Did Apple break Kindle connectivity?

I returned from holiday and now my Kindle doesn't connect to my iMac-generated wifi anymore. What gives, man. I can't remember if maybe there was an update released recently that may have broken this?
I tried the 8-step 'solution' in another thread about removing and reinstalling the airport card in Network settings, but that didn't work. The Kindle just says it can't connect to the wireless network when it used to have no problem.
Is this a known issue and is there a fix?

I have an iMac connected to a wired router, so I have been using the iMac's internet sharing to generate a wireless hotspot for my Kindle and other devices. I think it had no password. Is that ad-hoc? I know Kindle now tells me it won't work with ad-hoc networks, but it didn't have any trouble with it before today.
Until today, this worked fine with the Kindle. Now it gives me that can't connect message. I haven't had problems connecting with the Kindle to other hotspots. Also my iPad has no trouble connecting to this iMac-generated network.
I can't think of anything that has changed, except that I think I did install some updates just before I left. That is why I am thinking that's what broke it.
Anyone know what I could try? I've already tried password/no-password, WEP 40 and 128, changing the wireless channel.

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    2008-10-27 17:32:45 -0400: Installed "Migration and DVD ⁄ CD Sharing Update" (1.1)
    2008-10-27 17:32:51 -0400: Installed "AirPort Extreme Update 2008-004" (1.0)
    2008-10-27 17:33:58 -0400: Installed "iPhoto Update" (7.1.5)
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    Apple please fix this!

