Dictionary in flash

     I would like to know how can i have a dictionary spell check and word suggestion in my text area.
Kameshwaran A

For AS2, I've used this in AS2 and it is pretty good. It has a few little things that were strange, but I think I got them worked out.
And it is pretty inexpensive.
For AS3 there seem to be more options. Depending upon what you need to do with it the one from gSkinner (http://gskinner.com/products/spl/purchase.php) is probably really good. But a bit expensive.
Or you could make your own. Search on Norvig spellcheck to get a good primer on the conceptual underpinnings.

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  • Plug in dictionary

    Hello all,
    I'm wondering if it's possible to somehow plug a dictionary into flash which can be used to verify words in a word creation game I'd like to create..
    Sounds perfectly feasible but I just wouldn't know where to start in finding it... are there ones which are readily available ?? (preferably free)
    Thanks in advance

    Here is a quick and dirty spelling checker based on English dictionary. It is not perfect but at least it's an idea.
    Replace loader url to French one (I host the one in the example on my blog) and you should be in business (of building a more sophisticated one :-)
    import flash.events.Event;
    import flash.net.URLLoader;
    import flash.net.URLRequest;
    import flash.text.TextField;
    import flash.text.TextFieldType;
    import flash.text.TextFormat;
    // field where user inputs text
    var inputText:TextField;
    // what is loaded
    var dictionary:String;
    // wrong words format
    var highlightTF:TextFormat;
    // regular format
    var defaultTF:TextFormat;
    // pattern that find distinct words
    var wordPattern:RegExp = /\w+(?=\W+)/g;
    function init():void {
         highlightTF = new TextFormat("Arial", 12, 0xB90000);
         highlightTF.underline = true;
         defaultTF = new TextFormat("Arial", 12, 0x000000);
         defaultTF.underline = false;
         inputText = new TextField();
         inputText.defaultTextFormat = defaultTF;
         inputText.multiline = inputText.wordWrap = true;
         inputText.width = 400;
         inputText.height = 300;
         inputText.border = true;
         inputText.type = TextFieldType.INPUT;
         inputText.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, onTextChange);
         inputText.x = inputText.y = 10;
    function onTextChange(e:Event):void {
         var text:String = inputText.text;
         var words:Array = text.match(wordPattern);
         // unique misspelled words
         var uniqueWords:Object = { };
         for each(var word:String in words) {
              if (dictionary.indexOf(word) == -1) {
                   uniqueWords[word] = word;
         var i:int = 0;
         var si:int = -1;
         var ei:int = -1;
         for each(word in uniqueWords) {
              i = 0;
              while (text.indexOf(word, i) > -1 ) {
                   si = text.indexOf(word, i);
                   ei = si + word.length;
                   inputText.setTextFormat(highlightTF, si, ei);
                   i = ei + 1;
    function loadDictionary():void {
         var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
         loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onDictLoad);
         loader.load(new URLRequest("http://www.as3-blog.net/snippets/en_US.dic"));
    function onDictLoad(e:Event):void
         dictionary = e.target.data;
         e.target.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onDictLoad);

