Dictionary not available on iBooks iPad

I can't access dictionary while using my iBooks on iPad. Any fix?

Yes,but you'd think if Nook has it why not Ibooks. I'm just frustrated new at this.  Thanks for the reply.

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    Siri is not available on the iPhone for because Apple didn't make it so.  None of us users here know the reason; speculation is prohibited by the Terms of Use of this forum.
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    Yes, in fact many developers already complain that Apple already forces them to modify their apps.  Note how many developers complain that their apps are rejected, thus requiring changes to the app.
    But Apple also wants to sell more iPads and iPhones.  So Apple could also force developers to make a camera based app only work with camera based devices.  Oh, wait, they seem to already do that.   Or perhaps it only applies to "photographers". But then, you would think that a "photographer" would want to sell their non-camera iPad1 and get an iPad2.  (I'm a photographer and I know I want an iPad2, although I'm quite satisfied with my iPad1.  But then, I also prefer to edit my pics while sitting at my computer rather than the iPad since, as a photographer, I already have an array of editing tools on the Mac and PC.)
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    Use the ibooks forum:
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    Fix for Ibooks Dictionary malfunction in IOS8
    1.  Open itunes.
    2. Choose library, apps and list.
    3. Right click iBooks in the list and choose "Show in Itunes Store."
    4. Once your on the iBooks Itunes Store page, choose "update."
    5. After the iBooks update downloads, connect iPad to computer, make sure iBooks on the iPad is closed, and click choose, File, devices, sync iPad.
    6.  After sync completes, eject iPad.
    7. Open iBooks on iPad, highlight a word, click define, manage and previous dictionaries should be back and functional.

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    Use the ibooks forum:
    This may help

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    I've used the Kindle cloud reader app (http://read.amazon.com) in the past and had problems with it, probably the same as you're getting with it not being able to store many books (and I couldn't find a way to increase it).
    The 4.3 gig that you are seeing is the amount of cloud storage that you have for backups for your iTunes account i.e. how much space you have left for photos, documents etc in the cloud - that won't affect what you can store on your iPad, including in the Kindle cloud reader app.
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    Hi Norfolk33,
    It sounds like you are trying to Airplay Mirror your iPad to your Apple TV.
    Please see this article for help troubleshooting AirPlay Mirroring.
    Resolve issues with AirPlay and AirPlay Mirroring from iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch - Apple Support
    Best regards,

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    The iBooks dictionary only has English and Japanese, and there is no way to add others.  To ask Apple for more, use the feedback channel:

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