  • One solution for Apple TV losing connection to its iTunes Library

    In 2012 I bought an Apple TV3 to let me use the AirPlay features of my New iPad with my HD TV. All worked fine and still does. Later in 2012 I subscribed to Netflix and enjoyed streaming movies to my HD TV via the Apple TV. Having had such a good experience with it so far I bought another for our bedroom TV and another for a relative, hoping they would have the same great experience with it.
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    At my relative's house the experience was not so flawless and has resulted in about 2 months of frustration but happily their AppleTV3 is now also working as expected. It has been quite a journey to get to this point and had a surprising solution.
    I am the 'go-to' person in my family for these things so I installed the Apple TV for my relative.
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    I tried one of the Apple TV units from my house, where they were working fine and I got the same problem, at my relative's house it behaved like their unit, it would connect play a movie (all the way through if we let it) but after a few minutes if trying to play something else it would not play anything further. I tried their Apple TV at my house and it worked there, so the unit was not at fault.
    At various times while troubleshooting these problems I have unistalled iTunes, reinstalled it, uninstalled Bonjour, reinstalled it (it comes with iTunes), searched the registry and cleaned it (Warning: do this at your own risk as you risk destabilising Windows), I have tried disabling my firewall on the PC and/or on the router, uninstalled the Antivirus / Firewall software (Norton) on the PC, I have added the Ports required for the Apple TV to my router and firewall software, I have read many, many forum posts about what has worked for other people and I tried them all in various combinations.
    I decided having tried the above that the problem must be the Windows PC, so I swapped it for a few days with a laptop, connected wirelessly to the router. I had an iTunes library on the laptop so I shared it with the Apple TV and stopped iTunes running on my relative's PC.  For a few days it actually worked, the Apple TV would play one movie/music track and I could select another and play it after a few minutes, a partial solution had been found except the laptop was needed elsewhere and I wanted the Windows PC to be the source for the iTunes library. I briefly considered suggesting they should buy a modern PC or Mac as their Windows PC was around 9 years old, may be that was the problem? This would have cost around £400+ and was out of the question. Fortunately I had a spare PC and I decided to swap it with the Windows PC, it was only a couple of years old and as such it must be 'better' I thought. Swapping one PC with another and transferring e-mails and documents etc. took quite a few hours but it was done. I uninstalled iTunes, reinstalled it and set up the home sharing again. This second Windows PC was running XP (SP3) and Norton 360 Firewall/Anitvirus software. I checked that after installing iTunes the Program rules in Norton were allowing the TCP and UDP communications expected by the Apple TV, I noted these were not specific ports but all TCP and all UDP communications were allowed. All of this met the recommendations that other posts had suggested. I tried it with the Apple TV but no, exactly the same problem, the iTunes library could not be found after a few minutes.
    I found that if I restarted the Apple TV it would connect and play a file (movie/music etc) but if I played an iTunes trailer or just waited a minute or so then it would lose the connection. Another symptom would be when I landed on the 'Compters' icon it would tell me to 'enable home sharing on the PC with this Apple ID' , which I had already done.
    If I tried playing via the Apple TV while selecting tracks from within iTunes on the PC, then sometimes the AirPlay icon was present or not present, sometimes worked and would then always not work until I restarted at least iTunes and the Apple TV, if not also the router or PC, whatever I tried it would not result in a connection between the Apple TV and the PC that would survive more than a few moniutes at a time.
    Having swapped the Windows PC hosting the iTunes library with another I swapped the Apple TV again with one from my house, again same behaviour. So this suggested the problem was the BTHomeHub router as that was the only bit of hardware not exchanged. I compared its settings with the same unit at my house, I tried forwarding ports, I tried chaging the security from the default 'WPA & WPA2' to WPA or WPA2, still no solution. I tried reducing the default WiFi connection protocol from 802b/g/n to 802/b/g. I tried variations of all the other possible settings that could be changed but in the end set them to match the ones at my house. Still no solution. I considered buying an Airport Extreme or similar to link that via an ethernet cable to the router and enable it to be the WiFi access point for the Apple TV. This would have cost around £80 similar to the cost of the Apple TV itself, so was also dismissed as an idea.
    I decided to restore the router to factory settings, this was done and I set up the WiFi connection again to the Apple TV, still no solution, same behaviour on the Apple TV. I decided it must be  a problem with the WiFi so I tried a direct ethernet cable trailed through the house from the router to the Apple TV to eliminate the WiFi involvement, that would have to be the answer, wouldn't it? No, same problem.
    I discovered some useful diagnostics along the way that are somewhat techie but worth persevering with as they could be useful for diagnosing what the problem could be. Find out on your router what the IP Address is for your computer that is hosting your iTunes library and the IP Address for your Apple TV. The IP address is essential for either device to connect with each other or the internet. The Apple TV IP address can be seen via Settings/General/Network, it has the form like ''  and for the PC it was '', the values don't have a particular significance but the last digits after the 3rd dot will be different for each device.
    On the PC (or Mac), open a Command (PC) or Terminal(Mac) prompt and try to 'ping' the Apple TV to see if you get a response
    c:\ping apple-tv
    You should get a response indicating the number of milliseconds it takes for the 'ping' to be returned to the PC from the Apple TV , this will show that the PC can connect to the Apple TV, if it does not get a response then you should check that the PC and Apple TV are connected to the same network (either wired or wifi). You must be able to get a successful ping for the connection between the PC and the Apple TV to work at all.
    Another diagnostic is to check the network status on the PC (or Mac)
    c:\netstat -an
    This will show all the current TCP/UDP connections and also the local and remote IP addresses and ports. Look for the IP address of the Apple TV in the third column, there will be many rows returned so just concentrate on the rows with the IP addressses of the PC and the Apple TV
    e.g.  look for rows like the following:
    UDP  *.*
    UDP *.123                     *.*
    TCP Port 3689 is used by the Apple TV to communicate with iTunes for playing content. This connection is essential, there may be more than one 'established' connection to the remote Apple TV from the local PC.
    UDP Port 5353 is used by the Apple Bonjour service to send multicast communications between iTunes and any iOS devices on the same network, such as the Apple TV, again it is essential.
    Port 123 is used by Apple products to obtain the date and time, the UDP row above shows that any local IP Address can communicate with any remote IP address on the router's network and provide it with date and time information. 
    If your firewall software on the PC is blocking any of these ports then the 'netstat' command is useful to see if you need to unblock any. In my experience, this port unblocking was not necessary as when I installed iTunes, the Norton software automatically set up appropriate rules for the iTunes program, and opened the required TCP and UDP communications as iTunes needed.
    Likewise, on the router itself, I have the UPnP setting enabled and this allows software like iTunes and Bonjour to traverse the router's firewall without it being necesssary to explicitly set the ports to be forwarded.
    If I started the Apple TV, and ran the 'netstat -an' command over the next few minutes I could see the number of rows for the Apple TV diminish, and this was a symptom of the dropping connection problem.
    Ultimately having replaced the Apple TV with another 'working' one , swapped the PC, restored the router to factory defaults, disabled the Windows or Norton firewall, tried ethernet and WiFi connection between the router and Apple TV it struck me that the only component I had not  considered was the insignificant ethernet cable linking the PC to the router. This has been present since the router was installed for the original PC around 4 years ago. But surely this was how the original PC and the swapped in PC were getting to the internet quite normally and successfully? Also this was how the Apple TV was accessing the PC via WiFi then via the router through this ethernet cable, there was no way it could be the cable, cables don't allow a connection for a short time and then cause a timeout can they?. Thus, confused, and with all other avenues explored, I removed the cable between the PC and the router and enabled a WiFi connection from the PC to the router. After restarting the PC, Router and Apple TV, just to be sure, I tried the Apple TV again.
    I could play some music on the Apple TV from the iTunes library, I could play it for a minute or so and then go to movies and play a movie from the iTunes library. I tried to play an iTunes trailer, some YouTube videos, these worked as usual. I then went back to the library and yes, I could play another music track or another movie. I forced the Apple TV to 'sleep' via Settings/General/Sleep Now and tried again, I woke it up and could play any music or movie from the library. Elated, I went out for meal with the family, nervously hoping throughout the meal that the solution had been found. After a couple of hours we returned, woke up the Apple TV and yes, oh yes!, it would connect with the library and play a succession of music or videos without seeing any dropped connections. Several hours later I could wake up the Apple TV again and select any content from the iTunes library on the PC and play it, finally the unit is behaving as I would expect.
    This solution may not apply for all, but it worth following all of the components in the path between the Apple TV, router, computer (either PC or Mac) and the iTunes library and checking that each is able to commmunicate successfully and over a period of time reliably so that the Apple TV can perform as flawlessly as it is capable of. 
    Don't, as I did expect the solution to involve a complicated series of special settings of ports or communications protocol changes. Do perform a clean install of iTunes and keep it updated, do keep Firewall settings simple and let the settings be default settings, do rely on UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) on the router. Let the router select which channel it wants to use, it will select the channel with least interference...and check out that insignificant ethernet cable if you have one. It might work fine for general communications from the computer to router to the internet but it can be a source of connections dropping on the Apple TV!
    My relative is now a happy Apple TV user too.