  • FLVPlayBack Issue :(

    Here is what I am trying to do and if I am going down the wrong path please let me know..
    I have a class called flvObject.as (i know bad name) that creates a FLVPlayer and changes the systems for the skin, size and video dynamically. The issue is that this is being called from my Main.as and is not appearing on the stage at all.
    // Main.as File
    package includes.action
        import flash.display.*;
        import flash.events.*;
        import flash.net.URLLoader;
        import flash.utils.Dictionary;
        import flash.display.MovieClip;
        // Custom AS scripts
        import includes.action.XMLData;
        import includes.action.flvObject;
        public class Main extends Sprite
            public var vidSrc:String = "xyz";
            public var xmlPath:String = "includes/flash/videos.xml";
            private var videos:XMLData;
            private var flvPlayer:flvObject;
            private var mainXMLLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
            // Constructor
            public function Main():void
                videos = new XMLData(xmlPath,vidSrc);
                flvPlayer = new flvObject(videos);
            public function getMovie()
            private function processXML(e:Event)
                // Load Player
    // flvObject.as File
    package includes.action
        import fl.video.*;
        import flash.net.URLLoader;
        import flash.net.URLRequest;
        import flash.display.*;
        import includes.action.Main;
        public class flvObject extends Sprite
            public var flvPlayer:FLVPlayback;
            private var video:Object;
            private var loadit:Loader;
            private var skin:String = "SkinUnderPlayStopSeekFullVol.swf";
            // Initialize the FLV Object
            public function flvObject(videos:Object)
                flvPlayer = new FLVPlayback();
                video = videos;
                loadit = new Loader();
            public function displayPlayer()
                // Get Height and Width
                var pHeight:Number = video.getVA("dimensions-height");
                var pWidth:Number = video.getVA("dimensions-height");
                // Add Object Skin
                flvPlayer.skin = skin
                flvPlayer.skinBackgroundColor = video.getVA("scrubber-background");
                flvPlayer.skinBackgroundAlpha = video.getVA("scrubber-alpha");
                // Add Movie Source
                flvPlayer.source = video.getVA("link-url");
                // Check to see if we have a splash page
                var splash:String = video.getVA("splash-path");
                // Add Object to the stage
                if(splash != "")
                    loadit.load(new URLRequest(splash));
    Basically what I want to do is have the flvObject class draw the player and load specific settings based off an XML file that is parsed in another .as file. But what is happening is that I get a blank screen upon testing the movie. If I run a trace on any of the .getVA("XX") calls I can see the data that has been set in those calls but still nothing on the screen.
    I have a feeling the .swf is just recongizing the flvplayer object and not adding it to the stage but I am at a lose on how to get it to do that.. Anything you guys can offer would be a great help.
    Thanks in advance.

    well with some more playing I have figured it out. The issue was that the addChild() was not being added to the stage once I created the FLVPlayBack object in the main.as and passed it to the flvObject.as class and appended the addChild() call with flvXXX.addChild() it started to work and now I can see my movie when I test it.
    Thanks again.



    My instincts tell me that I should not help you because this is for a school project and defeats the purpose of the exercise. However, you are only hurting yourself in the long run. On the other hand I am also a firm believer that the right person can learn a lot by looking at example code.
    import flash.text.TextField;
    import flash.utils.Dictionary;
    import flash.text.TextFieldType;
    import flash.events.KeyboardEvent;
    import flash.ui.Keyboard;
    var inputTF:TextField = new TextField();
    var outputTF:TextField = new TextField();
    inputTF.border = true;
    outputTF.border = true;
    inputTF.width = 200;
    inputTF.height = 20;
    outputTF.width = 200;
    outputTF.height = 20;
    inputTF.type = TextFieldType.INPUT;
    inputTF.multiline = false;
    outputTF.mouseEnabled = false;
    outputTF.selectable = false;
    outputTF.y = inputTF.height;
    outputTF.multiline = false;
    var outputMap:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
    outputMap["hi"] = "Hello";
    inputTF.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDownHandler);
    function keyDownHandler(e:KeyboardEvent):void
              if (e.keyCode == Keyboard.ENTER)
                        var enteredText:String = inputTF.text.toLowerCase();
                        var outputText:String = outputMap[enteredText];
                        if (outputText != null)
                                  outputTF.text = outputText;
                                  outputTF.text = "I don't know that";
                        inputTF.text = "";
    You're welcome

  • Java.util.Map to flash.utils.Dictionary

    I'm using Blazeds for my remoting between Flex and Java. I have an Object-to-object map on the Java side. This converts to an untyped Object in Flex having the properties as the 'toString' of the key Object.
    Has anyone been able to convert an Object-to-object java map to a flash Dictionary object? Why wouldn't it do that as default?

