Developer Studio bug?

is this a Bug? if i try to save (save metadata) my custom methods for my view (implemantion tab) all my methods are deleted!
I used -> edit -> undo   save again by context menu, anything alright.. !
Where is my mistake? any ideas?

You should write code only in the space provided
//@@begin wdDoInit()
//@@begin others

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    This is a known problem that appers due to an implementation bug,
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    Kind regards,
    Eduardo Arantes

    Hello Marlo,
    I had the same issue with RFC models in NWDS on Windows Vista. Fortunately I was able to find a simple solution which you find here: Re: Can't create model in Web Dynpro. Basically this solution lets NWDS think it is running on XP.
    I've worked with NWDS (version 2004s, SP 14) on Vista for more than 3 months now and I haven't encountered any other issues, except for some general bugs...
    Hans de Boer

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    Hi Tilo,
    I am glad that your question was answered. Unfortunately this is not the right forum to ask those kinds of questions.
    take a look at the description of this forum:
    <u><b>This forum is for the exchange of suggestions and improvement ideas regarding the SAP Developer Network. If it is an SDN system bug please report it by selecting Contribute -> Feedback in the top right navigation.</b></u>
    Please post questions like yours in one of the sap netweaver forums, thanks.
    If you have a suggestion instead of question post it here.

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    Unfortunately, if you are getting that error - it indicates that the NWDS installation is corrupted.
    You will need to uninstall the NWDS and reinstall it - backup your data before doing so.
    Hope this helps.

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    Hi Jörg,
    as a general advise, use the NWDS version corresponding to the Servers version, so in this case, upgrade (or better: install new) NWDS 2.0.14. The main reason is WebDynpro compatibility, but the deploy mechanism may need this too.
    At least, give it a try and report if you have success (or not).
    Hope it helps

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    Hello Ahmed,
    Use the links in that page:
    NWDS Download Links - Java Development - SCN Wiki
    And here also an installation guide:…
    Best regards,

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       R u trying to deploy an old DC in the upgraded studio? Is the same happening for deploying any newly created local webdynpro project? Create a simple local project and check if same problem occurs.

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    Reason: Exception while trying to get InitialContext.
         at Source)
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         ... 6 more
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         at javax.naming.InitialContext.init(Unknown Source)
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         ... 10 more
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    SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio
    SAP NetWeaver 7.1 Composition Environment SP01
    Build id: 200710090648
    SAP_J2EE_Engine_Version  -- 7.1.3301.150742.20070516182900

    you could change the connection settings to the server in the preference page in the Developer Studio. Check <a href="">this</a> page in the documentation for details.
    In your case, you can also use the host name of your laptop, or even just localhost, in the Message Server Host field in the preferences page. This should overcome the problem with dynamic IPs.
    Hope that helps!

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    If you have zip file of the project then unzip it into your project  location where all projects are there .then in NWDS go to file->import->multiple existing project into workspace->browse the file where you have saved it and select the comp folder inside the project folder->click finish.Now you are able to see the webdynpro project in the webdynpro explorer.If its not appearing then go to Navigatore and right click on project and click on open project, it will open the project in webDynpro explorer.

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    I am trying to edit a PDF file in the Netweaver Developer Studio.
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    Many thanks

    Hi Satya,
    Thank you for the immediate response.
      Now I can import the pdf files and edit them.
    However there is a problem.
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    I will be very thankful if you could help me in this.
    Many thanks

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    I want to user Java SDK version 1.5 instead of 1.4.
    Is SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio Version: 7.0.12 compatible with this or not.
    Please let me know

    If you are using EP 7.0, then NWDS 7.0.YY version need to be used. //YY depends on your  patch of EP7 .As you have mentioned your are using NWDS 7.0.12, that means your portal SP level is SP12.
    In my prject i am using JDK 1.4 for NWDS 7.0.15 and its works fine.I have asked two of my colleagues , they told that in their project they are using JDK 1.5 for EP 7.0 server and application is working fine for them.


    can u help me on this
    i got problem
    regarding configuring oracle to sap NetWeaver developer studio what i have deployed any thing studio
    that would reflected to database

    Check this,
    WebDynpro and Oracle Connection
    WebDynpro and Oracle Connection
    Vijayakhanna Raman

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    I have installed Netweaver developer studio. while creating a webdynpro project by selecting File->new->project, It doesn't display "web dynpro" option in the project wizard dailogue box.
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    Hi Babu,
    Make sure following plugin folder
    exists in your ecclipse root folder (for ex:C:\Program Files\SAP\IDE\IDE70\eclipse\plugins\)
    It is responsible for the UI selection elements in File->New Project->WebDynpro selection.
    If it's not there you will have to copy it. check also other webdypro plugins installed correctly. these plugins comes with default installation of SAP WEBAS.
    if all plugins not installed then redo the whole installation but at the same time make sure all plugins installed correctly.
    reward points if usefull

  • Error while installing the EHP 1 for SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio (NWDS)

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    I am trying to install the EHP 1 for SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio (NWDS) 7.1  .It got installed once but when i was trying to deploy the application i was getting an error sayind that we need to have JDK1.5 Update 14 or higher for the installation.
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    Unable to complete action for feature "SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio Facades" due to errors.
        Execution failed! Commmand: "msiexec.exe /norestart /qb /i librfc32.msi /lvx C:\DOCUME1\NS46249\Local Settings\Temp\ ALLUSERS=2 REBOOT=ReallySuppress". Exit value: "1639". Working directory: "D:\Program Files\SAP\IDE\CE7.1.1\eclipse\features\". Log file: "C:\DOCUME1\NS46249\Local Settings\Temp\".
    Can anybody please help me in resolving this issue.Please help needed as early as possible.
    Thanks in Advance:)
    Nishita Salver

    Dear Nishita,
    I hope you have removed the older version of jdk before installing the new version of jdk. Also after un installation of NWDS, did you delete all the temp files and also the directories created during the original installation of NWDS. Also did you restart your system after the uninstallation of NWDS EHP1 and older jdk before reinstallation of the two softwares?
    P.S. The first thing you can try is restarting the PC and try resuming the installation, if it doesnt succeed, please remove all traces of NWDS and JDK, restart pc and then resinstall both of them.

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