    Useful to watch what is happening to the TCP/UDP connections when the Apple TV is connected to iTunes and when it is actually playing some media from iTunes and when it stops playing.
    To see this, use the Network Statistics command 'netstat' from a Command prompt (Windows PC) / Terminal Window (Mac):
    e.g. for Windows:
    c:\netstat -an 5
    This repeats the netstat command every 5 seconds, use Ctrl-C to quit the command. (Use 'netstat -h' for help with this command)
    While iTunes is running there will be a number of TCP records displayed for the computer's IP address using port 3689, showing at least 3 ports in use for the Apple TV's IP address.
    TCP host_ip:3689 apple_tv_ip:49187 ESTABLISHED
    TCP host_ip:3689 apple_tv_ip:49196 ESTABLISHED
    TCP host_ip:3689 apple_tv_ip:49255 ESTABLISHED
    When it is playing content there are more connections established, some of these rows will gradually disappear when the media file stops playing. These addional TCP records show iTunes using different ports from 3689, but only while media files are being played.
    When a video file is played, (on this Windows PC at least) the iTunes host is using ports 4463 and 4464, with the Apple TV using port 7000. When playing a music track or podcast, the iTunes host is using port 4472 or 4489 and the Apple TV is using port 5000.  
    When the media is playing, the fourth column returned by the 'netstat -an 5' command : 'State' shows as 'ESTABLISHED' and shortly after the media file is stopped playing it shows as 'TIME_WAIT' until the record disappears after a minute or so.

  • Apple TV3 dropping connection from iTunes...