    Yes, You can, I have successfully mapping form java HashMap to Flex Dictionary. The following is the code fragment for the success case:
    The hint is that you need to use ObjectProxy in Flex to map HashMap in Java.
    Man Pak Hong, Dave
    Analyst Programmer
    [email protected]
    // ================================================================================
        public Map<String, Object> getCaseDetails(Long sid) throws ApplicationException, SystemException {
            // Vos Declaration
            Case caseVo = null;
            UserInfo ossUserInfoVo = null;
            UserInfo spUserInfoVo = null;
            Ngo ossNgoVo = null;
            Ngo spNgoVo = null;
            Personal personalVo = null;
            Contact contactVo = null;
            CaseAttachment caseAtthVo = null;
            Office ossOffice = null;
            SwdOffice swdOffice = null;
            UserInfo swdEao = null;
            NeedAssess needAssess = null;
            List <CaseRegPropVw> caseRegPropVwList = null;       
            CaseDao daoCase = new CaseDao();       
            caseVo = daoCase.getCase(sid);
            if (caseVo != null)
                UserInfoDao daoUserInfo = new UserInfoDao();
                ossUserInfoVo = daoUserInfo.getUserInfo(caseVo.getOssCmSid());
                spUserInfoVo = daoUserInfo.getUserInfo(caseVo.getNgoCmSid());
                // caseRegProp
                CaseRegPropVwDao daoCaseRegPropVw = new CaseRegPropVwDao();
                caseRegPropVwList = daoCaseRegPropVw.listCaseRegPropVwByLessRegNo(caseVo.getLessRegNo());           
            NgoDao daoNgo = new NgoDao();
            if (ossUserInfoVo != null)
                ossNgoVo = daoNgo.getNgo(ossUserInfoVo.getNgoSid());
            if (spUserInfoVo != null)
                spNgoVo = daoNgo.getNgo(spUserInfoVo.getNgoSid());
            // personal
            if (caseVo != null)
                PersonalDao daoPersonal = new PersonalDao();
                personalVo = daoPersonal.getPersonal(caseVo.getPersonalSid());
                // jscontact
                ContactDao daoContact = new ContactDao();
                contactVo = daoContact.getContact(caseVo.getSid());
                // ossCaseAtth
                CaseAttachmentDao daoCaseAtth = new CaseAttachmentDao();
                caseAtthVo = daoCaseAtth.getCaseAttachment(caseVo.getSid(), CaseAttachmentPolicy.ATT_TYPE_CONSENT_FORM);
                // ossOffice
                OfficeDao daoOssOffice = new OfficeDao();
                ossOffice = daoOssOffice.getOffice(caseVo.getOssOfficeSid());
            if (personalVo != null)
                // swdOffice
                SwdOfficeDao daoSwdOffice = new SwdOfficeDao();
                swdOffice = daoSwdOffice.getSwdOffice(personalVo.getSwdOfficeSid());
                // swdEao
                UserInfoDao daoSwdEao = new UserInfoDao();
                swdEao = daoSwdEao.getUserInfo(personalVo.getSwdEaoSid());
                // needAssess
                NeedAssessDao daoNeedAssess = new NeedAssessDao();
                needAssess = daoNeedAssess.getNeedAssess(personalVo.getSid());
            Map<String, Object> hm = new HashMap<String, Object>();
            hm.put("Case", caseVo);
            hm.put("OssUserInfo", ossUserInfoVo);
            hm.put("NgoUserInfo", spUserInfoVo);
            hm.put("OssNgo", ossNgoVo);
            hm.put("SpNgo", spNgoVo);
            hm.put("Personal", personalVo);
            hm.put("Contact", contactVo);
            hm.put("CaseAtth", caseAtthVo);
            hm.put("OssOffice", ossOffice);
            hm.put("SwdOffice", swdOffice);
            hm.put("SwdEao", swdEao);
            hm.put("NeedAssess", needAssess);
            hm.put("CaseRegPropsVw", caseRegPropVwList);
            return hm;
    Flex part
    // ==================================================================================
                // CASEDETAILS
                private function getCaseDetailsResultHandler(result:ObjectProxy):void
                    var dc:ObjectProxy = result;
                    this.editItemOssUserInfo = dc["OssUserInfo"];
                    detailCaseInfo.editItemOssUserInfo = editItemOssUserInfo;
                    this.editItemOssNgo = dc["OssNgo"];
                    detailCaseInfo.editItemOssNgo = editItemOssNgo;   
                    this.editItemCase = dc["Case"];       
                    detailCaseInfo.editItemCase = editItemCase;
                    detailPersonalInfo.editItemCase = editItemCase;   
                    this.editItemPersonal = dc["Personal"];
                    detailCaseInfo.editItemPersonal = editItemPersonal;
                    detailPersonalInfo.editItemPersonal = editItemPersonal;
                    this.editItemContact = dc["Contact"];
                    detailCaseInfo.editItemContact = editItemContact;
                    detailPersonalInfo.editItemContact = editItemContact;
                    this.editItemCaseAtth = dc["CaseAtth"];
                    detailCaseInfo.editItemCaseAtth = editItemCaseAtth;
                    this.editItemOssOffice = dc["OssOffice"];
                    detailCaseInfo.editItemOssOffice = editItemOssOffice;
                    this.editItemSwdOffice = dc["SwdOffice"];
                    detailCaseInfo.editItemSwdOffice = editItemSwdOffice;
                    this.editItemSwdEao = dc["SwdEao"];
                    detailCaseInfo.editItemSwdEao = editItemSwdEao;
                    this.editItemNeedAssess = dc["NeedAssess"];
                    detailCaseInfo.editItemNeedAssess = editItemNeedAssess;
                    this.listItemCaseRegPropVw = dc["CaseRegPropsVw"];
                    this.caseDict = new Dictionary();               
                    caseDict[CaseDetailPolicy.INIT_OSSUSERINFO] = editItemOssUserInfo;
                    caseDict[CaseDetailPolicy.INIT_OSSNGO] = editItemOssNgo;
                    caseDict[CaseDetailPolicy.INIT_CASE] = editItemCase;
                    caseDict[CaseDetailPolicy.INIT_PERSONAL] = editItemPersonal;
                    caseDict[CaseDetailPolicy.INIT_CONTACT] = editItemContact;
                    caseDict[CaseDetailPolicy.INIT_CASEATTH] = editItemCaseAtth;
                    caseDict[CaseDetailPolicy.INIT_OSSOFFICE] = editItemOssOffice;
                    caseDict[CaseDetailPolicy.INIT_SWDEAO] = editItemSwdEao;
                    caseDict[CaseDetailPolicy.INIT_NEEDASSESS] = editItemNeedAssess;               
                    // detailCaseInfo.init();

