Did my powerbook finally die? :(

I've had my powerbook for about 4 years now. It's been great, got me through college, etc, but recently has had a few problems. The computer was running slow about 6 months ago so I took it to my friends over at the Genius Bar only to have them tell me my hard drive is having problems, but it shouldn't cause any major problems other than a slow down. I continued to use it despite not getting the hard drive replaced (they wanted $500 to replace the hard drive despite the computer not being worth much more than that). Everything worked fine until last night when I came home from work to find a "Please restart your machine. Hold the power button for 3 seconds to do this" or something like that. The screen was a little weird looking with large pixelation and weird vertical lines. I restarted only to have it start to boot up with the apple logo and the spinning circle thingy. The screen was still messed up and it never made it to my home screen. I tried restarting again and again to no avail.
Does anyone know what's wrong with my powerbook? I don't want to have to buy a new one with the next generation powerbooks coming out in 6-8 weeks...
Thanks, any help will be appreciated.

Welcome to Apple Discussions.
What you experienced last night sounds like a kernel panic. These can be either hardware or software based. In your case, since you have previously experienced hardware issues, that would be the first place I would look.
Boot from the Apple Hardware Test that came with your computer and run all tests in a loop by holding down Command + L during the tests. Sometimes it takes several hours to detect intermittent problems, so be patient. Then please post back with what you find out.
Good luck.

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     Peace and happy holidays! 
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    I know exactly what you are going thru Joe. I had a first generation iMac G5 and had it break down 5 times in the first 11 months of its life. I had mine replaced after some very long discussions with AppleCare. I must say, at first they just wanted to send me yet another replacement part. BUT< I begged, pleaded and begged some more. ( Always remaining calm and not getting mad.) And finally they conceeded. I got my new iMac G5 iSight, rev. C after 13 months of nothing but trouble with the Rev. A.
    I had 2 motherboards fail, a video inverter, an optical drive failure, and finally a video card failure.
    I would strongly suggest you ask for a replacment. The particular model you have is a horribly faulty machine. Many, many people have had issues with their machine. I would imagine thats why the Rev C machines have been COMPLETELY redone on the inside. Completely! Although there is no three strikes law, you just may be able to convince them that this computer has given you more trouble then you thought you would have had when you bought it. Let them know how dissapointed in Apple you are. I think if you are persistant and respectful you just might be able to get Apple to do the right thing and replace this computer.
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    Many thanks in advance for any advice you can give me
    Brian H Fitzsimons

    Hi Brian.
    In the UK we have some degree of consumer protection (Sale of Goods Act) for situations not too far from yours. Basically we, as consumers, have a right to expect goods that we purchase to be of a certain standard of quality/reliability. The SOGA provides up to six years of protection, unlike the standard one year warranty many manufacturers offer - which, to some degree, renders extended warranties unecessary.
    However each case is different, and consumers will get different mileage depending on their individual circumstances but it is not uncommon for consumers to have successfully obtained repairs, replacements, or refunds using the SOGA - although they will have had to be prepared to argue their case.
    Perhaps you might want to check out what kind of consumer protection the Republic of Ireland offers. At the very least, there is probably an EU equivalent of the SOGA which will cover the ROI as well.
    NB: I've just re-read your post and realised that you bought the PowerBook in Australia - which probably disqualifies you from any EU or ROI consumer protection. That said, it may still be worth your while to find out what kind of consumer protection is available to you for future reference.
    2.0GHz MacBook, 15" 1.25GHz/12" 1GHz PBs, 2xPPC Mac minis, 12" iBook G4,   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   Cube, 2xTAMs, iPod 4G & nano 2G, 1G & 2G iPs, AEBS, AX

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    +2/12/08 3:29:35 PM com.apple.airportd[67310] dyld: bad local relocation length+
    _(the above two lines kept repeating: (.airport[67310] to .airport[69287]=1977 times)_
    +2/12/08 3:33:20 PM com.apple.launchctl.System[2] launchctl: Please convert the following to launchd: /etc/mach_init.d/dashboardadvisoryd.plist+
    +2/12/08 3:33:20 PM com.apple.launchd[1] (org.cups.cupsd) Unknown key: SHAuthorizationRight+
    +2/12/08 3:33:20 PM com.apple.launchd[1] (org.ntp.ntpd) Unknown key: SHAuthorizationRight+
    +2/12/08 3:34:43 PM com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.UserEventAgent-LoginWindow[102]) Exited: Terminated+
    +2/12/08 3:34:50 PM Dock[121] _DESCRegisterDockExtraClient failed 268435459+
    +2/12/08 3:35:08 PM quicklookd[129] [QL ERROR] 'Creating thumbnail' timed out for '<QLThumbnailRequest /Users/USER/Downloads/Response%201%20part%20Ak.doc>'+
    +2/12/08 3:35:19 PM quicklookd[146] [QL ERROR] 'Creating thumbnail' timed out for***).PDF>'+
    +2/12/08 3:35:30 PM quicklookd[148] [QL ERROR] 'Creating thumbnail' timed out for '<QLThumbnailRequest /Users/USER/Documents/Web-Site General Information.doc>'+
    +2/12/08 3:37:07 PM Software Update[226] arguments=(null)+