    Hi there,
    I've read a lot of issues on the same thing but I wonder if anyone is having the same issue as me.
    Thinking it was a hardware problem I secured a replacement from the store but I'm having the same issue.
    I have a PC, Windows 8
    BT Infinity (with their home hub, I'm UK based)
    My Apple TV is wired directly to the hub (I have also adjusted the settings to give the Apple static IP addresses, I've also tried it with automatic IP)
    If I boot everything up from scratch the Apple TV will play both music and my movies (both my DVD rips and those purchased from iTunes store and downloaded to the PC).
    However, let's say when I've done the above I decide to watch a movie that is on the PC, it works and I can watch the full film or even a TV program.  Then I decide I want to watch another film after viewing that one, that's when I get the spinning wheel.  The Apple TV will recognise my iTunes library and display the movies but unless I watch something on the cloud I cannot view what's on my PC hard drive.  Then after a bit the Apple is telling me to turn on home sharing.  It already is on and my PC has no sleep settings activated, I turned them all off so unless I power down nothing will enter sleep mode or even powersave.
    I then have to reboot the PC and open iTunes again.
    Like I mentioned I've taken the first one back for an exchange, the same problem persists.  I've also been on the phone to Apple who advised to power everything down for 5 minutes then turn the router back on followed by the Apple then the PC.  That worked, so I then left it for 5 minutes and then the problem happened again when I decided to watch a film that I put on my PC hard drive.  It seems that I have to choose what I want to do quickly but it wont work with further requests after something is played. 
    I am using the inbuilt virus checker that comes with Win 8 (Elements I think it's called) and I use Windows Firewall.  I have tried creating a rule to allow iTunes to connect out on the firewall settings but this did nothing.  I've tired automatic IP addresses and now trying static ones but again, no joy.  Bonjour has been uninstalled, reinstalled, opened up connections in the firewall, basically everything I've read on this issue I've done.
    I read somewhere about turning off the Dolby Stereo, and yes, you guessed it, nothing corrected it.
    Has anyone had this problem exactly and any idea how to overcome it.  Apple have suggested a clean reinstall of my PC, so I tried it, wiped everything and started again.  Nothing, so I tried it on my laptop which has Windows 7 and it seems it's not localised to just one specific version of Windows.
    Getting a bit fed up now! 
    As a last ditch attempt I also checked the serial number to see if it was an old unit that needed to be replaced but it's not.  Oh, and I have also tried wireless and wired.  That didn't change anything.
    One interesting thing though, when looking at the settings for the BT Home Hub and looking at devices, when I know the Apple TV is connected it's showing as not connected.  It appears as though it is dropping connection after it has perhaps synced the whole film from the PC.  I can't think of a way to force it to stay connected.
    Any suggestions?

    This is now resolved, not with the use of the Homehub though.
    After another conversation with Apple they asked me if the Youtube app on the TV works, which it does then there's a problem elsewhere!  Therefore Apple think there's an issue with the hub or the home network.  They also asked me to try something on the hub called Port Forwarding.  However, because that the hub isn't an Apple product they are not allowed to advise me on tinkering with the settings.  But did suggest to Google a website called port forwarding. 
    Having a look at that I tried what it suggested by connecting to the BT Homehub, you guessed it, that didn't work either.  I called BT who advised that their technical help team that would deal with this has been disbanded and the person I spoke to gave me the port forwarding suggestion on Google.
    At this stage I had had enough and after reading a few more bits of feedback I then looked at replacing the hub with something I could buy myself.  This led me to Amazon where I purchased the ASUS RT-N56U and a modem to go with it.  I ripped out the hub and linked the modem to the line in the wall and the router to the modem, I had to bridge the router to the modem and after that was done I set up the wireless.
    I'm now very pleased to say that it works, everything is syncing as it should do and the speeds of my downloads have also increased.  So far no issues at all.  I also have a constant connection to the PC and can view as many films as I want that are downloaded to the PC.  No lagging, no problems at all.
    Bit of an expensive solution but the modem and router I bought can also replace a Virgin one should I change suppliers in the future.
    If you follow this solution and are doing it the same with BT just Google the username for the hubs as it's the same for everyone, you can get that username from the hub if you connect to it but if you're like me and didn't think of that all the solutions you can google.  I used the CD's that came with the items and I had it all set up and running in 5 minutes.  If you do purchase the RT-N56U don't forget you need a modem, as that bit I forgot about and then had to order that via Amazon as well.
    That's really all you need!

  • My apple tv, when connected to the television, will only show an itunes icon with a usb cord

    My apple tv, when connected to the television, will only show an itunes icon with a usb cord. I don't know whay to do?

    Don Sullivan wrote
    "Same thing just happened to  me. There was a software update available, it installed the update and then died with that visual on the screen. Reset doesn't work and it won't even show up in iTunes to try and do anything with it. I think they just bricked it on me."
    Same thing just happened to me too...
    I did an update a couple of days ago: and it seemed to be working fine. Just did another update today: got a flashing light, sometimes a blank screen, and sometimes the itunes logo / USB symbol...

  • In the latest iOS updates, did Apple change the way Airplay communicate with other devices through Wifi?