  • Download dictionary within Kindle app causes Notification red LED flashes like crazy

    I'm not sure if it's a Kindle issue or BB10 OS issue, but it was kind interesting on my Z10 when it happened.
    I've installed the Kindle app from  appworld and I downloaded a free book, touch any content would prompt to download a dictionay for it, confirm it and the Notification red LED started to flash like crazy until the download was completed.
    Have a great weekend.

    It must have been a thriller that you were downloading 'cause you don't get that from heavy drama novels. 
    - If my response has helped you, please click "Options" beside my post and mark it as solved. Clicking the "thumbs up" icon near the bottom of my response would also be appreciated.

  • Receive Flash Islands data in flex-Dictionary ?

    Hi@ all,
    i´m developing a bigger Flash Islands application i need to loop over ~10 000 entrys to find a searched object.
    It is now realized inside an ArrayCollection, like all examples i found.
    Is there a faster way to solve the iterating problem?
    i´m looking forward to an solution.

    Hi Thomas,
    I'll be controversial here...
    Perhaps there are cases where from a performance point of view, it is better to do handling of records client side (in the island) rather than server side.
    From a design point of view, and a support view, I'd want to keep as much logic in the ABAP system as possible, easier to debug and control.
    But there may well be cases where data might be going through lots of manipulation to present results for the user - data visualisation for instance - where I could easily see the benefit of having all the data client side and manipulating it there.
    I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on this - if you've already blogged about it - sorry, you are so prolific, it's hard to keep up!

  • Flash.utils.Dictionary

    here the description from Flex document
    weakKeys:Boolean (default = false) — Instructs the
    Dictionary object to use "weak" references on object keys. If the
    only reference to an object is in the specified Dictionary object,
    the key is eligible for garbage collection and is removed from the
    table when the object is collected.
    but i not understand well, anyone can please explain to me
    more detail
    better if with example
    thankyou very much

    but i dunno Java, and also i not try to compare between AS
    and Java, because, Java is Java, AS is AS no matter how similar
    they are.
    i just want to know what the "weakKeys" used in Dictionary'
    constructor, what it affect.

  • I successfully downloaded Flash Player again (the older version is all my eMAC OS 10.4.11 can handle) but I cannot play anything. Is upgrading to 10.5 my only choice?

