Leopard through the Apple Store: Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard - Apple Store (U.S.). The price is $19.99 plus tax. You will be sent physical media by mail after placing your order.
    After you install Snow Leopard you will have to download and install the Mac OS X 10.6.8 Update Combo v1.1 to update Snow Leopard to 10.6.8 and give you access to the App Store. Access to the App Store enables you to download Mavericks if your computer meets the requirements.
    Upgrading to Lion
    If your computer does not meet the requirements to install Mavericks, it may still meet the requirements to install Lion.
    You can purchase Lion at the Online Apple Store. The cost is $19.99 (as it was before) plus tax.  It's a download. You will get an email containing a redemption code that you then use at the Mac App Store to download Lion. Save a copy of that installer to your Downloads folder because the installer deletes itself at the end of the installation.
    Upgrading to Mountain Lion
    To upgrade to Mountain Lion you must have Snow Leopard 10.6.8 or Lion installed. Purchase a redemption code at the Online Apple Store: OS X Mountain Lion. Mountain Lion is $19.99 plus tax. Use the code to redeem a download of Mountain Lion from the App Store. The file is quite large, over 4 GBs, so allow some time to download. It would be preferable to use Ethernet because it is nearly four times faster than wireless.

  • My computer came with Lion but no install disks, how can I do a reinstaller DVD ??

    This is only part of my problem.
    My computer came with Lion but no install disks, I would love to have a disaster recovery DVD just in case, The is the LionDiskMaker script that says it would do it for Lion and Mountain Lion but when I tried, It did not find what it needed to create such a DVD.
    On the other hand, when I replace my MacBookPro last october, the lady at the Apple Store online used my gmail adress instead of my adress... So now, I have a dual identity, one that owns a MacBookPro and the other that has done business with Apple for ages.
    So :
         1. Can I unify my 2 Apple ID ??
         2. Can I get a kind of installer of Lion without paying the price ??
    Yours truly,

    You need to download and save the Lion and/or Mountain Lion installer app.
    Make Your Own Mountain/Lion Installer
    1. After downloading Mountain/Lion you must first save the Install Mac OS X Mountain/Lion application. After Mountain/Lion downloads DO NOT click on the Install button. Go to your Applications folder and make a copy of the Mountain/Lion installer. Move the copy into your Downloads folder. Now you can click on the Install button. You must do this because the installer deletes itself automatically when it finishes installing.
    2. Get a USB flash drive that is at least 8 GBs. Prep this flash drive as follows:
    Open Disk Utility in your Utilities folder.
    After DU loads select your flash drive (this is the entry with the mfgr.'s ID and size) from the left side list. Click on the Partition tab in the DU main window.
    Under the Volume Scheme heading set the number of partitions from the drop down menu to one. Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (Journaled.) Click on the Options button, set the partition scheme to GUID then click on the OK button. Click on the Partition button and wait until the process has completed.
    Select the volume you just created (this is the sub-entry under the drive entry) from the left side list. Click on the Erase tab in the DU main window.
    Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (Journaled.) Click on the Options button, check the button for Zero Data and click on OK to return to the Erase window.
    Click on the Erase button. The format process can take up to an hour depending upon the flash drive size.
    3. Locate the saved Mountain/Lion installer in your Downloads folder. CTRL- or RIGHT-click on the installer and select Show Package Contents from the contextual menu. Double-click on the Contents folder to open it. Double-click on the SharedSupport folder. In this folder you will see a disc image named InstallESD.dmg.
    4. Plug in your freshly prepared USB flash drive. You are going to clone the content of the InstallESD.dmg disc image to the flash drive as follows:
    Double-click on the InstallESD.dmg file to mount it on your Desktop.
    Open Disk Utility.
    Select the USB flash drive from the left side list.
    Click on the Restore tab in the DU main window.
    Select the USB flash drive volume from the left side list and drag it to the Destination entry field.
    Drag the mounted disc icon from the Desktop into the Source entry field.
    Double-check you got it right, then click on the Restore button.
    When the clone is completed you have a fully bootable installer that you can use without having to re-download Mountain/Lion.
    Note: The term Mountain/Lion used above means Lion or Mountain Lion.
    Unfortunately, the link for getting specific hardware versions has disappeared. So basically:
    Get yourself a spare hard drive freshly erased or with a freshly erased partition of around 8 GBs or more.
    Boot to your Recovery HD. Select Reinstall Lion from the main menu.
    From the beginning screen select your spare partition/drive as the target destination then begin the download.
    At the end of the download you will observe an Install button for you to click. Now this is important - as soon as that gadget appears you must abort the installation process. There are only two reliable ways to do this quickly: a. yank the cable for the drive from the computer; b. pull the power on the computer - shut it down quickly.
    This will result in your finding a folder on the drive that contains InstallESD.dmg that you can now use to create a bootable USB flash drive installer based on the special build for your model. Use it until the next public release of Lion appears or you move on to Mountain Lion.
    If you do not stop the download process immediately upon its completion you will end up with an installer that always boots to a non-functioning installation progress window instead of the normal main menu.