    Short :
    In the latest iOS updates, did Apple change the way Airplay communicate with other devices through Wifi?
    We had a glitch with our Apple TV 3A 3-4 weeks ago and had to factory reset it (we reconfigured it with the exact same configuration than before the crash), it's now running iOS 7.0.2, I can't saw which version it ran before the problem though.
    It's used in a business environment with 30+ iPads 2, half of them are updated to 8.1.1 and the other half to 8.1.2. We use the latest iTunes version.
    Before the glitch that required a reset, all the iPads were detecting and mirroring when needed to the Apple TV, but now the iPads don't see the Apple TV in their list of Airplay devices anymore (but they detect various other devices inside our network).
    I have to add that our Apple TV is able to navigate the movie store correctly, so I assume that it's not an internet restriction issue from our end (also, the APple TV do not see either any of the many iPads on its device-detection screen.
    We successfully connected an iPhone 5S and an iPhone 6 through P2P Airplay, so it's not the issue, but when we connected the iPhones to our Wifi network (Same as all the other devices are using) the Apple TV suddenly disappeared from the choices.
    Hence the reason why I inquire to the possibility that some changes were made in one of the latest iOS revisions, if so, we would require some details so we can adjust our Wifi configuration accordingly to allow the proper detection of devices.
    P.S. I tried the basic troubleshooting of Airplay problems with no avail. Airplay button is displaying on the control panel, Airplay do not show the Apple TV at all (so it's not either the trick to display the Mirroring button), we also already proceeded to the suggested devices reboots, so my issue is quite more complex I believe.
    Thanks in advance.

    PhotogYogi wrote:
    I Have the same issue on a brand new iPad mini 2. My battery is only lasting up to 5 hours. I went on chat with Apple last night and they said my battery is fine and its a Safari issue. I'm literally losing 1% every 3-4 minutes. I tried recalibrating my battery, signing out of iCloud, shutting off all locations, turning off background app refresh, restoring network settings, restoring all, and finally restoring from iTunes with no luck. This is just awful. I got this iPad so I could use it on my long flight for a trip I have coming up, and unfortunately, it's not going to last that long, plus I'm concerned about how many times i will be recharging my battery because of this since battery's do have a life cycle dependent on the number of charges. This is frustrating and needs to be fixed ASAP and addressed by Apple.
    By the way, Apple told me to bring my device to the Apple Store because it's still under warranty. That's great and all, but I'm going to waste my time if there is no fix for this issue.
    Ok so you want Apple to address the problem, but yet you don't want to take it to them just in case they can't fix it? What if they can fix it? Complaining here certainly won't fix it.

  • Hi, I have an iphone 5 and unfortunately got sat on and is now bent, it worked fine bent for 3 months as the glass did not break, today how ever the screen has stopped working. Is it possible to get hold of another casing and have the electronics changed

    Hi, I have an iphone 5 and unfortunately got sat on and is now bent, it worked fine bent for 3 months as the glass did not break, today how ever the screen has stopped working. Is it possible to get hold of another casing and have the electronics changed ?

    You didn't look hard enough:
    Out-of-Warranty Service
    If you own an iPhone that is ineligible for warranty service but is eligible for Out-of-Warranty (OOW) Service, Apple will service your iPhone for the Out-of-Warranty Service fee listed below.
    iPhone model
    Out-of-Warranty Service
    iPhone 5s, iPhone 5c,
    iPhone 5
    iPhone 4S
    iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS,
    iPhone 3G, Original iPhone

  • Adding a local site to Dreamweaver CC that is through a mapped network drive breaks ALL connections

    I am using Dreamweaver CC on Windows 8 on a machine that is hooked up to a local network. My site files are stored on another drive on that network and I am mapped to that drive. I have always been able to open in individual file from that drive in Dreamweaver. But I noticed that with one site I am working on, Dreamweaver would hang trying to make minor revisions to the PHP code. It was suggested to me to add the whole folder as a local site in Dreamweaver, so I did. At first I thought it was moving along much better -- no hanging while I was typing code. Then suddenly I realized I could not save the files. I was no longer connected to the drive I was working on. Even outside of Dreamweaver, I was unable to access the drive. I thought it was a network issue. I rebooted the computer and opened a Windows Explorer folder and was able to access the drive. Then I opened Dreamweaver again and the connection was lost.
    To test my theory, I rebooted again, accessed the drive, waited a little while, accessed the drive, then opened Dreamweaver and it was lost. I tried this several times, each with the same result.
    Then I went into Dreamweaver, removed the site from Dreamweaver and rebooted. I accessed the drive, opened Dreamweaver, and voila... I could still access the drive. So I tried adding the site back to Dreamweaver and I cannot access the drive after opening Dreamweaver again.
    Without having the site in Dreamweaver, the files/Dreamweaver hangs EVERY TIME I TYPE CODE. Adding a site on a mapped local network drive BREAKS MY CONNECTION and disables my ability to work on the files. Is there a reason for this and more importantly, is there a fix? It seems like a very specific but illogical problem.
    My next step is to find and install my old Homesite 4.5.
    Thanks in advance for any useful advice!