    Every time I try to watch a video or movie, I get a notice telling me to get the new Adobe Flash Player. After trying to download it a number of times and failed, I uninstalled the version that came with OSX (as instructed as some point). That did not work.
    I then re-installed the version that I had and am still in the same predicament.
    I now even have regular sites (e.g. dictionary) telling me that I need to add plugins. When I click on "add" I am always directed to the Flash Player download.
    QuickTime says I don't have the proper plugin but my computer says I have 7.6.4 and there are no problems.
    The only plugin that shows (無効 - invalid) is Gecko.
    Is it not possible to watch anything in this environment?
    Do I need to cancel my movie subscriptions?

    Are you successfully install, i can not see it in your "more system detail..." only real player plug in ?
    see also:
    [http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/908/cpsid_90893.html#main_Determine_whether_an_older_Flash_Player_version_is_already_installed Installation problems Flash Player Mac]
    thanks again

  • Open dictionary error from Persuasion 2.1

    First of all, I posted this last night, but I put it in the wrong forum, since it was not at all obvious that you had to click on the "Using your Mac (whatever)" in order to post a new question/issue. I think it might be helpful to have that link on the first page that comes up when you select your product. Someone else had a similar problem, and some kind soul gave her a link to enable message posting, so I jumped on that too, and wound up (I should have noticed) posting it in the forum that has to do with monitors for a G5! Sheesh.
    The Mac Mini issue is that one of my clients has a G4 Mac Mini running 10.4.11 and Classic. It has 512MBs of RAM. A couple of weeks ago, folders and files started mysteriously disappearing off of his desktop. Sometimes they would reappear, and sometimes a restart was necessary to get them back. Seemed to me to be a Finder problem. My suggestion was to reinstall Tiger, which I did, along with all of the updates to take him to 10.4.11. No more disappearing folders and files. 
    HOWEVER, a program he has routinely used with no problem since the early 90s suddenly started giving him problems (after I left, of course). It is Aldus Persuasion 2.1. When he would double-click on one of the files created by Persuasion, which he could open before reinstalling Tiger, he gets the following message:
    "Open Dictionary. Unable to read the dictionary of the application or extension because it is not scriptable."
    Then it quits and the Tiger version of Script Editor starts up with nothing in the box.
    Getting info on the file says that it is a Unix executable file. Say what? 
    I have repaired permissions. I have run Disk Warrior. I have reinstalled OS 9.2.2. I have reinstalled Classic. Still no success.
    I had an extra G4 Dome iMac (10.4.11 and 256MBs RAM) and a printer that I loaned him, so he can at least open and print his files. I put his copy of Persuasion on a flash drive and copied it to his wife's computer (G4 Tower, with 10.4.11 and 512MBs RAM). It runs and prints. I have a G4 tower (10.4.11 and 1 gig of RAM). It runs and I assume would print, although I did not try. The Dome iMac runs Persuasion and prints. I have a G3 tower on which it did not run. These are all copies of the one on his Mac Mini, so I do not believe that his copy is corrupted. He is glad that he can at least print some of his files, but does not want two computers in his office. I'm bidding on eBay on a copy of Persuasion 4 for him, in hopes that this will correct the situation. 
    We know that Persuasion is old, and the guy at Adobe who has worked there for 5 years has never even heard of it, so there is no tech support there. 
    Other than trying a newer version, I have no more tricks up my sleeve, and I would appreciate ANY suggestions or advice.
    Thank you very much!

    +When he would double-click on one of the files created by Persuasion, which he could open before reinstalling Tiger, he gets the following message:+
    +"Open Dictionary. Unable to read the dictionary of the application or extension because it is not scriptable."+
    +Then it quits and the Tiger version of Script Editor starts up with nothing in the box.+
    +Getting info on the file says that it is a Unix executable file. Say what?+
    Starting with the last issue (Unix executable) that really just means that the OS doesn't know what program created the file.
    It sounds like OSX and Classic no longer are tracking the creator info on those Persuasion files.
    Question: If you double-click on the Persuasion program, does it run?
    If so, if you do a Get Info on one of the Persuasion files, is there an option to tell it what program you want to use to open it? Can you set it to Persuasion?