    I finally resorted to an 'Archive and Install' option from the Leopard Installation DVD followed by Software Update. It installed 7 items including 10.5.2 Combo update. This was followed by the Graphics Update. I checked Installed Updates, Console and Library/Receipts/boms. All show that 10.5.2 was installed. I had a few anxious moments while the computer kept rebooting during the update process, but I kept my fingers away from the keyboard or power button! The update process did not take that long either.
    Everything looks good to go-I will keep you folks informed if OS behavior is unusual.
    Thanks everyone for your suggestions.

  • Is my Powerbook finally dead?

    I have a Powerbook G4 that is many years old and I think it has died. It boots okay, then all I get is a spinning beachball. It slowly opens a few items like "about this mac" and "system profiler", then just spins. The screen saver does come on but that is about it. I can't open the harddrive, I can't open it as a target disk for my macpro, I can't boot from a install and restore disk.
    It's speed has been deteriorating for awhile and has been very sluggish of late until today when it appears to have finally collapsed. I've repaired permissions within the last week or so, but that didn't help with the speed.
    Any suggestions on what I can try to get it limping along again?

    You may have multiple problems.
    Ordinarily with most of those symptoms, I'd say the hard drive has gone bad. But if it won't boot from the OSX install DVD, that is something else, maybe a bad optical drive as well. Perhaps the main board or RAM slots have developed intermittant faults.
    If you want to pursue it, you need to determine what's bad - the logic board, the HD, the optical drive - any or all of the above. This can be hard without replacement parts handy.
    IIRC, a bad HD can also affect the optical drive by corrupting the ATA bus. If you are a gambler, I might try replacing the HD and retrying booting from the optical drive. I always have a clone of my HD (everyone should, IMO) available in a Firewire enclosure, so this costs me nothing but my time. Sorry, I cannot remember if you can just remove the HD and still operate the optical drive. Booting from the optical drive proves the main board and o-drive are viable.
    Additional thought: What is your RAM configuration (how many DIMMS in the 2 slots)? If one or 2 slots go bad that could cause abnormal operation.

  • Powerbook monitor died...how do i recover files?

    I have a powerbook titanium and the monitor has died. It would cost like 400$ to replace the monitor so i bought a new macbook. how would i go about getting my data in the harddrive out? I was thinking two solutions
    1) remove hardrdive put it in a ide 2.5 inch enclosure connect it to a laptop?
    2) plug it into a external monitor hit the hot key to switch to external monitor and retrive data from there
    which would work best? i am new to mac.s also can i buy a used powerbook off ebay that has a working lcd and replace it myself ?

    Hi kkokko,
    I don't run Tiger, but thought I'd heard it had a migration assistant which automatically ran when you first start up the new PB to transfer data from earlier Mac to newer Mac? Need a FW cable, but not sure if you need to connect it first or it'll ask you to do it when you set up the new MB.
    Last FW cable I bought was about $12; if you google for it, you should find one for well under $20 US.

  • My Powerbook is dying!

    I have been getting messages that my start up disk is full for the past few weeks. I have cleared up some files and I now have 3 GB space available. However, my computer started to act so weird today (eg. when I click on an icon it goes to a different window, etc). So I restarted my computer. I ended up gettng a blue earth-like icon in the middle of a gray page, which I have never seen before. What does that mean? Then I pressed the power button (about 3x) and finally got my computer booted up. Now, I'm frantically saving all my photos/personal files just in case my computer crashes again.
    How can I prevent this from happening again? Do I need an external HD to free up space? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
    Powerbook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    Hi, c3lisus. 3GB of free space on your hard drive really isn't enough, and that may be the cause of your troubles. If you can't keep aminimum of 5GB available on it — and more than that is better, if the drive is bigger than 50-60GB in total capacity — then you really need a larger internal hard drive, as well as an external drive to back it up to. If you now have only your overfull internal drive, just getting an external drive to move some data onto will enabvle you to free up some space on the internal drive, but it will leave you with not one but two drives that aren't backed up.
    Once you have more free space on your internal drive, boot to your latest OS installer CD or DVD and choose Disk Utility fromm the Installer menu. Select your hard drive in the left pane of DU and click the "Repair Disk" button. This will repair directory damage that may have occurred because of inadequate free space on your drive.