    mpendill wrote:
    I surely did not knowing change anything within the software!
    I just tried adding another site. It seems like it is setting it up and reading the files but then at the end (apparently just as the connection breaks), it gives me these errors:
    Cannot create [SITE NAME].
    The local root folder, [FOLDER NAME], does not exist. Please select a new local root folder by clicking the Manage Sites button.
    (I changed the out the actual site name and folder name above.)
    I believe these were the same errors I got with the other site. At the time I was pushing a deadline and was too frantic to write it down.
    Not that I think it has any relevance, but both sites are Wordpress sites.
    Maybe what I should try next is mapping a different drive and trying to set up a site from there?
    For that error you want you can try mapping it but it seems your sites root is just not defined... what DW is telling you is it could not find the specified folder when its trying to establish the new site. You might want to make sure your folder is there and all the spelling is correct, when making sure go your your Site Manager and make sure your root site is in your network drive.

  • Lose Apple TV wireless connection with latest Apple TV update

    I purchased a new IPhone yesterday and tried to set up the Apple Tv software to use the Iphone as a remote. This involved updating to the Latest Apple TV version 2.1. However once I carried out the update the Apple TV lost connection with the Wireless network and displayed an ip address 169.xxx.xxx.xxx . I manually set up the system to the 192.168.1.xxx subnet and the Apple TV showed up in the Router client table but I wasn't able to ping the Apple TV from the router and the Apple TV had no connection to the internet and would not appear in Itunes devices.
    I reloaded itunes and reset the Macbook pro etc but no success. I then restored the Apple TV to factory settings and it reconnected on version 1.0 . I then tried a further software update on the Apple TV to 2.1 and once again I lost my connection to the Local wireless network. Same DHCP address 169. xxx etc.
    Can anyone help me to either get the Apple TV to connect under 2.1 or tell me if it is possible to restore the Apple TV to the previous 2.0 software which at least gave me the lastest updates without the iphone remote facility.
    Apple TV worked fine on Version 2.0
    Really getting anger with the continual crashes and bugs on the software updates now.
    Mac OS X (10.5.4) MacBookPRO
    iTunes version 7.7.1 (11)
    Apple TV (2.1)
    Appreciate any assistance
    Alistair Old

    Ok Guys here's what i found.
    *1. Disconnected ethernet wired connection, soft reset apple tv.*
    ATV Continued to work and kept ip address
    *2. Moved Apple Tv unit back to original location and did a power reset.*
    ATV Continued to work and kept IP address
    Tried movie trailers etc. everything still functional could see in Itunes devices etc.
    *3.Power reset router*
    ATV Continued to work and still had correct IP address
    *4. Powered down all network devices including the Router. then powered up router and brought up all devices individually , bring up the Apple Tv last*
    Router DHCP client list showed Apple Tv with IP address
    Apple Tv network setting showed DHCP ip address as 169.xxx.xxx.xxx
    Apple TV could not see internet and I couldn't ping the apple TV from the router
    *5. Plugged in the Ethernet cable to Apple Tv and Router*
    Network setting on Apple tv instantly changed to ethernet and showed correct IP address from DHCP on Router. Unit burst into life and connected to Internet.
    *6. Disconnected ethernet cable from Apple TV.*
    Network settings showed wireless network but no information on IP addresses etc just had N/A
    Did a soft reset and all parameters appeared and they were now correct with IP address apple tv once again started to work and showed up in Itunes.
    7. Final config is Wireless and things seem to be working but it would appear that when I intially set up the apple tv under 2.1 I have to first connect via ethernet to get the apple TV to configure with the correct IP address on the Wireless network otherwise it auto configures with a 169.xxx.xxx.xxx IP address and doesn't appear to be connecting to the network.
    Please let me know if anyone else sees the 169.xxx.xxx.xxx address when they initially connect to the wireless network with ATV version 2.1.
    I would like to understand whether I have a unique problem or if others are seeing the same thing.
    Hope this helps , at least I seem to be able to use 2.1 and the iphone remote facility now , even although I have to mess about with the network setting to start with.
    Interested to see what anyone else comes up with

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    No, that just means it can't connect to the Gmail server at the moment. 

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