  • Adobe Flash Player 10.1 is not working

    My problem is that everything that uses flash player, does not work at the moment and says that I need the latest version. (I cannot see a video on you tube for example.)
    I downloaded AFP 10.1 several times (install-uninstall-reboot several times), I even checked the "Add-remove programms" and the "Adobe Flash Player 10 Active X" is there, but when I get to see a youtube video it says again to get the latest version. Each install was successful, but it still doesn't work.
    Here's some information about my computer in case of a need :
    Windows XP Professional
    Internet Explorer 8
    Norton 360
    and I also have some issues with pop-ups (I don't know if this is related)
    Note that:Today I was asked to update the AFP on the firefox and I did and until now it works perfectly.
    (I use both firefox and internet explorer)
    If anyone could help me , I would be very grateful...

    Hi Eidnolb,be careful, long post following  :
    Yes of course I kept MBAM on my desktop as a shortcut (was actually installed in C:\Program files) and it became my new friend .
    I am so suspicious now on everything that I am scanning my pc everyday!!
    I saw the scanning works without disabling Norton components, but you still think I have to do it , right?
    As for the Java, ok with the update.Now I have Java 6 Update 21.
    FF plug-ins
    In Firefox I actually got a message that 2 new add-ons have installed: Java Console 6.0.21 and Java Quick starter 1.0
    The other "extra" add-ons (2nd category from left) are:
    Microsoft.NET Framework Assistant 1.1
    Norton IPS 2.0
    Norton Toolbar 4.6
    and on the category "add-ons" (4th category from left) I found:
    Adobe Acrobat
    Google Update
    Java Deployment Toolkit
    Java (TM) Platform SE 6 U21
    Microsoft DRM (DRM Store Netscape Plugin)
    Microsoft DRM (DRM Netscape Network Object)
    Mozilla Default Plug-in
    Shockwave Flash
    Windows Media Player Plug-in Dynamic Link Library
    Windows Presentation Foundation 3.5.30729.1
    IE add-ons
    All add-ons
    Microsoft Corporation
    Windows Media Player
    XML DOM Document 6.0
    Free Threaded XML DOM Document 6.0
    XSL Template 6.0
    XML HTPP 6.0
    Google Inc
    Google Side Bar
    Google Toolbar Notifier BHO
    Google Toolbar Helper
    Google Toolbar
    Sun Microsystems,Inc
    JQSIEStartDetectorImpl Class
    Java(tm) Plug-In 2SSV Helper
    Java Plug-in 1.6.0_21
    Java Plug-in 1.6.0_21
    isInstalled Class
    Symantec Corporation
    Symantec Intrusion Prevention
    Symantec NCO BHO
    Norton Toolbar
    (All these 3 are disabled)
    Adobe Systems,Incorporated
    Adobe PDF Link Helper
    Adobe PDF Reader
    (Not verified) Microsoft Corporation
    XML DOM Document
    XML DOM Document 3.0
    XML HTTP 3.0
    Cureently loaded add-ons
    Symantec Corporation
    Norton Toolbar
    Symantec NCO BHO
    Symantec Intrusion Prevention
    (All these 3 are disabled)
    Google Inc
    Google Toolbar
    Google Toolbar Helper
    Google Toolbar Notifier BHO
    Google Side Bar
    Adobe Systems, Incorporated
    Adobe PDF Link Helper
    Sun Microsystems,Inc.
    Java(tm) Plug-In 2 SSV Helper
    JQSIEStarDetectorImpl Class
    Run without permission
    Microsoft Corporation
    InformationCardSigninHelper Class
    HtmDlgSafeHelper Class
    Tabular Data Control
    Microsoft Shell UI Helper
    Windows Media Player
    XML DOM Document 6.0
    Free Threaded XML DOM Document 6.0
    XML Schema Cache 6.0
    XSL Template 6.0
    XML HTTP 6.0
    Scripting Dictionary
    Free Threaded XML DOM Document
    (Not verified) Microsoft Corporation
    XML DOM Document
    XSL Template
    XML Schema Cache
    XML DOM Document 3.0
    Free Threated XML DOM Document 3.0
    XML Schema Cache 3.0
    XML HTTP 3.0
    XSL Template 3.0
    XML Data Source Object 3.0
    XML Data Source Object
    Sun Microsystems,Inc.
    isInstalled Class
    Java Plug-in 1.6.0_21
    Java Plug-in 1.6.0_21
    Java Plug-in 1.6.0_21
    Java Plug-in 1.6.0_21
    Deployment Toolkit
    Adobe Systems,Incorporated
    Adobe PDF Reader
    Google Inc
    Google Update Plugin
    Download controls
    Sun Microsystems, Inc.
    Java Plug-in 1.6.0_21
    Java Plug-in 1.6.0_21
    Java Plug-in 1.6.0_21
    It's clear now that some java add-ons have been installed!
    On the Add-Remove programms there are some that I don't know, take a look and if you know anything,please be so kind-as always-to tell me.
    -High Definition Audio Driver Package-KB835221
    -Marvell Miniport Driver
    -NVIDIA Drivers
    and some others Microsoft NET Framework
    (I think that the technician may have add them when I did a format to my pc)
    and I removed Apple software update, cause I didn't know what this was.
    I told you that this would be a long post..but now I'm through..
    Waiting for next step (no rush,take your time Eidnolb)
    BIG thanks to you!!