  • HT201210 My download for iOS 7 was interrupted, it has downloaded but not installed. it goes through routine Terms & Agreements and everything, but when i try to update it tries to verify the update then says that the update is not available.

    I dont understand, when i try to update it will go through routine apple stuff, then it it will say " Software Update Unavailable (under) Software Update is not available at this time. Try again later." The thing is that i was downloading it and my wi-fi had restarted for some unknown reason and it downloaded onto my phone but not installed. and at the moment it is really bothering me because I have waited a long time for iOS 7 and I am not being allowed to update my phone to it and i just wanted to know how to fix it. Thank you.

    I imagine a ton of people are attempting to download it right now. Simple patience, maybe keep trying, and if possible, try a little later. Think of it as all those people lining up at Apple Stores + about a million more.

  • How do I download an app from the Mac App Store but not install it yet?

    How do I download an app from the Mac App Store but not install it yet?
    Can I simply download it and not install?
    What if the App gets updated before I download it?
    Why? Well, I am very busy and wish to install at my leisure even though I have purchased the App (required at a specific day in the month in order to appear on my business accounts).

    There is a difference in what Kappy stated and what you stated. A major paid upgrade (v2.x to v3.0), yes, costs money, as it would in any other delivery stream. Updates (v3.0 to v3.1) to a a major version are free.
    Most apps sold through the Mac App Store (MAS) are the type that use the simple drag & drop installation. Those are downloaded directly to the designated apps folder and installation is done. Large pro-type apps download an installer to your Apps folder. Those you can install at your leisure. The MAS does not have a lot of apps using this type of installation.
    Be sure to always backup your MAS purchases, because there is no guarantee that the app will always be available for download in the future and it is your responsibility to archive copies.

  • MacKeeper downloaded but not installed. Can't drag it to Trash so how do I get rid of it?

    MacKeeper downloaded but not installed. Can't drag it to Trash so how do I get rid of it from my computer?
    Problem solved by reviewing FAQ's. Many thanks for those who viewed my question.
    Message was edited by: Mifti

    Hi Thomas, I was trying to drag it from the Launch Pad where it just bounced back again. Have now solved it by dragging it from the Application.

  • I want to buy Lion.  I have 10.6.8 and cannot find Lion on the App store.  I find mountain lion but not lion.

    I want to buy Lion.  I have 10.6.8 and cannot find Lion 10.7 on the App store.  I find mountain lion but not lion. Help please.

    Apple has made it available again, but you need to call and they will email you a redemption code:

  • Why will the iOS 7 download but not install?

    why will the iOS 7 download but not install?

    IOS 7 stinks wrote:
    I made the mistake go read the internet
    It would take a very long time to read the entire Internet. There are billions of pages.

  • HT4889 I need to migrate from a mac pro os 10.6.8 to OS lion imac. I will be using a firewire.  I see articles for os 10.4 to lion but not 10.6.8 to lion - anyone have the steps?

    I have a mac pro 10.6.8 and need to migrate everything to the imac with OS lion.  I see articles for migration form 10.6 to OS lion but not 10.6.8 -
    Anyone have a link or a step by step guide so I can do this correctly? 

    See Pondini's Setup New Mac guide.

  • ML has downloaded but not installed.

    ML had downloaded but not installed. . On the launchpad it says installing, but on the app store it says waiting. Its been doing this for 3 hours. what do i do?

    It hasn't finished DLing until the MAS's progress bar is full and an install window pops up.

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    I recently received a brand new shiny Mac Pro (thanks to AppleCare) after my G5 went belly up. It came with only one 500GB drive and 1GB of memory. I upgraded to a total of 5GB of memory and put in 3 additional 500GB drives. 1 WD SE16 for backup of m

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    I have a Blackberry 8120 the has Hotspot set as the default browser configuration, how do I change this so that I can use the browser to go on the net using the network instead of WiFi? (When I select to change it, there is no other option like on my