Difference between ';' and '/' in the SQL scripts

Hi All,
Could anyone please let me know the difference between placing ';' and '/' in the sql scripts.
I am placing couple of insert statements in a textfile with .sql extension and running it from the sql prompt.
Which one( ';' or '/') should be keep at the end of each statement in the script.
  2  /

968217 wrote:
My doubt is how it understands or the difference b/w the below two view statements one with ';' and another one with '/'. Sorry if i am unclear.They are identical in SQL*Plus. These characters mean "+send entered/buffered text to Oracle to parse and execute+".
So - SQL*Plus sends "+create or replace view ev1 as select ename , sal from emp+" to the server (via a cursor execute):
create or replace view ev1 as select ename , sal from emp
/And again, SQL*Plus sends "+create or replace view ev1 as select ename , sal from emp+" to the server (via a cursor execute):
create or replace view ev2 as select ename , sal from emp;These are identical statements.
As I mentioned in the post I referred you to. Oracle also uses the ";" character in the PL/SQL language. So when you enter PL/SQL code in SQL*Plus, you do not want SQL*Plus to send each line of PL/SQL code to the server. Instead, you want it to wait till the last statement has been entered and then send the the whole block to the server to be parsed and executed,
SQL*Plus has a basic parser itself. It uses that to figure out what you have entered, and whether a ";" you enter is an instruction from you to it, to send the text to the server - or when you enter a ";", it is part of the text for the server and that it should not react to it.
Thus when you enter the following, SQL*Plus recognises that you are using the SQL language, and as this language does not use ";" characters, a ";" character when entered means that it needs to send the text to the server to be parsed and executed:
SQL> select * from emp;
// ; character instructs SQL*Plus to create and execute cursor "select * from emp"When you enter PL/SQL code, SQL*Pus recognises that and knows that ";" characters entered indicates end-of-statement for PL//SQL and that it should not act on that,
SQL> begin
  2    null;
  3  end;
  4  /
// SQL*Plus ignores the ";" character - and the "/" character is used to
// instruct SQL*Plus to create and execute cursor"begin<LF>null;><LF>end;"

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    Shrma wrote:
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    Well, remember that PL/SQL is executed on a specific server by a certain user so you are already connected when executing a PL/SQL code.
    You could actually use a SQL Plus script to connect to different servers using connect and run your script.
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    Text_IO.put_line(in_file3,' ');
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    pw VARCHAR2(80);
    cn VARCHAR2(80);
    output VARCHAR2(1000);
    output2 VARCHAR2(1000);
    dummy varchar2(40);
    in_file Text_IO.File_Type;
    linebuf VARCHAR2(1800);
         /* for Plan_table Begg. Second INNER BLOCK */
              dummy2 varchar2(40);
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         end; --

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    user609996 wrote:
    Sorry to all,
    the operator "<>" is not printed
    I want the difference between "<>" and "!=" operators.And as you've already been told there is no difference between the &lt;&gt; and != operators. They mean the same thing, but are just different representations of it.
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    Try this solution:
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    It works check this out..
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    @a.sql a.log
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    << a.log >>
    TNAME                          TABTYPE  CLUSTERID                              
    AQ$DEF$_AQCALL                 VIEW                                            
    AQ$DEF$_AQERROR                VIEW                                            
    AQ$_DEF$_AQCALL_F              VIEW                                            
    AQ$_DEF$_AQERROR_F             VIEW                                            
    AQ$_INTERNET_AGENTS            TABLE                                           
    AQ$_INTERNET_AGENT_PRIVS       TABLE                                           
    AQ$_QUEUES                     TABLE                                           
    AQ$_QUEUE_TABLES               TABLE                                           
    AQ$_SCHEDULES                  TABLE                                           
    << x.log >>
    TNAME                          TABTYPE  CLUSTERID
    AQ$DEF$_AQCALL                 VIEW
    AQ$DEF$_AQERROR                VIEW
    AQ$_DEF$_AQCALL_F              VIEW
    AQ$_DEF$_AQERROR_F             VIEW
    AQ$_QUEUES                     TABLE
    AQ$_QUEUE_TABLES               TABLE
    AQ$_SCHEDULES                  TABLE-Sri