  • How to load a swf into an empty movieClip from and as file to flash

    i've trying to read up on some flash AS2 stuff. anyone got
    some ideas about this. i want to create an emptyMovie in a flash
    external as. file and us a loadMove() function to run a swf and
    have that get displayed in flash. how would i do that. so far what
    i did was create an empty movieclip on my flash stage and inside
    that movieclip i have on my 1st keyframe something like #include
    "mainSection.as" what should i script in my flash as. file. the
    file i'm trying to load is main.swf, x=200 y=50

    Check createEmptyMovieclip() in the as-dictionary. That
    should get you on
    "LOGAN_X3" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:e6s2hb$jg3$[email protected]..
    > i've trying to read up on some flash AS2 stuff. anyone
    got some ideas
    > about
    > this. i want to create an emptyMovie in a flash external
    as. file and us a
    > loadMove() function to run a swf and have that get
    displayed in flash. how
    > would i do that. so far what i did was create an empty
    movieclip on my
    > flash
    > stage and inside that movieclip i have on my 1st
    keyframe something like
    > #include "mainSection.as" what should i script in my
    flash as. file. the
    > file
    > i'm trying to load is main.swf, x=200 y=50

  • Multiple tabs with flash or heavy js crash firefox

    Has been may years already that this keeps happening to me if i open around 150+ tabs (depends on the content of the tabs) or if i open 20+ tabs of youtube (might happen with other video platforms too but i haven't tested that) makes firefox crash after a brief amount of time. I've been using the same profile since mid 2012 but I do make clean new installs of firefox when a new whole version comes out. My pc hardware i think is more than suitable to be able to have that ammount of tabs open (12 GB RAM triple channel ddr3 1ghz intel i7 950 @ 3.07ghz 1024MB ATI AMD Radeon HD 6800 series on w7 x64).
    I tried creating a new clean profile and opened 50 youtube tabs have all of them playing at the same time and even though at the start there was some kind of slowness for the firt 10 seconds then all was perfect and I tested it for like 5 mins and it didnt crash. Back with my profile I used the about:addons-memory to see fit here was any leak of memory from the addons but the addons consumption was really low. Although firefox itself with 150 tabs uses like between 900 and 1400mbs of memory. I've tried disabling all the add-ons and then enabling some to see if there was a conflictive add-on but i couldn't find whats causing the problem so i wanted to ask you guys if you could lend me a hand so i can finally can open as many tabs as i want without having to fear a crash.
    Here are some crash reports
    I only have flash and java Plugins on and they are up to date.
    Addon list:
    session administration
    adblock element hider helper
    bartab heavy
    empty cache button
    all tabs helper
    classic theme restorer
    spanish Venezuelan dictionary
    downloads window
    mem chaser
    menu icons plus
    multiple tab handler
    no script
    places cleaner
    restart aplication
    roomy bookmarks
    self destructing cookies
    site favicon in urlbar
    snap links plus
    Tab Granade
    tabmix plus
    text link
    text area cache