  • I think that my shuffle has finally died...

    I've had my Gen 1 shuffle for a little less than a year now, and I've loved it dearly.
    Just a few days ago, I plugged it into my computer to put a new podcast onto it, and nothing happened. Not only did my computer do nothing, there was also no orange light on my iPod.
    So I plugged it into it's wall charger, seperate from my computer, and nothing happened there. Yes, the iPod was OFF when I plugged it in, so it should have worked.
    So now I'm stuck with an iPod that won't charge or connect to the computer. I've tried everything that I know. Is the battery just dead?
    Thanks in advance!

    Same thing happened to me.
    Of course, the warranty had JUST expired.
    Tried all the Restart & Restore methods available and could not get a peep out of the Shuffle.
    Brought it to the Apple Store and was told it had died, a common occurence. Same thing happened to a friend of mine whose Shuffle was still under warranty and at least she was given a new one.
    As for me, I was ****** off. My Shuffle had only lasted a about a year and a half.! I was steaming mad! As I prepared to walk out of the store all in a huff, I stopped to weigh my options.
    Fact is, I can't live without an iPod, and they had just released the newest version of the Nano. I was already there in the store and the Nano cost just about as much as my old, dead Shuffle did and had 5G for what 1G used to cost.
    Yep. I was so ****** off I marched right up to the counter and bought a Nano, which I love and which works great (for now). GUESS THAT'LL SHOW 'EM!
    The lesson here is: Let's face it. They've got us by the short hairs and unless there's something better out there, you gotta keep re-buying the gadgets. My advice? Throw that trash in the garbage can and move on.

  • G4 867MHz powerbook + Final Cut Studio won't install

    My g4 867MHz powerbook should be able, on paper at least [memory, etc], to cope with Final cut studio, but the installer tells me that it can't. Why? Is there some shortfall with the video card or something? Any ideas?

    how much free space do you have on the system drive?

  • PowerBook has died

    I hope you can help
    My powerbook has suddenly stopped working. When I try to start up the PB it seems to try to boot from the cd (which is blank). I have managed to remove the cd, but when I then try to boot it seems to try for a couple of seconds or so then stops, nothing ever comes up on the screen. I have tried to insert the cd that came with the PB and hold c whilst starting up but to no avail. Any ideas on how i can get it to boot up.

    Leopard? I did not think that OS was going to be released until next Spring. You must mean Tiger, I think.
    You said you can't get it to boot from the disk that came with the computer. What disk is that? Is it an OS install disk?
    You should have an Apple Hardware Test disk. Did you try booting from it?
    Is there an internal HDD installed? Does it have System software installed?
    Try this: with the computer shut down locate the following keys: Command, Option, P and R. Now hit the power button and immediately hold down Command + Option + P + R. Hold for three chimes the release and see if the computer boots.
    Another line of approach is to hold down the Option key and hit the power key.
    A third option is to hit the power key than immediately hold down the shift key until the gray apple appears.
    Post back and let me know if any of these get any response. Please respond to the questions I asked at the beginning, too.
    Good luck.
    Message was edited by: cornelius

  • Powerbook hd dying?

    The past day, my powerbook hasn't been sleeping properly some of the time. Anyway, then it started just sitting at the starting up spinny so I went into verbose...
    it's just sitting here spitting out line after line of
    IOATABlockStorageDriver::sCompleteZeroBlockTransfer - WARNING, completing a zero block transfer.
    and I have a SMART status monitoring tool in OS X that never warned me of any problems..can anyone help me? Thanks.
    ps. I've got a 1ghz AlBook 15" with 10.4.2

    BACK UP YOUR DATA.. then insert the tiger install disk and restart holding down the "c" key when the book chime sounds (hold intill the disk is loaded the go to disk uttlitys and reapair permission then repair the disk. thats all i can thinks of

  • How did i get final cut pro 5.0 to work on mac book pro

    anyone know why its working fine?? i just put the disk and it seems to work beautiful...

    There is nor reason for it to not work, most PowerPC applications will work on the new Intel based systems. The 5.1 update for Final Cut Pro is meant to run a lot faster thats about it (other than possibly some bug fixes).

Maybe you are looking for