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              Folder (2012 Equine Photography)
                   Project - Specific Events
                        Album - Big Barn Dressage May
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    Mrsthebraggster wrote:
    So it might look:
              Folder (2012 Equine Photography)
                   Project - Specific Events
                        Album - Big Barn Dressage May
    Does this mean the individual photo is stored 3 times and using 3 times the space?
    No. Conceptually the Master only lives lives in the single (time based) Project you import it into. Albums are just collections of pointers that point to  images in various Projects.
    "Big Barn Dressage May" could be a Project, but only if it is only one day and a limited number of image files; otherwise an Album. "2012 Equine Photography" should be an album or a Folder of Albums. "Specific Events" could be an Album or a Folder of Albums.
    A Project should not be used as a Folder.
    From an earlier post of mine:
    Folders are indeed flexible organizational tools but IMO often overused. Folders can effectively hide contents from view and therefore require users to remember how folders are nested and what is inside them. Folders were the only way to deal with single-original film, but are IMO limiting to image database thinking.
    The way I look at it conceptually:
    Aperture is a database (DB), and each image file lives in one Project.
    Albums are just collections of Pointers that point to individual image files living in one or more Projects. Since they just contain pointers, albums can be created or deleted at will without affecting image files. Very powerful. And Albums of pointers take up almost zero space, so they are fast and do not make the Library size grow.
    Keywords can be applied to every image separately or in batches. Keywords are hugely powerful and largely obviate the need for folders. Not that we should never use folders, just that we should use folders only when useful organizationally - - after first determining that using keywords and albums is not a better approach.
    As one example imagine the keyword "flowers."  Every image of a 100,000 images Library that has some flowers in it has the keyword flowers. Then say we want to put flowers in an ad, or as background for a show of some kind, or to print pix for a party, or even just to look for an image for some other reason. We can find every flower image in a 100k-image database in 2 seconds, and in another few seconds create an Album called "Flowers" that points to all of those individual images.
    Similarly all family pix can have a keyword "family" and all work pix can have a key word "work." Each individual pic may have any number of keywords. Such pic characteristics (work, family, flowers, etc.) should not be organized via folders.
    So by using keywords and albums we can have instant access to every image everywhere, very cool. And keywords and albums essentially take up no space in the database.
    Another approach is to use a folder "Family" for family pix, a folder "Flowers" for flowers pix and another folder "Work" for work pix. IMO such folders usage is a very poor approach to using an images database (probably stemming from old paper or film work practices). Note that one cannot put an image with family in a field of flowers at a work picnic in all three folders; but it is instant with keywords.

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    Yes. There are process types that are specific for the page processing or page submit phase and not the page rendering phase.
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    And there is even a process type that is specific for the user interaction phase. Namely the "Run On Demand Process"
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    1. to cry out or speak suddenly and vehemently, as in surprise, strong emotion, or protest.
    2. to cry out; say loudly or vehemently.
    (The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.)
    I understand that it can be confusing at first. That you get the same wizard and the same options for process types no matter which process point you have chosen. But if you start building your pages using the wizard to create forms and reports. The process needed for those regions to work are automatically created. Showing you what the correct display point is for them.

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    There is an option in TOAD to change this behaviour.
    Look in VIEW/OPTIONS/SQL Editor/
    Uncheck the box for "Scan statements for bound variables before execution".
    In SQL*PLUS it would be SET SCAN OFF
    (desupported version is SET DEFINE OFF)
    Message was edited by:
    Sven Weller

  • Command for exceuting the sql script to a db from linux home

    Hi All,
    Can someone please tell me how to execute the /addev/ad/11.5/sql/adcdexcp.sql against case122 from my linux home for our product.
    Thanks in Advance

    Do not fully understand your question.. but some basics:
    You need an Oracle OCI client driver and Oracle client on the client side. E.g. Oracle Instant Client and Oracle's SQL*Plus.
    You need to connect to the database server (using SQL*Plus as the example):
    sqlplus scott/tiger@db-alias
    Where db-alias is a TNS alias for the database.
    Once connected, you can use SQL*Plus to load the contents of a SQL script, and send a single SQL command (or PL/SQL anonymous block) at a time to the Oracle server for execution. E.g.
    SQL> @/addev/ad/11.5/sql/adcdexcp.sql
    I suggest you point your browser to http://tahiti.oracle.com (Oracle Documentation Portal), and look for the SQ*Plus User Guide for the Oracle version you're running.
    If you can be more specific and provide proper details as to what you are attempting to achieve, forum members will be a better position to provide assistance and advice.

  • Difference between and lock and eneque in oracle

    Please give the difference between a lock and eneque in oracle

    Here is what Oracle defines an Enqueue to be in the 9.2 Glossary >>
    Shared memory structures that serialize access to database resources. Enqueues are local to one instance if Real Application Clusters is not enabled. When you enable Real Application Clusters, enqueues can be local or global to a database. (See also: latch, lock, and resource.)
    There is also a type of enqueue associated with Advanced Queueing. Similar concept but different specialized purpose.
    Generally speaking Locks on the other hand serialize access to row data. Oracle actually records row locks in the data blocks.
    Enqueues, Locks, and Latches are perform the same basic function: serialize access but the methods are implemented differently and applied to different functional areas of the rdbms.
    HTH -- Mark D Powell --

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