    I had/still have an issue with FF which is virtually identical to this (se https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/988435?esab=a&s=&r=0&as=s).
    Mostly on script/flash heavy pages (like YouTube, Google Play, Twitter, etc) with only a small number of tabs will result in nearlly 1-1.2GB RAM usage and eventually crash. Having looked through older crash reports here is a list of the most common problems (Note: I recently tried a fresh install so don't have the Crash Report Numbers for these anymore):
    Crash Cause
    js::ScriptSource::hasSourceData() x 3
    NS_ABORT_OOM(unsigned int) x 5
    gfxContext::PushClipsToDT(mozilla::gfx::DrawTarget*) x 10
    js::AutoCompartment::AutoCompartment(js::ExclusiveContext*, JSObject*) x 7
    Of Which
    I used to be able to run FF with almost 60+ Add-ons up to 60+ Tabs and still have it work more or less OK; obviously it could be rather sluggish and was eating into 1GB RAM or so, but it at least worked. Now I can barely run it with 53 Add-ons and less than 10 Tabs for around 30 mins to 1 hour before an inevitable crash.

  • Flashing Question Mark on Folder Icon on Startup: Not Yet Fatal

    I running into a potential problem with my White, 13" MacBook. I'm running 10.5.6 (upgraded from 10.4).
    I recently bought a new, larger capacity hard drive. I used the Applications "SuperDuper" to clone my existing drive onto the new drive. My computer runs (as far as I can tell) the same as it always did. However, whenever I startup the computer, it briefly flashes the dreaded "giant folder with a blinking question mark". However, this is quickly replaced with the Apple Logo, and the computer boots normally.
    I have repaired permissions, and verified the disk using disk utility. The disk verified with a message along the lines of "The disk appears to be ok".
    While my computer's working now, I'm concerned there might be a deeper problem, and I'd like to catch it before it becomes critical. Also, if this is something standard that happens when you replace a hard drive with a new one, I'd like to know that as well so I can stop worrying.
    If your answer is "put your old drive back in", pretend I did that and am still seeing the problem. What now?
    Possible data point, I opened the console and saw the following two lines right before the "got boot device" line
    4/29/09 5:00:07 PM kernel Waiting on <dict ID="0"><key>IOProviderClass</key><string ID="1">IOResources</string><key>IOResourceMatch</key><string ID="2">boot-uuid-media</string></dict>
    4/29/09 5:00:07 PM kernel AppleYukon2: 532111ab,00000000 sk98osx_dnet - CheckDictionaryEntry failed, expected vs. dictionary
    Thanks in advance for your help.

    Open Startup Disk preferences, select your startup volume from icon list, click on the Restart button.

  • Flash Builder 4 trace problem.....

    Flash Builder 4 trace problem.....
    I got the trace-classical problem:
    267 AVMINF: MTHD global$init ()
    267 AVMINF: MTHD flash.display::Sprite$cinit ()
    267 AVMINF: MTHD global$init ()
    267 AVMINF: MTHD flash.display::MovieClip$cinit ()
    267 AVMINF: MTHD PreloaderDisplay$cinit ()
    267 AVMINF: MTHD global$init ()
    267 AVMINF: MTHD global$init ()
    267 AVMINF: MTHD mx.managers::SystemManager$cinit ()
    267 AVMINF: MTHD global$init ()
    267 AVMINF: MTHD flash.utils::Dictionary$cinit ()
    267 AVMINF: MTHD flash.utils::Dictionary ()
    267 AVMINF: MTHD flash.utils::Dictionary/init ()
    79 AVMINF: MTHD flash.display::Loader/get contentLoaderInfo ()
    379 AVMINF: MTHD flash.events::EventDispatcher/addEventListener ()
    379 AVMINF: MTHD flash.display::Loader/loadBytes ()
    380 AVMINF: MTHD flash.display::Loader/_buildLoaderContext ()
    380 AVMINF: MTHD flash.display::Loader/_getJPEGLoaderContextdeblockingfilter ()
    380 AVMINF: MTHD flash.display::Loader/_loadBytes ()
    More information:
    *I did read many answer already about the mm.cfg file, but I don't have that file, i don't even got firefox...
    *That is happens only when i am using flash player 10.2 + (IT DOES NOT HAPPENS WITH FLASH PLAYER 10.1 - )
    Please help,
    Thanks for advance.

    Working only with Flash Builder 4 to compile, but you can switch the flash player versions anyway.
    And when my flash version is up to 10.1 the trace console commes crazy, and brokes the debbug session.
    But never mind, i did kill the OS already in order to keep working.

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